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Microbiology Exam 3: Solved Questions and Answers, Exams of Microbiology

A comprehensive set of solved multiple-choice questions covering various aspects of microbiology. It includes topics such as bacterial pathogens, diseases, and treatments. The questions are designed to test understanding of key concepts and terminology related to microbiology.

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Available from 01/09/2025

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Microbiology Exam 3 Correctly Solved Questions with Answers

1.Salmonella has nearly 2,500 serotypes/serovars, most of which are pathogens in humans.: True 2.Eating of raw seafood such as oysters is discouraged in summer months due to the higher concentration of which pathogenic genus?: Vibrio 3.Members of the delta and zeta classes of the phylum Proteobacteria are not pathogenic to humans.: True 4.Patients in long-term care facilities who require chronic use of indwelling urinary catheters frequently have infections from Proteus bacteria.: True 5.Serratia marcescens produces a pigment called which ranges from dark red to pale pink, depending on the species.: Prodigiosin 6.Which of the following pathogens is transmitted through tick bites?: Borrelia 7.The Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) was developed as a rapid screening test for Borrelia burgdorferi infections following suspected tick bites.: False

8.Armadillos are natural reservoirs for Mycobacterium leprae bacteria.: True 9.Which of the following pathogens is the cause of the disease known as the plague?: Yersinia 10.Dangerous healthcare-associated infections from carbapenem-resistant (CRE) were linked to inadequate decontamination of endoscopic equipment.: Enterobacteriaceae 11.Bordetella pertussis is the causative agent for the disease commonly called .: Whooping cough 12.Chromobacterium violaceum is the only bacterium which produces a pur- plish pigment and causes infections in humans.: True 13.Special acid-fast stains must be used for identification of mycobacteria due to their waxy cell walls.: True 14.Helicobacter pylori is frequently isolated in individuals with which of the following?: Peptic ulcer disease 15.Patients with latent tuberculosis must be kept in negative-pressure, fil- tered-air rooms when hospitalized.: False 16.The "Great Pox" of the sixteenth century referred to which of the follow- ing?: Gonorrhea

17.Some studies indicate that Campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of illness, surpassing Shigella and Salmonella and which may result in complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.: Diarrheal 18.The disease cholera is caused by a species belonging to the genus .: Vibrio

  1. Most Streptomyces infections result from injury to a foot or leg by puncture such as a thorn.: True 20.The Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine for tuberculosis is considered unreliable.: True 21.In some cases of infection with Fusobacterium, the individual's immune system triggers a response resulting in a transient paralysis called Guil- lain-Barré syndrome.: False 22.Eighty percent of nocardiosis infections present with cutaneous lesions called cellulitis.: False 23.More than 50 anti-infective medications have been derived from species of Nocardia bacteria.: False 24.Destruction of facial cartilage and flattening of features resulting in a

lion-like appearance is a sign of which disease?: Leprosy 25.A microbial infection or inflammation of the valves or inner lining of the heart.: Endocarditis 26.A condition mainly in the elderly also called atrophic rhinitis characterized by thinning or necrosis of the nasal membranes with mucopurulent discharge and a foul odor.: Ozena 27.A related group of organisms in taxonomy that rank a level above genus but below family or sub-family as in Proteeae under Enterobacteriaceae.: Tribe 28.A genetically regulated process of cell death triggered by certain stimuli such as DNA mutation or damage.: Apoptosis 29.Inflammatory lymphatic lesions most commonly in the groin or axillae which may become blue or black as seen in Yersinia pestis infections.: Buboes 30.A collection of cholesterol crystals under the surface of vascular epitheli- um which may reduce blood flow due to narrowing of the vessel lumen from the protruding lesions, also commonly called hardening of the arteries.: Ath- erosclerotic plaque 31.A membrane bound organelle in the cytoplasm which are fluid filled

struc- tures.: Vacuole 32.Pertaining to the tissues of the mouth which surround the necks and roots of teeth.: Periodontal 33.The strong attraction to or affinity for salt or other sodium chloride sub- stances.: Halophilic 34.Surgical removal of devitalized, necrotic, infected, or contaminated tissue so that the remaining tissues have an increased chance of healing.: Debride- ment 35.Yersinia pestis, the pathogen responsible for various forms of plague is transmitted only by bites of arthropod vectors such as fleas carried on rodents.: False 36.Gummas are raised, reddened lesions of the genital organs seen in gon- orrhea infections.: False 37.Nocardiosis is an opportunistic infection that only affects immunocompro- mised individuals.: False 38.The disease cholera has been present in history back as far as the Greek physician Hippocrates.: True 39.Which of the following diseases has developed both a drug-resistant

and an extensively drug resistant form that requires long-term and expensive antibiotic therapy?: Tuberculosis 40.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a frequent cause of healthcare-associated infections and easily identifiable in lab cultures due to its production of a fruity odor.: True 41.Erythromycin is the only antibiotic recommended for use in newborn infants for prevention of gonococcal eye infections.: True 42.One of the main complications of diphtheria is the development of a pseudomembrane which adheres to airway structures causing respiratory difficulty.: True 43.In which disease does a thick, gray, bacterial pseudomembrane develop shortly after infection and covers the structures of the respiratory tract, mak- ing breathing difficult?: Diphtheria 44.Serratia marcescens produces a golden yellow pigment which plays a role in the discoloration of eyes and skin from jaundice.: False 45.Which of the following is the genus for the causative agent in typhoid fever?: Salmonella 46.Borrelia bacteria which cause Lyme disease are helical, less curved and thicker than the treponemes.: True

47.The combined organs and tissues of the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, includes the lips, mouth, and oropharyngeal structures.: Aerodiges- tive tract 48.Pertains to fluid emitted, oozed, or leaked by organism typically through pores, wounds, or other anatomical structures.: Exudative 49.A small nodular lesion in tissues or the lungs as seen in tuberculosis infections; a rounded protuberance on a bone.: Tubercle 50.A slow-growing bacterial or fungal infection involving the subcutaneous tissues most commonly of the foot or leg.: Mycetoma 51.Type of organism which has a symbiotic relationship in which it does not benefit or considerably harm the host.: Commensal 52.Organic compounds which give the characteristic smell of wet soil or "earthy" flavor of some foods.: Geosmins 53.Open sore or lesion which creates a depression in the skin or an organ.: - Ulcer 54.The acquired ability of bacteria or other pathogens to change or mutate so that drugs such as antibiotics are no longer effective against them.: Drug resistance

55.Condition of death of cells, tissues, or organs due to infection, injury, or lack of blood supply.: Necrosis 56.Any adrenal-cortex steroid used as pharmaceutical treatment for inflam- mation.: Corticosteroid 57.Escherichia coli bacteria are known as "ICU bugs" due to the five strains of serious illness-producing pathogens.: False 58.A condition characterized by unilateral weakness or paralysis of facial muscles due to injury or inflammation of the facial (VII cranial) nerve which is usually temporary.: Bell's palsy 59.Sensitivity to or intolerance of light, may be a symptom of meningitis or other infection.: Photophobia 60.A high incidence of a disease in a specific population which is constantly present and equal among age groups.: Hyperendemic 61.A circular skin rash characterized by red ring and clear central area resem- bling a bull's eye target and often seen in cases of Lyme disease.: Erythema migrans 62.Deterioration of health status after a period of improvement or recupera- tion following infection.: Relapse 63.Endemic non-venereal syphilitic infection transmitted by direct contact

with spirochete treponemes which cause skin ulceration and for which chil- dren are the reservoirs.: Yaws 64.A progressive neurosensory disorder involving the lower extremities seen in tertiary syphilis which causes abnormal gait and deformed joints such as the knees.: Tabalis

  1. A reddened, ulcerative syphilitic lesion which appears 10-60 days following infection.: Chancre 66.An abnormal increase in cells, particularly white blood cells, in body fluids such as CSF.: Pleocytosis 67.A group of organisms which can interbreed, evidenced by recombination and genetic transference for which subcategories may be created to include variants.: Genospecies 68.The best laboratory specimens for definitive diagnosis of meningococcal infections are blood and:: CSF
  2. Species of which of the following genera are part of the normal microbiome of the intestines and aid in biotransformation of bile acid and breakdown of carbohydrates?: Bacteroides
  3. Which species of bacteria has been used to develop a variety of

antibiotics, anti-fungals, and anti-parasitics?: Streptomyces 71.Unlike yaws and pinta, the non-venereal disease bejel is found most commonly in humid, tropical rainforest countries in Brazil and Southeast Asia.: False 72.In which stage of syphilis would numbness of the extremities called tabes dorsalis be seen?: Tertiary 73.The Wasserman test was developed in 1906 for rapid detection of gonor- rheal infections.: False 74.Which of the following is injected in the epidermis to detect tuberculosis disease or exposure to it?: Purified protein derivative 75.Treponema are delicate microbes with complex antigenic make-up which cannot be grown in vitro.: True 76.Leprosy often causes destruction of facial structures resulting in a suppu- rative condition called "lumpy jaw".: False 77.A simple test for meningococcal disease is to press a tumbler (drinking glass) over the rash and if it does not blanch (fade or pale in color), immediate medical treatment should be obtained. : True 78.Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome is a form of meningococcal sep- ticemia with a mortality rate of nearly 100 percent.: True

79.Pelvic inflammatory disease is a complication of untreated syphilis which may cause ulcerative colitis and uterine prolapse.: False