Download MENTAL HEALTH CONCEPTS AND NURSING INTERVENTIONS EXAM REVIEW 2024 and more Exams Psychology in PDF only on Docsity!
Interrelated concepts of Mental Health - ANS-W Stress, coping, cognition
Goal of in-patient mental health - ANS-V Least restrictive environment
Safety awareness for LPN - ANS-W ¥ Increased anxiety, frustration, agitation (these can lead to violence)
Type of patient for in-patient treatment - ANS-V v Patients that are in an acute condition (pt who is
experiencing hallucinations)
Purpose of orienting a client - ANS-V W Decrease anxiety, find out what their daily routine is
Patient refusing group therapy - ANS-V “Therapeutic communication- find out why they do not want
to attend
First priority in a Crisis Intervention - ANS-/ “ Emotional support
Do Not Harm - ANS-+ W Staff and client safety and most important
Need for 10 minutes alone with client - ANS-~ / Delegate so you have uninterrupted time, provide
privacy, find out about patient daily routines
Failure to Probe - ANS- Failure to investigate during interview or conversation
Patient coping with spouse loss - ANS-W ¥ Provide them with the tools to help them cope
Acceptance - ANS-¥ “Communicate a favorable reception. One does not have to approve of another's
Interest - ANS-V ¥ Expressing desire to know another person. This is conveyed by asking about those
aspects of a person's life that others often reject
Respect - ANS-V ¥ Show consideration for another by communicating a willingness to work with the
client. Accept the client's ideas, feelings and rights
Honesty - ANS- / Demonstrate this by being consistent, open, and frank.
Concreteness - ANS-V ¥ Be specific, to the point and clear. Use understandable language and avoid the
use of jargon.
Assistance - ANS-/ / Commit time and energy to the therapeutic relationships. Convey that you are
present and available
Permission - ANS-W Y Communicate this by conveying the message that it is acceptable to try new ways
of behaving
Protection - ANS-W v This can be done by ensuring safety. Work with clients to anticipate trouble spots
with new behavior and develop effective ways of dealing with anticipated or actual problems
Listening - ANS- WV Active process of receiving information and examining reactions to messages
received (ex. Maintaining eye contact)
Restating - ANS- ¥ Repeating main thought expressed by client (ex you said that your mother left you
when you were 5 years old?)
Feelings of suicide survivors - ANS-V / Feelings of guilt, anger and shame
Symptoms of PTSD - ANS-¥ / Flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance
Intervention for someone with PTSD - ANS- ¥ Increase coping skills
Disruptive patient in group therapy - ANS-V ¥ Continue with group and pull the patient aside later and
speak with her about doing her OCD earlier before group time
Causes of violence (aggression) - ANS-V / Poverty, unemployment, drug abuse, poor support system
Patient refusing medication - ANS-W ¥ Give in unit doses so pt may open each dose herself
Patient refusing food due to poisoning belief - ANS- VY WV Use foods in containers (cans); let patient see
others eating the same foods without difficulty
Patient refusing therapy before it begins - ANS- W Ask the patient why they are refusing to attend
therapy (probe)
Voluntary admission - ANS-W ¥ Pt admits self
Involuntary admission - ANS-~ “Someone other than pt admits
Intervention for patient with sleep difficulty - ANS-V ¥ Crisis stabilization; helps to meet immediate
Access to patient's medical records - ANS-¥ / Yes
Autonomy - ANS-¥ ¥ Being responsible for yourself
Caregiver suggestion when ill - ANS- / Suggest that the caregiver find a replacement to care for her
mother while she recovers
Cognitive behavioral therapy - ANS- ¥ Helps clients intellectually understand the ineffective behaviors
used to cope with anxiety and replace them with more successful behaviors
Signs of aggression - ANS- / Agitation, frustration, and anxiety are all signs of what?
Acting in the best interest of the patient - ANS-~ “ Advocacy