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Medical Surgical Telemetry Test Bank: 180+ Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive test bank for medical surgical telemetry, covering a wide range of topics and scenarios. It includes over 180 questions with correct answers, designed to help students prepare for exams and gain a deeper understanding of medical surgical concepts. The questions are presented in a multiple-choice format, covering various aspects of patient care, including assessment, interventions, and medication administration. This resource is valuable for nursing students and professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in medical surgical telemetry.

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Download Medical Surgical Telemetry Test Bank: 180+ Questions and Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!



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You’re inserting a urinary catheter into a male patient. As you inflate a balloon, the patient complains of discomfort what is the best action? - ANSWER✔✔Aspirate the fluid, advance the catheter farther, then re-inflate the balloon When assessing a patient, you notice crepitus on the right upper shoulder. You notify the physician and anticipate which diagnosis? - ANSWER✔✔Subcutaneous emphysema You are providing patient education to a patient prior to administering IV Protonix.... When there is no history of GERD - ANSWER✔✔Protonix is given as G.I. prophylaxis to prevent stress ulcers

  • ANSWER✔✔Normal sinus with VTach The patient has a morphine PCA post operatively. On rounding you notice respirations at eight per minute O2 saturation of 82%. What medication would be given in the situation? - ANSWER✔✔Narcan

You were caring for a patient who is 18 hours postop after a right BKA a. They report sudden chest pain pulse ox at 86%. The patient may be experiencing: - ANSWER✔✔Pulmonary embolism Cardiac strip - ANSWER✔✔Unable to determine At 0500, you know your patient to be diaphoretic, clammy, and their hands are shaking. The patient's blood sugar is currently 60. Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention - ANSWER✔✔Have the patient drink 120 ML's of orange juice

  • ANSWER✔✔Ventricular tachycardia
  • ANSWER✔✔Normal sinus rhythm Which of the following food items would you question in the menu of your patient who is diagnosed with celiac disease? - ANSWER✔✔Wheat bread A postoperative laparoscopic appendectomy patient is receiving morphine PCA for pain findings with alert you to the potential of a narcotic overdose? - ANSWER✔✔A respiratory rate of 8 breaths per minute
  • ANSWER✔✔Paced rhythm Your patient was admitted with severe dehydration. Which of the following orders would you question - ANSWER✔✔KCI 40 mEq IV push STAT What is the first sign of increased intracranial pressure? - ANSWER✔✔Change in LOC A patient suddenly complains of new onset of chest pain. The doctor is suspecting a possible?... What is most likely to be ordered? - ANSWER✔✔Morphine Duramorph, oxygen, nitrates, Aceticsalicylic acid, bayer buffered aspirin The Glasgow, scale ranges from: - ANSWER✔✔3 to 15 You deserve the nurse aid removing her gloves and immediately using alcohol hand sanitizer in a room with a patient who has C-Diff. What education should you provide to the nurse aide - ANSWER✔✔And washing with soap and water is mandatory because alcohol based hand sanitizers do not kill C-diff Heart rate - ANSWER✔✔ 80

Which of the following assessment findings should you report immediately to the physician for a patient who just had a bronchoscopy and biopsy? - ANSWER✔✔Sputum with streaks of blood NOT: increased salivation Your patient was just returned from surgery with a Jackson-Pratt JP drain in place which of the following is the best nursing action? - ANSWER✔✔Compress the drain, then plug the bulb to establish suction Patient is admitted for shortness of breath. Do you notice the spouse adjusting the oxygen on the wall and she states "she always takes care of my husband" what would be an appropriate response? - ANSWER✔✔Educate the spouse on oxygen use as a medical device in the hospital Deposition has ordered for your patience to begin a 24 hour urine collection. Your patient voids for the first time two hours after the orders received. What should be done with this urine sample? - ANSWER✔✔Discarded, then begin the 24 hour collection Which of the following lab values would you expect to see in a patient diagnosed with?.... - ANSWER✔✔Lipase - 196 You were caring for a patient admitted with abdominal pain. Your patient has a bowel movement and you know dark tarry stool what would be the diagnosis? - ANSWER✔✔Upper G.I. bleed

Your COPD patient is complaining of wheezing and increased shortness of breath - ANSWER✔✔Assess your patient for a change in condition What information is vital for you to know prior to administering an ordered dose of digoxin - ANSWER✔✔Heart rate Your patient has been diagnosed with a hemorrhagic CVA - ANSWER✔✔Heparin infusion per pharmacy protocol A 56-year-old man has an acute onset of shortness of breath, chest pain, apprehension, rapid pulse, cough with bloody sputum, diaphoresis, and syncope. The symptoms are indicative of: - ANSWER✔✔Pulmonary embolism? NOT: tuberculosis You're reviewing the menu list of a patient on Warfran what food should they not eat? - ANSWER✔✔Spinach Which of the following issues should be reported up the chain of command - ANSWER✔✔A coworker arriving to work under the influence of alcohol

You're providing discharge instructions to a CHF patient. - ANSWER✔✔Increase shortness of breath cardiac rhythm - ANSWER✔✔V-Tach Which of the following electrolyte value should be Addressed immediately by the nurse - ANSWER✔✔Potassium 2.5 mEq/L Which of the following medication may cause urine discoloration - ANSWER✔✔Rifampin Calculate the 12 hour intake for a patient that has received the following during your shift: normal saline 750 ML, 24 ounces of sprite, Levaquin 50 ML, 650 ML urine in Foley catheter - ANSWER✔✔ 1520 When caring for a patient experiencing a tonic clonic seizure, the most appropriate nursing intervention is: - ANSWER✔✔Protecting the patient's head and extremities from contact with surrounding objects You went to the room of a 58-year-old female. You find that the patient's cardiac monitor shows asystolye, what should be your first action? - ANSWER✔✔Assess the patient Not: start CPR

Didn't nurse ask you about the typical signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction - ANSWER✔✔Women could have pain in their arm, neck, back or jaw While performing the narcotic count at the end of the shift, my coworker admits to something, coworker to sign for the ways that you did not witness - ANSWER✔✔Refused to sign for the waste Cardiac strip - ANSWER✔✔Sinus rhythm with PAC You're preparing your patient for discharge need to provide dietary education related to his diagnosis what should you instruct the patient to avoid? - ANSWER✔✔Canned meats Your patient complains of not being able to urinate since 0500. It is now 1900. What should be your next step? - ANSWER✔✔Perform a bladder scan The doctor ordered Lasix 40 mg IV push, 100mg/10 mL - ANSWER✔✔4ml After a patient completes dialysis, you should anticipate seeing an improvement in which of the following lab values? - ANSWER✔✔NOT: ammonia

Your patient fell and hit his head on the bed rail during a physical therapy session. Upon initial assessment you observe a blood pressure of 90/45, heart rate of 28, and a constricted pupil. The patient is lying in a supine position. What should be your first response? - ANSWER✔✔Call a rapid response Which of the following antidiabetic medication is contraindicated 48 hours after receiving contrast dye - ANSWER✔✔Metformin You're a king for a patient who is postop after surgical removal of fibroids. She hears a pop sound after coughing in her surgical wound has dehisced - ANSWER✔✔Apply sterile saline soap towels over the extruding site One of the signs of left sided heart failure is: - ANSWER✔✔Pulmonary edema NOT: pedal edema Your patient had a TB skin test done on Thursday at 2:45 PM - ANSWER✔✔Saturday You are to obtain informed consent for a Spanish-speaking patient scheduled for surgery. You do not speak Spanish and are having difficulty communicating with your patient. Which of the following resources would be most appropriate to utilize in order to obtain consent? - ANSWER✔✔The hospitals language interpreter

You're reviewing the discharge medication list of a patient diagnosed with gastric ulcer. Which of the following medication should you question? - ANSWER✔✔Acetylsalicylic acid ( Bauer buffered aspirin) When taking care of a patient with pancreatitis, which of the following lab should be reviewed?

  • ANSWER✔✔Lipase and amylase You're caring for a 12 hour postoperative parathyroidectomy patient. Which assessment finding would indicate an emergency? - ANSWER✔✔Laryngeal strider Which of the following actions would be considered a violation of Hyppa? - ANSWER✔✔Looking through the chart of a coworker admitted to your unit
    • ANSWER✔✔Sinus tachycardia You are taking care of a patient who is admitted for left flank pain with a kidney stone of 1.5 cm. He asks you about the procedure what would be the most therapeutic response? - ANSWER✔✔Due to the size of the kidney stone it is an appropriate treatment? NOT:Print reading materials about the subject and give it to the patient

The nurse is taking care of a patient who is terminally ill and has a DNR on file. Their patient has a sudden cardiac arrest and family wants CPR initiated. How should you respond? - ANSWER✔✔Honor the patient's wishes

  • ANSWER✔✔Not normal sinus rhythm into a flutter Correct answer is ventricular fibrillation Your patient began deteriorating rapidly after complaining of shortness of breath. And ABG was drawn and the results are pH? HCO3 - 23. These values indicate the patient is experiencing: - ANSWER✔✔ at 3 PM
  1. In the late stage of Alzheimer's disease, which of the following would be most appropriate? - ANSWER✔✔Use a hand over hand technique when performing tasks.
  2. In the early stage of Alzheimer's disease, which of the following would be most appropriate?
  • ANSWER✔✔Help the person with planning and organizing tasks.
  1. Which of the following statements is true? - ANSWER✔✔Alzheimer's disease will progress from the early to the middle, then the late stage
  2. In the middle stage of Alzheimer's disease, which of the following would be most appropriate? - ANSWER✔✔Use positive rather than negative statements.
  3. A person with Alzheimer's disease will often: - ANSWER✔✔Have strong reactions to things such as being touched from behind and loud noises.
  4. Providing safety through boundaries and being consistent with scheduling are two effective strategies for caring with someone who has Alzheimer's disease. - ANSWER✔✔true
  5. People affected by Alzheimer's disease may have difficulty: - ANSWER✔✔Planning and performing a task
  6. Which of the following is consistent with changes due to normal aging? - ANSWER✔✔George can't remember where he put the remote but eventually finds it
  7. Depression is a mental health condition that can occur with Alzheimer's disease. - ANSWER✔✔true
  1. When communicating with a person with Alzheimer's disease, you should: - ANSWER✔✔Add gestures to match your words. what does the communication technique "slow down and be patient" mean? - ANSWER✔✔slow your body movements and wait as long as it takes for the person with dementia to respond When Mrs Brown's son comes up to you and asks, "did my mother have a good day?" and his mother is standing next to you, what is an appropiate response? - ANSWER✔✔well, how would you rate your day Mrs Brown? you liked the art at the museum didn't you? All of the following statements are true except: - ANSWER✔✔to be attuned to a person with dementia essentially means letting them do anything they want why is it important to understand an individual's routine? - ANSWER✔✔they help you provide resident-centered - care Persons with dementia for whom English is not their first language will most likely revert to their native language. This is referred to as which of the following middle stage communication difficulties? - ANSWER✔✔First in, last out True or False. You can use basic information gathering questions (who, what, when, and why) to identify the cause of a person's behaviors - ANSWER✔✔true

The PRIMARY purpose of knowing the individual is to: - ANSWER✔✔provide better overall care True or false. behavior is always a form of communication - ANSWER✔✔true What does the communication strategy "tap into residual skills" mean? - ANSWER✔✔Many people still know how to be a mannerly host or make small talk for a short period which communication strategy does the statement "stay inside" exhibit when communicating with an individual with dementia - ANSWER✔✔state things positively A, B, C, D, and K are classifications for _____________. - ANSWER✔✔Fires The RACE acronym stands for _____________. - ANSWER✔✔Rescue; Alarm; Contain; Extinguish/Evacuate Placing the flammable liquids in proper containers is one way to _______________. - ANSWER✔✔Reduce a potential fire

True or False: With regard to RACE, it is more important to try to extinguish a fire than it is to warn people. - ANSWER✔✔False Your first action when a fire is discovered should be to ___________. - ANSWER✔✔Rescue anyone in immediate danger Which of the following is MOST likely a sign of physical abuse? - ANSWER✔✔Multiple wounds You notice several faint bruises on the back of someone in your care. Who MUST you tell immediately? - ANSWER✔✔Supervisor Staff are complaining openly about tasks that were left undone by coworkers. What might prevent abuse from occurring as a result of this staff frustration? - ANSWER✔✔Improve team communication Which of the following BEST describes person-centered care? - ANSWER✔✔Know what the person likes Which of the following is the GREATEST risk factor for abuse? - ANSWER✔✔Alcohol misuse

When an individual's caregiver insists that they stay home and miss social gatherings with friends, which of the following types of abuse would you MOST likely suspect? - ANSWER✔✔mental Which type of abuse occurs with the improper use of restraints? - ANSWER✔✔physical You suspect abuse is happening, but you are not sure. When MUST you tell your supervisor? - ANSWER✔✔immediately What is an example of an ADL? - ANSWER✔✔Walking to the bathroom Why is it necessary for you to identify where a person is in their disease process? - ANSWER✔✔So you can provide the appropriate support Which of the following statements about mobility is true? - ANSWER✔✔Provide assistance with walking several times a day. Mr. James responds better to gestures and simple directions. At what level of impairment is Mr. James? - ANSWER✔✔Severe impairment What is an example of an IADL? - ANSWER✔✔paying bills

It's permissible to discuss confidential information online as long as: - ANSWER✔✔The discussion is with someone who has a "need to know" and there are security measures in place With whom can you share confidential information? - ANSWER✔✔Individuals who "need to know" The following are examples of secured electronic information except: - ANSWER✔✔Texts from personal cell phones (Not Included) Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. Oxygen displacement b. Explosions c. Toxic gas exposures d. All of the above - ANSWER✔✔d. All of the above Which of the following statements regarding the use of gloves is correct? a. You do not need to wash your hands before putting on gloves

b. Turn gloves inside out when removing them c. It is acceptable to reuse gloves if you wash them first d. It is acceptable to wear multiple layers of gloves and peel off each layer between tasks - ANSWER✔✔b. Turn gloves inside out when removing them If a person is injured at the hospital during a natural disaster, a correct action to take is: a. Turn a person with a head injury onto his or her back b. Use a wheelchair or a stretcher to take the person to the Emergency Department for treatment c. Report the accident only if the person had to go to the Emergency Department d. Try to move the person yourself - ANSWER✔✔a. Turn a person with a head injury onto his or her back (marked as wrong) Before you use a chemical product, you must know certain important information about it. Which of the choices below is information you do NOT need to know? (Asked must know) a. Proper use of the product b. What chemicals the product contains c. Treatment if accidentally exposed to it

d. Precautions for safe handling - ANSWER✔✔b. What chemicals the product contains (not included) Healthcare workers who must comply with HIPAA privacy requirements are: a. Doctors, nurses, and others providing direct patient care b. Environmental Services staff c. Engineering staff d. All of the above - ANSWER✔✔d. All of the above Which of the following is NOT required on a chemical label? a. A signal word b. Your facility's name c. A hazard statement d. A pictogram - ANSWER✔✔b. Your facility's name The acronym P.A.S.S. is used to help remember: a. How to use a fire extinguisher

b. How to evacuate patients c. How to spread the word about a fire d. None of the above - ANSWER✔✔a. How to use a fire extinguisher When lifting something off the ground, which part of your body should you always use? a. Back b. Abdominals c. Arms d. Legs - ANSWER✔✔d. Legs Which of the following statements regarding electrical safety is correct? a. Do not roll equipment over electrical cords because it can damage the cord b. It is acceptable to use a plug with a loose or broken pin as long as the device works c. Adaptors that convert three-pin plugs to two-pin plugs are safe to use d. Equipment should be unplugged by pulling the cord, not the plug - ANSWER✔✔a. Do not roll equipment over electrical cords because it can damage the cord

Placing a patient on Contact Precautions means that everyone must: a. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gowns and gloves b. Wear a respirator c. Care for the patient in an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) d. All of the above - ANSWER✔✔a. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gowns and gloves (Not included) When mobilizing a weak or unsteady patient, which technique(s) should you consider? a. Using a transfer belt (gait belt) b. Using a mechanical lift, roller board, sliding board, flexible patient mover, or sling c. Having an assistant help you d. All of the above - ANSWER✔✔d. All of the above Which of the following would be considered an internal disaster rather than an external one? a. Earthquake b. Hurricane

c. Flood d. Bomb threat - ANSWER✔✔d. Bomb threat In the event of an earthquake, which of the following should never be done? a. Moving all patients to a central area b. Closing all curtains and shades in the central area c. Closing all doors to the central area d. Using candles for illumination - ANSWER✔✔d. Using candles for illumination When working with or near radiation, which of the following statements is incorrect? (Asked for the correct statement) a. If you cannot locate your badge monitor, you should borrow one from your co-worker b. A 0.5-mm thick lead apron reduces scattered radiation by approximately 10 times c. Doubling the distance between a person and the radiation source reduces the radiation exposure by a factor of 4 d. Before you attempt a procedure, think ahead how you will accomplish it - ANSWER✔✔a. If you cannot locate your badge monitor, you should borrow one from your co-worker

Answer: c. Doubling the distance between a person and the radiation source reduces the radiation exposure by a factor of 4 When moving a patient from bed to wheelchair, which technique should you avoid at all times? a. Bending at your knees to lower the patient to the chair b. Having the patient hold onto your neck or shoulders c. Placing yourself in front of the patient and blocking the patient's leg closest to the chair with your foot and leg d. Positioning the wheelchair at a slight angle close to the bed - ANSWER✔✔b. Having the patient hold onto your neck or shoulders If patients need to be evacuated, it should be in this order: a. Ambulatory patients, then wheelchair patients, then bedfast patients b. Whichever patients you can get to first c. Ambulatory patients, then bedfast patients, then wheelchair patients d. Bedfast patients, then wheelchair patients, then ambulatory patients - ANSWER✔✔a. Ambulatory patients, then wheelchair patients, then bedfast patients

Under the Safe Medical Devices Act, your responsibility as a healthcare worker is to: a. Return the device to the company vendor b. Remove the suspected device from service c. Clean the device in question d. Immediately throw away any disposable and reusable equipment, accessories, and packaging related to the incident - ANSWER✔✔b. Remove the suspected device from service (Not included) Which of the following would be considered part of a healthcare worker's role in the event of an emergency involving a biologic or chemical exposure? a. Recognizing an illness or injury as potentially resulting from exposure to a biologic, chemical, or radiologic agent b. Instituting appropriate steps to limit the spread of an infection c. Reporting identified cases or events to the public health system d. All of the above - ANSWER✔✔d. All of the above Under HIPAA, patients have the right to do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Alter their medical records themselves

b. Request their medical records c. Know the identities of those who have accessed their medical records d. Inspect their medical records - ANSWER✔✔a. Alter their medical records themselves Which of the following is true about chemical exposure? a. Exposure to hazardous chemicals cannot affect existing medical conditions b. Effects of chemical exposure can take years to develop c. It is impossible to ingest hazardous chemicals by smoking d. Health hazards caused by chemicals can affect only the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes - ANSWER✔✔b. Effects of chemical exposure can take years to develop The activity that puts the most continuous pressure on the lumbar region of your lower back is: a. Standing b. Pushing c. Lifting d. Sitting - ANSWER✔✔d. Sitting

Which of the following could compromise a patient's Protected Health Information (PHI)? a. Using a computer with an encrypted (protected) hard drive b. Using a computer with a secured network c. Putting printed records that are no longer needed into the trash d. Two caregivers speaking one-on-one in a private area - ANSWER✔✔c. Putting printed records that are no longer needed into the trash It is a requirement under HIPAA that: a. All patients have a secret code number to remain anonymous b. All patients receive a copy of their health record before discharge c. All patients are informed to turn cell phones off to protect their identity d. All patients receive a copy of a healthcare organization's Notice of Privacy Practices - ANSWER✔✔d. All patients receive a copy of a healthcare organization's Notice of Privacy Practices According to labeling guidelines, only two "Signal Words" can appear on a label. One is Danger and the other is: