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Download MPOETC TEST 1 EXAM WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS and more Exams Poetics in PDF only on Docsity!


Academy mission correct answersTechnical competency required to preform the duties of a police officer 3 main skills for success correct answersLearning skills Study skills Test taking skills Learning skills correct answers- listen actively โ€”- mindset โ€”- preparation โ€”- anticipate what the instructor is going to say next

  • participate โ€”- exchange ideas โ€”- share your experiences โ€”- ask questions -organization โ€”- clarity -posture โ€”- maintain eye contact
  • take notes โ€”- 80% of what you don't write down you lose
  • think critically โ€”- open minded โ€”- evaluate the creditably of the source. Characteristics of learning correct answers- Understanding the information
  • Retaining the information 6 ways to retain information correct answers1. Picture/seeing
  1. Listening
  2. Writing
  3. Reading
  4. Review
  5. Teaching Where do we get the authority to do our jobs? correct answers- Title 18 crimes code
  • Case Law As police we do not correct answers- Punish the violator
  • Dismiss charges
  • Find the person guilty Federal civil rights act of 1871 correct answersSection 1983
  • allows police to be sued civilly but not criminally Civil actions may be instituted for violations of what rights correct answers1. Life
  1. Freedom
  2. Dignity
  3. Health Common civil cases for police officers correct answers1. Excessive use of force
  4. Unlawful restraint or arrest
  5. False imprisonment
  6. Failure to protect
  7. Unlawful search and seizure

3 defenses available to officers accused of wrong doing correct answers1. Justification

  1. Good faith
  2. Immunity Ethics correct answersCode of values fir behavior based on what is morally good or bad
  • not a philosophy Why are ethics necessary? correct answers- Good reputation
  • Professionalism Guide for quality service correct answersCode of ethics Discretion correct answersThe power or right to decide or act showing ones good judgement
  • always be ready to document your reasoning why you made that choice Advantages of discretion correct answersAllows officer to treat people fairly under different circumstances Disadvantage to discretion correct answersProvides opportunity for corruption What is least likely to effect judgement? correct answersPolicy Fundamental duty of a police officer correct answersServe mankind A.C.T. correct answersA process of ethical decision making A-Alternative C-Consequences

T-Tell your story Police Misconduct correct answersInappropriate actions taken by police officers in connection with their official duties (violations to policy or rules) Corruption correct answersA violation of public trust Malfeasance correct answersIllegal, unjustified act that violates the public trust and is preformed by a public official Community policing correct answersA philosophy Trust correct answersPower granted by the government Community order policing correct answersOfficers relationship with the community Community correct answersA group of persons in a geographic area who have one or more morales. A social group of any size who's members in a specific location. Police citizen partnership correct answersHas nothing to do with budget! Community involvement in policing correct answersCan be a force multiplier that can assist law enforcement officers 9 P's of policing correct answers1. Philosophy

  1. Personalized
  2. Policing
  3. Patrol
  4. Permanent
  5. Place
  1. Proactive
  2. Partnership
  3. Problem solving S.A.R.A. correct answersS-Scanning A-Analyze R-Response A-Assessment Key steps in problem solving What is the 3 parts of the crime triangle correct answers1. Victim
  4. Offender
  5. Place 4 levels of government correct answers1. Local/municipal
  6. County
  7. State
  8. Federal What doesn't the sheriff office focus on? correct answersCriminal investigation While booking.. correct answersYou'll need basic information
  • not attorneys the offender has When writing a good report correct answers- don't use opinion
  • avoid technical jargon
  • accurate field note taking
  • chronological order
  • proper grammar

3 branches to US government correct answersLegislative, Executive, Judicial Who established ACT 120 correct answersA legislator in 1974