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Mssc Quality Practice Test Exam (Elaborated Questions and Answers) Quality - CORRECT ANSWER-A product meets or exceeds the expectations and the needs of the customer. Quality Planning - CORRECT ANSWER-Designing a process that is capable of meeting quality standards. Inspection - CORRECT ANSWER-An assessment activity that compares a specific product quality with a standard value; taking a measurement and comparing it to a standard. Quality Audit - CORRECT ANSWER-An independent review that compares some aspect of quality performance with the standard for that performance. Non conforming Product - CORRECT ANSWER-A product that does not meet specifications. Quality Management System - CORRECT ANSWER-A plan that focuses the efforts of an organization on the quality of their products and meeting customer needs.
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Quality - CORRECT ANSWER-A product meets or exceeds the expectations and the needs of the customer. Quality Planning - CORRECT ANSWER-Designing a process that is capable of meeting quality standards. Inspection - CORRECT ANSWER-An assessment activity that compares a specific product quality with a standard value; taking a measurement and comparing it to a standard. Quality Audit - CORRECT ANSWER-An independent review that compares some aspect of quality performance with the standard for that performance. Non conforming Product - CORRECT ANSWER-A product that does not meet specifications. Quality Management System - CORRECT ANSWER-A plan that focuses the efforts of an organization on the quality of their products and meeting customer needs. ISO 9000 - CORRECT ANSWER-A family of international standards that apply to the design and implementation of quality systems. Total Quality Management - CORRECT ANSWER-A quality management system built around an effort to improve quality, involve everyone in the organization, and most importantly, ensure customer satisfaction. TQM - CORRECT ANSWER-Total Quality Management Six Sigma - CORRECT ANSWER-A set of quality management tools that uses a statistical data approach to reduce defects and improve and maintain quality. Quality Assessment - CORRECT ANSWER-A company-wide review of the status of quality. Statistical Process Control - CORRECT ANSWER-An evaluation of process data, using statistical methods, to determine whether a process is in control. SPC - CORRECT ANSWER-Statistical Process Control
Histogram - CORRECT ANSWER-A graph that shows the frequency distribution of data—that is, how many, or how often, measured values fall within a certain range. Run Chart - CORRECT ANSWER-A chart that tracks a measured value over time. Benchmarking - CORRECT ANSWER-The process of identifying, sharing, and using the performance of industry leaders. PDCA Cycle - CORRECT ANSWER-A simple process for implementing continuous improvement changes in four steps: plan, do, check, and act. PDCA - CORRECT ANSWER-Plan Do Check Act Quality Team - CORRECT ANSWER-A project team that brings together people from various parts of a process to implement improvements. Inspection Plan - CORRECT ANSWER-An explanation of the points at which inspection is required, the data to be collected, and the actions that occur as a result of the inspection. Automated Inspection System - CORRECT ANSWER-A computerized system that measures, records, and reports inspection results without human input. Sampling Plan - CORRECT ANSWER-A document that specifies the frequency, size, and type of sample to be inspected. Traceability - CORRECT ANSWER-The record of a material's history. Auditor - CORRECT ANSWER-A trained, independent person or team that performs a quality audit. Internal Audit - CORRECT ANSWER-A quality audit requested from within the company, generally either by management or by a quality team. External Audit - CORRECT ANSWER-A quality audit that is requested by a party outside the company, such as a customer or regulatory agency. Audit Report - CORRECT ANSWER-A document that identifies the purpose of an audit, reports the auditor's observations, and assesses the process. Root Cause - CORRECT ANSWER-The deficiency in a system that explains why a problem exists. Root Cause Failure Analysis - CORRECT ANSWER-The procedure to determine the cause of a defective product or a nonconforming process.
RCFA - CORRECT ANSWER-Root Cause Failure Analysis Cause-and-Effect Diagram - CORRECT ANSWER-A problem-analysis tool used to identify the possible factors that effect an outcome. Also, called Fishbone diagram or Ishiwawa diagram. Fishbone diagram/Ishiwawa diagram. - CORRECT ANSWER-Cause-and-Effect Diagram Design of Experiments - CORRECT ANSWER-A structured method to determine the relationship between various factors affecting a process and the process output. DoE - CORRECT ANSWER-Design of Experiments Closed-Loop Process - CORRECT ANSWER-A process that is not complete until the effectiveness of a change has been verified. Effectiveness Check - CORRECT ANSWER-Comparison of data collected before a change with that collected after the change to verify that it worked. Corrective Action Report - CORRECT ANSWER-A document used to communicate information about a corrective action. CAR - CORRECT ANSWER-Corrective Action Report Calibration - CORRECT ANSWER-The adjustment of a measuring tool so that it will measure accurately to a known standard. X Bar - CORRECT ANSWER-A chart that will plot the average value of a subgroup. ECN - CORRECT ANSWER-Engineering Change Notice COPQ - CORRECT ANSWER-Cost of Poor Quality CAPA - CORRECT ANSWER-Corrective and Preventive Action DIRFT - CORRECT ANSWER-Doing It Right First Time Pareto Chart - CORRECT ANSWER-Graphically depicts separation of vital few from trivial many data. NIST - CORRECT ANSWER-National Institute of Standard Technology Poka Yoke (poh-kah yoh-kay) - CORRECT ANSWER-Japanese Term for "Mistake Proofing."
Correction - CORRECT ANSWER-An action intended to remedy a defect or remove a nonconformity. JIT - CORRECT ANSWER-Just In Time Kaiken - CORRECT ANSWER-The Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement." Just In Time Production - CORRECT ANSWER-A manufacturing practice that uses a pull system to bring material to a workstation just as work is completed on the previous batch of material. MSA - CORRECT ANSWER-Measurement System Analysis DMAIC - CORRECT ANSWER-Define Measure Analyze Improve Control 5S - CORRECT ANSWER-1.Sorting 2.Straightening 3.Shining 4.Standardizing 5.Sustaining 5S+1 - CORRECT ANSWER-1.Sorting 2.Straightening 3.Shining 4.Standardizing 5.Sustaining +1.Safety Kan Ban - CORRECT ANSWER-A signal that indicates that material is needed at the next workstation. Kanban is the Japanese word for "card." 5 Whys - CORRECT ANSWER-A simple method of helping uncover the root cause.