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Medical Office Procedures and Practices, Exams of Medicine

A wide range of medical office procedures and practices, including equipment maintenance, insurance claims processing, patient privacy and confidentiality, medical terminology, and drug administration. It provides an overview of the various tasks and responsibilities of a medical assistant in a healthcare setting. The document touches on topics such as purchase orders, peer review, hipaa regulations, body language, insurance deductibles, tax identification numbers, computer screen visibility, temperature measurement, drug classifications, and urine specimen collection. By studying this document, one can gain a comprehensive understanding of the administrative and clinical duties involved in the day-to-day operations of a medical practice.

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Available from 07/29/2024

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Download Medical Office Procedures and Practices and more Exams Medicine in PDF only on Docsity! NCCT Medical Assistant Practice Test Questions with Complete Verified Solutions 2024 A _____ is created containing the name, address, and phone number of both the vendor and the medical practice. It will also have a preassigned number to track the order, the quantity of items ordered, the price of the items, and the date purchased. Purchase Order Periodically, the medical assistant should check all equipment in the office to ensure that courts are not afraid, do not present hazards, and are in good working order. A _____ will help the medical assistant track this routine inspection. Maintenance Log When a physician dictates an operative report and asked the medical assistant to type it up, the physician is asking the medical assistant to function as a_____? Transcriptionist Under the pier review improvement act of 1982, peer review organizations are responsible for the review for appropriateness and necessity of putting a patient into the hospital by a process known as _____ review Admissions Which one of the following is a decision based upon bioethics. The use of fetal tissue transplantation for research. A physician must have the patient's permission in writing to reveal any confidential information except for which of the following? gunshot wound, anorexia, drug addiction, pregnancy Gunshot Wound what is the federal regulation that requires healthcare professionals to protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients health information? HIPPA a business letter, written in full block style will have all lines_____? At the left hand margin. when writing a business letter, the salutation of a letter should be followed by which punctuation mark? Colon : when handling a patient complaint, which one of the following would be most appropriate? take all complaints seriously and take thorough notes body language, body posture, space and distance are all examples of _____? nonverbal communication what is the suggested procedure for canceling an appointment in the appointment book? Mark through the entry with a single red line the amount an insured patient must pay towards claims each year for the insurance company will pay for medical treatment is known as the_____? deductible instructions to an insurance company about where and to whom to make payment are called_____? assignment of benefits the Internal Revenue Service issues a_____ to medical groups or solo practices for income tax purposes federal tax identification number an office appointment calendar or book must record not only the name of the patient and the start time of appointment, but also indicate the_____? duration of the appointment a 12 month period selected for financial purposes is called a_____year. fiscal Removal of synovial fluid from a joint is called. Arthrocentesis Each of the small squares on the ECG strips is equal to. 0.04 sec Which of the following is a violation of sterile technique? Reaching over a sterile field Synthetic casts are often preferred over plaster casts because they. Dry and set faster Specific hazards or perils listed in an insurance policy for which the insurance company will not pay are called Exclusions To determine if the needle is in a blood vessel when giving an injection, the action is to. Attempt to aspirate To determine if the heart rhythm is regular of irregular, the distance between P waves or ____waves are measured and compared. R A condition seen in infancy due to a deficiency in vitamin D and characterized by softening of the bones is called. Rickets Oxygen is ordered as percentage of oxygen concentration by. Liter per minute Which of the following is most often used to administer an intradermal injection? Insulin syringe The first loop of the small intestine is called. duodenum Which of these organizations affords the patient the option of using either network of non-network physicians of hospitals. PPO A person not infected by, but transporting, harmful bacteria is considered to be A carrier The angle of the needle for intradermal injection should be. 10-15 degrees when preparing a blood smear from skin puncture, you should_____, the first drop of blood wipe away when performing any CLIA waived test, it is important to do which of the following? perform quality control testing with every new kit and routinely thereafter and ECG tracing measures the amount of voltage and the _______ required for the voltage to travel through the heart time when there is no variation of R - R intervals in an ECG reading it is called_______? absolutely regular when applying the lead apply the V1 lead_______? on the fourth intercostal space right sternal border when the heart rhythm is abnormal is referred to as_______? an arrhythmia oxygen can be administered to the patient by way of a_______? catheter, cannula, tent how should a 24-hour urine specimen be stored during collection? in a refrigerator a positive urine dipstick for albumin in the patient has _______in his or her urine protein which urine dipstick test detects acetone in the urine? ketones which of the following stains classifies bacteria into gram-positive and gram-negative ? Gram which of the following areas should be swabbed when obtaining a specimen for a throat culture? back of the throat and tonsillar area Abnormal S-shaped lateral curvature of the pine is called. Scoliosis Apical pulse is the method of choice for determining the heart rate for. Infants and young children Which of these distributes the electrical impulse to the ventricles? Purkinje fibers The temperature is taken at the armpit. Axillary A organization offers health insurance in exchange for a fixed monthly premium and involves the use of a primary care provider. Preferred provider The Employees Withholding Exemption Certificate form number is. W-2 Then six standard chest leads of an ECG are called Precordial Amniocentesis allows physicians to. Perform genetic tests before birth An antiseptic drug acts by Inhibiting the growth of microorganisms Bacterial cultures are taken after autoclaving to determine. The effectiveness of the sterilization The physician's bank statement must be reconciled with the physician's. Checkbook What is a cardiac cycle? One complete heartbeat All prescriptions written for controlled substances in Schedule 1 must be wholly written and. are un-refiliable One insurance program that covers needy and low income people is. Medicaid Conduct, courtesy, and manners that are customary in the medical profession can be referred to. Medical etiquette What does it mean when you see diagonal lines on the autoclave tape of a wrapped article? The article has been autoclaved An illness of injury that prevents an insured person from performing one of more normal job. Partial disability Amounts purchased of credit and owed to creditors are called. Accounts payable A drug that lowers blood glucose levels is called. A deice used to record the electrical activity of a patient's heart over a 24 hour period of time is called a monitor. Holter A writ that commands a witness to appear at a trial or other proceeding, and to give testimony is a . Subpoena At which angle of injection would an intramuscular injection be given? 90 degrees A patient who places his head and chest on the examination table while kneeling with buttock elevated is being examined in the position. Knee-chest Cancerous tumors located anywhere in the body are called. Malignancies A duplicate file to protect information contained on a computer is called. Backup The Abbreviation for cubic centimeter is . cc A number issued by the Internal Revenue Service to medical groups or solo practices, used for income tax, is called the number. Federal tax identification The medical term for turning downward is Pronation Inflammation in the peritoneal cavity Peritonitis It is customary to complete a preliminary form for all new patients and request a copy of the patient's so that it may be copied for the chart. Driver's license A small amount of cash kept in the office for miscellaneous purchases in called. Petty cash fund A break in a bone, without penetration of the skin surface over the fracture site, is called a. Closed If the physician orders an emetic for immediate administration to a patient, the medical assistant needs to bring a drug that. Causes vomiting The period of time at the beginning of an insurance policy during which no benefits are payable is called a period. Grace When using open punctuation, the salutation of a business letter should be followed by which punctuation mark? a. Comma b. Semicolon c. Hyphen d. None None An inactive substance substituted in place of an actual drug merely to satisfy a patient's need to take a pill is called a. Placebo The buccal or sublingual method of administering a drug is done by. Placing medication between the gum and cheek Failure to do something a reasonable person would do under ordinary circumstances, or doing something a reasonable person would not do under ordinary circumstances, there by causing harm to another person or and other person's properly is known as. Negligence Biohazard labels must be colored orange-red Listening to sounds of the body by using a stethoscope is called Auscultation A small adhesive patch or disc used for administration of drgs is called a system. Transdermal An attachment to an insurance policy excluding certain illnesses or disabilities that would otherwise be covered is called. Waiver An appointment book or appointment sheet will generally specify the patient name, date of appointment, and. The duration of the appoinment The amount of medicine that is prescribed for administration is known as the. Dosage Insulin syringes are calibrated in. Units Tapping the patient with fingers and listening to the sounds produced is called. Percussion Infected pressure sores on the skin are called. Decubitus ulcers The second portion of the small intestine is called the. Jejunum The period of time within which a notice of an insurance claim or proof of loss must be filed is called the. Time limit Th computer, printer disk drives, and monitors are referred to as. Hardware A drug that affects the nervous system to relieve pain is called a. Analgesic An instrument used to test reflexes is called the. Percussion hammer Circulars, printed booklets, and newsletters up to 16 ounces are considered__________class mail. Third Programs which tell the computer what to do are referred to as. Software When the lugs collapse due to accumulation of air in the pleural cavity it is called. Pneumothorax Which patient position is commonly used for gynecological examination? Lithotomy What instrument does the physician use to examine the anterior chamber, the lens, the vitreous body, and the retina of the eye? Ophthalmoscope To inject large amounts of medication into muscle tissue, use a injection. Intramuscular An injection where the skin is pulled laterally 1 1/2 inches away from the injection site is called. Z track A twelve month period that begins wit the same pre- determined date each year and is used for financial purposes is called a year. Fiscal What is the proper placement of an agar plate in the incubator? Lid down (upsid down) An internal software language used to control computer hardware is called its. Operating system The loss of motor or sensory function in the lower extremity is called. Paraplegia A drug that increases urinary output is called a. Diuretic A unilateral paralysis that follows damage to the brain is called. Hemiplegia The abbreviation for drops is. gtt Handwritten and keyed business correspondence or any other business mail that weighs up to 13 ounces would be considered class mail. First Parcel post or _____class mail is used for bound printed matter, film, and sound recording. Fourth A check written to the doctor by someone other than the patient is called a. Third party A check that will be unpaid if written over a certain amount is known as a check. Limited A bank term used to indicate that the writer of the check did not have enough money in his/her account to cover the check is. Insufficient funds Each prescription for controlled substances requires a physician signature and a registration number. DEA A kind of liquid preparation which fine droplets of an oil are added to water (e.g. castor oil) is called a. Emulsion Drugs dissolved in solution of sugar and water and then flavored are called. Syrups Drugs that have been mixed, but not dissolved, in liquids are called. Suspensions The sharpened end of the needle is called a. Bevel The part of the syringe that holds the medication and has markings on its surface is called the. Barrel Separate file folders are used for each type of insurance to be handled in order to. Avoid losing claim forms Under the Peer Review Improvement act of 1982, Peer Review Organizations are responsible for the review for appropriateness and necessity of hospitalizing patients, also known as review. Admissions Insurance policies that provide benefits for conditions diagnosed and treated before the policy was issued are said to cover conditions. pre-authorized The process of discovering whether a specific medical treatment (surgery or test) will be covered under a patient's insurance policy contract is called Pre-authorization Digoxin is used for. Cardiac problems Nitroglycerine is used for. Treatment of angina pectoris Thorazine is used to. Reduce mental tension and anxiety Hydrocortisone is a. Anti-inflammatory drug Schedule 1 drugs include. Substances that have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule IV drugs include. Minor tranquilizers and hypnotic that have a lesser potential for abuse. Schedule V drugs include. Miscellaneous mixtures containing limited amounts of narcotic drugs. The name of a drug is its official name. Generic The temperature scale with the freezing point of water at 32 degrees and the boiling point at 212 degrees in called. Fahrenheit To ensure that the medical office has the supplies it needs, the medical assistant should establish a. a. Reorder point b. Inventory control log c. Order quantity d. All answers are correct All answers are correct A is created containing the name, address, and phone number of both the vendor and the medical practice. It will also have a pre-assigned number to track the order, the quantity of items ordered, the price of the items, and the date purchased. Purchase order Periodically the medical assistant should check all equipment in the office to ensure that cords are not frayed, do not present hazards, and are in good working order. A will help the medical assistant track this routine inspection. Maintenance log When a physician dictates an operative report and asks the medical assistant to type it up, the physician is asking the medical assistant to function as a Transcriptionist Under the Peer Review Improvement Act of 1982, Peer Review Organizations are responsible for the review for appropriateness and necessity of putting a patient into the hospital by a process known as review. Admissions Which of the following is a decision based upon bioethics? The use of fetal tissue transpiantation for research A physician must have the patient's permission in writing to reveal any confidential information except for which one of the following. Gunshot wound A drug that increases cough output is called a. expectorant A liquid preparation which mixes fine droplets of oil in water, such as castor oil, is called. emulsion Nitrolycerine is used for the treatment of which of the following? Angina pectoris Schedule I drugs include. Substances that have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse A small adhesive patch or disc used for administration of drugs is called a. transdermal system A narrowing of the urethra caused by scar tissue is called. urethral stricture A chronic disease in which the pancreas fails to secrete enough insulin is called. type 1 diabetes The alternating contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles is called. peristalsis The prolonged retention and accumulation of fecal material in the rectum is called. fecal impaction The frequent passage of liquid stools is called diarrhea A microorganism that rarely causes disease is called a. non-pathogen The most important initial step in the performance of a blood draw is. identifying the patient Which of the following statements is false about blood drawing? It doesn't really matter which direction you lancet a finger To determine the size of the needle remember that the higher the gauge number the needle bore. smaller A centrifuge works by. Separating cells and serum A tourniquet should be on the patient arm no longer than. 1 minute To cleanse the typical venipuncture site, begin at the intended site of the draw and. work in a circle from the center to the periphery On an ECG machine, the sensitivity switch controls the. Amplitude, and gain Conversion of dysrhythmia to a normal rhythm by applying electric shock to the chest is called. defibrillation The electrical force or vector produced by ventricular depolarization has two components, one is the magnitude or force, and the other is. direction or shape A downward or negative wave of an electrocardiogram following the P wave is the. Q wave A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) where the QRS have the same configuration each time they appear is called. uniform when preparing a blood smear from a skin puncture you should______the first drop. wipe away When performing any CLIA waived test it is important do to which one of the following? perform quality control testing with every new kit and routinely there after An ECG tracing measures the amount of voltage and the _____required for the voltage to travel throughout the heart. Time When there is no variation of R-R intervals in an ECG reading it is called. Absolutely regular When applying leads, apply the V1 lead on the fourth intercostal space right sternal border When the heart rhythm is abnormal it is referred to as. an arrhythmia Oxygen can be administered to the patient by way of a. catheter, cannula, and tent How should a 24-hour urine specimen be stored during collection? In a refrigerator A positive urine dipstick for albumin in the patient has in his/her urine. protein Which urine dipstick test detects acetone in the urine? Ketones Which of the following stains classify bacteria into gram-positive and gram-negative? Gram Which of the following areas should be swabbed when obtaining a specimen for a throat culture. Back of the throat and tonsillar area The sebaceous glands, skin, hair, and nail are_______. Integumentary system The hear, lymphatic organs, and blood vessels are in the_______. cardiovascular system The liver, stomach, mouth, and pancreas are in the_____. digestive system