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Medical Terminology and Procedures, Exams of Clinical Medicine

A wide range of medical terminology and procedures, including abbreviations, medical equipment, patient care, communication, teamwork, and infection control. It provides insights into common medical practices and the responsibilities of healthcare professionals. The document could be useful for students pursuing healthcare-related studies, as it covers fundamental concepts and best practices in the field. The information presented could be applicable to various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. By studying this document, students can gain a better understanding of the medical terminology, procedures, and protocols that are essential for effective patient care and healthcare operations.

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Available from 10/18/2024

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The abbreviation, , means "twice daily." ✔✔b.i.d. A glucometer is used to assess ✔✔hearing acuity A health assistant finds a soiled bandage on the floor while in a patient's room. The health assistant should ✔✔place the bandage in a red "biohazard" bag Which of the following is a part of the respiratory system? ✔✔bronchi A patient has just finished eating lunch. The patient drank 2/3 of a 6 ounce glass of milk, 125 ml of coffee, and 1/2 of an 8 ounce bowl of soup. How many ml would the health assistant record on the I&O sheet? ✔✔362 ml When filing the medical records of patients, which of the following patient records would appear first in the file? A. Maria Sebastian

NOCTI Exam with certified Questions and Answers/latest update

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B. John McMolland C. Sarah Simms-Alva D. Andrew Metis ✔✔John McMolland The metacarpals are bones found in the ✔✔hand A trauma victim with damage to an eye would be referred to a/an ✔✔ophthalmologist When the nursing assistant notices that patient care, as specified in the care plan, was not done, the first thing a nursing assistant must do is ✔✔report care that was not done to the supervisor According to HIPAA regulations, which of the following is true about a hospital sharing patient information with other health care agencies? ✔✔the hospital must have written consent to do so A medical assistant calls a patient regarding lab results, and gets the patient's answering machine. The medical assistant should ✔✔identify him/herself, give the office number, and ask the patient to call for the lab results

When responding to a demanding patient, it is important for the nursing assistant to ✔✔be a good listener An example of nonverbal communication is ✔✔nodding Sara wants to collect data on the number of cases of influenza per month for a year in order to compare the average number of cases for each month. She wants to be able to sort the data and prepare a graph of the data. Which of the following types of software will best meet her needs? ✔✔spreadsheet The local hospital wants to send a prsonalized letter to each person from their database that completed a follow-up survey. To do this, the hospital should use ✔✔mail-mrge When a patient learns facts about a new treatment, including the risks and benefits associated with a clinical trial, before deciding to participate in it is called ✔✔informed consent In order to prevent permanent brain damage, CPR should be initiated before ✔✔ 4 minutes

Which of the following questions is most likely to get to a specific definition of a problem? ✔✔What was happening when the failure occurred? An effective team member ✔✔works with other team members to achieve team goals John is managing a team. He should tell the team members that ✔✔a team's success depends on each person doing his or her part Robert is a new employee and has joined a work team for the hospital. What is the best way the other team members can help Robert to participate meaningfully in the team discussions? ✔✔Tell Robert about the "ground rules" the team has created to guide the meetings and explain what the group has done in recent meetings. Hand washing provides asepsis. ✔✔medical Wrapped instrument kits should be sterilized for 30 minutes at ✔✔ 250 degrees Fahrenheit When a patient is being taken to surgery, checking his/her braclet, and asking the patient to state his/her name and date of birth are ways of ✔✔identifying the patient

Before an infant recieves an immunization, the parent should be given a ✔✔vaccine information sheet The proper method for lifting is to keep the back straight, spread the feet comfortably and lift with ✔✔leg muscles When a company sends a packet of information and forms prior to the interview, be sure to ✔✔take the entire packet with you to the interview A good way to develop additional work-related career skills is to ✔✔participate in available education classes Danielle has been assigned the responsibility of creating the employee work schedule for next week. Danielle has never created this schedule before and does not know where to begin. The most responsible and professional action for Danielle to take is to ✔✔ask the immediate supervisor for additional instruction Patients who cannot have any food or water are ✔✔NPO

The Chain of Infection consists of _____ links ✔✔ 6 An indiviual who types dictation for physicians for patient records is a ✔✔medical transcriptionist Which organization mandates the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code? ✔✔American Medical Association (AMA) What does DNR on a patient's medical chart mean? ✔✔do not resuscitate If a patient should be seen again by the doctor only as necessary, the correct abbreviation is ✔✔PRN