Download Ms project for project management for design an managing project and more Lecture notes Project Management in PDF only on Docsity! MS Project Tutorial Prepared by Milton Hurtado CS 587 Software Project Management Instructor: Dr. Atef Bader MS Project in Labs: Available in Siegal Hall Lab in Main Campus Available in Room 210 Rice Campus How to get MS Project ? Download MS project from following link
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Adding tasks and milestones to a Project File 1. On the View menu, click Gantt Chart. 2. In the Task Name field, type a task name, and then press TAB. (Microsoft Project enters an estimated duration of one day for the task followed by a question mark) 3. In the Duration field, type the amount of time each task will take in months, weeks, days, hours, or minutes, not counting nonworking time. (By default the time period will be days, but that can be changed to hours, months, etc.) 4. Press ENTER. 5. It should look like the figure below: 6. To add a milestone the only difference is that the duration of the activity must be zero (below is an example): Note: By double clicking on a Task or milestone, you can modify its information with a form that prompts Grouping Tasks in Logical Order (WBS Outline) 1. Click once on the first activity of the group of activities you want to group. For the example Activities 4 and 5 2. Then click on the option “New Task” in the “Insert” Menu to insert a new task that will represent the name of the group (“Group 1” for this example) 3. Then select the tasks below (4 and 5) and then click in the option “Outline-Indent” in the “Project” Menu Outlining helps organize your tasks into more manageable chunks. You can indent related tasks under a more general task, creating a hierarchy. The general tasks are called summary tasks; the indented tasks below the summary task are subtasks. A summary task's start and finish dates are determined by the start and finish dates of its earliest and latest subtasks. Find Critical Path Critical Path Analysis (CPA) helps you to lay out all tasks that must be completed as part of a project. CPA helps you to identify the minimum length of time needed to complete a project For finding CP list all the activities and enter early start, late start, early finish and late finish info of all the activities. You can do this under insert/columns and selecting each terms. Following screen shot demonstrates how to insert. Project automatically calculates ES, EF, LS and LF based on the starting/ending dates you have provided.
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Now lets try a small example, step by step to practice each of the options we have seen so far about how to create a project using MS Project. We are going to use a small set of tasks (Table Below) related to the initial phases of a System Testing Plan (Definition and Design) Design Phase1 days•Test Leader •Tester E, A and B Activity 810. Add Design Documents to CMS (Milestone) Design Phase1 days•Tester E, A and BActivity 79. Check that System is Ready to be Tested Design Phase2 days•Test Manager •Test Leader •Tester E Activity 78. Review Test Plan and Attachments Design Phase3 days•Tester A and BActivity 67. Prepare Tools and Test Scripts Design Phase1 days•Tester A and BActivity 5 6. Develop Test Item Transmittal Report Design Phase3 days•Tester A and BActivity 4 5. Develop Test Procedure Specification Design Phase5 days•Tester A and BActivity 3 4. Develop Test Case Specification Design Phase8 days•Tester A and BActivity 23. Develop Test Design Specification Design Phase5 days•Test Manager •Test Leader •Tester E Activity 12. Develop Test Plan Definition Phase3 days•Test Manager •Project Manager •Test Leader Requirements Specification Document completed. (Not part of System Testing Plan) 1.RSD Analysis * System Testing PhaseEffort ResponsibilityPredecessorActivity Step by Step Example Step by Step Example (Step 2 – Add Tasks Continued) 3.1 Insert a new task at the beginning that will group everything 3.2 Highlight the tasks that are going to be added as subtasks 3.3 Click on the option “Outline - Indent” 3.4 The final result should look like this, now repeat this steps to create the Subgroups that will represent the phases (Definition and Design) Step by Step Example (Step 2 – Add Tasks Continued) 3.5 Insert a new task at the beginning of the definition tasks Highlight the tasks that are going to be added as subtasks Click on the option “Outline - Indent” The final result should look like this, now repeat this steps to create the Subgroup that will represent the phase “Design” 3.6 3.7 3.8 Step by Step Example (Step 2 – Add Tasks Continued) Click on the option “Outline-Outdent” to move the activity to the left The final result should look like this 3.11 3.9 Insert a new task at the beginning of the Design tasks (Notice that the new task that will work as a group for the “Design Phase” is inside the group “Definition Phase”, therefore we need to Outdent one position to put it at the same level as the Definition Phase) 3.10 Highlight the tasks that are going to be added as subtasks in the design phase and then Click on the option “Outline - Indent” 3.12 1. Got to the view “Resource Sheet” 2. Add the necessary resources to the “Resources Sheet”, we are going to use only the Name, Initials and Standard Rate in $/hr. The resources are going to be taken from the table showed at the beginning of the example, more specifically from the column “Responsibilities” 3. Now, with the Resources already register in the project file, go back to the View “Gantt Chart” 1 2 3 Step by Step Example (Step 3 – Add Resources) 1. Double click the task you want to link to resources available in the “Resource Sheet” 2. Then got to the Tab “Resources” and look up the resources you want to relate to the activity (For the example lets keep the amount of effort of each Resources as 100%, Leveling Resources wont be covered in this tutorial), finally Click the “Ok” button to finish the assignment. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the rest of the tasks 1 2 Step by Step Example (Step 4 – Assign Resources) 1. Adjust the length of the Gantt Chart such that it can be seen in one screen (If Possible), to do this perform a Right Click on top of the Gantt Chart first, a pop-up menu will appear, select the option “Networking Time…” 2. In the form that will open go to the tab “Time Scale” and Change the Major Scale Units to “Months” and the Minor Scale Units to “Weeks”, then press the “Ok” button to see the results in the Gantt Chart. (Adjust as necessary the scales once you are familiar with them) 1 2 Step by Step Example (Step 5 – Adjust the Gantt Chart) As explained before, you can add and hide columns from the Spread sheet, this lets you show exactly what the people needs to see, below is a view with selected fields: Name, Cost, Duration, Resource initials and Start Date. The reader is welcome to experiment with this features and to explore more views that are offered by MS Project, such as resources usage, cost reports, etc. Step by Step Example (Step 8 – A Better View) 1. For this example we are saving the file at the end, but it is recommended that you save the file frequently while you are working to avoid losing data as a result of problems such as a Power Failure for instance. 2. You can chose between saving the file with or without Baseline (the difference was explained before in this Tutorial) 1 2 Step by Step Example (Step 9 –Save the File)