Download Medical Terminology: A Comprehensive List of Definitions and more Quizzes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Abrasion DEFINITION 1 injury to the integrity of the skin resulting in skin loss TERM 2 abrupt DEFINITION 2 Describes a sudden change that occurs without warning TERM 3 Abscess DEFINITION 3 Pus forming a pocket TERM 4 Abstain DEFINITION 4 The deliberate effort to refrain from an action, such as drinking alcohol or eating junk food TERM 5 Acapnia DEFINITION 5 Low level of CO2 in the blood TERM 6 Accept DEFINITION 6 to willingly receive something ; the process of granting approval TERM 7 Access DEFINITION 7 the freedom to use something as one chooses; the permission or ability to enter or approach a specific entity or area TERM 8 Accountable DEFINITION 8 responsible for actions or explanation TERM 9 Acne DEFINITION 9 Inflammation of the skin related to glands and hair TERM 10 Adenoiditis DEFINITION 10 Inflammation of the adenoids TERM 21 Aphonia DEFINITION 21 no voice TERM 22 Apnea DEFINITION 22 Not breathing TERM 23 Apply DEFINITION 23 To put something to use; having a relevant or valid connection to something else TERM 24 Atelectasis DEFINITION 24 Abnormal expansion of the lung TERM 25 Audible DEFINITION 25 Capable of being heard TERM 26 Azoturia DEFINITION 26 Elevated and excessive level of nitrogen substrates and urea in the urine TERM 27 Balantitis DEFINITION 27 Inflammation of the penis TERM 28 Balanorrhea DEFINITION 28 elevated discharge of the penis TERM 29 Bilateral DEFINITION 29 Having two sides; may refer to something that affects both sides of the human body TERM 30 Biopsy DEFINITION 30 removal of tissue for evaluation purposes TERM 31 Bronchogram DEFINITION 31 x-ray of the bronchi TERM 32 Bronchography DEFINITION 32 the taking of the bronchi x-ray TERM 33 Carbuncle DEFINITION 33 Skin disease associated with boils TERM 34 Carcinogen DEFINITION 34 Cancer causing agent TERM 35 Carcinoma DEFINITION 35 Malignant tumor TERM 46 Complications DEFINITION 46 A factor that presents a degree of dificulty; may also refer to a secondary disease or condition TERM 47 Comply DEFINITION 47 To carry out the wishes of another person; to perform in the manner prescribed by law TERM 48 Cocave DEFINITION 48 a surface that is rounded inward like a bowl; surface that is arched or curved TERM 49 Concise DEFINITION 49 Straightforward and to the point; absent of all excessive detail TERM 50 Consistency DEFINITION 50 The agreement of each of the parts that constitute a whole TERM 51 Constrict DEFINITION 51 To make something narrow by squeezing or compressing TERM 52 Contingent DEFINITION 52 Something that may happen; may also refer to something that is dependent upon or conditioned by something else TERM 53 Contour DEFINITION 53 The line that represents the shape of a curvy figure TERM 54 Contract DEFINITION 54 An agreement between two parties that binds each to preform certain actions TERM 55 Contraindication DEFINITION 55 The presence of a symptom or condition that will make a specific treatment unadvisable TERM 56 Contusion DEFINITION 56 Bruising of tissue with no loss in skin integrity TERM 57 Cyanosis DEFINITION 57 Bluish color of the skin related to poor blood supply TERM 58 Cystogram DEFINITION 58 x-ray of the bladder TERM 59 Cystoscope DEFINITION 59 Device used for inspection of the bladder TERM 60 Cystoscopy DEFINITION 60 Examination of the bladder by vision TERM 71 Dermatoconiosis DEFINITION 71 aberrant condition of the epidermis created by dust TERM 72 Aberrant DEFINITION 72 departing from an accepted standard. TERM 73 Dermatofibroma DEFINITION 73 skin tumor caused by fibrous cells TERM 74 Dermatologist DEFINITION 74 Doctor that focuses on skin condition/treatment TERM 75 Dermatology DEFINITION 75 The study of skin TERM 76 Dermatome DEFINITION 76 Surgical device for skin surgery TERM 77 Dermatoplasty DEFINITION 77 surgery involving skin TERM 78 Deteriorating DEFINITION 78 to make inferior in quality; to diminish in function or condition TERM 79 Device DEFINITION 79 Something that is devised or thought up; may be a piece of equipment designed for a specific task TERM 80 Diagnosis DEFINITION 80 Determining the dysfunction/disease TERM 81 Diameter DEFINITION 81 The legnth of a line that passes through the body of an object TERM 82 Dilate DEFINITION 82 to enlarge, extend, or widen; to become wide like the pupil of the eye TERM 83 Dilute DEFINITION 83 To make a substance thinner or less potent; diminish in flavor or intensity TERM 84 Discrete DEFINITION 84 A separate entity; unique and separate from other things TERM 85 Distal DEFINITION 85 Away from a point of origin TERM 96 Endoscopy DEFINITION 96 Inspection of a body cavity with visual examination TERM 97 Enuresis DEFINITION 97 Uncontrollable urination TERM 98 Epidermal DEFINITION 98 Related to the skin TERM 99 Epididymitis DEFINITION 99 Inflammation of the epididymis TERM 100 Epithelial DEFINITION 100 Related to epithelial tissue TERM 101 Epitlelioma DEFINITION 101 tumor made of skin cells TERM 102 erythemia DEFINITION 102 Redness in appearance TERM 103 Erythrocyte DEFINITION 103 Red blood cell TERM 104 Erythrocytosis DEFINITION 104 Elevated red blood cell count TERM 105 Erythroderma DEFINITION 105 Redness of the skin TERM 106 Etiology DEFINITION 106 Study of disease relationships/origin TERM 107 Eupnea DEFINITION 107 Normal breathing TERM 108 Exacerbate DEFINITION 108 To cause something to become more intense in nature; especially an increase in violence or severity TERM 109 Excess DEFINITION 109 Surpassing usual limitations; unnecessary indulgence TERM 110 Exogenous DEFINITION 110 The growth from superficial or shallow tissue; refers to conditions caused by factors that are external to an organism TERM 121 Gaping DEFINITION 121 Something that is wide open and exposed TERM 122 Gender DEFINITION 122 the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits that are associated with a specific sex TERM 123 Hepatosalphinx DEFINITION 123 fallopian tube with blood present (bleeding into the fallopian tube) TERM 124 Hidradenitis DEFINITION 124 Inflammation of the sweat glands TERM 125 Histology DEFINITION 125 Study of tissues in nature TERM 126 HIV DEFINITION 126 Retrovirus that causes AIDS TERM 127 Hydration DEFINITION 127 The taking up of elements with the aid of water; the constant supply of water or fluids TERM 128 Hydrosalphinx DEFINITION 128 Water in the fallopian tube TERM 129 Hygiene DEFINITION 129 the science of health-inducinf practices; the condition or practice of activities that can maintain physical health TERM 130 Hymenectomy DEFINITION 130 removal of the hymen TERM 131 Hyperplasia DEFINITION 131 Elevated numbers of cells TERM 132 Hypocapnia DEFINITION 132 decreased level of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream TERM 133 Hypodermic DEFINITION 133 related to underneath the skin TERM 134 Hypoplasia DEFINITION 134 decreased numbers of cells required for normal organ development TERM 135 Hypoxemia DEFINITION 135 limited oxygen in the bloodstream TERM 146 Insidious DEFINITION 146 Something or someone who is enticing but dangerous; slow developing dangerousness TERM 147 Intact DEFINITION 147 Something that remains whole or untouched by destructive forces; having no relevant part removed or altered TERM 148 Internal DEFINITION 148 Things inside of the body or the mind; something that exists within the limits and confines of something else TERM 149 Invasive DEFINITION 149 Tending to spread or infringe upon something; May also refer to something that will enter the human body TERM 150 karyocyte DEFINITION 150 Cellular unit within a nucleus TERM 151 Keloid DEFINITION 151 Scar tissue that has exhibited excessive growth TERM 152 Keratogenic DEFINITION 152 creation of horny like tissue appearance TERM 153 Labile DEFINITION 153 Unstable; constantly undergoing a chemical change or breakdown TERM 154 Laceration DEFINITION 154 Wound with irregular borders, knife like in appearance TERM 155 Latent DEFINITION 155 Not presently active but with the potential to become active TERM 156 Lateral DEFINITION 156 opposite of medial; related to point of origin TERM 157 Leiodermia DEFINITION 157 Smooth Skin TERM 158 Leiomyoma DEFINITION 158 Tumor made of smooth muscle cells TERM 159 Leiomyosarcoma DEFINITION 159 malignant tumor made of smooth muscle cells TERM 160 Lethargic DEFINITION 160 sluggish, indifferent, or apathetic TERM 171 Manifestation DEFINITION 171 The act of becoming outwardly visible; can refer to the occult phenomenon of a supernatural materialization TERM 172 Mastitis DEFINITION 172 Inflammation of breast tissue TERM 173 Mastectomy DEFINITION 173 Removal of a breast TERM 174 Mastoptosis DEFINITION 174 Drooping breasts TERM 175 Menarche DEFINITION 175 Start of menstruation TERM 176 Menomerorrhagia DEFINITION 176 Flow of blood during menstruation and between cycles TERM 177 Melanocarcinoma DEFINITION 177 Malignant black tumor TERM 178 Melanoma DEFINITION 178 Tumor of the epithelial tissue TERM 179 Metastasis DEFINITION 179 Progression of a disease between organs, uncontrollable TERM 180 Metrorrhea DEFINITION 180 Uterus discharge that is excessive TERM 181 Micturate DEFINITION 181 urination TERM 182 Myometritis DEFINITION 182 Inflammation of uterine tissue TERM 183 Myopathy DEFINITION 183 Muscular disease TERM 184 Necrosis DEFINITION 184 Cellular death, often resulting in black, dead tissue TERM 185 Neopathy DEFINITION 185 New sprung disease TERM 196 nutrient DEFINITION 196 something that provides nourishment TERM 197 Occluded DEFINITION 197 Closed or blocked off TERM 198 Oligomenorrhea DEFINITION 198 Limited menstrual discharge TERM 199 Ominous DEFINITION 199 Exhibiting an omen; refers to something evil or disatrous that appears likely to occur TERM 200 Oncology DEFINITION 200 Study of tumor like tissue TERM 201 Ongoing DEFINITION 201 The process of occuring; continuously advancing or moving ahead TERM 202 Onychectomy DEFINITION 202 removal of a nail TERM 203 Onychomycosis DEFINITION 203 Fungal condition of the nail TERM 204 Onychophagia DEFINITION 204 Eating your nails TERM 205 Onychopryptosis DEFINITION 205 Ingrown Nail TERM 206 Oophorectomy DEFINITION 206 removal of an ovary TERM 207 Oophoritis DEFINITION 207 Inflammation of an ovary TERM 208 Oral DEFINITION 208 Spoken by the mouth; of or relating to the mouth TERM 209 Orchidectomy DEFINITION 209 Removal of one or both testis TERM 210 Orchidotomy DEFINITION 210 Incision made into the testis TERM 221 Pathogenic DEFINITION 221 Disease causing TERM 222 pathologist DEFINITION 222 Individual who studies pathology TERM 223 Pediculosis DEFINITION 223 condition of lice TERM 224 percutaneous DEFINITION 224 Penetrating the skin TERM 225 Pleuritis DEFINITION 225 Inflammation of the pleura TERM 226 Pneumatocele DEFINITION 226 Hernia associated with the lung TERM 227 Pneumoconiosis DEFINITION 227 dust in the lung's condition TERM 228 Pneumonia DEFINITION 228 disease of the lung related to infection TERM 229 pneumothorax DEFINITION 229 Air in the chest resulting in the collapse of a lung TERM 230 Posterior DEFINITION 230 related to the rear/back position TERM 231 potent DEFINITION 231 Able to copulate as a male; refers to something that is chemically or medically effective TERM 232 Potential DEFINITION 232 Having the possibility of becoming a reality TERM 233 Precaution DEFINITION 233 The act of taking care in advance; refers to measures taken in advance in order to prevent harm TERM 234 Precipitous DEFINITION 234 Very steep of difficult to climb or overcome TERM 235 Predispose DEFINITION 235 to dispose in advance of or to make susceptible to TERM 246 Recur DEFINITION 246 Something that is revised for consideration; a thought or idea that enters one's mind for a decond time TERM 247 Restrict DEFINITION 247 to conlfine something or someone within specific limitations or boundaries TERM 248 Retain DEFINITION 248 To keep in one's possession; to maintain an itemor person in security TERM 249 Rhabdomyosarcoma DEFINITION 249 tumor made of striated muscle cells TERM 250 Rhinitis DEFINITION 250 Inflammation of the nose TERM 251 Rhinorrhagia DEFINITION 251 Bleeding of the nose TERM 252 Rhinorrhea DEFINITION 252 Nose discharge TERM 253 Rhytidectomy DEFINITION 253 Removal of wrinkles in the skin TERM 254 Rhytidoplasty DEFINITION 254 Repair of wrinkles int he skin TERM 255 Salpingocele DEFINITION 255 Fallopian tube hernia TERM 256 Sarcoma DEFINITION 256 Tumor made up of connective tissue TERM 257 Scleroderma DEFINITION 257 Hardening of connective tissue, related to disease of various organs TERM 258 Seborrhea DEFINITION 258 Elevated production of sebum TERM 259 Site DEFINITION 259 The physical location of a structure; the physical space reserved for a building; the place or scene of an occurrence TERM 260 Somatic DEFINITION 260 Related tot he body TERM 271 Symmetric DEFINITION 271 Exhibiting symmetry; capable of being divided by a longitudinal plane into equal sections TERM 272 Symptom DEFINITION 272 The evidence of a disease or illness; the presence of a symptom is indicative of something else TERM 273 Syphilis DEFINITION 273 A type of sexually transmitted disease TERM 274 systemic DEFINITION 274 Throughout TERM 275 Thoracalgia DEFINITION 275 Pain located in the chest TERM 276 Tracheitis DEFINITION 276 Inflammation of the trachea TERM 277 Tracheostenosis DEFINITION 277 Reduced trachea size TERM 278 Trichomyosis DEFINITION 278 Fungal condition in hair TERM 279 Ungual DEFINITION 279 Related to the nail TERM 280 Unilateral DEFINITION 280 on one side of the body TERM 281 Untoward DEFINITION 281 difficult to manage; marked by trouble or unpleasantness TERM 282 Uremia DEFINITION 282 Blood in the urine TERM 283 Uretrectomy DEFINITION 283 Removal of the ureter TERM 284 Ureteritis DEFINITION 284 Inflammaiton of ureter TERM 285 Ureterocele DEFINITION 285 Ureter protrusion TERM 296 Vital DEFINITION 296 Necessary or essential to the existence of life TERM 297 Void DEFINITION 297 Not occupied or empty; of no legal force or effect TERM 298 Volume DEFINITION 298 Printed pages bound in a book form; space occupied by a three-dimensional form; degree of loudness TERM 299 Vulvovaginitis DEFINITION 299 Inflammation of the vulva and vagina TERM 300 Xanthrochromatic DEFINITION 300 Related to yellow coloring TERM 301 Xaqnthoderma DEFINITION 301 Jaundice like skin TERM 302 Xanthosis DEFINITION 302 Condition of yellow coloring present that is aberrant TERM 303 Xeroderma DEFINITION 303 Skin that is excessively dry