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NREMT Advanced-EMT Exam with complete solutions 2024/2025 Initial Assessment: B-SMNAC - ANSWER- - BSI (body substance isolation); - Scene Safety; - Mechanism of Injury (MOI)/Nature of Illness (NOI); - Number of Patients; - Assistance (additional units, Fire, Police, etc.); - C-spine (and/or C-collar) Initial Assessment: G-CAAT - ANSWER- - General Impression; - Chief Complaints, Life Threats (hemorrhage); - AVPU; - ABC's (airway, breathing, circulation); - Transport Decision (Load and Go or Stay and Play) Components of General Impression - ANSWER- ASSS-FLOP-VD: - Apparent state of health; - Skin color, obvious lesions; - Signs of distress; - Sexual development; - Facial expressions; - Level of consciousness; - Odors; - Posture, Motor, Gait; - Vital statistics; - Dress, Grooming, Hygiene Components of AVPU - ANSWER- - Alert; - responds to Verbal stimuli; - responds to Painful stimuli; - Unresponsive Secondary Assessment: OPQRST-I - ANSWER- especially for Respiratory and Cardiac patients: - Onset; - Provocation/Palliation; - Quality; - Radiation; - Scale/Severity; - Time; - Interventions What is OPQRST? - ANSWER- a mnemonic for remembering the questions to ask when assessing the patient's chief complaint or major symptoms Onset - ANSWER- - When and how did the symptom begin? - Ask the patient if the onset was sudden or gradual. - Also determine if the onset was associated with a particular activity. Provocation/palliation: - ANSWER- - What makes the symptom worse? - What makes the symptom better? Quality - ANSWER- How would you describe the pain? Radiation - ANSWER- - Where do you feel the pain?; - Where does the pain go? Scale/Severity - ANSWER- - On a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst. - How bad is the symptom? Time - ANSWER- - Determine if the symptom has been present for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years; - The length of time the symptoms are present is important to document Secondary Assessment: SAMPLE - ANSWER- - Signs and Symptoms (history of present issues); - Allergies; - Medications; - Past Medical History, Pertinent Negatives; - Last Oral Intake; - Events (leading to present: trauma or medical) Look (Gaze) Speech (Cry) Commotio Cordis - ANSWER- A direct blow to the thorax during the hearts depolarization period - possibly causing the patient to experience V-Fib. Dromotropic Agent - Effect - ANSWER- Effects the hearts conduction velocity. Effects the conduction speed of the AV Node, and subsequently the rate of electrical impulses in the heart. S3 - Indication - ANSWER- Most commonly heard in the early stages of L-sided heart failure. Coronary Artery Perfusion - Time of Occurrence - ANSWER- Diastole Beck's Triad - ANSWER- Indicates Cardiac Tamponade HoTN, JVD, Muffled Heart Tones Glycogenolysis - ANSWER- Breakdown of Glycogen - Creates Glucose -Lysis - ANSWER- Breakdown Chloride - ANSWER- Major Extracellular Anion in the Body Inotropic - ANSWER- Contractility of the Heart The greater the inotropic response, the greater the contractile force. Modifying force or speed of muscle contraction. Effects the hearts contractile strength. P-Wave - ANSWER- Atrial Depolarization The first deflection on the EKG, represents atrial contraction. QRS Complex - ANSWER- Ventricular Depolarization Large spike indicating a quick discharge of electrical current within the ventricles. SA Node - ANSWER- Sinoatrial Node Responsible for the rhythm & rate of the heart. Depolarizes faster than any component of the cardiac conduction system. Action Potential - ANSWER- Polarization of the cell, preparing it for discharge. Sodium - ANSWER- Creates a positive charge within the myocardium. A-Fib SxS (New Onset) - ANSWER- Tachycardia, HoTN, Altered LOC Cardiac Output - ANSWER- Stroke Volume x Heart Rate Chron's Disease - ANSWER- Chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines, especially the colon & ileum, associated w/ ulcers & fistulae. A form of inflammatory bowel disease which may potentially affect anywhere from the mouth to the rectum. Gastritis - ANSWER- Inflammation of the Stomach Lining Diverticulitis - ANSWER- Inflammation of a diverticulum, especially in the colon. Causes pain & disturbance of bowel function. Stroke Minimum Acceptable SaO2 - ANSWER- 95% Tuberculosis SxS - ANSWER- Weight Loss, Hemoptysis(Coughing Blood), Pyrexia(Fever) Hemoptysis - ANSWER- Coughing Blood Pyrexia - ANSWER- Elevated Body Temperature Fever Midaxillary Line - ANSWER- Lateral the midline of the body, parallel to the midline. Apneustic Respirations - ANSWER- Prolonged inspirations with short ineffective expirations. Cause by damage to the Upper Pons - stroke or trauma. Biot's Respirations - ANSWER- Quick/shallow inspiration followed by periods of apnea. Caused by damage to the Pons - stroke, trauma or opioid use. DVT - Description - ANSWER- Deep Vein Thrombosis Painful, swollen, inflamed leg with increased pain on flexion of the foot. DVT - Contributing Factors - ANSWER- Recent inactivity & reduced fluid intake. Zofran - Admin Method - ANSWER- Slow IVP so as to avoid causing a syncopal episode. UTI - SxS - ANSWER- Urinary Tract Infection Hot/Flushed Skin Cardiac Conduction Pathway - ANSWER- SA Node - Internodal Pathways - AV Node - Bundle of His - Bundle Branches - Purkinje Fibers Verpamil - Common Side-Effect - ANSWER- Syncope when pulse rate & bloop pressure drop. Vena Cava - Function - ANSWER- Delivers deoxygenated blood to the R-Atria. Chronotropic Effects - ANSWER- Effect heart rate, chronotropic drugs may affect nerves controlling the heart or change rhythm produced by the SA Node. Frank-Starling Mechanism - ANSWER- Starling's Law An increase in preload will result in an increase of the next ventricular contraction. Cardiac Workload - Affects - ANSWER- Preload, Afterload, Heart Rate All by either increasing or decreasing workload and subsequently, myocardial oxygen demand. Cardiac Blood Flow Pathway - ANSWER- Superior Vena Cava - R-Atrium - Tricuspid Valve - R-Ventricle - Lungs - Pulmonary Valve - L-Atrium - Bicuspid Valve - L-Ventricle - Aortic Valve - Aorta Bicuspid Valve - ANSWER- Mitral Valve Valve between L-Atrium and L-Ventricle Tricuspid Valve - ANSWER- R-Atrioventricular Valve Valve between R-Atrium and R-Ventricle Cardiac Apex - ANSWER- Point of maximal impulse, where the heart comes into contact with the thorax. Generally caused by ETOH abuse or cholecystitis. Guillan-Barre Syndrome - ANSWER- Acute form of polyneuritis, often preceded by respiratory infection. Causes weakness and paralysis of the limbs, migrating to the trunk. Caused by the immune system attacking the nerves. Polyneuritis - ANSWER- Disorder that affects the peripheral nerves collectively. Neuropathy - ANSWER- Disease/Dysfunction of the peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness. Characterized by painful extremities. Referred Pain - ANSWER- Felt in different area than where it originates due to close proximity of the nerves. Antibodies - ANSWER- Proteins that attach to an antigen & either deactivate the antigen or make it susceptible to the bodies defenses. Melena - ANSWER- Black, tar-like feces. Caused by oxidization of the iron in hemoglobin. Clubbing - ANSWER- Bulbous ends of the fingers with rounded (vs. flat) nails. Occurs over time due to hypoxia, secondary to COPD/respiratory disease. Also seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and AIDS. Neuron - ANSWER- Basic unit of the nervous system. Composed of an axon, dendrites and neurofibrils. Terry's Nails - ANSWER- Appear white with "ground glass" appearance and no lanula. Common in patients with liver failure, cirrhosis, diabetes, CHF, hyperthyroidism and malnutrition. Beau's Lines - ANSWER- Grooved lines (indentations/ridges) that run side-to- side, horizontally across the nail bed. May be caused by infection of the nail fold, systemic infection, trauma, coronary occlusion, hypocalcemia or skin disease. Koilonychia - ANSWER- Spoon Nails Abnormally thin nails having lost their convexity, becoming flat or concave. Associated with hypochromic anemia or iron-deficient anemia. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone - ANSWER- Secreted by the pituitary gland, stimulates adrenal cortex. Charcoal - Contraindication - ANSWER- Acid or Alkaline Ingestion Hydrofluoric Acid Ingestion - Rx - ANSWER- Rapid Transport Parathyroid Glands - Number/Location - ANSWER- 4 One on top and bottom of each thyroid lobe. Glucagon - Requirement - ANSWER- Glycogen must be available in the body. Myasthenia Gravis - SxS - ANSWER- Drooping eyelids, double vision, difficulty swallowing, facial weakness, weakened respiratory muscles, difficulty moving extremities. Myasthenia Gravis - Description - ANSWER- Autoimmune or congenital neuromuscular disease. Wernicke's Encephalopathy - SxS - ANSWER- AMS, decreased eye movement, changes in gait. Wernicke's Encephalopathy - Description - ANSWER- Long-term deficiency of thiamine (Vit-B1). Over time progresses to Korsakoff Psychosis. Commonly due to ETOH abuse or chronic puking. Korsakoff Syndrome - Description - ANSWER- Neuro disorder caused by thiamine deficiency or viral encephalitis. Hypoxia - SxS (Pedi) - ANSWER- AMS and Bradycardia Most Common Method of Suicide - ANSWER- GSW - over 50% Multiple Sclerosis - Description - ANSWER- Demyelination of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Muscular Dystrophy - Description - ANSWER- Hereditary progressive weakening/wasting of the muscles. Parkinson's Disease - ANSWER- Degeneration of basal ganglia in the brain and dopamine deficiency. Characterized by tremor, muscular rigidity and slow/imprecise movement. Alzheimer's Disease - ANSWER- Generalized degeneration of the brain, causing mental deterioration and premature senility. Norepinephrine - Description - ANSWER- Hormone released by the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nerves. Binds with adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system. Norepinephrine - Function - ANSWER- Neurotransmitter and raises BP. Binds with adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system. Acetylcholine - Description - ANSWER- Neurotransmitter released by sympathetic neurons. Binds with nicotinic and muscarinic receptor proteins in the parasympathetic nervous system. Epinephrine - ANSWER- Hormone secreted by adrenal glands. Raises rate of blood circulation, breathing rate and carbohydrate metabolism in preparation for muscle exertion. Tidal Volume - Average Adult - ANSWER- 500ml-600ml Epiglottitis - SxS - ANSWER- Inspiratory stridor, high-grade fever, drooling. Dyskinesia - ANSWER- Abnormality or impairment of voluntary movement. Associated with antipsychotic medications. Dystonia - ANSWER- State of abnormal muscle tone, resulting in spasm or abnormal posture. Typically caused by neuro-disease or drug side-effects. Dysmetria - ANSWER- Lack of coordinated movement. Typified by under/over-shoot of intended target/position. Inability to judge distance/scale. Ataxia - ANSWER- Loss of full control of bodily movements. Visceral Pericardium - ANSWER- Physically covers the heart, attached at the apex of the heart. Parietal Pericardium - ANSWER- Outer layer of pericardium, creates a cavity filled with pericardial fluid, which reduces friction of heart contractions. Apex of Heart - ANSWER- Lowest superficial part of the heart. Auscultation of the heart at this point is associated with closure of the mitral valve, behind the 5th intercostal space. Pseudoseizure - ANSWER- Fake/False Seizure With genuine seizure activity, patient will not be able to verbalize and generally cannot breath adequately, causing a drop in SaO2. Sarcoidosis - ANSWER- Characterized by inflammation to the lungs, heart and brain. Miosis - ANSWER- Contracted/Pinpoint Pupils Mydexema - Description - ANSWER- Complication of Hypothyroidism Swelling of and underlying tissues, giving the skin a waxy consistency. Mydexema - SxS - ANSWER- Bradycardia, HoTN, hypoglycemia, low sodium levels. Hyponatremia - Description - ANSWER- Condition caused by low sodium levels in the blood. IgE - ANSWER- Antibody responsible for causing anaphylactic reactions. Decontamination Steps - ANSWER- Reduce Toxin Intake Reduce Absorption of Toxin Increase Elimination of Toxin Epiglottis - 4D's - ANSWER- Dysphagia Drooling Dysphonia Distress Dysphagia - ANSWER- Difficulty/discomfort with swallowing, as a disease symptom. Dysphonia - ANSWER- Difficulty speaking - disorder of the mouth, tongue, throat or vocal cords. Thyroxine - ANSWER- Main hormone of the thyroid gland. Major affect on metabolic state, growth and development. Parathyroid Hormone - ANSWER- Secreted by the parathyroid gland - regulates calcium levels. Ectopic Beat - ANSWER- Electrical impulse originating anywhere other than the SA Node. Preload - ANSWER- Amount of blood returning to the ventricles. The volume of blood returning to the heart. T-Wave - ANSWER- Repolarization of the Ventricles QRS Time-Interval - ANSWER- 0.12 seconds - max PVC - ANSWER- Premature Ventricular Contraction Single Irritable Beat CBG - ANSWER- Capillary Blood Glucose O2 Concentration - Nasal Canula - ANSWER- 24%-44% O2 Concentration - Non-Rebreather - ANSWER- 60%-90% O2 Concentration - Bag Valve Mask - ANSWER- 100% Respiratory Synctial Virus - ANSWER- Pediatric Illness Common in winter/early spring. Characterized by cold-like symptoms. Progresses to moderate-severe respiratory symptoms including increased respiratory rate, wheezing and respiratory distress. Status Epilepticus - ANSWER- Two or more seizures without regaining consciousness in-between. Suctioning - Method/Duration Intervals - ANSWER- Alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilations for 2 minutes. Minute Volume - ANSWER- Amount of gas inhaled/exhaled in one minute. Severe SOB - Rx - ANSWER- Always start immediately with O2. Kussmaul Respirations - ANSWER- Deep and rapid respirations to blow off excess CO2. Common with DKA, metabolic acidosis or kidney failure. Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift - Pediatric Considerations - ANSWER- Do not hyperextend the neck as it may collapse the trachea. Hemothorax - SxS - ANSWER- Hyperresonance/dullness upon percussion of the chest. Resonance - ANSWER- Quality of sound being deep, full and reverberating on percussion of an area, i.e. chest percussions. Heat Exhaustion - SxS - ANSWER- Temperature Less Than 104* Sweating Normal Mentation Heat Stroke - SxS - ANSWER- Temperature Over 104*-105* Throbbing Headache Dizziness Not Sweating Red, Hot, Dry Skin Muscle Weakness/Cramps Nausea/Vomiting Rapid HR Rapid Shallow Breathing AMS Seizures Loss of Consciousness Rule of 9's - Pediatric - ANSWER- Anterior/Posterior Head - 9% Each Anterior/Posterior Torson - 18% Each Anterior/Posterior Arms - 4.5% Each Anterior/Posterior Legs - 6.75% Each Diaphragm - Inspiration - ANSWER- Contracts Diaphragm - Expiration - ANSWER- Expands Larynx Fracture (Fx) - SxS - ANSWER- Stridor, Hoarseness, Hemoptysis, Difficulty Speaking Cushing's Triad - ANSWER- Indicates ICP Increased BP, Irregular Breathing, Decreased HR CSF - Rx - ANSWER- Clean away fluid, do not apply pressure. Zygomatic Bones - Location - ANSWER- Sides of the Skull Mild Hypothermia - SxS - ANSWER- 90*-95* Rapid RR Shivering Severe Hypothermia - SxS - ANSWER- Slow RR Not Shivering AMS Uterine Rupture - ANSWER- Acute Sharp/Stabbing/Ripping Pain Rigid/Tender Abdomen Shock-like Vitals Cessation of Labor Epiglottitis - ANSWER- Inflammation of the Epiglottis Difficulty Breathing Hx of Recent Illness Drooling Stridor Premature Infant - ANSWER- Born Before 37 Weeks Pediatric Airway - Narrowest Portion - ANSWER- Cricoid Cartilage Ductus Venosus - ANSWER- Shunt at the end of the umbilical cord, allows blood from the fetus to bypass the liver and go directly to the inferior vena cava. Pyrexia - Indication - ANSWER- Most common sign of infectious disease. ANS - Divisions - ANSWER- Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Suicide - Greatest Risk Demographic - ANSWER- White Males > 80yo Spinal Cord - Composition - ANSWER- Neurons Pregnancy Hormones - ANSWER- Progesterone & Estrogen Cause fibrinogen levels to drop roughly 50%. Precipitous Delivery - ANSWER- Occurs within 3 hours of the onset of labor. Umbilical Vessels - ANSWER- Arteries x 2 Veins x 1 Placenta Previa - ANSWER- Placenta implants improperly, partially or completely covering the cervical opening. Brain Damage - Irreversible After - ANSWER- 8-10 minutes Gastrostomy Bag - ANSWER- For feeding a patient that cannot eat orally. Acute Vomiting - Risk/Result - ANSWER- Metabolic Alkalosis: due to loss of hydrogen/chloride ions. Stages of Grief - ANSWER- Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance False Pain - ANSWER- Result of uterine contraction, preceding/resembling a labor pain. Distinguishable by lack of progressive effacement & cervical dilation. Hypoperfusion - SxS - ANSWER- Capillary Refill, Skin Condition, Tachycardia SatO2 Not a Reliable Indicator Action Potention - MoA - ANSWER- Sodium enters cell, provides a positive charge. CPR - Compression Rate - ANSWER- 100 BPM Ataxic Respirations - ANSWER- Completely irregular pattern of breathing with irregular periods of apnea. Deteriorates to agonal breathing. Caused by damage to the medulla - stroke or trauma. Lithium - ANSWER- Given to patients with bipolar disorder. Popliteal Artery - Location - ANSWER- Behind the Knee Thyroid Storm - ANSWER- Severe Hyperthyroidism Pyrexia, AMS, Increase HR, Decreased BP Hypothyroidism - SxS - ANSWER- Facial Edema, JVD, Cool Skin, Cold Sensitivity, Hypothermia, Coma, Weakness, Weight Gain Carotid Massage - Contraindication - ANSWER- Carotid Bruit - noise heard on auscultation of the carotid, indicating stenosis (plaque build-up). Junctional Rhythm - Rate - ANSWER- Normal < 60BPM Accelerated - 60-100BPM Tachycardic > 100BPM Decompensated Shock - Describe - ANSWER- Patient can no longer maintain preload. Bundle of His - Firing Rate - ANSWER- 40-60BPM CPR Hand Placement - ANSWER- Lower half of the breast bone, above the xiphoid process. AAA - Rx - ANSWER- Rapid Transport Gentle Handling Unwitnessed Collapse/Arrest - Rx - ANSWER- 2 minutes of CPR prior to attaching the AED (approx. 5 cycles). Chest Pain - Typical SxS - ANSWER- Tachycardia Nausea Shortness of Breath H's & T's - H - ANSWER- Hypovolemia F Cells - ANSWER- Pancreatic Polypeptide Diastolic Pressure - Norm - ANSWER- 60-90mmHg Chief Cell - ANSWER- Parathyroid Hormone Venturi Device - ANSWER- Allows one to regulate oxygen concentration by attaching the proper color-coded adapter. COPD - Respiratory Drive - ANSWER- Dependent upon oxygen, as COPD patients have consistently high levels of carbon dioxide. FROPVD - ANSWER- Flow-Restricted Oxygen-Powered Ventilation Device FROPVD - Contraindication - ANSWER- Pediatric Patient Hypoxemia - Description - ANSWER- Abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the blood. Low oxygen saturation in the blood. Low arterial concentration of oxygen. Hypoxia - Description - ANSWER- Inadequate Tissue Oxygenation Deficiency in amount of O2 reaching the tissues. Inspiration - Mechanics - ANSWER- Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles Contract Expiration - Mechanics - ANSWER- Diaphragm and Intercostal Muscles Relax/Expand Respiratory Failure - ANSWER- Respiratory quality/pattern that is incompatible with life - if it continues. Inadequate gas exchange, that will result in arterial oxygen levels, carbon dioxide or both not being maintained at their normal levels. Respiratory Arrest - ANSWER- Cessation of breathing due to the lungs failure to function effectively. Respiratory Distress - ANSWER- difficulty breathing and the psychological experience associated with it, even if there is no physiological basis for such distress. Capnia - ANSWER- CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Blood Levels Apnea - ANSWER- Temporary Cessation of Breathing Artificial Ventilations - Inspiratory Duration - ANSWER- About 1 second, just long enough to see adequate chest rise and fall. Suctioning - Rx for Induced Vomiting - ANSWER- Remove catheter and roll patient to their side, to limit back flow of vomit. Shallow Breathing - Rx - ANSWER- Positive Pressure Ventilations Asthma - Irritants - ANSWER- Foods Exercise Allergens (Pollen) Blow-By Oxygen - Concentration (Pedi) - ANSWER- 5L Flail Chest - Rx - ANSWER- Positive Pressure Ventilation Reverses the mechanism that causes paradoxical chest wall movement, restoring tidal volume and reducing pain. Bronchitis - SxS - ANSWER- Greenish-Brown Sputum Fever COPD: Acute Exacerbation - Rx (Medication) - ANSWER- Duo-Nebulizer (Ipratroprium Bromide/Albuterol) - in addition to bronchodilation, it has the side- effect of drying up bronchial secretions. Atelectasis - ANSWER- Lung Collapse (Complete or Partial) Stenosis - ANSWER- Abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body. Arthrosclerosis - ANSWER- Deposit of plaque on arterial walls, causing stenosis. Arteriosclerosis - ANSWER- Thickening/hardening of the arterial walls, typical of old age. Fowler's Position - ANSWER- Supine with the head/shoulders elevated to a sitting position. Combitube - Contraindications - ANSWER- Under 16yo Caustic Substance Ingestion Gag-Reflex Cor Pulmonale - ANSWER- R-sided enlargement of the heart due to disease of the lungs or pulmonary blood vessels. CPR - Ventilation Rate - ANSWER- Deliver breathe for about 1 second, at a rate of about 8-10 per minute. Pleural Friction Rubbing - ANSWER- Grating or squeaking as a result of inflamed pleural layers, indicative of pneumonia. Emphysema - Breath Sounds - ANSWER- Common to hear wheezing during periods of difficulty breathing. Quiet Tachypnea - ANSWER- When a patient presents with a faster than normal RR, but is not in distress. Usually due to non-respiratory issues, such as pain. Eupnea - ANSWER- Normal, unlabored, good breathing. Respiration - ANSWER- The exchange of O2 and CO2 on the cellular level. Beta-2 Agonist - Effect - ANSWER- Bronchodilation and HR Increase Beta-2 Agonist - Side-Effect - ANSWER- Stimulate the cellular uptake of potassium, therefore given to hyperkalemic patients. Choking Emergency - Big, Fat, Flubber-F&*# - ANSWER- If you can't reach around their stomach, move up and do chest thrusts. Cheyne-Stokes - Indicates - ANSWER- Brainstem Injury Gurgling Respirations - Rx - ANSWER- Suction before any other interventions. Dysmenorrhea - ANSWER- Painful menstruation, typically accompanied by abdominal cramping. Diplopia - ANSWER- Double Vision Menorrhagia - ANSWER- Abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation. Labor Stages - Dilation - ANSWER- Begin: Onset of Labor End: Complete Dilation of the Cervix Labor Stages - Expulsion - ANSWER- Begin: End: Labor Stages - Placental - ANSWER- Begin: End: Completion of Delivery of the Placenta Difficult Deliveries: Most Likely to Occur in Which Trimester? - ANSWER- 3rd Trimester Shoulder Dystocia - ANSWER- Shoulders of the fetus become blocked by the symphysis pubis, requiring manipulation in order to be delivered. Pediatric HR - Newborn - ANSWER- 100-180 Pediatric HR - 1yo - ANSWER- 100-160 Pediatric HR - 2yo - ANSWER- 80-110 Pediatric HR - > 3yo - ANSWER- 65-110 Severe Respiratory Distress - SxS (Pedi) - ANSWER- See-Saw Breathing Retractions Nasal Flaring Antepartum - ANSWER- The time period during labor, leading up to delivery. Narcan - Dosage (Pedi) - ANSWER- 0.1mg/kg IV Head Trauma - AMS, Confused, Combative Patient Refusing Treatment - ANSWER- Restrain and Treat Reportable Collision - ANSWER- One that results in at least $1000 worth of damage. MDT - ANSWER- Mobile Data Terminal - computer wired to the radio system. Appropriate Patient Care - Main Principles - ANSWER- Justice Autonomy Nonmaleficence Beneficence Health Care Proxy - ANSWER- Person designated to make medical decisions for you in the event you cannot do so for yourself. Minimum amount of time for which air transport is deemed faster than ground? - ANSWER- 30 minutes ERG - ANSWER- North American Emergency Response Guidebook Comprehensive reference of hazardous materials organized by name and ID number. Minimum Distance to Park From an LZ - ANSWER- 30 feet MVA - Most at Risk Age Group - ANSWER- 6-12yo Regardless of whether they are the passenger in a car, pedestrian hit by a vehicle, or bicyclist hit by a vehicle. LSB - Year Introduced to EMS - ANSWER- 1968 Morals - ANSWER- Personal standards of right and wrong. MCI Triage - IMMEDIATE - ANSWER- Breathing with a Pulse Posturing Incomprehensible Sounds Cannot Localize Painful Stimuli MCI Triage - DELAYED - ANSWER- Breathing with a Pulse Responsive to Painful Stimuli MCI Triage - MINOR - ANSWER- Patient is walking. MCI Triage - DECEASED - ANSWER- Pulseless Apneic Water Rescue Model - ANSWER- Shout Reach Throw Row LZ - Maximum Slope - ANSWER- Ideal: 8 Degrees MAX: 10 Degrees MSDS Placcard - White - ANSWER- Specific Hazard MCI Triage - Apneic with a Pulse - ANSWER- Reposition airway and provide 5 rescue breaths. If the patient remains apneic, they are to be tagged as DECEASED. If they begin breathing again, tag them as IMMEDIATE. MVA - Airbag that has not deployed? - ANSWER- Loaded Airbag HazMat - Most Common Exposure Route - ANSWER- Inhalation MVA - Windshield Survey - ANSWER- Determine if Patients Appear Conscious Determine if Patients Are Moving Determine if Patients Are Attempting to Self-Extricate Anthrax - Largest Threat to Population Centers - ANSWER- Inhalational Anthrax Incendiary Agent - ANSWER- Decreased explosive power, but creates greater amounts of heat, increasing chances of creating burns. Meant to generate heat, fire and burns. DUMBELS - ANSWER- Nerve Agent Poisoning Defecation Urination Miosis Bradycardia Emesis Lacrimation Salivation BURP - ANSWER- NFPA Placard - Yellow - ANSWER- Instability/Reactivity NFPA Placard - Red - ANSWER- Flammability NFPA Placard - Blue - ANSWER- Health Hazard NFPA Placard - White - ANSWER- Special Notice/Specific Hazard Epidural Hematoma - SxS - ANSWER- Lucid Interval - period in which the patient regains consciousness and appear to be functioning normally. Epidural Hematoma - Description - ANSWER- Hemorrhage of the head, in which there is a buildup of blood between the dura matter and the skull. Epidural - Definition - ANSWER- On or around the dura mater. Subdural - Definition - ANSWER- Situated or occurring between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane of the brain and spinal cord. Subdural Hematoma - Description - ANSWER- Hemorrhage between the brain and the dura mater. Pleural Space - Capacity - ANSWER- 3000 mL MCI - JumpSTART Triage - ANSWER- Patients less than 8yo or 100lbs. Fx Fluid Capacity - Humerus or Tibia - ANSWER- 750mL APGAR Score - 0-3 - ANSWER- Severely Distressed APGAR Score - 4-6 - ANSWER- Mild/Moderate Distress APGAR Score - 7-9 - ANSWER- Slight Depression (Near Normal) APGAR Score - 10 - ANSWER- Best Possible Condition Radio Band - ANSWER- Range of Radio Frequencies Rule of 9's - Adult - ANSWER- Anterior/Posterior Head - 4.5% Each Anterior/Posterior Torso - 18% Each Anterior/Posterior Arms - 4.5% Each Anterior/Posterior Legs - 9% Each Getitalia - 1% DOTS - ANSWER- Deformity Open Wounds Tenderness Swelling Pulse Quality - Most Worrisome - ANSWER- Thready - indicates an associated problem that should be investigated further. Patient Tx - Critical Trauma/Temperature - ANSWER- Keep the box at a minimum of 85 degrees as the patient will be highly susceptible to hypothermia. Fraternal Twins - Placenta - ANSWER- 2 Separate Placenta Hyphema - ANSWER- Blood in the anterior chamber of the eye, appearing as a reddish tinge or pool at the bottom of the iris or cornea. Must be evaluated quickly or the patient risks losing his eye. Penetrating Trauma - Abdominal (Organs most likely to be affected) - ANSWER- Liver and Small Bowel Otoscope - ANSWER- Used to visually assess the ear drum. Charcoal - MoA - ANSWER- Adsorption - activated carbon binds to the molecules of a poison so they may not be absorbed by the body. Parkland Burn Formula - ANSWER- V = Pt Weight (kg) x Body Surface Burned (%) x 4 First half is to be given of first 8 hours with the remaining amount given over the remaining 16 hours. Toxidromes - ANSWER- The SxS related to a certain group of chemicals. Retrograde Amnesia - ANSWER- Inability to remember events that happened before an event/trauma. Anterograde Amnesia - ANSWER- Inability to remember events that happened after an event/trauma. mg to mcg - ANSWER- 1mg to 1000mcg CPR - Mouth-to-Mouth - ANSWER- Only if the rescuer feels comfortable and no other options are present. Sellick Maneuver - Pressure Placement Site - ANSWER- First Cartilaginous Ring Below the Thyroid Cartilage Restraint Types - Airbag - ANSWER- Supplemental Restraint Psychiatric Illness - Most Common Diagnosis - ANSWER- Major Depression Obtunded - ANSWER- Slow to respond, not actively interacting with environment, lethargic. AEIOU-TIPS - Purpose - ANSWER- Used to determine possible reasons a patient may be unconscious. AEIOU-TIPS - ANSWER- Alcohol Epilepsy Insulin Oxygen Uremia Toxins Infections Psych Stroke Nitro - Routes/Dosage - ANSWER- SL Tab: 0.4 mg SL Spray: 0.4 mg Paste: 1-2 inches Hemorrhage Stages - 4 - ANSWER- Blood loss > 35% Pediatrics - Greatest Risk of Injury From Falling - ANSWER- 1yo - 5yo Thready Pulse - ANSWER- Indicates an underlying problem that needs to be investigated further. Pregnancy - Imminent Sign of Delivery - ANSWER- Patient complains of "pressure" or involuntary pushing.