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to introduce students to some of the major works of British fiction, prose and drama in a clear, straightforward way, while providing cultural background for the texts
Typology: Study notes
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Term/Year: winter/ 2011 Instructor: PaedDr. Jana Javorčíková PhD. (office: 023) [email protected]
Number of credits : 2/no exam (! Last day of school – December 15 Friday*)
Course objectives: to introduce students to some of the major works of British fiction, prose and drama in a clear, straightforward way, while providing cultural background for the texts. Number of lessons/week: 1 lecture + 1 seminar (45´) Prerequisites: -
Assessment: Test/seminar or lecture in week 6/TBS** app. 60 points (or 60%) Pop-in quizzes/in seminars/based on weekly readings and lecture app. 5-40 points (5-40%)
Abstracts: 5 points (TBS – bring in week 10) Voluntary activities (this is a privilege, not a right)=additional abstracts, other than in the list of readings: 1% each, max. 3%
Scoring: A……..100-90% ………..100-90 points B………89-85%………… 89- C………84-80%…………..84- D………79-75%…………..79- E……….74-65%…………..74- F………..64-0%……………64-
How to count your scoring: Test (points) + Pop-in quizzes (points) + voluntary activity (points) = total no. of points
VOLUNTARY: Abstracts (1-page document): 1. Author 2. Full title, subtitle and its symbolism 3. Bibliography + 1 st^ published 4. Genre 5. Setting (Where, when), 6. Characters/Protagonists (+ brief characteristics) 7. Brief summary of the plot 8. Theme 9. Statement I remember (+ page), 10. My evaluation
Poems: 1. Author 2. Full title, subtitle and its symbolism 3. Bibliography + 1 st^ published 4. Setting 5. Plot
6. Theme 7. Atmosphere, tone 8. Figures of speech 9. My evaluation
Recommended literature: M. Hilský: Současný Britský Román; Z. Stříbrný: Dejiny Anglické literatury II; The New Pelican Guide to English Literature 8; Olexa, Baštín, Studená: Dejiny anglickej a americkej literatúry
Abbreviations (as used in the lesson plan): MBL – Modern British Literature (TITLE OF THE COURSE) ESS – 20 th^ Century English Short Stories (available in the Resource Centre) Extracts – Extracts – English Fiction for Advanced Students ; and Keep in Touch (available in Resource Centre) MBSS – Modern British Short Stories (available in Resource Centre) Katedry (blue tag on the top) Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky Vyučujúci katedy Jana Javorčíková, PhD. Moderná Britská literatúra Password: mbl1 or mbl
W Lecture Seminar (read your homework to get ready for seminars/pop-in quizzes) All texts available on web-page!
Required list of readings (available in your local libraries)
- for state exams
Cultural background to MBL Centralisation vs. decentralisation of culture, Beveridgism, Butskellism
D. Lodge: Small World (extract)
Anti-hero, new wave
J. Wain: Manhood In: Keep in Touch; pp. 36-
J. Osborne: Look Back in Anger , Act 1 In: KAA library
J. Osborne: Look Back in Anger (Acts 1-2; read for the test)
Little Englandism
In: Keep in Touch; pp. 115-
Era (D. Lessing, J. G. Farrell, P. Scott)
post-imperial novels
P. Scott: The Jewel in the Crown , In: Extracts; pp. 53-
D. Lessing: Little Tembi In: KAA library
Novelists of the 70´s and 80´s India, Japan and the Novel K. Ishiguro, S. Rushdie
Floating world, meanders of memory
K. Ishiguro: A Family Supper In: MBSS; pp. 434-
S. Rushdie: The Prophet´s Hair, In: MBSS; pp. 389-
Recommended: K. Ishiguro: video: Remains of the Day
P.Snow Greenland, river-novel
G. Greene: The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen In: ESS; pp. 118-
Recommended: G. Greene: Our Man In Havana or Quiet American or Heart of the Matter
(William Golding, Lawrence Durrell) fables, myth, allegory
W. Golding: Lord of the Flies In: Extracts; pp. 45-
W. Golding: Lord of the Flies (read for the exams)
British Poetry after 1945 – The Movement
J. Betjeman: In Westminster Abbey In: Modern Poetry; p. 96
British Poetry after 1945 – The Movement
Credit awarding/lecture* END OF WINTER TERM