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Medical Terminology and Procedures, Exams of Nursing

A wide range of medical terminology and procedures, including triage, military medical insurance, nerve impulses, coordination of benefits, urine color, medicare claims, bleeding victim care, empathy in patient care, medical assistant malpractice, joint types, medicare hcpcs codes, deceased patient billing, fiscal intermediaries, plasma proteins, cardinal signs, respiration types, medicaid claims, sterilization methods, business letter formatting, patient information disclosure, minor patient rights, medication dispensing, salivary gland inflammation, urine sample collection, medical practice acts, liability insurance, medicare coverage, medication safety in pregnancy, ethical principles, muscle-bone attachment, vitamin deficiencies, urinary tract infections, collection agency procedures, ostomy, venipuncture assessment, adult dentition, communication through body language, prostate conditions, burn care education, lyme disease prevention, medical instrument cleaning, physician schedul

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Available from 10/06/2024

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Download Medical Terminology and Procedures and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Amt Rma Study Guide 2024-2025.

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Graded A+

2 TBS of medication are equal to - ANS30 mL A 2nd degree burn would appear as - ANSRed, edematous, wet, shiny or blistered A deficiency of vitamin b12 leads to which type of anemia - ANSSickle cell A discussion involving the physician providing the pt or the pt's legal representative with a deeper understanding of the pt's condition, a full explanation of the plan for treatment, and enough info to decide whether the pt will undergo the treatment or seek an alternative is called what type of consent - ANSInformed consent A doughnut shaped gland that encircles the urethra is the - ANSProstate gland A drug used to relieve pain is an - ANSAnalgesic A genetic disorder characterized by the inability of the blood to clot properly is - ANSHemophillia A hemostat is used to - ANSControl bleeding A hernia of part of the rectum into the vagina is called - ANSRectocele A letter for statement from the insurance carrier describing what was paid, denied, or reduced in payment. Also contains info about amounts applied to the deductible, the pt's Co insurance, and the allowed amounts - ANSExplanation of benefits (EOB) A marked drop in B/P is found with - ANSHysteria A marked drop in B/P is found with - ANSShock A medical assistant makes a medication error while under the physicians direction,the pt is injured and files a medical malpractice lawsuit. The court determines that the physician is liable for the medical assistant negligence.this is known as the doctrine of - ANSRespondent superior A method of prioritizing pt's so that the most urgent receive care 1st is called - ANSTriage A military medical insurance plan that is

administered by the government is - ANSTricare A nerve impulse is carried across a synapse by - ANSA neurotransmitter A non-duplication of benefits is also called - ANSCoordination of benefits A normal color of urine is - ANSStraw A patient diagnosed with epistaxis has - ANSA bloody nose A person who holds a health benefit plan is a - ANSSubscriber A pt short of breath should be put into what position on the examination table - ANSFowlers A range of usual fees in the same community is the - ANSPrevailing fee A small mass of masticated food ready to be swallowed is - ANSBolus A stainless steel instruments c a handle at one end and 2 prongs at the other end used to test hearing is - ANSTuning fork A sudden attack, such as that observed in epilepsy is know as - ANSA seizure A type of bone fracture producing many bone fragments is - ANSCommunited fracture A urine pregnancy test checks for the presence of - ANSHCG A urine specimen collected over a specific period of time for quantitative analysis is - ANSTimed A written authorization by the pt giving the insurance company the right to pay the physician directly for billed services is know as the - ANSAssignment of benfits Abnormal widening of the arterial wall that is weak and bulges defines the term - ANSAneurysm Accepting assignment on medicare claims means the the physician is compensated - ANS80% of approved amount After putting gloves on, what should be done to assist a bleeding victim - ANSApply direct pressure to the site An approach of sensitivity to the individual needs and reactions of pt's begins from the in time contact with the medical receptionist to the conclusion of the pt's treatment. This approach is known as - ANSEmpathy An example of a medical assistant illegally practicing medicine is - ANSGiving advice on a pt condition An example of ball and socket joint - ANSHip An example of Medicare HCPCS code number is - ANSV72.3 An invoice for treatment of

a pt who is now deceased should be mailed to the - ANSExecutor of estate An organization that contracts with the government to handle and mediate insurance claims from the medical facilities, home health agencies, or providers of medical services or supplies - ANSFiscal intermediary Approximately 60% of the plasma proteins are formed by - ANSAlbumins Cardinal signs are also known as - ANSB/P, temp, pulse, respirations Cheyne stokes describes a - ANSType of respiration Claims for medicaid pt's enrolled in a managed care plan are paid according to what fee schedule - ANSCapitated Claims with a signed assignment of benefits are paid to the

  • ANSPhysician Cold sterilization is achieved through the use of - ANSChemicals Consider the legal statement in which a person authorizes another person to act as his or her agent. The authority me be limited to the handling of specific procedures the person to which authorization is granted is known as the - ANSPower of attorney for healthcare Digestion involves what organs - ANSTongue, large ontestines, and liver Dr.martin agrees to perform an appendectomy on Mrs O'Hara. Mrs O'Hara has received anesthesia and is prepped for surgery. Dr Martin Is double booked so he allows the chief resident dr Thompson to perform the appendectomy. The practice of substituting another surgeon s the pt's consent is the unethical situation known as
  • ANSGhost surgery During swallowing the larynx is covered by the - ANSEpiglottis Educating female pt's on S/S of myocardial infarction except - ANSFeeling of lightness or feeling famished in the mediastinum Ehat is not associated with insulin depend diabetes mellitus - ANSType 2 Electrosurgery is used for - ANSRemoval of benign skin lesions Fire extinguishers must be inspected and recharged - ANSOnce a year For deposit only is an example of what type of endorsement - ANSRestrictive For minor surgical procedures, acceptable skin cleansing agents include what -

ANSBetadine, hibiclens, and providone-iodine Growth hormone is produced in the - ANSPituitary HIPPA requires covered entities to submit medicare claims - ANSThrough electronic data exchange How Is The Date For The Heading Of A BUISNESS Letter Appropriately wrote - ANSJuly 27, 2011 If a caring family member asks about a pt's treatment, the medical assistant should - ANSProvide only info that has been authorized by the pt If a physician accepts payment from another physician solely for the referral of a pt, both a guilty of - ANSFee splitting If it is necessary to move an unresponsive, adult victim quickly away from a scene unassisted you should

  • ANSDrag the pt by the heels to safety If the total income for one month is 17, and the total expenses for the same month are 15,500 the profit and loss statement would show a - ANSNet profit of 2,000 In a collection situation, when a statement is returned marked" move-in forwarding address" the account may be termed - ANSA skip In a pt's progress note you see that the physician has used the term necrosis regarding to a lesion the physician is referring to - ANSDead tissue In EKG, the electrode used as ground is - ANSRL In order to reconcile the bank account, the medical assistant must - ANSCompare the opening balance of the new Statement c ok mare cancelled checks with items on the statement, and subtract Any bank fees from the checkbook balance In some states a minor is legally unable to make treatment decisions with limited exceptions. Under what circumstances would a patient such as Jane doe, a 16 yr old minir, suffering from cancer, be allowed to refuse continued chemotherapy treatments - ANSBeing an emancipated minor In the absence of the employing physician a medical assistant determines that a pt needs a prescription drug and dispenses the wrong drug from the physician's supply the performance of this totally wrongful and unlawful act is know as - ANSMalfeasance

Inflammation of the salivary gland is known as - ANSSialadenitis Instructing pt's in the collection of clean catch midstream urine specimen is especially important in order to avoid contamination. Which is not correct in pt education - ANSOn the second motion, cleanse directly across the meatus, back to front,using another antiseptic wipe Instruments required by the physician for a basic suture set up include - ANSNeedle holder and scissors Instruments used to take B/P are the - ANSSphymomanometer and stethoscope Laura disinfects the exam table in between each pt using a 1:10 bleach solution. In order for the process to be effective she must

  • ANSPrepare the solution according to the recommended dilution, store the solution in a closed container to avoid evaporation, change the after the recommended period of expiration Medical practice acts are laws enacted to - ANSPrevent malpractice Medical sole proprietorship,partnerships,groups, and corporations are encouraged to purchase insurance policies that include benefits for medical expenses payable to individuals who are injured in the insured persons home,buisness,or car, without regards to the insured persons actual legal liability for the accident this type of insurance is called - ANSLiability insurance Medicare part b covers - ANSPrescription medical equipment Medicare part b pays physicians on a fee scale consisting of three parts 1 physicians work 2 are based professional liability expenses 3 charge based overhead. This fee Scale is known as - ANSResource based relative value scale Medicare pt's treated by a none Participating physician - ANSAre responsible for a portion of the fee Medications considered relatively safe in pregnancy are classified in food and drug administration category are - ANSCategory A Monica is responsible for sterilizing instrument. She places a biological sterilization indicator into the autoclave to test the effectiveness of three sterilization process.

What information is provided by the biological sterilization indicator - ANSThe presence of spores in the autoclave Mrs. Jones is diagnosed with a terminal illness. She has given permission for her husband, Mr Jones to have access to her medical info. Dr.smith informs mr.jones that his wife is terminally ill. The physician would violate which of the following ethical principles if she does not inform her pt of the correct diagnoses - ANSVeracity Muscles are attached to bone by - ANSTendons Night blindness may be caused by a deficiency - ANSVitamin a Normal bacteria that are found in the intestinal tract and are most common cause of lower tract urinary infections are - ANSE.coli Once a delinquent account has been turned over to a collection agency, the physicians office shoud - ANSRefer all inquires to the collection agency Ostomy is a - ANSSuffix Palpating the venipuncture site - ANSContributes to the assessment of the size and the depth of the vein Permanent adult dentition consists of how many teeth - ANS32 Positioning or sitting behind a desk communicates the message of - ANSAuthority Prostatic hypertrophy is - ANSEnlarged prostate Pt education for minor burn care involves all except - ANSEating a low calorie, low protein diet to promote healing Pt education for preventing Lyme disease except - ANSRemove a tick by squeezing or crushing the tick with tweezers Sarah has been given the following physician order. Give keflex 1 gear orally now. The drug that is available is keflex 250 MG per capsule. How many capsules shoukd the pt recieve. - ANS4 Sarah is administering an influenza shot to her pt. She knows that when administering an inj into the deltoid muscle, caution must be taken to avoid the - ANSRadial and ulnar nerves Sensitivity testing in microbiology is performed to - ANSCheck for antibiotic sensitivity to the bacteria found in the specimen Staphylococci are the primary causative pathogen for what disease -

ANSAcne/boils The 1st step in controlling bleeding is - ANSDirect pressure The abbreviation for prescription is - ANSRx The abbreviation QID means - ANSFour times a day The abnormal lateral curvature of the spine that is often congenital in origin is - ANSScoliosis The angle for a SUB-Q inj is - ANS45 degrees The autoclave chamber door is slightly opened at the end of the autoclave cycle to - ANSAllow the items to dry The average pulse for an adult at rest is in range of - ANS60-80 beats per min The avoidance of confronting a personal problem or reality by acting as if the problem or reality never existed is a defense mechanism known as - ANSDenial The axial skeleton consists of how many bones - ANS80 The basic EKG has how many leads - ANS12 The cavity within the kidney that collects urine is the - ANSRenal pelvis The cleansing process used to remove debris such as blood, tissue, and other body fluids from medical instruments or equipment is called - ANSSanitization The combining form hist/o means - ANSTissue The combining form that means red is - ANSErythr\o The correct site for an adult IM inj is the - ANSGluteus medius The criteria of duty owed, dereliction of duty, direct cause, and damages are used in reference to which of the following situations - ANSAssessing the possibility of negligence The destruction of all microorganism is essential for surgical adepsis. The method most often used in the medical office that completely destroys micro organisms is - ANSSterilization The destruction ot all micro organisms is known as - ANSSterilization The duodenum is part of the - ANSSmall intestine The final statement for service rendered to a deceased pt should be addressed to the - ANSEstate of the deceased the hormone responsible for ovulation is - ANSLH The inflammation of the pancreas is - ANSPancreatitis The instrument used to view the urinary bladder - ANSA cystoscope The internal folds of the stomach are known as - ANSRugae The Kidneys

are located behind the - ANSPeritoneum The knee-chest position is used for examination of the - ANSRectum The lt ventricle of the heart sends blood out through which artery - ANSAorta The major components of a routine urinalysis are - ANSPhysical,chemical, and microscopic The major function of the circulatory system is - ANSTransportation The medical assistant develops a matrix or a template prior to creating the physicians schedule in order to - ANSBlock out time slots when the physician is not available to see pt's The medical term for a toothache is - ANSDentalgia The medical term for indigestion is - ANSDyspepsia The medical term for inflammation of the liver is - ANSHepatitis The method used to accommodate appt for minor emergencies in the physicians office is to - ANSLeave unassigned slots in the appt schedule The method used to perform a breast examination is - ANSPalpation The most common arterial site for obtaining an adult pulse is - ANSRadial The most effective method of sterilization is - ANSAutoclaving The name that follows the words pay to the order of on a check is the - ANSPayee The normal specific gravity of urine, which measures the ability of kidneys to concentrate urine, ranges from - ANS1.010 to 1.030 The origin of a muscle is - ANSWhere the muscle begins The outer ear includes the - ANSEar canal The outer layer of the skin - ANSEpidermis The petty cash fund may be used - ANSFor small incidental items The physician informs the medical assistant that he or she will no longer treat a pt who refuses to follow his or her medical advice and treatment plan. The procedure that the medical assistant should follow is to - ANSSend a letter of formal withdraw to the pt by certified mail, return receipt requested The physician orders 1 ram of a medication for inj. On hand is 0.5 grams per mL. How many mL will be administered - ANS2.0 mL The policy describing a period of non-coverage for conditions diagnosed

prior to the issuance of an insurance benefit plan Is called - ANSA pre-existing Conditions waiver The prefix ad means - ANSTo add to The process of proving that a bank statement and checkbook balance are in agreement is known as - ANSReconciliation The protein in epidermal cells that makes the skin relatively waterproof is - ANSKeratin The provision of medical care to physicians colleagues,their families, or staff free of charge is called - ANSProfessional courtesy The pt puts out his or her arm to allow the medical assistant to draw blood This type of consent is called - ANSImplied The purpose of HIPPA security standards is to set national standards for safeguarding the confidentiality of - ANSElectronic exchange of patient info The purpose of the good Samaritan act is to protect Healthcare providers rendering first aid from - ANSCivil and criminal liability The receptors for hearing and equilibrium are located in the - ANSInner ear The routine waiving of co- payments - ANSIs against federal guidlines The rt lung is divided into how many sections - ANS3 The Rt lung Is divided into how many sections - ANS3 The S/S of IDDM - ANSKetonuria, glycosuria, weight gain, and weight loss The S/S of IDDM include - ANSHyperglycemia and polyuria The seller chart is used to test - ANSSight The signature of the treating physician, medical assistant, or other healthcare provider on the medical record indicates that the record is accurate. This is called - ANSAuthentication The site of fertilization is usually the - ANSFallopian tube The specific amount specified by an insurance plan that the pt must pay toward the charges for professional service rendered is the - ANSCopayment The statue that defines what is included in the practice of medicine establishes the requirements for licensure and establishes the grounds for suspension or revocation is called the - ANSMedical practice act The study of the stomach and the intestine is -

ANSGastroenterology The suffix meaning inflammation is - ANSItis The surgical incision into the abdomen is - ANSLaparotomy The technique used to let the pt know how you interpreted the message he or she is communicating is called - ANSRestating The term myotomy means incision into - ANSMuscle The thoracic cavity is lined by the - ANSPleural membrane The three sections of the small intestine are the - ANSDuodenum,jejunum, and ileum The tympanic thermometer is inserted into the - ANSEar The universal donor has blood type - ANSO- The urinary bladder is located in the - ANSPelvic cavity The ventral cavity refers to the - ANSAnterior body cavities The vitamin produced by the normal flora of the colon in amounts sufficient to meet a person's daily need is vitamin - ANSK The words for deposit only specify what type of endorsement - ANSRestrictive This insurance covers health benefits program for the spouses and dependent children of Veterans suffering total,permanent, service connected disabilities and for surviving spouses and dependent children of Veterans who died as a result of service related disabilities - ANSChampva This type of check is a banks own check drawn on itself and signed by the bank cashed or other authorized official. This check is obtained by paying the bank the amount of the check - ANSCashiers check This type of listening is highly recommended for health care providers and pt's in communicating needs. It involves participation in a conversation with another by means of repeating words and phrases or giving approving or disapproving nods - ANSActive listening To obtain the most accurate rate,respiration should be counted for - ANS60 secs To prevent back pain or a workplace injury when working with an object ergonomically, which of the following ergonomic stance is not correct - ANSKeep feet together To properly void a check write void across the front and - ANSRetain it with canceled checks in

numeric order Traditional health insurance plans that pay for all or a share of the cost of covered service, regardless of which physician, hospital, or other licensed Healthcare provider used. Policyholders and their dependents choose when and where to get Healthcare service - ANSIndemnity plan Translated as the thing speaks for itself which of the following is evidence showing that negligence by the accused person may be reasonably inferred from the nature of the injury occurring to the plaintiff - ANSRes ipsa loquitur Types of health insurance and plan benefits. This type of benefit covers catastrophic or prolonged illness or injury. This insurance takes over when basic medical, hospitalization, and surgical benefits end - ANSMajor medical Under this doctrine, physicians are legally responsible for the acts of their employees when they are acting within the scope of their duties or employment - ANSRespondent superior Urine is formed in the - ANSNephron What abbreviation means 4 times a day - ANSQID What adverse reaction is poss to receiving insulin - ANSHypoglycemic reaction What are the four d's of negligence - ANSDuty, dereliction, direct cause, and damages What are the two most important factors in performing an effective hand washing - ANSFriction and running warm water What B/P is considered hypertensive - ANS140/90 What best describes the practice of fee splitting - ANSIt is the unethical practice in which physicians are paid for referring patients What can a medical assistant not do when prescribing Rx - ANSPrescribe controlled grugs What does recumbent mean - ANSLaying down What entries are recorded in the adjustment column - ANSInsurance write offs What info would you need in order to properly matrix the appt book or electronic medical record - ANSDays and hours the physician performs hospital rounds What instrument holds open layers of tissue, exposing the areas beneath - ANSRetractors What instrument

is classified as a dilating/probing instrument - ANSSpecula What instrument is used to check the interior of the eye - ANSOphthalmoscope What instrument is used to examine the interior structure of the eye - ANSOppthalmoscope What instruments have sharp edges and are used to incise skin and tissue - ANSCutting and dissecting instruments What is a court order requiring a witness to produce records for trial - ANSSubpoena duces tecum What is a generated sterile drape - ANSA drape that is placed over the pt with the opening over the area where the surgical procedure will be performed What is a water soluble vitamin - ANSC What is an appropriate responsibility for the medical assistant when assisting the physician with a surgical procedure - ANSEnsuring that there is a signed pt consent forms on file What is angioplasty - ANSUsed to restore blood flow to chemical myocardial tissue What is not a physical therapy modality - ANSImmobilization What is not associated c insuli- dependent diabetes mellitus - ANSType II What is supine also known as - ANSHorizontal recumbent What is the appropriate 1st response to a syncope episode - ANSPlace pt supine with legs elevated What is the best method of interacting with an angry pt in the reception area - ANSInvite the pt into a room out of the reception area What is the correct accounting equation - ANSAssets=liabilities=propiertorship (capital) What is the correct order of Maslow "hierarchy of needs" starting from the bottom to the top - ANSPhysiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, esteem and recognition, self-actualization What is the dorsal recumbent - ANSLaying flat with knees bent, allows for relaxation of abd. Muscles, also used for vaginal and rectal examination What is the first portion of the small intestine - ANSDuodenum What is the first thing you should do if you walk into a room and find a pt collapsed on the floor - ANSAssess the scene

before going any further What is the knee-chest position most commonly used for in the examination of - ANSRectal What is the most appropriate pt position for venipuncture - ANSSitting in a chair What is the most common eye condition associated with aging - ANSPresbyopia What Is the prone position - ANSLaying flat, face down What is The proper way to operate a fire extinguisher - ANSPull the pin, aim the hose, spueeze the handle, sweep the nozzle What is the supine position most commonly used for - ANSExamination and TX of the anterior portion of the body What kind of machines do electrocardio graph technicians operate - ANSEKG What means a physician who specializes in the study of the anus and the rectum - ANSProctologist What means pertaining to after meals - ANSPostprandial What medical instrument has slender jaws used for grasping blood vessels and establishing homeostasis - ANSHemostat clamp What organ is located in the lymphatic system - ANSSpleen What position Is most commonly used for vaginal or rectal exams - ANSLithotomy What position is the pt positioned on left side of body with Rt arm flexed upward, and Rt leg sharply flexed - ANSSims What position is the pt resting against the table at a 45 degree angle - ANSSemi-fowlers What position is the pt supine with the feet elevated slightly - ANSTrendelenburg What position is the pt's chest and knees placed flat against the table with the knees seperated. The buttocks is extended upward with the back straight - ANSKnee-chest What position is the pt's upper body at a 90 degree angle - ANSFowlers What position is used for pt's with respiratory or cardiovascular problems - ANSFowlers What regulatory body is responsible for monitoring the observance of standard precautions guidelines - ANSOSHA What represents the statistical characteristics of human populations used especially to identify pt's - ANSDemographic What required info must be recorded

on the pt's medical record when administering vaccines - ANSEducating date of the VIS, the date the VIS is provided What requires that this be reported to the appropriate authorities - ANSSuspected child abuse What should be done if a person exhibits changing levels of consiousness - ANSGive the pt fluids What suture does not require removal from the body - ANSCatgut What tax form is mandated by law to be given to every employee at the end of the year - ANSW-2 form What term is best associated with cancer that has spread to other organs of the body - ANSMetastasis What term is best described as destruction of burning - ANSElectro cauterization What test identifies the organism associated with urinary tract inf - ANSCx and sensitivity What type of I'M inj is recommended for the administration of irritating or staining medications - ANSZ-track What type of magazines should not be in the reception area - ANSPhysicians professional journals What type of pulse is obtained using a stethoscope - ANSApical What typically does not cause an artifact on an EKG - ANSRelaxed pt What would best exemplify the concept of res ipsa loquitur - ANSA surgeon leaves a sponge in an pt's abdominal cavity after abdominal surgery When a bankruptcy notice is received oin the office it Is beneficial to - ANSSubmit a form to the court of trustee When a muscle contracts it becomes - ANSShorter and thicker When a pt fails to keep an appt the medical assistant should

  • ANSDocument the failed appt in the pt's chart When a pt goes into shock what is the best position to put the pt in - ANSTrendelenburg When an order arrives from a supplier, the box should be inventoried. The list of the items included in a shipment is called - ANSAn invoice When an order arrives from a supplier, the box should be inventoried. The list of the items included in a shipment is called the - ANSPacking slip When educating your pt, what is not recommended for the prevention of deep

vein thrombosis - ANSAvoid compression stockings When explaining drug use terminology to the pt, prophylactic is best explained as - ANSPreventing the occurrence of a condition(such as vaccine) When gastric contents leaks into the abdominal cavity from perforation of the stomach it is called - ANSPeritonitis When installing eye drops into the eye, where is the proper placement of the drops - ANSInto the center of the lower conjuctival sac When making travel arrangements for the physician to attend a medical Siminar or convention the medical assistant should provide the physician with details of the entire trip including dates and times of arrival and departure flight and hotel confirmation numbers and other details all in one document. The detailed description is called - ANSAn itinerary When obtaining a pt's B/P the pt's arm should be - ANSAt the level of the heart When performing a sedimentation rate, the wintrobe or western Ren tube is filled to the level marked - ANS0 mm When performing medical aseptic handwashing, the hands should be positioned - ANSBelow the elbows When preparing a pt for an EKG leads should be placed - ANSOn the intercostal spaces When pt's arrive at the physicans office, medical records should not be found lying on the reception desk in view of pt's signing in or approaching the desk. Avoiding this situation prevents violation of regulations established by the - ANSHippa When should items be removed from the autoclave - ANSAfter all items in the autoclave have dried completely When using a fire extinguisher what does the acronym PASS mean - ANSPull, aim,squeeze, and sweep Where are the sublingual glands located - ANSBeneath mucous membrane Where do peristaltic waves occur - ANSEsophagus Where do you fine the pulse from the pt's dorsal pedis artery - ANSTop of foot Where is the safest site for an intramuscular inj on an infant - ANSVastus lateralis Which administration route will

result in the most rapid action of a drug - ANSIntravenous Which of the following is the correct spelling of the term meaning inflammation of the tonsils - ANSTonsillitis Which of the following is the correct way to write the 1st line of an inside address in a letter to Susan martin, a pediatrician - ANSSusan martin, md Which physician has a practice limited to the aging population - ANSGerontologist Which type of bleeding is easiest to control - ANSCapillary While a in an IM inj the medical assistant inadvertently aspirated blood into the syringe. What would be the next step - ANSWithdraw the needle completely and start the procedure over Who is the legal owner of the medical record (original) - ANSThe physician or medical facility which initiated and developed the record You have just preformed a venipuncture on your pt and the pt says she feels like she is going to faint. Into what position do you quickly place your pt in - ANSTrendelenburg