Download Medical Billing & Coding Practice Examination 2024-25.Questions & Correct Answers.Grade A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Medical Billing & Coding Practice Examination 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Answers. Graded A+ A 12 year old patient came to the office clinic for removal of sutures. The nurse attended to the patient. Which code is appropriate - ANS99211 A 3 month old child is treated in the critical care unit. The service would be reported using codes from which age category? - ANSPediatric age group A claim for services not medically necessary is an example of? - ANSabuse A claim that has all field accurately filled in on the insurance claim form is a ? - ANSClean claim A license to practice medicine is done by - ANSLocal and state governments together A number assigned for billing of supplies and equipment is ? - ANSdurable medical equipment number A patient developed rashes after taking a properly prescribed medication. the E code to indicate how rashes happened is referenced from which E code column in the Table of Drug and Chemicals? - ANSTherapeutic A patient had a closed treatment of femoral shaft fracture, which of the following would be used to location the code in the CPT manual? - ANSFracture A patient is responsible for what percentage when covered by Medicare ? - ANS20% A patient with a chief complaint of muscle pain has ? - ANSMyalgia A patient with diagnosis of COPD has problem with the - ANSRespiratory system A physician who does not except assignment for Medicare is called? - ANSParticipating physicians non A physician who specializes in the study of the nervous system is called an? - ANSNeurologist A procedure for the removal of one kidney is ? - ANSNephrectomy A report with the words, maxilla,mandible or cranium refers to the - ANSLower legs A triangle placed in front of a code in the CPT manual means ? - ANSThe description of the code has been changed Administrative and/or monetary penalties for an established pattern of fraud and abuse are levied by? - ANSOIG- Office of Inspection General An established patient came in with a chief complaint that required a detailed history, detailed exam medical decisions making of moderate complexity. How will you report the service ? - ANS99215 An established patient is one has been seen how many years ? - ANS3 years An example of a federal tax is number would be ? - ANSEIN An insurance company that provides weekly or monthly cash benefits to an employed policy holder who becomes unable to work due to an accident or illness is called ? - ANSLoss of income protections or disability An Otorhinolaryngologist specializes in diagnosis and treatment of ? - ANSDisorders of ear , nose and throat An oxygen tank is a - ANSDurable medical equipment Assignment of benefits from the patient means that the insurance company will ? - ANSPay the physician directly Block numbers 1-13 on the CMS 1500 form are in reference to? - ANSthe patient Blocks 14-33 of the CMS-1500 form refer primarily to the - ANSProvider and services Code 11 in the physicians office is a - ANSCPT CODE E/m codes begin with? - ANS99 Encrypted exchange of data is a standardized form through computer systems is called ? - ANSInformation exchange services H&P means - ANShistory and physical In a state that has workers compensation a patient being treated by physicians for a work related fracture is found to have a non work related poison ivy rash. Which of the following is not an option for physicians? - ANSTreat the patient for the rash and bill worker's compensation insurance In which section of the cpt manual would you find the codes for x-ray procedure? - ANSRadiology