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Medical Terminology and Concepts, Exams of Nursing

A wide range of medical terminology and concepts, including anatomy, physiology, medical procedures, medical abbreviations, insurance and billing, and nutrition. It provides accurate answers to various multiple-choice questions on these topics, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of fundamental medical knowledge. The document could be useful for students preparing for exams, healthcare professionals reviewing key concepts, or anyone interested in expanding their medical vocabulary and comprehension. The level of detail and breadth of topics covered suggest this document could serve as a valuable study resource, reference guide, or supplementary material for courses related to healthcare, medicine, or allied health fields.

Typology: Exams


Available from 09/17/2024

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Download Medical Terminology and Concepts and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! CMA PRACTICE TEST QUESTIONS 2024|2025 |GUARANTEED PASS A patient with a rapid pulse had bradycardia - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False Water-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False Carbon dioxide is a waste product of metabolism - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Some states consider it legal for medical assistants to diagnose a condition and prescribe treatment - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False It is illegal for a patient to be denied a copy of his chart if he is unable to pay the fee to obtain it - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True A physician cannot be held responsible for the actions of employees - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False A substance used to impart color to tissue or cells in order to study and identify microscopic organisms is called a stain - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Another name for a heart attack is a myocardial infarction - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True A properly collected sputum specimen should contain both mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract and saliva - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False The most reliable and timely method of transporting microbiologic specimens is pickup by the laboratory - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Hepat stands for root of kidney - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False A medical assistant needs additional training to be able to perform microbiologic tests, such as sensitivity tests, and to interpret cultures of specimens - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Viruses are found in soil - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True The process of blood cells clumping together to form a clot is called coagulation - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Water contributes about 60% of body weight - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Vesting means that you have a legal right to all money in your account - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Trichinella spiralis is a roundworm that enters the body in infected meat eaten raw or undercooked - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True In a medical practice, accounts receivable describes the money in your account - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False A customary fee is the fee a doctor charges for a service or procedure - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False The physician usually authorizes several people to handle the purchasing of supplies and other products - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False Infarction is an area of dead tissue caused by an invasion of bacteria or loss of blood supply - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False The percentage the employer pays for federal unemployment taxes decreases if the employer also pays state unemployment taxes - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Untreated strep throat is not serious and does not lead to complications - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False Metabolism is the sum of all cellular processes that build, maintain, and supply energy to living tissue. - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True The daily recommended allowance for fat in the adult diet is 50 to 50% - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False The typical American diet contains 2 to 5 g sodium daily - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Most fungi do not cause disease in humans - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True Encepal means neck - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ False Cyst means bladder - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ True The medical term for headache - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Cephalalgia A word meaning fever is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Pyrexia Low blood sugar is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Hypoglycemia Variola is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Smallpox The word part which means joint is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Arthro Excessive tissue formation is referred to as - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Hyperplasia One who studies cells is referred to as a - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Cytologist Incision into the chest wall is referred to as - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Thoracotomy Under the skin is referred to as - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Hypodermic Ariomegaly refers to - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Enlargement of the atrium of the heart One complete heartbeat, combining the contraction and relaxation phases is known as the - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Cardiac cycle Resection refers to - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Cutting or removal of a portion of When using a standard white blood cell pipette for determining a white blood cell count, the total number of cells counted is multiplied by - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 50 the most common bacteriology stain is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ gram stain The most common positions for chest x-rays are - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ PA and lateral Gram staining is done to determine - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ whether a bacteria is gram positive or gram negative On a normal ECG tracing, the first wave to show downward deflection is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Q wave The first sound heard when taking blood pressure is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ systolic pressure Normal oral temperature is 98.6*F. The equivalent Celsius temperature is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 37.0*C Ultrasound waves are disrupted by - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ air and gas Ultrasound is commonly - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ given with electrical stimulation the largest white blood cells are the - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ monocytes Which of the following needles has the widest lumen? A. 19 gauge B. 22 gauge C. 21 gauge D. 25 gauge - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 19 gauge An injection into the tissues between the skin and muscle is called - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ subcutaneous the layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin and the surface layer of mucous and serous membranes - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ epithelium The epidermis contains - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ melanocytes The term strata means - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ several layers Neurons that carry impulses toward the brain or spinal cord are - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ afferent neurons A large molecule which is the main constituent of chromosomes is referred to as - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ deoxyriboneucleic acid (DNA) Red blood cells appear red due to the presence of - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ oxyhemoglobin the heartbeat is normally regulated by the - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves the median or sagittal plane divides the body - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ into left and right A patient in the prone position is lying - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ face down a patient in the supine position is lying - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ flat on their back with palms and face up Proximal - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ is the opposite of distal the body is divided into front and back by which of the following planes? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Coronal The opposite of ventral is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ dorsal What part of a prescription includes the name of the drug and the amount? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ transcription Which part of the prescription contains the patient's instructions - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ inscription What would you do to secure the handling of prescription pads? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ suggest that the physician write prescribed amounts of medication in both numerals and words The action of antihypertensive drugs is to - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ reduce blood pressure TID means - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 3 times a day PRN means - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ as needed What is the abbreviation for last menstrual period - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ LMP What is the abbreviation for right eye - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ O.D. What is the abbreviation for hematocrit blood test? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hct what is the abbreviation for carcinoma - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ CA what is the abbreviation for every other day - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ q.o.d. What is the abbreviation for microgram - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ mcg. When performing a finger puncture the first drop of blood should be - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ wiped away The packed red blood cell volume is determined by - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ performing a hematocrit test when doing a differential white blood cell count, the total number of cells counted is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 100 the time the film is allowed to remain in the fix solution is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ twice as long as the developing time the most common place to take a pulse is at the - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ radial artery When applying a cast the paster - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ is applied over a stockinette if a carotid pulse was taken, it was taken at the - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ neck Palpation is done by - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ feeling a part with the hand A patient is bleeding heavily from a wound on the forearm, you should - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ apply direct pressure The normal pulse rate for children from one to seven years of age is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 80 to 120 The normal pulse rate for children over the age of seven is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 80 to 90 The normal pulse rate for adults is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 60 to 80 The process of measuring as done in chest expansion is called - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ mensuration The medication for injections should be verified at least - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ three times An inadequate supply of essential nutrients in the diet may result in - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ malnutrition What comprises about 60% of the body's wight - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ water blindness can result from a severe lack of - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Vitamin A the vitamin that is necessary for the proper clotting of blood is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Vitamin K good sources of vitamin c are - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ citrus fruits a microorganism is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ tiny animal or plant a typical symptom of a food allergy is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hives iron is known to be a necessary component of - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ hemoglobin Fat-soluble vitamins - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ are slower than water-soluble vitamins to exhibit deficiencies the amount of energy need to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1*C is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ calorie What is the most essential nutrient for building and repairing cells and tissue - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ protein Each gram of ___ contains four calories - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ protein It is recommended that what percentage of an individual's total daily caloric intake be made up of carbohydrates? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 50% to 60% What is used for immediate fuel and are converted to glucose - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Carbohydrates After the body's carbohydrate reserves are depleted, which of the following does the body burn? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ lipids What is the daily recommendation of fiber for adults? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 20 to 30mg The recommended daily adult cholesterol intake is no more than - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ 300 mg What are saturated fats? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ coconut and palm oils the most important nutrient that is essential for the production of red blood cells is - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ iron What vitamin is an intracellular antioxidant, maintains cell structures, and aids the formation of red blood cells - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Vitamin E what vitamin builds bones and teeth, is found in egg yolks, butter, and fortified milk? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Vitamin D Vitamin ___ is rich in citrus fruits, mangoes, strawberries, and green leafy vegetables - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ C What maintains fluid and acid base balance and its main dietary source is salt? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ sodium What is important in the maintenance of muscle contraction and is found in foods such as bananas, raisins, oranges, and potatoes? - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ potassium