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MN Board of Dentistry Jurisprudence Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive list of questions and answers related to the mn board of dentistry jurisprudence exam. It covers various topics including dental supervision, infection control, and delegation of duties. Useful for dental professionals preparing for the exam, but it lacks in-depth analysis and critical thinking exercises.

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Available from 01/05/2025

eric-kariuki 🇺🇸

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Download MN Board of Dentistry Jurisprudence Exam Questions and Answers and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!




ANSWERS 100% 2024

Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-The dentist is in the office & remains in the office & authorized the procedure General supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dentist has prior knowledge and has given consent for the procedures. (not required to be in the office) Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-The dentist is in the office & personally diagnosis the condition. Authorizes the procedure, and evaluates the procedure after it has been complete. Personal supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dentist is operating on a patient and authorizes the allied dental personal to aid in performing supportive procedure treatments at the same time Dental Hygiene/Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Place initial arch wires on ortho appliances. Dentist must select and if necessary adjust wires prior to placement. Dental Hygiene/ Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Preform restorative procedures pursuant to statute provisions. Dental Hygiene/ Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Maintain and remove intravenous lines under supervision if a dentist holding a valid general anesthesia or moderate sedation certificate. Dental Hygienist/ Denat Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Monitor a patient during each phase of general anesthesia or moderate sedation using noninvasive instrumentation under supervision of dentist holding a valid general anesthesia or moderate sedation certificate. Dental Hygiene/Dental Assistant

Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Etch appropriate enamel surfaces before bonding of ortho appliances by a dentist. Dental Hygiene/ Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Attach pre-fit and pre-adjusted orthodontic appliances. Dental Hygiene/ Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Remove fixed ortho bands and brackets. Dental Hygiene/ Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Remove bond material from teeth with rotary instruments after removal of orthodontic appliances. Dental Hygiene Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Initiate and place IV line in preparation to IV medications and sedation under supervision of dentist holding a valid general anesthesia or moderate sedation certification. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Place and remove devices or materials for isolation purposes. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Apply topical medications, including bleaching agents, desensitizing agents, cavity varnishes as prescribed by the dentist. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Removal of sutures Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Monitor a patient who has been induced by a dentist with N2O. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dry root canals with paper points. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Place cotton pellets and temporary restorative materials into endodontic access openings Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Pre select ortho bands. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Place and remove periodontal dressings.

Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Etch appropriate enamel surfaces & apply & adjust pit and fissure sealants Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Perform mechanical polishing (coronal polish) to clinical crowns, not including the removal of calculus by instrumentation. Dental Assistant Indirect supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Remove excess cement from inlays, crowns, bridges, or orthodontic appliances. (hand instruments only) Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Administer N Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Remove excess bond material from ortho appliances. Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Place and remove matrix systems and wedges. Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fabricate, place, replace, cement & adjust temporary crowns or restorations. Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Remove temporary crowns or restorations with hand instruments ONLY. Dental Assistant Direct supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-Place non-surgical retraction material for gingival displacement. Dental Assistant General supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-• fabricate and deliver custom fitted trays.

  • apply topical fluoride (gel, foam, varnish)
  • preliminary charting of the oral cavity •obtain informed consent within scope of practice
  • take photographs/ radiographs
  • take impressions & bite registration •take vital signs (pulse & BP)
  • place and remove ortho separators
  • cut arch wires, remove loose bands & brackets.
  • remove and place ligature ties
  • place temporary fillings (crowns, bridges, inlays & onlays)
  • re-cement intact temporary crowns or restorations Dental Hygienist / Dental Assistant Personal Supervision - CORRECT ANSWERS-I .V. sedation allied dental personnel aid in the physical management of medications and the preparation and administration of medications into I.V. (Dentist needs to have valid general anesthesia and moderate sedation certificate) What does DHCP stand for? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dental Health Care Personnel What does DHCW stand for? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dental Health Care Worker What does MMWR stand for? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report What does the CDC stand for? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Center for Disease Control DHCP shall comply with the most current infection control recommendations? T or F - CORRECT ANSWERS-True OSHA's purpose - CORRECT ANSWERS-to protect the EMPLOYEE. CDC's purpose - CORRECT ANSWERS-to protect ALL HEALTH CARE WORKERS & the PATIENTS Each dental facility should develop a __________ __________ for instrument processing, operatory cleanup, management of injuries. - CORRECT ANSWERS- Written Protocol All DHCP who might be exposed to blood should be vaccinated against? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Hepatitis B General purpose utility gloves should not be used for housekeeping chores, instrument cleaning and decontamination procedures. T or F - CORRECT ANSWERS-False How often does biological monitoring of the sterilization cycles need to be completed? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Weekly When cleaning instruments, soap and water scrubbing is preferred over using an ultrasonic cleaner? T or F - CORRECT ANSWERS-False

Critical instruments - CORRECT ANSWERS-penetrate soft tissue or bone Ex: forceps, scalpels, bone chisels, scalers, burs Semicritical instruments - CORRECT ANSWERS-Do not penetrate soft tissue or bone, but contact oral tissues. Ex: mouth mirror, amalgam condenser, x-ray sensor, HVE. Non-critical instruments - CORRECT ANSWERS-in contact with ONLY intact skin. Ex: lead apron, x-ray tube head, curing light. Greatest risk of transmitting infection & have to be sterilized by Heat. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Critical instruments If can be heat sterilized should be heat sterilized or a minimum of high-level disinfectant. Intermediate or lower risk of transmission - CORRECT ANSWERS-Semi critical instruments EPA registered intermediate-level or low-level disinfectant after each patient use. Least risk of disease transmission. - CORRECT ANSWERS-noncritical instruments High-level disinfectants mean the elimination of viability of all microorganisms except? - CORRECT ANSWERS-High numbers of bacterial SPORES What is the destruction of all microbial life including bacterial endospores. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Sterilization Infection control means - CORRECT ANSWERS-programs, procedures, and methods to reduce the transmission of agents of infection for the purpose of controlling or minimizing the incidence of infectious disease. As an LDH the services that are not included in their scope of practice are - CORRECT ANSWERS-Establishment of a final diagnosis or treatment plan for dental patient How many dental hygienists can be licensed under a collaborating dentist? - CORRECT ANSWERS-no more than 4. (unless authorized by the board) Collaborate agreement between the Dentist and the dental hygienist - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. consideration for medically compromised patients & medical conditions. evaluation and treatment plan complete prior to hygiene services provided.

  1. copies of consent to treatment provided to the patient
  2. creating and maintaining dental records for patients who have been treated by the DH
  3. specific protocols for the placement of pit and fissure sealant requirements for follow- up care to assure the efficacy of the sealant after application.
  1. practice protocols including recommended intervals for the performance of dental hygiene services and a period of time in which an examination by a dentist should occur DH collaborative agreement should be signed and maintained by the dentist, hygenist, and the facility, program, or organization. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Annually A dental therapist should not supervise more than how many dental assistants in only one practice setting? - CORRECT ANSWERS-4 licensed or unlicensed DA's A collaborating dentist must not have more than how many licensed DA's? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Dental Practice Act (DPA) - CORRECT ANSWERS-The mission of the MN board of dentistry is to PROMOTE & PROTECT public health and safety and ensure that every licnced dental professional practicing in the stat meets the requirements for SAFE, COMPETENT, AND ETHICAL PRACTICE. What are the types of delegation? - CORRECT ANSWERS-PERMISSIVE & NON- PERMISSIVE Permissive Delegation: - CORRECT ANSWERS-In Minnesota, a dentist may delegate only those duties listed for auxiliary Non-permissive delegation - CORRECT ANSWERS-Dentist may delegate anything that's not prohibited (Not allowed in MN) Dental Lab Technician - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fabricate fixed and removable prosthesis under work order from a MN licensed dentist How often does a dentist, DT, ADT, DH, and DA renew licensure? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Every 2 years 25 credits for DH & DA 50 credits for DDS & DT/ADT Dental records should be kept for how long? - CORRECT ANSWERS-For at least 7 years beyond the time the dentist last treated the patient. Whats included in a progress note? - CORRECT ANSWERS-1. all treatment provided
  2. all medications used and materials placed
  3. the treatment provider by license number, name, or initials 4.when applicable the identity of the collaborating dentist authorizing treatment by license number