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Dental Professionals' Scope of Practice and Infection Control Guidelines, Exams of Nursing

An in-depth analysis of the roles and responsibilities of dentists, advanced dental therapists, dental therapists, and dental assistants in the context of patient treatment, progress notes, and infection control. It covers topics such as treatment options, prognosis, benefits, and risks, dental records, areas of knowledge related to public safety and professionalism, and the specific restorative procedures that dental hygienists and dental therapists can perform. The document also discusses infection control measures, including the use of personal protective equipment (ppe), disinfectants, and sterilization techniques.

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Download Dental Professionals' Scope of Practice and Infection Control Guidelines and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

General supervision - ANS The dentist has prior knowledge and has given consent for the procedures being performed during which the dentist is not required to be present in the dental office or on the premises.

Indirect supervision - ANS The dentist is in the office, authorizes the procedures, and remains in the office while the procedures are being performed by the allied dental personnel.

Direct supervision - ANS The dentist is in the dental office, personally diagnoses the condition to be treated, personally authorizes the procedure, and before dismissal of the patient, evaluates the performance of the allied dental personnel.

Personal - ANS The dentist is personally operating on a patient and authorizes the allied dental personnel to aid in treatment by concurrently performing supportive procedures.

Biological monitoring for the proper functioning of sterilization cycles should be done? - ANS Weekly

A dental assistant with a limited registration is allowed to perform which of the following? - ANS expose radiographs

LDA licensed dentist and dental hygienist must complete a Board specified number of hours of approved continuing education every - ANS 5 years

licenses must be renewed - ANS annually

A licensed dental assistant frequently recements temporary crowns when the dentist is not in the office. A dentist did not authorize the procedure. Who is legally responsible for the LDA's act? - ANS LDA and the dentist

An authorization for laboratory work performed by a dental technician must be - ANS -all, dated, in duplicate, on a printed form, personally signed by the dentist *

In Minnesota, a dental technique may repair a prosthodontic device being used in a patient mouth if - ANS dentist authorizrs the procedure

It would be acceptable for an assistant to administer local anesthesia under direct supervision - ANS Fasle

MN Dental Jurisprudence Exam 2024 NEW


it would be acceptable for an assistant to administer nitrous oxide under general supervision - ANS false

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to place sealants under general supervision - ANS true

It would acceptable for a hygienist to diagnose caries under direct supervision - ANS false; only dentist

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to remove ortho bonding material with rotary instruments under what supervision? - ANS direct

It would be acceptable for an assistant to place class 1 and 11 amalgams and glass ionomers, Class 1 and V composites, and stainless-steel crowns under what supervision? - ANS indirect

It would be acceptable for an assistant to place class 1 and 11 amalgams and glass ionomers, Class 1 and V composites, and stainless-steel crowns under what supervision? - ANS indirect supervision

It would be acceptable for an assistant to place sealants under general supervision - ANS false; dentist has to check

it would be acceptable for a hygienist to scale and root plan under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to monitor nitrous oxide under direct supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to place temporary fillings to provide palliative treatment under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to remove marginal overhangs under general supervision

  • ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to take radiographs under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to administer nitrous oxide under indirect supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to monitor nitrous oxide under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to place C1 and 11 amalgams and glass ionomers C1 and V composites and stainless-steel crowns under general supervision - ANS false; amalgam, restorations. DA dpes

It would be acceptable for an assistant to take impression under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to place and remove matrix bands under direct supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to scale supragingival under direct supervision - ANS false

It would be acceptable for an assistant to remove sutures under direct supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to fabricate cement, and adjust temporary restorations under direct supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to cut arch wires, remove loose bands or brackets on an orthodontic appliance to provide palliative treatment under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to remove excess bonding material on an orthodontics appliance under what supervision - ANS direct

It is acceptable for a hygienist to administer local anesthesia under indirect supervision - ANS true

It is acceptable for an assistant to place and remove matrix bands under what supervision? - ANS direct

It is acceptable for an assistant to place and remove periodontal dressing under indirect supervision - ANS true

It is acceptable for a hygienist to place cotton pellets into endodontic openings under general supervision - ANS true

It is acceptable for a hygienist to remove temporary restorations with hand instruments under general supervision - ANS false

It is acceptable for an assistant to remove temporary restorations with hand instruments under direct supervision - ANS true

It is acceptable for a hygienist to etch enamel before bonding of ortho appliances under direct supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to place sealants under indirect supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for a hygienist to apply topical medications such as fluoride under general supervision - ANS true

It would be acceptable for an assistant to apply topical medications such as fluoride under what supervision - ANS direct

It would be acceptable for an assistant to remove marginal overhangs under direct supervision - ANS false

65: an examination required as a condition of licensure must be taken within how many years of the application for licensure? - ANS 5

How many times can a dentist, hygienist or assistant fail the clinical examination required by the board before further education is necessary? - ANS 2, LDA

Every dentist, hygienist and assistant must display what in their office in which they practice? - ANS license certificate

If the board feels there is a risk of harm to others, what may they do to that professional? - ANS temporarily suspend their license, serve a written notice stating which statute or rule was violated, set up a hearing in front of the board.

The board may not renew a license is the license owes how much delinquent taxes? - ANS 500

**if you have a change of address, how much time do you have to notify the board - ANS 30 days

** under the collaborative agreement for a hygienist, how much clinical experience must they have in the past 18 months? - ANS 2400 hours

**the maximum number of hygienists a collaborating dentist may enter I collaborative agreement with is - ANS 4

Restorative functions by an assistant or hygienist may be performed only if - ANS they complete a board approved course, they learn how to adjust the occlusion on the newly place restorations, the faculty teaching the educators must have prior experience teaching these procedures

** the dentist must keep copies of dental lab work orders for how many years - ANS 2

If the executive director of the board decides a formal complaint needs an investigation, they will forward the complaint to whom? - ANS the attorney general

A person with knowledge that a dental professional has HIV, HBV, or HCV shall do what? - ANS -file a report with the commissioner of health

which of the following is not a core subject? - ANS office management

If a patient is exposed to a communicable disease during dental treatment, it is the DHCP's responsibility to inform the patient of the exposure ** - ANS true

Sterilization of reusable air/water syringe tips, ultrasonic inserts, and handpieces in best done with - ANS -all, dry heat, chemical vapor, steam under pressure

The definition of informed consent involves explaining all options for treatment including risks and benefits of receiving/not receiving treatment - ANS true

Which of the following is true regarding what must be included in a patient's chart or record? - ANS medication that is prescribed after hours

A DHCP only has to sign their initials in patients notes when they are in a group practice? - ANS false

It would be acceptable for a dentist to treat an emergency patient who is not their regular patient and who regularly saw a different dentist**** - ANS true

A complete medical and dental history does NOT need to be completed for emergency treatment**** - ANS false

Records should be kept for 7 years after the last time the patient was seen**** - ANS true

If the dental hygienist violates a statue, who might be reprimanded by the Board? -ANS -dentist and/ or hygienist

It is acceptable for a dentist to send out a flier to a community about the dental practice that has some of his/her educational credentials on it? - ANS yes*

Is it acceptable behavior to write a patient a letter dismissing them from the practice* - ANS yes*

It is acceptable behavior for a dentist to leave a group practice and open up his own practice in the same community? - ANS true*

Which of the following orthodontic duties can be registered DA not perform? - ANS -recement orthodontic bands**

10 buiesness days - ANS If a patient experiences uncommon side effects from conscious sedation or nitrous oxide, how many days does the DHCP have to report it

Which of the following is NOT a specialty area in dentistry? - ANS implantology

When a patient is exposed to blood/puncture/exposure., the responsibility of the dental professional ends at informing them of the exposure - ANS false*

Dental hygienist and licensed assistants can anticipate when radiographs a dentist would want for a new patient, recall, and emergency patient - ANS false*

Is it acceptable to use sterile non-latex gloves for surgical procedure - ANS true

All the following are acceptable ways to sterilize instruments except: - ANS -manually wash each instrument to produce the most effective sterilization ***

Under most circumstances, allied dental professional must wear a name tag identifying themselves and their occupation - ANS true

How long do you have to keep your past professional development files once your cycle has ended? - ANS 24 months

Who is the office can dismiss a person who was previously under conscious sedation? - ANS dentist

-who in the office can administer conscious sedation? - ANS dentist

A DHCP is required to report to the Board if an employee is violating a statue or rule - ANS true

If a patient provides a written request to have his/her record transferred to another provider, does the provider need to comply? - ANS yes

The definition of anxiolysis is administering a pharmacological agent that does not impair the patient's ability to maintain normal mental abilities and vital functions - ANS true

What requirement must a dentist meet in order to deliver a pharmacologic agent for the purpose of anxiolysis - ANS -must complete a course and clinical competency from an accredited program **

Which of the following procedures can a dental assistant perform when a hygienist is in the office, but a dentist is not? - ANS cut arch wires

Which of the following needs to have oxygen levels monitored while administering it? - ANS -conscious sedation**

Which of the following can a dental assistant not apply? - ANS -root canal irrigator **

LDA; direct - ANS ****utilizing rotary instruments for the removal of bond material, a LDA must have completed a course in the use of rotary instruments for the express purpose of the removal of bond material from teeth.

LDA indirect - ANS *pit and fissure sealants, a LDA must have successfully completed a course in pit and fissures sealants at a dental, dental hygiene, or dental setting school accredited by Commission of Dental Accreditation

a licensed dental assistant can be disciplined by the board for the following acts - ANS knowingly providing false information to a third party, sexual harassment of a patient or employee, and adding and attempted suicide

hand washing must be done - ANS before and after treating a patient

which of the following is acceptable for continuning education - ANS

who can may make a diagnosis - ANS dentist

which of the following woululd be considerd unprofessional conduct?** - ANS

Dental hygienists and licensed dental assistants shall not take impressions and bite registrations for of fixed and removable prostheses. - ANS Final construction

*WHO can give local anesthesia after completing a course on local anesthesia from a school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation - ANS DH and DT (not DA)

*Before removal of bond material, a dental hygienist or licensed dental assistant must successfully complete a course in the use of for the express purpose of the removal of bond material from teeth. - ANS rotary instruments

*self assessment is a credit - ANS Fundamental; printed from ADA website; usually updated every 2yrs. completed and put in professional portfolio; 1 credit

*what are core subjects?? - ANS -Record Keeping-Ethics -Infection Control-

Patient Communication-Management of med. emergencies-Diagnosis and tx. planning (optional for DH/LDA)

*elective credits - ANS activities directly related to, or supportive of the practice of dentistry;

Max. of 10 credits for DH/LDA; 20 for DDS and dental therapistsex) Self-study-scholarly articlesScholarly activities- presentationsVolunteering/Community ServiceGeneral Attendance- 3 credits for a state or national dental convention

*Each dental professional is required to keep documentation of their CE for the current 2 year cycle AND the previous year cycle - ANS past 2 year cycle

*All DHCP must renew their license every on the date when they originally got their license - ANS 2 years

*infection control reporting- a regulated person shall, within , report to the appropriate board personal knowledge of a serious failure or a pattern of failure by another regulated person to comply with accepted and prevailing infection control procedures related to prevention of hiv hbv and hcv transmission - ANS 10 dyas

*what is biennial term - ANS properly renewed license or permit issued by board valid from first day of month following expiration for 24 months until renewed or terminated according to procedures in this part

*a DT can supervise no more than licensed or non-licensed DAs in any one practice setting - ANS 4

*A DT must enter into a with a DDS - ANS collaborative management agreement(all agreements but be reviewed, signed. updated and submitted to the board EVERY YEAR)

Amount of credit hours each biennial a dentist, specialty, guest full faculty or DT needs. - ANS 50

minimum of credit hours for dentists and DT's of fundamental CE's - ANS 30

maximum of credit hours of elective CEs for DT and DDS - ANS 20

_ credit hours each biennial cycle for a hygienist and dental assistant; minimum of of fundamental and maximum of elective - ANS 25, 15, 10

*what if a patient stops by and asks the tech for a denture adjustment??what about for it to be cleaned? - ANS lab tech cant do either

*how many dental therapists can a dentist have? - ANS 5

*a dentist can have a collaborative agreement with no more than DH's unless authorized by the Board - ANS 4

Minimal Sedation (Conscious sedation) - ANS Anxiolysis- reduction in anxiety

*lightest form of sedation ex) N2O2, oral medication, or IV sedation(need 12 hours of a course with 3 different "practice cases")

*limited licensed dental assistant - ANS non-licensed dental assistants that have taken a course in taking RADIOGRAPHS.

Moderate Sedation (still conscious) - ANS relaxed, awake and can still respondex: N2O2, oral meds, IV sedation (need 60 hours during an extra course with practice)

during an extra course with practice) Deep sedation (unconscious) - ANS can only be performed by an anesthesiologist or an oral surgeon (need extra schooling)

*means a depressed level of consciousness produced by a pharmacological agent during which the patient connote be easily aroused but responds purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation - ANS deep sedation

*general anesthesia (unconscious) - ANS for extreme cases of dental care (oral and maxillofacial surgeons)

high level disinfection - ANS elimination of all microorganisms expect bacteria spores

Decontamination - ANS removal, inactivation, or destruction of HBV and HIV on a surface or item to the point where HBV and/or HIV are no longer capable of causing infection and the surface or item is rendered and for barehanded touching, use or disposal

disinfection - ANS destroys most pathogenic and other microorganisms by physical or chemical mean -does not ensure the degree of safety associated with sterilization process (ex, sanitary wipes used to wipe down the cubicle)

Sterilization - ANS destroys all microorganisms, including substantial numbers of resistant bacterial spores, by heat (steam autoclave, dry heat, and unsaturated chemical vapor) or liquid chemical sterilant

*uses surface barriers on _ to protect, particularly for surface that are hard to clean - ANS light switches, radiographic equipment, drawer. handles, computers

what type of gloves should you use? - ANS chemical and puncture resistance gloves -even for "household cleaning" of the dentist office

digital radiography sensors are considered - ANS SEMICRITICAL (they go inside of patients mouths but don't puncture mucous membranes) -use a barrier then cleaned with high level disinfectant wipes between patients

*hand pieces and intraoral instruments that can be removed from the air and waterlines of dental units are considered - ANS SEMI-CRITICAL -should be heat sterilized between patients -do not just wipe them down! ex, high-speed, low-speed

*dental techs must have a work order from the DDS and will keep their work order on infection control for _ years - ANS 2

*extracted teeth are infectious and should be disposed in - ANS medical waste containers (but not if it has amalgam in it)

*can we give patients their teeth after extractions? - ANS yes, it no longer our responsibility once it is handed over

extracted teeth for educational purposes must be... - ANS -cleaned so there is no visible blood or debris -keep moist in a simple solution such as water or saline -PLACED IN A containers with a secure lid to prevent leaking during transport or storage, and labeled with the biohazard symbol until sterilization -HEAT-sterilized to allow for safe handling

*OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) requires - ANS employers make hep B vaccine available to all employees who have potential contact w/ blood or OPIM (other potentially infectious materials)

*what employees need Hep B vaccinations? - ANS any employee that has potential for contact with blood

When hired the office should offer this vaccination - ANS HBV

what testing should be available to all DHCW for those concerned that they may be infected by HIV - ANS serologic testing

how should the amalgam scrap be stored and handled - ANS stored in a closed unbreakable container labled " hazardous "contains mercury" and should be recycled

*Dental records must include - ANS - pt's name, address, DOB- if minor, need parent's name- name and telephone number of contact person- name of insurance and ID number if applicable- patient's reason for visit- dental and medical history- clinical exam - diagnosis and treatment plan- informed consent - progress note

*informed consent consists of... - ANS giving options benefits risks cost patient's approval (signature)

a DH may be employed by a nonprofit organization to preform DH service WITHOUT the pt first being examined by a licensed DDA if the dental hygienist - ANS -has been engaged in active practice of clinical dh for less than 2400 hours in past 18 mo or a career total of 3,000 hours

-has entered into a collaborative agreement with a licensed DDA that designated authorization for the services provided by dental hygienist

-has documented participation in courses in infection control and med emergencies within each continuing education cycle

-maintainers CPR certificate from AHA or American red cross

dental hygiene services authorized to be performed are - ANS 1: oral health promotion 2: removal of deposit and stain from surface of teeth 3: application of topical preventive or prophy agents, including fluoride varnish and pit and fissure sealants 4: polishing and smoothing restorations 5: removal of marginal overhangs 6: performance of preliminary charting 7: taking radiographs 8: performance of SRP (all under general supervision)

what is the boards mission? - ANS to ensure that all MN citizens receive quality dental health care from competent dental health care professionals

what qualifications must the DH, DA, & DDS have to become part of the board? - ANS lawfully in active practice in the state for 5 years immediately preceding appointment into the board

DH collaborative agreement must include.. - ANS 1- consideration for med comp pt and med conditions for which dental eval and treatment plan must occur prior to provision of dh services

2- age and procedure specific standard collaborative practice protocols, including recommended intervals for the performance of dh services and a period of time in which an exam by dds should occur 3- copies of consent to treatment form provide to patient by dental hygienist 4- specific protocols for the placement of pit and fissure sealants and requirements for follow up care to assure efficacy of sealants after applications 5- procedure for creating and maintaining dental records for the patients that are treated

applicant must submit new background check if more than has Relapsed since the applicants last submitted background check to the board - ANS 1 year

no license issued to any applicant who refuses to consent to a criminal background check or fails to submit fingerprints within after submission of application for licensure - ANS 90 days

how long does a person have to challenge accuracy of a report of background check - ANS 30 days after they get their report back

how long does the board give the applicant to challenge the accuracy or completeness of the report - ANS 180 days

when temp license is suspended, the regulated person shall be provided with at least notice of any hearing held pursuant to this section - ANS 10 days

if the board has not completed its investigation and final order within days the temp suspension shall be lifted unless the regulated person requests a delay in disciplinary preceedings for any reason - ANS 30 days

self-reporting: when should a regulated person who is diagnosed as infected with HIV, HBV, or HCVreport the info to the commissioner - ANS no more than 30 days after learning of the diagnosis or 30 days after becoming licensed or registered by the state

*infection control reporting- a regulated person shall, within , report to the appropriate board personal knowledge of a serious failure or a pattern of failure by another regulated person to comply with accepted and prevailing infection control procedures related to prevention of hiv hbv and hcv transmission - ANS 10 days

critical items - ANS penetrate soft tissue or bone; GREATEST risk of transmitting infection and needs to be sterilized by HEAT(hand instruments, ultrasonic)

Semi critical items - ANS contact mucous membranes but don't penetratehigh level disinfectant requiredsterilization by heat still recommended(dental mirror, impression trays)

non-critical items - ANS pose least risk for transmission of infection-contacts skin only**disinfection with EPA registered wipes(blood pressure cuff, dental chair, etc.)

*biological indicators - ANS spore testing assess by killing highly resistant microbes-best way to tell if sterilizing equipment is working properly-MUST be performed WEEKLY

T/Fa tooth with an amalgam filling in it is considered hazardous waste only - ANS false: hazardous and infectious

*transfer of records - ANS digital Xrays must be transfered by compact or optical disc, electric communication, or printed on high quality photographic paper-need diagnostic quality using proper exposure settings

  • T/F: as a request of patient, records must be transferred, even if their bill hasn't been paid - ANS true

*when electronic records are kept, a dentist must keep either a or use an

  • ANS duplicate hard copy unalterable electronic record

*adults records must be kept for years beyond last time they were seen - ANS 7

*can the dentist charge a patient a fee for transferring records? - ANS yes

should original X-rays or forms be sent if requested?? - ANS No, NEVER. diagnostic duplicate X-rays and records must be copied and sent

violation of any statues of the dental practice act shall be guilty of - ANS gross misdamenor

what is the term for voluntary standards for behavior established by a professor - ANS code of ethics

what does DHCP stand for - ANS dental health care personal

*a professional firm must submit a to the board of dentistry? - ANS annual report

  • would be considered an elective professional development activity? - ANS dental management practice course

  • a course in treatment planning and diagnosisall applicants for licensure in mn must do which of the following if they fail the clinical examination or the licensure exam twice as specified by board rule - ANS get more education and training

*which of the following would be considered a fundamental professional development activity - ANS a course in treatment planning and diagnosis

*To administer general anesthesia, a dentist must complete what? - ANS 1 year residency

*T/F OSHA aims to protect the providers/clinicians and CDC aims to protect all patients - ANS true

means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, or business enity engaged in the manufacturer or repair of dental prosthetic appliances - ANS dental laboratory

DH and DA with restorative functions can place, contour, and adjust amalgam, glass ionomers, and stainless steel crowns on class (supragingival) - ANS Class I, II, V- a dental hygienist or dental assistant must successfully complete a board approved course on these specific restorative procedures.

application of pit and fissure sealants - ANS DH - general LDA - indirect

*Administer LA - ANS DH - general

*monitor a patient on nitrous - ANS DH - General LDA - Indirect

*Utilizing rotary instruments for the removal of bond material from teeth - ANS DH - indirect LDA - indirect

Performing any or all restorative procedures limited to placing, contouring, & adjusting amalgam, glass ionomers, and Class I and V supra composite restorations - ANS DH - indirect LDA - indirect

*managing and removing IV lines - ANS DH - indirect LDA - indirect

*placing an IV line - ANS DH - direct LDA - direct

administering any medications or agents - ANS Personal DH and RDA

*Perform preliminary charting including assessments and existing restoration, determine the perio status, and formulate the DH tx plan in coordination with DDS - ANS DH - general

*make referrals in consultation with DDS - ANS DH - general

*complete prophy with scaling, root planing, and polishing restorations - ANS DH - general

dietary and nutritional counseling - ANS DH - general

*replacement, cementation and adjustment of INTACT temporary restorations - ANS DH - general LDA - general

*remove overhangs - ANS DH - general

Complete preliminary charting of oral cavity and surrounding structures w/ exception of perio probing and assessment of the perio structure - ANS LDA - general of course DH can do this too, with probing

-take photographs intra or extra orally -place temporary fillings -cut arch wires, remove loose bands or brackets -take X-rays -take impressions for casts and bite registrations -place and remove ortho separators -*deliver vacuum-formed ortho retainers - ANS DH - genera lDA - general

-etch enamel surfaces; apply and adjust sealants -monitor a patient on nitrous oxide -mechanical polishing clinical crowns (calculus must be removed by DDS or DH before polishing) -remove excess cement from inlays, crowns, bridges, ortho appliances with HAND INSTRUMENTS -apply topical fluoride and bleaching agents prescribed by DDS -place topical gel before injection -place and remove rubber dam -Preselect ortho bands -remove and replace ligature ties and arch wires -remove sutures -place and remove periodontal packs -dry root canals with paper points - ANS DH - general LDA - indirect

Perform restorative procedures limited to: placing, contouring, and adjusting amalgamrestorations and glass ionomers; adapting and cementing stainless steel crowns; and placing,contouring, and adjusting class I, II, & V supragingival composite restorations on primary and permanent teeth. - ANS DH - Indirect

LDA - indirect

remove bond material with rotary instruments after removal of ortho -place and remove matrix bands -fabricate, cement, and adjust temporary crowns -remove temporary RESTORATIONS with hand instruments only -etch enamel surfaces before bonding of ortho by DDS -attach prefit and preadjusted ortho appliances -remove fixed ortho brackets - ANS DH - direct LDA - direct

-remove excess bond material from appliances -*administer N2O2 - ANS DH - general LDA - direct

T/F - ONLY a dentist can cement ortho bands and adjust ortho wires - ANS true

Concurrently perform supportive services if the dentist holds a valid general anesthesia or moderate sedation certificate, is personally treating a patient, and authorizes the allied dental personnel to aid in treatment including the administration of medications into an existing intravenous line, an enteral agent, or emergency medications in an emergent situation. - ANS DH - personal LDA - personal(apply meds)

*Place nonsurgical retraction material for gingival displacement. - ANS DH - direct LDA - direct

-Perform preliminary charting of the oral cavity, oral health instruction and disease prevention, including nutritional counseling, dietary analysis

.-Apply topical medications such as, but not limited to, topical fluoride and cavity varnishes in appropriate dosages.*

****-Perform mechanical polishing - ANS GENERAL (DT and ADT)

-Etch appropriate enamel surfaces, apply and adjust pit and fissure sealants. -Placement of temporary restorations. -Fabrication of soft occlusal guards and athletic mouth guards .-Pulp vitality testing. - ANS GENERAL (DT and ADT)

-Administer local anesthesia. -Administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia *****Application of desensitizing medication or resin -Tissue conditioning and soft reline. - ANS DT - general

ADT - general

-Atraumatic restorative therapy .*Tooth reimplantation. -Dressing changes .-Dispense and administer analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics as (permitted by the collaborative management agreement) - ANS general ADT and DT

-Cavity preparation; and restoration of primary and permanent teeth- Pulpotomies on primary teeth -pulp capping on primary and permanent teeth. -Stabilization of reimplanted teeth .-Remove sutures. -Brush biopsies. - ANS DT - indirect ADT - general

-Extraction of periodontaly diseased permanent teeth with mobility of +3 to +4 as permitted by the collaborative management agreement. (Not including unerupted, impacted, fractured)

-Oral evaluation and assessment of dental disease and the formation of an individualized treatment plan authorized by a collaborating dentist

-Make appropriate referrals to dentists, physicians, and other practitioners in consultation with the collaborating dentist. - ANS ADT - GENERAL---DT cannot do these

-Repair of defective prosthetic devices -Placement of temporary crowns: and preparation and placement of preformed crowns *Provide emergency palliative treatment of dental pain -Extractions of baby teeth - ANS DT - indirect ADT - general

LDA General Supervision (all) - ANS -cut arch wires on ortho appliance -remove loose bands on ortho appliance -remove loose brackets on ortho appliances -re-cement intact temp restorations -place temp fillings, not including temporization of Inlays, onlays, crowns, and bridges -take radiographs -impressions for casts and appropriate bite registration, not to inc Deliver vacuum -formed orthodontic retainers -Place and remove elastic orthodontic separators -Complete preliminary charting of the oral cavity and surrounding structures with the exception of periodontal probing and assessment of the periodontal structure -Take photographs extraoral or intraorally -Take vital signs such as pulse rate and blood pressure as directed by a dentist

-Remove and place ligature ties and remove and -replace existing arch wires on orthodontic appliances -Apply topical fluoride, including form, gel, or varnish

DH Direct supervision (all) - ANS Etch for ortho, remove CRs, fabricate temp restorations, place/remove matrix bands, remove ortho cement with rotary instruments, attach ortho appliances, remove fixed ortho bands/brackets, initiate and place IV lines, place nonsurgical retraction material for gingival displacement.

DH personal supervision - ANS Help DDS with sedation if completed extra education.

Ad: "Our practice specialized in cosmetic dentistry, promising superior results in the quest to achieve your perfect smile "What is wrong w/ the above ad? - ANS DDS cannot say they are SUPERIOR and cannot PROMISE the results of a tx. They are creating a false/unjustified expectation. Also, cosmetic dentistry is not recognized as a 'specialty' by the ADA

In advertising a dental office, the DDS cannot use terms such as "top" or "best". They cannot make a claim that a survey, ballot, or poll constitutes a ranking for who they are or what they do; ex) "the top 15%" or "voted best.." T/F - ANS true

5 components of CPR training - ANS -AED-Barrier mask or bag for ventilation -Foreign body airway obstruction -Two person rescuer -Adult, child, and infant CPR

LDA Indirect Supervision - ANS -Apply topical medications including bleaching agents and cavity varnishes as prescribed by a dentist -Place and remove rubber dam -Remove excess cement from inlays, crowns, bridges and ortho appliances with hand instruments only -Perform mechanical to clinical crowns not including instrumentation. Removal of calculus by instrumentation must be done by a dentist or hygienist before machinal polishing -preselect ortho bands -place and remove periodontal dressings -remove suture -monitor a patient who has been induced by a dentist into nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia -place initial arch wires on ortho appliances. A dentist must select and, if necessary, adjust arch wires prior to placement -dry root canals with paper points -place cotton pellets and temporary restorative materials into endodontic access openings -etch appropriate enamel surfaces, apply and adjust pit and fissure sealants. Before the applications of --

*pit and fissure sealants, a LDA must have successfully completed a course in pit and fissures sealants at a dental, dental hygiene, or dental setting school accredited by Commission of Dental Accreditation

LDA Direct Supervision - ANS -remove excess bond material from ortho appliances -remove bond material from teeth with rotary instruments after removal of ortho appliances. Before ****utilizing rotary instruments for the removal of bond material, a LDA must have completed a course in the use of rotary instruments for the express purpose of the removal of bond material from teeth. The course must be on that is presented by a dental, LDH, or dental assisting school accredited by the Commission on dental Accreditation -etch appropriate enamel surfaces before bonding of ortho appliances by a dentist -fabricate, cement, and adjust temporary restoration with hand instrument only -place and remove matrix bands -attach prefit and preadjusted ortho appliances --remove fixed ortho bands and brackets

what does a DH have to have to enter into a Collaboratives Agreement? - ANS 1: written agreement with a DDA with a MN license 2: completion of a Medical emergency course

How many DH can have a DDS sign a collaborative agreement with? - ANS 4

How many LDA can a DDS enter into a collaborative agreement - ANS 2

initial requirements for limited licensure - ANS a person who is a graduate of a noncredited dental program will be granted a limited license to practice general dentistry within Minnesota upon successfully complying with the requirements

biennial term - ANS a properly renewed license or permit issued by the board is vailed from the first day if the month following expiration for 24 months until renewed or terminated according to the procedures in this part

clinical examinations - ANS when emergency treatment is performed, items, A to C pertain only to the area treated. When a clinical examination is performed, dental records must include A: recording of existing oral health care status B: any radiographs used c: the facsimiles or results of any other diagnostic aids used

Dental records must include a - ANS diagnosis

treatment plan - ANS dental records must include an agreed upon written and dated treatment plan except for routine dental care such as preventive service. the treatment plan must be updated to reflect the current status of the patient oral health and treatment

informed consent - ANS dental records must include a notation that A: the dentist, advanced dental therapist, dental therapist, DH, or LDA discussed with the patient the treatment options and prognosis, benefits, and risks of each treatment that is within the scope of practice of the respective license: and B: the patient has consented to the treatment chosen

Progress notes - ANS dental records must be legible and include a chronology of the patient's progress throughout the course of all treatment and postoperative visits. the chronology must include

A: all treatment provided B: all medications used and materials placed C: the treatment provider by license number, name or initials D: when applicable, the identify of the Collaborating dentist authorizing treatment by license number E: administration information of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia, including indication for use, dosage, duration of administration, posttreatment oxygenation period prior to discharge, and patient status as discharge

A dentist shall maintain a patients dental records for a least - ANS 7 years beyond the time the dentist last treated the patient

transfer of records - ANS a patients dental record must be transferred -digital radiographs shall be transferred by* compact or optical disc, electronic communication, or printed on high- quality photographic paper***

  • all transferred film or digital radiographs must reveal images of diagnostic quality using proper exposure settings and processing procedures

*electronic record keeping - ANS when electronic records are kept, a dentist *must keep either a duplicate hard copy or use an inalterable electronic record

Hep B vaccination - ANS a minor may give effect consent for a hep b vaccine, the consent of no other person is required.

General supervision DT and ADT - ANS -Perform preliminary charting of the oral cavity, oral health instruction and disease prevention, including nutritional counseling, dietary analysis.

  • Apply topical medications such as, but not limited to, topical fluoride and cavity varnishes in appropriate dosage Perform mechanical polishing. -Etch appropriate enamel surfaces, apply and adjust pit and fissure sealants. -Placement of temporary restorations. -Fabrication of soft occlusal guards and athletic mouthguards. -Pulp vitality testing.

*-Administer local anesthesia. *- Administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia.

  • Take radiographs. *-Application of desensitizing medication or resin
  • Tissue conditioning and soft reline. -Atraumatic restorative therapy.
  • Dressing changes, including dry socket *- Dispense and administer analgesics, anti‐inflammatories, and antibiotics as permitted by the collaborative management agreement. Advanced Dental Therapist may provide, dispense and administer. --Tooth reimplantation.

*General supervision for ADT and

  • Indirect supervision for DT** - ANS -Stabilization of reimplanted teeth. -Cavity preparation; and restoration of primary and permanent teeth. -Pulpotomies on primary teeth: and indirect and direct pulp capping on primary and permanent teeth. Placement and removal of space maintainer - fixed or removable -Remove sutures. -Brush biopsies.
  • Repair of defective prosthetic devices -Placement of temporary crowns: and preparation and placement of preformed stainless steel and resin crowns. -Provide emergency palliative treatment of dental pain. ADT DT Recement permanent crowns. -Extractions of primary teeth

ADT only -* Extraction of periodontaly diseased permanent teeth with mobility of +3 to +4 as permitted by the collaborative management agreement. Not to include unerupted, impacted, fractured, or need for sectioning. - Oral evaluation and assessment of dental disease and the formation of an individualized treatment plan authorized by a collaborating dentist. -Make appropriate referrals to dentists, physicians, and other practitioners in consultation with the collaborating dentist.

*LDA General Supervision - ANS -Complete preliminary charting of the oral cavity and surrounding structures with the exception of periodontal probing and assessment of the periodontal structure

General supervision LDA and DH - ANS -Obtain informed consent within scope of practice.

  • Take vital signs such as pulse rate and blood pressure (as directed by a dentist).
  • Take photographs extraorally or intraorally. -Take radiographs.

*General supervision DH - ANS -Make referrals to dentists, physicians, and other practitioners in consultation with a dentist.

-Complete debridement, prophylaxis, and nonsurgical periodontal therapy.

-** Perform preliminary charting of the oral cavity and surrounding structures to include case histories, perform initial and periodic examinations and assessments to determine periodontal status, and formulate a dental hygiene treatment plan in coordination with a dentist's treatment plan.

DH general supervision - ANS -*Place subgingival medicaments.

  • Salivary analysis. -Nutritional counseling. -* Administer local anesthesia.

*DH general and LDA INDIRECT - ANS *** Perform mechanical polishing to clinical crowns not including instrumentation. Removal of calculus by instrumentation must be done by the dentist or dental hygienist before mechanical polishing

DH general and LDA DIRECT SUPERVISON - ANS Administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia pursuant to the rule provisions.

*DH general and LDA INDIRECT SUPERVISION - ANS *Monitor a patient who has been induced by a dentist into nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia.

Restorative procedures LDA and DH - ANS : (1) place, contour, and adjust amalgam restorations; (2) place, contour, and adjust glass ionomer; (3) adapt and cement stainless steel crowns; and (4) place, contour, and adjust class I, II, and V supragingival composite restorations on primary and permanent dentition. (b) The restorative procedures described in paragraph (a) may be performed only if: (1) the licensed dental hygienist or licensed dental assistant has completed a board-approved course on the specific procedures; (2) the board-approved course includes a component that sufficiently prepares the licensed dental hygienist or licensed dental assistant to adjust the occlusion on the newly placed restoration; (3) a licensed dentist or licensed advanced dental therapist has authorized the procedure to be performed; and (4) a licensed dentist or licensed advanced dental therapist is available in the clinic while the procedure is being performed. (c) The dental faculty who teaches the educators of the board-approved courses specified in paragraph (b) must have prior experience teaching these procedures in an accredited dental education program

Dental Tech - ANS. Every licensed dentist and dental therapist who uses the services of any unlicensed person, other than under the dentist's or dental therapist's supervision and within the same practice setting, for the purpose of constructing, altering, repairing or duplicating any denture, partial denture, crown, bridge, splint, orthodontic, prosthetic or other dental appliance, shall be required to furnish such unlicensed person with a written work order in such form as shall be prescribed by the rules of the board. The work order shall be made in duplicate form, a duplicate copy to be retained in a permanent file of the dentist or dental therapist at the practice setting for a period of two years, and the original to be retained in a permanent file for a period of two years by the unlicensed person in that person's place of business. The permanent file of work orders to be kept by the dentist, dental therapist, or unlicensed person shall be open to inspection at any reasonable time by the board or its duly constituted agent.

*Make available hepatitis B vaccinations to all workers with occupational exposure. - ANS This vaccination must be offered after the worker has received the required bloodborne pathogens training and within 10 days of initial assignment to a job with occupational exposure.

*Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms present in blood that can cause disease in humans. - ANS These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. Workers exposed to bloodborne pathogens are at risk for serious or life-threatening illnesses.

A LDA under indirect supervision is allowed to - ANS remove sutures

which can a DH in Minnesota perform under direct supervision - ANS etch appropriate enamel surface before bonding of ortho appliances

which functions can be performed by a MN LDA when the dentist is not in the office, but prior permission has been given by the dentist - ANS take impressions

if the dentist is not required to be present in the office during the performance of a procedure by a DH, the duty is classified as requiring which type of supervision? - ANS general

falsifying record relating to payment for service is rendered would be considered - ANS conduct unbecoming

minimum CDE hours for LDA and LDH and dentist - ANS 25

50 dentist

what is defined as decrease in or elimination of anxiety? - ANS Anxiolisis

a dentist must access a patients respiratory functions by monitoring of tissue superiors method when administering pharmacological agent for the purpose of - ANS Conscious sedation and general anesthesia

which would a DH in Minnesota perform under direct supervision? - ANS attach pre-fit and pre-adjusted ortho appliances and place and remove matrix bands

which can be preformed by a LDA when the dentist is not in the office, but the dentist bas given prior authorization for the procedures? - ANS taking radiographs and take impressions

in Minnesota a LDA and LDH may etch enamel surfaces prior to - ANS application of pit and fissure sealants and bonding of ortho appliances

t/f is a LDA allowed to re-cement ortho appliances under general supervision? - ANS False

t/f in Minnesota can a LDA adjust on ortho arch wires prior to placement in the patients mouth - ANS false

in Minnesota who can perform a complete prophylaxis - ANS dental hygienist and dentist

when can a dental refuse to treat a patient with HIV infection? - ANS when the patient has a dental condition that would be better treated by a specialist

the services provided by a dental hygienist shall NOT include what? - ANS Final Diagnosis

Core subject - ANS areas of knowledge that relate to public safety and professionalism

as a request of patient, records must be transferred, even if their bill hasn't been paid, T/F - ANS True

*can the dentist charge a patient a fee for transferring records? - ANS yes

when a patient requests a copy of the pt's record for purpose of reviewing current medical care - ANS The provider must NOT charge a fee

fraud upon a patient's or third party payers is called - ANS Conduct unbecoming

if a DT, DH, or DA performs a services not authorized by the Dentist, that behavior is called? - ANS Conduct of unbecoming a license

immediate termination of dental professional - ANS -dependence on alcohol, drugs, or other substances -writing unauthorized prescriptions

Failure to cooperate with the Minnesota board dentistry is considered - ANS Conduct unbecoming a license

Informed consent consists of - ANS -giving options -benefits -risks -costs -patient's approval -signature

Submit new background check when - ANS 1 year

Criminal Law - ANS law that deals with crimes and the punishments associated with those crimes (against society)

Elective credits - ANS activities directly related to, or supportive of the practice of dentistry;

Max. of 10 credits for DH/LDAm 20 for DDS and dental therapists

ex) Self-study-scholarly articles Scholarly activities- presentations Volunteering/Community Service General Attendance- 3 credits for a state or national dental concention

Self reporting: when a regulated person who is diagnosed as infected with HIV, HBV, o HCV report Info to commissioner - ANS no more than 30 days of the diagnosis or 30 days after becoming licensed or registered by the state

*How long can members serve? - ANS 2 consecutive 4 years terms (8 years total)

what qualifications must the DH, DA, DDA have to BECOME part of the board? - ANS lawfully active practice in state for 5 years immediately preceding appointment into the board

monitor a patient on nitrous oxide - ANS DH- General LDA-indirect

Administer local anesthetic - ANS DH- general

Monitor a patient on nitrous - ANS DH-general LDA- indirect