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A comprehensive review for the final exam of a medical assistant program, covering essential topics such as taking vital signs, temperature measurement, heart rate, medications, and injections. It includes important formulas, dosages, techniques, and safety guidelines.
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never use your thumb, always use your index and middle finger count the beats for 30 seconds then mult that number by 2 and record - ✅when checking pulse 60-100 - ✅Heart Rate (adult) what is the standard dosage formula? - ✅D/H x Q = X Oral Temp - ✅(98.6) Range: 97.9-99. Aural (ear) Temp - ✅98.6 use when the pt is unable to breathe properly Axillary (armpit) Temp - ✅(97.6) Range: 96.6-98. Rectal (booty) Temp - ✅(99.6) Range: 98.6-100. Temporal Temp - ✅99. Respirations (adult) - ✅12-20 R. Hypertension - ✅>140/> systolic diastolic Hypotension - ✅<90/< systolic diastolic Afebrile - ✅without fever febrile - ✅fever
-pt should NOT have anything hot or cold to drink/eat 10 minutes before taking temp -no smoking 15 minutes before -don't bite down on the probe -don't breathe through the mouth -try not to move the thermometer - ✅What not to do before taking the pt's temperature dyspnea - ✅having a difficult time breathing apnea - ✅NOT breathing palpate - ✅feeling for a pulse; examine by touch osculate - ✅examine by hearing pulse pressure - ✅difference between systolic and diastolic BMI - ✅numerical correlation by height and weight DPT - ✅diphtheria pertussis tetanus Blood Sugar - ✅70-100 g/dc npo(nothing by mouth) after midnight NOTHING besides water - ✅what should the pt know about fasting? (FBC) what are the three injection routes? - ✅1.intradermal 27g 2.subcutaneous 25-27g 3.intramuscular 23g -ask for patients first and last name -confirm their date of birth -ask what is their chief complaint -NEVER document anything before you do it ALWAYS after -check for allergies, each and EVERY visit -also whatever medication you're giving to the pt ask if they are allergic to it - ✅what to do when consulting with a pt
-throw out old medication, and mark down when you threw away the old medication what do you need to know about medication? - ✅-the generic and brand name of drug -drugs actions (side affects) -drugs uses (when should you take it) -contradictions when should you alert the doctor? - ✅-the pts blood is not circulating -drainage color -temperature change -altered skin red top (blood tubes) - ✅non-additive tube light blue top (blood tubes) - ✅coagulation studies Royal Blue top (blood tubes) - ✅red label for trace metal analysis yellow top or bottles - ✅Sterile/Blood cultures what is the order of draw (blood tubes)? - ✅1.Sterile/Blood cultures (yellow top or bottles) 2.Royal Blue - red label for trace metal analysis 3.Light Blue coagulation tube 4.Red - Non-Additive 5.Red Gel separator tube (speckled or "tiger" top) chem panel 6.Green (heparin) 7.Green/Gray mottled Plasma Separator Tube (PST) with heparin 8.Lavender/purple top and/or pink (EDTA) CBC 8.Gray top (Oxalate/fluoride tube) Glucose after drawing blood in the lavender top you let it ____ then ____ in the centrifuge. - ✅clot; spin 15 x 4 - ✅usual clinic time to count for pulse
pregnancy hormorne - ✅HCG the normal range of hemoglobin for males is ___ to ___g/dl - ✅14 & 18 the normal range of hemoglobin for females is ___ to ___ g/dl - ✅12 & 16 when the pt is experiencing polycythemia, the bone marrow is producing too ___ red blood cells and the pt will ___ experience ____ and _____ - ✅many , likely , weakness and fatigue what two types of blood may be used for HTC testing (hematocrit) - ✅capillary blood or venous bradycardia - ✅slow heart beat (60 bpm) tachycardia - ✅fast heart beat (100 bpm) documentation for heartbeats - ✅P.____ (location) temperature documentation - ✅T. ____ (ax/Tym/R) bradypnea - ✅slow breathing anything below 12 hematocrit - ✅males 40 -54 female 37- anemia - ✅deficiency of RBC (erythrocytes) bloodborne pathogens (BBP) - ✅-wear protective barriers -beware of needle sticks, if happens immediately tell physician and wash area what are the 3 most common BBP (bloodborne pathogens) - ✅1.Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) 3.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) troubleshooting - ✅BP: 1-dial not at 0 2- BP cuff not accurate size for pt
what is regulated waste (biohazard)? - ✅when you are depositing materials in the correct containers examples: body fluid what is the goal of patient screening? - ✅to determine why the patient is seeking health care, what the main problem is and any other concern. It will also seek to find out whether the pt has taken any medication or action about the problem. why do some offices send out health history forms to the patient prior to the appointment? - ✅this is a provider preference some like the pt to have additional time to think about the question they are answering as well as to save time when they arrive for the appointment why should you ask the patient whether if s/he has allergies? - ✅a true allergy can cause a severe and even life-threatening reaction(s). how should you document a patients pain? - ✅like a fraction ex: 8/ what is an eye examination chart called? - ✅snelling chart what is the color blind chart called? - ✅isihara chart location: where is the symptom located? radiation: what area does the symptom cover? quality: describe a characteristic of the symptom, for instance, "dull ache", "throbbing" severity: describe pain associated with the symptom associated symptoms: describe other minor symptoms in addiction to the oc aggravating factors: describe what makes symptoms worse altevating factors: describe what makes symptoms better setting and timing: describe when symptoms started and what the pt was doing at the time. - ✅patient chief complaint amount of medication to be given - ✅cubic centimeters means same as cc - ✅milliliter strength of medication to be given - ✅milligram kilograms - ✅kg
lbs. - ✅pounds gt - ✅drop tab - ✅tablet ss - ✅one-half ID - ✅intradermal g - ✅gauge wt. - ✅weight gtt - ✅drops cap - ✅capsule IM - ✅intramuscular SQ - ✅subcutaneous pulse sites - ✅temporal-head carotid-neck apical-heart brachial-arm radial-wrist femoral-groin popliteal- both knees where is the most common pulse site? - ✅radial what is the formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit? - ✅c x 9/5 + 32 what is the formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius? -
✅f - 32 x 5/ edema - ✅fluid retention SOB - ✅shortness of breath c/o - ✅complaints of pedal - ✅top of the foot BMI - ✅body mass index pyrogen - ✅capable of producing fever tab i qid - ✅1 tablet four times a day capillary punctures test for - ✅hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin (HGB) & glucose (BS) what does OS stand for - ✅left eye what does qod stand for - ✅every other day what does AU stand for - ✅aural (ear) intermittent fever - ✅randomly spikes and temp is not consistent
45 mg/dL (fasting) - ✅HDL cholesterol 130-200 mg/dL - ✅total cholesterol <100 mg/dL (fasting) - ✅LDL cholesterol 40-150 mg/dL (fasting) - ✅triglycerides
0.7-1.4 mg/dL - ✅creatinine 3.5-7.5 mg/dL - ✅uric acid 8-20 mg/dL - ✅BUN (blood urea nitrogen) 132-145 mEq/L - ✅sodium(Na) 3.5-5.2 mEq/L - ✅potassium (K) 10-200 IU/L - ✅CK (creatinine kinase) 10-13 seconds international normalized ratio (INR): 1.0-1.4 - ✅prothrombin time (PT)