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Medical Terminology and Concepts, Exams of Medicine

A collection of medical terminology and concepts, covering a wide range of topics in the field of healthcare. Questions and answers related to various medical conditions, treatments, and diagnostic procedures. It covers topics such as immunity, blood disorders, neurological conditions, organ systems, and more. The level of detail and breadth of information suggests that this document could be useful for medical students, healthcare professionals, or individuals interested in expanding their knowledge of medical terminology and concepts. However, the document does not provide any contextual information or a cohesive narrative, making it more suitable for reference or review purposes rather than in-depth study.

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  1. Which of the following nerves innervates the deltoid muscle? A. Ulnar nerve. Radial nerve C. Median nerve D. Axillary nerve - Correct Answer D. Axillary nerve
  2. Each of the following is a member of rotator cuff muscles EXCEPT: A. Trees major.B.Infraspinatus. C. Subscapularis. Supraspinatus. - Correct Answer A. Trees major
  3. Inability to flex the thigh over the body trunk is most likely caused by paralysis of. A. Iliopsoas. Quadriceps. Hamstrings. Gluteus maximus. - Correct Answer a. Iliopsoas
  4. The most abundant white blood cells in the circulating blood are: A.Monocytes. B. Eosinophils C. Neutrophils. D. Lymphocytes. - Correct Answer Neutrophils
  5. The majority of the fluid leave the body as: A. Sweat through the skin. B. Feces through the GI tract. C. Urine through the kidneys. Dewaters in expired air through the lungs. - Correct Answer C. Urine through the GI tract
  6. A child is immune to certain infectious diseases after being properly vaccinated. This represents a type of: A. Naturally acquired active immunity. B. Naturally acquired passive immunity. C. Artificially acquired active immunity. D. Artificially acquired passive immunity. - Correct Answer C. Artificially acquired active immunity
  7. Which of the following is NOT a communicable infectious disease? A. Tetanus. Leprosy. C. Hepatitis. D. Tuberculosis. - Correct Answer A. Tetanus
  8. A value of 28 in the body mass index {BMI} is interpreted as being A. Normal. Overweight. C. Stage Me obese. Dosage II obese. - Correct Answer B. Overweight
  9. A male patient has suffered from shooting sciatic pain with radiation down to both legs. The pain is worsened by spinal movement and by sneezing or coughing. A positive straight leg-raising sign and decreased ankle jerks are found. These symptoms and signs are highly suggestive of: A. Ankylosing spondylitis. B.

Degenerative joint disease. C. Paravertebral muscle spasm. D. Herniated intervertebral disc. - Correct Answer D. herniated intervertebral disc

  1. Which drug affecting blood interferes with the function of platelets? A. Aspirin. B. Heparin. C. Warfarin. D. Alteplase. - Correct Answer A. Aspirin
  2. Which drug affecting blood interferes with the function of platelets? A. Aspirin.
  3. B. Heparin. C. Warfarin. D. Alteplase. - Correct Answer A. Aspirin
  4. Which endogenous neurotransmitter resembles opiates in their abilities to produce pain relief and a feeling of well-being? A. Endorphin. B. Epinephrine. C. Acetylcholine. D. Norepinephrine. - Correct Answer A. Endorphin
  5. B-Lactam antibiotics, such as penicillin’s and cephalosporins, are used to treat bacterial infections by: A. Inhibiting the bacterial protein synthesis. B. Disrupting the bacterial DNA replication. C. Preventing the synthesis of bacterial folic acid. D. Interfering with the bacterial cell wall synthesis. - Correct Answer D.
  6. Interfering with the bacterial cell wall synthesis
  7. Albuterol [Ventolin®], a non-catecholamine direct-acting adrenergic agonist, is clinically used to control the symptoms of: A. Asthma. B. Influenza. C. Pneumonia. D. Sinus infection. - Correct Answer A. Asthma
  8. Donepezil [Aricept®] is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that is currently approved for the treatment of: A. Insomnia. B. Depression. C. Parkinson's disease. D. Alzheimer's disease. - Correct Answer D. Alzheimer's disease
  9. What action should an acupuncturist take if a needle breaks off below the skin while treating the patient? A. Do not inform the patient because he or she may pass out. B. Consult a physician for surgical removal of the broken needle. C. Tell the patient to calm down and call another more experienced acupuncturist. D. Use aseptic technique to cut open the skin and try to withdraw the broken needle. - Correct Answer B. Consult a physician for surgical removal of the broken needle.
  10. An elderly patient suddenly faints while waiting for the acupuncture treatment in the clinic. He has a history of coronary artery disease. On checking the vital signs, you find that his blood pressure is 80/50 mmHg, and his pulse and breathing are weak. What immediate action should you take? A. Call 911. B. Perform CPR. C. Contact the patient's family doctor. D. Resuscitation by needling Du 20 and Du 26. - Correct Answer A. Call 911
  11. Bending the head forward on the chest is a movement known as: A. Flexion. B. Extension. C. Protraction. D. Depression. - Correct Answer A. Flexion
  1. Chief complaints are the patient's: A. Objective sign. B. Own diagnosis. C. Presenting symptom. D. Most current problem. - Correct Answer C. Presenting symptom.
  2. For a case of suspected diabetes insipidus, which laboratory test below is most diagnostic? A. Uric acid level. B. Blood ADH level. C. Fasting blood sugar. D. 2- hour postprandial glucose. - Correct Answer B. Blood ADH level.
  3. The visual center of the brain is located in the: A. Frontal lobe. B. Parietal lobe. C. Occipital lobe. D. Temporal lobe. - Correct Answer C. Occipital lobe.
  4. Which of the following is NOT one of the actions of aspirin and other nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]? A. Analgesic. B. Antibiotic. C. Antipyretic. D. Anti-inflammation - Correct Answer B. Antibiotic
  5. Sphygmomanometer is a medical instrument used to measure the A. Intraocular pressure. B. Intracranial pressure. C. Arterial blood pressure. D. Jugular venous pressure. - Correct Answer C. Arterial blood pressure
  6. A patient is seen in the clinic with a chief complaint of pain in the epigastric area. The pain seems to be partly relieved by sitting up or leaning forward and also radiates toward the mid-back. Which organ listed below is most likely involved? A. Liver. B. Stomach. C. Pancreas. D. Gallbladder. - Correct Answer C. Pancreas
  7. Which type of hepatitis is transmitted via fecal-oral route? A. Hepatitis A. B. Hepatitis B. C. Hepatitis C. D. Hepatitis D. - Correct Answer A) Hepatitis A
  8. A study of the recorded electrical changes in corneoretinal potential caused by movements of the eye is known as: A. Electromyography [EMG]. B. Electrocardiography [ECG]. C. Electronystagmography [ENG]. D. Electroencephalography [EEG] - Correct Answer C. Electronystagmography
  9. An elevated blood creatinine level supports the diagnosis of diseases related to the A. Lung. B. Liver. C. Heart. D. Kidney. - Correct Answer D. Kidney
  10. Bipolar disorder is a broad term used to describe a recurrent: A. Anxiety or panic disorder. B. Manic or depressive disorder. C. Obsessive or compulsive disorder. D. Anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. - Correct Answer B. Manic or depressive disorder
  11. Occult blood {OB} test is a part of routine screening for people over the age of 50 years. It is used to detect small quantities of blood in the A. Stool. B. Urine. C. Sputum. D. Vaginal discharge. - Correct Answer A. Stool
  12. A 75-year-old woman comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of pain in the hip and knee joint [especially on use], stiffness after inactivity, and functional

impairment of gait. Her radiography shows some structural changes, such as loss of joint space, formation of osteophytes [spurs], etc. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? A. Fracture. B. Osteoporosis. C. Osteoarthritis. D. Rheumatoid arthritis. - Correct Answer C. Osteoarthritis

  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of A. Ulnar nerve. B. Radial nerve C. Median nerve. D. Axillary nerve. - Correct Answer C].Median nerve
  2. Smoking as a risk factor increases the incidence of all of the following medical conditions EXCEPT A. Sudden infant death syndrome [SIDS]. B. Intrauterine growth retardation [IUGR]. C. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS] D. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]. - Correct Answer C. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  3. A young patient is brought to the emergency department because of nausea, vomiting, and severe pain in the right lower abdomen. Upon physical examination, rebound tenderness and rigidity are found on the point, which is located at the lower one-third of the distance between the umbilicus and right anterior superior iliac spine [ASIS]. This is a typical positive A. Psoas sign. B. Obturator sign. C. Roving’s sign. D. Burney’s sign. - Correct Answer D. Burney’s sign
  4. A female patient presents with a low-grade fever, a frequent, urgent need to urinate, and a burning and painful sensation during urination. A diagnosis of cystitis [UTI] may be made on the basis of A. Urinalysis. B. Clinical manifestations. C. Midstream urine culture. D. All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  5. A female patient presents with a low-grade fever, a frequent, urgent need to urinate, and a burning and painful sensation during urination. A diagnosis of cystitis [UTI] may be made on the basis of A. Urinalysis. B. Clinical manifestations. C. Midstream urine culture. D. All of the above. - Correct Answer D. All of the above
  6. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [DEXA] is used for determining: A. Bone mineral content. B. Metabolic activity of the liver. Radiographic density of the lung. Absorption of the small intestine. - Correct Answer A. Bone mineral content
  7. One of the classic venereal diseases [sexually transmitted diseases or STDs] is syphilis, which is caused by a: A. Virus. B. Fungus. C. Parasite. D. Bacterium. - Correct Answer D. Bacterium
  8. One of the classic venereal diseases [sexually transmitted diseases or STDs] is syphilis, which is caused by a: A. Virus. B. Fungus. C. Parasite. D. Bacterium. - Correct Answer D. Bacterium
  1. In which of the following situations parent or legal guardian consent is NOT required to treat a minor? A. Care during pregnancy. B. Prescription of contraceptives. C. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). D. All of the above. - Correct Answer D. All of the above
  2. A 58-year-old male patient presents to the emergency department with acute onset of excruciating substernal pain. He has a history of cigarette smoking for 40 years. He was diagnosed with hypertension 20 years ago. Immediate ECG shows ST segment elevation and T wave inversion. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? A. Aortic aneurysm. B. Erosive esophagitis. Myocardial infarction. D. Ventricular arrhythmia. - Correct Answer Myocardial infarction
  3. Which blood test is specifically used to monitor the response of the bone marrow to therapy for anemia? A. Leukocyte count. B. Erythrocyte count. C. Reticulocyte count. D. Thrombocyte count. - Correct Answer C. Reticulocyte count
  4. In the US, the top three leading causes of death from diseases in adults are respectively: A. AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. B. Cancer, heart disease, and AIDS C. Heart disease, cancer, and stroke. D. Cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
    • Correct Answer C. Heart disease, cancer, and stroke
  5. In addition to the central cavities of the brain and spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] also circulates in the: A. Epidural space. B. Subdural space C. Subarachnoid space. D. All of the above. - Correct Answer C. subarachnoid space
  6. A female patient has intermittent diarrhea with occasional blood and mucus in the stools and abdominal pain. Her symptoms are aggravated by emotional stress. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? A.Celiac disease. B. Ulcerative colitis. C. Lactose intolerance. D. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). - Correct Answer B. Ulcerative colitis
  7. A 24-year-old female patient has suffered from high fever, generalized muscle aching, malaise, headache, and watery diarrhea for 3 days. Her last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago. She uses contraceptive sponge and diaphragm as her birth control method. Which of the following is the most serious medical condition that needs to be ruled out immediately in this case? A. Influenza. B. Food poisoning. C. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Toxic shock syndrome [TSS] - Correct Answer D. Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
  8. Parathyroid hormone [PTH] is involved in the regulation of calcium metabolism. Its target organs include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Skin. B. Bone C.Kidney.D. Small intestine. - Correct Answer A. Skin
  9. For a patient with seizures of unknown cause, which of the following would be the most appropriate initial step of investigation? A. Evoked potential studies. B.

Neural conduction studies. C. Lumbar puncture [spinal tap]. D. Electroencephalography [EEG] - Correct Answer D) Electroencephalography (EEG)

  1. Four key components to informed consent include all of the following EXCEPT A. The patient must have no right to withdraw consent at any time. B. The patient must be aware of outcome if he or she does not consent. C. The patient must understand the health implications of their diagnosis. D. The patient must be informed of risks, benefits, and alternatives to treatment. - Correct Answer A) The patient must have no right to withdraw consent at any time.
  2. Clinical and epidemiologic studies have shown that which component of the lipid profile is an independent INVERSE risk factor for coronary artery disease [CAD]? A. Cholesterol. B. Triglyceride. C. Low-density lipoprotein [LDL]. D. High-density lipoprotein [HDL] - Correct Answer D) High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
  3. The manager of a company calls your office, requesting information about the health issue of his employee, who has also been your regular patient for 2 years. The manager explains that his employee may be promoted to a higher position if no major health problems are were found. How are you supposed to respond to this request? A. Refuse to give out the patient's information. B. Ask about the details of the patient's promotion. C. Tell him to let the company's lawyer talk to you. D. Provide the patient's information only in your office. - Correct Answer A) Refuse to give out the patient's information.
  4. Rotation of the head involves the first and second cervical vertebrae, which are respectively known as A. Axis and atlas. B. Atlas and axis. C. Sacrum and coccyx. D. Sternum and clavicle. - Correct Answer B) Atlas and axis
  5. Which one of the following hormones is NOT an example of steroid hormones? A. Estrogen. B. Prolactin. C. Testosterone. D. Progesterone. - Correct Answer B) Prolactin
  6. Body systems that are involved in the stress response include A. Immune system. B. Nervous system. C. Endocrine system. D. All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  7. A middle-aged man with a history of high blood uric acid level presents with a sudden nocturnal onset of excruciating pain and swelling in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the great toe. What medical condition is highly suspected? A. Gout. B. Osteoarthritis. C. Septic arthritis. D. Rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Correct Answer A) Gout
  8. Infectious mononucleosis is believed to be related to A. Viral infection. B. Fungal infection. C. Parasitic infection. D. Bacterial infection. - Correct Answer A) viral infection
  1. Which of the following definitions regarding SOAP notes is WRONG? A. S: Subjective. B. O: Objective. C. A: Assessment. D. P: Progression. - Correct Answer D) Progression.\n\subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan.
  2. A calibrated device for measuring the angle of a joint or its range of motion (ROM) is\known as\n (A) Tonometer.\n (B) Spirometer.\n(C) Goniometer.\n (D) Sphygmomanometer. - Correct Answer C) Goniometer
  3. Digital rectal exam (DRE) combined with a blood PSA test can detect nearly 90% of clinically significant A. Rectal cancer. B. Bladder cancer. C. Cervical cancer. D. Prostatic cancer. - Correct Answer D) Prostatic cancer
  4. Over-the-counter [OTC] drugs, such as cimetidine [Tagamet®] ranitidine [Zantac®], famotidine [Pepcid®], etc., act as A. Proton pump inhibitors. Histamine H1 receptor blockers. C. Histamine H2 receptor blockers. D. Aluminum or magnesium antacids. - Correct Answer C) Histamine H2 receptor blockers
  5. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug [NSAID] that contains naproxen would be A. Advil®. B. Aleve®. C. Motrin®. D. Unpin®. - Correct Answer B) Aleve
  6. Which of the following best describes the process of autoclaving? A. 250°F at 15 lbs. psi of steam pressure for 30 minutes. B. 250°F at 30 lbs. psi of steam pressure for 15 minutes. C. 338°F at 15 lbs. psi of steam pressure for 30 minutes. D. 338°F at 30 lbs. psi of steam pressure for 15 minutes. - Correct Answer A) 250°F at 15 lbs. psi of steam pressure for 30 minutes.
  7. Approximately how many skeletal muscles are found in the human body? A. Over 200. B. Over 600. C. Over 800. D. Over 1,000. - Correct Answer B) over 600
  8. According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA], all of the following are your health information privacy rights EXCEPT A. Ask to see and get a copy of your health records. B. Have corrections added to your health information. C. Receive a notice that tells you how your health information is used and shared. D. Always give permission as long as your health information is used or shared for medical research purposes. - Correct Answer D) always give permission as long as your health information is used or shared\for medical research purposes.
  9. A Papanicolaou [Pap] smear test is performed to detect abnormal or atypical cells in\nor on the A. Uterus. B. Cervix. C. Vagina. D. Urethra. - Correct Answer B) Cervix
  1. A positive Brzezinski’s sign, in which both hips and knees are actively flexed in response to passive flexion of the neck, suggests the inflammation of the a. Hip joint. B. Meninges. C. Knee joint. D. Cervical vertebra. - Correct Answer B) Meninges
  2. The most common form of cancer in men between the ages of 15 and 35 would be A. Lung cancer. B. Brain cancer. C. Prostatic cancer. D. Testicular cancer. - Correct Answer D) Testicular cancer
  3. A daughter brings her 80-year-old mother to the clinic and states that over the last 6 months, her mother has become forgetful. The mother has difficulty in remembering recent events and often forgets to pay her bills, but otherwise she has been in good health and takes no medications. Vital signs and physical examination are within the normal range. Which of the following is the best next step in making the diagnosis? A. Thyroid function test. B. Psychiatric evaluation. C. Imaging study of the brain. D.)Mini-mental status examination [MMSE]. - Correct Answer D) Mini-mental status examination (MMSE)
  4. Under normal conditions, hyperglycemia stimulates the pancreas to secrete A. Insulin. b. Glucose. C. Glycogen. D. Glucagon. - Correct Answer A) Insulin
  5. Anti-DNA and antinuclear antibodies are primarily tested for the screen, diagnosis, and follow-up of A. Cystic fibrosis [CF] B. Multiple sclerosis [MS] C. Rheumatoid arthritis [RA] D. Systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE] - Correct Answer D) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  6. Currently recommended breath and compression ratio for adult CPR is A. 1:15. B. 1:30. C. 2:15. D. 2:30. - Correct Answer D) 2:
  7. Standing on one's heels is the action of which muscle or muscle group? \n (A) Quadriceps.\n (B) Hamstrings.\n(C) Gastrocnemius.\n (D) Tibialis anterior. - Correct Answer D) Tibialis anterior
  8. A young man is brought to the hospital, highly agitated and aggressive and demonstrating paranoid ideation. Physical examination reveals tachycardia, hypertension, pupillary dilation, and nasal inflammation. A most probable substance abused and responsible for this presentation would be A. Heroin. B. Alcohol. C. Cocaine. D. Marijuana. - Correct Answer C) Cocaine
  9. The pathophysiologic mechanism involved in the generation of edema from hypoproteinemia is A. Lymphatic obstruction. B. Increased hydrostatic pressure. C. Renal retention of salt and water. D. Decreased plasma osmotic pressure. - Correct Answer D) decreased plasma osmotic pressure
  1. Chest X-ray [CXR] is NOT indicated in which of the following medical conditions? A. Pneumonia. B. Rib fracture. C. Enlarged heart. D. Coronary artery occlusion. - Correct Answer D) Coronary artery occlusion
  2. Which of the following coagulation tests is used specifically to monitor warfarin [Coumadin®] therapy? a. Platelet count. B. Bleeding time. C. Prothrombin time (PT]. Partial thromboplastin time [PTT] - Correct Answer C) Prothrombin time (PT)
  3. According to the recommendation from the American Cancer Society, monthly breast self-examination should begin at the age of\ A. 20. B. 30. C. 35. D. 40. - Correct Answer A) 20
  4. A deficiency of vitamin C may result in a. Scurvy. b. Anemia. c. Pellagra. d. Night blindness. - Correct Answer A) Scurvy
  5. Which of the following procedures is required to confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis? a. CAT scan. b. Sonography. c. Laparoscopy. d. Hormonal testing. - Correct Answer C) Laparoscopy
  6. An elevated blood ammonia level suggests a pathological condition in the Liver. b. Kidney. c. Pancreas. d. Urinary bladder. - Correct Answer A) Liver
  7. What nerve roots contribute to the formation of the sciatic nerve? \n (A) L1 - L and S1 - S4.\n (B) L2 - L4 and S1 - S2.\n(C) L3 - L5 and S1 - S3.\n(D) L4 - L and S1 - S3. - Correct Answer D) L4 - L5 and S1 - S3.
  8. A patient presents with steatorrhea (fatty diarrhea). The stools are pale-colored,
    extremely smelly, floating in the toilet bowl and difficult to flush away. He has no
    abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or jaundice. What is the most probable type or\cause of his diarrhea? \n (A) Malabsorption.\n (B) Osmotic diarrhea.\n(C) Parasitic infection.\n (D) Abnormal intestinal motility. - Correct Answer A) Malabsorption
  9. A pulsatile mass palpated in the middle of the abdomen is most likely to be an\n (A) Aortic aneurysm.\n (B) Ovarian malignancy.\n(C) Epigastric distention.\n (D) Intestinal obstruction. - Correct Answer A) Aortic aneurysm
  10. Pernicious anemia results from defective secretion of the intrinsic factor by the gastric\mucosal cells, causing diminished absorption of which vitamin? \n (A) Vitamin B1.\n (B) Vitamin B3.\n(C) Vitamin B6.\n (D) Vitamin B12. - Correct Answer D) Vat B
  11. The head of the homers is to the glenoid fossa as the head of the femur is to the
    n (A) Obturator.\n (B) Acetabulum.\n(C) Symphysis pubis.\n (D) Greater trochanter. - Correct Answer B) Acetabulum
  1. Raising the arm above the shoulder with elicited pain and paresthesia’s (pins-and needles\sensations) in the shoulder, arm and hand is a finding that suggests\n (A) Frozen shoulder.\n (B) Carpal tunnel syndrome.\n(C) Thoracic outlet syndrome.\n (D) Tennis elbow or golfer's elbow. - Correct Answer C) Thoracic outlet syndrome
  2. A commonly used assessment tool with estimates of the percentages of the total body\surface area (TBSA) burned is the rule of nines. If a person has a second- degree burn\covering the entire right upper limb and right lower limb without affecting the genital\area, what would be the approximate percentage of TBSA burned?\n(A) 9%.\n(B) 18%.\n(C) 27%.\n(D) 36%. - Correct Answer C) 27%
  3. An athlete receives a severe blow to the lateral side of the right knee while playing\football. Examination two hours later reveals a stiffly swollen knee with aspiration of\hemorrhagic effusion of the joint. Each of the following structures may be\significantly torn in the patient's right knee EXCEPT\n (A) Achilles tendon.\n (B) Medial meniscus.\n(C) Medial collateral ligament.\n(D)Anterior cruciate ligament. - Correct Answer A) Achilles tendon
  4. Which one of the following immunoglobulins (Is) is involved in type I
    hypersensitivity or allergic reactions?\n(A) Ig A.\n(B) Ig E.\n(C) Ig G.\n(D) Ig M. - Correct Answer B) Ig E
  5. Contraction of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle on one side results in\n(A) Flexion of the head.\n(B) Extension of the head.\n(C) Turning of the head to the same side.\n(D) Turning of the head to the opposite side. - Correct Answer D) turning of the head to the opposite side
  6. B-Adrenergic blockers belong to what class of antiarrhythmic drugs? \n (A) Class I.\n (B) Class II.\n(C) Class III.\n (D) Class IV. - Correct Answer B) Class II
  7. Which cranial nerve controls the movement of the tongue?\n(A) CN V (Trigeminal).\n(B) CN VII (Facial).\n(C) CN IX (Glossopharyngeal).\n(D) CN XII (Hypoglossal). - Correct Answer D) CN XII (hypoglossal)
  8. Clinical manifestations of a patient with pins-and-needles sensations down the arm\nan around the lips as well as muscle spasms would most likely suggest\n (A) Hypokalemia.\n (B) Hyperkalemia.\n(C) Hypocalcemia.\n (D) Hypercalcemia.
    • Correct Answer C) Hypocalcemia
  9. On neurological examination, a patient is found to have grade 3 muscle strength in\hamstrings and triceps brachia without obvious muscle wasting. The biceps reflex is\recorded as 3+, while the knee and ankle jerks are recorded as 4+ with clonus. There\ins also an extensor plantar response (i.e. positive Babinski's sign). Where is the\neuronal lesion of this patient located?\n(A)Upper motor

neuron only.\n(B) Lower motor neuron only.\n(C) Both upper and lower motor neurons.\n(D)Neither upper nor lower motor neurons. - Correct Answer A) Upper motor neuron only.

  1. Antioxidant vitamins include all of the following EXCEPT\n (A) Vitamin A.\n (B) Vitamin C.\n(C) Vitamin D.\n (D) Vitamin E. - Correct Answer C) Vitamin D
  2. Which one of the following muscles is NOT a member of hamstrings? \n (A) Biceps femora’s.\n (B) Rectus femora’s.\n(C) Semitendinosus.\n(D) Semimembranosus. - Correct Answer B) Rectus femora’s
  3. Hepatitis D must be co-infected with\n (A) Hepatitis A.\n (B) Hepatitis B.\n(C) Hepatitis C.\n (D) Hepatitis E. - Correct Answer B) Hepatitis B
  4. What medical imaging study is most suitable for evaluating muscular or soft tissue\injuries?\n(A) Contrast radiography.\n(B) Computerized tomography (CT).
    n(C) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).\n(D) Positron emission tomography (PET). - Correct Answer C) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  5. Ascites, an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity, is most\likely caused by\n (A) Gallstones.\n (B) Acute hepatitis.\n(C) Hepatic cirrhosis.\n (D) Chronic pancreatitis. - Correct Answer C) Hepatic cirrhosis
  6. Visual examination of the uterus and uterine lining using an endoscope inserted\through the vagina is called\n (A) Cystoscopy.\n (B) Colposcopy.\n(C) Colonoscopy.\n (D) Hysteroscopy. - Correct Answer D) Hysteroscopy
  7. Alternating diarrhea and constipation associated with abdominal pain is highly\suggestive of\n (A) Colorectal carcinoma.\n (B) Campylobacter enteritis.
    n(C) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).\n (D) Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). - Correct Answer C) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  8. How many bones are there totally in the human skeleton? \n (A) 80.\n (B) 126.\n(C) 200.\n (D) 206. - Correct Answer D) 206
  9. Which of the following eye disorders is characterized by increased intraocular\pressure (IOP), which may lead to damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision?\n(A) Cataract.\n(B) Glaucoma.\n(C) Astigmatism.\n(D) Conjunctivitis. - Correct Answer B) Glaucoma
  10. The nature of multiple sclerosis (MS) is\n(A) Infection.\n(B) Degeneration.
    n(C) Demyelination.\n(D) Metabolic disturbance. - Correct Answer C) Demyelination
  11. Bacterial infection with Helicobacter pylori is associated with\n(A) Peptic ulcer disease (PUD).\n(B) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).\n(C) Inflammatory

bowel disease (IBD).\n(D) Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). - Correct Answer A) Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)

  1. Difficulty in keeping balance when walking is most likely due to a lesion in which\cranial nerve?\n(A) CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear).\n(B) CN IX (Glossopharyngeal).\n(C) CN X (Valgus).\n(D) CN XI (Accessory). - Correct Answer A) CN VIII (Vestibulocochlear)
  2. According to the new standard of classification, a blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg is\considered to be\n(A)Normal.\n(B) Prehypertension.\n(C) Stage I hypertension.\n(D) Stage II hypertension. - Correct Answer C) Stage I hypertension
  3. Weber and Rianne tests are useful in the differential diagnosis of\n (A) Tinnitus.\n (B) Deafness.\n(C) Blindness.\n (D) Dizziness and vertigo. - Correct Answer B) Deafness
  4. Which of the following agents is an antibiotic that may be used to treat respiratory,\digestive, urinary, and reproductive tract infections?\n(A) Enalapril (Vaster®).\n(B) Lorazepam (Ativan®).\n(C) Atorvastatin (Lipitor®).\n(D) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro®). - Correct Answer D) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
  5. International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the World Health Organization\n (WHO) standard used primarily for\n (A) Statistics.\n (B) Diagnosis.\n(C) Treatment.\n (D) Prevention. - Correct Answer B) Diagnosis
  6. A young child is brought into the emergency room by the parents because of crying\nan coughing. Upon physical examination, the child is found to be afebrile and\scared. Multiple bruises and burns over the limbs are also noted. The appropriate next\step in the management of this case should be\n (A) To refer to a pediatrician.\n (B) To recommend a chest X-ray.\n(C) to contact a child protective agency.\n (D) To ask if the child has been physically abused. - Correct Answer C) to contact a child protective agency
  7. Which blood vessel below provides blood supply to the cardiac muscle?
    n(A) Cardiac vein.\n(B) Pulmonary vein.\n(C) Coronary artery.\n(D) Pulmonary artery. - Correct Answer C) Coronary artery
  8. Calcium ions are required for\n (A) Bone density.\n(B) Blood clotting.\n(C) Muscle contraction.\n(D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  9. A deficiency of which vitamin listed below may cause rickets in children or
    nosteomalacia in adults?\n(A) Vitamin A.\n(B) Vitamin B.\n(C) Vitamin C.\n(D) Vitamin D. - Correct Answer D) Vitamin D
  1. Mosquito bites may transmit all of the following diseases EXCEPT\n (A) Malaria.\n (B) Filariasis.\n(C) Yellow fever.\n (D) Rocky Mountain spotted fever. - Correct Answer D) Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  2. How often does the American Cancer Society recommend clinical breast examination\by a health care professional and mammography for women over the age of 40?\n(A) Yearly.\n(B) Monthly.\n(C) Every 2 years.\n(D) Every 3 years.
- Correct Answer A) Yearly 
  1. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a nonspecific test used to detect illnesses\associated with\n (A) Anemia.\n (B) Jaundice.\n(C) Hemolysis.\n (D) Inflammation - Correct Answer D) Inflammation
  2. Which one of the following drugs is a strong diuretic?\n(A) Furosemide (Lasix®).\n(B) Clopidogrel (Plavix®).\n(C) Montelukast (Singular®).\n(D) Metformin (Glucophage®). - Correct Answer A) Furosemide
  3. Disposable acupuncture needles are chemically pre-sterilized by\n (A) Autoclaving.\n (B) Ethylene oxide.\n(C) Isopropyl alcohol.\n (D) Hydrogen peroxide - Correct Answer B) ethylene oxide
  4. The single most important procedure in preventing cross-infection would be\n(A) Vaccination.\n(B) Hand washing.\n(C) Use of alcohol swabs.\n(D) Administration of antibiotics. - Correct Answer B) Hand washing
  5. The mission of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is to assure\the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; \providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and\encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health. It is a type of\n (A) City regulation.\n (B) State regulation.\n(C) Federal regulation.\n (D) International regulation. - Correct Answer C) Federal regulation
  6. Wrist drop may be due to an injury to which nerve listed below? \n (A) Ulnar nerve.\n (B) Radial nerve.\n(C) Median nerve.\n(D) Musculocutaneous nerve. - Correct Answer B) Radial nerve
  7. Which one of the following is included in the renal function tests?\n(A) Blood urea nitrogen (BUN).\n(B) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP).\n(C) Alanine aminotransferase (ALT).\n(D) Aspartate aminotransferase (AST). - Correct Answer A) Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
  8. A medical imaging that requires computer processing, but does not use ionizing\radiation or contrast medium would be\n (A) Ultrasound.\n (B) Conventional radiography.\n(C) Computerized tomography (CT).\n (D) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). - Correct Answer A) Ultrasound
  1. A pregnant woman has elevated levels of leukocyte esterase and nitrites in her urine.\what does it most likely indicate? \n (A) Urinary stones.\n (B) Premature labor.\n(C) Normal findings.\n(D) Bladder infection. - Correct Answer D) Bladder infection
  2. A patient presents with total body aches and exhaustion, accompanied by sleep\disturbance. Clinical signs include trigger points over certain body areas, and absence\no objective inflammation. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? \n (A) Depression.\n (B) Fibromyalgia.\n(C) Multiple sclerosis.\n (D) Chronic fatigue syndrome. - Correct Answer B) Fibromyalgia
  3. A test of position sense is positive when the patient has difficulty standing stably with\feet together and eyes closed. This is also known as a positive\n (A) Kerning’s sign.\n (B) Murphy's sign.\n(C) Roving’s sign.\n (D) Romberg's sign. - Correct Answer D) Romberg's sign
  4. Pseudomembranous colitis is caused by prolonged use of certain antibiotics. The\causative bacterium is\n (A) Bacillus cereus.\n(B) Helicobacter pylori.\n(C) Clostridium difficile.\n(D) Streptococcus pyogenes. - Correct Answer C) Clostridium difficile
  5. Intervertebral disk herniation at the level of L3 and L4 would result in\n(A) Pain in the heel.\n(B) Decreased knee jerk.\n(C) Decreased ankle jerk.
    n(D)Weakness of Achilles tendon. - Correct Answer B) Decreased knee jerk
  6. Which of the following drugs is therapeutically used for acute and chronic diarrhea?\n(A) Nizatidine (Axed®).\n(B) Amoxicillin (Amoxil®).\n(C) Metronidazole (Flagel®).\n(D) Lope amide (Imodium®). - Correct Answer D) Lope amide (Imodium)
  7. Elevated serum amylase and lipase levels are indicative of which inflammatory\digestive disorder? \n (A) Gastritis.\n (B) Hepatitis.\n(C) Pancreatitis.\n (D) Cholecystitis. - Correct Answer C) Pancreatitis
  8. A middle-aged jackhammer operator comes to the clinic, complaining of burning pain\nan tingling sensation in the medial aspect of the wrist and palm. A physical\examination shows diminished grip strength and muscular atrophy of the tenor\eminence. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? \n (A) Osteoarthritis.
    n (B) Wrist fracture.\n(C) Rheumatoid arthritis.\n (D) Carpal tunnel syndrome. - Correct Answer D) Carpal tunnel syndrome
  9. Which of the following is NOT a member of quadriceps? \n (A) Biceps femora’s.\n (B) Vastus lateral is.\n(C) Vastus medial is.\n(D) Vastus intermedius.
- Correct Answer A) Biceps femora’s 
  1. Which of the following is the most important aspect that you may communicate with\the patient's physician? \n (A) State license.\n (B) CNT procedure.\n(C) Graduate degree.\n(D) NCCAOM certificate. - Correct Answer B) CNT procedure
  2. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) III refers to\n (A) Mild dysplasia.\n (B) Moderate dysplasia.\n(C) Severe dysplasia or carcinoma-in-situ.\n (D) Invasive carcinoma. - Correct Answer C) Severe dysplasia or carcinoma-in-situ
  3. Which substance in the urine should be routinely monitored for a woman with\pregnancy-induced hypertension in order to prevent pre-eclampsia and eclampsia? \n (A) Protein.\n (B) Glucose.\n(C) Bilirubin.\n (D) Ketone bodies. - Correct Answer A) Protein
  4. A disease that occurs worldwide is said to be\n (A) Sporadic.\n (B) Endemic.\n(C) Epidemic.\n (D) Pandemic. - Correct Answer D) Pandemic
  5. According to the NCCAOM's code of ethics, an acupuncture or Oriental medicine\practitioner should not engage in sexual contact with a former patient unless a period\no how many months has elapsed since the date that the professional relationship\mended?\n(A) 1 month.\n(B) 3 months.\n(C) 6 months.
    n(D) 12 months. - Correct Answer C) 6 months
  6. An abnormal sound heard when a stethoscope is placed in the carotid artery area is\referred to as\n (A) Rub.\n (B) Hum.\n(C) Bruit.\n (D) Murmur. - Correct Answer C) Bruit
  7. Which of the following tumor markers is used to detect hepatocellular carcinoma? \n (A) PSA.\n (B) CEA.\n(C) a-FP.\n (D) CA-125. - Correct Answer C) a-FP
  8. For a patient with knee injury, McMurray test is useful in the evaluation of the\n (A) Meniscus.\n (B) Patellar ligament.\n(C) Cruciate ligament.\n (D) Collateral ligament. - Correct Answer A) Meniscus
  9. In physical examination, percussion over a fluid-filled area, such as pleural effusion,\produces a\n(A) Dull note.\n(B) Resonant note.\n(C) Stony dull note.
    n(D) Hyper resonant note. - Correct Answer C) Stony dull note
  10. Which cranial nerve is affected in Bell's palsy?\n(A) CN III (Oculomotor).
    n(B) CN V (Trigeminal).\n(C) CN VII (Facial).\n(D) CN IX (Glossopharyngeal). - Correct Answer C) CN VII (Facial)
  11. Which of the following endocrine or genetic diseases is characterized by
    hyperpigmentation?\n(A) Addison's disease.\n(B) Turner's syndrome.\n(C)

Cushing's syndrome.\n(D) Klinefelter's syndrome. - Correct Answer A) Addison's disease

  1. Which wave or wave complex of the electrocardiogram (ECG) reflects ventricular\depolarization?\n(A) P wave.\n(B) QRS wave complex.\n(C) T wave.
    n(D) U wave. - Correct Answer B) QRS wave complex
  2. The drug of choice in the treatment of penicillin-induced anaphylactic shock is\n (A) Epinephrine.\n (B) Isoproterenol.\n(C) Phenylephrine.\n (D) Norepinephrine. - Correct Answer A) Epinephrine
  3. What is the specialized area called at a neuromuscular junction where an axon\terminal of a motor neuron makes a synapse with a skeletal muscle cell?
    n(A) Synaptic cleft.\n(B) Motor endplate.\n(C) Muscle endplate.\n(D) Cholinergic receptor. - Correct Answer B) Motor endplate
  4. Which category of drugs is administered in the treatment of high blood cholesterol\levels?\n(A) ACE inhibitors.\n(B) MAO inhibitors.\n(C) HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.\n(D) Na+-K+ ATPase pump inhibitors. - Correct Answer C) HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
  5. A patient with hyperthyroidism may present with\n(A) Lack of appetite and weight loss.\n(B) Lack of appetite and weight gain.\n(C) Increased appetite and weight loss.\n(D) Increased appetite and weight gain. - Correct Answer C) Increased appetite and weight loss
  6. Which of the following is an example of oral hypoglycemic drugs?\n(A) Oxytocin (Pitocin®).\n(B) Methimazole (Tapazole®).\n(C) Metformin (Glucophage®).\n(D) Levothyroxine (Synthroid®). - Correct Answer C) Metformin (Glucophage)
  7. The regulatory center of the body temperature is located in the\n (A) Skin.
    n (B) Blood vessels.\n(C) Hypothalamus.\n (D) Pituitary gland. - Correct Answer C) Hypothalamus
  8. A nerve cell releases a neurotransmitter or an endocrine cell secretes a hormone by\nay of\n (A) Exocytosis.\n (B) Pinocytosis.\n(C) Endocytosis.\n (D) Phagocytosis. - Correct Answer A) Exocytosis
  9. Benadryl-D® is a combination of diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) and phenylephrine.\the former is an antihistamine, while the latter is a\n(A) Sinus antibiotic.\n(B) Cough suppressant.\n(C) Nasal decongestant.\n(D) Sputum expectorant. - Correct Answer C) Nasal decongestant
  10. Which one of the following musculoskeletal disorders is also known as degenerative\joint disease? \n (A) Osteoporosis.\n (B) Osteoarthritis.\n(C)

Rheumatoid arthritis.\n (D) Polymyalgia rheumatic. - Correct Answer B) Osteoarthritis

  1. Contralateral hemiplegia is the paralysis occurring on the side of the body opposite to\the side of the brain where the causal lesion is found. It is most commonly due to\n (A) Diabetes mellitus.\n (B) Multiple sclerosis.\n(C) Spinal cord injury.\n (D) Cerebrovascular accident - Correct Answer D) Cerebrovascular accident
  2. Hematemesis may be caused by\n(A) Hepatic cirrhosis.\n(B) Peptic ulcer disease.\n(C) Esophageal carcinoma.\n(D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  3. Sudden onset of light-colored stools is most likely suggestive of\n (A) Gallstones.\n (B) Renal stones.\n(C) Hemolytic jaundice.\n (D) Intestinal obstruction. - Correct Answer A) Gallstones
  4. What is the best test for the early detection of avascular necrosis of the bone? \n (A) MRI.\n (B) CAT scan.\n(C) Blood test.\n (D) Bone X-rays. - Correct Answer A) MRI
  5. What degree of burns will be red, swollen and painful, and possibly develop blisters\that may ooze a clear fluid? \n (A) First-degree burns.\n (B) Second-degree burns.\n(C) Third-degree burns.\n (D) Fourth-degree burns. - Correct Answer B) Second-degree burns
  6. An elderly patient presents with depressed mood, dull expression, puffiness of the\face and eyes, and dry, sparse and coarse skin. A diagnosis of myxedema is\suspected. What other symptom(s) may also be seen in this patient? \n (A) Weight loss.\n (B) Constipation.\n(C) Heat intolerance.\n (D) All of the above. - Correct Answer B) Constipation
  7. The most common initial symptom of lung cancer is\n (A) Chest pain.\n (B) Persistent cough.\n(C) Intermittent wheezing.\n (D) Blood-streaked sputum. - Correct Answer B) Persistent cough
  8. A patient is required to sign a consent form prior to acupuncture treatment, because\n(A) It is a state law.\n(B) It is a federal law.\n(C) It protects the patient's privacy.\n(D) It exempts the doctor from malpractice. - Correct Answer B) it is federal law
  9. Which of the following cardiac conditions is most life-threatening? \n (A) Atrial flutter.\n (B) Premature heartbeat.\n(C) Ventricular fibrillation.\n(D) Supraventricular tachycardia. - Correct Answer C) Ventricular fibrillation
  1. The space between two lungs in the chest is known as\n (A) Pleura.\n (B) Diaphragm.\n(C) Pericardium.\n (D) Mediastinum. - Correct Answer D) Mediastinum
  2. Heart block occurs most often in the\n(A) Bundle of His.\n(B) Purkinje fibers.\n(C) Sinoatrial (SA) node.\n(D) Atrioventricular (AV) node. - Correct Answer D) Atrioventricular (AV) node
  3. Which one of the following abused substances has the lowest dependence? \n (A) Heroin.\n (B) Alcohol.\n(C) Cocaine.\n (D) Marijuana. - Correct Answer D) Marijuana
  4. Ezetimibe (Zeltia®) is a cholesterol-lowering drug that acts on the\n (A) Liver.\n (B) Blood.\n(C) Intestine.\n (D) Adipose tissue. - Correct Answer C) Intestine
  5. Coronary sinus returns blood to the\n (A) Left atrium.\n (B) Right atrium.
    n(C) Left ventricle.\n (D) Right ventricle. - Correct Answer B) Right Atrium
  6. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends routine bone density screening\for women\n(A) 55 years or older.\n(B) 60 years or older.\n(C) 65 years or older.\n(D) 70 years or older. - Correct Answer C) 65 years or older
  7. All of the following are the examples of electro diagnostic tests for cardiac disorders\except\n(A) Halter monitoring.\n(B) Cardiac stress testing.\n(C) Cardiac catheterization.\n(D) Electrocardiography (ECG). - Correct Answer C) Cardiac catheterization
  8. All of the following are rash-producing viral diseases EXCEPT\n (A) Rubella.\n (B) Measles.\n(C) Impetigo.\n (D) Chickenpox. - Correct Answer C) Impetigo
  9. An endocrine disorder that is NOT of autoimmune origin would be\n (A) Graves' disease.\n (B) Addison's disease.\n(C) Cushing's syndrome.\n (D) Hashimoto's thyroiditis. - Correct Answer C) Cushing's syndrome
  10. Early clues to the diagnosis of major depression include all of the following EXCEPT\n (A) Anhedonia.\n (B) Sleep disorders.\n(C) Low self-esteem.\n (D) Suicidal ideation. - Correct Answer D) Suicidal ideation
  11. Which of the following signs is NOT detected by inspection and/or palpation during\cardiac examinations? \n (A) Thrill.\n (B) Murmur.\n(C) Apical impulse.\n (D) Carotid pulsation. - Correct Answer B) Murmur
  12. A 60-year-old patient presents with neck pain, abnormal sensations in the arms, \muscle weakness in the legs, and problems with balance. There is no

history of any\traumatic injuries. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? \n (A) Whiplash injury.\n(B) Parkinson's disease.\n(C) Cervical spondylosis.\n(D) Spinal muscular atrophy. - Correct Answer C) Cervical spondylosis

  1. A localized collection of pus in the tissue, which is usually caused by a bacterial\infection, is known as\n (A) Boil.\n (B) Abscess.\n(C) Furuncle.\n (D) Carbuncle. - Correct Answer B) Abscess
  2. Furosemide (Lasix®) is primarily indicated in patients with\n(A) Hypertension.\n(B) Ascites due to hepatic cirrhosis.\n(C) Edema associated with heart failure.\n(D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  3. Medical records are the property of the\n (A) Patient.\n (B) Insurance company.\n(C) Legal representative.\n (D) Physician or hospital. - Correct Answer D) Physician or hospital
  4. Facial characteristics are typical of certain diseases. Which of the following\statements best describes a patient with Parkinson's disease?\n(A) Sunken eyes and collapsed temples.\n(B) Moon-shaped face with acne and hirsutism.\n(C) Lack of facial expression or mask-like face.\n(D) Oblique orbital fissures and flat nasal bridge. - Correct Answer C) Lack of facial expression or mask-like face
  5. A friction rub is the cracking sound that derives from the\n (A) Lung.\n (B) Heart.\n(C) Pleura.\n (D) Stomach. - Correct Answer C) Pleura
  6. How often should a breast or testicular self-examination be performed? \n (A) Daily.\n (B) Yearly.\n(C) Weekly.\n (D) Monthly. - Correct Answer D) Monthly
  7. Side effects of hormonal contraception include\n (A) Headache.\n (B) Irregular bleeding.\n(C) Thromboembolism.\n(D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  8. Sustained clonus, which is the rhythmic oscillations between flexion and extension, \nay confirm the presence of\n (A) Normal reflexes.\n (B) Lack of reflexes.\n(C) Hypoactive reflexes.\n (D) Hyperactive reflexes. - Correct Answer D) Hyperactive reflexes
  9. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may develop respiratory\acidosis, which, on the blood chemistry screen, is revealed by\n (A) Hypercapnia.\n (B) Hyperkalemia.\n(C) Hypernatremia.\n (D) Hypochloremia. - Correct Answer A) Hypercapnia
  10. A patient with a long history of heart disease frequently wakes up at night when he is\sleeping because of angina and dyspnea. What would be his cardiac

functional status? \n (A) Class I.\n (B) Class II.\n(C) Class III.\n (D) Class IV. - Correct Answer D) Class IV

  1. Bovine cough, i.e. cough without usual explosive beginning, may indicate
    n(A) Airway limitation.\n(B) Vocal cord paralysis.\n(C) Excessive bronchial secretion.\n(D) Side effect from use of ACE inhibitors. - Correct Answer B) Vocal cord paralysis
  2. Which of the following cranial nerves carries sensory impulses from carotid baroreceptors and chemoreceptors? A. CN VIII [Vestibulocochlear].(B) CN IX (Glossopharyngeal).\n(C) CN X (Valgus).\n(D) CN XI (Accessory). - Correct Answer B) CN IX (Glossopharyngeal)
  3. An erythematous "butterfly" rash over the cheeks and nasal bridge is a classical sign\that is diagnostic of\n (A) Eczema.\n (B) Scleroderma.\n(C) Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).\n (D) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). - Correct Answer D) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  4. A teenage girl with an eating disorder is brought to the clinic most probably with a\chief complaint of\n (A) Insomnia.\n (B) Weight loss.\n(C) Amenorrhea.\n (D) Poor appetite. - Correct Answer C) Amenorrhea
  5. Coles' fracture is located at the distal end of which bone? \n (A) Ulna.\n (B) Femur.\n(C) Radius.\n (D) Numerus. - Correct Answer C) Radius
  6. Propranolol (Inderal®) is therapeutically used for all of the following medical\conditions EXCEPT\n (A) Migraine.\n (B) Hypertension.\n(C) Hypothyroidism.\n (D) Cardiac arrhythmia. - Correct Answer C) Hypothyroidism
  7. What type of tremor is caused by damage to or malfunction of the cerebellum?\n(A) Resting tremor.\n(B) Flapping tremor.\n(C) Intention tremor.
    n(D) Essential tremor. - Correct Answer C) Intention tremor
  8. Meniere’s disease is clinically manifested by\n(A) Ringing in the ears.\n(B) Progressive loss of hearing.\n(C) Sudden, episodic attacks of vertigo.\n(D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  9. According to the modified Jones criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever, major\manifestations include\n (A) Fever.\n (B) Cordites.\n(C) Arthralgia.\n (D) Elevated ASO titer. - Correct Answer B) Cordites
  10. Physical signs of lower motor neuron (LMN) lesions do NOT include\n (A) Positive Babinski's sign.\n (B) Prominent muscle wasting.\n(C) Flaccid muscular paralysis.\n (D) Decreased deep tendon reflexes. - Correct Answer A) Positive Babinski's sign
  1. Which one of the following bacteria is responsible for cholera? \n (A) Vibrio.\n (B) Sheela.\n(C) Salmonella.\n (D) Escherichia. - Correct Answer A) Vibrio
  2. Which spinal nerve is NOT issued from the lumbosacral plexus? \n (A) Sciatic nerve.\n (B) Phrenic nerve.\n(C) Femoral nerve.\n(D) Obturator nerve. - Correct Answer B) Phrenic
  3. Which antiemetic agent acts by selectively blocking serotonin receptors?
    n(A) Dronabinol (Marino®).\n(B) Ondansetron (Zofran®).\n(C) Metoclopramide (Reglan®).\n(D) Prochlorperazine (Compazine®). - Correct Answer B) Ondansetron (Zofran)
  4. What type of medical imaging belongs to nuclear medicine?\n(A) Ultrasonography (U/S).\n(B) Computed axial tomography (CAT).\n(C) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).\n(D) Positron emission tomography (PET). - Correct Answer D) Positron emission tomography (PET)
  5. A young boy who recently immigrated to this country from Southeast Asia comes to\the clinic, complaining of low-grade fever, malaise, night sweats, and cough with\blood-tinged sputum. The patient needs to be referred to a physician to rule out\n (A) Asthma.\n (B) Bronchitis.\n(C) Pneumonia.\n (D) Tuberculosis. - Correct Answer D) Tuberculosis
  6. Antibiotics that act as bacterial protein synthesis inhibitors include all of the\following EXCEPT\n (A) Vancomycin.\n (B) Clindamycin.\n(C) Streptomycin.
    n (D) Erythromycin. - Correct Answer A) Vancomycin
  7. A 60-year-old man presents with painless hematuria. Which of the following diseases\should be first ruled out?\n(A) Prostatitis.\n(B) Kidney stone.
    n(C) Bladder cancer.\n(D)Urinary tract infection. - Correct Answer C) Bladder Cancer
  8. Cadet®, a combination of amlodipine (Norvasc®) and atorvastatin (Lipitor®), is\indicated in which of the following medical conditions? \n (A) Hypertension.\n (B) Angina pectoris.\n(C) Hypercholesterolemia.\n (D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  9. Which brand name of the following antacids contains aluminum and magnesium\hydroxide?\n(A)Maalox®.\n(B) Mylanta®.\n(C) Favicon®.\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  10. Boutonniere deformity of the finger, in which there are hyper flexed PIP joint and\hyperextended DIP, is most likely seen in\n(A)Osteoporosis.\n(B) Osteoarthritis.\n(C) Rheumatic fever.\n(D) Rheumatoid arthritis. - Correct Answer D) Rheumatoid arthritis
  1. Which of the following clinical manifestations may suggest a stroke attack?\n(A) Sudden severe headache with no apparent cause.\n(B) Loss of balance and coordination, leading to falls.\n(C) Sudden dimness or loss of vision, especially in one eye.\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer D) all of the above
  2. The most common sites of aneurysm include abdominal aorta and arteries\n (A) At the base of the brain.\n (B) Around the cardiac muscle.\n(C) In the pulmonary circulation.\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer A) at the base of the brain
  3. Endemic simple goiter or enlargement of the thyroid gland is most commonly caused\by a deficiency of\n (A) Iodine.\n (B) Copper.\n(C) Calcium.\n (D) Chloride. - Correct Answer A) Iodine
  4. Hematochezia differs from melena in that the former is the passage of bloody stools\that is associated with lower GI tract bleeding. What is the common etiology of\hematochezia in adults? \n (A) Hemorrhoids.\n (B) Colorectal cancer.
    n(C) Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).\n (D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  5. An antimicrobial agent that is effective in the treatment of amebiasis, giardiasis,\ntrichomoniasis, and anaerobic bacterial infections would be\n(A) Cephalexin (Keflex®).\n(B) Metronidazole (Flagel®).\n(C) Ampicillin and sulbactam (Unsay®).\n(D)Amoxicillin and clavulanate (Augmentin®). - Correct Answer B) Metronidazole (Flagel)
  6. The internal source of vitamin K in the human body would be\n (A) Liver cells.\n (B) Kidney cells.\n(C) Intestinal bacteria.\n (D) Bone marrow tissues. - Correct Answer C) Intestinal bacteria
  7. Which symptom has the most diagnostic value in the evaluation of diabetes mellitus? \n (A) Edema.\n (B) Fatigue.\n(C) Insomnia.\n (D) Constipation. - Correct Answer B) Fatigue
  8. Which of the following categories of drugs are used to reduce the secretion of gastric\acid in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease (PUD)?\n(A) Antacids.\n(B) Proton pump activators.\n(C) Antibiotics for H. pylori.\n(D) Histamine receptor blockers. - Correct Answer D) Histamine receptor blockers
  9. What type of edema usually starts around the ankle area? \n (A) Renal edema.\n (B) Hepatic edema.\n(C) Cardiac edema.\n(D) Pulmonary edema. - Correct Answer C) Cardiac edema
  1. Jaundice is the yellowish discoloration of the skin and sclera, which is more\commonly seen in\n (A) Hepatitis A.\n (B) Hepatitis B.\n(C) Hepatitis C.\n (D) Hepatitis D. - Correct Answer A) Hepatitis A
  2. A confirmatory diagnosis of a herniated intervertebral disk is best achieved by\n (A) Plain X-rays.\n (B) Ultrasonography.\n(C) Clinical manifestations.\n (D) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). - Correct Answer D) MRI
  3. A middle-aged woman presents with lumpy breasts. Which of the following\symptoms or signs is most indicative of breast cancer?\n(A) Multiple semisolid lumps in both breasts.\n(B) Nipple discharge in non-lactating situations.\n(C) Warm, swollen, and tender lymph nodes in the armpit.\n(D) Breast tenderness with rope-like lumpiness in the upper lateral quadrant. - Correct Answer B) Nipple discharge in non-lactating situations
  4. Common complications of heart disease include\n(A) Cardiac arrhythmia.
    n(B) Myocardial infarction.\n(C) Congestive heart failure.\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  5. Which of the following disorders of the urinary system mainly affects older people? \n (A) Urinary retention.\n (B) Urinary incontinence.\n(C) Urinary tract infection.\n (D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  6. Inability to move the eyeball laterally is due to damage to\n (A) CN II (Optic nerve).\n (B) CN III (Oculomotor nerve).\n(C) CN IV (Trochlear nerve).\n (D) CN VI (Abduces nerve). - Correct Answer D) CN VI (Abduces nerve)
  7. Which one of the following conditions is NOT an example of fungal infections?\n(A) Jock itch.\n(B) Genital warts.\n(C) Athlete's foot.\n(D) Scalp ringworm. - Correct Answer B) Genital Warts
  8. For most cancers, the definitive diagnosis is based on\n (A) MRI.\n (B) Biopsy.\n(C) CAT scan.\n (D) Ultrasound. - Correct Answer B) Biopsy
  9. Clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix®) is a platelet aggregation inhibitor that has been\shown to be effective in the prevention of\n(A)Myocardial infarction.\n(B) Peripheral artery disease.\n(C) Cerebrovascular accident.\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  10. Calcitonin, a hormone involved in the regulation of calcium metabolism, is secreted\by the\n (A) Pineal gland.\n (B) Thymus gland.\n(C) Thyroid gland.\n (D) Parathyroid glands. - Correct Answer C) Thyroid gland
  11. In the female pelvic cavity, 3 structures from anterior to posterior are respectively\n(A)Urinary bladder, rectum, and uterus.\n(B) Urinary bladder,

uterus, and rectum.\n(C) Uterus, rectum, and urinary bladder.\n(D)Uterus, urinary bladder, and rectum. - Correct Answer B) Urinary bladder, uterus, rectum

  1. Ketoacidosis is one of the severe complications of diabetes mellitus. Which of the\following is the compensatory mechanism for this acid-base disturbance? \n (A) Hypoglycemia.\n (B) Hyperglycemia.\n(C) Hypoventilation.\n (D) Hyperventilation. - Correct Answer D) Hyperventilation
  2. The majority of breast cancer are located in the areola (around the nipple) and the\n (A) Upper lateral quadrant of the breast.\n (B) Lower lateral quadrant of the breast.\n(C) Upper medial quadrant of the breast.\n(D) Lower medial quadrant of the breast. - Correct Answer A) Upper lateral quadrant of the breast
  3. Feelings of heat and sweating, especially at night, may suggest
    n(A)Malignancy.\n(B) Menopause.\n(C) Tuberculosis.\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  4. Which one of the following is a coding system of the American Medical Association\n (AMA)? \n (A) ICD.\n (B) CPT.\n(C) OSHA.\n (D) HIPAA. - Correct Answer B) CPT
  5. The most important risk factor of cervical cancer is the infection with the high-risk\strains of\n (A) Hepatitis B virus (HBV).\n (B) Herpes simplex virus (HSV).\n(C) Human papilloma virus (HPV).\n (D) Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). - Correct Answer C) Human papilloma virus (HPV)
  6. To increase detection of colorectal cancer, screening options include digital rectal\examination (DRE), fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy,\which should all be offered for average-risk individuals at age
    n(A) 40.\n(B) 50.\n(C) 55.\n(D) 65. - Correct Answer B) 50
  7. Which two arteries provide blood supply to the brain?\n(A) Internal and external carotid arteries.\n(B) Internal carotid and vertebral arteries.\n(C) External carotid and vertebral arteries.\n(D) Common carotid and vertebral arteries. - Correct Answer B) Internal carotid and vertebral arteries
  8. Endoscopic examinations may visualize the cavity or lumen of all of the following\structures EXCEPT\n (A) Heart.\n (B) Uterus.\n(C) Stomach.\n (D) Bronchus. - Correct Answer A) Heart
  9. Which of the following conditions is classified as a disease with an autoimmune\etiology? \n (A) Multiple sclerosis.\n (B) Myasthenia gravis.\n(C) Rheumatoid arthritis.\n (D) All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above
  10. Which of the following drugs is a mild androgen that may be used in the treatment of\endometriosis?\n(A)Diazole (Apocrine®).\n(B) Clomiphene

(Clamed®).\n(C) Tamoxifen (Nolvadex®).\n(D)Mifepristone (Mifeprex®). - Correct Answer A) Diazole (Apocrine)

  1. Which of the following infectious viral diseases is transmitted via a fecal- oral route? \n (A) Measles.\n (B) Hepatitis B.\n(C) Chickenpox.\n (D) Poliomyelitis. - Correct Answer D) Poliomyelitis
  2. Both sex hormones and adrenal cortex hormones are steroid hormones. Their\mechanism of action is\n(A) To activate the genes in the nucleus.\n(B) To activate the second messenger in the cytoplasm.\n(C) To bind to the surface receptors on the plasma membrane.\n(D) To bind to the surface receptors on the nuclear membrane - Correct Answer A) To activate the genes in the nucleus
  3. People on vegan diets are at risk of which vitamin deficiency? \n (A) Vitamin B1 (thiamine).\n (B) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin).\n(C) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).\n(D)Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). - Correct Answer D) Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  4. Celiac sprue or disease is a hereditary digestive disorder that involves intolerance to\n (A) Lipid.\n (B) Gluten.\n(C) Lactose.\n (D) Alcohol. - Correct Answer B) Gluten
  5. Motor dysphasia or difficulty in speech is most likely caused by a lesion at the\n (A) Frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex.\n (B) Parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex.\n(C) Occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex.\n (D) Temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. - Correct Answer A) Frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex
  6. The incubation period for hepatitis B is\n(A) 3 - 5 days.\n(B) 2 - 6 weeks.
    n(C) 1 - 6 months.\n(D) 10 - 20 years. - Correct Answer C) 1-6 months
  7. Intravenous pyelography (IVP) is the most commonly used radiographic test for the\evaluation of all of the following urinary structures EXCEPT\n (A) Ureters.\n (B) Urethra.\n(C) Kidneys.\n (D) Urinary bladder. - Correct Answer B) Urethra
  8. Ball and socket joints are exemplified by the\n(A) Finger and toe joints.
    n(B)Wrist and ankle joints.\n(C) Elbow and knee joints.\n(D) Shoulder and hip joints. - Correct Answer D) Shoulder and hip joints
  9. In evaluating a woman with amenorrhea, which of the following hormone levels may\be tested?\n(A) Prolactin (PRL).\n(B) Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).\n(C) Human chorionic gonadotropin (chg.).\n(D)All of the above. - Correct Answer D) All of the above