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Medical Terminology Final exam Study guide (chapters 1-13) 2024 seborrhea sebo/rrhea seh-boh-REE-ah - ANS>> discharge of oil (sebum) oil/discharge odont/o- -enamel on the outside of the tooth is the hardest thing in the human body -humans have 32 teeth - ANS>> tooth Hypoglycemia - ANS>> low blood sugar hemat/o heh-MAH-toh - ANS>> blood (hematoma) arthr/o AR-throh - ANS>> joint (arthroscope, arthritis muscul/o - ANS>> muscle cardi/o KAR-dee-oh - ANS>> heart (cardiology, pericardium) derm/o DER-moh - ANS>> skin (dermoscopy, dermis) gastr/o GAS-tro - ANS>> stomach (gastrointestinal, gastritis) enter/o EN-ter-oh - ANS>> small intestine (enteropathy, dysentery) hepat/o he-PAH-toh - ANS>> liver (hepatology, hepatits) hem/o HEE-moh - ANS>> blood (hemorrhage) angi/o AN-gee-oh (most commonly refers to blood vessel, but can also refer to othe types of blood vessels as well) - ANS>> Vessel (angioplasty, angiectomy) neur/o NUR-oh - ANS>> nerve (neurology, neuralgia path/o PAH-thoh - ANS>> suffering , disease -pathology pneumon/o noo-MAW-noh - ANS>> lung (pneumonia, pneumonitis) morph/o MOR-foh - ANS>> change -morphology my/o MAI-oh - ANS>> muscle (myocardial, myalgia) necr/o NEK-roh - ANS>> death (necrosis) py/o PAH-thoh - ANS>> pus (pyorrhea, pyemia) hydr/o HAI-droh - ANS>> water (hydrophobia, dehydration) pulmon/o (cephalometry) -scope skohp - ANS>> instrument used to look (arthroscope) -ist ist - ANS>> specialist (dentist) Endo- en-doh - ANS>> in, inside (endocrine) epi- eh-pee - ANS>> upon (epididymus) inter- in-ter - ANS>> between (intercostal) intra- in-trah - ANS>> in, inside (intravenous) post- pohst - ANS>> after (postpartum) peri- per-ee - ANS>> around (pericardium) Pre- pree - ANS>> before (precondition) sub- sub - ANS>> beneath (subutaneous) trans- tranz - ANS>> through (translate) brady- brah-dih - ANS>> slow (bradycardia) bi- bai - ANS>> two (bilateral) hemi- heh-mee - ANS>> half (hemiplegia) Hyper- hai-per - ANS>> over (hyperthermia) Hypo- hai-poh - ANS>> under (hypthermia) poly- pawlee - ANS>> many (polygraph) tachy- tak-ih - ANS>> fast (tachycardia) a- ay - ANS>> not (aphasia) An- an - ANS>> not (anemia) de- dee - ANS>> down,away from (dehydration) dys- dis - ANS>> bad (dysentery) re- ree - ANS>> again (rehabilitation) eu- yoo - ANS>> good (euphoria) ab- ab - ANS>> away (abduct) Anti- AN-tee - ANS>> against (antibiotics) ante- an-tee - ANS>> before (antepartum) contra- KON-trah - ANS>> against (contraceptive) pro- proh - ANS>> before, on behalf of (probiotic) circum- sir-kum - ANS>> around (circumcision) ex- eks - ANS>> out (exhale) Ecto- ek-toh - ANS>> outside (ectoderm) exo- ek-soh - ANS>> outside (exoskeleton macro- ma-roh - ANS>> large (macrotia) pneumonia new-MOH-nee-yah pneumon / ia lung / condition - ANS>> a lung condition carcinoma - ANS>> cancerous tumor apnea - ANS>> cessation of breathing rheumatoid arthritis ROO-mah-toyd- ar- THRAI-tis - ANS>> inflammatioin of the joint, called rheumatoid becasue its symptoms resemble those of rheumatic fever Chronic KRAH-nik - ANS>> it has been going on for a while now Proximal PRAWK-sih-mal -proximal and approxiamte come from the same word and mean "close" - ANS>> closer to the center anterior an-TIH-ree-or -the word ventral means "stomach" - ANS>> the front distal DIH-stal -distal and distant come from the same word and mean far - ANS>> farther away from the center auscultation aws-kul-TAY-shun - ANS>> to listen posterior ohs-TEER-ee-or -a dorsal fin on a shark is on its back - ANS>> the back diagnosis DAI-ag-NOH-sis - ANS>> what the health care professional thinks the patient has caudal -KOW-dal from latin, for tail - ANS>> towards the bottom benign beh-NAIN - ANS>> safe malignant mah-LIG-nant - ANS>> dangerous; a problem etiology ee-tee-AW-loh-jee - ANS>> the cause Cranial (KRAY-nee-al) - ANS>> toward the top Dorsal (DOR-sal) - ANS>> the back ventral VEN-tral -the word ventral means "stomach" - ANS>> the front superior soo-PIH-ree-or - ANS>> above inferior in-FIH-ree-or - ANS>> below sagittal SA-jih-tal -sagitta is latin for arrow, think of this as dividing the body in half, as if someone shot an arrow through it - ANS>> divides the body in slices right to left coronal ha-ROH-nal -corona is latin for crown, this plane divides the body in half from the top of the head down - ANS>> divides the body into slices from front to back ER - ANS>> emergency room ICU - ANS>> intensive care unit Pt - ANS>> patient TX - ANS>> treatment CCU - ANS>> coronary care unit NICU - ANS>> neonatal intensive care unit OR - ANS>> operating room post-op - ANS>> after surgery pre-op - ANS>> before surgery BP - ANS>> blood pressure HR - ANS>> heart rate Dx - ANS>> abbreviation for diagnosis Rx - ANS>> prescription PO - ANS>> per os (by mouth_ IV - ANS>> intravenous BID -from the latin phrase bis in die, which means "two in a day" - ANS>> twice a day Alopecia -greek for fox a-loh-PEE-sha - ANS>> baldness hypohidrosis hypo/hidr/osis hai-ph-hih-DROH-sis - ANS>> diminished sweating under/sweat/condition petechial puh-TEE-kee-yah -latin for "freckle" or "spot" - ANS>> a small bruise psoriasis psor/iasis tor-AI-ah-sis - ANS>> a skin condition characterized by patches of itchy red,scaly skin trich/o - ANS>> hair Anklosis ankyl/osis an-kih-LOH-sis - ANS>> joint stiffness stiff/condition dystonia dys/tonia dis-TOH-nee-ah - ANS>> poor muscle tone bad/muscle tone arthroscope arthro/scope AR-throh-skohp - ANS>> instrument for looking into a joint joint/instrument to look atrophy A-troh-fee a/trophy - ANS>> underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue no/nourishment osteoporosis AW-see-oh-por-OH-sis osteo/por/osis - ANS>> loss of bone density bone/pore/condition arthralgia arthr/algia ar-THRAL-jah - ANS>> joint pain joint/pain myalgia my/algia mai-AL-jah - ANS>> muscle pain muscle /pain hypertrophy and hyperplasia hai-PER-troh-fee hyper/trophy - ANS>> -overdevelopment of muscle tissue over/nourishment -? analgesic an/alge/sic A-nal-JEE-zik - ANS>> a drug that relieves pain no/pain/agent spinal stenosis spinal sten/osis SPAI-nal stih-NOH-sis - ANS>> inflammation of the vertebrae spine narrow/condition Osteoarthritis osteo/arthr/itis AW-stee-oh-ar-THRAI-tis - ANS>> inflammation of the bone and joint bone/joint/inflammation prosthesis pros/thesis praws-THEE_sis - ANS>> a device that is added to a body to replace a missing part or lost function toward/place muscular dystrophy muscul/ar dys/trophy MUS-kyoo-lar DIS-troh-fee - ANS>> disorder characterized by poor muscle development muscle/pertainingn to bad/nourishment C1-C7 - ANS>> cervical (of the neck) vertebrae tendonitis tendon/itis TEN-dah-NAI-tis - ANS>> tendon imflammation tendon/inflammation T1-T12 - ANS>> thoracic (of the chest) vertebrae L1-L5 - ANS>> lumbar (of the loin) vertebrae NSAID - ANS>> nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug oste/o - ANS>> bone crani/o - ANS>> head, skull cervic/o when a "c" is followed by an e or i it is pronounced soft like an "s" - ANS>> neck spondyl/o vertebra comes from Latin for to "turn", its called this because the spine was once thought of as the hinge or center around which all other bones turned - ANS>> vertebra lumb/o -the root lumbo comes from the Lain lumbo, for "loin" =it refersf to the region between the rib cage and the pelvis - ANS>> loin, lower back femor/o (thighbone) strongest bone in the body -femur makes up about a fourth of a persons overall height - ANS>> femur (thigh bone) carp/o the carpal tunnel is the area in the wrist where the nerves enter the hand - ANS>> wrist cost/o the english word "coast" comes from this word - ANS>> rib dactyl/o - ANS>> finger brachi/o -this root can also be seen in the world embrace, which literally means "to put someone in your arms" - ANS>> arm tibi/o (shinebone) the term tibia orginally meant "pipe" or "flute" - ANS>> tibia (shin bone) tars/o hold back/blood/pertaining to Chemotherapy chemo/therapy KEE-moh-THER-ah-pee - ANS>> The use of drugs to treat diseases such as cancer chemical/treatment transient ischemic attack (TIA) trans/ient isch/em/ic TRAN-zee-en ih-SKEE-mik ah-TAK - ANS>> a mini-stroke caused by the blockage of a blood vessel that resolves (goes away) wihtin 24 hours across/go hold/back/pertaining to EEG - ANS>> electroencephalogram TIA - ANS>> transient ischemic attack (mini stroke) ADHD - ANS>> attention deficit hyperactivity disorder CNS - ANS>> central nervous system CSF - ANS>> cerebrospinal fluid MS - ANS>> multiple sclerosis cerebr/o -the encephalo root comes from en (inside) and cephalus (head and literally means "the stuff inside your head" - ANS>> brain cephal/o the term migraine comes from the word hemicranias meaning "half the head" it reflects the fact most migraines are localized on half the patient's head - ANS>> head phas/o - ANS>> speech phren/o phreno can alos refer to the diaphragm - ANS>> mind psych/o -early on the greeks thought of the chest as the seat of emotion and reason, as that view changed and the location of the mind moved from the chest to the brain this term for mind began to be applied to both areas of the body - ANS>> mind -phobia - ANS>> excessive fear or sensitivity -mania - ANS>> excessive desire -phlegia from greek for "to strike" - ANS>> paralysis diplopia dipl/opia dih-PLOH-pee-ah - ANS>> double vision double/vision condition hyperopia hyper/opia HAI-per-OH-pee-ah - ANS>> farsightedness over/vision condition myopia my/opia mai-OH-pee-ah - ANS>> nearsightedness shut/vision condition blepharitis blephar/itis BLEF-ah-RAI-tis - ANS>> eyelid inflammation eyelid/inflammation otitis media ot/itis media oh-TAI-tis MEH-dee-ah - ANS>> inflammation of the middle ear ear/inflammation middle presbyopia presby/opia PREZ-bee-OH-pee-ah - ANS>> decreased vision caused by old age old age/vision condition Glaucoma glaw-KOH-mah -from greek meaning "grey eye" - ANS>> eye diseas that causes vision lost by damaging the optic nervve tinnitus tih-NAI-ts -from latin fro "to ring or jingle" - ANS>> ringing in the ears vertigo VER-tih-goh -from latin for "to whirl around? - ANS>> sensation of moving through space (while stationary) Xerophthalmia xer/opthalm/ia ZER-off-THAL-mee-ah - ANS>> dry eyes dry/eye/condition ophthalmalgia ophthalm/algia awf-thal-MAL-jah - ANS>> eye pain eye/pain ophthalmoscope ophthalmo/scope awf-THAL-mah-SKOHP - ANS>> instrument for looking at the eye eye/looking instrument Conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) conjctiv/itis con-JUNK-tih-VAI-tis - ANS>> inflammation of the conjunctiva conjujnctiva/inflammation binocular bin/ocul/ar bai-NAW-hyoo-lar - ANS>> pertaining to both eyes two/eye/pertaining to optic opt/ic AWP-tik - ANS>> pertaining to the eye GLOO-koh-SOO-ree-ah glucos / uria - ANS>> sugar in the urine sugar/urine condition epinephrine epi/nephr/ine EH-pee-NEF-rin -from the greek word adrenaline - ANS>> hormone secreted by the adrenal gland upon/kidney/chemical adenocarcinoma - ANS>> canerous tumor of a gland insulin insul/in IN-suh-lin =the root used to name this hormone comes from the fact that insulin is secreted by a cluster or island of cells in the pancreas called islet of Langerhans. - ANS>> hormone secreted by the pancreas -controls the metabolism and uptake of sugar and fats polyuria poly/uria PAW-lee-YOO-ree-ah - ANS>> excessive urination excessive/urine condition BS - ANS>> blood sugar DM - ANS>> diabetes mellitus GH - ANS>> growth hormone HRT - ANS>> hormone replacement therapy TSH - ANS>> thyroid stimulating hormone -(also known as thyroidtropin) aden/o- -this root refers to any gland - ANS>> gland gonad/o- -gonad refers to the sex organs of both men and women - ANS>> gonads, sex glands adren/o- -literally means "on the kidney" -ad(to,on) + renal (kidney) - ANS>> adrenal gland cortic/o- -cortico and the noun cortex both come from the latin word meaning "bark" or "husk" - ANS>> outer surface of any organ -tropin - ANS>> stimulating hormone -emia - ANS>> blood condition -uria - ANS>> urine condition gluc/o- -sucrose,glucose, and fructose are the common types of sugars -glucose (needs insuline to break down) - ANS>> sugar thyr/o- -thyroid comes from the greek word thyros meaning "shield" -thyro(shield) + oid (resembling) - ANS>> thyroid gland Anemia an/emia ah-NEE-mee-ah - ANS>> reduction of red blood cells noticed by the patient by weakness and fatigue no/blood condition hematoma hemat/oma HEE_mah-TOH-mah - ANS>> mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue blood/tumor hemorrhage hemo/rrhage HEM-oh-RIJ - ANS>> excessive blood loss blood/discharge petechia puh-TEE-kee-yah from latin for "freckle" or "spot" - ANS>> small bruise Hematology hemato/logy HEE-mah-TAW-loh-jee - ANS>> study of the blood blood/study immunology immuno/logy IM-myoo-NAW-loh-jee - ANS>> study of the immune system immune system/study ischemia - ANS>> blockage of blood flow to an organ phlebotomist phlebo/tom/ist fleh-BAW-toh-mist - ANS>> specialist in drawing blood vein/cut/specialist Sphygmomanometer sphygmo/mano/meter SFIG-moh-mah-NAW-meh-ter - ANS>> fancy name for the device used to measure blood pressure stangle/thin/instrument for looking erythrocyte eh-RIH-throh-SAIT - ANS>> red blood cell septicemia - ANS>> presence of disease-causing mircoorganisms in the blood leukocyte LOO-koh-sait - ANS>> white blood cell anticoagulant - ANS>> drug that prevents the coagulation of blood CBC - ANS>> complete blood count Hct - ANS>> hematocrit IV - ANS>> intravenous RBC - ANS>> red blood count, red blood cell BP - ANS>> blood pressure CHF - ANS>> congestive heart failure DVT - ANS>> deep vein thrombosis EKG - ANS>> electrocardiogram cardi/o- - ANS>> heart coron/o- -litterally means "crown" and refers to the way the blood vessels htat supply the heart descend and support the hear like a crown - ANS>> heart -the term coronary is used in medical language to refer specifically to the hearts blood supply angi/o- -comes from greek meaning "jar" or "pitcher" - ANS>> vessel vascul/o- comes from latin meaning "jar" or "pitcher" - ANS>> vessel vas/o- comes from latin meaning "jar" or "pitcher" - ANS>> vessel apnea a/pnea AP-nee-ah - ANS>> -cessation of breathing not/breathing eupnea eu/pnea YOOP-nee-ah - ANS>> good/normal breathing -eu/pnea dyspnea dys/pnea disp-NEE-ah - ANS>> difficulty breathing -bad/breathing ausculatation ah-skul-TAY-shun -latin word ausculto, meaning "to listen" - ANS>> a health care professional using a stethoscope to listen to a patient's chest hypoxia hypo/ox/ia hai-POKS-ee-yah - ANS>> -insufficient oxygen under/oxygen/condition laryngitis laryng/itis la-rin-JAI-tis - ANS>> -inflammation of the larynx larynx/inflammation emphysema im-fi-ZEE-ma -from the greek work emphysan, meaning "to inflate" - ANS>> -a disease that causes the alveoli to lose elasticity, emphysema patients cann inhale but have difficulty exhaling COPD - ANS>> chrontic obstructive pulmonary disease Bx - ANS>> biopsy CPAP - ANS>> continuous positive airway pressure -a treatment for apnea involving keeping a patients airways open using air pressure delivered via a face mask TB - ANS>> tuberculosis nas/o (Latin for nose), rhin/o (Greek for nose) -serves to warm, clean, and moisten the air - ANS>> nose Laryrg/o (voicebox) - ANS>> larynx (voice box) pharyng/o- (throat) -the pharynx is the pathway used by both food and air - ANS>> pharynx (throat) trache/o- (windpipe) -greek word for "rough" because of the bumpy ridges that line the outside of the trachea - ANS>> trachea (windpipe) pulmon/o- -can only mean "lung" - ANS>> lung pneum/o -air of lungs these roots can mean either "lung" or "air" - ANS>> lung, air stern/o- -also known as the chest bone -the sternum comes to a point at the bottom called the xiphoid process "resembling a sword" - ANS>> sternum thorac/o- - ANS>> chest or thorax phren/o- - ANS>> diaphragm -can also mean brain (phren/o schizophrenia) capn/o- -greek for "smoke" carb/o latin for "coal" - ANS>> carbon dioxide spir/o- - ANS>> spiral, to breathe -pnea - ANS>> breathing diarrhea dia/rrhea DAI-ah-REE-ah - ANS>> -passing of fluid or unformed feces -through/discharge dysentery dys/enter/y DIS-en-TER-ee - ANS>> -another name for diarrhea -bad/intestine/condition jaundice JAWN-dis -located on the right side of your abdomen, just below your rib cage. -largest organ in body other than skin, can filter more than 1 liter of blood per minute - ANS>> liver gingiv/o - ANS>> gums Anuria an/ur/ia an-YUR-ee-ah - ANS>> -lack of urination -no/urine/condition dysuria dys/ur/ia dis-YUR-ee-ah - ANS>> -painful urination -bad/urine/condition hematuria hemat/ur/ia HEE-mah-TUR-ee-ah - ANS>> -bloody urination -blood/urine/condition incontinence in/con/tinence in-CON-tih-nentz - ANS>> -inability to control urinaiton -not/together/hold nocturia noct/ur/ia nok-TUR-ee-ah - ANS>> -nightime urination -night/urine/condition oliguria olig/ur/ia aw-lih-GYIR-ee-ah - ANS>> -low urine output -few/urine/condition pyuria py/ur/ia pai-YUR-ee-ah - ANS>> -pus in the urine -pus/urine/condition polyuria poly/ur/ia PAW-lee-YUR-ee-ah - ANS>> -excessive urination -many/urine/condition glucosuria glucos/ur/ia GLOO-koh-shur-EE-ah - ANS>> -sugar in the urine -sugar/urine/condition hyponatremia hypo/natr/emia HAI-poh-nah-TREE-mee-ah - ANS>> -low sodium in the blood -under/sodium/blood condition urinalysis (UA) YUR-ih-NAL-ih-sis -"urinalysis" is actually a shortened form of urine analysis - ANS>> -analysis of the urine to determine presence of abnormal elements nephritis nephr/itis neh-FRAI-tis - ANS>> -inflammatiion of the kidney -kidney/flammation diuretic di/uret/ic DAI-yur-IT-ik - ANS>> -agent that causes urination -through/urine/pertaining to HPV - ANS>> human papilloma virus UTI - ANS>> urinary tract infection AIDS - ANS>> acquired immunodeficiency syndrome nephr/o -they preform the task o ffiltering the blood/200 quarts per day - ANS>> -kidney - ren/o -if born with only one it may grow to be the size of 2 normal kidneys - ANS>> kidney ur/o -healthy urine is sterile and contains ammonia molecules - ANS>> urine urin/o -romans used urine to wash clothes and whiten teeth - ANS>> urine lith/o -litho is sometimes translated as calculus;latin word for ""little rocks" -kidney stones are not stones but accumulations of mineral salts and calcium - ANS>> stone or calculus meat/o -meatus comes from a word meaning "to go through" it means "opening" -several meatuses in body: ansal, aural, arethral - ANS>> opening, meatus orch/o -the flower orchid was named for the organ cus it looked like a pair of testicles - ANS>> testicle test/o - ANS>> testicle sperm/o -from Greek for "seed"; it takes 2 weeks to produce a single sperm -males faster but weaker, females slower but longer - ANS>> sperm spermat/o -sperm can sit in the epididymis for 2 weeks before "poppin off", sperm can survive in th efemale reproductive tract for 5 days - ANS>> sperm amenorrhea a/meno/rrhea AY-men-oh-REE-ah - ANS>> no menstruation no/menstruation/discharge dysmenorrhea dys/meno/rrhea DIS-men-oh-REE-ah - ANS>> painful menstruation bad/menstruation/discharge colposcopy colpo/scopy - ANS>> procedure for examining the vagina