Download Milady Esthetics: State Board Questions & Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ What does OSHA stand for? - answers Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created by the US department of labor to regulate and enforce safety and health standards to protect employees in the work place... - answers OSHA This regulates employee exposure to potentially toxic substances and inform employees about the possible hazards of materials used in the work place? - answers occupational safety and health act of 1970 This requires that chemical manufacturers and importers assess and communicate the potential hazards associated with their products. - answers hazard communication standard or hcs This contains information compiled by the manufacturer about product safety. - answers Material Safety Data Sheet or Msds Registers all types of disinfectants sold and used in the United States. - answers EPA What does EPA stand for? - answers Environmental Protection Agency Chemical products that destroy all bacteria, fungi, and viruses (but not spores) on surfaces. - answers Disinfectants This is effective for cleaning blood and bodily fluids. - answers Hospital Disinfectants Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ This means that an item is made or constructed of a material that has no pores or openings and can not absorb liquid. - answers Nonporous An abnormal condition of all or part of the body, or it's systems or organs, that makes the body incapable of carrying on normal function. - answers Disease What was the bacteria that caused over 100 clients in one California salon to develop serious skin infection in there legs after receiving a pedicure. - answers Microbacterium fortuitum The invasion of body tissues by disease-causing pathogens. - answers Infection The methods used to eliminate or reduce the transmission of infectious organisms. - answers Infection control The four types of potentially harmful organisms? - answers Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Parasites This is caused by pathogenic organisms that enter the body. - answers Infectious Disease A mechanical process (scrubbing) using soap and water to remove all visible dirt, debris, and many disease causing germs from tool, implements and equipment. - answers Cleaning The process of _____ destroys most, but not necessarily all, harmful organisms on environmental surfaces. (not effective against spores) - answers Disinfecting Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ Parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in cells of biological organisms. - answers Virus Hairlike extensions on cells that make them move. - answers Cilia The division of bacteria cells into two new cells. - answers Binary fission What are the new cells called after binary fission? - answers Daughter cells Characterized by redness, heat, pain, and swelling. - answers inflammation a fluid created by infection. - answers Pus This bacteria is responsible for food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. - answers Staphylococci This highly resistant bacteria can appear as skin infection such as pustules, rashes, and boils and can be hard to cure. Some people carry the bacteria and not even aware of it. Without proper treatment, this infection can result in death! - answers MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococci aureus) When a disease is spread from one person to another person. - answers contagious disease Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ This is able to replicate only through taking over a host cells reproductive functions. - answers Virus Reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals or other normally harmless substances. - answers Allergy The presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item's surface. - answers Contamination The removal of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item's surface. - answers Decontamination Determination of the nature of a disease from its symptoms and/or tests. - answers Diagnosis This prevents viruses from growing in the body. - answers Vaccines What is more difficult to kill than germs that live outside the body. - answers Blood born pathogens Which hepatitis is most difficult to kill on a surface? - answers Hepatitis B What does HIV stand for? - answers Human Immunodeficiency Virus What does AIDS stand for? - answers Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ This virus can infect the bottom of the foot and resemble small black dots. - answers HPV (Human Papillomavirus) tinea barbae is all so known as? - answers barbers itch microscopic plant parasites that include mold, mildew and yeast. - answers Fungi Another fungus that affects plants or grows on inanimate objects but does not cause human infections in the salon. - answers Mildew This is the most basic cause of fungal infections, causes skin, hair, and nail infections. - answers Dermatophytes tinea pedis or Tinea corporis also know as... - answers ringworm Inflammation of the hair follicles caused by bacterial infection from ingrown hairs due to shaving. - answers Folliculitis Tinea versicolor also known as... - answers sun spots Name 5 ways a pathogenic bacteria, virus or fungi can enter the body? - answers Broken skin, mouth, nose, eyes or ears, unprotected sex. Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ Most common method for spending infection. - answers through the hands contact with broken skin, blood or body fluids, or the infectious material. - answers exposure incident shows no symptoms or signs of infection. - answers asymptomatic minor burn affecting only the epidermis - answers first degree burn that affects the top two layers, the epidermis and dermis - answers second degree burn that affects all layers of the skin and will blister, swell and scar - answers third degree burns that have injuries the muscle, ligaments, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and bone. - answers fourth degree soap is most easily rinsed off with ____water. - answers warm, not hot study of the structures of the human body. - answers anatomy study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures. - answers physiology Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ study of the tiny structures found in living tissue. microscopic - answers histology basic unit of all living things. - answers cells located in a cell; a colorless, jelly like substance in which food elements such as protein, fats and carbs and water are present. - answers protoplasm 3 main organelles (tiny organs) in a cell - answers nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell. - answers nucleus what is the fluid within the nucleus that contains proteins, and DNA - answers nucleoplasm What does DNA stand for? - answers Deoxyribonucleic acid all the protoplasm of a cell except that found in the nucleus. - answers cytoplasm the part of the cell that encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave. - answers cell membrane process of cell reproduction in living tissue that occurs when the cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells. - answers mitosis Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ what two small structures near the nucleus move to each side during mitosis to help divide the cell. - answers Centrioles name the 5 favorable conditions for cell reproduction. - answers food, water, oxygen, suitable temperature, and ability to eliminate waste name 3 unfavorable conditions for cell reproduction. - answers toxins, disease, and injury name the 5 phases for mitosis in order. - answers interphase (resting), prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and back to interphase a chemical process that takes place in living organisms where the cells are nourished and carry out activities. - answers metabolism metabolisms two phases - answers anabolism and catabolism constructive metabolism, process of building up larger molecules from smaller. this process stores water, food and oxygen for when you need it. - answers anabolism this phase in which complex compounds within the cells are broken down in to smaller ones. releases story energy. - answers catabolism collection of similar cells that perform a particular fiction. - answers tissue Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ give examples of immovable joints - answers pelvis, or skull there are how many bones in the head and what are the two groups? - answers 22 cranium and facial bones hindmost bone in the skull, it forms the back of the skull above the nape of the neck - answers occipital bone bones forms the sides and crown (top) of the cranium. - answers 2 parietal bones bone that forms the forehead. - answers frontal bone bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region. - answers 2 temporal bones light spongy between the eye sockets that form the nasal cavity. - answers ethmoid bone joins all the bones in the cranium together. - answers sphenoid bone how many bones in the cranium - answers 8 bones how many facial bones? - answers 14 Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ bones that form the bridge of the nose. - answers nasal bones smallest and most fragile bones of the face, situated at the front inside part of the eye socket. - answers lacrimal bones aka malar bones or cheek bones - answers zygomatic bones bones that form the upper jaw - answers maxillary bones forms the lower jaw bone, largest and strongest bone of the face - answers mandible thin layers of spongy bone on either of the outer walls of the nasal depression. - answers turbinal bones flat, thin none that forms part of the nasal septum - answers vomer bone bones that form the hard palate of the mouth. - answers palatine bones U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue. - answers hyoid bone the seven bones of the top of the vertebral column located in the neck region. - answers cervical vertebrae the chest or pulmonary trunk consisting of the sternum, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae. - answers thorax Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax - answers ribs aka the shoulder blade. the large, flat, triangular none of the shoulder. - answers scapula aka the breastbone. the flat none that forms the ventral (front) support of the ribs - answers sternum aka the collar bone, the bone that joins the sternum and the scapula - answers clavicle uppermost WTF largest bone of the arm. elbow to shoulder - answers humerus inner most and larger of the forearm, attached at the wrist on the side of the pinky. - answers ulna smaller bone in the forearm on the side with the thumb. - answers radius bones of the wrist - answers carpals bones of the palm - answers metacarpals bones of the fingers aka digits - answers phalanges how many muscles in the body - answers over 630 Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ the ring muscle of the eye socket; it closes the eye - answers orbicularis oculi lowers the eyebrows and causes wrinkles across the bridge of the nose. - answers procerus two part muscle which covers the nose that includes the traverse part and the alar part. which flairs your nostrils - answers nasalis thin flat muscle of the cheeks between the upper and lower jaw - answers buccinator aka the triangularis muscle. the muscle extending alongside the chin that pulls down the corners of the mouth - answers depressor anguli oris aka quadratus labii inferioris. muscle surrounding the lower lip that depress it and draws it to one side - answers depressor labii inferioris aka caninus, muscle that raises the angle of the mouth and draws it inward. - answers levator anguli oris aka quadratus labii superioris, muscle that elevates the lip and dilates the nostrils - answers levator labii superioris muscles that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin on the chin. - answers mentalis Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ muscle that is a flat band around the upper and lower lips that compresses, contracts, pucker. and wrinkles the lips - answers orbicularis oris muscle that draws the corner of the mouth out and back as in grinning. - answers risorius muscles extending from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth that elevates the lip, as in laughing. - answers zygomaticus major and minor Large, flat, triangular muscle that covers the lower back - answers Latissimus dorsi muscles of the chest that assist in the swinging movement of the arm - answers pectoralis major and minor muscle of the chest that assist with breathing and in raising the arm - answers serratus anterior muscle covers the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper and middle region of the back. - answers trapezius muscles produce the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm, lifts fore arm, flex elbow, and turns the palm outward. - answers biceps large, triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint that allows the arm to extend outward and b to the side of the body. - answers deltoid Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ large muscle that covers the entire back of the upper arm and extends the forearm. - answers triceps muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and fingers to form a straight line. - answers extensors extensor muscles of the wrist, are involved with flexing the wrist. - answers flexors muscles that turn the hand inward so the palm faces downward - answers pronators muscle rotates the radius outward and the palm upward. - answers supinator muscles that draw a body part away the midlife of the body. separates fingers - answers abductors muscles that draw a body part inward toward the midlife of the body. draws fingers together - answers adductors exceptionally well-organized system that is responsible for coordinating all the many activities that are performed by the body. - answers nervous system study of structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system is... - answers neurology consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves - answers central nervous system Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ this is involved in regulating such vitals functions as breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure - answers brain stem continuation of the brain stem and originates in the brain, extends down to the lower extremity of the trunk, and is protected by the spinal column. - answers spinal cord primary structural unit of the nervous system. - answers neuron nerve fibers extending from the nerve cell that receives impulses from other neurons. - answers dendrites sends impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, glands, or muscles. - answers axon afferent nerves, carry impulse messages from the sense organs to the brain. touch, cold, heat, sight, hearing, taste, smell, pain, and pressure. - answers sensory nerves efferent nerves, carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands. produces movement. - answers motor nerves automatic nerve reaction to a stimulus - answers a reflex how many pairs of cranial nerves are there? - answers 12 Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ estheticians are primarily concerned with which cranial nerves. - answers 5,7,11 largest cranial nerves, aka - answers fifth, trifacial this nerve affects the skin of the forehead, upper eyelid, and interior portion of the scalp, orbit, eyeball and nasal passages. - answers Ophthalmic nerve nerve that affects the muscles of the chin and lower lip - answers mandibular nerve nerve that affects the upper part of the face. - answers maxillary nerve nerve that affects the external ear and skin of the temples,up to the top of the skull - answers auriculotemporal nerve nerve that affects the membrane and skin of the nose. - answers infratrochlear nerve nerve that affects the skin of the lower eye lid, side of nose, upper lip, and mouth. - answers infraorbital nerve nerves that affect the skin of the lower lip and chin - answers mental nerves nerve that affects pint and lower side of the nose - answers nasal nerve nerve that affects the skin of the forehead, scalp, eyebrow, and upper eye lid. - answers supraorbital nerve Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ nerve that affects the skin, between the eyes and upper side of the nose - answers supratrochlear nerve this nerve affects the upper part of the cheeks - answers zygomatic nerves aka the facial nerves, is the chief motor nerve of the face. - answers seventh cranial nerve this nerve affects the muscles of the mouth - answers buccal nerve this nerve affects the side of the neck and the platysma muscle. - answers cervical nerves this nerve affects the muscles behind the ear at the base of the skull - answers posterior auricular nerve this nerve affects the muscles of the temple, side of the forehead, eyebrow, eyelid, and upper part of the cheek - answers temporal nerve accessory nerve, motor nerve that controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles - answers eleventh cranial nerve this nerve is located at the side of the neck, affects the front and sides of the neck as far down as the breast bone. - answers cervical cutaneous nerve Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ flow of into the heart that's at the _____atrium and ends at the _____atrium - answers right, left Tube like Structure that include the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. - answers blood vessels these blood vessels are found in deep tissue. - answers arteries these blood vessels are found closer to the surface of the skin - answers veins thick walled, muscular, flexible Tinea that carry oxygenated blood away from the heat to the arterioles - answers arteries responsible for purifying the body by eliminating waste matter. - answers excretory system small arteries that deliver blood to the capillaries - answers arterioles this organ excretes urine - answers kidneys this organ discharges bile - answers liver tiny thin walled blood vessels that connect the small arteries to venules. brings nutrients to cells and carries out waste. - answers capillaries Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins. - answers venules this organ eliminates perspiration - answers skin thin walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries. contain cup like valves that keep the blood flowing in one direction to heart to prevent back flow. - answers veins this organ eliminates decomposed and undigested food - answers large intestine exhales carbon dioxide - answers lungs nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system and considered connective tissue. - answers blood how much blood is in the body? - answers 8 to 10 pints enables breathing and consist of the lungs and air passages. - answers respiratory system spongy tissue composed of microscopic cells in which inhaled sir is exchanged for carbon dioxide during ones breathing cycle. - answers lungs blood accounts for how much of our body weight? - answers 1/10 Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ respiratory system is protected by what? - answers ribs what percent of blood is water. - answers 83% muscular wall that separates the thorax from the abdominal region. controls breathing - answers diagram average body temp - answers 98.6 degree Fahrenheit this system is made up of skin and other accessory organs. - answers integumentary system blood is ____ red in the arteries - answers bright blood is _____ red in veins - answers dark the word integument means? - answers natural covering the science that deals with the composition, structure, and the properties of matter and how matter changes under different conditions. - answers chemistry blood is composed of what 4 things - answers red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. the study of substances that contain the element carbon. - answers organic chemistry Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ formed by joining two or more atoms chemically - answers molecule main source of blood supply to the head, face, and neck. - answers common carotid arteries supplies blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose and internal ear. - answers internal carotid artery contains two or more atoms of the same element. - answers elemental molecule contains two or more atoms of different elements. - answers compound element supplies blood to the anterior or front parts of the scalp, ear, face, neck and sides of the head. - answers external carotid artery colorless, odorless, tasteless have - answers hydrogen vital factor of the circulatory and immune system and is made up of lymph, lymph nodes and thymus gland, spleen, and lymph vessels that act to aid the blood system. - answers lymphatic or immune system the most abundant element on earth - answers oxygen Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ this system protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease causing microorganisms. - answers lymphatic or immune system colorless,gaseous element. - answers nitrogen a colorless, watery fluid derived from the blood plasma as a result of filtration through the capillary walls into the tissue space - answers lymph consists of 1 part oxygen. and 4 parts nitrogen - answers air blood plasma found between the the tissue cells. - answers interstitial fluid most common ingredient in cosmetics - answers water lymphatic vessels are filtered by ____ which are gland like structures found inside the vessel. - answers lymph nodes group of specialized glands that affect the growth, development, sexual activity, and health of the entire body. - answers endocrine system what percentage of the human body is water? - answers 65 percent specialized organs that remove certain elements of the body to convert them into did deny compounds. - answers glands Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ colorless liquid with slightly acidic taste - answers hydrogen peroxide who invented the ph scale and when? - answers Danish biochemist Soren Sorensen 1909 2 main types of glands - answers endocrine ductless and exocrine duct What does pH stand for? - answers quantity of hydrogen ions this stimulates the functional activity or secretion in other parts of the body. insulin, adrenaline, estrogen - answers hormones an atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge. - answers ion plays a major role in the sexual development, sleep and metabolism - answers pineal gland causes an atom or a molecule to split into two, creating a pair of ions with opposite electrical charge. - answers ionization most complex organ in the endocrine system. - answers pituitary gland ion with a negative electrical charge. - answers anion Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ a substance that does not conduct electricity - answers insulator the path of negative and positive electric currents moving from the generating source through the conductor and back to the generating source or to the ground. - answers complete electric circuit constant, even flow current that travels in one direction only. needs batteries - answers direct current an apparatus that changes direct current to alternating current. - answers converter rapid and interrupted current, flowing first in one direction then in the opposite direction. needs plug - answers alternating current apparatus that changes an alternating current in a direct current. - answers rectifier measures the pressure or force that pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor. - answers volt the unit that measures the amount of an electric current - answers Amp Milliampere - answers 1/1000 of an amp unit that measures the resistance of an electric current. - answers ohm Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ a measure of how much electric energy is being used in one second. - answers watt an applicator for directing the electric current from the device to the clients skin. - answers electrode modality with a constant and direct current - answers galvanic current the process of introducing water soluble products in to the skin with the use of electric current. - answers Iontophoresis refers to infusing a positive or acid product into the skin with the use of electric current. - answers Cataphoresis process of infusing a negative or alkaline into the skin with electric current. - answers anaphoresis a form of anaphoresis that softens and emulsify grease deposits, black heads in the hair follicle. - answers deincrustation extremely low level of electrical current that mirrors the body's own natural electrical impulses. - answers microcurrent thermal or heat producing current with a high rate of vibration. violet ray - answers Tesla high frequency current Milady esthetics: state board. Questions & Answers.Latest Updated 2024 100% Verified. Guaranteed A+ form of energy that travels through space in waves, has both electric and magnetic properties. - answers electromagnetic spectrum electromagnetic radiation that we can see aka radiant energy - answers visible light at either end of the visible spectrum there is _____that cannot be seen by the naked eye. - answers invisible light the distance between successive peaks - answers wavelength 3 characteristics of long wave length - answers low frequency, penetrate deeper, have less energy 3 characteristics of short wavelength - answers high frequency, penetrate less, have more energy. longer wavelength, penetrates deeper, less energy, produces more heat. makes up 60 percent of natural light. - answers infrared light - answers