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Medical Terminology and Nursing Concepts, Exams of General Surgery

A wide range of medical terminology and nursing concepts, including stroke signs, compartment syndrome, shock signs, electrolyte imbalances, hypertension complications, cancer warning signs, leukemia symptoms, dialysis requirements, asthma management, hypoxia signs, pneumothorax symptoms, incontinence causes, dumping syndrome, gerd, peptic ulcers, diverticulosis/diverticulitis, cholecystitis, acute renal failure, end-stage renal disease, nephrolithiasis, hepatitis types, and postoperative care for colectomy. The extensive coverage of these medical conditions, their signs/symptoms, and related nursing interventions make this document a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, particularly nursing students and those studying related fields. The level of detail provided allows for a comprehensive understanding of these important topics.

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Available from 08/24/2024

DrShirley 🇺🇸



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Download Medical Terminology and Nursing Concepts and more Exams General Surgery in PDF only on Docsity! Week 3 Medsurg Study Notes (ATI Capstone) Angina Precipitating Factors (4 E's) - Exertion: physical activity/exercise Eating Emotional Distress Extreme temp (hot and cold) Arterial Occlusion s/s (4 P'S) - Pain Pulselessness Pallor Paresthesia CHF Treatment: MADD DOG - *M*orphine *A*minophylline *D*igoxin *D*opamine *D*iuretics *O*xygen *G*asses: monitor ABG's Heart Murmur Causes: SPASM - *S*tenosis of a valve *P*artial obstruction *A*neurysms *S*eptal defect *M*itral regurgitation Heart Sounds: All People Enjoy the Movies - *A*ortic: 2nd r. intercostal space *P*ulmonic: 2nd l. intercostal space *E*rb's Point: 3rd l. intercostal space *T*ricuspid: 4th l. intercostal space *M*itral/apex: 5th l. intercostal space Hypertension Care: DIURETIC - *D*aily weight *I/O's* *U*rine Output: *R*esponse of BP *E*lectrolytes *T*ake pulse *I*schemic episodes *C*omplications: CVA, CAD, CHF, CRF SOB causes (4 a's + 4 p's) - *a*irway obstruction *a*ngina *a*nxiety *a*sthma *p*neumonia *p*neumothorax *p*ulm. edema *p*ulm. embolus Stroke signs: FAST - *F*ace *A*rms *S*peech *T*ime Compartment Syndrome s/s (5 p's) - *p*ain Asthma management: ASTHMA - *a*drenergics: albuterol/other bronchodilators *s*teroids *t*heophylline *h*ydration: IV fluids *M*ask: oxygen therapy *a*ntibiotics: for associated resp infections Early Hypoxia Signs (RAT) - *r*estlessness *a*nxiety *t*achycardia/tachypnea Late Hypoxia signs - BED - *b*radycardia *e*xtreme restlesssness *d*yspnea Pneumothorax s/s: P-THORAX - *P*leuritic pain *T*racheal deviation *H*yperresonance *O*nset sudden *R*educed breath sounds (and dyspnea) *a*bsent fremitus *x*ray shows collapsed lung Transient Incontinent Causes: DIAPERS - *D*elirium *I*nfection *A*trophic urethra *P*harmaceuticals/psychological *E*xcess urine output *R*estricted mobility *S*tool impaction Dumping Syndrome - -complication of gastric surgeries in which pyloric sphincter's ability to control food moving into the small intestine is impaired -the resulting "dumping" leads to *nausea, distention, cramping pains, diarrhea* within 15 min of eating -weakness/dizziness/tachycardia/hypoglycemia may also occur *treatment* -small, frequent meals -protein/fat @ each meal -no concentrated sugars -restrict lactose -have liquids 1hr before or after eating (dry diet) Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - -leads to indigestion/heartburn from backflow of acidic gastric juices onto mucosa of lower esophagus -encourage weight loss if overweight -avoid large meals/bedtime snacks -avoid trigger foods: citrus/juices, spicy foods/soda -avoid items that reduce lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure (alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, fatty foods, peppermint/cigarette smoke) Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) - -erosion of mucosal layer of stomach/duodenum -may be d/t bacterial infection w h. pylori or chronic NSAID use -avoid frequent meals/snacks (promote increased gastric acid secretion) -avoid alcohol, cigarettes, aspirin, other NSAIDS, coffee, black pepper, spicy foods, caffeine Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis - Diverticulosis may lead to Diverticulitis DIVERTICULOSIS: pouch-like herniations of colon into muscularis layer, possible rectal bleeding DIVERTICULITIS: inflammation of diverticula, may cause abscess; pain, cramping of LLQ n/v, slight fever, increased WBC *complications* - bowel obstruction, perforation with peritonitis, hemorrhage Red flag: back pain Patient teaching diverticulitis - -high fiber diet may help by producing easily passable stools that decrease colon pressure -low fiber diet prescribed during ACUTE DIVERTICULITIS to reduce bowel stimulation -avoid foods w seeds/husks Cholecystitis - -inflammation of gallbladder -fat intake should be limited to reduce gallbladder stimulation -other foods that can cause issues: *coffee, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, legumes, highly seasoned foods* -otherwise, diet individualized to client's needs Acute Renal Failure (ARF) - -abrupt, rapid decline in renal fxn -d/t trauma, sepsis, poor perfusion, meds -can cause hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia -diet therapy dependent upon phase of ARF and underlying cause Pre-End Stage Renal Disease (pre-ESRD) - -diminished renal reserve/renal insufficiency -pre-dialysis characterized by INCREASE in CREATININE *goals of treatment* -preserve remaining renal fxn by limiting protein/phosphorus intake -ctrl blood glucose/HTN (both risk factors) -slows progression of renal disease -too little protein may also breakdown the body's reserve so protein intake must be carefully monitored -restricting phosphorus also slows progression, high lvls contribute to calcium/phosphorus deposits in kidney (stones) *diet* -limit dairy to 1/2 cup/day -limit meat -limit high phosphorus foods (peanut butter, dried peas/beans, bran, cola, chocolate, beer, some whole grains) -restrict Na intake to maintain BP -caution clients to use vitamin/mineral supplements only when recommended End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - -chronic renal failure -occurs when GFR < 25/mL/min, creatinine rises, or dialysis or transplantation is required *goal of nutritional therapy* -to maintain appropriate fluid status, BP, and blood chemistries -DIET: high protein, low-phosphorus, low-potassium, low-sodium, fluid-restricted diet -protein needs increase when dialysis begins d/t prtein/amino acids being lost in dialysate -50% of protein should be biological (meat, milk etc) -phosphorus MUST BE restricted -vit. d deficiency occurs bc kidneys unable to convert it to active form Nephrotic Syndrome - -results in serum proteins leaking into urine: *proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, and edema* *secondary NS* -occurs after or associated with glomerular damage d/t known cause, different from congenital *s/s* -weight gain over days/weeks Nurse is reviewing ABG results of a client who provider suspects has metabolic acidosis? Which of the following is expected? - pH below 7.35 A nurse is monitoring a client with cerebral aneurysm rupture. Which is a manifestation of increased intracranial pressure? - -irritability behavioral changes, such as confusion, restlessness and irritability are s/s of increasing IOP Nurse is assessing client who has puncture wound on foot. Which is a manifestation of acute osteomyelitis? - -localized erythema (swelling and localized erythema are s/s) A nurse is caring for a client who has HIV, which of the following lab results is the nurse's priority? - -CD4 cell count 180 cells/mm3 During salt water enema, client says they're having stomach cramps. What action should should be taken to relieve discomfort? - -Lower the height of solution container (if nausea/cramping occurs, flow of water should be slowed/stopped by lowering device/clamping tubing. This allows spasm to pass) Hepatitis A - -Fecal-oral route of transmission *risk factors* -ingestion of contaminated food/water (ESPECIALLY SHELLFISH) -contact w infected stool -*has vaccine for post-exposure AND prevention* -regular vaccine recommended Hepatitis B - -ROT: BLOOD *risk FActors* -unprotected sex w infected individual -infants born to infeted mom -substance use (needles) -preventative vaccine available Hepatitis C - -ROT: BLOOD -*risk factors* -substance use disorders (NEEDLES) -contaminated needles, unsanitary tattoo equipment -sex, organ transplant Hepatitis E - -ROT: Fecal-oral *risk factors* -ingestion of food/water contaminated w fecal waste Which hepatitis viruses are transmitted through blood? - Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Which hepatitis are transmitted fecal-orally? - -hepatitis A and hepatitis E What are some examples of information you would give to a patient after a bone marrow biopsy? - -avoid aspirin or other meds that would affect clotting -apply ice to biopsy site to minimize bleeding/bruising -apply pressure to site to control bleeding -place sterile dressing over biopsy site -maintain client on bed rest for 30=60 min -monitor for s/s infection -admin mild NON-NSAID analgesic like tylenol (acetaminophen) What position would you place a patient in after a lower-extremity amputation? - -PRONE position, with the patient lying flat on their abdomen/chest with head to one side and back in correct alignment. Types of incontinencew - *stress* loss of small amounts of urine d/t increased abd pressure w/o bladder muscle contraction (sneezing, laughing, lifting). can occur d/t weak pelvic floor muscles or after prostatectomy *urge* -inability to stop urine flow long enough to reach RR d/t overactive detrusor muscle. can be d/t UTI/overactive bladder *overflow* -urinary retention d/t bladder overdistension. can occur d/t neuro disorder (MS, spinal cord), or large prostate *reflex* -involuntary d/t hyperreflexia (spinal cord dysnfxn) Colectomy Postop Nursing Actjions - -assess stoma -manage pain and educate on PCA -maintain NG suction (decompression) and progress diet slowly after suctioning d/c -discuss incontinence, sexual fxn Hyperacute Organ rejection s/s - -occurs within 48 hr -fever, HTN, pain at site -requires IMMEDIATE removal of donor kidney s/s of increased intracranial pressure - -severe headache, n/v -deteriorating LOC, restlessness, irritability -diluted or pinpoint nonreactive pupils -cranial nerve dysfxn -*CUSHING'S TRIAD*: late finding: severe HTN, widening PP, bradycardia -seizures -alterations in breathing (cheyne-stokes respirations, hyperventilation, apnea) Heart Transplant discharge teaching - -monitor for complications (infection, thrombosis, rejection) Kernig's Sign - a diagnostic sign for meningitis marked by the person's inability to extend the leg completely when the thigh is flexed upon the abdomen and the person is sitting or lying down CPAP - -provides positive pressure using leak proof mask via noninvasiv positive pressure ventilation device -purpose: to keep airways open throughout resp cycle and improve gas exchange in alveoli -most effective treatment for sleep apnea bc positive pressure acts as split to keep upper airway and trachea open during sleep Electroencephalography (EEG) - -noninvasive procedure assessing electrical activity of brain to determine abnormalities -notations are made when stimuli is presented or when sleep occurs Ways to decrease vertigo - -prevent vertigo -restrict movement of head -avoid caffeine/alc -rest in quiet, dark environment -decrease intake of salt and sodium containing foods -use assistive devices as needed -take diuretic if prescribed to decreease fluid in semicircular canals Peritonitis s/s - -rigid, boardliek abdomen -abd distension -n/v -rebound tenderness -tachycardia -fever -early manifestation in older adults; decreased mental status, confusion Caring for Client w Glomerulonephritis - -diuretics/antihypertensives prescribed to remove accumulated fluid and manage HTN Nephrotic Sydnrome s/s - -weight gain over days/wks -facial/periorbital edema that decreases throughout day -ascites -edema to lower extremities/genitials -white lines on nails parallel (muehrcke lines) -pallor -anorexia -diarrhea -n/v/d -lethargy, dyspnea -decreased, frothy urine