Download Medical Terminology with verified questions + answers 2024 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Medical Terminology with verified questions + answers 2024 The cardiovascular system consists of the and that distribute blood to all areas of the body. - ANSWERpump, vessels The primary structures that comprise the cardiovascular system are: - ANSWERblood vessels, heart, arteries, capillaries, veins angi/o - ANSWERvessel aort/o - ANSWERaorta arteri/o - ANSWERartery arteriol/o - ANSWERarteriole arther/o - ANSWERfatty substance atri/o - ANSWERatrium cardi/o - ANSWERheart coron/o - ANSWERheart embol/o - ANSWERplug fibrin/o - ANSWERfibers isch/o - ANSWERto hold back myocardi/o - ANSWERheart muscle phleb/o - ANSWERvein sept/o - ANSWERwall son/o - ANSWERsound sphygm/o - ANSWERpulse steth/o - ANSWERchest thromb/o - ANSWERclot valv/o - ANSWERvalve valvul/o - ANSWERvalve varic/o - ANSWERdilated vein vascul/o - ANSWERblood vessel vas/o - ANSWERvessel ven/o - ANSWERvein atria - ANSWER2 upper chambers of the heart ventricles - ANSWER2 lower chambers of the heart Blood returning to the heart via veins first collects in the - ANSWERatria The are the pumping chambers of the heart. - ANSWERventricles valves act as a retraining gate to control the direction of blood flow - ANSWER4: tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, aortic The period of time a chamber is relaxed is . The contraction phase is . - ANSWERdiastole, systole Heart rate is regulated by the . - ANSWERautonomic nervous system The is the channel within blood vessels through which blood flows - ANSWERlumen What is the largest artery? - ANSWERaorta What are the smallest arteries? - ANSWERarterioles Arterial blood flows into a , and venous blood flows back out. - ANSWERcapillary bed Capillaries are in diameter, so the blood won't be able to flow as quickly, allowing time for an exchange of , , and to take place. - ANSWERsmall, nutrients, oxygen, waste materials The two veins that enter the heart are the , which carries blood from the upper body, and the , which carries blood from the lower body. - ANSWERsuperior vena cava, inferior veva cava ( ) is a measurement of the force exerted by blood against the wall of a blood vessel. - ANSWERBlood pressure (BP) angiitis - ANSWERinflammation of a vessel angiospasm - ANSWERinvoluntary muscle contraction of a vessel angiostenosis - ANSWERnarrowing of a blood vessel embolus - ANSWERA clot that breaks lose and travels through the bloodstream. infarct - ANSWERArea of dead tissue after a lack of blood supply ischemia - ANSWERtemporary lack of blood supply due to obstruction of circulation orthostatic hypotension - ANSWERsudden drop in blood pressure when standing up suddenly palpitations - ANSWERpounding, racing heartbeats plaque - ANSWERyellow, fatty deposit of lipids in an artery; hallmark of atherosclerosis regurgitation - ANSWERto flow backward thrombus - ANSWERblood clot forming within a blood vessel angina pectoris - ANSWERsevere pain and sensation of constriction around heart; caused by deficiency of oxygen to heart muscle (chest pain) cardiac arrest - ANSWERcomplete stopping of heart activity cardiac tamponade - ANSWERpressure on the heart caused by excess fluid in the pericardial space cardiomegaly - ANSWERenlarged heart cardiomyopathy - ANSWERdisease of the heart muscle: one of the most common reasons a patient may require a heart transplant congenital septal defect - ANSWERa hole, present at birth, in the septum between two heart chambers; results in a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood congestive heart failure - ANSWERPathological condition of the heart in which there is a reduced outflow of blood from the left side of the heart because the left ventricle myocardium has become too weak to efficiently pump blood. Results in weakness, breathlessness, and edema. coronary artery disease - ANSWERinsufficient blood supply to the heart muscle due to an obstruction of one or more coronary arteries endocarditis - ANSWERinflammation of the inner lining of the heart heart valve prolapse - ANSWERCondition in which the cusps or flaps of the heart valve are too loose and fail to shut tightly, allowing blood to flow backward through the valve when the heart chamber contracts. Most commonly occurs in the mitral valve, but may affect any of the heart valves. heart valve stenosis - ANSWERcondition in which the cusps or flaps of the heart valve are too stiff and are unable to open fully (making it difficult for blood to flow through) or shut tightly (allowing blood to flow backward). This condition may affect any of the heart valves. myocardial infarction - ANSWERcondition caused by the partial or complete occlusion or closing of one or more of the coronary arteries (Heart Attack) Raynaud's phenomenon - ANSWERa peripheral arterial occlusive disease in which extremities (especially toes, fingers, ears, nose) are triggered by cold or stress thrombophlebitis - ANSWERinflammation of a vein resulting in the formation of blood clots within the vein varicose veins - ANSWERswollen and distended veins, usually in the legs auscultation - ANSWERListening with a stethoscope sphygmomanometer - ANSWERinstrument to measure blood pressure stethoscope - ANSWERinstrument used for listening to internal body sounds cardiac biomarkers - ANSWERblood test that measures the presence and amount of several substances released by the heart when it is damaged or under stress; also called cardiac enzyme test serum lipoprotein level - ANSWERblood test measures amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood; indicator of atherosclerosis risk angiogram - ANSWERx-ray of a vessel angiography - ANSWERx-ray imaging of blood vessels after injection of contrast material cardiac scan - ANSWERPatient is given radioactive thallium intravenously and then scanning equipment is used to visualize the heart. It is especially useful in determining myocardial damage. dopper ultrasonography - ANSWERmeasurement of sound-wave echos as they bounce off tissues and organs to produce an image echocardiography - ANSWERNoninvasive diagnostic method using ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures. Cardiac valve activity can be evaluated using this method. cardiac catheterization - ANSWERprocess of inserting a tube (catheter) into the heart catheter - ANSWERtube for injecting or removing fluids electrocardiogram - ANSWERhardcopy record produced by electrocardiography electrocardiography - ANSWERprocess of recording the electrical activity of the heart holter monitor - ANSWERportable ECG monitor worn by patient for period of few hours to few days to assess heart and pulse activity as person goes through activities of daily living; used to assess patient who experiences chest pain and unusual heart activity during exercise and normal activities stress testing - ANSWERmethod for evaluating cardiovascular fitness cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - ANSWERemergency procedure for person in cardiac arrest consisting of external cardiac compressions and artificial ventilation defibrillation - ANSWERthe use of electrical shock to restore the heart's normal rhythm extracorporeal circulation - ANSWERduring open-heart surgery, the routing of blood to a heart-lung machine so it can be oxygenated and pumped to the rest of the body implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) - ANSWERdevice implanted into the heart to deliver an electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm; especially helpful for ventricular fibrillation pacemaker implantation - ANSWERelectrical device that substitutes for the natural pacemaker of the heart sclerotherapy - ANSWERmedical treatment for varicose veins thrombolytic therapy - ANSWERprocess in which drugs, such as streptokinase (SK) or tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), are injected into a blood vessel to dissolve clots and restore blood flow aneurysmectomy - ANSWERsurgical removal of the sac of an aneurysm arterial anastomosis - ANSWERsurgical connection between two arteries artherectomy - ANSWERsurgical removal of fatty plaque buildup from the interior of an artery coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) - ANSWERopen-heart surgery in which blood vessel, often leg vein, is grafted to route blood around occluded coronary artery embolectomy - ANSWERremoval of an embolus or clot from a blood vessel endarterectomy - ANSWERremoval of the diseased or damaged inner lining of an artery heart transplant - ANSWERreplacement of a diseased heart with a donor heart intracoronary artery stent - ANSWERplacement of a stent within a coronary artery to treat coronary ischemia due to atherosclerosis ligation and stripping - ANSWERSurgical treatment for varicose veins. The damaged vein is tied off (ligation) and removed (stripping). percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) - ANSWERmethod for treating localized coronary artery narrowing stent - ANSWERstainless steel tube placed within a blood vessel or a duct to widen the lumen CAD - ANSWERcoronary artery disease cath - ANSWERcatheterization CCU - ANSWERcoronary care unit CHF - ANSWERcongestive heart failure CK - ANSWERcreatine kinase CoA - ANSWERCoarctation of the aorta DVT - ANSWERdeep vein thrombosis ECC - ANSWERextracorporeal circulation ECG, EKG - ANSWERelectrocardiogram ECHO - ANSWERechocardiography fib - ANSWERfibrillation heart cath - ANSWERcardiac catheterization HTN - ANSWERhypertension ICD - ANSWERimplantable cardioverter-defibrillator ICU - ANSWERintensive care unit IV - ANSWERintravenous LVH - ANSWERleft ventricular hypertrophy MI - ANSWERmyocardial infarction mm Hg - ANSWERmillimeters of mercury MR - ANSWERmitral regurgitation MS - ANSWERmitral stenosis MVP - ANSWERmitral valve prolapse P - ANSWERpulse PAC - ANSWERpremature atrial contraction PDA - ANSWERpatent ductus arteriosus PTCA - ANSWERpercutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty PVC - ANSWERpremature ventricular contraction PVD - ANSWERperipheral vascular disease S1 - ANSWERfirst heart sound S2 - ANSWERsecond heart sound SA, S-A - ANSWERsinoatrial SK - ANSWERstreptokinase tPA - ANSWERtissue plasminogen activator VF, V-fib - ANSWERventricular fibrillation VSD - ANSWERventricular septal defect VT, V-tach - ANSWERventricular tachycardia