Download Medical Terminology Questions and Answers 2024 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Medical Terminology Questions and Answers 2024 constructed terms - correct answers a word made up of multiple word parts eponym - correct answers a term derived from a name non constructed terms - correct answers terms that are not formed from individual word parts prefix - correct answers word part that is affixed to the beginning of a word word root - correct answers a word part that provides the primary meaning of a term suffix - correct answers a word part that is affixed to the end of a word combining vowel - correct answers a vowel used when a suffix starts with a consonant anti- - correct answers against, opposite of brady- - correct answers slow endo- - correct answers within epi- - correct answers upon, over, above, on top neo- - correct answers new pre- - correct answers to come before append/o, appendix/o - correct answers appendix bi/o - correct answers life cardi/o - correct answers heart cerebra/o - correct answers brain, cerebrum derma/o - correct answers skin electro/o - correct answers electricity encephal/o - correct answers brain gastr/o - correct answers stomach 2 hem/o - correct answers blood hepat/o - correct answers liver hyster/o - correct answers uterus laryng/o - correct answers voice box, larynx leuk/o - correct answers white mamm/o - correct answers breast mast/o - correct answers breast ment/o - correct answers mind nat/o - correct answers birth neur/o - correct answers nerve path/o - correct answers disease proct/o - correct answers rectum or anus psych/o - correct answers mind rhin/o - correct answers nose tonsill/o - correct answers tonsil vas/o - correct answers vessel -al - correct answers pertaining to -ectomy - correct answers surgical removal -emia - correct answers condition of blood -gram - correct answers a record or image -ia - correct answers condition of -iatry - correct answers treatment, specialty -ic - correct answers pertaining to 5 a- - correct answerswithout or absence of aphasia - correct answerswithout or absence of speaking -physis - correct answersgrowth hypo- - correct answersbelow -plegia - correct answersparalysis quadri- - correct answersfour quadriplegia - correct answersparalysis of four limbs -oma - correct answerstumor oset/o - correct answersbone osteoma - correct answerstumor of bone -stasis - correct answersstanding still homeostasis - correct answersthe process of maintaining internal stability despite changes in the environment a group of symptoms that together are characteristic or indicative of a specific disorder, condition, or disease - correct answerssyndrome the removal of and examination (or view) of tissue - correct answersbiopsy a condition of uncontrolled blood loss - correct answershemophilia a difficulty in swallowing - correct answersdysphagia arthr/o - correct answersjoint -algia - correct answerscondition of pain arthralgia - correct answerspain in a joint -asthenia - correct answersweakness myasthenia - correct answersweakness of muscle -atresia - correct answersa closure or the absence of a normal body opening 6 hysteratresia - correct answersthe absence of the uterine cavity -cele - correct answershernia, swelling, or protrusion meningocele - correct answershernia of the meninges of the brain or spinal column that protrudes through an abnormal opening in the skill or spinal column -dynia - correct answerspain tenodynia - correct answerspain in a tendon -osis - correct answerscondition of adenosis - correct answerscondition of a gland aden/o - correct answersgland -ism - correct answerscondition or disease embolism - correct answersa condition in which a blood vessel is blocked by an embolus or clot lipoma - correct answerstumor of fat tissue lip/o - correct answersfat -penia - correct answersdeficiency or abnormal reduction in number calcipenis - correct answersan abnormal reduction of calcium -phobia - correct answersfear hydrophobia - correct answersfear of water -plasia - correct answersformation, growth neoplasia - correct answersnew formation or growth referring to a tumor -rrhagia - correct answersabnormal discharge rhinorrhagia - correct answersabnormal discharge of the nose -rrhea - correct answersdischarge seborrhea - correct answersdischarge from the sebaceous glands 7 -rrhexis - correct answersrupture amniorrhexis - correct answersrupture of the membrane enclosing a fetus known as the amnion -sclerosis - correct answerscondition of hard arteriosclerosis - correct answersartery walls becoming hard and lose their elasticity spasm -spasm - correct answersa sudden, involuntary muscle contraction bronchospasm - correct answersa sudden involuntary contraction of the muscular lining of the bronchi -ad - correct answerstoward cephalad - correct answerstoward the head -hemia - correct answerscondition of blood poly- - correct answersexcessive, over, many cyt/o - correct answerscell polycythermia - correct answerscondition in which there is an overproduction of red blood cells -practic - correct answersa practice -centensis - correct answerssurgical puncture thoracocentensis - correct answersmedical procedure in which a surgical puncture is made into the chest cavity to remove fluid -clasia - correct answersbreak apart -clasis - correct answersbreak apart -clast - correct answersbreak apart osteoclasis - correct answerssurgical procedure in which a bone is artificially fractured or broken apart to correct deformity -desis - correct answerssurgical fixation or fusion 10 dis- - correct answersapart or away ecto- - correct answersoutside or not ec- - correct answersoutside or not ep- - correct answersupon, over, above, or on top eso- - correct answersinward ex- - correct answersoutside or away from exo- - correct answersoutside or away from extra- - correct answersoutside infer- - correct answersbelow inter- - correct answersbetween para- - correct answersabnormal peri- - correct answersalongside post- - correct answersto follow after diplopia - correct answersto see double sub- - correct answersbelow super- - correct answersabove supra- - correct answersabove sym- - correct answerstogether or joined an- - correct answerswithout or absence of circum- - correct answersaround dys- - correct answersbad, abnormal, painful, or difficult eu- - correct answersnormal or good heter- - correct answersdifferent 11 hetero- - correct answersdifferent hyper- - correct answersexcessive, abnormally high, or above macro- - correct answerslarge mal- - correct answersbad mega- - correct answerslarge or great megalo- - correct answerslarge or great micro- - correct answerssoft pseudo- - correct answersfalse tachy- - correct answersrapid, fast trans- - correct answersthrough, across, or beyond ultra- - correct answersbeyond normal abdomin/o - correct answersabdomen anter/o - correct answersfront brachi/o - correct answersarm caud/o - correct answerstail cephal/o - correct answershead cervic/o - correct answersneck chondri/o - correct answersgristle, cartilage cran/o - correct answersskull crani/o - correct answersskull dist/o - correct answersdistant dors/o - correct answersback femor/o - correct answersthigh 12 glute/o - correct answersbuttock hom/o - correct answerssame home/o - correct answerssame ili/o - correct answersflank, hip, groin infer/o - correct answersbelow inguin/o - correct answersgroin later/o - correct answersside lumb/o - correct answersloin, lower back medi/o - correct answersmiddle organ/o - correct answerstool pelv/o - correct answersbowl, basin physi/o - correct answersnature pleur/o - correct answerspleura, rub poster/o - correct answersback proxim/o - correct answersnear super/o - correct answersabove thorac/o - correct answerschest, throax umbillic/o - correct answersnavel, umbilicus ventr/o - correct answersbelly the study of body structure - correct answersanatomy study of nature - correct answersphysiology homeostasis - correct answersmaintaining internal stability the simplest building block of the body - correct answersatom 15 epigastric - correct answerson top of the stomach iliac - correct answersbelow the catilage umbilical - correct answerspertaining to the navel How many quadrants does the abdomen have? - correct answers4: right upper, left upper, right lower, and left lower hypogastric - correct answersbelow the stomach trunk - correct answerstorso appendages - correct answerslimbs spaces partially filled with organs, connecting structures, and fluids - correct answerscavities internal contents of a cavity - correct answersviscera what are the two main cavities? - correct answersdorsal cavity and ventral cavity Dorsal cavity - correct answersincludes the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity ventral cavity - correct answers... diaphram - correct answersdivides the ventral cavity into an upper and lower cavity thoratic cavity - correct answerssuperior to the diaphram abdominopelvic cavity - correct answersinferior to the diaphram pericardial cavity - correct answerslies along the midline of the thoracic cavity pericardial - correct answerspertaining to around the heart medoastinum - correct answerspotential space in the area between the two lungs. (because it lies along the midline and is deep to the breastbone or sternum, it is called the mediastinum) abdominal cavity - correct answersthe upper area of the abdominopelvic cavity (contains the liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, and most of the small and large intestines.) 16 pelvic cavity - correct answersAt the level of the iliac crest (the tips of the hipbones) the pelvic cavity begins and continues to the base of the abdominopelvic cavity (contains the urinary bladder, internal reproductive organs, and parts of the small and large intensine. pelvic - correct answerspertaining to a bowl or basin disease - correct answersa state of the body in which homeostasis has faltered due to any cause diagnosis - correct answersidentification of an illness symptoms - correct answersexperiences of the patient resulting from a disease sign - correct answersa finding that can be discovered by an objective examination fever - correct answerssign of an infectious disease febrile - correct answersclinical term for fever acute - correct answersa disease of short duration, often with a sharp effect coryza - correct answersmedical term for head cold chronic - correct answersdisease of long duration psoriasis - correct answersskin condition that lasts a lifetime infection - correct answersdisease caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi parasites or protozoas. traumatic disease - correct answersdisease resulting from trauma prognosis - correct answersprediction of the course of the disease and its probable outcome diagnostic imaging - correct answersobservation of the internal structures and functions of the body without the need for open surgical procedure endoscopy - correct answersthe use of a long, flexible tube that can be inserted into a patient CT Scan - correct answersdiagnostic procedure that combines multiple x rays and computer enhancement to produce three-dimensional images of internal body structures. is an acronym of computed tomography scanning 17 PET scan - correct answersprocedure that detects the journey of a radioactive-labeled substance, such as glucose, through the body. PET is an acronym for positron emission tomography MRI - correct answers(magnetic resonance imaging) magnets that responds to hydrogen atoms in the body by sending signals to a computer, which analyzes the information to produce three-dimensional images. ultrasound imaging (sonography) - correct answersinvolves the pulsation of harmless sound waves through a body region ankyl/o - correct answerscrooked carcin/o - correct answerscancer carp/o - correct answerswrist hondr/o - correct answersgristle, cartilage condyl/o - correct answersknuckle of a joint fibr/o - correct answersfiber kyph/o - correct answershump lith/o - correct answersstone lord/o - correct answersbent forward menisc/o - correct answersmeniscus my/o - correct answersmuscle por/o - correct answershole sarc/o - correct answersflesh, meat scoli/o - correct answerscurved spondyl/o - correct answersvertebra synov/o - correct answerssynovial synovi/o - correct answerssynovial ten/o - correct answersstreatch, tendon 20 myasthenia gravis - correct answersserious muscle weakness myeloma - correct answerstumor of red bone marrow myocele - correct answerscondition in which a muscle is surrounded by a layer of tough connective tissue, known as fascia. An injury to a muscle may cause the muscle to tear through the fascia causing a protrusion. myositis - correct answersa common result of muscle injury is a local inflammation osteitis - correct answersinflammation of bone osteltis deformans - correct answers(Paget's disease) results in bone deformities due to a failure of bone remodeling, which is a balance between bone loss and bone deposition. osteosarcoma - correct answersa bone cancer arising from connective tissue, usually within the bone itself. osteogenesis imperfecta - correct answersan inherited disease resulting in impaired bone growth and fragile bones osteomalacia - correct answersdisease resulting in the softening of the bones osteomyelitis - correct answersinflammation of the red bone marrow osteoporosis - correct answersthe abnormal loss of bone density paraplegia - correct answersloss of sensation or voluntary movement of the area of the body below the hips, including both legs polymyositis - correct answersinflammation of many muscles (caused by bacterial infection in which a group of muscles become infected and react with inflammation) rickets - correct answersthe bones become softened due to the excessive removal of calcium for other body functions rotator cuff - correct answerscombination of four muscles and their tendons that surround and stabilize the shoulder joint: teres minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis rotator cuff injury - correct answerstrauma to the shoulder can tear one or more muscles, resulting in a rotator cuff injury that can cause local inflammation, pain, and joint dislocation. 21 spondylarthritis - correct answersinflammation of joints of vertebra. (uncommon condition of intervertebral jointss that leads to a gradual inability to flex and bend the back sprain - correct answerstear of collagen fibers within a ligament. strain - correct answerssimilar to a sprain but involving a muscle temporomandibular joint disease - correct answersthe junction of the mandible and the temporal bone, which allows the lower aw to move when speaking and chewing tendonitis - correct answersinflammation of a tendon is a common sports injury tenosynovitis - correct answersa form of tendonitis that also involves inflammation of the synovial membrane surrounding the joint cost/o - correct answersrib fasci/o - correct answersfascia arthrocentesis - correct answerscondition of inflammation, which may slow healing and lead to additional complications aspirated - correct answerswithdrawn by suction, through a surgical puncture into the synovial cavity of the joint. arthroclasia - correct answersthe breaking of an abnormally stiff joint to increase the range of motion arthrogram - correct answersan image printed on a film prior to joint surgery. it is common to obtain an X-ray of the joint after injection of contrast media, air, or both to highlight the synovial oing arthrolysis - correct answersjoint is loosened of abnormal restrictions, such as calcium deposits and bursoliths. arthroplasty - correct answerssurgical repair of a joint artroscopy - correct answersvisual examination of a joint cavity that uses an instrument that integrates fiber optics, live-action photography, and computer enhancement arthrotomy - correct answersa surgical incision into the synovial cavity of a joint bursectomy - correct answersa surgery involving the removal or a bursa from a joint 22 chiropractic - correct answersa practitioner of the therapuetic method of manipulation of ones and joints, most commonly the vertebral column chondrectomy - correct answerssurgical excision, or removal, of the cartilage associated with a joint chondroplasty - correct answerssurgical repair of the cartilage associated with a joint costeectomy - correct answersa surgery involving the removal of a rib cranioplasty - correct answersprocedure in which one or more bones of the cranium undergo repair during surgery craniotomy - correct answerswhen the surgeon enters the cranial cavity diskectomy - correct answersa surgical procedure that is used frequently to reduce the pain of a herniated disk by surgically removing the intervertebral disk electromyography - correct answersa procedure in which the strength of a muscle contraction is measured and recorded fasciotomy - correct answersa surgical incision into the connective tissue sheath surrounding a muscle, called fascia myoplasty - correct answerssurgical repair of a muscle myorraphy - correct answerssuturing the torn ends of a muscle NSAIDs - correct answers(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) the most common pharmacological treatment for any condition, including the inflammation or pain of muscle or bone tissue. Also known as aspirin and ibuprofen. orthotics - correct answersthe field of medical support involving the construction and fitting of orthopedic appliances to assist a patient, such as lists, artificial limbs, and retraction devices. ostectomy - correct answersthe surgical removal, or excision, of bone tissue osteopathy - correct answersmedical field that emphasizes the relationship between the musculoskeletal system an overall health with an emphasis on body alignment and nutrition osteoplasty - correct answersthe surgical repair of bone podiatry - correct answersspecialty of foot health 25 thrombocytopenia - correct answersabnormally reduced number of platelets in a sample of blood toxemia - correct answerscondition of blood poison AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) - correct answerscaused by the HIV disease, which disables the immune response by destroying important white blood cells known as helper T cells. allergy - correct answersthe body's immune response to allergens, which are foreign substances that produce a reaction including immediate inflammation. allergic rhinitis - correct answers(hay fever) which affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and throat allergic dermatitis - correct answersaffects the skin where it has been in physical contact with the allrgens anaphylaxis - correct answersan immediate reaction to a foreign substance that includes rapid inflammation, vasodilation, bronchospasms, and spasms of the GI tract anemia - correct answersthe reduced ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to tissues anthrax - correct answerscaused by a spore-forming bacterium (Bacillus anthracis), transmissible to humans especially by the handling of infected products (as hair), and characterized by external ulcerating nodules or by lesions in the lungs bioterrorism - correct answersthe application of disease-causing microorganisms to cause harm to a population autoimmune disease - correct answersa disease that is caused by a person's own immune response attacking otherwise healthy tissues "self-immunity" botulism - correct answersfood born illness caused by the ingestion of food contaminated with the neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum communicable disease - correct answersa disease that is capable of transmission from one person to another contagious disease - correct answersa disease that is capable of transmission from one person to another diphtheria - correct answersinfectious disease resulting in acute inflammation of the mucous membranes, primarily in the mouth and throat. 26 dyscrasia - correct answers"difficult temperament" any abnormal condition of the blood edema - correct answersthe leakage of fluid from the bloodstream into the interstitial space between body cells causes swelling and is one aspect of inflammation. fungemia - correct answersa fungal infection that spreads throughout the body by the way of bloodstream. "condition of blood fungus" Gas Gangrene - correct answersinfection of a wound may be caused by various anaerobic bacteria, which cause additional damage to local tissues when blood flow is reduced due to some reason, including frostbite or diabetes. "eating sore" the term gas is included in the term because of the fermentation gas that is a diagnostic of the disease hematoma - correct answersa mass of blood outside blood vessels and confined within an organ or space within the body, usually in a clotted form. commonly known as a bruise or contusion when it is visible through the skin, a hematoma is usually the result of an injury or disease hemoglobinopathy - correct answersa general term for a disease that affects hemoglobin within red blood cells "disease of blood protein" hemophilia - correct answersan inherited bleeding disorder that results from defective or missing blood-clotting proteins that are necessary components in the coagulation process. patient will experience abnormal loss of blood. "love for blood" hemorrhagic fever - correct answersan infectious disease that causes internal bleeding or hemorrhage, and high fevers. Caused by viruses such as Ebola, and some forms exhibit a high rate of mortality. Hodgkin's Disease - correct answersmalignant form of cancer of lymphatic tissue that is characterized by the progressive enlargement of lymph nodes, fatigue, and deficiency of the immune response. latrogenic disease - correct answersa condition that is caused by a medical treatment "pertaining to producing, forming from physician" idiopathic diseaase - correct answersa disease that develops without a known or apparent cause. "pertaining to individual disease" immunodeficiency - correct answersa condition resulting from a defective immune response. occurs when there are insufficient numbers of functional white blood cells, especially lymphocytes, available to defend the body from sources of infection immunosuppression - correct answersdescribes a patient suffering from an immunodeficiency 27 incompatibility - correct answersthe combination of two blood types that results in the destruction of red blood cells. May occur during a blood transfusion causing sever consequences, including the possibility of death if the donor blood antibodies attack the recipient's red blood cells infection - correct answersa multiplcation of disease-causing microorganisms, or pathogens, in the body. inflammation - correct answersthe physiological process that serves as the body's initial response to injury and many forms of illness involves the swelling of body tissue. the swelling results from the movement of plasma from capillaries into the extracellular space to produce edema or fluid accumulation in tissue. symptoms include swelling, redness, heat, and pain. "to ignite" or "to blaze" influenza - correct answersa viral disease characterized by fever and acute inflammation of respiratory mucous membranes. "the flu" is highly contagious and the virus is capable of mutating to escape detection by white blood cells leukemia - correct answersa form of cancer that literally means "condition of white blood cells" originates from the cells within the blood-forming tissue of the red marrow. lymphadenitis - correct answersinflammation of the lymph nodes. the acute form is common during infections. the chronic form indicates a more serious disorder may be the cause, such as lymphoma. lymphoma - correct answersa malignant tumor originating in lymphatic tissue. malaria - correct answersa disease cause by a parasitic protozoan that infects red blood cells and the liver during different parts of its life cycle. the vector, or carrier, of he protozoan is the anopheles mosquito and the symptoms include periodic flares of high fevers. "bad air" referring to the swampy marshlands where the mosquitos live measles - correct answersan acute viral disease that often begins as a fever, followed by the development of a skin rash containing numerous vesicles and often accompanied by a general inflammation of the respiratory tract. mononucleosis - correct answersa viral disease characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, atypical lymphocytes, throat pain, pharyngitis, fever, and fatigue. also called infectious mononucleosis, it is caused by the epstein-barr virus and is a communicable disease. necrosis - correct answersthe death of one or more cells or a portion of a tissue or organ. a cell or cells, tissue, or organ that is dead is often called necrotic 30 complete blood count - correct answersa common laboratory test that evaluates a sample of blood to provide diagnostic information about a patient's general health is abbreviated CBC which means complete blood count. includes multiple tests, hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood count, white blood count, platelet count. differential count - correct answersa microscopic count of the number of each type of white blood cell in a sample of blood. procedure uses staining techniques to highlight the features of white blood cells, allowing the hematologist to distinguish between the types. hematocrit - correct answersa procedure included in a CBC that measures the percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood. abbreviated HCT it is obtained by centrifuging a sample of blood to separate the cells from plasma in the centrifuge tube. hemoglobin - correct answersa procedure included in CBC that measures the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells (in g) abbreviated HGB. any level below normal is diagnosed as a form of anemia. hemostatis - correct answersthe stoppage of bleeding is a physiological process. "standing still blood" homologous transfusion - correct answerstransfusion of blood that is voluntarily donated by another person. "pertaining to study of the same" it requires blood-type work called crossmatching to prevent incompatibility. immunozation - correct answersa treatment that establishes immunity against a particular foreign substance that may otherwise cause disease. the treatment includes inoculation of antigen components that stimulate the patient's immune response to produce memory lymphocytes and antibodies, which will be available in the blood to provide immune protection when a future exposure occurs immunotheraphy - correct answersthe treatment of infectious disease by the administration of pharmacological agents, such as serum, gamma globulin, treated antibodies, and suppressive drugs. lymphadenectomy - correct answerssurgical removal of one or more lymph nodes platelet count - correct answersa laboratory procedure that calculates the # of platelets in a known volume of blood. abbreviated PLT. a reduced count suggests a potential failure or hemostasis because platelets play a major role in blood clot formation and coagulation. red blood count - correct answersa lab test included in CBC that measures the # of red blood cells within a given volume of blood. RBC 31 splenectomy - correct answersthe surgical removal of the spleen is often necessary if it has ruptured, which may occur during a physical injury to the left side of the trunk. thrombolysis - correct answersa treatment that is performed to dissolve an unwanted blood clot, or thrombus. "dissolve clot" vaccination - correct answers the inoculation of a foreign substance that has reduced virulence, or a reduced ability to cause infection, as a means of providing a cure of prophylaxis vaccine - correct answers a preparation that is used to activate an immune response to provide acquired immunity against an infectious agent. 32 Medical Terminology Questions and Answers 2024