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MMSC100 Exam Questions with 100%
Verified Answers Latest Updates 2024
desirable qualities correct answers - vision
- perspective
- motivation
- dedication
- stability student essential functions correct answers - physical demands
- emotional demands
- professional/intellectual demand physical demands correct answers - perform manual lab procedures safely and with dexterity
- operate instruments and laboratory info systems
- read and employ information displayed on a computer monitor or in print
- use binocular microscope and other microscopic components
- describe visual characteristics of bodily specimens, chemical, and immunologic reactions
- perform delicate manipulations (good eye-hand coordination)
- utilize equipment for safe collection of blood specimens emotional demands correct answers - perform laboratory procedures accurately and quickly even under stressful conditions.
- maintain composure and provide appropriate laboratory services under stressful situations, such as time constraints, emergencies, rudeness, etc.
- utilize independent judgment and act logically in the performance of one's duties.
- organize and accept responsibility for one's work, including acknowledgement of errors or uncertainty and acceptance of constructive criticism. professional/intellectual demands correct answers - communicate in a professional, positive, tactful manner
- communicate, comprehend, and follow directions understandably (verbal, written, reading skills)
- communicate through the use of assistive devices (hearing aids, phone receivers)
- maintain patient confidentiality and ethical judgement, integrity, honesty, etc
- perform lab test carefully and efficiently/organized
- demonstrate intellectual skills required to comprehend scientific and medical info, math calculations, and info analyzation
- well groomed, neat professional appearance
criminal background check correct answers - must be completed at the start of clinical rotations, junior and senior years
- felony conviction will prevent participation in clinical rotations
- interested in charges related to infliction of bodily harm, sexual misconduct, drug and weapon violations
- required by hospital affiliates and the joint commission practicum immunization requirements correct answers - tetanus (TDAP)
- measles, mumps, rubella - vaccines and titers
- varicella (chicken pox) - vaccines and titers
- tuberculosis (PPD, tuberculin skin test)
- hepatitis B - vaccines and titers
- flu other practicum requirements correct answers - urine drug testing
- child abuse/adult abuse registries
- online mandatory education
- constantly changing
- for all healthcare professionals
- criterial established by joint commission general academic requirements for MLS correct answers - 16 chemistry credits
- 16 biology credits
- 3 mathematics credits general academic requirements for MDD correct answers - 16 chemistry credits
- 16 biology credits
- 3 mathematics credits
- 8 physics credits
- 6 more biology credits junior year (or MMSC490 and 491) general academic requirements for MDD Pre-PA correct answers - 16 chemistry credits
- 12 biology credits
- 3 mathematics credits
- 8 KAAP 309/310 credits
- 6 more biology credits junior year (or MMSC 490 or 491) general academic requirements for AMBB correct answers - 16 chemistry credits
- 8 biology credits
- 3 mathematics credits
- 8 KAAP 309/310 or 8 PHYS 201/ types of MLS programs correct answers - 3+
- 4+1 (option for MDD)
- 2+
educational settings for MLS programs correct answers - hospital-based
- university-based associate/baccalaureate degrees correct answers - MLT (ASCP) Technician --- require associate degree (2 yr)
- MLS (ASCP) Scientist Technologist --- require baccalaureate degree (4 yr) behavioral domains correct answers - cognitive
- affective
- psychomotor cognitive domain correct answers knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation affective domain correct answers receiving, responding, valuing, organization psychomotor domain correct answers performance, guided response, adaptation testing styles correct answers - criterion-referenced testing
- norm-referenced testing criterion-referenced testing correct answers - MMSC courses
- ASCP BOC certification exam
- medical board exam
- national board dental exam norm-referenced testing correct answers - MCAT
- SAT medical diagnostics and pre-PA concentration correct answers - designed for pre-med, dental, optometry, pa...
- don't take MMSC lab courses
- don't participate in clinical practicums
- complete self-directed contact hours
- not eligible for ASCP BOC national certification medical diagnostics major (pre-med) courses correct answers - biology
- chemistry (orgo, and biochem)
- physics
- molecular biology
- genetics
- psych (social/behavioral breath)
- sociology (social/behavioral breath)
- English (2 courses E110 and breath requirement)
- statistics
- direct patient contact volunteer hours competencies expected by the association of American medical colleges (pre-med) correct answers - integrity/ethics
- reliability
- service orientation
- teamwork/social and interpersonal skills
- adaptability and resilience
- desire to learn/continue to learn medical diagnostic major (pre-PA) courses correct answers - biology: micro
- chemistry: orgo and biochem
- anatomy and physiology (lab)
- nutrition
- psych (social/behavioral breath)
- sociology (social/behavioral breath)
- statistics
- molecular/cell biology, genetics, immunology, virology, physics, anthropology
- minimum 200 hours of direct patient contact applied molecular biology and biotechnology correct answers - biology
- chemistry: orgo and biochem
- anatomy and physiology (lab) or physics (lab)
- years 3-4: --- ethical aspects of healthcare --- genetics and molecular diagnostics, immunology and medical virology, basic molecular techniques, protein purification and characterization, cell tissue culture --- combination of practicums and electives personnel qualifications correct answers certification and licensure certification correct answers professional organization determines criteria and administers an exam MLS licensure correct answers government issued
- state regulated
- may administer an exam or accept passing exam through a national professional organization
- enacted at local or state levels
- need to meet academic and clinical education
- written exam (cali, ny have special course work and clinical hours) 11 MLS licensure states correct answers - california
- florida
- georgia
- hawaii
- louisiana
- montana
- nevada
- north dakota
- tennessee
- west virginia
- New York MLS certification correct answers ASCP/BOC = American society for clinical pathology/board of certification ASCP/BOC requirements correct answers Completion of academic and clinical education, written exam (Exam CAT) MLS certification credentials correct answers - ASCP/BOR formerly used: MT (ASCP)
- MLT (ASCP) = 2 year degree at community colleges
- MLS (ASCP) = 4 year degree MLS credential maintenance correct answers - started in 2004
- need to earn 36 CEUs over a 3-year period
- 1 point in lab/patient safety or quality control/quality assurance
- 2 points each in blood bank, chemistry, hematology, microbiology
- 27 points in any pertinent lab area professional organizations correct answers American society for clinical pathology
- ASCP (parent/main organization)
- Board of certification
- BOC (division of ASCP) American society for clinical laboratory science
- ASCLS CLEC correct answers clinical laboratory educators conference accreditation correct answers - process of external peer review recognizing educational standards are met
- approval of an educational program by a designated agency
- NAACLS NAACLS correct answers National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences Accreditation parts correct answers - purpose
- value
- benefits purpose correct answers - assess quality of education
- encourage improvement
value correct answers - educational standards acceptable to peers
- periodic self-evaluation and planning benefits correct answers - students - identify quality institutions
- institution - protects against undue pressure
- society - provides assurance of preparation how long does MLS accreditation last correct answers varies with 10 years being the highest achievement level possible process for reaccreditation correct answers - perform a written self-study report
- self-study report reviewed by peers at NAACLS
- team visits campus for 2 days and write reports
- all info reviewed by NAACLS committee of peers
- granted or denied PA certification correct answers national commission on certification of physician assistants (NCCPA)
- Administers the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) PA licensure correct answers requires passing the PANCE PA reregistering correct answers must earn 100 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) every two years PA recertifying correct answers must successfully pass the PANRE every six years transitioning to ten years PA accreditation correct answers - accreditation review commission on education for the PA
- 2018 statistical profile PA Physician Licensing Examination correct answers - United States medical licensing examination (USMLE)
- Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX-USA)
- 3 step examination for medical licensure in USA
- sponsored by FSMB and NBME MD Program Accreditation correct answers liaison committee on medical education (LCME)
- accredits programs in US and Canada that grand MD degree
- peer-review process of quality assurance (must meet standards)
- eligible to take US medical licensing examination (USMLE)
- eligible for residency programs accredited by the accreditation council for graduate medical education (ACGME)
DO program accreditation correct answers American Osteopathic Association's Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA)
- accredits medical schools that grand DO degree
- signifies that COM has met or exceeded COCA standards Graduate medical education accreditation correct answers - Allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical communities unite Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs
- single accreditation system
- ensure consistency in evaluation and accountability across all residency program ACGME correct answers Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education AOA correct answers American Osteopathic Association AACOM correct answers American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine variety of hospital settings correct answers - small hospitals: less than 75 beds
- medium hospitals: 75 to 300 beds
- large hospitals: greater than 300 beds MLS hospital employment correct answers - small: generalist
- medium: generalist or specialize in one or two lab
- large: specialize in ore or two lab areas MLS private lab employment correct answers - physician's office (POL)
- large clinical or reference laboratory (labcorp, quest diagnostics) MLS, PA, physician career opportunities correct answers - bone marrow transplantation
- HLA tissue typing
- molecular diagnostic
- andrology
- in vitro fertilization
- forensic toxicology
- pharmaceutical company
- product/instrument development
- infectious disease skills desired by employers correct answers - know the business
- exploiting info tech
- behave appropriate
- speak and listen
- writing report/grant
- read to stay current
- respond to problems
- continuous learning
- planning
- working in teams
- use equipment competent medical performance correct answers - problem solving abilities
- technical skill
- interpersonal abilities
- oral and written expression
- theoretical knowledge medicine education options correct answers - allopathic - MD
- osteopathic - DO center for health profession studies correct answers - focuses on helping students across colleges who are pursuing careers in the health professions
- focuses on student outcomes potential graduate/professional education correct answers - PA
- med
- law
- business admin
- hospital admin
- public health
- molecular bio
- toxicology
- forensic science
- immunology
- microbiology
- clinical chemistry *** accelerated nursing BSN *** perfusionist professional programs in our department correct answers - master's of science in medical sciences
- PhD in medical sciences
- 4+1 BS/MS in MLS, MDD, and biotech
- MS in MLS
- MS in AMBB financing undergrad education correct answers clinical affiliate scholarships financing grad education correct answers - tuition reimbursement (employers)
- PhD Degree - tuition paid and receive a stipend medical school correct answers provides broad range of medical knowledge, basic clinical skills, and limited experience practicing medicine
medical residency correct answers - graduate medical training
- provides in depth training within specific branch of medicine fellowship correct answers undertaken by a physician after completing a residency specialty training program fellowship sub-specialty correct answers - neonatology
- hematopathology
- cytopathology
- traumatologist
- cardiology
- geriatrics etc biotechnology and applied molecular biology work options correct answers - biopharmaceutical sector
- academic research laboratories
- forensic labs
- core facilities
- molecular pathology labs
- non-wet bench: tech service, sales, regulatory agencies, patent offices profession defined by dictionary correct answers - a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation profession correct answers - occupation or vocation requiring training in liberal arts or the sciences
- advanced study in specialized task
- mental rather than manual work basic profession qualifications correct answers - body of knowledge in discipline
- maintain standards of excellence
- code of ethics
- position of dignity and social standing
- professional association
- criteria for recruitment and training ethics correct answers study of the general nature of morals and of specific moral choices made by an individual in his relationship with others ethical behavior includes correct answers - confidentiality: HIPAA
- rapport with patients and staff
- atire
- efficiency/adaptability
- honesty
- accept responsibility
- project confidence HIPAA correct answers Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ASCLS-DE correct answers American society for Clinical Laboratory Science - Delaware AMA correct answers American Medical Association AAOS correct answers American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons AAP correct answers American Academy of Pediatrics AAPA correct answers American Academy of Physician Assistants ASM correct answers American Society for Microbiology ASH correct answers american society of hematology AACC correct answers American Association of Clinical Chemistry continuing education aspects correct answers - audio-conferences
- workshops
- online courses
- journal quizzes
- online CE organizer
- local, regional, national meetings
- teleconferences
- publications scholarships in professional organizations correct answers - education scholarships
- research grants
- leadership, authorship, and membership awards professional organization membership perks correct answers - discounts on credit cards, hotels, and car rentals
- insurance programs
- real estate commission rebate professional publications correct answers - clinical laboratory science
- ASCLS Today
- state society newsletters
- website connection to legislation correct answers - legislative symposium
- liaisons to congress, federal, and state agencies
- monitor and influence laws affecting profession leadership opportunities correct answers opportunities to serve the society in many capacities
- committees
- task forces
- executive officers responsibility to your profession correct answers - be a voice
- be an advocate
- be a role model
- keep learning be a voice correct answers provide the face of the laboratory be an advocate correct answers legislation that affects the profession be a role model correct answers as others enter the profession keep learning correct answers change is a constant reality general safety practices in lab or ED correct answers - no eating, drinking, or smoking
- no hands, pens, or pencils in mouth
- no cosmetic or contact application
- no food storage
- no mouth pipetting
- wear clean lab coat
- wear gloves with body fluids
- wear safety glasses, face shield, or goggles hand protection correct answers gloves
- may have small cuts
- chapped
- latex
- non-latex health and safety hazard types correct answers - physical
- chemical
- biologic
- workplace design NFPA chemical hazard label correct answers national fire protection association
- hazard identification system
- hazard degree 0 to 4
- red - flammability
- yellow - reactivity
- white - special
- blue - health international biohazard symbol correct answers - infectious waste
- infectious linen
- any biohazard radiation symbol correct answers identifies radiation area OSHA correct answers occupational safety and health administration
- creates safety laws
- enforces safety laws (may impose sanction)
- protects employees organizations with roles in safety correct answers - Joint Commission
- CDC CAP correct answers College of American Pathologists
- voluntary: invited to inspect the clinical lab
- overall work practice
- safety of work environment
- issue certificate of approval for compliance NRC correct answers Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- creates regulations
- enforces regulations
- performs on-site inspections
- safe handling of materials CDC correct answers Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- department of health and human services
- responsible for protecting health and safety joint commision correct answers - performs on-site evaluation of entire facility
- assesses quality
- safety of patient care liver function correct answers - stores glycogen, vitamins, and iron
- controls production and removal of cholesterol
- makes clotting factors
- produces proteins such as albumin
- makes bile
- clears waste products
- nitrogen regulation
- clears drugs
hepatitis correct answers inflammation of the liver caused by:
- virus
- drinking excess alcohol
- traumatic injury HBV correct answers transmitted through contact with infected blood and bodily fluids
- direct blood contact
- unprotected sex
- use unsterile needle
- mother to newborn during delivery
- 100 times more infectious than HIV
- prevented by vaccine use HIV correct answers transmitted through contact with infected blood and bodily fluids
- direct blood contact
- unprotected sex
- unsterile needles
- mother to newborn
- causative agent of AIDS
- no vaccine available standard precautions for infection control correct answers - take same precautions with everyone
- do not prejudge or make assumptions Needle stick injury correct answers - wash with soap and water
- encourage bleeding around the site by pressing gently under running water
- report accident to supervisor
- post exposure prophylaxis slips and falls correct answers number one cause of work-related injury code blue correct answers cardiac arrest code red correct answers fire code gray correct answers Violence alert, security alert, or combative person code yellow/pink/amber correct answers child missing RACE correct answers rescue, alarm, contain, extinguish PASS correct answers Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep