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Medical Terminology and Concepts, Exams of Medicine

A wide range of medical terminology and concepts, including information about various medical conditions, treatments, and procedures. It provides definitions, explanations, and key details related to topics such as cardiovascular function, respiratory system, endocrine system, neurological disorders, and more. A comprehensive reference or study guide for healthcare professionals or students, covering a diverse array of medical knowledge. The level of detail and breadth of topics suggests this could be useful for preparing for exams, reviewing course material, or expanding one's understanding of fundamental medical principles and terminology.

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Download Medical Terminology and Concepts and more Exams Medicine in PDF only on Docsity! NREMT Advanced-EMT Exam with complete solutions 2024/2025 Initial Assessment: B-SMNAC - ANSWER- - BSI (body substance isolation); - Scene Safety; - Mechanism of Injury (MOI)/Nature of Illness (NOI); - Number of Patients; - Assistance (additional units, Fire, Police, etc.); - C-spine (and/or C-collar) Initial Assessment: G-CAAT - ANSWER- - General Impression; - Chief Complaints, Life Threats (hemorrhage); - AVPU; - ABC's (airway, breathing, circulation); - Transport Decision (Load and Go or Stay and Play) Components of General Impression - ANSWER- ASSS-FLOP-VD: - Apparent state of health; - Skin color, obvious lesions; - Signs of distress; - Sexual development; - Facial expressions; - Level of consciousness; - Odors; - Posture, Motor, Gait; - Vital statistics; - Dress, Grooming, Hygiene Components of AVPU - ANSWER- - Alert; - responds to Verbal stimuli; - responds to Painful stimuli; - Unresponsive Secondary Assessment: OPQRST-I - ANSWER- especially for Respiratory and Cardiac patients: - Onset; - Provocation/Palliation; - Quality; - Radiation; - Scale/Severity; - Time; - Interventions What is OPQRST? - ANSWER- a mnemonic for remembering the questions to ask when assessing the patient's chief complaint or major symptoms Onset - ANSWER- - When and how did the symptom begin? - Ask the patient if the onset was sudden or gradual. - Also determine if the onset was associated with a particular activity. Provocation/palliation: - ANSWER- - What makes the symptom worse? - What makes the symptom better? Quality - ANSWER- How would you describe the pain? Radiation - ANSWER- - Where do you feel the pain?; - Where does the pain go? Scale/Severity - ANSWER- - On a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst. - How bad is the symptom? Time - ANSWER- - Determine if the symptom has been present for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years; - The length of time the symptoms are present is important to document Secondary Assessment: SAMPLE - ANSWER- - Signs and Symptoms (history of present issues); - Allergies; - Medications; - Past Medical History, Pertinent Negatives; - Last Oral Intake; - Events (leading to present: trauma or medical) Look (Gaze) Speech (Cry) Commotio Cordis - ANSWER- A direct blow to the thorax during the hearts depolarization period - possibly causing the patient to experience V-Fib. Dromotropic Agent - Effect - ANSWER- Effects the hearts conduction velocity. Effects the conduction speed of the AV Node, and subsequently the rate of electrical impulses in the heart. S3 - Indication - ANSWER- Most commonly heard in the early stages of L-sided heart failure. Coronary Artery Perfusion - Time of Occurrence - ANSWER- Diastole Beck's Triad - ANSWER- Indicates Cardiac Tamponade HoTN, JVD, Muffled Heart Tones Glycogenolysis - ANSWER- Breakdown of Glycogen - Creates Glucose -Lysis - ANSWER- Breakdown Chloride - ANSWER- Major Extracellular Anion in the Body Inotropic - ANSWER- Contractility of the Heart The greater the inotropic response, the greater the contractile force. Modifying force or speed of muscle contraction. Effects the hearts contractile strength. P-Wave - ANSWER- Atrial Depolarization The first deflection on the EKG, represents atrial contraction. QRS Complex - ANSWER- Ventricular Depolarization Large spike indicating a quick discharge of electrical current within the ventricles. SA Node - ANSWER- Sinoatrial Node Responsible for the rhythm & rate of the heart. Depolarizes faster than any component of the cardiac conduction system. Action Potential - ANSWER- Polarization of the cell, preparing it for discharge. Sodium - ANSWER- Creates a positive charge within the myocardium. A-Fib SxS (New Onset) - ANSWER- Tachycardia, HoTN, Altered LOC Cardiac Output - ANSWER- Stroke Volume x Heart Rate Chron's Disease - ANSWER- Chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, especially the colon & ileum, associated w/ ulcers & fistulae. A form of inflammatory bowel disease which may potentially affect anywhere from the mouth to the rectum. Gastritis - ANSWER- Inflammation of the Stomach Lining Diverticulitis - ANSWER- Inflammation of a diverticulum, especially in the colon. Causes pain & disturbance of bowel function. Stroke Minimum Acceptable SaO2 - ANSWER- 95% Tuberculosis SxS - ANSWER- Weight Loss, Hemoptysis(Coughing Blood), Pyrexia(Fever) Hemoptysis - ANSWER- Coughing Blood Pyrexia - ANSWER- Elevated Body Temperature Fever Midaxillary Line - ANSWER- Lateral the midline of the body, parallel to the midline. Apneustic Respirations - ANSWER- Prolonged inspirations with short ineffective expirations. Cause by damage to the Upper Pons - stroke or trauma. Biot's Respirations - ANSWER- Quick/shallow inspiration followed by periods of apnea. Caused by damage to the Pons - stroke, trauma or opioid use. DVT - Description - ANSWER- Deep Vein Thrombosis Painful, swollen, inflamed leg with increased pain on flexion of the foot. DVT - Contributing Factors - ANSWER- Recent inactivity & reduced fluid intake. Zofran - Admin Method - ANSWER- Slow IVP so as to avoid causing a syncopal episode. UTI - SxS - ANSWER- Urinary Tract Infection Hot/Flushed Skin Cardiac Conduction Pathway - ANSWER- SA Node - Internodal Pathways - AV Node - Bundle of His - Bundle Branches - Purkinje Fibers Verpamil - Common Side-Effect - ANSWER- Syncope when pulse rate & bloop pressure drop. Vena Cava - Function - ANSWER- Delivers deoxygenated blood to the R-Atria. Chronotropic Effects - ANSWER- Effect heart rate, chronotropic drugs may affect nerves controlling the heart or change rhythm produced by the SA Node. Frank-Starling Mechanism - ANSWER- Starling's Law An increase in preload will result in an increase of the next ventricular contraction. Cardiac Workload - Affects - ANSWER- Preload, Afterload, Heart Rate All by either increasing or decreasing workload and subsequently, myocardial oxygen demand. Cardiac Blood Flow Pathway - ANSWER- Superior Vena Cava - R-Atrium - Tricuspid Valve - R-Ventricle - Lungs - Pulmonary Valve - L-Atrium - Bicuspid Valve - L-Ventricle - Aortic Valve - Aorta Bicuspid Valve - ANSWER- Mitral Valve Valve between L-Atrium and L-Ventricle Tricuspid Valve - ANSWER- R-Atrioventricular Valve Valve between R-Atrium and R-Ventricle Cardiac Apex - ANSWER- Point of maximal impulse, where the heart comes into contact with the thorax. Generally caused by ETOH abuse or cholecystitis. Guillan-Barre Syndrome - ANSWER- Acute form of polyneuritis, often preceded by respiratory infection. Causes weakness and paralysis of the limbs, migrating to the trunk. Caused by the immune system attacking the nerves. Polyneuritis - ANSWER- Disorder that affects the peripheral nerves collectively. Neuropathy - ANSWER- Disease/Dysfunction of the peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness. Characterized by painful extremities. Referred Pain - ANSWER- Felt in different area than where it originates due to close proximity of the nerves. Antibodies - ANSWER- Proteins that attach to an antigen & either deactivate the antigen or make it susceptible to the bodies defenses. Melena - ANSWER- Black, tar-like feces. Caused by oxidization of the iron in hemoglobin. Clubbing - ANSWER- Bulbous ends of the fingers with rounded (vs. flat) nails. Occurs over time due to hypoxia, secondary to COPD/respiratory disease. Also seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and AIDS. Neuron - ANSWER- Basic unit of the nervous system. Composed of an axon, dendrites and neurofibrils. Terry's Nails - ANSWER- Appear white with "ground glass" appearance and no lanula. Common in patients with liver failure, cirrhosis, diabetes, CHF, hyperthyroidism and malnutrition. Beau's Lines - ANSWER- Grooved lines (indentations/ridges) that run side-to- side, horizontally across the nail bed. May be caused by infection of the nail fold, systemic infection, trauma, coronary occlusion, hypocalcemia or skin disease. Koilonychia - ANSWER- Spoon Nails Abnormally thin nails having lost their convexity, becoming flat or concave. Associated with hypochromic anemia or iron-deficient anemia. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone - ANSWER- Secreted by the pituitary gland, stimulates adrenal cortex. Charcoal - Contraindication - ANSWER- Acid or Alkaline Ingestion Hydrofluoric Acid Ingestion - Rx - ANSWER- Rapid Transport Parathyroid Glands - Number/Location - ANSWER- 4 One on top and bottom of each thyroid lobe. Glucagon - Requirement - ANSWER- Glycogen must be available in the body. Myasthenia Gravis - SxS - ANSWER- Drooping eyelids, double vision, difficulty swallowing, facial weakness, weakened respiratory muscles, difficulty moving extremities. Myasthenia Gravis - Description - ANSWER- Autoimmune or congenital neuromuscular disease. Wernicke's Encephalopathy - SxS - ANSWER- AMS, decreased eye movement, changes in gait. Wernicke's Encephalopathy - Description - ANSWER- Long-term deficiency of thiamine (Vit-B1). Over time progresses to Korsakoff Psychosis. Commonly due to ETOH abuse or chronic puking. Korsakoff Syndrome - Description - ANSWER- Neuro disorder caused by thiamine deficiency or viral encephalitis. Hypoxia - SxS (Pedi) - ANSWER- AMS and Bradycardia Most Common Method of Suicide - ANSWER- GSW - over 50% Multiple Sclerosis - Description - ANSWER- Demyelination of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Muscular Dystrophy - Description - ANSWER- Hereditary progressive weakening/wasting of the muscles. Parkinson's Disease - ANSWER- Degeneration of basal ganglia in the brain and dopamine deficiency. Characterized by tremor, muscular rigidity and slow/imprecise movement. Alzheimer's Disease - ANSWER- Generalized degeneration of the brain, causing mental deterioration and premature senility. Norepinephrine - Description - ANSWER- Hormone released by the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nerves. Binds with adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system. Norepinephrine - Function - ANSWER- Neurotransmitter and raises BP. Binds with adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system. Acetylcholine - Description - ANSWER- Neurotransmitter released by sympathetic neurons. Binds with nicotinic and muscarinic receptor proteins in the parasympathetic nervous system. Epinephrine - ANSWER- Hormone secreted by adrenal glands. Raises rate of blood circulation, breathing rate and carbohydrate metabolism in preparation for muscle exertion. Tidal Volume - Average Adult - ANSWER- 500ml-600ml Epiglottitis - SxS - ANSWER- Inspiratory stridor, high-grade fever, drooling. Dyskinesia - ANSWER- Abnormality or impairment of voluntary movement. Associated with antipsychotic medications. Dystonia - ANSWER- State of abnormal muscle tone, resulting in spasm or abnormal posture. Typically caused by neuro-disease or drug side-effects. Dysmetria - ANSWER- Lack of coordinated movement. Typified by under/over-shoot of intended target/position. Inability to judge distance/scale. Ataxia - ANSWER- Loss of full control of bodily movements. Visceral Pericardium - ANSWER- Physically covers the heart, attached at the apex of the heart. Parietal Pericardium - ANSWER- Outer layer of pericardium, creates a cavity filled with pericardial fluid, which reduces friction of heart contractions. Apex of Heart - ANSWER- Lowest superficial part of the heart. Auscultation of the heart at this point is associated with closure of the mitral valve, behind the 5th intercostal space. Pseudoseizure - ANSWER- Fake/False Seizure With genuine seizure activity, patient will not be able to verbalize and generally cannot breath adequately, causing a drop in SaO2. Sarcoidosis - ANSWER- Characterized by inflammation to the lungs, heart and brain. Miosis - ANSWER- Contracted/Pinpoint Pupils Mydexema - Description - ANSWER- Complication of Hypothyroidism Swelling of and underlying tissues, giving the skin a waxy consistency. Mydexema - SxS - ANSWER- Bradycardia, HoTN, hypoglycemia, low sodium levels. Hyponatremia - Description - ANSWER- Condition caused by low sodium levels in the blood. IgE - ANSWER- Antibody responsible for causing anaphylactic reactions. Decontamination Steps - ANSWER- Reduce Toxin Intake Reduce Absorption of Toxin Increase Elimination of Toxin Epiglottis - 4D's - ANSWER- Dysphagia Drooling Dysphonia Distress Dysphagia - ANSWER- Difficulty/discomfort with swallowing, as a disease symptom. Dysphonia - ANSWER- Difficulty speaking - disorder of the mouth, tongue, throat or vocal cords. Thyroxine - ANSWER- Main hormone of the thyroid gland. Major affect on metabolic state, growth and development. Parathyroid Hormone - ANSWER- Secreted by the parathyroid gland - regulates calcium levels. Ectopic Beat - ANSWER- Electrical impulse originating anywhere other than the SA Node. Preload - ANSWER- Amount of blood returning to the ventricles. The volume of blood returning to the heart. T-Wave - ANSWER- Repolarization of the Ventricles QRS Time-Interval - ANSWER- 0.12 seconds - max PVC - ANSWER- Premature Ventricular Contraction Single Irritable Beat CBG - ANSWER- Capillary Blood Glucose O2 Concentration - Nasal Canula - ANSWER- 24%-44% O2 Concentration - Non-Rebreather - ANSWER- 60%-90% O2 Concentration - Bag Valve Mask - ANSWER- 100% Respiratory Synctial Virus - ANSWER- Pediatric Illness Common in winter/early spring. Characterized by cold-like symptoms. Progresses to moderate-severe respiratory symptoms including increased respiratory rate, wheezing and respiratory distress. Status Epilepticus - ANSWER- Two or more seizures without regaining consciousness in-between. Suctioning - Method/Duration Intervals - ANSWER- Alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilations for 2 minutes. Minute Volume - ANSWER- Amount of gas inhaled/exhaled in one minute. Severe SOB - Rx - ANSWER- Always start immediately with O2. Kussmaul Respirations - ANSWER- Deep and rapid respirations to blow off excess CO2. Common with DKA, metabolic acidosis or kidney failure. Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift - Pediatric Considerations - ANSWER- Do not hyperextend the neck as it may collapse the trachea. Hemothorax - SxS - ANSWER- Hyperresonance/dullness upon percussion of the chest. Resonance - ANSWER- Quality of sound being deep, full and reverberating on percussion of an area, i.e. chest percussions. Heat Exhaustion - SxS - ANSWER- Temperature Less Than 104* Sweating Normal Mentation Heat Stroke - SxS - ANSWER- Temperature Over 104*-105* Throbbing Headache Dizziness Not Sweating Red, Hot, Dry Skin Muscle Weakness/Cramps Nausea/Vomiting Rapid HR Rapid Shallow Breathing AMS Seizures Loss of Consciousness Rule of 9's - Pediatric - ANSWER- Anterior/Posterior Head - 9% Each Anterior/Posterior Torson - 18% Each Anterior/Posterior Arms - 4.5% Each Anterior/Posterior Legs - 6.75% Each Diaphragm - Inspiration - ANSWER- Contracts Diaphragm - Expiration - ANSWER- Expands Larynx Fracture (Fx) - SxS - ANSWER- Stridor, Hoarseness, Hemoptysis, Difficulty Speaking Cushing's Triad - ANSWER- Indicates ICP Increased BP, Irregular Breathing, Decreased HR CSF - Rx - ANSWER- Clean away fluid, do not apply pressure. Zygomatic Bones - Location - ANSWER- Sides of the Skull Mild Hypothermia - SxS - ANSWER- 90*-95* Rapid RR Shivering Severe Hypothermia - SxS - ANSWER- Slow RR Not Shivering AMS Uterine Rupture - ANSWER- Acute Sharp/Stabbing/Ripping Pain Rigid/Tender Abdomen Shock-like Vitals Cessation of Labor Epiglottitis - ANSWER- Inflammation of the Epiglottis Difficulty Breathing Hx of Recent Illness Drooling Stridor Premature Infant - ANSWER- Born Before 37 Weeks Pediatric Airway - Narrowest Portion - ANSWER- Cricoid Cartilage Ductus Venosus - ANSWER- Shunt at the end of the umbilical cord, allows blood from the fetus to bypass the liver and go directly to the inferior vena cava. Pyrexia - Indication - ANSWER- Most common sign of infectious disease. ANS - Divisions - ANSWER- Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Suicide - Greatest Risk Demographic - ANSWER- White Males > 80yo Spinal Cord - Composition - ANSWER- Neurons Pregnancy Hormones - ANSWER- Progesterone & Estrogen Cause fibrinogen levels to drop roughly 50%. Precipitous Delivery - ANSWER- Occurs within 3 hours of the onset of labor. Umbilical Vessels - ANSWER- Arteries x 2 Veins x 1 Placenta Previa - ANSWER- Placenta implants improperly, partially or completely covering the cervical opening. Brain Damage - Irreversible After - ANSWER- 8-10 minutes Gastrostomy Bag - ANSWER- For feeding a patient that cannot eat orally. Acute Vomiting - Risk/Result - ANSWER- Metabolic Alkalosis: due to loss of hydrogen/chloride ions. Stages of Grief - ANSWER- Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance False Pain - ANSWER- Result of uterine contraction, preceding/resembling a labor pain. Distinguishable by lack of progressive effacement & cervical dilation. Hypoperfusion - SxS - ANSWER- Capillary Refill, Skin Condition, Tachycardia SatO2 Not a Reliable Indicator Action Potention - MoA - ANSWER- Sodium enters cell, provides a positive charge. CPR - Compression Rate - ANSWER- 100 BPM Ataxic Respirations - ANSWER- Completely irregular pattern of breathing with irregular periods of apnea. Deteriorates to agonal breathing. Caused by damage to the medulla - stroke or trauma. Lithium - ANSWER- Given to patients with bipolar disorder. Popliteal Artery - Location - ANSWER- Behind the Knee Thyroid Storm - ANSWER- Severe Hyperthyroidism Pyrexia, AMS, Increase HR, Decreased BP Hypothyroidism - SxS - ANSWER- Facial Edema, JVD, Cool Skin, Cold Sensitivity, Hypothermia, Coma, Weakness, Weight Gain Carotid Massage - Contraindication - ANSWER- Carotid Bruit - noise heard on auscultation of the carotid, indicating stenosis (plaque build-up). Junctional Rhythm - Rate - ANSWER- Normal < 60BPM Accelerated - 60-100BPM Tachycardic > 100BPM Decompensated Shock - Describe - ANSWER- Patient can no longer maintain preload. Bundle of His - Firing Rate - ANSWER- 40-60BPM CPR Hand Placement - ANSWER- Lower half of the breast bone, above the xiphoid process. AAA - Rx - ANSWER- Rapid Transport Gentle Handling Unwitnessed Collapse/Arrest - Rx - ANSWER- 2 minutes of CPR prior to attaching the AED (approx. 5 cycles). Chest Pain - Typical SxS - ANSWER- Tachycardia Nausea Shortness of Breath H's & T's - H - ANSWER- Hypovolemia F Cells - ANSWER- Pancreatic Polypeptide Diastolic Pressure - Norm - ANSWER- 60-90mmHg Chief Cell - ANSWER- Parathyroid Hormone Venturi Device - ANSWER- Allows one to regulate oxygen concentration by attaching the proper color-coded adapter. COPD - Respiratory Drive - ANSWER- Dependent upon oxygen, as COPD patients have consistently high levels of carbon dioxide. FROPVD - ANSWER- Flow-Restricted Oxygen-Powered Ventilation Device FROPVD - Contraindication - ANSWER- Pediatric Patient Hypoxemia - Description - ANSWER- Abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the blood. Low oxygen saturation in the blood. Low arterial concentration of oxygen. Hypoxia - Description - ANSWER- Inadequate Tissue Oxygenation Deficiency in amount of O2 reaching the tissues. Inspiration - Mechanics - ANSWER- Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles Contract Expiration - Mechanics - ANSWER- Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles Relax/Expand Respiratory Failure - ANSWER- Respiratory quality/pattern that is incompatible with life - if it continues. Inadequate gas exchange, that will result in arterial oxygen levels, carbon dioxide or both not being maintained at their normal levels. Respiratory Arrest - ANSWER- Cessation of breathing due to the lungs failure to function effectively. Respiratory Distress - ANSWER- difficulty breathing and the psychological experience associated with it, even if there is no physiological basis for such distress. Capnia - ANSWER- CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Blood Levels Apnea - ANSWER- Temporary Cessation of Breathing Artificial Ventilations - Inspiratory Duration - ANSWER- About 1 second, just long enough to see adequate chest rise and fall. Suctioning - Rx for Induced Vomiting - ANSWER- Remove catheter and roll patient to their side, to limit back flow of vomit. Shallow Breathing - Rx - ANSWER- Positive Pressure Ventilations Asthma - Irritants - ANSWER- Foods Exercise Allergens (Pollen) Blow-By Oxygen - Concentration (Pedi) - ANSWER- 5L Flail Chest - Rx - ANSWER- Positive Pressure Ventilation Reverses the mechanism that causes paradoxical chest wall movement, restoring tidal volume and reducing pain. Bronchitis - SxS - ANSWER- Greenish-Brown Sputum Fever COPD: Acute Exacerbation - Rx (Medication) - ANSWER- Duo-Nebulizer (Ipratroprium Bromide/Albuterol) - in addition to bronchodilation, it has the side- effect of drying up bronchial secretions. Atelectasis - ANSWER- Lung Collapse (Complete or Partial) Stenosis - ANSWER- Abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body. Arthrosclerosis - ANSWER- Deposit of plaque on arterial walls, causing stenosis. Arteriosclerosis - ANSWER- Thickening/hardening of the arterial walls, typical of old age. Fowler's Position - ANSWER- Supine with the head/shoulders elevated to a sitting position. Combitube - Contraindications - ANSWER- Under 16yo Caustic Substance Ingestion Gag-Reflex Cor Pulmonale - ANSWER- R-sided enlargement of the heart due to disease of the lungs or pulmonary blood vessels. CPR - Ventilation Rate - ANSWER- Deliver breathe for about 1 second, at a rate of about 8-10 per minute. Pleural Friction Rubbing - ANSWER- Grating or squeaking as a result of inflamed pleural layers, indicative of pneumonia. Emphysema - Breath Sounds - ANSWER- Common to hear wheezing during periods of difficulty breathing. Quiet Tachypnea - ANSWER- When a patient presents with a faster than normal RR, but is not in distress. Usually due to non-respiratory issues, such as pain. Eupnea - ANSWER- Normal, unlabored, good breathing. Respiration - ANSWER- The exchange of O2 and CO2 on the cellular level. Beta-2 Agonist - Effect - ANSWER- Bronchodilation and HR Increase Beta-2 Agonist - Side-Effect - ANSWER- Stimulate the cellular uptake of potassium, therefore given to hyperkalemic patients. Choking Emergency - Big, Fat, Flubber-F&*# - ANSWER- If you can't reach around their stomach, move up and do chest thrusts. Cheyne-Stokes - Indicates - ANSWER- Brainstem Injury Gurgling Respirations - Rx - ANSWER- Suction before any other interventions. Dysmenorrhea - ANSWER- Painful menstruation, typically accompanied by abdominal cramping. Diplopia - ANSWER- Double Vision Menorrhagia - ANSWER- Abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation. Labor Stages - Dilation - ANSWER- Begin: Onset of Labor End: Complete Dilation of the Cervix Labor Stages - Expulsion - ANSWER- Begin: End: Labor Stages - Placental - ANSWER- Begin: End: Completion of Delivery of the Placenta Difficult Deliveries: Most Likely to Occur in Which Trimester? - ANSWER- 3rd Trimester Shoulder Dystocia - ANSWER- Shoulders of the fetus become blocked by the symphysis pubis, requiring manipulation in order to be delivered. Pediatric HR - Newborn - ANSWER- 100-180 Pediatric HR - 1yo - ANSWER- 100-160 Pediatric HR - 2yo - ANSWER- 80-110 Pediatric HR - > 3yo - ANSWER- 65-110 Severe Respiratory Distress - SxS (Pedi) - ANSWER- See-Saw Breathing Retractions Nasal Flaring Antepartum - ANSWER- The time period during labor, leading up to delivery. Narcan - Dosage (Pedi) - ANSWER- 0.1mg/kg IV Head Trauma - AMS, Confused, Combative Patient Refusing Treatment - ANSWER- Restrain and Treat Reportable Collision - ANSWER- One that results in at least $1000 worth of damage. MDT - ANSWER- Mobile Data Terminal - computer wired to the radio system. Appropriate Patient Care - Main Principles - ANSWER- Justice Autonomy Nonmaleficence Beneficence Health Care Proxy - ANSWER- Person designated to make medical decisions for you in the event you cannot do so for yourself. Minimum amount of time for which air transport is deemed faster than ground? - ANSWER- 30 minutes ERG - ANSWER- North American Emergency Response Guidebook Comprehensive reference of hazardous materials organized by name and ID number. Minimum Distance to Park From an LZ - ANSWER- 30 feet MVA - Most at Risk Age Group - ANSWER- 6-12yo Regardless of whether they are the passenger in a car, pedestrian hit by a vehicle, or bicyclist hit by a vehicle. LSB - Year Introduced to EMS - ANSWER- 1968 Morals - ANSWER- Personal standards of right and wrong. MCI Triage - IMMEDIATE - ANSWER- Breathing with a Pulse Posturing Incomprehensible Sounds Cannot Localize Painful Stimuli MCI Triage - DELAYED - ANSWER- Breathing with a Pulse Responsive to Painful Stimuli MCI Triage - MINOR - ANSWER- Patient is walking. MCI Triage - DECEASED - ANSWER- Pulseless Apneic Water Rescue Model - ANSWER- Shout Reach Throw Row LZ - Maximum Slope - ANSWER- Ideal: 8 Degrees MAX: 10 Degrees MSDS Placcard - White - ANSWER- Specific Hazard MCI Triage - Apneic with a Pulse - ANSWER- Reposition airway and provide 5 rescue breaths. If the patient remains apneic, they are to be tagged as DECEASED. If they begin breathing again, tag them as IMMEDIATE. MVA - Airbag that has not deployed? - ANSWER- Loaded Airbag HazMat - Most Common Exposure Route - ANSWER- Inhalation MVA - Windshield Survey - ANSWER- Determine if Patients Appear Conscious Determine if Patients Are Moving Determine if Patients Are Attempting to Self-Extricate Anthrax - Largest Threat to Population Centers - ANSWER- Inhalational Anthrax Incendiary Agent - ANSWER- Decreased explosive power, but creates greater amounts of heat, increasing chances of creating burns. Meant to generate heat, fire and burns. DUMBELS - ANSWER- Nerve Agent Poisoning Defecation Urination Miosis Bradycardia Emesis Lacrimation Salivation BURP - ANSWER- NFPA Placard - Yellow - ANSWER- Instability/Reactivity NFPA Placard - Red - ANSWER- Flammability NFPA Placard - Blue - ANSWER- Health Hazard NFPA Placard - White - ANSWER- Special Notice/Specific Hazard Epidural Hematoma - SxS - ANSWER- Lucid Interval - period in which the patient regains consciousness and appear to be functioning normally. Epidural Hematoma - Description - ANSWER- Hemorrhage of the head, in which there is a buildup of blood between the dura matter and the skull. Epidural - Definition - ANSWER- On or around the dura mater. Subdural - Definition - ANSWER- Situated or occurring between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane of the brain and spinal cord. Subdural Hematoma - Description - ANSWER- Hemorrhage between the brain and the dura mater. Pleural Space - Capacity - ANSWER- 3000 mL MCI - JumpSTART Triage - ANSWER- Patients less than 8yo or 100lbs. Fx Fluid Capacity - Humerus or Tibia - ANSWER- 750mL APGAR Score - 0-3 - ANSWER- Severely Distressed APGAR Score - 4-6 - ANSWER- Mild/Moderate Distress APGAR Score - 7-9 - ANSWER- Slight Depression (Near Normal) APGAR Score - 10 - ANSWER- Best Possible Condition Radio Band - ANSWER- Range of Radio Frequencies Rule of 9's - Adult - ANSWER- Anterior/Posterior Head - 4.5% Each Anterior/Posterior Torso - 18% Each Anterior/Posterior Arms - 4.5% Each Anterior/Posterior Legs - 9% Each Getitalia - 1% DOTS - ANSWER- Deformity Open Wounds Tenderness Swelling Pulse Quality - Most Worrisome - ANSWER- Thready - indicates an associated problem that should be investigated further. Patient Tx - Critical Trauma/Temperature - ANSWER- Keep the box at a minimum of 85 degrees as the patient will be highly susceptible to hypothermia. Fraternal Twins - Placenta - ANSWER- 2 Separate Placenta Hyphema - ANSWER- Blood in the anterior chamber of the eye, appearing as a reddish tinge or pool at the bottom of the iris or cornea. Must be evaluated quickly or the patient risks losing his eye. Penetrating Trauma - Abdominal (Organs most likely to be affected) - ANSWER- Liver and Small Bowel Otoscope - ANSWER- Used to visually assess the ear drum. Charcoal - MoA - ANSWER- Adsorption - activated carbon binds to the molecules of a poison so they may not be absorbed by the body. Parkland Burn Formula - ANSWER- V = Pt Weight (kg) x Body Surface Burned (%) x 4 First half is to be given of first 8 hours with the remaining amount given over the remaining 16 hours. Toxidromes - ANSWER- The SxS related to a certain group of chemicals. Retrograde Amnesia - ANSWER- Inability to remember events that happened before an event/trauma. Anterograde Amnesia - ANSWER- Inability to remember events that happened after an event/trauma. mg to mcg - ANSWER- 1mg to 1000mcg CPR - Mouth-to-Mouth - ANSWER- Only if the rescuer feels comfortable and no other options are present. Sellick Maneuver - Pressure Placement Site - ANSWER- First Cartilaginous Ring Below the Thyroid Cartilage Restraint Types - Airbag - ANSWER- Supplemental Restraint Psychiatric Illness - Most Common Diagnosis - ANSWER- Major Depression Obtunded - ANSWER- Slow to respond, not actively interacting with environment, lethargic. AEIOU-TIPS - Purpose - ANSWER- Used to determine possible reasons a patient may be unconscious. AEIOU-TIPS - ANSWER- Alcohol Epilepsy Insulin Oxygen Uremia Toxins Infections Psych Stroke Nitro - Routes/Dosage - ANSWER- SL Tab: 0.4 mg SL Spray: 0.4 mg Paste: 1-2 inches Hemorrhage Stages - 4 - ANSWER- Blood loss > 35% Pediatrics - Greatest Risk of Injury From Falling - ANSWER- 1yo - 5yo Thready Pulse - ANSWER- Indicates an underlying problem that needs to be investigated further. Pregnancy - Imminent Sign of Delivery - ANSWER- Patient complains of "pressure" or involuntary pushing.