Download Minnesota Jurisprudence Exam 2024 exam with verified answers. and more Exams Dental surgery in PDF only on Docsity! Minnesota Jurisprudence Exam 2024 exam with verified answers Perform mmpreliminary mmcharting mmof mmthe mmoral mmcavity mmand mmsurrounding mmstructures mmto mminclude mmcase mmhistories, mmperform mminitial mmand mmperiodic mmexaminations mmand mmassessments mmto mmdetermine mmperiodontal mmstatus, mmand mmformulate mma mmdental mmhygiene mmtreatment mmplan mmin mmcoordination mmwith mma mmdentist's mmtreatment mmplan. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Complete mmpreliminary mmcharting mmof mmoral mmcavity mmand mmsurrounding mmstructures mmwith mmexception mmof mmperiodontal mmprobing mmand mmassessment mmof mmthe mmperiodontal mmstructure. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer- LDA mm- mmGeneral Make mmreferrals mmto mmdentists, mmphysicians, mmand mmother mmpractitioners mmin mmconsultation mmwith mma mmdentist. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Obtain mminformed mmconsent mmwithin mmscope mmof mmpractice. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Take mmvital mmsigns mmsuch mmas mmpulse mmrate mmand mmblood mmpressure mmas mmdirected mmby mma mmdentist. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Take mmphotographs mmextraorally mmand mmintraorally. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Take mmradiographs. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Perform mmmechanical mmpolishing mmto mmclinical mmcrowns mmnot mmincluding mminstrumentation. mmRemoval mmof mmcalculus mmby mminstrumentation mmmust mmbe mmdone mmby mmthe mmdentist mmor mmdental mmhygienist mmbefore mmmechanical mmpolishing. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral LDA mm- mmIndirect Complete mmdebridement, mmprophylaxis, mmand mmnonsurgical mmperiodontal mmtherapy. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer- DH mm- mmGeneral Place mmsubgingival mmmedications. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Salivary mmanalysis mmand mmnutritional mmcounseling. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Administer mmlocal mmanesthesia. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Administer mmnitrous mmoxide mminhalation mmanalgesia mmpursuant mmto mmthe mmrule mmprovisions. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral LDA mm- mmDirect Monitor mma mmpatient mmwho mmhas mmbeen mminduced mmby mma mmdentist mminto mmnitrous mmoxide mminhalation mmanalgesia. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral LDA mm- mmIndirect Take mmimpressions mmand mma mmbite mmregistration. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Fabrication mmand mmdelivery mmof mmcustom mmfitted mmtrays. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Etch mmappropriate mmenamel mmsurfaces, mmapply mmand mmadjust mmpit mmand mmfissure mmsealants. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral LDA mm- mmIndirect Remove mmmarginal mmoverhangs. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral Place mmand mmremove mmrubber mmdam. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-LDA mm- mmIndirect Attach mmprefit mmand mmpreadjusted mmorthodontic mmappliances. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmDirect Remove mmexcess mmbond mmmaterial mmfrom mmorthodontic mmappliances. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mm- mmGeneral LDA mm- mmDirect Cut mmarch mmwires, mmremove mmloose mmbands, mmor mmremove mmloose mmbrackets mmon mmorthodontic mmappliances. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Place mminitial mmarch mmwires mmon mmorthodontic mmappliances. mmA mmdentist mmmust mmselect mmand, mmif mmnecessary, mmadjust mmarch mmwires mmprior mmto mmplacement. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmIndirect Remove mmand mmreplace mmligature mmties mmand mmexisting mmarch mmwires mmon mmorthodontic mmappliances. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Remove mmfixed mmorthodontic mmbands mmand mmbrackets. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmDirect Remove mmbond mmmaterial mmfrom mmteeth mmwith mmrotary mminstruments mmafter mmremoval mmof mmorthodontic mmappliances. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmDirect Deliver mmvacuum-formed mmorthodontic mmretainers. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmGeneral Maintain mmand mmremove mmintravenous mmlines mmunder mmsupervision mmof mmdentist mmholding mma mmvalid mmgeneral mmanesthesia mmor mmmoderate mmsedation mmcertificate mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmIndirect Monitor mma mmpatient mmduring mmeach mmphase mmof mmgeneral mmanesthesia mmor mmmoderate mmsedation mmusing mmnoninvasive mminstrumentation mmunder mmsupervision mmof mmdentist mmholding mma mmvalid mmgeneral mmanesthesia mmor mmmoderate mmsedation mmcertificate. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmIndirect Initiate mmand mmplace mman mmintravenous mminfusion mmline mmin mmpreparation mmfor mmintravenous mmmedications mmand mmsedation mmunder mmsupervision mmof mmdentist mmholding mma mmvalid mmgeneral mmanesthesia mmor mmmoderate mmsedation mmcertificate. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmDirect Concurrently mmperform mmsupportive mmservices mmif mmthe mmdentist mmholds mma mmvalid mmgeneral mmanesthesia mmor mmmoderate mmsedation mmcertificate, mmis mmpersonally mmtreating mma mmpatient, mmand mmauthorizes mmthe mmallied mmdental mmpersonnel mmto mmaid mmin mmthe mmphysical mmmanagement mmof mmmedications, mmincluding mmthe mmpreparation mmand mmadministration mmof mmmedications mminto mman mmexisting mmintravenous mmline. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmPersonal Perform mmrestorative mmprocedures mmlimited mmto: mmplacing, mmcontouring, mmand mmadjusting mmamalgam mmrestorations mmand mmglass mmionomers; mmadapting mmand mmcementing mmstainless mmsteel mmcrowns; mmand mmplacing, mmcontouring, mmand mmadjusting mmclass mmI, mmII, mm& mmV mmsupragingival mmcomposite mmrestorations mmon mmprimary mmand mmpermanent mmteeth. mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-DH mmand mmLDA mm- mmIndirect General mmSupervision mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-The mmdentist mmhas mmprior mmknowledge mmand mmhas mmgiven mmconsent mmfor mmthe mmprocedures mmbeing mmperformed mmduring mmwhich mmthe mmdentist mmis mmnot mmrequired mmto mmbe mmpresent mmin mmthe mmdental mmoffice mmor mmon mmthe mmpremises. Indirect mmSupervision mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-The mmdentist mmis mmin mmthe mmoffice, mmauthorizes mmthe mmprocedures, mmand mmremains mmin mmthe mmoffice mmwhile mmthe mmprocedures mmare mmbeing mmperformed mmby mmthe mmallied mmdental mmpersonnel. Direct mmSupervision mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-The mmdentist mmis mmin mmthe mmdental mmoffice, mmpersonally mmdiagnoses mmthe mmcondition mmto mmbe mmtreated, mmpersonally mmauthorizes mmthe mmprocedure, mmand mmbefore mmdismissal mmof mmthe mmpatient, mmevaluates mmthe mmperformance mmof mmthe mmallied mmdental mmpersonnel. Personal mmSupervision mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-The mmdentist mmis mmpersonally mmoperating mmon mma mmpatient mmand mmauthorizes mmthe mmallied mmdental mmpersonnel mmto mmaid mmtreatment mmby mmconcurrently mmperforming mma mmsupportive mmprocedure. Fundamental mmActivites mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Activities mmdirectly mmrelated mmto mmthe mmprovision mmof mmclinical mmdental mmservices. How mmmany mmfundamental mmcredits mmor mmhours mmare mmneeded mmeach mmbiennial mmcycle mmby mmthe mmDH mmor mmthe mmLDA? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Minimum mmof mm15 mmhours How mmmany mmelective mmcredits mmor mmhours mmare mmneeded mmeach mmbiennial mmcycle mmby mmthe mmDH mmor mmthe mmLDA? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Maximum mmof mm10 mmhours How mmmany mmtotal mmhours mmor mmcredits mmof mmeither mmfundamental mmor mmelective mmactivities mmare mmneeded mmby mmthe mmDH mmor mmthe mmLDA? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Total mmof mm25 mmHours How mmmany mmtotal mmhours mmor mmcredits mmof mmeither mmfundamental mmor mmelective mmactivities mmare mmneeded mmby mmthe mmDDS? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Total mmof mm50 mmHours Elective mmActivities mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Activities mmdirectly mmrelated mmto, mmor mmsupportive mmof mmthe mmpractice mmof mmdentistry, mmdental mmhygiene mmor mmdental mmassisting. How mmmany mmfundamental mmcredits mmor mmhours mmare mmneeded mmeach mmbiennial mmcycle mmby mmthe mmDDS? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Minimum mmof mm30 mmHours How mmmany mmelective mmcredits mmor mmhours mmare mmneeded mmeach mmbiennial mmcycle mmby mmthe mmDDS? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Maximum mmof mm20 mmhours Fundamental mmactivities mminclude: mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Core mmCompetencies CPR Self-Assessment mm(1 mmcredit) Distance mmLearning mm(home mmstudying, mmonline mmWITH mma mmpost mmtest) Lectures, mmSeminars, mmand mmCase mmPresentations Advanced mmEducational mmLearning mm(a mmLDA mmtaking mmdental mmhygiene mmcourses. Elective mmactivities mminclude: mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Distance mmLearning mm(home mmstudying, mmonline mmWITHOUT mma mmpost mmtest) Self-Studying mm(reading mmprofessional mmmaterials mmthat mmkeep mma mmwritten mmlog mmwith mmwhat mmwas mmread) A mmlicensed mmdental mmtherapist mmis mmlimited mmto mmsupervising mmhow mmmany mmlicensed mmdental mmassistants mmat mmany mmone mmpractice mmsetting? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-No mmmore mmthan mm4 Can mma mmdentist mmdivide mmfees mmwith mmanother mmdental mmprofessional? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-No What mmtype mmof mmidentification mmmarks mmneed mmto mmbe mmincluded mmon mmremoval mmof mmdental mmprosthesis? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-The mmpatient mmname mmand mmsocial mmsecurity mmnumber. mmThe mmDDS mmcan mmdecide mmto mmomit mmSSN mmif mmthe mmpatients mmname mmis mmpresent mmwhere mmesthetically mmplaced. What mmcan mma mmnonregistered mmdental mmassistant mmperform? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-They mmcan mmperform mmall mmduties mmnot mmdirectly mmrelated mmto mmperforming mmservice mmor mmdental mmtreatment mmon mmpatients Every mmdental mmprofessional mmis mmrequired mmto mmkeep mmdocumentation mmof mmthere mmCE mmfor mmthe mmcurrent mmtwo mmyear mmcycle mmand mmthe mmprevious mmtwo mmyear mmcycle. mmTrue mmor mmFalse mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-True How mmmany mmdays mmdo mmyou mmhave mmto mmsubmit mmcopies mmof mmCE mmif mmyou mmget mmaudited mmby mmthe mmBoard mmof mmDentistry? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-60 mmdays How mmmany mmdays mmmust mma mmhealth mmcare mmprovider mmreport mmsomeone mmor mmthemselves mmif mmthey mmhave mmknowledge mmof mma mmdiagnosis mmwith mmHIV, mmHBV, mmHCV? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-30 mmdays mmto mmself-report mmor mmif mma mmcoworker mmknows mmthey mmhave mm10 mmdays mmto mmreport. What mmdoes mmenternal mmmean? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A mmtechnique mmof mmadministration mmin mmwhich mmthe mmagent mmis mmabsorbed mmthrough mmthe mmgastrointestinal mmtract mmor mmoral mmmucosa, mmsuch mmas mmwith mmoral, mmrectal, mmor mmsublingual mmadministration. What mmis mmthe mminitial mmterm mmfor mma mmdental mmprofessional? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-An mminitial mmlicense mmor mmpermit mmissued mmby mmthe mmboard mmis mmvalid mmfrom mmthe mmdate mmissued mmuntil mmthe mmlast mmday mmof mmthe mmlicensee's mmbirth mmmonth mmin mmeither mmthe mmfollowing mmeven-numbered mmyear mmfor mman mmeven- numbered mmbirthdate mmyear mmor mmthe mmfollowing mmodd-numbered mmyear mmfor mman mmodd-numbered mmbirthdate mmyear. What mmis mmthe mmbiennial mmterm mmfor mma mmdental mmprofessional? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A mmproperly mmrenewed mmlicense mmor mmpermit mmissued mmby mmthe mmboard mmis mmvalid mmfrom mmthe mmfirst mmday mmof mmthe mmmonth mmfollowing mmexpiration mmfor mm24 mmmonths mmuntil mmrenewed mmor mmterminated mmaccording mmto mmthe mmprocedures mmin mmthis mmpart. What mmis mmthe mmdead mmline mmfor mma mmdental mmprofessional mmwhen mmrenewing mmtheir mmlicense? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Each mmbiennial mmyear, mmthe mmlicensee mmmust mmsubmit mman mmapplication mmfor mmrenewal mmand mmtheir mmfee mmno mmlater mmthan mmthe mmlast mmday mmof mmthe mmlicensee's mmbirth mmmonth. The mmrenewal mmof mma mmdental mmprofessionals mmlicense mmis mmhow mmmany mmmonths? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer- 24 mmmonths Every mmprofessional mmcooperation mmmust mmfile mman mmannual mmreport mmwith mmthe mmBoard mmof mmDentistry mmon mmor mmbefore mmJanuary mm1st mmof mmeach mmyear. mmTrue mmor mmFalse mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-True. This mmreport mmshould mminclude mmname mmand mmaddress mmof mmeach mmshareholder mmand mmwhether mmor mmnot mmthe mmshareholder(s) mmare mmlicensed mmby mmthe mmstate What mmis mmthe mmdeadline mmfor mmapplication mmrenewal? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-33 mmdays mmpast mmthe mmrenewal mmdate After mmhow mmmany mmfailures mmof mmthe mmclinical mmexamination mmdoes mman mmapplicant mmhave mmto mmreceive mmadditional mmeducation? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Twice What mmdoes mmparenteral mmmean? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A mmtechnique mmof mmadministration mmin mmwhich mmthe mmdrug mmbypasses mmthe mmgastrointestinal mmtract, mmsuch mmas mmintramuscular, mmintravenous, mmintranasal, mmsubmucosal, mmsubcutaneous, mmor mmintraocular mmadministration. How mmmany mmdays mmdo mmyou mmhave mmto mmreport mman mmincident mmwith mmnitrous mmoxide? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Report mmmust mmbe mmsent mmto mmthe mmBoard mmof mmDentistry mmwithin mm10 mmbusiness mmdays mmof mmthe mmincident. What mmare mmthe mmspecialty mmpractices mmadvertised mmin mmDentistry? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A. mmDental mmPublic mmHealth mm(American mmBoard mmof mmDental mmPublic mmHealth) B. mmEndodontics mm(American mmBoard mmof mmEndodontics) C. mmOral mmand mmMaxillofacial mmPathology mm(American mmBoard mmof mmOral mmand mmMaxillofacial mmPathology) D. mmOral mmand mmMaxillofacial mmRadiology mm(American mmBoard mmof mmOral mmand mmMaxillofacial mmRadiology) E. mmOral mmand mmMaxillofacial mmSurgery mm(American mmBoard mmof mmOral mmand mmMaxillofacial mmSurgery) F. mmOrthodontics mmand mmDentofacial mmOrthopedics mm(American mmBoard mmof mmOrthodontics) G. mmPediatric mmDentistry mm(American mmBoard mmof mmPediatric mmDentistry) H. mmPeriodontics mm(American mmBoard mmof mmPeriodontology) I. mmProsthodontics mm(American mmBoard mmof mmProsthodontics) What mmis mma mmLimited mmLicense mmpermit? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A mmdental mmassistant mmwho mmby mmvirtue mmof mmacademic mmachievement mmwhich mmis mmequal mmto mmor mmgreater mmthan mmthat mmof mma mmlicensed mmdental mmassistant, mmand mmis mmcurrently mmqualified mmin mmMinnesota mmin mman mmallied mmhealth mmprofession mmmay mmtake mmdental mmradiographs mmunder mmgeneral mmsupervision What mmis mma mmdental mmtechnician? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Dental mmtechnicians mmmay mmonly mmupon mma mmwritten mmauthorization mmprepared mmand mmsigned mmby mma mmlicensed mmdentist, mmconstruct, mmalter, mmrepair, mmreline, mmreproduce, mmor mmduplicate mmany mmprosthetic mmdevice mmor mmother mmstructure mmto mmbe mmused mmin mmthe mmhuman mmmouth. The mmdentist mmmay mmnot mmuse mmthe mmservices mmof mma mmtechnician mmwithout mmwhat? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A mmwritten mmauthorization, mmand mma mmcarbon mmcopy mmthereof mmshall mmbe mmon mmprinted mmforms mmand mmshall mminclude: a) mmThe mmdate mmand mmcity mmwhere mmthe mmauthorization mmwas mmissued. b) mmThe mmname mmof mmthe mmlaboratory mmor mmtechnician mmto mmwhom mmthe mmauthorization mmwas mmissue. c) mmThe mmname mmof mmthe mmpatient, mmor mman mmidentifying mmsymbol. d) mmA mmdescription mmof mmthe mmwork mmauthorized. e) mmThe mmsignature mmof mmthe mmdentist mmin mmhis mmor mmher mmactual mmhandwriting. f) mmThe mmdentist's mmlicense mmnumber mmissued mmby mmthe mmboard. How mmmany mmcopies mmof mmwritten mmauthorization mmform mmneed mmto mmbe mmmade? mmHow mmlong mmshould mmthey mmbe mmretained? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-A mmduplicate mmcop mmof mmeach mmwritten mmauthorization mmissued mmby mmthe mmdentist mmshall mmbe mmretained mmby mmthe mmdentist mmfor mmnot mmless mmthan mmtwo mmyears.