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Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) -ete (-t) - correct answer ✅person or thing doing -ician - correct answer ✅specialist in, practitioner of -ics (-tics) - correct answer ✅art, science, or study of -ist - correct answer ✅one who practices or partakes in all-, allel- - correct answer ✅other, different other, each other bacter- - correct answer ✅rod cry- - correct answer ✅cold diet-,diete- - correct answer ✅to regulate esthe-, aesthe- - correct answer ✅to feel, perceive gangli- - correct answer ✅knot, mass of tissue Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) gyr- - correct answer ✅ring, circle iatr- - correct answer ✅doctor, treatment iod- - correct answer ✅violet colored irid- - correct answer ✅iris, rainbow lip- - correct answer ✅fat, fatty tissue log- - correct answer ✅word, speech, study men- - correct answer ✅moon, menstruation mening- - correct answer ✅membrane oph- - correct answer ✅snake orth- - correct answer ✅straight pharmac- - correct answer ✅drug Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) chron- - correct answer ✅time copr- - correct answer ✅excrement gluc-, glyc- - correct answer ✅sugar hem-, hemat- - correct answer ✅blood heter- - correct answer ✅other, different hom-,home- - correct answer ✅same, similar necr- - correct answer ✅corpse, dead tissue ne- - correct answer ✅new, young nom- - correct answer ✅rule, law, measure orex- - correct answer ✅appetite Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) ot- - correct answer ✅ear pale- (palae-) - correct answer ✅old, ancient platy-, platys- - correct answer ✅broad, flat pleur- - correct answer ✅side, rib spa-, spas- - correct answer ✅to draw, to jerk stere- - correct answer ✅solid, three-demensional stom-, stomat- - correct answer ✅mouth therap- - correct answer ✅to nurture, to treat traum-, traumat- - correct answer ✅injury, trauma -ectomy - correct answer ✅cutting out, removal -graphy - correct answer ✅writing, imaging Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) -logy - correct answer ✅study or science of -nomy - correct answer ✅study or science of -pathy - correct answer ✅disease, disorder, feeling -plasty - correct answer ✅shaping, reconstruction -stomy - correct answer ✅cutting of an opening to mouth -therapy - correct answer ✅treatment -tomy - correct answer ✅cutting -trophy - correct answer ✅nourishment angi- - correct answer ✅vessel antr- - correct answer ✅cavity Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) tac-, tax- - correct answer ✅to order, to arrange tele- - correct answer ✅from far away, at a distance trach- - correct answer ✅rough, windpipe -genesis - correct answer ✅birth, origin -kinesis - correct answer ✅movement -lysis - correct answer ✅dissolution, breaking apart -physis - correct answer ✅growth -stasis - correct answer ✅condition, standing -scope - correct answer ✅instrument for viewing -some - correct answer ✅body, structure -type - correct answer ✅form, model, example Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) acanth- - correct answer ✅thorn Brady- - correct answer ✅slow chol-, chole- - correct answer ✅bile, gall chyl, chym- - correct answer ✅juice cly-, clys- - correct answer ✅to wash colp- - correct answer ✅vagina dynam-, dyn- - correct answer ✅power geu- - correct answer ✅to taste hol- - correct answer ✅to taste ide- - correct answer ✅idea, mental image Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) idi- - correct answer ✅one's own, distinct lapar- - correct answer ✅abdomen metr- - correct answer ✅uterus myc-, mycet- - correct answer ✅fungus oo- - correct answer ✅egg orch-, orchi-, orchid- - correct answer ✅testicle pachy- - correct answer ✅thick parthen- - correct answer ✅virgin phan-, phaner-, phant-, phen- - correct answer ✅to appear, to show phot-, phos- - correct answer ✅light rhiz- - correct answer ✅root Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) panic - correct answer ✅-acute, extreme anxiety, often leading to abnormal thinking or behavior -Greek god Pan presided over mountains, forests, caves, and other places in which strange sounds could be heard, and the fear caused by such noises was associated directly with the god priapism - correct answer ✅-persistent abnormal erection of the penis, usually without sexual desire -Greek god of fertility and sexuality marked by a constant ithyphallic state satyriasis - correct answer ✅-hypersexuality in a male -a hybrid creature associated with Dionysus and known for constant cravings for wine and sex venereal - correct answer ✅-related to or transmitted by sexual contact -having to do with Venus ammonia - correct answer ✅-a colorless, water-soluble alkaline gas that can be toxic in high concentrations - a salt obtained by the romans near the temple of Jupiter Ammon in Egypt (associated with Greek Zeus and the Roman Jupiter) Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) aphrodisiac - correct answer ✅-a drug that increases sexual libido -Associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and sex atropine - correct answer ✅-a poisonous alkaloid occurring naturally in deadly nightshade -named because of Atropos, on of the Greek Fates, the goddesses responsible for apportioning to humans their respective lifespans mercury - correct answer ✅-a metallic element that is a silvery white liquid at room temp -Named from Mercury the Roman messenger god presiding over commerce, travel, and boundaries. -associated with god/plant of the same name morphine - correct answer ✅-the principal alkaloid of opium, a narcotic -named from Morpheus, the mythological son of Hypnos, on account of his ability to induce dreams Neptunium - correct answer ✅-a radioactive element obtained by splitting uranium atoms with neutrons -Neptune is one planet further out than Uranus Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) sphingosine - correct answer ✅-an amino alcohol serving as a major base of sphingolipids in mammals -a hybrid female monster famous for her riddles amphi- - correct answer ✅both, around anti-, ant- - correct answer ✅against, opposite apo- - correct answer ✅from, off, away dys- - correct answer ✅bad, disordered, difficult ec-, ex- - correct answer ✅out, out of ecto-, exo- - correct answer ✅outside, external eso- - correct answer ✅inside, internal eu- - correct answer ✅well, good, normal hyper- - correct answer ✅over, excessive, more than normal Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) hept- - correct answer ✅7 oct- - correct answer ✅8 enne- - correct answer ✅9 dec- - correct answer ✅10 hect- - correct answer ✅100 kil- - correct answer ✅1000 is- - correct answer ✅equal, same macr- - correct answer ✅large, long mega(l)- - correct answer ✅great, large micr- - correct answer ✅small Medical Terminology- Exam 4 Questions And Answers (University of Iowa) olig- - correct answer ✅few pan(t)- - correct answer ✅all, complete poly- - correct answer ✅many