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Medical Terminology and Concepts, Exams of Nursing

A wide range of medical terminology and concepts, including various medical conditions, treatments, and procedures. It provides explanations and descriptions of different breath sounds, neurological functions, fracture types, skin conditions, diagnostic tests, and medication administration. The document also touches on topics related to nursing care, such as the roles and responsibilities of licensed practical nurses (lpns) and unlicensed assistive personnel (uaps). Additionally, it covers fluid and electrolyte imbalances, drug abuse and withdrawal, and end-of-life care. This comprehensive resource could be valuable for healthcare students, professionals, or anyone interested in expanding their medical knowledge.

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Older adults should not meperidine hydrochloride because prolonged half-life accumulates with repeated dosing; can lead to life-threatening seizures. Because physical changes of aging, older clients excrete this medication slowly, leading to risk for cerebral irritation & seizures.

  • ANSWER Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol) Low-grade toxicity characterized; ringing in ears, generalized pruritus (which may be severe), headache, dizziness, flushing, tachycardia, hyperventilation, sweating, & thirst. Marked toxicity manifested; hyperthermia, restlessness, abnormal breathing pattern, seizures, respiratory failure, and coma. High doses can produce GI bleeding or gastric mucosal lesions.
  • ANSWER Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) Treat hypercholesterolemia & hypertriglyceridemia. Decreases LDL cholesterol & plasma triglycerides & increases HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Contraindications; include active liver disease, unexplained elevated liver function tests, pregnancy, & lactation. Frequent side effect; headache. Adverse effects; photosensitivity & potential for developing cataracts. - ANSWER Atorvastatin (Lipitor) Heard over major bronchi. The upper sternum area is where major bronchi are located. - ANSWER Bronchovesicular breath sounds

Heard over the trachea & larynx.

  • ANSWER Bronchial (tracheal) breath sounds Heard over the peripheral lung fields.
  • ANSWER Vesicular breath sounds Usedmanage acute MI. Lyses thrombi obstructing coronary arteries, decreases infarct size, improves ventricular function, decreases risk of heart failure, & limits risk of death associated with myocardial infarction.(Dissolve any clots that are obstructing coronary arteries)
    • ANSWER Alteplase (Activase) Milk, eggs, meats, & dairy products are high in niacin.
  • ANSWER Niacin Early manifestations GI disturbances; anorexia, nausea, vomiting & neurological disturbances; fatigue, headache, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, & nightmares. Visual disturbances; photophobia, light flashes, halos around bright objects, & yellow or green color perception also may occur
  • ANSWER Digoxin toxicity Responsible for balance & coordination. Walker would provide stability for client during ambulation.
  • ANSWER The cerebellum Function is understanding of language. Difficulty understanding language.
  • ANSWER Wernicke's area Damage to area responsible for (aphasia) motor aspects of speech, through coordination muscular activity tongue, mouth, & larynx (difficulty articulating words)
  • ANSWER Broca's area Responsible for storage of memory. Unable to recall past events.
  • ANSWER Hippocampus Autonomic nervous system functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, & fluid & electrolyte balance (among others).
  • ANSWER Hypothalamus Is responsible for emotion
  • ANSWER Limbic system Is responsible for the sleep-wake cycle.
  • ANSWER Reticular activating system Cause vasodilation, which may cause headache. It will cause vasodilation of blood vessels in brain
  • ANSWER High CO2 level Cause vasoconstriction, which may cause lightheadedness
  • ANSWER Low CO2 levels Characterized by changes in dendrites of neurons. Decrease in number & composition of dendrites responsible for symptoms of disease.
  • ANSWER Alzheimer's disease Term used to describe spinal nerve root compression at the intervertebral foramen.
  • ANSWER Radiculitis

Caused by excessive pressure on median nerve as a result of injury, overuse, or disease. - ANSWER Carpal tunnel syndrome Results facial pain, also known as tic douloureux.

  • ANSWER Trigeminal neuropathy Motor nerve impacting shoulder function.
  • ANSWER Spinal accessory nerve Often involve supraspinatus tendon of shoulder
  • ANSWER Lesions of the rotator cuff Area responsible for longitudinal bone growth. Fracture affecting this area places child at risk for uneven future growth if proper healing does not occur.
  • ANSWER The epiphyseal line Affected by several nutrients. Include protein (especially purines), calcium, phosphorus, fluid intake, & vitamins A, B, C, & D.
  • ANSWER Musculoskeletal system Needed during pregnancy for healthy cell growth & repair. Pregnant woman should have at least four servings of folic acid-rich foods per day. Food items; glandular meats, yeast, legumes, whole grains, and dark green, leafy vegetables.
  • ANSWER Folic acid One that extends through only part of thickness of bone. Usually are nondisplaced, meaning that bone remains in normal position . - ANSWER Incomplete fracture

Bone protrudes through skin, disrupting soft tissue. – ANSWER An open (or compound) fracture Extends through full thickness of bone & often displaced, meaning that bone moves out of normal position.

  • ANSWER Complete fracture Incomplete dislocation of joint surfaces.
  • ANSWER Subluxation Disruption of a joint to extent that articulating surfaces are no longer in contact.
  • ANSWER Dislocation Muscle or ligament used beyond limit of its functional ability. Characterized by overstretching of muscle or ligament & also could involve tearing if strain is more severe (i.e., second- or third- degree strain versus first-degree strain).
  • ANSWER Strain Soft tissue injury that results in hemorrhage into involved tissue.
  • ANSWER Contusion Point at which ureters enter bladder. Juncture, ureter runs obliquely for 1.5 to 2 cm through bladder wall before opening into bladder. Anatomical pathway prevents reflux urine back into ureter &, acts as a valve to prevent urine from traveling back into ureter & up to kidney. - ANSWER Ureterovesical junction Because hydrogen ions contribute to acidosis in the body, the kidneys retain hydrogen ions in alkalosis to restore acid-base balance
  • ANSWER Metabolic alkalosis Do not manufacture adequate amounts of erythropoietin
  • ANSWER Chronic kidney disease Stimuli ADH release; increased plasma osmolality, decreased blood volume, hypotension, pain, dehydration from nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, & stress.
  • ANSWER Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Potassium-retaining diuretic. Potassium-retaining diuretics decrease reabsorption of sodium & water & inhibit excretion of potassium in renal collecting ducts. Avoid eating bananas. - ANSWER Triamterene (Dyrenium) Fiber responsible skin's toughness & resiliency & plays important role in healing process. - ANSWER Collagen Outermost layer, Stratum corneum. Which contains the horny or cornified cells.
  • ANSWER Skin cells that slough off loss of hair.
  • ANSWER Alopecia Dry skin
    • ANSWER Xerosis Excessive hair growth
    • ANSWER Hirsutism

Excessive sweating.

  • ANSWER Hyperhidrosis Blotchy brown macules across cheeks & forehead. Condition caused by hormonal influences on melanin production.
  • ANSWER Melasma Resemble a net in appearance
  • ANSWER Reticular skin lesions Ring-shaped.
  • ANSWER Annular lesions Shaped like an arc . - ANSWER Arciform lesions Can be caused by vasodilation from high environmental temperatures, fever, or inflammation - ANSWER Erythema (or redness) of the skin Occurs with increasing age & has no clinical significance. Appears assmall, round, bright red lesion on trunk or extremities
  • ANSWER Cherry angioma Results from increased pressure in veins, usually in lower legs, & has irregularly shaped bluish center with radiating branches.
  • ANSWER Venous star

Bright red center with legs that radiate outward. Commonly seen in liver disease & vitamin B deficiency, although they occasionally can occur without underlying pathology. - ANSWER Spider angiomas Fungal infection; results inflammation nail fold, with separation fold from nail plate. Affected area generally is tender to touch & has purulent drainage. - ANSWER Paronychia Purpuric lesion also known as a bruise - ANSWER Ecchymosis Used detect MI & decreased myocardial blood flow, & determine left ventricular function. Radioisotope injected intravenously; therefore a signed informed consent is necessary. - ANSWER Technetium 99m ventriculography (multigated acquisition [MUGA] scan CO2 acts as an acid in body. Rise in blood CO2 will result in a fall in blood pH. - ANSWER Retaining carbon dioxide (CO2) Are cations that contribute to a state of acidosis in body. - ANSWER Hydrogen ions

  1. Close the roller clamp on the IV tubing.
  2. Spike the IV bag & half-fill drip chamber.
  3. Open roller clamp & fill the tubing.
  4. Uncap the distal end of the tubing
  5. Attach distal end of the tubing to the client - ANSWER Prepares solution & IV tubing; Arrange actions in order
  6. Check compatibility phenytoin with IV solution.
  7. Draw up medication in a 3-mL syringe.
  8. Check client's identification (ID) bracelet.
  9. Pinch off IV tubing above injection port.
  1. Inject the medication.
  2. Document medication was administered. - ANSWER Prescription administer phenytoin (Dilantin) by intravenous push (IVP) throughIV line infusing 1000 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride. Arrange actions in order Injection cap should be discarded & new one applied whenever blood is drawn from lumen. - ANSWER Multilumen central venous catheter Symptoms of watery diarrhea, flatus, abdominal distention, pain, & fever. Diagnostic tests include stool culture with bowel biopsy. - ANSWER Cryptosporidiosis Measures titer antibodies that destroy nuclei cells & cause tissue death. When fluorescent method used, test sometimes referred to as FANA. Test is positive value greater than 1:8 will be present. - ANSWER Fluorescent antinuclear antibody titer (FANA) Tests for presence unusual antibodies of IgG & IgM types, which develop in some connective tissue diseases. - ANSWER Rheumatoid factor assay tests Confirm presence inflammation or infection in body. Useful for management of connective tissue disease because rate measured directly correlates with degree of inflammation & later with severity of disease. Normal ESR range 0 to 30 mm/hr Mild inflamation; 30 to 40 mm/hr Moderate inflamation; 40 to 70 mm/hr Severe inflammation; 70 to 150 mm/hr - ANSWER Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Diagnostic tests include viral culture & gross examination. Manifests painful, vesicular lesions that rupture & cause ulcers on tongue, lips, & buccal mucosa. - ANSWER Herpes simplex Observes for signs of bleeding, may cause swelling & compression of adjacent tissues. Laryngeal stridor results from compression of trachea & is a harsh, high-pitched sound heard on

inspiration & expiration. Laryngeal stridor is acute emergency, necessitating immediate attention to avoid complete obstruction airway. - ANSWER Parathyroidectomy Symptoms; postural Hypotension from fluid loss, syncope, muscle weakness, anorexia, nausea & vomiting, abdominal cramps, weight loss, depression, & irritability. - ANSWER Addison's disease Decreased blood glucose levels trigger autonomic nervous system signs & symptoms, such as nervousness, irritability, & tremors. - ANSWER Hypoglycemia Risk for perforation of ulcer. Will experience sudden, sharp, intolerable severe pain beginning in midepigastric area & spreading over abdomen, becomes rigid & board-like. - ANSWER Deep duodenal ulcer Upright position allows intestine to float posteriorly & helps prevent intestinal laceration during catheter insertion. Ideally sits upright in chair, with feet flat on floor & with bladder emptied before procedure. - ANSWER Paracentesis Antihypertensive medication used moderate to severe hypertension. Blood pressure & pulse monitored frequently after administration - ANSWER Hydralazine (Apresoline) Complications after include hemothorax, pneumothorax, & temporary pain from intercostal nerve injury. Have chest tube & drainage system available at bedside for use if hemothorax or pneumothorax develops - ANSWER Pleural biopsy Anticonvulsant causes (CNS) depression. Side effects; sedation, dizziness, ataxia, confusion. Administering bedtime negates risk of injury from sedation & enhances client safety. Administered at same time each day. - ANSWER Valproic acid (Depakene) Therapeutic level 1.0 to 1.5 mEq/L during acute mania & levels of 0.6 to 1.4 mEq/L for maintenance treatment. A level of 3.9 mEq/L is in the toxic range, and seizures may occur at levels of 3.5 mEq/L and higher. - ANSWER Serum lithium levels

The eyes are closed, head of bed is elevated to prevent edema formation, & gauze pads wet with saline are placed over them with a cool pack or small ice pack. Within 2 to 4 hours eyes are enucleated. Cornea is usually transplanted with 24 to 48 hours - ANSWER When a corneal donor dies symptoms; pain, itching, & thick, white vaginal discharge - ANSWER Vaginal Candida infection Ventricular rate greater 100 beats/min at risk low cardiac output due to loss of atrial kick. Assesses for palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, hypotension, pulse deficit, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, syncope, shortness of breath, & distended neck veins - ANSWER Uncontrolled atrial fibrillation Child who has a history of cleft palate should be routinely checked for hearing loss. - ANSWER Cleft palate First step attempting to unclog feeding tube is gently aspirating tube. If not successful, flush tube with warm water can be tried. Carbonated liquids sometimes used for flushing clogged tube (depending agency policy & procedure), but tube must be rinsed thoroughly afterward to avoid stickiness. Replacement of tube is last step if other actions are unsuccessful. - ANSWER Nasogastric (NG) feeding tube has become clogged Acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease, potassium intake must be restricted as much as possible (to 60 to 70 mEq/day). Primary mechanism of potassium removal during AKI is dialysis.

  • ANSWER Acute kidney injury (AKI) Use religion & spiritual & healing practices integrated into health care & illness practices. Eye contact avoided because; sign disrespect. Touching dead body usually is prohibited. Alcohol abuse common. Vitamin D deficiency is a concern. Corn important component diet. Increased risk for gallbladder disease. - ANSWER Native-American culture Considered intrusive to ask personal questions on the initial contact or meeting. - ANSWER African-American culture

Foods rich in color, flavor, texture, & spiciness. Any occasion is seen as time to celebrate with food. View food as primary form socialization. - ANSWER Hispanic-American View pain as part of living honorable life. May appear stoic & tolerant of high degree of pain. Offer pain medication on regular basis &, encourage pain relief interventions for client who does not complain pain despite physiological indicators. - ANSWER Filipinos Diet generally vegetarian, although meat may be consumed small amounts. Native Asians generally do not drink milk because of genetic tendency for lactose intolerance. Most Asian- Americans do not eat desserts high sugar content. - ANSWER Asian-American Pericardial friction rub is heard when inflammation pericardial sac is present during inflammatory phase of pericarditis. Chest pain worsens inspiration characteristic of both pericarditis & pleurisy. - ANSWER Pericarditis Characterized by persistent purulent nasal discharge, chronic cough due to nasal discharge, anosmia (loss of smell), nasal stuffiness, & headache worse on arising after sleep. - ANSWER Chronic sinusitis Absence of P waves, presence of wide & bizarre QRS complexes, & compensatory pause that follows ectopy. (Premature beats followed by a compensatory pause) - ANSWER Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) (Prone toe-in position) will promote internal rotation of hips, which will relax muscle, thereby making injection less painful. - ANSWER Administering (IM) injection gluteal muscle, position to best relax the muscle. Ipsilateral paralysis & loss of touch, pressure, vibration, & proprioception. Contralaterally, pain & temperature sensation are lost because these fibers decussate after entering cord. - ANSWER Brown-Séquard syndrome

Positioned supine head of bed elevated at a 45- to 60-degree angle. Places heart close proximity to chest wall for easier insertion of needle into pericardial sac. - ANSWER Pericardiocentesis to treat cardiac tamponade Anticoagulant. An adverse effect anticoagulant therapy is bleeding. Question about symptoms that could indicate bleeding: bleeding gums, bruising, hematuria, or dark tarry stools. - ANSWER Enoxaparin (Lovenox) Indicates increased number of immature neutrophils, an increased number of bands. Signals presence of an acute infectious process. - ANSWER Left shift Represents increased number mature neutrophils - ANSWER Right shift Occurs most often in alcoholics. Abstinence alcohol important to prevent from developing chronic pancreatitis. Usually experience malabsorption with weight loss. Limit fat in diet & take in small meals, will reduce amount of carbohydrates & protein that client must digest at any one time. - ANSWER Chronic pancreatitis Potentially hepatotoxic. Use of this medication investigated with symptoms compatible with liver disease (such as ascites & jaundice) acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) is antidote. To administered mix medication in flavored ice drink & allowing drink the medicine. Drink though straw also will minimize contact with mouth due to unpleasant taste. - ANSWER Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Experiences involuntary loss of urine soon after experiencing urgency. - ANSWER Urge incontinence Loss of urine is unpredictable & continuous - ANSWER Total incontinence Voids in increments of less than 50 mL under conditions of increased abdominal pressure. - ANSWER Stress incontinence

Occurs rather predictable times that correspond when certain bladder volume is attained. - ANSWER Reflex incontinence Because compromise respiration leading cause death cervical cord injury, respiratory assessment highest priority. Assessment temperature & strength can be done after adequate oxygenation is ensured - ANSWER C4 spinal cord injury Erythema on face, giving a "slapped cheeks" appearance - ANSWER Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) Obtained using sterile gloves & sterile container. After obtaining specimen, stool is sent immediately to laboratory - ANSWER Stool smear specimen If experience chills, fever, flushing face/trunk, tachycardia, syncope, tingling, & an unpleasant taste in mouth; Manifestations of what is called "red neck syndrome." Corrective action administer medication more slowly. - ANSWER Vancomycin (Vancocin) Necrosis & inflammation are seen in muscle fibers & myocardial fibers. - ANSWER Polymyositis

  • ANSWER Thyroidectomy May require bedrest prevent embolization of thrombus, anticoagulation to prevent thrombus extension & allow for thrombus autodigestion, fluids for hemodilution & decrease blood viscosity, & elastic stockings to reduce peripheral edema & promote venous return. Prevents complications of immobility encouraging coughing & deep breathing. Venous return important maintain because it is contributing factor DVT. Avoids providing foods rich in vitamin K; dark green, leafy vegetables, because this vitamin can interfere with anticoagulation. Not include use of sequential compression boots for an existing thrombus. They are used only to prevent DVT, because they mimic skeletal muscle action & can disrupt an existing thrombus, leading to pulmonary embolism. - ANSWER Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Droplet precautions required because this type of pneumonia transmitted by droplet nuclei larger than 5 mm. Nurse wears mask while in room. - ANSWER Mycoplasmal pneumonia Short-term parenteral IV infusion. Client who is not tolerating medications orally (N&V) & has seizure disorder would need anticonvulsant administered parenteral route. (If client is unable to keep anticonvulsants down orally, this medication would be given) - ANSWER Fosphenytoin sodium (Cerebyx) Two thirds of distance between the antecubital fossa and the shoulder - ANSWER Blood pressure school-age child. Obtain accurate measurement, how should nurse position blood pressure cuff? All inanimate objects are given living meaning. (Piaget's theory) - ANSWER Animism Child talks just for fun & cannot see another's point of view. - ANSWER Egocentric speech Means that if any part of object or situation changes, whole thing has changed. - ANSWER Global organization Realization that something out of sight still exists, occurs in later phases of sensorimotor stage of development. - ANSWER Object permanence Opioid analgesic that can precipitate withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent client. Contraindicated if client history of opioid dependency. Client in labor may be given parenteral analgesia during first stage of labor, up to 2-3 hours before anticipated delivery - ANSWER Butorphanol tartrate Pain, helplessness, panicking, & fear of losing control are possible behaviors - ANSWER Transition phase of first stage of labor

Usually have head of bed elevated 30 degrees (Semi-Fowler's) reduce intracranial pressure that can occur from hemorrhage. Head should be in midline, neutral position; facilitate venous drainage from brain. - ANSWER Hemorrhagic stroke Head of bed usually kept flat ensure adequate blood flow & thus oxygenation to brain. - ANSWER Ischemic stroke Head of bed kept 30 degrees (Semi-Fowlers) promote venous outflow through jugular veins - ANSWER Supratentorial craniotomy Greater risk post operation complications; history alcohol abuse risk for liver disease, including altered metabolism & elimination of medications, impaired wound healing, & clotting & bleeding abnormalities. Client with this risk factor also would be at risk for experiencing alcohol withdrawal during postoperative period. - ANSWER Alcohol abuse Medication used to treat iron overload - ANSWER Deferoxamine Central line inserted upper arm. Flexible catheter that terminates in superior vena cava of heart. Placement verified by x-ray. PICCs intended long-term intravenous catheter placement. Reasonable cost; do not need routine replacements; reliable. Less likely result in infiltration & can be used for administration of number different types medications without extravasation. - ANSWER Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) Most likely occur within first 6 to 8 hours after abrupt cessation; however, it can occur over next several days. - ANSWER Alcohol withdrawal Hyperpnea with Kussmaul's respirations; headache; nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea; fruity- smelling breath resulting from improper fat metabolism; central nervous system depression, including mental dullness, drowsiness, stupor, & coma; twitching; & convulsions. Hyperkalemia will occur. - ANSWER Metabolic acidosis

Diagnose acute & chronic conditions of the joint. In addition, surgical repairs can be done during this procedure. - ANSWER Arthroscopy Spread through infected aerosolized water. The mode of transmission is not person to person. Antibiotics must be given for the entire duration of the prescription - ANSWER Legionnaires' disease

  • ANSWER Thrombophlebitis
  • ANSWER Transrectal ultrasound examination Treatment gonorrhea consists antibiotic therapy, usually with ceftriaxone & doxycycline (Vibramycin). - ANSWER Ceftriaxone (Rocephin)
  • ANSWER Epiglottitis Done for diagnostic purposes. Outlines both gallbladder & ducts, so gallstones that have moved into ductal system can be detected. - ANSWER Intravenous cholangiogram Used to reduce growth hormone levels in clients with acromegaly. Common side effects: diarrhea, nausea, gallstone formation, & abdominal discomfort. - ANSWER Octreotide (Sandostatin) Combination two nucleoside analogues, which target viral replication during reverse transcription phase of cell cycle, & protease inhibitor, which targets viral replication at a different phase. - ANSWER Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) Using an oil-based contrast agentdye is removed at end of procedure. Positioned flat in bed for approximately 8 hours after dye is removed. If water-based contrast medium is used, positioned with head of bed elevated 30 degrees for 6-8 hours to keep dye from irritating cerebral meninges. - ANSWER Myelography

Factors increase risk; bottle-feeding, household smoking, exposure to illness from other children in day care, & congenital conditions; Down's syndrome & cleft palate. Use pacifier beyond 6 months has been identified as another risk factor. Allergies are also thought precipitate otitis media. - ANSWER Otitis media Postion: Lateral recumbent, with knees flexed to abdomen & head bent, chin resting on the chest - ANSWER Lumbar puncture (LP) Solid tumor found only in children. Arises from neural crest cells that develop into sympathetic nervous system & adrenal medulla. Tumor compresses adjacent normal tissue & organs. Neuroblastoma cells may excrete catecholamines & their metabolites. Urine samples will indicate elevated VMA levels. - ANSWER Neuroblastoma Chronic multisystem disorder that affects exocrine glands. Mucus produced by these glands (particularly those of bronchioles, small intestine, & pancreatic & bile ducts) is abnormally thick, causing obstruction small passageways of these organs. Transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. - ANSWER Cystic fibrosis (CF) Assess for airway or breathing immediately. Examine amputation site & apply direct pressure using layers of dry gauze or another type of cloth. Sterile gloves & sterile gauze should always be used if available. If sterile materials not available, clean materials should be used. Gauze applied is pressure dressing & not removed because risk dislodgement of clot that may be forming; pressure dressing removed at hospital. Extremity elevated above heart level to decrease bleeding. Severed finger wrapped dry, sterile gauze (if available) or a clean cloth. Placed watertight, sealed plastic bag. Then watertight, sealed plastic bag placed in bag of ice water; never placed directly on ice, & contact between finger & water avoided because of risk tissue damage. Severed part transported hospital with victim for possible replanting. Additionally, emergency medical services called to transport victim to hospital. - ANSWER Amputation of a finger Skin traction to realign fracture in lower extremity & immobilize hip & knee in a flexed position. Important keep hip flexion at prescribed angle prevent fracture malalignment. - ANSWER Russell's traction

In response increasing levels estrogen, cervix becomes congested with blood, resulting in characteristic bluish color that extends to include vagina & labia. This discoloration, referred to as Chadwick's sign, is one of earliest signs of pregnancy. - ANSWER Chadwick's sign Hyperglycemia & Hypercalciuria can occur, particularly during first 2-3 months of therapy. Growth hormone therapy is associated with decline in thyroid function - ANSWER Growth hormone replacement therapy Applied directly to wound & should be changed every 3-5 days (or more frequently if drainage from wound is excessive). - ANSWER Hydrocolloid gel (DuoDERM) Symptoms; tremors, tachycardia, marked irritability, muscular rigidity, hypertension, & exaggerated startle reflex. Difficult to console & exhibit inability to respond to voices or environmental stimuli. Often poor feeders & have episodes of diarrhea. - ANSWER Neonates exposed to cocaine in utero Consists of three phases: follicular, ovulatory, & luteal. - ANSWER The ovarian cycle Also known as uterine cycle, & Consists of three phases; menstruation, proliferative phase, & secretory phase. - ANSWER Endometrial cycle. Treated same way ventricular fibrillation with measures that include defibrillation, CPR & medication therapy, with agents such as vasopressin, epinephrine, amiodarone, lidocaine, & magnesium sulfate. - ANSWER Pulseless ventricular tachycardia Oxygen & metoprolol (to slow ventricular response) are appropriate. Echocardiogram will help to assess heart valve function because mitral valve disease can lead to atrial fibrillation. Bolus of intravenous heparin followed by a continuous infusion to prevent thrombus. - ANSWER Atrial fibrillation the ventricles

Can perform tasks that (UAP) can (skin care, range-of-motion exercises, grooming, ambulation, hygiene measures) as well as dressing changes, endotracheal suctioning, urinary catheterization, & medication administration (oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, some piggy- back medications). *Oral medication administration. *Data collection, cannot assess. *Urinary catheterization *Endotracheal suctioning *Intramuscular medication administration *Subcutaneous medication administration - ANSWER Licensed practical nurse (LPN) (Non-invasive) *Range-of-motion (ROM) exercise *Cleaning a client's dentures *Ambulating a postoperative client *Taking vital signs on clients *Assist client with urinary drainage catheter into chair *A client needing a bed bath *A client needing to ambulate *A client requiring assistance with feeding *A client needing to use bedside commode *Providing distraction for client by engaging him/her in a board game *Client admitted dehydration on strict I&O *Client who requires turning every 2 hours *Confused older client who requires feeding *Client 4 days postoperative exploratory laparotomy require ambulation 4 times day *Measuring client's height & weight *Monitoring oral intake & urinary output - ANSWER Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)

Immunosuppressive therapy & management of organ transplant patients. Dispense oral liquid into glass container using a specially calibrated pipette. Should not use any other type of dropper to calibrate amount of prescribed medication. - ANSWER Cyclosporine (Sandimmune) Narrows perceptual field & selective inattentiveness occurs. - ANSWER Moderate anxiety Significant somatic complaints, ineffective functioning, loud or rapid speech, & purposeless activity. (Hyperventilation, pacing, rapid speech, & headache) - ANSWER Severe anxiety Associated with feeling dread & terror & sense of impending doom. If prolonged, panic can lead to exhaustion & death. - ANSWER Panic State in which person's mental capacity recognize reality, communicate, & relate to others is impaired, interfering with person's ability to deal with life's demands. - ANSWER Psychosis Portable & client controls system for relieving pain & reducing need for analgesics. Attached to skin of body by electrodes. Hospitalization is not required. - ANSWER Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) Cough is most frequent early symptom lung cancer, begins as nonproductive & hacking, & progresses to productive. In smoker who already has a cough,change in character & frequency of cough usually occurs. - ANSWER Lung cancer 1 oz = 30 ml - ANSWER Total intake Calculation Located midway between right anterior superior iliac crest & umbilicus. Usually location of greatest pain in child with appendicitis. - ANSWER McBurney's point Assessment; neurological depression, drowsiness & lethargy, loss of deep tendon reflexes, respiratory insufficiency, bradycardia, & hypotension. - ANSWER Hypermagnesemia

Assessment; Tetany, twitches, & positive Trousseau's sign. Tall T waves & depressed ST segment would be observed. - ANSWER Hypomagnesemia Used for treatment of hyperkalemia. Releases sodium ions primarily in exchange for potassium ions. Therapeutic effect occurs 2-12 hours after oral administration & longer after rectal administration. - ANSWER Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) 5% dextrose in water (D5W) 0.9% saline (NS) 5% dextrose in 0.225% saline (5% D/¼ NS) - ANSWER Isotonic solution 0.45% saline (½ NS) - ANSWER Hypotonic solution 10% dextrose in water (D10W) 5% dextrose in 0.9% saline (5% D/NS) 5% dextrose in 0.45% saline (5% D/½ NS) - ANSWER Hypertonic solutions Ingests large amount; risk for developing metabolic acidosis 24 hours after poisoning. Metabolic acidosis occurs, may exhibit hyperpnea with Kussmaul's respirations, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fruity-smelling breath because of improper fat metabolism, CNS depression, twitching, convulsions, & hyperkalemia. Shortly after aspirin overdose, may exhibit respiratory alkalosis as a compensatory mechanism. By 24 hours post-overdose, however, compensatory mechanism fails and the client reverts to metabolic acidosis. - ANSWER Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) Risk for developing hyperkalemia. Potassium-sparing diuretic; results in excretion sodium, chloride, & water & retention of potassium & phosphate. - ANSWER Spironolactone (Aldactone)

Precipitated or exacerbated by physical or emotional stress, dysrhythmias, infections, anemia, thyroid disorders, pregnancy, Paget's disease, nutritional deficiencies (thiamine, alcoholism), pulmonary disease, & hypervolemia. - ANSWER Heart failure ST segment elevation or depression observed. - ANSWER Myocardial ischemia described as Pao2 of 60 mm Hg or lower & Paco2 of 50 mm Hg or higher in client with no history of respiratory disease. - ANSWER Respiratory failure

  • ANSWER Pulmonary embolism Oxygen used cautiously & should not exceed 2 L/min. Because long-standing hypercapnia that occurs in emphysema, respiratory drive is triggered by low oxygen levels rather than increased carbon dioxide levels. - ANSWER Emphysema with chronic hypercarbia & receiving oxygen Stimulates motility upper GI track. Used to stimulate gastric emptying, for treatment of gastroparesis & treat gastroesophageal reflux disease. May also be prescribed to relieve nausea & vomiting - ANSWER Metoclopramide (Reglan) Antiemetic agent used to treat nausea & vomiting. - ANSWER Trimethobenzamide hydrochloride (Tigan) Goal treatment rest bowel & allow inflammation to subside. NPO & placed on bed rest. Pain occurs from bowel spasms, & increased intra-abdominal pressure (coughing & deep breathing) may precipitate an attack. - ANSWER Acute diverticulitis
  • ANSWER Somatropin (Humatrope)
  1. Check the client's blood glucose level.
  2. Give the client ½ cup of fruit juice to drink
  1. Take the client's vital signs.
  2. Retest the blood glucose level.
  3. Give small snack carbohydrate & protein.
  4. Document complaints, actions taken, & outcome. - ANSWER Hospitalized client type 1 diabetes mellitus received Humulin N & Humulin R insulin 2 hours ago at 7:30 am. Calls nurse & reports feeling hungry, shaky, & weak. Ate breakfast at 8 am & is due to eat lunch at noon. (order of actions) Arm edema on operative side; complication after mastectomy. Can occur immediately postoperatively or months to even years after surgery. - ANSWER Lymphedema Implements usual coping methods to bring about relief from problem & shows signs of anxiety that these methods are failing. - ANSWER First phase of the crisis response Involves redefining threat; implementation of new coping methods that can result in resolution of problem. Resolution does not occur second phase, progresses to severe or panic levels of anxiety reflective of third phase of response. - ANSWER Second phase of crisis response Resolution does not occur second phase, progresses to severe or panic levels of anxiety. - ANSWER Third phase of crisis response Protective hydrocolloid dressings designed to be left in place for 7 days unless leakage occurs around dressing. Dressing will need to be changed sooner if increased exudate is present. - ANSWER DuoDERM Dorsiflex foot & assess for pain in calf area. Presence of pain may indicate positive Homans' sign. - ANSWER Homans' sign Used as a plasma expander. Responsible for maintaining osmolality of blood. When albumin low; can lead to peripheral edema. - ANSWER Albumin

Hypertonic soluition. Advantage is they may be used to treat hypovolemia when plasma expanders are not readily available. - ANSWER 5% dextrose in 0.45% sodium chloride Changed every 48 to 72 hours, which is every 2 to 3 days - ANSWER IV site dressings

  1. Explain the procedure to the client.
  2. Apply pressure over ulnar & radial arteries
  3. Ask open & close the hand repeatedly.
  4. Release pressure from the ulnar artery.
  5. Assess color extremity distal to pressure point.
  6. Document the findings - ANSWER Steps in which order to conduct an Allen's test? Allens test; determines adequacy of ulnar circulation Produces estrogen-like effects. - ANSWER Black cohosh Stimulates immune system & used for its antiviral properties. stimulates the immune system and is used for its antiviral properties. - ANSWER Zinc used for nausea & vomiting - ANSWER Ginger Stimulates immune system. - ANSWER Echinacea Avocado, canned white tuna, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables; spinach & broccoli, milk, oatmeal, peanut butter, peas, pork, beef, chicken, potatoes, raisins, & yogurt. - ANSWER Magnesium Long, wide, &/or protruding ears; long, narrow face with prominent jaw; large protruding ears; & large testes. - ANSWER Fragile X syndrome