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MILADY BARBER STATE BOARD TEST questions verified with 100% correct answers, Exams of United States Philosophy

MILADY BARBER STATE BOARD TEST 1. An example of a subjective symptom would be ANS Itching 2. Functions of the skin include regulation of body temperature and ANS Protection 3. Chronic is the term used to identify conditions that are ANS Frequent and habit- ual 4. A disease influenced by weather is referred to as ANS Seasonal

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Download MILADY BARBER STATE BOARD TEST questions verified with 100% correct answers and more Exams United States Philosophy in PDF only on Docsity!


1.An example of a subjective symptom would be ANS Itching 2.Functions of the skin include regulation of body temperature and ANS Protection

  1. Chronic is the term used to identify conditions that are ANS Frequent and habit- ual 4.A disease influenced by weather is referred to as ANS Seasonal 5.A papule is an example of a

ANS primary skin lesion

  1. Which of the following primary lesions are small elevations of skin similar to vesicles in size and shape but contain pus ANS Pustules
  2. A secondary lesion appearing as round, dry patches of skin covered with rough silvery scales is called ANS Psoriasis
  3. Which of the following skin lesions usually appear as cracks or lines and often occur when skin loses its flexibility due to exposure to wind, cold and water ANS Fissure
  4. The lesion found following the normal healing process of an injury is called a(n) ANS Scar

10.Which of the following terms is another name for a keratoma ANS Callus 11.Verruca is a name given to a variety of ANS Warts

  1. What is the technical term for a decrease in activity of melanocytes ANS - Leukoderma 13.Open comedone is the technical name for ANS Blackhead 14.Which of the following terms is an infection in the hair follicles caused by bacteria, shaving or clothing irritation

ANS Folliculitis 15.Persons exposed to excessive heat may develop small red vesicles with burning and itching of the skin called prickly heat or ANS miliaria rubra 16.Pearly white, enclosed keratin-filled cysts which form a hard ball beneath the outer layer of the skin are known as ANS Milia

  1. Which of the following layers of skin does not contain any blood vessels?- ANS Epidermis 18.Where does mitosis (cell division) or replacement of the skin cells take place ANS Stratum basale 19.When preparing for the written exam, is crucial ANS Reviewing past quizzes and tests.
  1. A holistic hint to keep in mind when preparing for the written exam is to ANS Anticipate some anxiety. 21.What is a test tip to remember on test day? ANS Answer the easiest questions first and save time for the difficult ones at the end.
  2. What is the process of reaching logical conclusions by employing logic ANS- ANS Deductive reasoning.

23.When answering a true/false question on a test, the word NONE is a clue that ANS The statement is generally not true. 24.In a multiple choice question, answers that include "ALL OF THE ABOVE" are the correct response ANS Often, but not always. 25.In a question, when two choices are similar, one is probably correct. ANS Multiple choice. 26.In addition to testing basic theory concepts, the written exam contains questions about ANS Your states barber laws and rules. 27.Many states require a taper haircut ANS During the practical exam.

  1. In the practical exam, you typically will have to do all of the

following except ANS Recite state barbering rules. 29.Participating in allows you to ask industry professionals for any tips they might have that will assist you in your search for the right barbershop. ANS Networking opportunities. 30.Motivation is best described as having the drive necessary to take action to achieve a ANS Goal. 31.Almost half of all barbers and cosmetologists work as ANS Booth renters. 32.A resume is a ANS Written summary of a persons education and work experience. 33.You can enhance your resume by including ANS Numbers or per- centages whenever possible. 34.What are the skills mastered at other jobs that can be put to use in a new position? ANS Transferable skills. 35.An employment portfolio might include ANS Before and

after pho- tographs of your best work. 36.What should you always do after visiting a barbershop and talking with a barbershop representative? ANS Follow up with a handwritten note or e-mail thanking them for their time. 37.How many interview outfits should you have? ANS One or two. 38.When preparing for an interview, which question may you least likely be asked? ANS What words would others use to describe your personality?

  1. In addition to an interview, some barbershops require applicants to ANS Perform a service in their chosen discipline. 40.On a job application, you are legally not required to answer questions about ANS Citizenship. 41.A non-compete agreement ANS Prohibits you from seeking em- ployment within a given time period and geographic area after you leave an employ- er.

42.Permanent , chemically restructures natural hair into a different wave pattern. ANS Waving. 43.Open communication between the barber and the client is accomplished by asking open-ended questions to determine the clients ANS Desires and past experiences. 44.All of the following are reasons to avoid chemical texture services except for ANS Resistant hair. (Acceptable reasons are

  • open sores, scalp dis- ease and abrasions). 45.The most important factor in determining the for chemical tex- turizing services is the hairs porosity. ANS Processing time. 46.If the clients hair length is inches or more, the rod may not sit close enough to the scalp during a permanent waving and curl reformation process to develop a good, strong wave pattern in that area. ANS 6. 47.Polypeptide chains give strength, and shape to the cortex of the hair. ANS Flexibility and elasticity. 48.Alkaline substances used in chemical texture products the chemical bonds ANS Break.

49.After the hair has assumed the desired shape, it must beso that the hydrogen and sulfur cross-bonds in the cortical layer are permanently reformed ANS Neutralized. 50.Flexibility is a sign of skin ANS Healthy. 51.The of the skin are oil and sweat glands, nails and hair. ANS Ap- pendages. 52.The is the outermost protective layer of the skin. ANS Epider- mis.

  1. The cells of the stratum corneum are made up of 54.The fibrous protein in the stratum corneum helps to make a layer. ANS Protective, waterproof. ANS Keratin.
  2. Anot her name for the outer layer of the epidermis is the. ANS - Horny layer. 56.The layer beneath the stratum corneum is the ANS Stratum lucidum. 57.The dark protective pigment in the layer of the skin is called melanin ANS Basal cell.

58.The inner layer of the skin, known as the , and consists of a highly sensitive vascular layer of connective tissue ANS Dermis. 59.The layer of the dermis that contains papillae and is the papillary layer ANS Nerve fiber endings.

60.The reticular layer of the supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients ANS Dermis. 61.Subcutaneous tissue is , found below the dermis ANS A layer a fatty tissue. 62.One function of tissue is to act as a protective cushion for the outer skin ANS Adipose. 63.Blood and lymph supply to the skin ANS Nourishment.

  1. of the body's blood supply is distributed to the skin ANS One-half to two-thirds. 65.Motor nerve fibers are distributed to the arrest or pili muscles attach to the hair follicles, which allows for ANS Goose bumps. 66.Sensory nerve fibers react to ANS Cold and heat. 67.The nerves that regulate the excretion of perspiration from sweat glands and the flow of are the secretory nerve fibers ANS Sebum.
  2. are most abundant in the fingertips ANS Nerve endings. 69.The of the skin depends on melanin and genetics ANS

Color. 70.The cells called in the germinativum and papillary layers produce the pigment granules ANS Melanocytes. 71.The skin gets its strength, form and flexibility from fibers within dermis called collagen and elastin ANS Protein. 72.Another name for sweat glands are glands ANS Sudoriferous. 73.The functions of the glands include helping to eliminate waste products from the body ANS Sweat.

  1. is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands ANS Se- bum. 75.The palms and soles are lacking ANS Sebaceous glands. 76.The primary function of is to act as a shield that prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin surface ANS Sebum.
  2. A healthy body maintains a constant internal temperature of about degrees Fahrenheit ANS 98.6. 78.Products designed for "skin care" are not intended to be absorbed beyond the layer of the skin ANS Top.

79.Water lost by , carries salt and other chemicals with it ANS Perspira- tion. 80.Sebum secretion is affected by , which may increase the flow of sebum ANS Hormones and emotional stress. 81.If a client has , you should refer the client to a physician ANS A skin or scalp condition. 82.A lesion is a mark on the skin that may indicate ANS Injury or disease.

  1. skin lesions are lesions that are a different color than the color of the skin or lesions that are raised above the surface of the skin ANS Primary. 84.A is a primary skin lesion ANS Papule. 85.A closed, abnormally developed sac that contains above or below the skin is a cyst ANS Pus, semi fluid or morbid matter.
  2. and mosquito bites are examples of wheals ANS Hives. 87.A raised, inflamed papule with a white or yellow center, containing in the top of the lesion is a pustule ANS Pus.
  3. skin lesions are characterized by an accumulation of material on the skin surface ANS Secondary. 89.Cicatrix is another term for a ANS Scar. 90.One example of a scale is excessive ANS Dandruff.
  4. is the general term for an inflammatory condition of the skin ANS- ANS Dermatitis.
  5. is characterized by dry or moist lesions ANS


  1. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that is not contagious and is caused by ANS An unknown cause. 94.Dermatitis venenata results from contact with ANS Chemicals. 95.The symptoms of dermatitis include blisters and itching ANS Ivy. 96.The technical term for is open comedo ANS A blackhead. 97.Milia are also known as ANS Milk spots. 98.Disorders of the include rosacea ANS Sebaceous glands.
  2. Which is a skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions? ANS Acne vulgaris.
  3. Bromhidrosis results in ANS Foul smelling perspiration.
  4. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by ANS Excessive sweating.
  5. Prickly heat is also known as

ANS Miliaria rubra.

  1. The congenital absence of in the body, including the skin, hair and eyes is called albinism ANS Melanin pigment.
  2. is characterized by light abnormal patches ANS Leukoderma.
  3. A(n) is an abnormal growth of the skin that is usually benign or harmless ANS Hypertrophy.
  4. A keratoma, also called a , is an acquired, superficial thickened patch of epidermis caused by continued, repeated pressure or friction on any part of the skin ANS Callus.
  5. Verruca is a caused by a virus ANS Hypertrophy.
  6. A(n) is a hypertrophy not related to pigmentation ANS Basal cell carcinoma.
  1. Which type of skin cancer is 100% fatal if left untreated? ANS Malignant melanoma.
  2. Symptoms of include scaly red papules or nodules ANS Squa- mous cell carcinoma.
  3. A barber should if he sees changes in the client's skin ANS Suggest that the client see a dermatologist.
  4. Vitamin E ANS Helps to fight against the harmful effects of the sun's rays.
  5. chemistry is the study of substances that contain the ele- ment carbon ANS Organic.
  6. chemistry is the study of substances that do not contain carbon, but may contain hydrogen ANS Inorganic.
  7. Minerals are substances ANS Inorganic.
  8. is/are anything that occupies space, has mass and has physical and chemical properties ANS Matter.
  9. A(n) cannot be broken down into a simpler substance without a loss of identity ANS Element.
  10. Atoms are ANS The basic building blocks of all matter.
  1. What is formed when two or more atoms combine chemically in definite proportions? ANS Molecules.
  2. Compou nd molecules are chemical combinations of of different elements ANS Two or more atoms.
  3. is an example of a compound molecule ANS Sodium chloride.
  4. As steam, is in a gaslike state ANS Water.
  5. In which state does matter have volume but no definite shape? ANS Liquid.
  6. properties include melting and boiling points ANS Physical.
  7. Chemical changes in the hair can be created with because the chemical reaction of oxidation takes place ANS Permanent hair color.
  8. In the chemical reaction called , an element or compound com- bines with oxygen to produce an oxide ANS Oxidation.
  1. are referred to as a redox reaction ANS Oxidation and reduction.
  2. A substance from which has been chemically removed is a reduced substance ANS Oxygen.
  3. When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with an oxidation hair color product, the hair color product gains ANS Oxygen.
  4. Chemical reactions that release are called exothermic ANS Heat.
  5. An example of a is aluminum foil ANS Pure substance.
  6. A physical mixture is a combination of substances united physically in any proportions without a fixed composition ANS Two or more.
  1. An example of a mixture is concrete ANS Physical.
  2. Chemical compounds are classified as acids, salts, and bases ANS- ANS Oxides.
  3. A(n) is a compound of any element combined with oxygen ANS- ANS Oxide.
  4. Substances that are , are easy to mix together ANS Miscible.
  5. Dissolving a substance in another substance produces a solu- tion ANS Solid, liquid or gas.
  6. A is any substance that is dissolved into a solvent to form a solution ANS Solute.
  7. The mixtures called are not usually transparent ANS Suspensions.
  8. are physical mixtures of two immiscible liquids held to- gether by an emulsifying agent ANS Emulsions.
  1. An example of an emulsion is ANS Mayonnaise.
  2. The oil- loving tail of a surfactant molecule is called ANS Lipophilic.
  3. T he percentage of the human body that is composed of is 65% ANS Water.
  4. The used in the manufacturing of cosmetics is/are processed by distilling ANS Water.
  5. Soft water comes from or chemically treated water ANS Rain water.
  6. Hard water may be softened by , water-softening units or by adding sodium carbonate ANS Distillation.
  7. An atom or molecule that is called an ion ANS Carries an electrical charge.
  8. Only solutions have pH ANS Aqueous.
  1. Water aids in and eliminating toxins and waste ANS Regulating the body's temperature.
  2. Pure water has a(n) pH ANS Neutral.
  3. The of a substance measures acidity and alkalinity ANS pH.
  4. The pH scale is a scale ANS Logarithmic.
  5. The pH of hair and skin is an average of ANS 5.0
  6. Solutions with a pH contract and harden the hair ANS Below 7.0
  7. have a pH above 7.0 and soften and swell the hair ANS Alkalis.
  8. Whe n acids and alkalis are mixed together, if there are , they neutralize each other ANS Equal proportions.
  9. Which type of shampoo washes away excess oiliness while keeping the hair from drying out? ANS Balancing shampoo.
  1. Which type of shampoo helps to rebalance and restore the pH level of the hair by removing unwanted residues that remain in the hair after chemically relaxing the hair? ANS Neutralizing shampoo.
  2. Which type of shampoo contains antifungal agents to suppress the growth of malassezia? ANS Medicated shampoo.
  3. Which type of shampoo is known as a mild cream shampoo that contains humectants designed either to "lock in" the moisturizing properties of the product or to draw moisture into the hair? ANS Conditioning shampoo.
  4. Which type of conditioners are also known as rinse-out conditioners? ANS - Instant conditioners.
  5. Which type of conditioner is formulated to help control minor dandruff and scalp conditions? ANS Medicated conditioners.
  6. Which type of conditioners have penetrating formulating that help restore moisture and protein in the hair? ANS

Treatment conditioners.

  1. Which type of conditioners can be designed for use with thermal tools ANS- ANS Leave-in conditioners.
  2. are made by mixing plant oils or animal fats with strong alkaline substances ANS Soaps.
  3. are usually water-based emulsions ANS Cleansing lotions.
  4. remove superfluous hair by dissolving it at the skin line ANS- ANS Delipatories.
  5. The ingredient in moisturizing creams that is called a humec- tant ANS Creates a barrier that allows the natural water and oil of the skin to accumulate in the tissues.
  6. A hydrogen peroxide solution is used as a bleaching agent for the hair in solutions of volume ANS 20-40.
  7. is a colorless gas composed of hydrogen and nitrogen ANS-