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A collection of multiple-choice questions and answers related to safety in the workplace, particularly focusing on team dynamics, customer service, and training. It covers topics such as team development stages, effective communication, problem analysis tools, customer satisfaction, and the importance of training in manufacturing environments. Useful for students studying safety management, industrial engineering, or related fields.
Typology: Exams
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To be successful, must be tied to the company's business plan. - correct answer team goals The first stage in a team development process is an awkward stage for the team members called. - correct answer forming When a team sets objectives that they wish to accomplish, care should be taken to ensure that these objectives are. - correct answer measurable Reaching a means that although the chosen solution may not be the first choice of everyone on the team, each member supports that solution as a viable option. - correct answer consensus When a team is formed to tackle a problem, a. - correct answer team kickoff meeting is held to get everyone up to speed on the task and meet each other Promoting competition among teams or departments. - correct answer Is not a reason to set measurable team goals Which of the following is not used as a problem analysis tool? - correct answer shipping manifest is a technique teams use for generating as many ideas as possible. - correct answer brainstorming Improving external customer satisfaction is the main objective of. - correct answer customer service departments
A(n) customer is a person or organization that receives services or products in exchange for compensation. - correct answer external Customer satisfaction should always be the first objective considered when developing. - correct answer new or improved products Teamwork, concurrent engineering, tools and techniques are needed in order to make productive. - correct answer product introduction Company objectives and production goals are important pieces of data to a
. - correct answer self-directed work team In customer service, it is important to. - correct answer look into the customer's problem, find a solution, and follow through Which type of customer service information stored in a database could help to improve product quality? - correct answer concerns customers have with specific products Teams should strictly enforce rules about to minimize conflict. - correct answer arguing Engineers working with manufacturing to become aware of tooling limitations and other problems that may increase production time and cost is an example of . - correct answer concurrent engineering Vendors could be considered what type of customer? - correct answer external In a team, the is one who will stimulate or guide the group to think of ideas. - correct answer facilitator
Top level management must support a team for it to be. - correct answer successful is a design methodology that designs features into the product that make it cheaper to manufacture while maintaining its ability to perform its intended function. - correct answer Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) When a customer service agent answers the phone, they should try to answer between the. - correct answer second and the fourth ring During a team meeting, any solutions to the problem being discussed that do not meet one or more of the must-have criteria should be. - correct answer eliminated Supervisors should set measurable objectives to. - correct answer have good performance criteria for review of employee performance Product designers should always consider the effects of tooling design and cost during. - correct answer prototype development To ensure that a team has meetings, rules for team behavior should be enforced. - correct answer productive Customer service refers to the people and other resources a company devotes to
. - correct answer assisting customers A team should develop a spending plan as part of their decision making process . - correct answer to ensure that they do not exceed the amount of money allocated to the project Product design teams should provide an environment that encourages team members to. - correct answer add their design ideas freely
must know all the team roles. - correct answer a team leader The of the product describes the features required for the product to perform the tasks for which it was intended. - correct answer function involves every employee in the company continually looking for ways to improve processes, and eliminate wasteful actions. - correct answer continuous improvement People working together discussing issues and making decisions are key elements of a. - correct answer successful work group A copy of the relevant OSHA standard must be available to workers who attend
. - correct answer OHSA required training The specific tasks an employee will be required to perform are described in . - correct answer job descriptions Communications skills used by team members should include , oral communication, written comprehension, and listening skills. - correct answer written communication Companies often add production by adding another shift. If operators are hired for a new shift, what will be needed? - correct answer Training records of existing operators management presents the information about the production process in a visual format so that workers can use it to improve efficiency and promote safety. - correct answer Visual When a new piece of equipment is installed, operators should receive before the machine goes into production. - correct answer training
The equipment manufacturer is often the best source of. - correct answer training on a new piece of equipment Companies have a better ability to match workers to specific job needs if they use
. - correct answer Cross-training In manufacturing, changes to processes, equipment and people are the largest drivers of. - correct answer training Operators should be given more training specifically related to the machine if what occurs? - correct answer The operator is not producing parts that meet specifications Documentation on the quality of a training session. - correct answer is not required A flash drive (also known as a keychain or jump drive) or a floppy disk is used to store data that. - correct answer might need to be viewed or printed from a computer in another location A is used to establish a baseline measurement for evaluation of the process. - correct answer metric Cross-training increases an employee's value to the company because they have additional skills and. - correct answer a better understanding of related job functions Project management should include a to enable team leaders on other projects to identify availability of potential team members. - correct answer Planned release of personnel as the project comes to an end
New and existing employees should receive training/cross-training with an experienced worker. - correct answer so that there is not a shortage of skilled workers due to employee retirement When you give positive feedback, always make sure that you are. - correct answer sincere A machinist who has learned to weld has undergone. - correct answer cross-training Demonstrating the skills and abilities learned is a common component of a(n)
. - correct answer apprentice program Clear statements of expectations are needed when. - correct answer training employees In today's competitive markets, processes and people are constantly changing, resulting in a large need for. - correct answer training To be successful in achieving a goal, a must be capable of bringing people together, motivating them and finally focusing them in the right direction. - correct answer leader Job shadowing requires a employee that is being cross-trained to. - correct answer work closely alongside an experienced worker as their shadow The training department is the typical source of information. - correct answer Procedures and policy Manufacturing companies use to save time and reduce cost of operation. - correct answer training
An organizational method for the production areas that groups together all the machines that are needed to produce a part or a group of parts is called manufacturing. - correct answer cellular A training matrix or database that contains a list of employees and their specific skills. - correct answer should be used to assign people to jobs in areas where they already contain the required skills Communicating is important when training employees. - correct answer at the appropriate level A good manager will attempt to develop a compromise between two workers who
. - correct answer have developed a conflict Measurable are important to the training process. - correct answer objectives One method used by to get a team started in the right direction is to sequence the start up activities. - correct answer a team leader Priority jobs should be discussed. - correct answer at the beginning of shift meetings An employee that is promoted. - correct answer usually receives additional training for the new position An average worker's productivity would be included in. - correct answer job standards description When team members reach a significant point in their work to improve a process, it is called a. - correct answer milestone
A team leader is responsible for setting up internal quality audits to verify that
. - correct answer procedures are in place and being followed When is the best time to offer safety-related training to employees? - correct answer at new employee orientation An employee will receive an update to their training record to reflect their certification when. - correct answer forklift training is completed An employee should perform an immediate emergency shutdown of their machine and evacuate the building if. - correct answer An evacuation alarm goes off whether or not there is a sign of danger Anyone who notices another employee engaging in an unsafe practice should . - correct answer Give constructive input to the employee to encourage good safety practice When a supervisor is aware of a personal argument between two employees, what should he/she do? - correct answer Make sure there are no threats to an employee's safety Every person in the company is responsible for. - correct answer Preventing unsafe conditions Data results are required to be made available to employees who participate in . - correct answer Environmental tests Supervisors and/or safety committees should be made aware of. - correct answer possible improvements in ergonomics Everyone in the workplace is responsible for. - correct answer accident prevention
An assessment of safety and environmental compliance is required when
. - correct answer installing new equipment If you notice an employee acting in a manner that jeopardizes the safety of others, and you do not feel comfortable approaching that person, you should . - correct answer report the person to a supervisor immediately Operation procedures would not normally be found in. - correct answer emergency manuals The should be informed if one of the contractors is creating or operating in an unsafe condition. - correct answer project manager When an alarm sounds, you should initiate emergency shutdown procedures and evacuate. - correct answer immediately The human resources department is the most common source of information about. - correct answer appropriate behavior If you note that an air handling machine is making a noise you think might be abnormal what should you do? - correct answer Contact the maintenance department Zero tolerance is a typical company policy to address. - correct answer violent behavior A safety team may decide a safety audit is required when. - correct answer An accident occurs involving an oil spill OSHA conducts inspections for a number of reasons, which are categorized into four priority levels according to their severity. A Priority 1 indicates. - correct answer Imminent danger - a danger that may cause death or serious physical harm
is the cause of many industrial accidents. - correct answer Carelessness Everyone is responsible for. - correct answer accident prevention What should a worker do if a paint filtering system breaks down and paint is being blown out on top of the roof? - correct answer The system should be shut down. What is a symptom of drug and alcohol abuse? - correct answer Decreased productivity Potential hazards associated with equipment should be identified when
. - correct answer new equipment is being designed for a process The company handbook usually contains policies on a wide variety of topics, including. - correct answer safety regulations A walk-through safety inspection is performed by the company's. - correct answer Safety Committee When circumstances at work create a dangerous situation, you should . - correct answer not proceed until the dangerous situation is eliminated. The team leader or supervisor should immediately be told of. - correct answer any industrial injuries Human caused emergencies may be broken down further into two sub-categories and accidental. - correct answer hostile
OSHA stands for. - correct answer Occupational Safety and Health Administration If you notice a forklift truck driver operating the forklift while falling asleep, you should. - correct answer Get them off the forklift. Taking corrective action based on safety suggestions from employees will
. - correct answer encourage employees to report safety suggestions. You should immediately report to reduce the possibility of other complications. - correct answer On-the-job injuries New employees or contractors should be instructed on proper evacuation procedures. - correct answer to ensure they can exit the facility safely in case of an emergency Which of the following should be done when a new or different machine is installed? - correct answer a job safety analysis is the federal agency that publishes and enforces safety and health regulations for companies in the United States. - correct answer OHSA Sharp objects can pierce the of the shoe resulting in puncture wounds to the foot. - correct answer sole OSHA defines air as oxygen-deficient if it contains less than percent oxygen. - correct answer 19. respirators purify the air by filtering the air to reduce the concentration of substances such as dusts, mists and fumes. - correct answer Particulate removing
Clothing worn to protect against electrical shock must be. - correct answer non-conductive To check for leaks on a half-mask respirator when inhaling, cover the with the palms of your hands. - correct answer cartridges Hearing protection includes ear plugs, canal caps and. - correct answer ear muffs gloves protect against electrical surges. - correct answer Insulated gloves To protect your hands, you should only wear gloves approved by. - correct answer ASTM are similar to safety glasses except that they provide a tighter fit. - correct answer Goggles OSHA provides regulations to limit the. - correct answer exposure to noise A certification from a physician is required before. - correct answer Using air breathing apparatus Safety glasses with side shields should be worn with for additional eye protection. - correct answer a welding helmet Personal protection devices, such as safety glasses and welding helmets, should be inspected. - correct answer to ensure they are not damaged and have a proper fit
A should be worn to protect the face from splashes or flying particles. - correct answer face shield The first step in inserting a foam ear plug is to. - correct answer roll and compress the plug between your thumb and forefinger Inhalation is the most common way for a(n) to enter the body. - correct answer chemical Screwdrivers are a frequent cause of injury to. - correct answer hands OSHA has set the permissible noise level at decibels for an eight- hour period. - correct answer 90 When working in areas that have extreme respiratory conditions, such as a confined space with toxic fumes, a should be used. - correct answer self-contained breathing apparatus Before workers work in areas that require , they should have a medical exam to determine if they have a pre-existing health problem. - correct answer respirators wounds are caused by narrow sharp objects penetrating deep into the skin tissue. - correct answer Puncture Painting on a hard hat should be avoided because it might. - correct answer react with the composition of the headwear and reduce its effectiveness Working around live electrical circuits requires a worker to wear gloves approved by. - correct answer ASTM
are cylindrical pieces of foam stamped from a foam sheet. - correct answer Disposable PVC foam plugs A respirator only covers the nose and mouth of the user. - correct answer quarter-mask Ear plugs should be replaced when they are no longer. - correct answer pliable To protect the eyes from welding flash, welders must use. - correct answer welding helmet shoes provide foot protection against falling objects. - correct answer steel toe are commonly made from leather and designed to go over a welder's pants to protect their legs from molten metal or sparks. - correct answer Chaps One of the most common causes of head injuries is. - correct answer banging your head into an unseen object Leather shoes are worn during welding to protect the feet from. - correct answer stray drops of molten metal are formed when a solid, such as a metal, is heated above its boiling point and then condensed in cool air. - correct answer Fumes Welding creates a bright light that can damage the. - correct answer eyes hazards include anything that can cause cuts, scrapes, punctures or impacts. - correct answer Mechanical
When working under equipment or personnel,. - correct answer head protection is needed Safety glasses with side shields should be used when working with. - correct answer a grinding wheel In areas where noise levels are excessive, should be utilized. - correct answer hearing protection Class G hard hats are and provide some protection from contact with live electrical circuits. They are tested at 2200 volts. - correct answer non- conductive Which of the following is considered an electrical hazard? - correct answer overloading a circuit If you are the only trained first aid provider at the scene of an accident, you should. - correct answer ask a bystander to call 911 while you attend to the victim A paper fire can be safely extinguished using a Class fire extinguisher. - correct answer A Call 911 immediately if you notice that another worker. - correct answer has swallowed a cleaning chemical When performing an electrical lockout/tagout, the last thing the worker should do is. - correct answer test the locked out equipment for power When a small fire is noticed near a cabinet of flammable materials you should first. - correct answer sound the alarm
A CO2 fire extinguisher is used for which type of fire? - correct answer electrical A fire extinguisher operates by removing the fuel, heat, or oxygen from the fire. - correct answer True When attending to a person with possible broken bones you should. - correct answer only move the person if they are in immediate danger To avoid potential fires, combustible materials must be kept a minimum of feet from any potential ignition sources. - correct answer 35 If a worker gets a caustic chemical in his or her eyes, what is the first action that should be taken? - correct answer flush eyes with water When responding to a workplace accident do not. - correct answer put yourself in danger Cold water is the best treatment for. - correct answer minor burns A person should work on a live electrical circuit. - correct answer never If a person has swallowed a chemical you should. - correct answer call 911 or poison control and tell them what chemical was taken A class C fire is one that consists of burning. - correct answer live electrical lines or equipment To prevent fire hazard, the following action should be taken. - correct answer Dispose of rags promptly
The dates and charge on the fire extinguishers should be checked. - correct answer When performing a weekly inspection of fire system An eyewash station is required within a 10 second walk of workers who use
. - correct answer acids or caustics on a daily basis When performing work on equipment you should. - correct answer never work on a live electrical circuit. The first thing to do when treating someone for electric shock is. - correct answer remove the source of electric shock To allow for proper fire protection, which of the following is important? - correct answer Door ways are closed and paths be clear In an area that consistently contains dust, or other combustibles you should . - correct answer remove all sources of ignition A suitable eyewash station should provide continuous water flow for at least . - correct answer 15 minutes Open flames should not be used in a dust area because of. - correct answer possible ignition or explosion First aid is. - correct answer immediate care given to an injured person until professional medical personnel arrive Someone throws a cigarette into a trash can and the contents of the can catch on fire. The employee that notices the fire should. - correct answer sound the alarm
If you have even a minor accident at work, you should. - correct answer contact your supervisor immediately The action taken to treat an injury until medical help arrives is called.
The fire extinguisher does not leave a harmful residue and is sometimes used to put out fires on planes or expensive computer equipment. - correct answer Halon An effective way to kill any potential blood borne pathogen is to. - correct answer clean the blood spill with a 10% solution of bleach and water Blood or other bodily fluids are a source of transmission from one person to another of. - correct answer Bloodborn pathogens An odor is added to so that it is detected easier. - correct answer Natural gas To treat a minor burn, you should. - correct answer run the burn under cool water Only employees who are authorized and trained are allowed to. - correct answer enter a permit-required confined space Keeping your work bench clean and following all safety rules are essential to
. - correct answer maintaining a safe work area Scaffolding may be tied off on which of the following? - correct answer A truss A platform with a height above 10 feet requires. - correct answer a handrail and toe board Using your legs when lifting objects will help prevent injuries. - correct answer back \Oil spots should be cleaned. - correct answer immediately
Which of the following situations is considered a safety hazard in the plant? - correct answer Oil spots on the floor A worker should use pedestrian walkways and doors. - correct answer When forklifts are operating in the area To prevent a worker from being injured in a fall,. - correct answer oil and water spots should be wiped up immediately Safety features on manlifts include , automatic brakes, and emergency shutoffs. - correct answer guard railing It is especially important that employees stay within marked pedestrian aisles when walking through a plant if. - correct answer Forklifts are being used Back injuries are most commonly caused by. - correct answer Improper lifting To protect your back during lifting, you should place your feet shoulder width apart, and then grasp and lift the object. - correct answer bend at the knees Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition caused by. - correct answer Repetitive movements You should always use your legs when. - correct answer Lifting heavy objects A power tool's operation manual generally contains information about the
. - correct answer Safety and operation rules
While moving a load, turning at the waist will. - correct answer increase the chance of back injury A wet floor is a common cause of. - correct answer Fall accidents Adapting the work area to fit the person to reduce stress is called. - correct answer Ergonomics Outside contractors who are hired to clean permit-required confined spaces must provide. - correct answer proof of certification as confined entry personnel Which device of the following requires a certified welder and recertification of the device after the weld? - correct answer pressure rated devices Mirrors help make a safe pedestrian walkway by. - correct answer helping control blind spots Licensure or certification is required. - correct answer to enter a confined space A worker should always place both feet shoulder width apart and bend at the knees before. - correct answer Reaching down to pick up a heavy object Ergonomics guidelines help create a well-designed work setting that will
. - correct answer reduce worker fatigue Achieving a match between the worker, task, tools, and environment is called . - correct answer worker-task fit
A worker should clean up a small spot of liquid on the floor immediately if the liquid is. - correct answer Oil Plant personnel should receive training and have proper authorization before
. - correct answer entering a permit-required confined space To operate a high lift, a worker must be. - correct answer a qualified operator Because of toxic vapors, use of a breathing apparatus. - correct answer is required when working in identified confined spaces Safe work are a means of ensuring all precautions have been taken when a worker has to perform tasks in a situation that may endanger his or her safety or health. - correct answer permits Pedestrian walkway areas that need to be cleanable should not have.
Used oil should be. - correct answer collected by a local environmental service A physical hazard resulting from a substance that may spontaneously combust when exposed to air is called. - correct answer pyrophoric The environmental coordinator. - correct answer should know the proper disposal procedures for waste material When selecting a new chemical to use in the plant, its should be reviewed as part of the decision making process. - correct answer MSDS Hazardous material training should include which of the following? - correct answer How to read MSDSs Dead lead-acid batteries from cars, trucks or industrial vehicles such as forklifts should be. - correct answer given to a battery recycler is a silvery liquid that when spilled emits an extremely toxic vapor into the air. - correct answer Mercury It is most important to clearly label the containers of material before shipping. - correct answer flammable Many products cannot be disposed of using a trash compactor before sending to a landfill. These include: fluorescent light bulbs, spray cans containing all or some of the product, and. - correct answer liquid dyes The emergency response team should be notified immediately if you observe a(n)
. - correct answer Hazardous material spill
An internationally recognized number assigned to a chemical for identification purposes is called the. - correct answer United Nations Identification Number MSDS sheets contain information regarding first aid, the manufacturer, and proper personal protection equipment for use. - correct answer True Employers should provide training in the use of personal protective equipment
. - correct answer to reduce the employee's risk of hazardous material exposure The idea that each person has the right to know about the hazardous substances with which they work is written in. - correct answer the Hazardous Communication Standard The primary place to look for information regarding shipment of specific hazardous materials is the. - correct answer Hazardous Materials Table Hazard information on a GHMIS label is represented by. - correct answer pictograms, a hazard statement, and a signal word When storing lubricants, never. - correct answer store lubricants with other flammable materials The identifies chemicals and sets limits for their use. - correct answer MSDS An MSDS sheet should be locked away in a file and only available to a worker under certain conditions. - correct answer False A worker should not unload a truck if. - correct answer they do not understand a placard on the truck
Hazardous waste is a substance that is no longer wanted that meets the criteria of a. - correct answer Hazardous material A is a chemical that has been scientifically proven to cause acute or chronic health problems to the exposed person. - correct answer health hazard The is a guideline published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists and outlines how much of a particular chemical a worker can be exposed to without an unreasonable health risk. - correct answer Threshold Limit Value (TLV) The materials loaded onto a truck and their potential hazards are identified by
. - correct answer Shipping manifests Drains should be protected when unloading. - correct answer Oil A(n) is any organic compound containing two joined oxygen atoms. This substance is highly explosive and sensitive to shock. - correct answer organic peroxide Waste materials such as scrap metal in an open yard are a possible. - correct answer storm water contamination source The advantage of ISO standards is that it provides a single set of guidelines that should be followed. - correct answer worldwide An employer is responsible for having an MSDS sheet for every chemical that . - correct answer they manufacture, sell or use The PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit) for exposure to hazardous substances are set by. - correct answer OSHA