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Medical Administrative Assistant: Legal Principles and Procedures, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of the legal principles and procedures that a medical administrative assistant must understand. It covers key legal concepts such as implied consent, informed consent, the good samaritan act, abandonment, arbitration, battery, negligence, and statutes. The document also outlines the essential steps for proper phone etiquette, the differences between verbal and nonverbal communication, and various scheduling techniques used in medical settings. Additionally, it delves into the types of health insurance, the components of a medical record, the soap format for progress notes, and the rules for indexing and filing medical records. Finally, the document presents an overview of the 11 major body systems and their functions, as well as common anatomical terms used in the medical field. This wealth of information equips medical administrative assistants with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the legal and administrative aspects of their role effectively.

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Available from 08/23/2024

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CMAA Study Guide

What is the medical law? - correct answer ✔✔the medical administrative assistant is required to have a basic understanding of the legal principles. what is the physician-patient relationship? - correct answer ✔✔an implied contract in which the physician is expected to assess and treat the patient with the same amount of knowledge, skill, judgment as another physician under the same circumstances define: implied consent - correct answer ✔✔apparent through their action of seeking the services of the physician define: informed consent - correct answer ✔✔a written form that states the understanding of the prescribed treatment as well as its accompanying risks define: Good Samaritan Act - correct answer ✔✔a volunteer is not held liable for any civil damages that may occur as a result of their efforts to provide emergency care. What does the patient bill of right do? - correct answer ✔✔it promotes the interests and well beings of patients within any healthcare facility What is HIPPA? - correct answer ✔✔[Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act] a fediral law designed to protect the privacy of individuals health information define: Abandonment - correct answer ✔✔the discontinuation of medical care without proper notice define: Arbitration - correct answer ✔✔the usage of an impartial third party for the hearing and determination of a dispute define: Battery - correct answer ✔✔the unlawful use of force or violence

define: Negligence - correct answer ✔✔the failure to provide the necessary care that is required for a person's situation define: Statutes - correct answer ✔✔state law phone etiquette STEP 1: - correct answer ✔✔answer the phne promptly and kindly phone etiquette STEP 2: - correct answer ✔✔be sure to properly speak into the phne phone etiquette STEP 3: - correct answer ✔✔be sure to give the caller ur undivided attn phone etiquette STEP 4: - correct answer ✔✔speak clearly and distinctly phone etiquette STEP 5: - correct answer ✔✔always be courteous phone etiquette STEP 6: - correct answer ✔✔be sure to ask the caller's permission be4 placing them on hold phone etiquette STEP 7: - correct answer ✔✔never allow and angry or aggressive caller upset u; remain calm and composed what is verbal communication? - correct answer ✔✔the use of language or words spoken what is nonverbal commuication? - correct answer ✔✔the use of eye contact, body language, facial expression, or symbolic expression to communicate a message. What types of scheduling is there? - correct answer ✔✔wave scheduling, modified wave scheduling, double booking define: Wave Scheduling - correct answer ✔✔provides service to several patients at same time

define: Modified Wave Scheduling - correct answer ✔✔small groups of patients are scheduled at intervals throughout the hour define: Double Booking - correct answer ✔✔scheduling two patients to see the physician at the same time Scheduling a new patient: STEP 1 - correct answer ✔✔obtain and verify general information Scheduling a new patient: STEP 2 - correct answer ✔✔gather appropriate information regarding a patient referral Scheduling a new patient: STEP 3 - correct answer ✔✔determine the patient's chief complaint Scheduling a new patient: STEP 4 - correct answer ✔✔make the patient aware of the various dates and times they are available to come in define: Express Mail - correct answer ✔✔available everyday of the year, including holidays, for items up to 70lbs in weight and 108 inches in height define: First-Class Mail - correct answer ✔✔includes letters, postal cards, postcards, and business reply mail define: Priority Mail - correct answer ✔✔first-class mail that weighs more than 13 oz define: Certified Mail - correct answer ✔✔gives the sender the option to recieve proof of delivery define: Bulk Mailing - correct answer ✔✔a form of mailing large volumes of information which is presorted by zipcode what are the types of health insurences? - correct answer ✔✔Indivisual Policies, Group Policies, Government Plans

define: Indivisual Policies - correct answer ✔✔ppl with this type of insurance are usually ineligible to recieve benefits from a gvrnmnt plan. this type of coverage ir characterized by high premiums and a limited amount of benefits. define: Group Policies - correct answer ✔✔provides coverage for employees under a single contract. this type of coverage is characterized by greater benefits and low premiums define: Government Plans - correct answer ✔✔available to a large group of ppl who meet specific define: Assignment of Benefits - correct answer ✔✔an arrangement by which a patient requests that their health benefit payments be made directly to a physician define: Benefit - correct answer ✔✔the amount payable by the carrier toward the cost of services for which the patient is eligible for define: Deductible - correct answer ✔✔the amount an indivisual must pay for health care expenses before insurance (or self insured company) covers the cost. define: Copayment - correct answer ✔✔the portion of a service fee that the patient must pay define: Policy - correct answer ✔✔a document that describes the insurance coverage for an indivisual or property define: Premium - correct answer ✔✔the amount the patient pays for an insurance contract define: Usual, Customary and Reasonable (UCR) or Covered Expenses - correct answer ✔✔an amount customarily charged for or covered for similar services and supplies which are medically necessary, reccomended by a doctor, or required for treatment define: Waiting Period - correct answer ✔✔a period of time when you are not covered by insurance for a particular problem

how many steps are there to establish a patients medical record? - correct answer ✔✔ 6 STEP 1 to Establish a medical record - correct answer ✔✔determine the patients status in the office (New or Established) STEP 2 to Establish a medical record - correct answer ✔✔obtain the required general information STEP 3 to Establish a medical record - correct answer ✔✔enter the information into the patient history form STEP 4 to Establish a medical record - correct answer ✔✔review the form for accuracy STEP 5 to Establish a medical record - correct answer ✔✔enter the patients name into the computerized ledger STEP 6 to Establish a medical record - correct answer ✔✔assemble the appropriate forms, prepare the folder and file as necessary what are the components of the medical record? - correct answer ✔✔Personal and Medical History, Patients family history, patients social history, patients chief complaint, diagnosis. define: Personal and Medical History - correct answer ✔✔created using information gathered fromthe patient. usually includes information such as past illnesses, surgical operations, and the patients daily health habits define: Patients Family History - correct answer ✔✔includes information regarding the health of members of the patients family, and a record of the cause of death. define: Patients Social History - correct answer ✔✔includes the information regarding the patients lifestyle

define: Patients Chief Complaint - correct answer ✔✔A statement of the patients symptoms define: Diagnosis - correct answer ✔✔A decision made based on the information regarding the patients history and the results of the doctors examination. what is the SOAP approach? - correct answer ✔✔a format for progress notes based on the letters od the word what is "S" in SOAP? - correct answer ✔✔Subjective Impressions what is "O" in SOAP? - correct answer ✔✔Objective clinical evidence what is "A" in SOAP? - correct answer ✔✔Assesment or Diagnosis what is "P" in SOAP? - correct answer ✔✔Plans for further studies, treatment, or management FILING- how many indexing rules are there? - correct answer ✔✔ 5 INDEXING RULE 1: - correct answer ✔✔Last name, first name, middle name/initial INDEXING RULE 2: - correct answer ✔✔the hyphenated portion of a name is used as 1 unit ex. anna smith-meyer is filed as smithmeyer, anna INDEXING RULE 3: - correct answer ✔✔Apostrophes are not used in filing INDEXING RULE 4: - correct answer ✔✔titles, and terms of seniority are only used to distinguish from an identical name INDEXING RULE 5: - correct answer ✔✔when indexing a company, articles such as "the" and "a" are not used

ALPHABETICAL FILING - correct answer ✔✔folders are arranged in the same sequence as the alphabet Numerical Filing - correct answer ✔✔An alphabetic cross-reference is used to categorize materials with digits, patients are assigned in a consecutive number, records are filed backwards in groups. Bi/o - correct answer ✔✔Life carcin/o - correct answer ✔✔cancerous, cancer cephal/o - correct answer ✔✔cerebrum (largest part of the brain) how many body systems are there? - correct answer ✔✔ 11 BODY SYSTEM # 1 musculoskeletal - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: support, movement protection ORGAN: muscles, bones, joints, bone marrow BODY SYSTEM # 2 Integumentary - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: protection ORGAN: skin, hair, nails BODY SYSTEM # 3 Gastrointestinal - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: nutrition ORGAN: stomach, intestines BODY SYSTEM # 4 Urinary - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: elimination of nitrogenous waste ORGAN: kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra BODY SYSTEM # 5 Reproductive - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: reproduction ORGAN: ovaries, testes BODY SYSTEM # 6 Blood/Lymphatic - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: transportation ORGAN: blood cells BODY SYSTEM # 7 Immune - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: protectionl ORGANS: lymph glands

BODY SYSTEM # 8 Cardiovascular - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: transportation ORGAN: heart, vessels BODY SYSTEM # 9 Respitory - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: delivers oxygen to cells, removes carbon dioxide ORGAN: lungs, bronchi, trachea BODY SYSTEM # 10 Nervous/Behavioral - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: recieve/process information ORGAN: brain, nerves, mind BODY SYSTEM # 11 Endocrine - correct answer ✔✔FUNCTION: effects changes through chemical messengers ORGAN: pancreas, thyroid Anterior (ventral) - correct answer ✔✔front surface of the body Posterior (dorsal) - correct answer ✔✔back side of the body deep - correct answer ✔✔away from the surface Inferior - correct answer ✔✔below proximal - correct answer ✔✔near distal - correct answer ✔✔far Superior - correct answer ✔✔above another structure Medial - correct answer ✔✔pertaining to the middle of the body lateral - correct answer ✔✔side

Supine - correct answer ✔✔lying on the back Prone - correct answer ✔✔lying on belly