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Medical Assistant Procedures and Practices, Exams of Advanced Education

A wide range of topics related to the roles and responsibilities of a medical assistant. It addresses various medical procedures, patient care practices, and administrative tasks that a medical assistant may encounter in a healthcare setting. Detailed information on topics such as collecting patient data, performing diagnostic tests, administering medications, handling medical equipment, following safety protocols, and navigating healthcare regulations. By studying this document, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge and skills required for a medical assistant to effectively support healthcare providers and deliver quality patient care. The content covers both clinical and administrative aspects of the medical assistant's role, making it a valuable resource for those interested in or pursuing a career in this field.

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Available from 09/22/2024

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In addition to receiving a paper copy of their prescription, a patient has requested that the prescription be called in to their pharmacy. After calling the pharmacy, which of the following actions should the medical assistant take to complete this request? provide the patient with a copy of the prescription with "copy only" written on it A pulse oximeter can register an artificially low oxygen saturation measurement for a patient with which of the following conditions? cold fingers A medical assistant is weighing a patient that is 72 kg. Which of the following values is the patient's weight converted to pounds? 158.4 (72kg x 2.2 =158.4) Which of the following actions is within the scope of practice for a medical assistant? provide first aid procedures We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Which of the following parts of Medicare covers durable medical equipment (DME)? part B A medical assistant has orders to collect blood cultures, a CBC, a prothrombin time (PT), and an iron panel. They forget to draw for the PT. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? keep the specimens previously collected and draw the PT Prior to running an EKG tracing, which of the following is the final step a medical assistant should take to ensure the tracing will be clear with a horizontal baseline? double check the electrodes attachment A medical assistant is collecting a health history from a patient who exhibits moderate hearing loss. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? the assistant should face the patient and speak clearly We have an expert-written solution to this problem! In which of the following quadrants is the gallbladder located? right upper quadrant Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take when dealing with an angry patient? allow the patient to talk through their anger We have an expert-written solution to this problem! A medical assistant is removing sutures from a patient who has a laceration on their left lower leg. After setting up the sterile field, which of the following actions should the assistant take? grasp and lift the knot away from the skin Which of the following is a positive nonverbal behavior?

leaning towards the other person Which of the following aseptic techniques involves using sound waves to vibrate and cleanse surgical instruments? ultrasonic sanitization Overwhelming experiences often cause which of the following conditions? PTSD A medical assistant receives a denial of payment for a patient's cholecystectomy. The reason stated is "preauthorization required." If the provider deems this procedure emergent, which of the following actions should the assistant take? submit an appeal for the denied claim When obtaining a rectal temperature from an infant, which of the following describes how far a medical assistant should insert the probe? the thermometer should be inserted 1/2 inch into the rectum A medical assistant needs to draw a blood glucose level on a patient. Which of the following tubes should they use? Gray top A medical assistant is working with a patient who has a cognitive impairment that causes them to display short-term memory loss. In which of the following ways should the assistant adapt to this barrier? provide easy-to-read handouts Which of the following should the medical assistant verify with the patient prior to the patient receiving a prescription for their acute ear infection? medication allergies Which of the following vaccinations should patients receive at 7 years of age or older? TDAP A patient's ability to walk, groom themselves, bathe, and eat is evaluated by which of the following screenings? functional status screening A medical assistant is preparing the exam room for a patient's general physical examination. Which of the following instruments should be available to the provider for the examination? otoscope A patient's insurance company calls the office to obtain additional information regarding a recently submitted claim. Which of the following regulations allows the office to release this information to an insurance company without a written authorization? The HIPAA privacy rule A medical assistant has acquired a preauthorization for a patient's referral to a specialist. Which of the following is a reason for the insurer to deny the claim submitted by the specialist? the specialist provided the service after the expiration date of the preauthorization An angry patient confronts a medical assistant in the reception area. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take? escort the patient to a more private area We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

A medical assistant drops an instrument on the floor while setting up a sterile tray for a procedure. They pick up the instrument and place it back on the sterile field. A few days after the procedure, the patient calls the office concerned that the area surrounding the procedure site is infected. Which of the following torts has the assistant committed? negligence Which of the following statements describes the doctrine of professional discretion? when a patient requests a copy of their medical records the provider may choose not to disclose all of the patient information A medical assistant is sorting mail and is not sure where a particular piece of mail should go. Which of the following steps should the assistant take? ask the office manager or provider how to distribute the item Which of the following can result from the use of outdated or incorrect codes on a billing claim? reduction of payer reimbursement Which of the following is used to collect the specimen during a Pap test? cervical spatula A medical assistant is billing a patient's third-party payer for today's office visit. Which of the following documents does this require? an 837P/CMS-1500 claim form A patient comes to the clinic with dysuria, discharge from the penis, and pain in the lower abdomen. A medical assistant should recognize these as manifestations of which of the following disorders? gonorrhea A medical assistant is helping a provider who is caring for a patient with a laceration. Which of the following should the assistant recognize is the first step of first aid administration in this situation? ensure bleeding of the laceration is under control When assisting a patient from a different culture, which of the following should the medical assistant do to help the patient feel more comfortable in the medical office setting? try to understand their beliefs about disease Which of the following techniques should a medical assistant use when bandaging a wound with a roller bandage? wrap the wound from distal to proximal Which of the following is a root word? col Which of the following is a component of medical terminology used to ensure the ease of pronunciation? combining vowels During which of the following activities is it necessary for a medical assistant to use personal protective equipment (PPE)? administering injections We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Which of the following is a medical assistant required to document in the electronic health record (EHR) when administering immunizations to a patient?

lot number Which of the following is a CLIA-waived laboratory test? HCG test A medical assistant is preparing a patient for a urine creatinine test. Over which of the following periods of time should the assistant instruct the patient to collect the specimen? 24 hr Which of the following methods aids in gathering additional details from the patient regarding their chief complaint? asking open-ended questions Which of the following pulmonary function tests involves measuring the oxygen saturation of a patient's blood by placing a probe on their finger? pulse oximetry A medical assistant is collecting a forensic specimen at the request of an employer. Which of the following people should sign the documentation for the specimen, according to the chain of custody protocol? all personnel that come in contact with the specimen Which of the following can prevent a patient from comprehending an informed consent? language barrier Which of the following pairs of body systems work together to move hormones throughout the body? circulatory and endocrine Which of the following dictates the operations of physician office clinical laboratories? centers for medicare and medicaid services (CMS) A medical assistant is replacing a sharps disposal container in an examination room and receives a small laceration on their arm from the plastic lid. Which of the following types of documentation should the assistant complete as a result of this incident? incident report Which of the following coaching recommendations should a medical assistant provide when educating a patient and their family on reducing the spread of infection? routinely wash hands before and after meals A medical assistant is preparing to perform a capillary collection from a patient who has poor circulation in their hands. Which of the following techniques should the assistant use to increase circulation at the collection site? warm the patients hand A medical assistant has a blood pressure cuff inflated and partially opens the valve to deflate as they listen with a stethoscope. When should they read the diastolic pressure? when the sound disappears We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Which of the following is considered an adverse reaction? anaphylaxis Which of the following defines the process of sterilization? killing all pathogenic organisms and spores

A medical assistant is performing a scratch allergy test on a patient's back. Which of the following distances describes the correct spacing for the small amounts of allergen scratched onto the skin? 1 1/2 to 2 inches A medical assistant is using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after patient contact. The hand sanitizer should contain at least what percentage of alcohol? 60% Which of the following information should a medical assistant verify at every office visit? allergies A medical assistant is using a butterfly needle set to obtain a blood sample from a vein in a patient's hand. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? hold the needle by its wings A medical assistant is cleaning an examination room after assisting a provider with a biopsy. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? dispose of a scalpel in a properly labeled puncture-proof container Which of the following types of advance directives provide information about the person that a patient delegated to make health care decisions on their behalf if they are unable to do so? Health care proxy Which of the following terms should a medical assistant use to tell a provider that a patient is having discomfort and difficulty with breathing? dyspnea Which of the following elements is a component of the standard precautions use of personal protective equipment (PPE)? masks A medical assistant is speaking with a patient about their social history and the assistant notices the patient is fidgeting and appears anxious. Which of the following nonverbal communication styles is the patient exhibiting? passive communication Which of the following examples of patient coaching addresses disease prevention? proving information on the importance of recommended vaccines Which of the following cell structures provides energy for cells? Mitochondria When a medical assistant is performing a patient interview, it is important they understand the patient's message so that they can relay it accurately to the provider. Which of the following techniques is the assistant using when they state, "I hear that you are saying... Paraphrasing A medical assistant is preparing hemostats for sterilization after an invasive procedure. Which of the following techniques should the assistant use? Autoclave A patient has been diagnosed with a communicable disease. Which of the following is true regarding the reporting of the disease? the disease is reported directly to the specific states public health department Which of the following actions will ensure accurate reimbursement of a claim? reporting codes that are supported by the encounter documentation

Which of the following is the normal setting for the standardization mark on an EKG? 10mm/mV A medical assistant is talking with a patient who sustained a foot fracture in a fall. They report managing most tasks at home well, but they have difficulty navigating with their crutches and are currently homebound. To which of the following resources should the assistant refer the patient? meals on wheels According to OSHA guidelines for proper waste disposal, which of the following should a medical assistant dispose of in a regular waste container? an empty urine container Which of the following do team members take into consideration within a patient- centered medical home (PCMH) respecting a patients culture with their health care needs A medical assistant is processing a referral to transition the care of a patient who has less than 6 months to live. To which of the following care facilities will the medical assistant refer the patient? hospice care facility A 45-year-old female patient comes in for their annual physical. For which of the following screenings should the medical assistant provide information? Mammography screening Which of the following is the correct placement for lead V4? firth intercostal space at the midclavicular line Which of the following does a Snellen chart measure? visual acuity A medical assistant administers an injection and the patient faints. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? place the patient in a supine position Which of the following processes provides the ability to send prescriptions electronically? E-prescribing A medical assistant has just completed a successful blood draw. Which of the following information should they record on the labels of the venipuncture tubes prior to transport? initials of collector and the time collected The abbreviation PRN stands for which of the following? As needed A medical assistant is administering an intradermal injection for allergy testing. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? locate the middle portion of the anterior forearm Which of the following instructions should a medical assistant give a patient when administering an enteric-coated tablet? "swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water" We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Which of the following fasting blood sugar laboratory results should the medical assistant recognize as abnormal?

101mg/dL for a nondiabetic When performing surgical asepsis, which of the following steps should a medical assistant take to prevent contamination of the sterile field? place all sterile items in the center of the sterile field A medical assistant must provide which of the following community resources to a patient who states their partner bent their arm backwards until it broke? Domestic violence shelter If a medical assistant experiences an exposure to an infectious disease via a human bite, which of the following steps should they take first? immediately flush the exposed area following the exposure A medical assistant is scheduling a procedure at a local facility for a patient. Which of the following steps should the assistant take first? verify insurance will cover the procedure Which of the following means the absence of infection or infectious material? asepsis When taking a patient's blood pressure, which of the following is the highest pressure level that occurs, as indicated by the first sound heard? systolic pressure Which of the following is the recommended age for children to receive their first human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine? 11 to 12 years of age A medical assistant is preparing to print an after-visit summary for a patient. Which of the following direct identifiers should the assistant verify to protect the patient's protected health information (PHI)? mailing address A 24-year-old patient has a BMI of 30.5 based on their height and weight. Which of the following describes their BMI weight status category? obese class I When performing venipuncture, which of the following is the correct order of draw? Green, lavender, gray A patient arrives at the provider's office with a laceration on their right forearm, and the provider determines the patient will need sutures. Which of the following supplies should the medical assistant hand to the provider? the needle holder with the suture attached Which of the following conditions requires a patient to avoid gluten? celiac disease Which of the following is the appropriate instrument for removing stitches? suture scissors A patient reports feeling depressed due to the recent loss of a partner. In which of the following five stages of the grief process does depression present itself? Fourth Which of the following types of artifacts does the tracing above contain? wandering baseline

An adolescent is covered by two insurance policies held by their divorced parents. The parents have birthdays in May and August and have joint custody of the adolescent. Which of the following policies is the primary policy for the adolescent? the policy of the parent who has the earliest birth month We have an expert-written solution to this problem! Which of the following sections of the clinical medical record includes a collection of the patient's subjective data obtained by a medical assistant during the clinical intake process? Health history A medical assistant is talking with a patient who is experiencing home displacement following a hurricane. To which of the following resources should the assistant refer the patient for information, support, and links to community services? American red cross We have an expert-written solution to this problem! A medical assistant is performing a drug test on a patient. The temperature of the urine sample should be within which of the following temperature ranges for the sample to be usable? 32 to 38 degrees C (90 to 100 F) A medical assistant is collecting data from a patient who is experiencing heatstroke. Which of the following manifestations should the assistant expect to find? hot skin Which of the following measurements would a medical assistant take during a routine well-child exam when determining if the child has microcephaly? head circumference Which of the following supplies are required for proper handwashing technique? Paper towels Which of the following forms of health information exchange (HIE) does the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) promote in order to provide patients the ability to control the use of their health information? consumer-mediated exchage Which of the following cardiac procedures is within a medical assistant's scope of practice and does not require a licensed technician or provider to assist with or perform the procedure? a Holter monitor application When obtaining a blood pressure reading, which of the following describes how high a medical assistant should inflate the cuff? approximately 30mm Hg above the previously measured radial pulse reading

A medical assistant is reviewing the list of medications a patient reports they are currently taking. The assistant should recognize that which of the following medications is available in a sublingual form? Nitroglycerin A medical assistant is examining a patient who has a third-degree burn on their hands. Which of the following is a first aid procedure the medical assistant can perform? Separate the patients burned fingers When a medical assistant is performing a venipuncture procedure, which of the following is a preanalytical error that can affect the test results? adjusting the order of the draw When a procedure requires informed consent, which of the following steps should occur prior to the patient signing the form? the provider should include information about alternative procedures before informed consent is obtained from the patient Which of the following diagnostic statements is appropriate in the outpatient setting? Fever of unknown origin A patient is having an EKG performed and is experiencing dyspnea. In which of the following positions should the medical assistant place the patient? Fowlers position Which of the following tasks should a medical assistant have a patient complete prior to gowning for a physical examination to ensure that the patient is more comfortable and to make the examination easier for the provider? have the patient empty their bladder A medical assistant is preparing to administer buccal medication to a patient. The assistant should instruct the patient to place the medication in which of the following places? between the cheek and gums Which of the following is the purpose of utilizing a clinical centrifuge? to separate a specimen into different components A medical assistant is reviewing the medical history of a patient who regularly comes into contact with coal and wood dust. The assistant should recognize that this patient is at an increased risk for developing which of the following disorders? emphysema A medical assistant has a provider order to draw blood for a lead level on an 18-month- old toddler. Which of the following sites should the assistant choose for the venipuncture? superficial dorsal hand veins A medical assistant fails to document a patient's preference for not using any blood products during their procedure. This error falls under which of the following legal principles? negligent torts A medical assistant is aiding a provider with a colposcopy procedure. In which of the following positions should the assistant place the patient? lithotomy position Which of the following cell structures is instrumental in helping the body mobilize and secrete mucus from the respiratory tract?

cilia A medical assistant is providing instructions to a patient who is hard of hearing. Which of the following positions should the assistant choose when speaking to the patient? face the patient when speaking Which of the following is a safeguard for all health care employees and patients who may be at risk of exposure to potentially infectious materials? standard precautions A medical assistant is preparing a patient for a flexible sigmoidoscopy (rectal) examination. In which of the following positions should the assistant place the patient? left lateral position A medical assistant is preparing a patient to have a mole excised. Which of the following actions should the assistant take? cleanse the site with surgical soap and antiseptic A provider wants to ensure that late patients do not impact the appointment schedule in a negative way so they request that three patients be scheduled at the top of each hour to be seen in the order in which they arrive. Which of the following types of scheduling does this describe? wave scheduling In which of the following positions should a medical assistant place a patient when preparing to perform a 12-lead EKG in the office? supine (laying on back) As the body processes medications, which of the following terms best represents absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion? pharmacokinetics A medical assistant is performing an EKG on a patient. Which of the following describes the appropriate placement of the electrodes? tabs downward on the arm A medical assistant in an outpatient facility is preparing a patient for a venipuncture. Which of the following actions should the assistant take to confirm the patient's identity? ask the patient to state and spell their full name and provide their date of birth A medical assistant is creating templates for a provider to send electronic prescriptions. Which of the following is most commonly included in electronic prescription templates? The medication type Which of the following statements describes the purpose of the right route as a part of the rights of medication administration? administering medication using the physical technique identified by the providers written order A medical assistant is preparing an 837P/CMS-1500 claim form for a patient treated for a burn injury. Which of the following information is required? current procedural terminology code A medical assistant is cleaning countertops and other surfaces after a surgical procedure. Which of the following disinfectants should the assistant use for this purpose? 1:10 bleach and water solution According to the stages of hypertension, which of the following blood pressure readings is considered to be in the elevated stage?

A systolic pressure between 120 and 129 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure less than 80 mm Hg in an adult patient is classified as elevated. Which of the following stages described by the Kübler-Ross grieving process indicates that a patient may attempt to give something up to gain more time? the bargaining stage Which of the following formulas is used to convert a patient's weight from kilograms to pounds? multiply the number of kilograms by 2. A medical assistant is processing blood samples obtained for a DNA analysis and paternity testing. Which of the following information must they include on the document in order to maintain chain of custody? initials of the person transporting the specimen Which of the following letter formats uses indented paragraphs? a semi-block letter In which of the following positions should a medical assistant place an 18-month-old patient when administering ear drops to the right ear? right ear facing up with the earlobe pulled down and back Which of the following is defined by 9 calories per gram? the number of calories from fat Which of the following should a medical assistant do to assist with hemostasis following completion of a venipuncture procedure? the assistant should tell the patient to hold pressure on the site and elevate their arm When performing routine follow-up calls to patients, which of the following actions should a medical assistant take first to notify the provider if the patient provides an unsatisfactory progress report? Notify the provider immediately Which of the following terms refers to the process of making sure the balance of a financial account matches the balance on a bank statement? reconciliation A patient informs a medical assistant that they get headaches when they read from a computer monitor. The assistant should enter this information into which of the following locations when using the SOAP approach to organizing medical records? subjective data Which of the following classes of fire extinguisher should be used on flammable liquids? class B Which of the following aseptic techniques can be achieved using dry heat, moist heat, ultraviolet light, gas, chemicals, or ionizing radiation? sterilization A medical assistant is preparing to perform a capillary puncture on an adult. Which of the following fingers should they choose? middle finger A medical assistant calls a patient from the waiting area to obtain a specimen. Which of the following actions should the assistant do first?