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Medicare 2024 Edition Final Exam: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A series of multiple choice questions and answers related to the 2024 edition of medicare. It covers various aspects of medicare, including eligibility, enrollment, benefits, and coverage. The questions and answers provide insights into the complexities of medicare and can be useful for individuals seeking to understand the program.

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Available from 11/16/2024

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AHIP 2024 Edition Final Exam

  1. Mr. Diaz continued working with his company and was insured under his employer's group plan until he reached age 68. He has heard that there is a premium penalty for those who did not sign up for Part B when first eligible and wants to know how much he will have to pay. What should you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔The penalty will be a permanent 10% increase in his Part B premium for every 12 - month period that passed during which he could have enrolled and did not.
  2. Ms. Moore plans to retire when she turns 65 in a few months. She is in excellent health and will have considerable income when she retires. She is concerned that her income will make it impossible for her to qualify for Medicare. What could you tell her to address her concern? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Medicare is a program for people age 65 or older and those under age 65 with certain disabilities, end-stage renal disease, and Lou Gehrig's disease so she will be eligible for Medicare.
  3. Mildred Savage enrolled in Allcare Medicare Advantage plan several years ago. Mildred recently learned that she is suffering from inoperable cancer and has just a few months to live. She would like to spend these final months in hospice care. Mildred's family asks you whether hospice benefits will be paid for under the Allcare Medicare Advantage plan. What should you say? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Mildred may remain enrolled in Allcare and make a hospice election. Hospice benefits will be paid for by

Original Medicare under Part A and Allcare will continue to pay for any non-hospice services.

  1. Mr. Gomez notes that a Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plan available in his area has an attractive premium. He wants to know if he must use doctors in a network as his current HMO plan requires him to do. What should you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔He may receive health care services from any doctor allowed to bill Medicare, as long as he shows the doctor the plan's identification card and the doctor agrees to accept the PFFS plan's payment terms and conditions, which could include balance billing.
  2. Mr. Kelly wants to know whether he is eligible to sign up for a Private fee-for-service (PFFS) plan. What questions would you need to ask to determine his eligibility? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You would need to ask Mr. Kelly if he is enrolled in Part A and Part B and if he lives in the PFFS plan's service area.
  3. Mrs. Wang wants to know generally how the benefits under Original Medicare might compare to the benefits package of a Medicare Advantage Plan before she starts looking at specific plans. What could you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Medicare Advantage Plans may offer extra benefits that Original Medicare does not offer such as vision, hearing, and dental services. It must include a maximum out-of-pocket limit on Part A and Part B services.
  1. Mr. Castillo, a naturalized citizen, previously enrolled in Medicare Part B but has recently stopped paying his Part B premium. Mr. Castillo is still covered by Part A. He would like to enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan and is still covered by Part A. What should you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔He is not eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan until he re-enrolls in Medicare Part B.
  2. Mr. Barker enjoys a comfortable retirement income. He recently had surgery and expected that he would have certain services and items covered by the plan with minimal out-of-pocket costs because his MA-PD coverage has been very good. However, when he received the bill, he was surprised to see large charges in excess of his maximum out-of-pocket limit that included some services and items he thought would be fully covered. He called you to ask what he could do? What could you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You can offer to review the plans appeal process to help him ask the plan to review the coverage decision.
  3. Mrs. Chi is age 75 and enjoys a comfortable but not extremely high-income level. She wishes to enroll in a MA MSA plan that she heard about from her neighbor. She also wants to have prescription drug coverage since her doctor recently prescribed several expensive medications. Currently, she is enrolled in Original Medicare and a standalone Part D plan. How would you advise Mrs. Chi? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Mrs. Chi may enroll in a MA

MSA plan and remain in her current standalone Part D prescription drug plan.

  1. Mrs. Ramos is considering a Medicare Advantage PPO and has questions about which providers she can go to for her health care. What should you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Mrs. Ramos can obtain care from any provider who participates in Original Medicare, but generally will have a higher cost-sharing amount if she sees a provider who/that is not a part of the PPO network.
  2. Mr. Wells is trying to understand the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. What would be a correct description? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Medicare Advantage is a way of covering all the Original Medicare benefits through private health insurance companies.
  3. Juan Hernandez is turning 65 next month, Juan legally entered the United States over twenty years ago but is not a citizen. Since his entry into the country, Juan has worked at Smallcap Incorporated and contributed to the Medicare system. Juan suffers from diabetes. He will soon retire and asks you if he can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that you represent. How would you respond? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Juan is eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage as long as he is entitled to Part A and enrolled in Part B. Juan should go to the Social Security website to enroll in Medicare Part A and B if he has not done so already. Once he is enrolled, he can choose a Medicare Advantage plan.
  1. Mr. Hutchinson has drug coverage through his former employer's retiree plan. He is concerned about the Part D premium penalty if he does not enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan, but does not want to purchase extra coverage that he will not need. What should you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔He will need to enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan upon becoming eligible for the program in order to avoid a premium penalty. To reduce his expenses, he should look for a plan with a zero premium.
  2. Mr. Schultz was still working when he first qualified for Medicare. At that time, he had employer group coverage that was creditable. During his initial Part D eligibility period, he decided not to enroll because he was satisfied with his drug coverage. It is now a year later and Mr. Schultz has lost his employer group coverage within the last two weeks. How would you advise him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Mr. Schultz should enroll in a Part D plan before he has a 63-day break in coverage in order to avoid a premium penalty.
  3. Mrs. Fields wants to know whether applying for the Part D low income subsidy will be worth the time to fill out the paperwork. What could you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔The Part D low income subsidy could substantially lower her overall costs. She can apply by contacting her state Medicaid office, or calling the Social Security Administration.
  1. Mrs. Quinn has just turned 65, is in excellent health and has a relatively high income. She uses no medications and sees no reason to spend money on a Medicare prescription drug plan if she does not need the coverage. She currently does not have creditable coverage. What could you tell her about the implications of such a decision? - Correct Ans: ✔✔If she does not sign up for a Medicare prescription drug plan as soon as she is eligible to do so, if she does sign up at a later date, her premium will be permanently increased by 1% of the national average premium for every month that she was not covered.
  2. Mrs. Imelda Diaz is a Medicare beneficiary enrolled in a MA- PD plan you represent. Her neighbor recently suffered from a painful case of shingles. Mrs. Diaz hopes to avoid such an illness through vaccination. She asks you whether the cost of shingles vaccination will be covered under the plan you represent. What should you say? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Yes, there is no cost sharing for the shingles vaccine even in the deductible phase of her prescription drug plan because it is an adult vaccine recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (AICP).
  3. Mrs. Walters is entitled to Part A and has medical coverage without drug coverage through an employer retiree plan. She is not enrolled in Part B. Since the employer plan does not cover prescription drugs, she wants to enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan. Will she be able to? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Yes. Mrs. Walters must be entitled to Part A or enrolled in Part B to be

eligible for coverage under the Medicare prescription drug program.

  1. Mr. Shapiro gets by on a very small amount of fixed income. He has heard there may be extra help paying for Part D prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries with limited income. He wants to know whether he might qualify. What should you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔The extra help is available to beneficiaries whose income and assets do not exceed annual limits specified by the government.
  2. Which of the following statements about Medicare Part D are correct? - Correct Ans: ✔✔I, II, and III only
    • I. Part D plans must enroll any eligible beneficiary who applies regardless of health status except in limited circumstances.
  3. II. Private fee-for-service (PFFS) plans are not required to use a pharmacy network but may choose to have one.
  4. III. Beneficiaries enrolled in a MA-Medical Savings Account (MSA) plan may only obtain Part D benefits through a standalone PDP.
  5. Mrs. Roberts has Original Medicare and would like to enroll in a Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plan. All types of PFFS plans are available in her area. Which options could Mrs. Roberts consider before selecting a PFFS plan? - Correct Ans: ✔✔A Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MA-PD) PFFS plan that combines medical benefits and Part D prescription drug coverage, a PFFS

plan offering only medical benefits, or a PFFS plan in combination with a stand-alone prescription drug plan.

  1. Mrs. Lu is turning 65 in November and called to ask for your help deciding on a Medicare Advantage plan. She agreed to sign a scope of appointment form and meet with you on October 15. During the appointment, what are you permitted to do? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You may provide her with the required enrollment materials and take her completed enrollment application.
  2. Agent Daniel Webber has properly set up a sales appointment to meet with client Edward Young at Agent Webber's office. At the agreed upon appointment time, Mr. Young arrives with his elderly neighbor - Clara Burton, who wants to learn about her Medicare Advantage options. What should Agent Daniel Webber do? - Correct Ans: ✔✔
  3. You have been providing a pre-Thanksgiving meal during sales presentations in November for many years and your clients look forward to attending this annual event. When marketing Medicare Advantage and Part D plans, what are you permitted to do with respect to meals? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You may provide light snacks, but a Thanksgiving style meal would be prohibited, regardless of who provides or pays for the meal.
  4. ABC is a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan sponsor. It would like to use its enrollees' information to market non-health related

products such as life insurance and annuities. Which statement best describes ABC's obligation to its enrollees regarding marketing such products? - Correct Ans: ✔✔b.

  1. It must obtain a HIPAA compliant authorization from an enrollee that indicates the plan or plan sponsor may use their information for marketing purposes.
  2. Wendy Park becomes eligible for Medicare for the first time in July. With the help of Agent James Chan, she enrolls in FeelBetter Medicare Advantage plan with an effective date of July 1st. Which statement best describes how Agent Chan may be compensated under CMS rules? - Correct Ans: ✔✔FeelBetter will pay Agent Chan initial year compensation for the months July through December. Renewal amounts will be paid starting in January if Ms. Park remains enrolled the following year.
  3. You have sought permission from a hospital to place brochures for your product in their gift shop and cafeteria. The hospital administration expresses some hesitation about allowing marketing in a health care facility. What should you tell them? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Marketing in health care facilities is an acceptable practice, as long as it takes place in common areas where patients are not receiving or waiting to receive health care and as long as the hospital displays materials for all plans that provide them to the hospital.
  4. Hector Hernandez is an independent agent. Hector sells plans on behalf of three Medicare Advantage organizations that

offer a total of 10 plans but does not represent all Medicare Advantage organizations offering plans that are available in his area. Which of the following statements best describes any steps Hector is required to take? - Correct Ans: ✔✔During the first minute of a sales call, Hector must send an email to the prospect stating that "I represent 3 plans but not every plan available in your area. Please contact to get information on all your options.

  1. Your friend's mother just moved to an assisted living facility and he asked if you could present a program for the residents about the MA-PD plans you market. What could you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You appreciate the opportunity and would be happy to schedule an appointment with anyone at their request.
  2. Agent Martinez wishes to solicit Medicare Advantage prospects through e-mail and asks you for advice as to whether this is possible. What should you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Marketing representatives may initiate electronic contact through e-mail but an opt-out process must be provided.
  3. You are doing a sales presentation for Mrs. Pearson. You know that Medicare marketing guidelines prohibit certain types of statements. Apply those guidelines to the following statements and identify which would be prohibited. - Correct Ans: ✔✔"If you're not in very good health, you will probably do better with a different product."
  1. Mrs. Reeves is newly eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan and her MA Initial Coverage Election Period (ICEP) has just begun. Which of the following can she not do during the ICEP? - Correct Ans: ✔✔She can enroll in a Medigap plan to supplement the benefits of the MA plan that she's also enrolling in.
  2. Edna, Felix, George, and Harriet are Medicare beneficiaries. Edna lives in an area that has suffered from major flooding that has been declared a major disaster by both the Federal government and her state. As a result of dealing with the flooding issues and being evacuated from her home, Edna missed her chance to enroll in MA during her Initial Coverage Election Period. Felix lives in an area with a Medicare Advantage plan with a 4-star rating that he would like to join. George dropped his Medigap policy six months ago when he first enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. He now wants to return to Original Medicare. Harriet has recently developed diabetes and would like to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that focuses on care for those with that disease. Which, if any, of these individuals would qualify for a special election period (SEP)? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Edna would qualify for a SEP because government officials have declared a major disaster for her area and she did not enroll in MA during her ICEP due to the emergency. George would qualify for an SEP because he enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for the first time and would now like to return to Original Medicare within the first 12 months of his enrollment. Harriet would also qualify for a SEP to enroll in a C-SNP because she has developed a chronic

condition. Felix would not qualify for a SEP since he seeks to enroll in a 4-star not a 5-star MA plan.

  1. Mr. Rockwell, age 67, is enrolled in Medicare Part A, but because he continues to work and is covered by an employer health plan, he has not enrolled in Part B or Part D. He receives a notice on June 1 that his employer is cutting back on prescription drug benefits and that as of July 1 his coverage will no longer be creditable. He has come to you for advice. What advice would you give Mr. Rockwell about special election periods (SEPs)? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Mr. Rockwell is eligible for a SEP due to his involuntary loss of creditable drug coverage; the SEP begins in June and ends September 1 - two months after the loss of creditable coverage.
  2. A client wants to give you an enrollment application on October 1 before the beginning of the Annual Election Period because he is leaving on vacation for two weeks and does not want to forget about turning it in. What should you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You must tell him you are not permitted to take the form. If he sends the form directly to the plan, the plan will process the enrollment on the day the Annual Election Period begins.
  3. Mrs. Kumar would like her daughter, who lives in another state, to meet with you during the Annual Election Period to help her complete her enrollment in a Part D plan. She asked you when she should have her daughter plan to visit. What could you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Her daughter should come in November.
  1. When Myra first became eligible for Medicare, she enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B). She is now 67 and will turn 68 on July 1. She would now like to enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan and approaches you about her options. What advice would you give her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔She should remain in Original Medicare until the annual election period running from October 15 to December 7, during which she can select an MA plan.
  2. Mr. Garrett has just entered his MA Initial Coverage Election Period (ICEP). What action could you help him take during this time? - Correct Ans: ✔✔He will have one opportunity to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan
  3. Mr. Roberts is enrolled in an MA plan. He recently suffered complications following hip replacement surgery. As a result, he has spent the last three months in Resthaven, a skilled nursing facility. Mr. Roberts is about to be discharged. What advice would you give him regarding his health coverage options? - Correct Ans: ✔✔His open enrollment period as an institutionalized individual will continue for two months after the month he moves out of the facility.
  4. If a beneficiary is enrolled in a stand-alone prescription drug plan and wants to keep that plan, what type of Medicare health plan could the individual also enroll in, without being

automatically disenrolled from the stand-alone prescription drug plan? - Correct Ans: ✔✔The beneficiary could enroll in a private fee-for-service (PFFS) plan that does not include prescription drug coverage; a cost plan; or a Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) plan.

  1. Since 2004 Ms. Eisenberg has had a Medigap plan that provides some drug coverage. She has recently received a letter from her Medigap carrier informing her that her drug coverage is not "creditable." She wants to know what this means. What should you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔The letter is to inform her that the drug coverage offered through her Medigap plan does not offer drug coverage that is at least comparable to that provided under the Medicare Part D prescription drug program. If she does not have such creditable coverage during periods when she is first eligible for the Part D program, she will face a premium penalty if she enrolls in a Part D plan at a later date.
  2. Mr. Albert has heard about something called the Star Rating system for Medicare Advantage plans. He asks you to explain it to him since he is interested in enrolling in a plan that is newly available in his area. After you explain that it is the way for consumers to judge plan performance, what else would you say? - Correct Ans: ✔✔New plans and Part D sponsors that do not have any Star Rating are not required to provide Star Rating information until the next contract year.
  1. Ms. Brooks has an aggressive cancer and would like to know if Medicare will cover hospice services in case she needs them. What should you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Medicare covers hospice services and they will be available for her.
  2. Mr. Lee was intending to enroll in MaxCare's Medicare Advantage plan this year. However, due to his current medical condition, his daughter Debbie has been appointed as his legal representative over both health and financial matters. Debbie would like to ensure that her father is still able to enroll in MaxCare's plan, but she is unsure what her role is to help with his enrollment request. What advice can you give her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Debbie can submit an telephonic enrollment request on Mr. Lee's behalf as long as she attests that she has the legal authority to do so
  3. Mrs. Park is an elderly retiree. Mrs. Park has a low fixed income. What could you tell Mrs. Park that might be of assistance? - Correct Ans: ✔✔She should contact her state Medicaid agency to see if she qualifies forprograms that can help with Medicare costs for which she is responsible.
  4. Madeline Martinez was widowed several years ago. Her husband worked for many years and contributed into the Medicare system. He also left a substantial estate which provides Madeline with an annual income of approximately $130,000. Madeline, who has only worked part-time for the last three years, will soon turn age 65 and hopes to enroll in Original Medicare.

She comes to you for advice. What should you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔You should tell Madeline that she will be able to enroll in Medicare Part A without paying monthly premiums due to her husband's long work record and participation in the Medicare system. You should also tell Madeline that she will pay Part B premiums at more than the standard lowest rate but less than the highest rate due her substantial income.

  1. Mr. Bauer is 49 years old, but eighteen months ago he was declared disabled by the Social Security Administration and has been receiving disability payments. He is wondering whether he can obtain coverage under Medicare. What should you tell him - Correct Ans: ✔✔After receiving such disability payments for 24 months, he will be automatically enrolled in Medicare, regardless of age.
  2. Mr. Schmidt would like to plan for retirement and has asked you what is covered under Original Fee-for-Service (FFS) Medicare? What could you tell him? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Part A, which covers hospital, skilled nursing facility, hospice and home health services and Part B, which covers professional services such as those provided by a doctor are covered under Original Medicare.
  3. Mrs. Peňa is 66 years old, has coverage under an employer plan, and will retire next year. She heard she must enroll in Part B at the beginning of the year to ensure no gap in coverage. What can you tell her? - Correct Ans: ✔✔She may enroll at any time

while she is covered under her employer plan, but she will have a special eight month enrollment period that differs from the standard general enrollment period, during which she may enroll in Medicare Part B.

  1. Agent John Miller is meeting with Jerry Smith, a new prospect. Jerry is currently enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. Jerry has also purchased a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan which he has had for several years. However, the plan does not provide drug benefits. How would you advise Agent John Miller to proceed? - Correct Ans: ✔✔Tell prospect Jerry Smith that he should consider adding a standalone Part D prescription drug coverage policy to his present coverage.