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Medical Terminology and Concepts, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of medical terminology and concepts, including the POMR format, abbreviations, body systems, procedures, lab tests, and infection control principles. Useful for healthcare students to gain a solid foundation in the medical field.

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Available from 09/19/2024




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Download Medical Terminology and Concepts and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 CCMA NHA Exam Questions and Answers 2024 What is within the scope of practice for a CCMA ? - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Educatingpatients on how to take their medication2. Heal h promotion of the patient.3. P rforming an EKG.4. Taking patients vitals.5. Performing urinalysis.6. Performing a throat culture.7. Patient education. What is outside the scope of practice ? - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Diagnosing patients.2. Administering narcotics.3. Interpreting laboratory results.4. Pa hogenic identification.5. Performing an Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) What is assault ? - CORRECT ANSWER Open threat of bodily harm against another person. What is battery ? - CORRECT ANSWER An action that causes bodily harm. How do you define fraud ? - CORRECT ANSWER Deception with the intent to deprive another person of his or her own rights. What is invasion of privacy ? - CORRECT ANSWER Intruding on a patients privateaffairs, or disclosure of private information.Example: Entering a patients room without knocking or having permission. Malpractice ? - CORRECT ANSWER The negligent delivery of professional services. Negligence ? - CORRECT ANSWER The failure to do something that a reasonably prudent individual would do under similar circumstances. Spousal abuse/ Intimate partner abuse ? - CORRECT ANSWER Provides a list of organizations within the local community that can assist in the situation. What should you do if you suspect child abuse ? - CORRECT ANSWER Report suspected child abuse to the provider. Tort ? - CORRECT ANSWER A civil wrong committed against a person or property. (fraud) Chain of custody ? - CORRECT ANSWER In legal context, refers to the chronologicaldocumentation showing the paper trail, custody, control, transfer, analysis, anddispo tion of physical or electronic evidence. 2 Sample evidence must be sealed in front of patient. (drug screen) What is the purpose of the CLIA ? - CORRECT ANSWER Clinical laboratoryImprovement Amendment sets quality standards and issues certifications for humanlaboratorie s. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) - CORRECT ANSWERThen right to inspect, review, and to receive a copy of your medical records and billingthat are held by health plans and healthcare providers covered by the privacyrule. What are the two main purposes of HIPPA ? - CORRECT ANSWER 1. To providecont nuous health insurance coverage for workers who lose or change their job.2.To reduce the administrative burdens and cost of healthcare by standardizing theelectronic transmission of administrative and financial transactions and protects theati n personal medical information and confidentiality. A CCMA cannot disclose what information ? - CORRECT ANSWER A Patientsinformation unless authorized. Discussing a patients medical information is breaking what ? - CORRECT ANSWER HIPPA guidelines Even if you are related to the patient you are required to have what to obtain medical information ? - CORRECT ANSWER Consent of the patient The Joint Commission is responsible for what ? - CORRECT ANSWER Regulates that identifying patients is crucial to improving patient safety. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Federal agency that oversees and regulates safety in the workplace.2. Training provided to employee at no cost. Quality Control (QC) promotes what ? - CORRECT ANSWER Accurate test results What is the most important step in ensuring patient safety ? - CORRECT ANSWER Is proper identification Always ask for what two forms of identification to ID a patient ? - CORRECT ANSWERFULL NAME DATE OF BIRTH 5 Referral ? - CORRECT ANSWER The process of directing or redirecting to a medicalsp cialist or agency for definitive treatment. (Some insurance companies require this) Verification of eligibility ? - CORRECT ANSWER Before care is provided, it isimportant o verify that a patients eligibility for service is active. CPT ? - CORRECT ANSWER Current Procedural Terminology ICD ? - CORRECT ANSWER International classification of diseaseEach diagnostic and procedural code allows for submission of services forr imbursement from insurance companies and to provide statistical data for research. There are how many characters used in ICD ? - CORRECT ANSWER Three to Seven First character is used for what ? - CORRECT ANSWER Main term when searching inalphabetical order Second and third characters ? - CORRECT ANSWER Numeric codes Fourth, Fifth, six, or seventh ? - CORRECT ANSWER Being alphabetic or numeric What is a modifier ? - CORRECT ANSWER Indicates one procedure was usedmultipl times on a patient. What is Advance Booking ? - CORRECT ANSWER Making an appoint for a patient inadva c e. What is Clustering ? - CORRECT ANSWER Seeing patients on the same day at thes me time. Double Booking ? - CORRECT ANSWER Two patients are given the sameappointment time. What should you do if the provider is LATE ? - CORRECT ANSWER Offer toreschedule a patients appointment the provider is late. New Patient ? - CORRECT ANSWER A patient who has not been seen by theprovider before or who has not been seen in three or more years is considered a newpatient for billing purposes. How should test be scheduled ? - CORRECT ANSWER Schedule the least invasivetest first if a patient is having multiple test. 6 Wave scheduling ? - CORRECT ANSWER Three or Four patients are scheduled every half hour and are seen in the order in which they arrive at the office. Aerophagia ? - CORRECT ANSWER Swallowing air alopecia ? - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden increased hair loss Anthropometric ? - CORRECT ANSWER Used to asses the size, shape, and composition of the human body, BMI or a growth chart. Chief Complaint (CC) ? - CORRECT ANSWER The primary symptom that a patient states as a reason for seeking medical care. Cirrhosis ? - CORRECT ANSWER Chronic liver disease. Cholecystectomy ? - CORRECT ANSWER Removal of the gallbladder. Dysuria ? - CORRECT ANSWER Painful difficult urination, Common cause is medication Dextrocardia ? - CORRECT ANSWER The heart points to the right side instead of the left. Electronic Health Record ? (EHR) - CORRECT ANSWER Electronic record of patients'health related information and can be created, managed, and accessed from multiplehealth care organizations.Alw ys back up the information on a storage device. Electronic Medical Record ? (EMR) - CORRECT ANSWER Electronic record ofpatients' health related information and can be created, managed, and accessed within singl healthcare organization.Alw ys back up information on a storage device. Hemostasis ? - CORRECT ANSWER Promotes coagulation and stops bleeding. Hypoglycemia ? - CORRECT ANSWER Low blood sugar that can be helped by giving the pt orange juice. Ischemia ? - CORRECT ANSWER Restriction of oxygen rich blood to a portion of the body. Parathyroid Hormone ? - CORRECT ANSWER Hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland that is important in bone growth. 7 Patient Centered Care ? - CORRECT ANSWER Requires the inclusion of both family and patient regarding the patients care. Pericarditis ? - CORRECT ANSWER Inflammation of the pericardium ( Surrounding limning of the heart.) Personal Protective Equipment ? (PPE) - CORRECT ANSWER Equipment that protects the wearer from bodily injury or infection. OSHA mandates that all PPE be free of what ? - CORRECT ANSWER ChargePetechiae - CORRECT ANSWER Broken capillaries due to bleeding under the skin. What is one reason why petechiae occurs ? - CORRECT ANSWER The tourniquet is to tight. Pyelonephritis? - CORRECT ANSWER Inflammation of the kidney which can cause pain in the lower and mid back. Retinopathy ? - CORRECT ANSWER Disease of the retina that results in impairment of vision and can be a complication of diabetes mellitus. Vertigo ? - CORRECT ANSWER Episodes of dizziness and a sensation of spinning with certain head movements. What are the causes of vertigo ? - CORRECT ANSWER Caused by inner ear disorder Can be caused by performing an ear irrigation on a patient. SOAP notes - CORRECT ANSWER A format for communicating important patient information in a chart in an organized manner. Subjective Objectiv eAssessmen tPlan - CORRECT ANSWER Information the patient conveys (everything pt states isubj ctive .)Measurable information about the patient (vitals, diagnostic findings, and more)A detailed examination by the provider to determine the health status.A serie of proposed interventions to improve health or treat a disease. Spirometry ? - CORRECT ANSWER Common office test to see how well your lungswork by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale, and how quicklyy u exhale.Requires two maneuvers. 1 0 Fowler's - CORRECT ANSWER Upright sitting position with the exam table raised to a90° angle.°Best position to help a patient who is having difficulty breathing. Lithotomy - CORRECT ANSWER Lying flat on the table with buttocks at the end of thetable and feet resting in stirrups.Vaginal examination, giving birth Prone - CORRECT ANSWER Lying flat on the abdomen with arms above the head. (face down) Supine - CORRECT ANSWER Laying flat on the back with arms down to the sides.Used for doing EKG's, measuring an infant, any procedure that requires a patient to belaying flat. Sims ( Lateral ) - CORRECT ANSWER Laying on left side with the left leg slightlyflexed and the right leg flexed at a 90° angle.Proc dures involving the rectum. Trendelenburg - CORRECT ANSWER Legs elevated above the head to forcecirculation to vital organs.Effective in raising a patients blood pressure. Coronal/Frontal - CORRECT ANSWER Divides the body into anterior and posterior sections. Sagittal - CORRECT ANSWER Divides the body into left and right Transverse - CORRECT ANSWER Divides the body into superior and inferior sections cutting the body in half at the mid line. Body Mass Index (BMI) - CORRECT ANSWER Calculated by height and weight Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - CORRECT ANSWER 100 compression'sshould be performed in 1 minute. Eye Irrigation - CORRECT ANSWER To relieve inflammation and discomfort Figure eight bandage - CORRECT ANSWER typically used to rap the ankle Infant Head Measurement - CORRECT ANSWER Place tape measure at the most prominent part of the forehead, often one to two fingers above the eyebrows. Ishihara - CORRECT ANSWER Test for color vision 1 1 Pulse Oximetry - CORRECT ANSWER Measures the oxygen level in the blood Place on finger or earlobe. Streptococcal Test - CORRECT ANSWER Collected form the throat orally Stress Test - CORRECT ANSWER Monitors cardiovascular capacity during a period ofincreasingly strenuous exercise, while the patient is using a treadmill.Hint, sweating is normal DO NOT STOP TEST! Transferring a patient - CORRECT ANSWER Is always a concern so as not to injurehe patient or the healthcare worker.Always use proper body mechanisms, such as bending at the knees. Vision Test - CORRECT ANSWER A visual acuity chart that is used to test distancev ual acuity. It uses capital letters of different sizes to test vision on the literate adult.The test is conducted form 20 feet away Weighing a patient - CORRECT ANSWER Perform a QC on the scale by balancing the scale first before weighing the patient Wound Care - CORRECT ANSWER Always clean in a circular motion from inward tooutwar d. If a wound culture is taken you should - CORRECT ANSWER Include documentation of any recent antibiotics use. Computerized Axial Tomography - CORRECT ANSWER A series of X-Ray imagestaken from different angels using computer processing to create cross- sectional imagesor sl ces of bones, blood vessels, and soft tissue inside the body. sometimes withc ntras t. Contrast - CORRECT ANSWER A special solution used to highlight the areas of thebody being examined that block the x-ray and appears as white images, which canemp asize the image. Some patients who are allergic to shellfish may also be allergic to what ? - CORRECT ANSWER Contrast Ophthalmoscope - CORRECT ANSWERUsed to examine and see inside the structures of the eye. Otoscope - CORRECT ANSWER Used to look inside the ear. 1 2 Sphygmomanometer - CORRECT ANSWER Instrument used to measure blood pressure Weighing - CORRECT ANSWER If a patient is having trouble standing then have them use a walker by placing the walker over the scale. Standard precautions - CORRECT ANSWER Set of infection control practices used topr vent transmission of diseases that can be acquired by contact with blood, bodyfluids n n intact skin, and mucous membranes. Basically treat everyone as if they arenfecte d. Airborne - CORRECT ANSWER Influenza, measles, tuberculosis Blood borne - CORRECT ANSWER HIV Contact - CORRECT ANSWER STI's Gloves - CORRECT ANSWER Should always be worn if there is a risk of exposure to bodily fluids such as urine, blood, pus, ect..... Sharps Container - CORRECT ANSWER A hard plastic container that is used to safelydispose of needles and other sharp objects. Always log that the container is removedwh n filled. Crohn's Diseases - CORRECT ANSWER A type of inflammatory bowel disease Graves Disease - CORRECT ANSWER An autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid, smoking may increase the risk of the disease and may worsen eye problems. Illness - CORRECT ANSWER Subjective departure from wellness. Influenza - CORRECT ANSWER A common viral infection that can be deadly , especially in the high-risk groups. Symptoms of Influenza include - CORRECT ANSWER Body aches, sore throat, fever, coughing, runny nose, nausea, and overall fatigue Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER The study of the structures of living things. Physiology - CORRECT ANSWER Function and process of all living organisms Red Blood Cells, erythrocytes, - CORRECT ANSWER Transports oxygen throughout the body. 1 5 Alcohol Based Rub - CORRECT ANSWER Can be used in lieu of washing with soap and water if hands are not visibly soiled. Decontamination - CORRECT ANSWER The neutralization or removal of dangerous substances or germs from an area, or an object, or person. What ratio should be used to determine clean up of urine, or blood that has been spilled on the floor? - CORRECT ANSWER 1:10 solution of bleach and water. A CCMA should do what after each exam visit is completed with a pt Hint: the exam room - CORRECT ANSWER Exam rooms should be disinfected after each pt Disinfection - CORRECT ANSWER Process of destr ying pathogens on a surface. Sanitization - CORRECT ANSWER Reduces the number of microbes (Make something extremely clean> Sterilization - CORRECT ANSWER Destruction of all pathogens and their spores. Pharmacology - CORRECT ANSWER The study of medications and how they act on the body (both good and bad) as well as their classifications and various properties. Antipyretics - CORRECT ANSWER Medications used to lower a patient's body temperature. Absorption - CORRECT ANSWER How long it takes a drug to get into the blood stream. Contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER A specific situation in which a drug should not be used because it may be harmful to the pt. Distribution - CORRECT ANSWER The reversible transfer of a drug from one location to another within the body. Excretion - CORRECT ANSWER The removal of a medication from the body. (typically through urination) Indication - CORRECT ANSWER A condition which makes a particular treatment or procedure advisable. Metabolism - CORRECT ANSWER Most important organ for drug metabolism is the liver. 1 6 Bronchodilators - CORRECT ANSWER Dilates the bronchi and bronchioles bydecreasing resistance in the respiratory airways and increasing airflow to the lungs.Should stop using before a patient is scheduled for a pulmonary function test. Enteric Coated Tablets - CORRECT ANSWER Contain an outer shell that prevents ano al tablet from dissolving until it reaches the intestines, often to prevent stomachir itatio n. Influenza Vaccine - CORRECT ANSWER Must document expiration number and lot number in pt's medical record. Opiates - CORRECT ANSWER Drug with morphine like affect, derived from opium to treat pain. Transdermal Patches - CORRECT ANSWER Adheres to the patients skin and themedication is absorbed slowlyInstruct the patient to write the date and time on each patch that is applied. Place the what on the outside pocket of a transport bag when transporting to an outside laboratory? - CORRECT ANSWER Requisition Capillary Collection - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Always wipe off the first drop of blood. 2.Apply direct pressure on the puncture site when performing a finger stick. A1C (Hemoglobin A1C) - CORRECT ANSWER Determines the average blood sugar concentration for the proceeding two to three months to check for diabetes. Anaerobic Collection or Transport Device - CORRECT ANSWER Absence of oxygen and do not expose to oxygenAerobic Collection or Transp rt Device - CORRECT ANSWER Presence of oxygen Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) - CORRECT ANSWER Measures the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood from an artery. A CCMA cannot perform which test ? - CORRECT ANSWER An ABG Blood Cultures - CORRECT ANSWER Used to detect the presence of bacteria or fungi in the blood. A minimum of _ should be collected for each tube of blood? -CORRECT ANSWER 8- 10mL's 1 7 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) - CORRECT ANSWER Checks for inflammation and the distance the erythrocytes have settled over time. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) - CORRECT ANSWER Would be ordered if a woman is having menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes.Fecal Occult - CORRECT ANSWER Test to check for hidden blood in the stool Blood cannot be seen with ? - CORRECT ANSWER The naked eye What does a fecal occult screen for ? - CORRECT ANSWER diverticulitis, colon caner, etc... Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) - CORRECT ANSWER Used to diagnose diabetes and starts when the patient finishes drinking the glucose solution. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - CORRECT ANSWER Urine Pregnancy Test Urinalysis - CORRECT ANSWER Test of the urine used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as UTI, Kidney disease, and diabetes. Invert tubes for proper mixture of what ? - CORRECT ANSWER Additive in tubes Fill lavender tubes first when performing what ? - CORRECT ANSWER Capillary Collection Apply safety device imminently after what ? - CORRECT ANSWER After withdrawing needle from pt Prothrobin Time/International Normalized Ratio (PT/INR) - CORRECT ANSWERUnexplained bleeding or inappropriate blood clot ( Test would go to coagulation) Lightblue tube Have the pt make a fist but do not ? - CORRECT ANSWER Pump Tie the tourniquet inches from the venipuncture site? - CORRECT ANSWER3- 4 Clean the skin in an circular motion from - CORRECT ANSWER Inside to outside Always wear gloves and never ? - CORRECT ANSWER pop the fingertip of the glove off to feel for a vein. 2 0 Indradermal - CORRECT ANSWER 15 degree angle without aspirationPurified protein derivative/ tuberculosis (PPD/TB)Needle size should be 25ga to 28gaOnly inject 0.1 tuberculin Subcutaneous - CORRECT ANSWER 45 degree with aspiration Insulin injections Intramuscular - CORRECT ANSWER 90 degree with aspiration Deltoid - CORRECT ANSWER Lateral Shoulder Vastus Lateralis (Upper lateral thigh) - CORRECT ANSWER should be used to perform a intramuscular injection on an infant. EKG - CORRECT ANSWER Traces the electrical activity of the heart Atrioventricular Node (AV node) - CORRECT ANSWER The electrical relay stationbetween the upper and lower chambers of the heart. The atrioventricular node iss imulated node is stimulated after the sinoatrial node fires. Sinoatrial Node (SA node) - CORRECT ANSWER The human pace maker is located in the right atrium of the heart. Electrodes - CORRECT ANSWER small pads or patches that are attached to the skinand connected to leads.Cloth tape can be applied to hold down the leads if they are not sticking properly.Ensure the t's skin is clean and dry. Holter Monitor - CORRECT ANSWER Worn by a patient for 24 hours to evaluate thehe rts function.Instruct pt not to bathe or shower to avoid the electrodes from getting wet. Leads - CORRECT ANSWER An electrical connection attached to the body to perform an EKG Ground Lead - CORRECT ANSWER Placed on the right leg Precordial leads - CORRECT ANSWER Placed on the chest Infectious Agent - CORRECT ANSWER Any microorganism that can cause disease 2 1 Reservoir - CORRECT ANSWER The place where the microorganism resides, thrives,and reproducesex, f od water, toilet seat, elevator buttons Portal of Exit - CORRECT ANSWER The place where the organism leaves ther servoir, such as the respiratory tract, nose, mouth, internal tract, urinary tract, or bloodand other b y fluids. Mode of Transmission - CORRECT ANSWER The means by which an organism transfers from one carrier to another. Portal of entry - CORRECT ANSWER the opening where an infectious agent entersthe host's body such as mucous membranes, open wound, or tubes inserted into thebod y Susceptible Host - CORRECT ANSWER A person who is at risk for developing aninfection from the disease. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs - CORRECT ANSWER Self Actualization - CORRECT ANSWER Morality, creativity, problem solving Self Esteem - CORRECT ANSWER Confidence, achievement, respect Belonging - CORRECT ANSWER Love, friendship, intimacy, family safety - CORRECT ANSWER security of environment, employment, resources, health, property. Physiological - CORRECT ANSWER Air, food, water, sex, sleep, and other factors toward homeostasis Angry Patients - CORRECT ANSWER Take the patient to a private area so as not to disturb other patients that might be in the waiting room or within earshot. Eye Irrigation - CORRECT ANSWER If body fluids or irritant chemicals contact theeyes flus for up to 15 min PASS - CORRECT ANSWER P: PULL A: AIMS: Squeeze: Sweep RACE - CORRECT ANSWER Rescue 2 2 Alert Contain Extinguis h