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Medical Terminology and Procedures, Exams of Advanced Education

A wide range of medical terminology and procedures, including information on common medications, diagnostic tests, anatomical structures, medical coding, and legal/regulatory aspects of healthcare. It provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts and practices in the medical field, making it a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, students, and anyone interested in understanding the language and processes of modern medicine. Topics such as identifying appropriate surgical codes, interpreting laboratory results, understanding medical record requirements, and applying osha regulations. By studying this document, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the medical industry, improve their medical knowledge and skills, and better navigate the complex landscape of healthcare.

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For purposes of collections control, how often should the medical assistant verify the patient's demographic data? A. When the patient changes insurance carriers B. When the patient's account is delinquent C. Once a year D. When the patient's account statement is returned as undeliverable E. On each visit - e Which of the following describes a surgical procedure that connects the common bile duct with the middle portion of the small intestines? A. Choledochoenterostomy B. Choledochostomy C. Choledocholithotomy D. Choledochoduodenostomy E. Choledochojejunostomy - e Which of the following is the most important reason a written consent is required prior to using e-mail to communicate with a patient? A. If the patient is not expecting e - mail from the office, the message may be directed to a SPAM folder. B. The office must be sure to have a current e - mail address. C. E-mail is not considered a secure form of communication. D. The patient may not have a computer. E. So the office can receive confirmation of receipt of the e-mail. - c

Which of the following is an antihistamine used in the treatment of allergic reactions? A. Trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) B. Phenylephrine HCL - (Neosynephrine) C. lndomethacin (lndocin) D. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) E. Propranolol (lnderal) - d Which of the following would describe the correct term when an insurance claim is submitted with an invalid procedure code? A. Paid B. Appealed C. Rejected D. Denied E. Suspended - c Which of the following would be appropriate to include in a patient information brochure? A. Payment and billing information B. Diseases and diagnostic codes common to the practice C. Statistics on the success of the practice D. Employees• names and telephone numbers E. Physician's fees for various procedures - a When filing an insurance claim for an appendectomy, which of the following is the most appropriate reference source for locating the surgical code? A. International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-CM) B. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) C. Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) D. Relative Value Scale (RVS) E. Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) - b

Which of the following best describes a condition resulting in a sudden discharge of electrical activity in the brain that results in seizures? A. Herpes zoster B. Alzheimer's disease C. Parkinson's disease D. Epilepsy E. Bell's palsy - d Which of the following is a suture material that is absorbable? A. Dacron B. Catgut C. Nylon D. Silk - b Which of the following describes a state statute that sets the requirements for licensure of physicians? A. Medical Practice Act B. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act {HIPAA) C. Statute of Frauds D. National Health Planning & Resource Development Act E. Patients' Bill of Rights - a Which of the following medical specialties includes the study of the diseases and treatment of the male reproductive system? A. Oncology B. Rheumatology C. Proctology D. Nephrology E. Urology - e Which of the following conditions is consistent with an increased presence of bacteria and white blood cells in a clean-catch urine specimen? A. A kidney stone B. A urinary tract infection C. Diabetic ketoacidosis D. Renal tubular degradation

E. Renal cell carcinoma - b Which of the following body structures is examined during a cystoscopy? A. Stomach B. Uterus C. Rectum D. Bladder E. Kidney - d Which of the following demonstrates voluntary muscle actions? A. Heart beat B. Peristalsis C. Pupil dilation D. Breathing E. Flexion - e Which of the following is the proper cleansing technique with the alcohol pad when preparing the skin for an injection? A. Wipe in an "S" movement across the injection site B. Wipe in a recurring circular motion over the injection site starting out and moving inward C. Move the wipe vertically going from left to right across the injection site, starting - approximately one inch from the injection site D. Wipe horizontally beginning three inches above the injection site and ending three inches below the site E. Wipe in a circular motion beginning at the injection site and moving outward - e Which of the following characteristics would enable a medical assistant to effectively communicate with patients? A. Discrimination B. Judgmental C. Biases D. Impartiality E. Stereotyping - d Which of the following is a function of the olfactory nerve? A. Tasting

B. Smelling C. Hearing D. Vision E. Touching - b Which of the following information is found on the patient registration form? A. Social and occupational history B. Laboratory results from another physician C. Name of the person to contact in an emergency D. Patient allergies E. Use of alcohol or drugs - c Which of the following is the process of observing a patient to detect signs of disease? A. Auscultation B. Inspection C Percussion D. Palpation E. Mensuration - b After examining a competent adult patient who was bitten by a wild animal, the physician advises the patient to have a series of rabies injections. The patient refuses to undergo the injections and leaves the office. Which of the following actions should be taken by the practice? A. Notify the local medical society. B. Notify the physician's malpractice insurance carrier. C. Send a certified letter to the patient outlining the consequences. D. Notify the police. E. Send a certified letter to the patient's family with a copy to the patient. - c Which of the following is the correct format for a name on an inside address? Incorrect: A. Mr. William Brown, M.D.

B. Brown, Dr. William C. Dr. William Brown, M.D. D. William Brown, M.D. E. Brown, William, M.D. - d Which of the following terms describes an abnormal posterior curvature of a patient's spine? A. Ankylosis B. Lordosis C. Spondylosis D. Scoliosis E. Kyphosis - e According to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding rules, a new patient is one who has not received professional services from the physician or a qualified health care professional in the practice of the exact same specialty and subspecialty for a MINIMUM of how many years? A. 1 year B. 2 years C. 3 years D. 4 years E. 5 years - c Which of the following conditions would most likely result in unequal pupils? A Drug overdose B. Cerebrovascular accident C. Diabetic coma D. Cardiac arrest E. Tonic-clonic seizure - b Which of the following terms refers to a disease process that has no defined course and is of unknown origin? A. Diastolic B. Biologic C. Etiologic D. Idiopathic E. Symbiotic - d

Which of the following is the most important information to obtain when determining the urgency of a patient's need for an appointment? A. Duration, intensity, and nature of problem B. Diagnosis from the most recent treatment by any physician C. Address and telephone number D. Date and reason for the last visit E. The patient's medication list - a An Advance Beneficiary Notice is required in which of the following cases? A. A retired Air Force veteran who needs a referral to a surgeon's office B. A Medicaid-eligible patient who is pregnant but does not yet have coverage C. A Medicare patient has a procedure or test that may not be covered by Medicare D. The patient is Medicare-eligible, but has not yet received his Medicare card E. A workers' compensation case where it is questionable whether the injury occurred at work - c Which of the following is the neurotransmitter necessary for the transmission of the electrical impulse from a nerve to a muscle? A. Calcium B. Acetylcholine C. Potassium D. Sodium E. Epinephrine - b Which of the following pairs of words are synonymous? A. Cephalgia and stroke B. Micturition and urination C. Dysphagia and difficult breathing D. Herpes simplex and shingles E. Coryza and heart - b

Which of the following positions requires the patient to lie on the left side with the left arm behind the body, the right leg flexed sharply upward, and the left knee slightly flexed? A. Trendelenburg B. Fowler C. Sims D. Prone E. Lithotomy - c Which of the following suffixes means "incision into"? A. - plasty B. - stomy C. - ctomy D. - tomy E. - scopy - d Which of the following laboratory test results should be brought to the immediate attention of the physician? A. Fasting triglycerides 150 mg/di B. Hemoglobin 14 g/dl C. White blood cell count of 9,900/microliter D. Fasting total cholesterol 200 mg/di E. Fasting glucose 40 mg/di - e To confirm a fracture of the distal forearm, the physician would view an x-ray study of which of the following body parts? A. Radius and ulna B. Tibia and fibula C. Calcaneus and malleolus D. Femur and patella Incorrect: E. Carpal and metacarpal - a What is the total magnification of a specimen using a microscope with ocular lenses of 10X and a low power objective lens of 10X? A. SX B. 10X C. 1 ooox

D. 40X

E. 1 OOX - e Which of the following is another term for "adipose"? A. Lymph B. Tendon C. Muscle D. Skin E. Fat - e An operation to correct pyloric stenosis would be performed on which o f the following systems? A. Musculoskeletal B. Urinary C. Cardiovascular D. Reproductive E. Digestive - e Which of the following is the meaning of the combining form "salping / o"? A. Small intestine B. Pyloric sphincter C. Fallopian tube D. Urinary bladder E. Salivary gland - c The price for a kit of 10 pregnancy tests is $35. If ordered in quantities of three kits or more, the price of 1 O pregnancy tests is $30. What is the unit cost per test if 40 tests are ordered? A 30 B. 3. C. 4 D. 10 E. 3 - e Which of the following is a common side effect of thiazide diuretics? A. Hyperchloremia B. Hypokalemia C. Hypoglycemia D. Hypernatremia E. Hypouricemia - b

Which of the following types of shock is the result of an antigen-antibody reaction? A. Anaphylactic B. Neurogenic C. Psychogenic D. Hypovolemic E. Cardiogenic - a Which of the following is a written document that names a person as a proxy responsible for making medical decisions on behalf of a patient who is unable to do so for himself/herself? A. Living will B. Do not resuscitate order C. Durable power of attorney for health care D. Patient Bill of Rights E. Organ donor card - c Which of the following is contained in the reference book Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)? A. Descriptive terms used for reporting physician services B. Drug administration regulations for physicians' offices C. Governmental regulations for laboratory procedures D. Medical record keeping requirements E. Codes for diagnoses - a When are co-payments due from patients with managed-care plans typically collected? A Before the patient comes in for an office visit B. After all test results are reviewed with the patient C. At the time a patient is sent a statement

D. At the time services are rendered E. Co-payments are not typically collected from patients with managed-care plans - d Exophthalmos is a sign of which of the following conditions? A. Cholelithiasis B. Endometriosis C. Pancreatitis D. Hyperthyroidism E. Emphysema - d Which of the following suffixes refers to eating? A. - phonia B. - phasia C. - phagia D. - ptosis E. - algia - c Of the following terms, which is a plane that divides the anterior portion of the body from the posterior portion? A. Frontal or coronal B. Median C. Transverse D. Proximal E. Sagittal - a Which of the following is the time frame in which a Mantoux (PPD) TB test should be read? A. 2 to 6 hours B. 7 to 12 hours C. 13 to 24 hours D. 25 to 36 hours E. 48 to 72 hours - e The following codes were submitted to a private insurance company for reimbursement for an established patient with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus who was seen in the office. The patient had a blood test to check his glycosylated hemoglobin. (A1c) level and a detailed history and physical examination (level 4 Evaluation and Management service) for circulatory problems. Diagnosis Code: D51.0 pernicious anemia) CPT 99214 level 4 established patient EM service CPT 83036 glycosylated(A1c) hemoglobin This insurance claim would most likely be denied due to which of the following reasons?

A. Lack of appropriate modifier B. Lack of demonstrating medical necessity C. Lack of appropriate HCPCS code D. Unbundling of charges E. Upcoding - b Which of the following individuals can receive invasive medical treatment without a signed consent form? A. A patient aged 65 years or over B. An unconscious patient whose life is in danger C. An emancipated minor D. A minor E. An adult patient needing general anesthesia - b Which of the following is the principal reason for scrubbing instruments with soap and water prior to autoclaving? Incorrect: A. Prevent lime deposits B. Prevent corrosion C. Keep the sterilizer clean D. Remove coagulated proteins E. Follow standard precautions - d Which of the following steps should be taken for a patient who faints and slumps to the floor? A. Roll the patient onto his abdomen to avoid aspiration B. Keep the patient's head and shoulder flat and raise the legs C. Place the patient in the sitting position

D. Place a pillow under the patient's head and shoulders, keeping the feet and legs flat E. Roll the patient onto his right side - b According to OSHA regulations, which of the following would be an example of an engineering control? A. Not eating or drinking in areas where blood and body fluids are present B. Not recapping contaminated needles C. Hand washing D. Wearing personal protective equipment E. Biohazard sharps container - e Which of the following legal terms means "the thing speaks for itself"? A. Medical negligence B. Subpoena duces tecum C. Res ipsa loquitur D. Nonfeasance E. Tort - c Which of the following is a suffix referring to pain? A - clynia B. - malacia C. - orexia D. - penia E. - acusis - a Patients are most likely to remember instructions when the medical assistant uses which of the following educational methods? A. The instructions are written. B. Instructions are discussed at length face to face. C. Detailed instructions are repeated several times on a video. D. Medical terms are emphasized. E. The most important information is saved for last. - a

The timing of an autoclave load should begin when the proper pressure is reached and which of the following is achieved? A. The autoclave door is hot to the touch B. The desired temperature is reached C. Steam begins to flow from the exhaust valve D. The preheat period has begun E. The door is secured tightly - b Which of the following is the best course of action for the medical assistant to take when responding to a call from a patient who had an intramuscular injection earlier in the day and who now reports weakness in that arm? A. Obtain as much information as possible, explaining to the patient that the doctor will be advised and the call returned. B. Tell the patient to keep a heating pad on the arm and take two aspirin. C. Make an appointment for the patient and inform the physician of the problem. D. Refer the patient to a neurologist for evaluation. E. Explain to the patient that this is a normal reaction and if the weakness does not improve in a few days, call back. - a The statement shown below should be documented under which of the following headings in a patient's medical record? · drink one small glass of wine each evening before dinner." A. Chief complaint B. History of present illness C. Social history D. Past medical history E. Family history - c Which of the following anatomical terms are in direct opposition to each other? A Medial and proximal B. Superior and cephalic C. Lateral and distal D. Ventral and dorsal

E. Frontal and coronal - d The process of tapping the body to detect signs of disease is known as which of the following? A. Mensuration B. Percussion C. Palpation D. Auscultation E. Inspection - b Which of the following actions should be taken by the medical assistant when a patient calls the office wanting to make payment arrangements after his account has been turned over to a collection agency? A. Refer the patient to the collection agency B. Tell the patient the office can accept only the total amount due plus the agency fee C. Tell the patient to come to the office to fill out a Truth in Lending Form D. Advise the patient that you can accept payments, but they must be made in cash E. Set up a payment schedule over the phone - a The blood pressure that the medical assistant has just taken is significantly higher than the readings taken on the same patient during past examinations. Which of the following is the first step the medical assistant should take to ensure the validity of the reading? A. Tell the patient to relax and retake the pressure immediately B. Call the physician to the room to immediately retake the patient's blood pressure. C. Ask the patient if he has had a recent blood pressure test and what the reading was. D. Ask another medical assistant to take the patient's blood pressure. E. Take the other vital signs and recheck the blood pressure after a few minutes. - e Which of the following would be administered to relieve mild insulin shock in a conscious patient? A. Orange juice B. An antihistamine

C. Insulin D. Epinephrine E. An oral hypoglycemic - a Which of the following is the most appropriate reference source for locating a code for chronic bronchitis for the purpose of scheduling a chest x-ray? A. International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-CM) B. Health Care Financing Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) C. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) D. Relative Value Scale (RVS) E. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) - a Which of the following situations would legally require an agent to consent to medical treatment on behalf of the patient? A. A 1 6 - year old pregnant self supporting female B. A 25-year-old woman needing chemotherapy C. A 17-year-old male in the military services D. A 9 2 - year-old mentally competent man E. A 2 1 - year-old man in a coma - e Which of the following is used for holding and transporting medications, equipment and supplies needed to perform life-saving procedures? A. Gurney table B. Autoclave C. JV tray D. Crash cart E. Surgical kit - d Which of the following medical specialists is most likely to interpret the results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? A. Radiologist

B. Gynecologist C. Dermatologist D. Cardiologist E. Hematologist - a If the employer wants to talk simultaneously with three other physicians in other cities, the medical assistant would arrange which of the following? A. A person-to-person call B. An appointment call C. A conference call D. A sequence call E. A third-party billing call - c Which of the following is a medication used in the treatment of Type II diabetes? A Thioridazine (Mellaril) B. Furosemide (Lasix) C. Cimetidine (Tagamet) D. Metformin (Glucophage) E. Zocor (Simvastatin) - d Which of the following methods of examination would be used to determine a patient's chest size increase from 36 to 42 inches during inspiration? A. Palpation B. Auscultation C. Inspection D. Percussion E. Mensuration - e Which of the following is a laboratory test that can be used to measure the inflammatory response in the body? A. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) B. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) C. Hematocrit (HCT) D. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) E. C-reactive protein (CRP) - e Laboratory results indicating an increase in the creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels are consistent with damage to which of the following body systems? A. Respiratory B. Nervous

C. Cardiovascular D. lntegumentary E. Urinary - e Which of the following should be the first action of the medical assistant if a patient sitting on the examination table complains of feeling faint? A Have the patient move to a comfortable chair with a straight back for support B. Offer the patient a drink of cool water C. Place a pillow behind the patient's back D. Administer oxygen E. Assist the patient to a supine position - e Which of the following is a common effect of Toprol XL (metoprolol)? Incorrect: A Hypokalemia B. Hypernatremia C. Bradycardia D. Chloasma E. Hypertension - c Which of the following terms refers to the movement of the arm when a patient brings the wrist up to the same shoulder? A. Supination B. Pronation C Extension D. Flexion E. Rotation - d Which of the following is a diagnostic procedure in which there is internal visualization of the urinary bladder? A. Cystography B. Pyelography C. Nephrostomy D. Urethral dilation E. Cystoscopy - e Which of the following is known as the pacemaker of the heart?

A. Bundle of His B. Atrioventricular node C. Bundle branches D. Purkinje fibers E. Sinoatrial node - e Which of the following is the term for an abnormal increase of white blood cells in urine? A. Oliguria B. Hematuria C Pyuria D. Anuria E. Dysuria - c Which of the following is a physician who spedalizes in the treatment of patients with disorders affecting bones and joints? A. Ophthalmologist B. Orthopedist C. Neurologist D. Pulmonologist E. Nephrologist - b Which of the following microscopic urine constituents contains a visible nucleus when viewed under the high power objective (400x total magnification) on the microscope? A. White blood cell B. Yeast C. Cast D. Bacteria E. Red blood cell - a Which of the following describes proper technique in handling sterile items? A. When using wet transfer forceps, the tips may be dried by tipping them upside down two or three times. B. When pouring sterile solutions, the neck of the bottle should rest on the rim of the container you are pouring into. C. When taking a lid off a sterile jar, the lid should be set face down on the counter. D. When opening sterile packs with four flaps, the first flap should be opened away from your body.

E. When opening sterile packs that are folded with four flaps, open directly over the sterile field. - d Which of the following incoming telephone calls is most likely to require the physician's immediate attention? A. Call placed by another physician B. Call from an equipment salesperson to schedule a meeting C. Call from a patient to ask for a prescription refiII D. Call from a patient to schedule an appointment E. Call from a patient to request laboratory test results - a Which of the following best describes information gained as a result of the physician- patient relationship? A. Respondeat superior B. Professional liability C. Res ipsa loquitur D. Confidential communication E. Informed consent - d An age analysis of accounts receivable is a valuable process in which of the following? A. Financial management B. A medical record system C. An appointment control system D. A patient census E. A study of referral patterns - a

  • b Which of the following is the nerve that stimulates the diaphragm? A. Vagus B. Phrenic C. Sciatic D. Trochlear E. Accessory - b

Which of the following positions would be appropriate for a patient with severe emphysema who is waiting to be examined by the physician? A. Supine B. Fowler C. Sims D. Knee-chest E. Trendelenburg - b Which of the following complimentary closings is most appropriate for business correspondence? A. Sincerely, B. As ever, C Fondly, D. Faithfully yours, E. Thanks, - a Which of the following terms describes the telescoping of the intestine into itself? A. Volvulus B. Obstipation C. Deglutition D. Herniation E. lntussusception - e Which of the following is a vasodilator most commonly used to ease the pain of angina? A. Coumadin B. Digitalis C. Nitroglycerin D. Codeine E. Aspirin - c Bills are never submitted to a patient who is being treated while under which of the following insurance plans? A. Medicare part A B. TriCare C. Worker's Compensation D. Blue Cross and Blue Shield E. Medicare part B - c

Which of the following types of white blood cells would most likely be increased above the normal level in a patient with appendicitis? A. Eosinophil B. Neutrophil C. Monocyte D. Basophil E. Lymphocyte - b The criteria of establishing "duty owed, dereliction of duty, direct cause, and damages" are used in reference to which of the following situations? A. Revoking a medical license B. Keeping a patient on life support systems C. Providing emergency treatment to a comatose patient D. Proving negligence E. Terminating a physician-patient contractual relationship - d Which of the following substances is produced by the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas? A Bile B. Insulin C. Amylase D. Hydrochloric acid E. Pepsin - b A patient needing cataract surgery could be referred appropriately to which of the following health care providers? A. Optometrist B. Otorhinolaryngologist C Ophthalmologist D. Oncologist E. Optician - c Which of the following is the vein that returns the blood to the heart from parts of the body below the diaphragm? A. Brachiocephalic vein

B. Subclavian vein C. Axillary vein D. Superior vena cava E. Inferior vena cava - e Which of the following liquids would be used for steam autoclaving? A. Tap water with baking soda B. Distilled water C Tap water D. Vinegar and water E. Sterile water - b Which of the following muscles is most appropriate for the administration of a 2 ml intramuscular injection in an adult? A. Deltoid B. Dorsogluteal C. latissimus dorsi D. Vastus lateralis E. Rectus abdominis - b Which of the following best describes a letter format that uses a subject line and eliminates both the salutation and the complimentary close? A. Block B. Full block C. Modified block D. Simplified E. Semi-block - d Which of the following best describes the arranging of a 12 page document into 10 different copies for a medical staff meeting? A. Collating B. Paginating C. Indexing D. Disseminating E. Abstracting - a Of the following, which would be used to check visual acuity in the medical office? A. Opthalmometer B. Snellen chart C. Ophthalmoscope D. Tonometer E. Ergometer - b

In which of the following situations might a physician be held liable under the Doctrine of respondeat superior? A. An intern observing a physician in the operating room discusses the surgery and patient outside of the hospital with friends. B. The medical assistant helps a patient take her home medications while the patient is at the office. The patient is given 2 (two) 500 mg. tablets of Metformin instead of 1 (one) 500 mg. C. The physician renders emergency care to a patient on the roadside while on vacation. D. The physician writes a prescription, but the pharmacist compounds it incorrectly. E. The hospital housekeeping staff did not clean up a spill and a patient fell as a result. - b A physician's private fee schedule is derived from which of the following? A. Governmental schedules This does not determine the physician's private fee schedule. B. Statement of income and expense C. Insurance reimbursements D. Patients' payments E. Physician's charges - e Which of the following medications is a controlled substance? A. Amlodipine (Norvasc) B. Atenolol (Tenormin) C. Trazodone HCI (Desyrel) D. Furosemide (Lasix) E. Hydrocodone wit h APAP - e Which of the following is an alternative method of resolving legal disputes between a physician and a patient that does not involve the court system? A. Common law B. Medical peer review

C. Arbitration. D. Informed consent E. Burden of proof - c The physician orders 75 mg of medication to be given intramuscularly. The medication is available in 50mg/ml vials. Which of the following is the correct dose to be administered? A. 0.5 ml B. 0.75 ml C. 1.5 ml D. 1.75 ml E. 1.0 ml - c Which of the following is a part of the physical examination that best describes a test of the reflexes? A. Listening to bowel sounds through the abdomen wall B. Stimulating the outer margin of the sole of the foot C. Tapping the posterior chest wall D. swallowing while the physician feels the thyroid gland E. Asking the patient to say "Ahh" - b Warfarin (Coumadin) is categorized as which of the following types of medications? A. Antipruritic B. Antiviral C. Antipyretic D. Antiemetic E. Anticoagulant - e Which of the follow is a suffix for "hardening"? A. - megaly B. - sclerosis C. - osis D. - ectasis E. - itis - b