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Michigan Builders Exam-with Complete Verified Solutions | Graded A+
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5 days Time allotted for a residential builder to return sales person's license and for sales person to return I.D. card by certified mail 10 days The department, after investigation, may request a licensee to appear at such investigative conference. Notice of a request for a conference shall be in writing and mailed to the address appearing on the license not less than ----- before the conference and shall set the time and place of the conference. The notice shall be recorded in the file at the time of mailing. Persons interested shall have the right to appear and be represented by counsel. 30 days A licensee or registrant, or qualifying officer, or manager of a licensee shall report to the department a change of name or address within ----- after the change occurs. 30 days Upon notice by the department, a licensee shall submit within ---- sworn financial statement showing the licensee's current financial status ----- to submit financial records once the board notifies the licensed person 30 days Time allotted to a person to request that a limitation be removed after they receive such notice 60 days Time allotted to board to determine penalties after an administrative hearing 15 days Time allotted for department to acknowledge receipt of complaint to complainant 3 years
To renew license without retaking builder's exam 15 days Time allotted to respond to a formal complaint Board Means the state residential builders and maintenance and alteration contractors board. The agency created in that article composed principally of members of the regulated occupation. Occupational Code /Articles 1 - 6,24/ P.A. 299 of 1980 censure Expression of disapproval of licensee's professional conduct. conduct Behavior or a person's actions; lead, manage Competence Degree of expertise which enables a person to engage in an occupation at a level which meets or exceeds minimal standards of acceptable practice for the occupation. complaint Oral or written grievance grievance An official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair. controlled substance Drug that has the potential for abuse and thus is regulated by law department
Means the department of labor and economic growth. Department of commerce/LARA-Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/, consist of director as its executive head and other officers and employees /board member/ appointed by the department. Director Director of department of commerce, shall be appointed by the governor subject to the advice and consent of the senate. formal complaint Document that states the charges of each violation and prepared by the department general public Each individual residing in this state who is 18 years of age or older, other than a person or spouse of a person who is licensed. incompetence Departure from, or failure to conform to, minimal standards of acceptable practice for the occupation conform Comply with rules, standards, or laws knowledge and skills The information, education, practical experience Limitation condition, stricture, constraint constraint limitation or restriction escrow account
Account to which an accountholder makes monthly or other periodic deposits, and authorizes the bank to withdraw funds to pay for certain fixed obligations such as taxes, rent, insurance premium. 4 years Term of board members 2 times Board members must meet annually /minimum/ 4 licensed as residential builders; 2 licensed as maintenance and alterations contractors; 1 registered building inspector; 2 general public Board members /9/ License; Issuance;limitation Department may issue by the department with limitation. The department may impose a limitation only with the approval of the board. The department will impose the limitation after 60 days if the board did not decide. 60 days How much time the board has to approve or disapprove the limitation on the license before the department impose it. impose Force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place
License;renewal I. The department shall renwew the license or registration of a person who fulfills all of the requirements: 1/applied to the departmet and received by it on or before the expiration date 2/paied appropriate fees 3/met the renewal requirements II. The department may renew the license of a person who does not meet the requirements for renewal if he/she petition the department or appropriate board for a review. III. The department may renew the license with limitation only with approval of the notified board after 30 days of neither approved or disapproved the imposition of the limitation. IV. The department shall send the renewal application to the last known address. The failure of the licensee to notify the department of a change of address shall not extend the expiration date. Promulgation of rules The department shall promulgate rules to implement articles 1 to 6 and rules which are necessary and appropriate to enable the department to fulfill its role under this act. Examination or test /1/Before the examination the department and the board shall review and approve the form and content of the test. Examination shall be strucured to provide a measure of whether a person has sufficient knowledge and skills to perform an occupation with competence. /2/The department shall administer, score, and monitor the examination , but may delegate any or all of those duties to a board or to any other person. /3/The department shall provide the equipment, examination room, written form , and any other item needed to to administer the test, or delegate to a board or a person. Licensing of school
A board ----shall assess a penalty or penalties as provided in article 6 The board and the department ----shall develop an examination or test 20 dollars Late renewal fee within 60 days after the expiration date. 3 years The person applies---- after the expiration date of the last license or registration may be relicensed without examination 1 year The person submits proof of having completed the equivalent of ---- of continuing education immediately preceding the date of application. 90 days The department shall issue renewal license not later than----- after the applicant files a completed application. 30 days The department shall notify the applicant within--- after receipt of the incomplete application. department (LARA)
A complaint which alleges that a person has violated act 299 shall be lodged with... The department The investigation begin immediately after the complaint receipt and ---- open a correspondence file. 15 days The department shall make a written acknowledgment of the complaint within ----- after receipt of the complaint to person making complaint. 1 or more employees If the complaint is made by the department the director shall designate ---- of the department to act as a person making the complaint. subpoena a write ordering a person to attend a court. 30 days The investigative unit of the department shall report to the director on the status of investigation within ---- days. formal complaint If the report of the investigative unit made with evidence of violation of act 299, the department shall prepare ---- against the respondent Informal Conference
A conference in which the complainant and the respondent are brought together to reach a settlement or stipulation to resolve issues raised in the complaint. An ----- conference may be attended by a member of the board. A board may reject a settlement and require a contested case hearing. 30 days A person ordered to cease and desist shall be entitled to a hearing before the department if written request for hearing is filed within---- after the effective date of the order. informal conference and hearing processes The department shall serve the respondent with a notice of offering the respondent a choice of 1 of the following opportunities: (a) An opportunity to meet with the department to negotiate a settlement of the matter. (b) If the respondent is a licensee or registrant under this act, an opportunity to demonstrate compliance prior to holding a contested case hearing (c)An opportunity to proceed to a contested case hearing 15 days A respondent upon whom service of a formal complaint has been made may select, within ----- after the receipt of notice, 1 of the options hearing If an informal conference is not held or does not result in a settlement of a complaint 30 days A person who has had a limitation placed on a license may petition the department in writing for a review of the decision to place the limitation.
without a license A person shall not engage in or attempt to engage in the practice of an occupation regulated under this act or use a title designated in this act unless the person possesses a license or registration issued by the department for the occupation. not more than $500.00, or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both A person, school, or institution that violates this act that a person works without a license is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. A person, school, or institution that violates this act that a person works without a license for a second or any subsequent time is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $5,000.00 or more than $25,000.00, or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both A person not licensed under article 24 as a residential builder or a residential maintenance and alteration contractor who violates this act is guilty In the case of a first offense, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of... not less than $5,000.00 or more than $25,000.00, or imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or both A person not licensed under article 24 as a residential builder or a residential maintenance and alteration contractor who violates this act is guilty In the case of a second or subsequent offense, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $5,000.00 or more than $25,000.00, or imprisonment for not more than 4 years, or both A person not licensed under article 24 as a residential builder or a residential maintenance and alteration contractor who violates this act is guilty In the case of an offense that causes death or serious injury, a felony punishable by a fine of
Violation of act, rule, or order; penalties penalties: 1/ limitation 2/Suspension 3/Denial 4/Revocation 5/ fine not to exceed $10,000. 6/Censure 7/Probation 8/restitution engage in the business without having a license a person may engage in the business without having a license: (a) An authorized representative of the United States government, this state, or a county, township, city, village, or other political subdivision of this state. engage in the business without having a license a person may engage in the business without having a license: (f) A person working on 1 undertaking or project by 1 or more contracts, the aggregate contract price for which labor, material, and any other item is less than $600.00. This exemption does not apply if the work of a construction is only a part of a larger or major operation, whether undertaken by the same or a different residential builder or residential maintenance and alteration contractor, or in which a division of the operation is made in contracts of amounts less than $600.00, to evade this ac
engage in the business without having a license a person may engage in the business without having a license: (e) A person other than the salesperson who engages solely in the business of performing work and services under contract with a residential builder or a residential maintenance and alteration contractor licensed under this article engage in the business without having a license a person may engage in the business without having a license: (d) An officer of a court acting within the terms of the officer's office engage in the business without having a license a person may engage in the business without having a license: (c) An owner of rental property, with reference to the maintenance and alteration of that rental property engage in the business without having a license a person may engage in the business without having a license: (b) An owner of property, with reference to a structure on the property for the owner's own use and occupancy
Place of Business Requirements A residential builder or residential maintenance and alteration contractor shall maintain a place of business in this state. If a residential builder or residential maintenance and alteration contractor maintains more than 1 place of business within this state, a branch office license shall be issued to the builder or contractor for each place of business so maintained.The physical office location shall be printed on the license 3 years department shall issue the license of a residential builder and residential maintenance and alteration contractor for a period of ---- in duration 5 years a licensee shall maintain documentation, for at least ---- 60 hours The department shall require an applicant not exempted under this subsection to successfully complete -----of approved prelicensure courses consisting of at least 6 hours of courses in each of the following areas of competency: (a) Business management, estimating, and job costing. (b) Design and building science. (c) Contracts, liability, and risk management. (d) Marketing and sales. (e) Project management and scheduling. (f) The current Michigan residential code. (g) Construction safety standards promulgated under the Michigan occupational safety and health act Getting a license A person obtaining initial license under this article shall successfully complete not less than 3 hours of activities demonstrating continuing competency per calendar year, during the first 6 calendar
years of license, and 21 hours per 3-year time period since the issuance of his or her license. At least 3 hours shall be devoted to those activities designed to develop a licensee's understanding and ability to apply state building codes and laws relating to the licensed occupation, safety, and changes in construction and business management laws. Held license more than 6 years no violation A licensee who has held a license for more than 6 years or who has not been determined by the department in a final order to have violated this act or a rule adopted under this act shall successfully complete at least 3 hours of activities demonstrating continuing competency per license cycle to include 1 hour of codes, 1 hour of safety, and 1 hour of legal issues as described in this subsection. Held license more than 6 years with violation In the case of a licensee who has been determined by the department in a final order to have violated this act or a rule adopted under this act, he or she shall successfully complete, during the next complete license cycle, up to 21 hours of activities that demonstrate the development of continuing competency during that next license cycle as determined appropriate by order of the department, at least 3 hours of that continuing competency to include 1 hour of codes, 1 hour of safety, and 1 hour of legal issues as described in subsection a license is applied for by company If a license is applied for by a corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company, or other entity, the applicant shall designate 1 of its officers, partners, members, or managing agent as a qualifying officer who, upon taking and passing the examination, and upon meeting all other requirements of this article, is entitled to a license to act for the corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company, or other entity. A license shall not be issued to a corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company, or other entity unless each partner, trustee, director, officer, member, and a person exercising control is at least 18 years of age, and meets the requirements for a license under this article other than those relating to knowledge and experience. If an individual licensee is also a qualifying officer, the individual's name and license number shall be listed on any license issued to the individual as a qualifying officer. qualifying officer Managing agent as a qualifying officer who, upon taking and passing the examination, and upon meeting all other requirements of this article, is entitled to a license to act for the corporation,
partnership, association, limited liability company, or other entity.The qualifying officer shall also obtain and maintain a license under this article as an individual. The qualifying officer shall be responsible for exercising the supervision or control of the building or construction operations necessary to secure full compliance with this article and the rules promulgated under this article. the license is suspended /qualifying officer/ If the qualifying officer of a licensee ceases to be its qualifying officer, ----. However, upon request, the department may permit the license to remain in force for a reasonable time to permit the qualification of a new qualifying officer. additional license A person or qualifying officer for a corporation or member of a partnership or other business association who currently holds a residential builder or maintenance and alteration contractor license shall not be required to repeat an examination for that license when making application for an additional license. However, a maintenance and alteration contractor who currently holds a license and makes application for a residential builders' license shall be required to take an examination for that license salesperson A salesperson shall be licensed under a person holding a license as a builder or contractor, but shall not be licensed under more than 1 builder or contractor during the same period of time.A salesperson shall be licensed in the employ of only 1 residential builder or maintenance and alteration contractor. When a licensed salesperson transfers employment from the builder or contractor under which he or she is presently licensed to a new employer, the new employer shall submit to the department an application for transfer of the salesperson's license to the new employer. An application for a salesperson's license shall be submitted by the employing residential builder or residential maintenance and alteration contractor. complaint- In the case of a maintenance and alteration contract A complaint filed under this section or article 5, or both, shall be made within 18 months after the latest of the following regarding a residential structure or a combination of residential and commercial structure as follows: (i) Completion.
(ii) Occupancy. (iii) Purchase. complaint- In the case of a project requiring an occupancy permit A complaint filed under this section or article 5, or both, shall be made within 18 months after the latest of the following regarding a residential structure or a combination of residential and commercial structure as follows: (i) Issuance of the certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy. (ii) Closing. Act means 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.101, known as the Occupational Code. A nonresident applicant for license ----shall maintain a place of business in Michigan, and the application shall include the address of the Michigan place of business and the address of the applicant's principal place of business outside of Michigan ---- shall file a consent to service with the application. 60 days At the request of the department or board, an applicant shall submit within ----- of a written request, either of the following: (a) A cash or surety bond acceptable to the department. (b) A financial statement showing the current financial condition of the applicant, for a builder's or contractor's license, in accordance with established accounting practices which shall be completed in detail, properly signed, and submitted 5 days The builder or contractor shall return the salesperson's license, and the salesperson shall return the identification card to the department within ----- from the date of discharge or termination.
10 days Upon final order of license suspension or revocation, the licensee shall surrender the license to the department within---- of the date of suspension or revocation. If the license of a builder or contractor is suspended or revoked, the licenses of salespersons issued under the license of that builder or contractor shall lapse, and licenses shall be surrendered at the same time cease stop, suspend, discontinue, place of business A builder or contractor shall maintain a ----- in this state, which is an actual, established physical location from which the builder or contractor conducts business and where applicable books and records are maintained. A post office box, secretarial service, mailbox rental, receiving service, resident agent address, or telephone answering service alone is not sufficient. license/licenses A builder or contractor shall display the ---- and the ----- of all salespersons in a conspicuous position in the builder's or contractor's place of business. Advertising -----shall not misrepresent material facts. A licensee shall include the name, license number, and actual business address, as shown on the license, in all ----. The use of a telephone or post office box number alone is prohibited. investigative conference The department, after investigation, may request a licensee to appear at such ----- as is necessary to determine whether there is cause for complaint which would require a hearing on, or dismissal of, the complaint
complaint A------ shall be submitted in a form specified by the department. Upon receipt of a valid and written complaint, the department shall assign a ---- number, acknowledge the ----- and forward a copy of the ---- to the licensee. The licensee shall reply to the department within 15 days from receipt of the ----- and shall confirm or deny the justification of the --- --.