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Medical Assistant Certification NAHP Exam Study Guide, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive study guide for the medical assistant certification nahp exam. It covers a wide range of medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, and drug classifications. The guide includes definitions, explanations, and correct answers to common exam questions, making it a valuable resource for students preparing for the certification exam.

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Available from 10/29/2024

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Medical Assistant Certification NAHP Exam

With 100% Correct Answers 2023

synapse - Correct Answer-junction between 2 neurons in neural pathway interatrial septum - Correct Answer-partition of the heart thrombic occlusion - Correct Answer-blocking of an artery by a clot pulmonary artery - Correct Answer-carries deoxygenated blood capillary - Correct Answer-smallest blood vessel poikilocytosis - Correct Answer-variation in shapes of red blood cells prone position - Correct Answer-lying face down anatomical position - Correct Answer-the body is upright, directly facing the observer, feet flat and directed forward. The upper limbs are at the body's sides with the palms facing forward supine position - Correct Answer-lying on back with palms and face up medial - Correct Answer-pertaining to the middle proximal - Correct Answer-next to or nearest the point of attachment or origin, a central point anterior - Correct Answer-front of the body 3 layers of the heart - Correct Answer-epicardium, myocardium and endocardium saphenous vein - Correct Answer-largest vein Bones in the skull - Correct Answer-flat bones trapezius muscle - Correct Answer-movement for shoulders and extends the head biceps femoris muscle - Correct Answer-located posterior thigh, flexes the leg and extends the thigh Ophthalmo- - Correct Answer-eye globin - Correct Answer-protein

hypodermic - Correct Answer-of or relating to the region immediately beneath the skin. nosebleed - Correct Answer-epistaxis -cele - Correct Answer-hernia tome - Correct Answer-instrument to cut algia - Correct Answer-pain -orrhea - Correct Answer-flow or discharge resection - Correct Answer-cut or remove portion of geno- - Correct Answer-producing entero- - Correct Answer-intestine cerebro- - Correct Answer-brain scopo- - Correct Answer-examination physio- - Correct Answer-nature patho- - Correct Answer-disease cephalo- - Correct Answer-head onco- - Correct Answer-mass or tumor gnoso- - Correct Answer-knowledge cervico- - Correct Answer-neck blepharo- - Correct Answer-eyelid andro- - Correct Answer-male cheilo- - Correct Answer-lip cytologist - Correct Answer-studies cells pyelolithotomy - Correct Answer-incision into renal pelvis for removal of calculi nephro- - Correct Answer-kidney

laparotomy - Correct Answer-incision into abdomen phago- - Correct Answer-to eat erythema - Correct Answer-red skin hyperplasia - Correct Answer-excessive tissue formation cardiorrhaphy - Correct Answer-suturing of the heart -ectomy - Correct Answer-denoting surgical removal of a specified part of the body -centesis - Correct Answer-puncture -cervix - Correct Answer-neck occult - Correct Answer-hidden prognosis - Correct Answer-prediction of an outcome physiology - Correct Answer-study of function of living organisms necroscopy - Correct Answer-autopsy angio - Correct Answer-blood vessel iron - Correct Answer-hemoglobin stetho- - Correct Answer-chest atriomegaly - Correct Answer-enlargement of atrium of the heart neoplasm - Correct Answer-new growth afferent - Correct Answer-conducting or conducted inward or toward something ureterotomy - Correct Answer-incision into ureter, cut into tube from kidney to bladder thoracotomy - Correct Answer-incision into chest histologist - Correct Answer-studies microscopic tissue scirrho- - Correct Answer-hard peri- - Correct Answer-around

dys- - Correct Answer-painful -itis - Correct Answer-inflammation arthro- - Correct Answer-joint anticonvulsant - Correct Answer-prevents or relieves convulsions antidepressant - Correct Answer-relieves symptoms of depression antidiarrheal - Correct Answer-prevents or relieves diarrhea antidote - Correct Answer-counteracts poisons and their effect antiemetic - Correct Answer-relieves nausea and vomiting antihypertensive - Correct Answer-controls high blood pressure antimanic - Correct Answer-treats manic episodes of manic depressive disorders antineoplastic - Correct Answer-destroys malignant cells antipyretic - Correct Answer-reduces fever antitussive - Correct Answer-prevents or reduces cough diuretic - Correct Answer-increases excretion of urine expectorant - Correct Answer-removal of secretion from bronchio-pulmonary mucus membrane orth-Novum 10/11-28/ ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone - Correct Answer- contraceptive drug packet motrin/ ibuprofen - Correct Answer-anti-inflammatory analgesic - Correct Answer-relieves pain without causing loss of consciousness anesthetic - Correct Answer-produces lack of feeling antacid - Correct Answer-neutralizes acid antianxiety - Correct Answer-relieves anxiety and muscle tension antiarrhythmic - Correct Answer-controls cardiac arrhythmias

antibiotic - Correct Answer-destructive to microorganisms anticholinergic - Correct Answer-blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses anticoagulant - Correct Answer-prevents or delays blood clotting Actifed/ triprolidine HDL and pseudoephedrine HCL - Correct Answer-antihistamine aldoril/ methyldopa-hydrochlorothiazide - Correct Answer-antihypertensive Benadryl/ diphenhydramine hydrochloride - Correct Answer-antihistamine mylicon/simethicone - Correct Answer-gas relief medication lomotil/ diphenoxcylate HCL with atropine sulfate - Correct Answer-anti-diarrheal peri-colace/ casanthranol and ducusate sodium - Correct Answer-stool softener septra (Bactrim)/ trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole - Correct Answer-antibiotic Talwin/ pentazocine hydrochloride - Correct Answer-analgestic terramycin/ oxytetracycline - Correct Answer-antibiotic thorazine/ chlorpromazine hydrochloride - Correct Answer-tranquilizer gaviscon/ gentamicin sulfate - Correct Answer-antibiotic Lasix/ furosemide - Correct Answer-diuretic Coumadin-warfarin sodium - Correct Answer-anticoagulant dalmane/ flurazepam hydrochloride - Correct Answer-sedative and hypnotic Elavil/ amitriptyline HCL - Correct Answer-antidepressant cholecystotomy - Correct Answer-incision into gallbladder hyperemesis - Correct Answer-excessive vomiting cephalalgia - Correct Answer-headache megalocardia - Correct Answer-enlargement of heart dorsal - Correct Answer-of, relating to, or situated at the back, or dorsum

coronal plane - Correct Answer-body divided into front and back osteo- - Correct Answer-bone hepat- - Correct Answer-liver cyst- - Correct Answer-bladder carcin- - Correct Answer-cancer microcyte - Correct Answer-example of anisocytosis ileum - Correct Answer-distal portion of small intestine contusion - Correct Answer-bruise variola - Correct Answer-small pox onychomycosis - Correct Answer-fungal infection of toe nail pleurocentesis - Correct Answer-surgical puncture and drainage of pleural cavity epi- - Correct Answer-on or upon pyrexia - Correct Answer-fever dysmenorrhea - Correct Answer-painful menstrual flow ad- - Correct Answer-toward pyo- - Correct Answer-pus diathermy - Correct Answer-generating heat through tissues lipolysis - Correct Answer-destruction of fat nephromegaly - Correct Answer-enlargement of kidney ethics - Correct Answer-study of values and principals governing personal relationships HBV - Correct Answer-contagious and potentially fatal disease that causes inflammation of liver nonfeasance - Correct Answer-medical professional liability

professional courtesy - Correct Answer-treatment free of charge malpractice - Correct Answer-negligence in the medical profession slander - Correct Answer-incorrect information given law - Correct Answer-rule of conduct established and enforced by authority res ipsa loquitur - Correct Answer-doctor's mistake is completely obvious sterile swab - Correct Answer-most common device for cultures sputum specimen - Correct Answer-mucus coughed up from lungs etiologic agent - Correct Answer-living microorganism that cause human disease coagulation - Correct Answer-blood cells clump together to form a clot monocytes - Correct Answer-largest white blood cells 19 gauge needle - Correct Answer-widest lumen GTT (glucose tolerance test) - Correct Answer-test for sugar metabolism erythrocyte - Correct Answer-red blood cell leukocyte - Correct Answer-white blood cell urine test - Correct Answer-30 to 50 mL required cell 3 main parts - Correct Answer-cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus mitosis - Correct Answer-division of somatic cell, forming two new cells molecule - Correct Answer-2 or more atoms bonded together needle for phlebotomy of veins - Correct Answer-20 or 21 gauge needle for red blood cell count - Correct Answer-multiply cells counted by 10, total number of cells counted - Correct Answer-counted multiplied by 50 gram stain - Correct Answer-most common bacteriology stain PA and lateral - Correct Answer-most common positions for chest x-rays

lead - Correct Answer-used to prevent x-ray exposure paste and jelly - Correct Answer-reduce skin resistance 98.6 degrees F - Correct Answer-converts to 37.0 degrees Celsius olecranon - Correct Answer-process which forms elbow lower jaw - Correct Answer-mandible sequestrum - Correct Answer-dead bone tissue acetabulum - Correct Answer-deep socket of hip zygomatic bone - Correct Answer-facial bone denodrite - Correct Answer-1st part of nerve cell which receives nervous impulse glial cells - Correct Answer-nervous system connective cells spinal bifida - Correct Answer-congenital defect with absence of vertebral arch of spinal column blood - Correct Answer-type of connective tissue 3 types of muscle tissue - Correct Answer-skeletal, smooth and cardiac 3 layers of skin - Correct Answer-subcutaneous, dermis and epidermis bile - Correct Answer-helps body digest and absorb fat thermogenesis - Correct Answer-production of heat needed to utilize food aorta - Correct Answer-largest artery integument - Correct Answer-covering albino - Correct Answer-people who cannot form melanin eczema - Correct Answer-chronic or acute dermatitis pharmacognosy - Correct Answer-study of characteristics in natural drugs and their sources pharmacodynamics - Correct Answer-study of what drugs do to the body

pharmacokinetics - Correct Answer-what body does to a drug toxicology - Correct Answer-study of poisons or poisonous effects of drugs digitoxin and quinine - Correct Answer-examples of plant deprived drugs thyroid hormone and insulin - Correct Answer-drugs deprived from animal substances potassium chloride - Correct Answer-deprived from mineral source cephalosporins and penicillins - Correct Answer-made from bacteria and fungi 4 times a day - Correct Answer-Q.I.D preparing for an injection - Correct Answer-draw up .25 cc predisone - Correct Answer-drug used to treat inflammatory conditions PDR - Correct Answer-physician's desk reference DEA - Correct Answer-drug enforcement agency osteoclasia - Correct Answer-surgical breaking of a bone -ostectomy - Correct Answer-excision of a bone phalanges - Correct Answer-bones of the fingers aponeuroses - Correct Answer-flattened tendons attaching muscles prepatellar bursitis - Correct Answer-located at or near the knee neuralgia - Correct Answer-pain over course of a nerve main cause of disease of cerebral cortex - Correct Answer-arteriosclerosis, syphilis and tumors isles of Langerhans - Correct Answer-produces insulin goiter - Correct Answer-visible swelling of thyroid gland urinary system - Correct Answer-kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra embryo - Correct Answer-1st two months of unborn child apgar - Correct Answer-rating mechanism for a newborn

femur bone - Correct Answer-longest bone in the body osteoblast - Correct Answer-cell of mesodermal origin and has to do with formation of bone cardiac failure - Correct Answer-heart cannot pump adequate amounts of blood to tissues and organs chemical level - Correct Answer-lowest level for human bodies meiosis - Correct Answer-cell division that occurs when sex cells combine during fertilization epidermis - Correct Answer-outmost layer of skin adduction - Correct Answer-moving toward the body ova - Correct Answer-female reproductive cells semicircular canals - Correct Answer-in inner ear that affect equilibrium sphenoid bone - Correct Answer-bat shaped bone maxillary bones - Correct Answer-facial bones of upper jaw mandibular bones - Correct Answer-facial bones of lower jaw elavicle - Correct Answer-collar bone mediastinum - Correct Answer-area between lungs hydrochloric acid - Correct Answer-substance produced by stomach villi - Correct Answer-microscopic projection in walls of small intestine alveoli - Correct Answer-air sacs in lungs peritoneum - Correct Answer-serous membrane that lines abdominal wall platelets - Correct Answer-cellular elements in blood tricuspid valve - Correct Answer-right side of the heart arteries - Correct Answer-carry oxygenated blood from heart to rest of body

frontal bone - Correct Answer-forms forehead and eye sockets cyanocobalamin - Correct Answer-vitamin supplement librax - Correct Answer-anticholinergic drug Demerol - Correct Answer-sedative and analgesic ferra TD - Correct Answer-iron supplement lanoxin and digoxin - Correct Answer-heart medication QID TID BID Qd PRN PC LMP - Correct Answer-4x a day 3x a day 2x a day every day as needed after meals last menstrual period S.C O.D O.S Q CV HCT HGB CA I and D - Correct Answer-subcutaneous right eye left eye every cardiovascular hematocrit hemoglobin carcinoma incision and drainage T AQ





dr. - Correct Answer-temperature water every other day microgram gonorrhea nothing by mouth DRAM Dr. write prescribed amounts of medications - Correct Answer-in numerals and words cathartic drugs - Correct Answer-examples: dulcolax and milk of magnesia diuretic drugs - Correct Answer-examples: hydrodiuril, Lasix and mannitol A and P - Correct Answer-anterior and posterior FBS - Correct Answer-fasting blood sugar intradermal drugs - Correct Answer-absorbed through the skin most drugs metabolized in - Correct Answer-liver distribution - Correct Answer-process of transporting a drug from its administration site to site of action excretion - Correct Answer-drug is eliminated from the body generic name - Correct Answer-drug official name Demerol and morphine - Correct Answer-schedule 2 controlled substances schedule four drugs - Correct Answer-low abuse potential Didrex, Butisol and Virilon - Correct Answer-schedule 3 drugs inscription - Correct Answer-part of RX with name of drug and amount haymes solution - Correct Answer-determination of RBC per cubic millimeters of whole blood manual WBC count - Correct Answer-diluted sample placed on hemacytometer and counted using 10x objective

agar - Correct Answer-throat cultures used for blood running standard ECG - Correct Answer-complexes are 10mm radial pulse - Correct Answer-most common place to take a pulse, wrist hemostatic - Correct Answer-controls or stops bleeding hypoglycemia - Correct Answer-lowers blood glucose levels vasodilator - Correct Answer-produces relaxation of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure vasopressor - Correct Answer-produces contraction of muscles of capillaries and arteries intradermal injections subcutaneous injections intramuscular injections - Correct Answer-15 degree angle 45 degree angle 90 degree angle trocar withdraw fluids from cavities - Correct Answer-withdraw fluids from cavities asphyxia - Correct Answer-majority of deaths apply to children under 4 decontaminate all exposed surfaces after procedure with - Correct Answer-10% bleach solution fetal period - Correct Answer-3rd to 9th month of pregnancy etiology - Correct Answer-study of causes of disease reusable rubber gloves are inspected by - Correct Answer-filling them with water number of foreign objects being introduced into the body when giving a hypodermic injection - Correct Answer- pulse rate at birth pulse rate for children UNDER 7 pulse rate for children OVER 7 pulse rate for adults PULSE RATE - Correct Answer-at least 130 80 to 120 80 to 90

60 to 80 number of heartbeats in one minute normal respiration in infants normal respiration for children normal respiration in adults - Correct Answer-30 to 38 20 to 26 14 to 20 Trendelenburg position - Correct Answer-used for patient in shock applying a cast - Correct Answer-plaster applied over stockinette lithotomy position - Correct Answer-used in vaginal exam carotid pulse - Correct Answer-taken in the neck allergy testing - Correct Answer-intradermally pelvic exam tray - Correct Answer-lubricant, glove, vaginal speculum auscultation - Correct Answer-uses stethoscope palpation - Correct Answer-feeling a part with the hand ophthalmoscope - Correct Answer-instrument to view the eye valve of blood pressure cuff - Correct Answer-turned clockwise to inflate green stick - Correct Answer-bone partially broken and partially bent myelogram - Correct Answer-x-ray outline of spinal canal parturition - Correct Answer-act of giving birth normal auxiliary temperature normal oral temperature normal rectal temperature - Correct Answer-97.6 degrees F/ 36.4 degrees C 98.6 degrees F / 37.0 degrees C 99.6 degrees F / 37.5 degrees C Blue Cross/ Blue Shield - Correct Answer-provides payment in full for all covered services first insurance plans - Correct Answer-began during the civil war

1st type of insurance - Correct Answer-accident insurance 1st health insurance - Correct Answer-created to cover lost income because of a disability 1st group policy giving comprehensive benefits - Correct Answer-emerged in 1847 foundation for Blue Cross - Correct Answer-prepaid concept health insurance became commonly accepted employment benefit - Correct Answer- after WW exclusions - Correct Answer-expenses not covered by an insurance company insurers - Correct Answer-will not pay a claim unless filed within 6 months of date of service usual, customary and reasonable - Correct Answer-originally developed by congress to pay medical insurance claims under Medicare Health Care Financing Administration - Correct Answer-most common insurance claim form Medi Medi - Correct Answer-older or disabled patients with medicare and cannot pay difference between the bill and medicare payment can qualify 1st modern health insurance that became employment benefit - Correct Answer-when a group of teachers in Dallas joined forces and requested it co insurance - Correct Answer-insured pays or shares part of the medical bill with the insurance company Part A medicare Part B medicare - Correct Answer-there is a deductible participation in plan is voluntary Not recorded on ID card - Correct Answer-beneficiary's address Part B medicare - Correct Answer-routine physicals, prescriptions for glasses and hearing aids are NOT covered Medicaid - Correct Answer-program of medical care for the needy provided by title XIX of social security amendment of 1965

Tricare - Correct Answer-provides medical and hospital care for all dependents of members of armed services on active duty, all retired military and dependents and members of the coast guard Tricare loss of benefits - Correct Answer-beneficiary loses eligibility automatically at age 65 group coverage - Correct Answer-insurance contract written for a company for its employees medicare pays - Correct Answer-80% to establish eligibility for Medicaid - Correct Answer-check current ID, policy number, and SSN disability insurance - Correct Answer-provides income when unable to work due to illness or injury subscriber - Correct Answer-carrier of insurance loss of income protection - Correct Answer-insurance that provides weekly/monthly cash benefits to employed policy holders catastrophic coverage - Correct Answer-major medical insurance bed patient - Correct Answer-covered for up to 90 days for each benefit period bill is NEVER sent with - Correct Answer-workers compensation premium - Correct Answer-amount charge coordination - Correct Answer-non-duplication of benefits deductible - Correct Answer-fixed dollar amount subscriber must pay or meet each year before insurer begins to cover expenses Insurance claims - Correct Answer-usually filed 7 to 10 business days from date of service review for allowable benefits - Correct Answer-insurance claim dept. compares Dr. charges with benefits provided by patient health insurance when a patient calls about rejected insurance claim - Correct Answer-the MA says the explanation of benefits form should be checked should drink - Correct Answer-6-8 glasses of water daily

sodium potassium - Correct Answer-maintains fluid and acid base balance important in maintenance of muscle contraction common food allergens - Correct Answer-wheat, milk, eggs and chocolate vitamin K - Correct Answer-aids in blood clotting and bone growth thiamin - Correct Answer-another name for vitamin B 1 vitamin B2 deficiency - Correct Answer-beriberi with appetite loss, digestive problems, muscle weakness, nervous disorders, and heart failure vitamin A vitamin C - Correct Answer-found in yellow and orange fruit and vegetables AKA ascorbic acid vitamin B 12 deficiency - Correct Answer-causes pernicious anemia and irreversible liver damage Vitamin E - Correct Answer-intracellular antioxidant maintains cell structures and aids formation of red blood cells vitamin D - Correct Answer-builds bones and teeth and found in egg yolks, butter and fortified milk iron deficiency - Correct Answer-can cause anemia good dietary sources of iron - Correct Answer-liver, egg yolks, fortified breads, cereals and dark green vegetables calcium found in - Correct Answer-dairy products, green leafy vegetables, legumes, soft bones of sardines and salmon selenium - Correct Answer-works with vitamin E to aid metabolism growth and fertility iodine deficiency - Correct Answer-can cause goiter normal daily requirement for calcium - Correct Answer-800-1200 mg per day vitamin A - Correct Answer-aids in night vision, cell growth, maintenance and normal reproductive function vitamins - Correct Answer-organic substances that are essential for normal body growth, maintenance and resistance to infection

major minerals the body needs in large quantities - Correct Answer-calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus calcium iron iodine - Correct Answer-aids in blood clotting and helps nerves and muscles function essential for RBC production plays vital role in activities of thyroid hormones. carbs - Correct Answer-stored in liver and muscle cells fiber - Correct Answer-helps treat and prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease and irritable bowel syndrome too LITTLE fiber - Correct Answer-results in colon cancer, hypercholesterolemia, and increased blood glucose levels daily recommendation of fiber for adults - Correct Answer-20 mg to 30 mg daily each gram of fat - Correct Answer-has 9 calories lipids - Correct Answer-provide concentrated source of heat and energy and insulate and product organs of the body lipid deficiency - Correct Answer-interfere with body's absorption and utilization of vitamins and cause fatigue recommended adult cholesterol intake - Correct Answer-no more than 200 mg saturated fats unsaturated fats - Correct Answer-examples are coconut and palm oils examples are vegetable oils and margarine excess of lipids - Correct Answer-lead to increased levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in blood and increased risk of heart and artery disease pancreatic enzymes - Correct Answer-trypsin, chymotrypsin, and carboxypeptidase each gram of protein - Correct Answer-has 4 calories amino acids - Correct Answer-there are 20 necessary for the body functions of proteins - Correct Answer-assist in maintaining body's water balance, assist with antibody production and disease resistance

calories - Correct Answer-used to measure energy body uses during activities and metabolic processes protein made out of - Correct Answer-amino acids total daily caloric intake made by protein - Correct Answer-10% to 20 % complete proteins - Correct Answer-meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and contain all essential amino acids incomplete proteins - Correct Answer-nuts, dry beans, grains, and vegetables total caloric intake made up of carbs - Correct Answer-50% to 60 % hemoglobin - Correct Answer-coloring matter of the blood caliper - Correct Answer-used to determine percent of body fat amino acids - Correct Answer-nitrogen containing chemical compounds of which protein is composed visible fats - Correct Answer-butter, margarine, and cooking oils glycogen - Correct Answer-stored in liver and muscles fats - Correct Answer-sometimes called lipids classified as visible and invisible foods with large amounts of saturated fats - Correct Answer-lamb and ice cream digestion of fats - Correct Answer-in small intestine severe lack of vitamin A - Correct Answer-can result in blindness protein deficiency - Correct Answer-may result in nutritional edema charge slip - Correct Answer-original record of Dr. services vesting - Correct Answer-person has legal right to all money in account fee schedule - Correct Answer-shows charges for service provided by practice cycle billing - Correct Answer-you send invoices to a group of patients every few days free treatment for hardship cases - Correct Answer-at physician discretion

typical American diet - Correct Answer-2-5 grams of sodium daily 3 main groups of carbohydrates - Correct Answer-monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides galactose - Correct Answer-product of digestion of milk wheat germ - Correct Answer-source of vitamins B, complex and E complex carbs - Correct Answer-ex: fiber and starch water - Correct Answer-contributes to 65% of body weight antioxidants - Correct Answer-substances in food that may offer protection against certain chronic diseases accrual basis - Correct Answer-system where money charged is not considered income until money is received ledger card - Correct Answer-patient financial card itemized statement - Correct Answer-listing of specific services rendered and fees charged postdated - Correct Answer-check dated 2 months from today fixed assets - Correct Answer-major medical equipment 4th class mail 1st class mail 2nd class mail - Correct Answer-AKA parcel mail. consists of packages and printed matter business reply mail newspapers payroll sheet - Correct Answer-compensation record journalizing - Correct Answer-process of recording all details of a transaction basic forms - Correct Answer-daybook sheet, patient ledger card, and charge slip pegboard posting - Correct Answer-write it once system W4 - Correct Answer-AKA employees withholding exemption certificate

ABA number - Correct Answer-identifies a check and bank it is written on debit entries - Correct Answer-dollar entries made on left side of ledger facesheet - Correct Answer-more consistent patient info addendum - Correct Answer-medical note added subsequent to original note meaningful use - Correct Answer-healthcare provider's use of certified EHR tech in ways that are measured significantly in quality and quantity MIPPA PMS CCR ROI care plans - Correct Answer-medicare improvement for patients and providers act practice management system continuity of care record return on investment AKA practice guidelines osteolysis - Correct Answer-dissolving of bone pyelonephritis - Correct Answer-inflammation of renal pelvis intercostal - Correct Answer-between the ribs myoma - Correct Answer-tumor of the muscle pancytopenia - Correct Answer-decrease in all blood cells erthrocytosis - Correct Answer-abnormal, increase in red cells hysteropathy - Correct Answer-any uterine disorder impetigo - Correct Answer-contagious superficial skin infection cataracts - Correct Answer-cloudiness of lens spastic colon - Correct Answer-condition characterized by alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea peptic ulcer - Correct Answer-encircled lesion in mucus membrane lining of stomach fissure - Correct Answer-anal crack or splitting of lining of anus

local myocardial hypoxia - Correct Answer-most potent stimulus to increasing coronary blood flow hereditary angioedema (HANE) - Correct Answer-manifests as recurrent buts of edema involving peripheral structures as well as larynx and bowel infantile eczema - Correct Answer-associated with red, raised, scaling areas involving cheeks, scalp and diaper area anemia - Correct Answer-condition indicating certain elements are lacking in blood disease of RBCS legionnaires disease - Correct Answer-acute bronchopneumonia that got its name from an incident where 182 people developed it at a convention in Philadelphia in 1976 precordium - Correct Answer-area of chest overlying the chest most common headache - Correct Answer-tension headaches thrombic occlusion - Correct Answer-blocking of an artery by a clot eczema - Correct Answer-inflammation of skin causing itching, scaling and blisters epilepsy - Correct Answer-seizure disorder affecting 1-2% of population associated with electrical impulses from neurons of the brain trichinella spiralis - Correct Answer-round worm that enters human body in infected meat eaten raw or uncooked mast cells - Correct Answer-primary source of histamine and heparin cocci - Correct Answer-spherical bacteria streptobacilli - Correct Answer-bacteria which rods or filaments tend to fragment into chains leukoplakia - Correct Answer-precancerous lesion which occurs on mucus membrane of tongue and common in smokers meningitis - Correct Answer-inflammation of meninges of brain, spinal cord due to a bacterial infection from ears, sinuses, lungs or brain abscess aortic regurgitation - Correct Answer-quick rising and collapsing (water hammer) pulse characteristic lift of heave - Correct Answer-rise of sternum with each heartbeat

CPOE - Correct Answer-Dr. electronically transmits instructions for patient treatment or ordering of tests to a testing facility HL7 - Correct Answer-organization dedicated to developing standards for the exchange of electronic health information passwords - Correct Answer-recommended to change every 90 to 120 days user preference - Correct Answer-enables each user to preset default practice name, Dr. name, schedule and other features when a user logs into EHR