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Medical Terminology Exam Questions, Study notes of Nursing

A list of medical terminology questions and answers related to the human body, diseases, and medical procedures. The questions cover topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, and medical terminology. useful for students studying medicine, nursing, or any other healthcare-related field.

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Available from 09/26/2023

gerald-leetch 🇺🇸



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Download Medical Terminology Exam Questions and more Study notes Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NAHP NRCMA Exam Medical Terminology The body is divided into front & back by which of the following planes ✔coronal The opposite of ventral ✔dorsal Enlargement of the heart ✔megalocardia The part of the small intestine that connects with the stomach is the ✔duodenum The medical term for headache is ✔cephalalgia Excessive vomiting ✔hyperemesis An incision into the gallbladder is a ✔cholecystotomy Enlargement of the kidney is ✔nephromegaly Destruction or breakdown of fat is called ✔lipolysis Diathermy means ✔generating heat through tissues Tachy is a prefix meaning ✔fast or rapid A combining form that means pus is ✔pyo A prefix meaning toward is ✔ad Painful menstrual flow is ✔dysmenorrhea A word meaning fever ✔pyrexia Low blood sugar ✔hypoglycemia The prefix epi means ✔upon or on Surgical puncturing of the pleura is ✔pleurocentesis A common word for sternum ✔breastbone A fungal infection of the toenail is called ✔onychomycosis Variola is ✔smallpox A bruise is a/an ✔contusion The combining form cyano means ✔blue The word part peri means ✔around A term meaning to cut into the tube from the kidney to the bladder is ✔ureterotomy Under the skin is referred to as ✔hypodermic Afferent refers to ✔conducting toward Neoplasm refers to ✔new growth Atriomegaly refers to ✔enlargement of the atrium of the heart The word part stetho means ✔chest Iron containing pigment is referred to as ✔hemoglobin One complete heartbeat, combining the contraction and relaxation phases is known as the ✔cardiac cycle Angio refers to ✔vessel Necroscopy refers to ✔autopsy Reno is a word meaning ✔kidney Cancer or malignant tumors are referred to as ✔sarcoma/ carcinoma Metaplasia refers to a ✔change in tissue The suffix which means incision is ✔otomy The suffix which means plastic repair is ✔oplasty The term self refers to ✔auto Physiology is the ✔study of the functions of living organisms An instrument to view the nose is ✔rhinoscope Prognosis refers to ✔prediction of outcome Resection refers to ✔cutting or removal of a portion of The suffix which means discharge or flow is ✔orrhea Excision refers to the act of ✔removing The suffix which means pain is ✔algia An instrument to cut is referred to as ✔tome The combining form for woman is ✔gyneco The suffix for cele means ✔hernia The term chronic indicates the ✔duration of the condition The medical term for nosebleed is ✔epistaxis The abbreviation for blood pressure is ✔BP or B/P Another term for subcutaneous injection is ✔hypodermic In the word hemoglobin the component globin means ✔protein Eye ✔ophthalmo (p) Joint ✔arthro (p) Female ✔gyneco (p) Heart ✔cardio (p) Producing ✔geno (p) Nerve ✔neuro (p)