Download Motivation and Emotions in General Psychology - Study Guide | PSYC 210 and more Study notes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! 1 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY (PSYC 210) Study Guide: Motivation and Emotion Clara B. Jones, Ph.D. What is MOTIVATION? The ways in which actions are initiated, sustained, and directed. General Model: Need-- Drive-- Response-- Goal-- Need Reduction-- Need, etc. What is the value of incentives? 1. Primary motives (1º): survival (e.g., hunger, thirst) --1º motives and homeostasis (bodily equilibrium/balance) --steady state [role of hypothalamus (HT)/pituitary complex] --other factors [e.g., learned effects (culture, conditioning—taste aversion) --1º eating disorders [e.g., anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia (binge/purge) (endogenous and exogenous factors; treatment with Prozac)] 2.Stimulus motives: e.g., sex, exploration --drive for stimulation (inverted-U curve) --circadian rhythms [daily cycles (e.g., wake/sleep; How related to shift work and jet lag?)] 3. Learned or Secondary (2º) motives: e.g., status, achievement --achievement motivation (nAch) (McClelland) --fear of success related to nAch; fear of failure (Are sex differences observed in these two processes?) --Benjamin Bloom’s work: drive and determination not natural talent determines success --Maslow’s Hierarchy of Motives [basic needs (food, water, sex, self-esteem, love); growth needs (self-actualization); meta-needs (justice, beauty, truth)] --“emotional intelligence”: Daniel Goleman (success determined primarily by “social skills” not by intelligence) Intrinsic (motivation and emotion and feelings) and Extrinsic (rewards) Motivation EMOTION (Latin: “to move”) --feedback about bodily states (e.g., change in mood) Primary (1º) emotions (fear, disgust, anger) --physiology and emotion (e.g., frontal cortex: impulse control) --arousal: “flight or flight” [autonomic nervous system (ANS: parasympathetic/sympathetic); sex differences?] Theories of Emotion --James-Lange Theory: emotions/feelings follow bodily arousal and are the result of arousal (conscious!)