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What are the steps of a job safety analysis? - ANSWER-Document an itemized sequence of job task,Identify the hazard of each task, Propose potential solutions to problems and Prepare a list of potential problems What does NIOSH stand for? - ANSWER-Nation Institute for Occupational Safety and Health OSHA - ANSWER-The federal agency concerned with the enforcement and regulation of safety regulations. The risk of injury for new employees is more or less likely than for those with experience? - ANSWER-More likely. They are 40% more likely to be injured.
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What are the steps of a job safety analysis? - ANSWER-Document an itemized sequence of job task,Identify the hazard of each task, Propose potential solutions to problems and Prepare a list of potential problems What does NIOSH stand for? - ANSWER-Nation Institute for Occupational Safety and Health OSHA - ANSWER-The federal agency concerned with the enforcement and regulation of safety regulations. The risk of injury for new employees is more or less likely than for those with experience? - ANSWER-More likely. They are 40% more likely to be injured. When is the greatest chance for coming in contact with a blood-borne pathogen? - ANSWER-Contact with bodily fluids while administering first aid. Good Communication is essential to a workplace. To verify that the receiver has understood the message you should... - ANSWER-Have the recipient rephrase what was said in their own words. What color code is commonly used to indicate where radiation is present? - ANSWER- Black on Yellow Threshold limit Value - ANSWER-The airborne concentration of material to which most persons can be exposed to day after day without adverse effects. Ergonomics - ANSWER-The science of designing and arranging things people use to make them safe and efficient. MSDS - ANSWER-Material Safety Data Sheet Flammable liquids - ANSWER-Liquids having a flashpoint below 100F Combustible Liquids - ANSWER-Liquids having a flashpoint above 100F PPE - ANSWER-Personal Protective Equipment DOT - ANSWER-Department of Transportation
When a hazardous situation is discovered it is best to... - ANSWER-Eliminate the hazard completely. Gas fires are what type of fire - ANSWER-Class B Acceptable number of air hoses that can cross a walkway - ANSWER-Zero How high must a guardrail be? - ANSWER-42 inches OSHA citations should be posted for how long? - ANSWER-Three days or until abated. File Card - ANSWER-The proper device to clean a file. LOTO - ANSWER-Lock Out/Tag Out Most common bloodborne pathogen is... - ANSWER-Hepatitis B virus (HBV) BBP - ANSWER-Bloodborne Pathogen Time Management - ANSWER-Art of setting and achieving goals or plans on a schedule Team - ANSWER-Any group of people linked in a common purpose Team Building - ANSWER-The process of establishing and developing a greater sense of collaboration and trust between team members. Teamwork - ANSWER-Concept of people working together cooperatively. Cross Functional Team - ANSWER-A team made up of a group of people with different expertise. A silvery liquid that emits an extremely toxic vapor - ANSWER-Mercury Two types of fit testing for respirators - ANSWER-Qualitative and Quntative Disposable PVC Ear Plugs - ANSWER-Cylindrical pieces of foam stamped out from a sheet. Productivity - ANSWER-Measure of how efficiently goods are produced Tariff - ANSWER-Tax on imported goods. Civil Rights Act - ANSWER-States US employers are prevented by law from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or religion.
Best way to ensure quality is... - ANSWER-Prevent problems before they happen. Number of people employed in manufacturing is about - ANSWER-14 million Three engineering safety controls - ANSWER-Ventilation systems, machine guards and circuit breakers Dust Mask - ANSWER-A simple covering for the lower part of the face. Communication - ANSWER-An exchange of information through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Intranet - ANSWER-An internal computer network for employees and authorized users. SMART goals - ANSWER-Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant and Time based.