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Cellular Respiration and Metabolism Quiz Questions, Exams of Biology

A series of multiple-choice questions related to cellular respiration and metabolism, covering topics such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and fermentation.

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l**8 -^ February^ 29,2ffi

/ uuro"rtzr -Dervartanidn ,/ =$nroul n 04+

1) What is^ the^ term for^ metabolic pathways that^ release^ stored^ energy^

by breaking down^ complex^ 1)^ g molecules?

A) fermentation^ PathwaYs

B) catabolic (^) PathwaYs C) anabolicPathwaYs

D) bioenergetic^ PathwaYs

E) thermodYnamic (^) PathwaYs

2) Which^ of^ the^ following^ statements describes the^ results of this^ reaction?

C6H12o5 + 6^02 *^6 COz^ + 6^ H2O^ +^ EnergY e) OZ^ is^ reducid^ and^ CO2 is^ oxidized'

B) C5,H12O5,is reduced and^ CO2 is^ oddized'

C) CO2 is reduced and^02 is^ oddized'

O) OZ^ is^ oxidized^ and H2O^ is^ reduced'

E) C6H12O5^ is^ oxidized^ and^02 is^ reduced'

  1. Where does glycolysis^ takes place?

A) mitochondrial inner^ membrane

B) mitochondrial intermembrane^ sPace

C) cytosol

D) mitochondrial outer membrane

E) mitochondrial matuix

" (^) Spring 2008


  1. The oxygen consumed^ during^ cellular respiration^ is^ involved directly in which^ Process^ or^ event?^

  2. (^9)

A) the cibic acid^ cYcle

B) accepting eleckons^ at the^ end of the-electron^ kansport^ chain

C) the phosphorylation of^ ADP^ to^ form^ AIP

D) the^ oxidation^ of^ pynrvate^ to acetyl^ CoA

E) glycolysis l

  1. Which^ pr,ocess^ in^ eukaryotic^ cells^ will^ proceed^ normally whether^ oxygen^ (oz) (^) is present or 5) E


A) oxidative PhosPhorylation


the citric^ acid^ cYcle

C) clremiosmosis

D) electron transPort


  1. Substrate-Ievel phosphorylation^ accounts^ for approximately what^ percentage^ of the^ ATP^

q q

. (^) formed during glycolysis? _ _ (^) ?\ 1^nt/^ r\ )a/. E) 0% o Als8% B>to%^ c\loo%^ D)2%^ E)o% i

7)Dufing,glycolysis, *h"r,^ glucose is^ catabolizedto.pyruvate,^ mbst of the energy^

of glucose^ is

A) fransferred toADR^ forming^ ATP.^ "'^ i^ q

B) used. to phosphorylate^ fructose to^ form fructose-6-phosphate'

C) stored inthe^ NADH^ Produced'

D) transferred directlY to^ ATP'

E) retained iJr^ the^ PYruvate'

g) (^) starting with one molecule of glucose, the^ "nef'products^ of glycolysis^ are A) 2 NADH,^ ZlH+.,^ }pyruvate, 2^ NlP,^ an!^2 H2O'

B) 2 FADHZ 2 p5mrvate,^4 AfP'^ and^2 H2O'

C)6CO2 62O,36ATBand2citrate'^ QVy''^ eWVt^ Frrr :frf (^) S.&*0" D) 2 NAD+ ,2H+,2 (^) PYruvate, 2 l^ P,^ and^2 H2O'

E) 6COV 6H2O,2^ AIP,^ and^2 PYruvate'

  1. In glycolysig fot^ each^ molecule of^ glucose^ oxidized^ to^ pyrrvate^

  2. (^) E -A (^4) molecules of ATP are used and 2 molecules of AIP are produced'

B)2moleculesofATPareusedand6moleculesofAlPareproduced. C)5moleculesofAlPareusedand5moleculesofATPareproduced.

D) 2 moleodes of^ ATP^ are used^ and^2 molecules of AIrP^ are^ produced.

E) 2 molecules of^ ATP^ are^ used^ and^4 molecules of^ AIP^ are^ produced'

  1. why^ is glycolysis described^ as^ having^ an^ invesbnent^ phase^ and^ a payoff phase? 10)^ D

A) Iraftaches and^ detaches^ phosphate grouPs'

B) Itboth splits molecules and^ assembles^ molecules'

C) It uses glucose^ and^ gmerates,pynrvate'

, D) It^ uses^ stored.ATP and then^ forms^

a net increase in^ ATP'

E) It shifts molecules^ from^ cytosol to^ mitochondrion'


1L) Which^ of the^ following^ intermediary^ metabolites^ enters^ au^ atti"^ inad^ cycle and is^ formed'^ in^ 11)^ A part by the removal oI^ a^ carbon^ (COt^ from^ one^ molecule of^ pymvate

A) acbtyl CoA

B) lactate C) citrate

D) oxaloacetate



E) glyceraldehYde*3-PhosPhate


I I t.

I Orfn^ to^ Figure^ 9.2,^ showing^ thc^ citric"acid^ cycle,^ as a^

guide to answer the^ following questiona

/ Acetyl CoA oulo"..tuti-'=q-coa NADH 7 dtrate NAD._') (^) /
/ t,olimt" Malite
Jut" (^) " rr^-t{ 4NAD t cof^ ir \ I NADH /.'FADH2 I \t- I \ o-Kdtoglutamte succfurate (^) co2$1,** "
orr*u canYt^ coA{^ ***" ADP + Pi

Figure 9.

L2) How^ many molecules of carbon^ dioxide^ (co2)^ would^ be^ produced^ by^ five"turns of^ the^ citiic^ acid cycle? A) 10 B) 60^ E)s

  1. Carbon dioxide^ (co2)^ is released^ during which^ of^ thefollowing^ stages^ of^ cellular^ respiration?

A) the citric^ acid^ ryde and^ oxidative phosphorylation

B) glycolysis and^ the^ oxidationof^ pynrvate^ to^ acetyl^ CoA

c) oxidation of pymvate^ to acetyl^ coA^ and^ the^ citric^ acid cycle

D) oxidative phosphorylation^ and^ fermentation

E) fermentation and glYcolYsis

14) Cellular respiration harvests^ the most^ dremical^ energy^ from which^ of^ the^ following?

A) converting oxyge+to^ AIP B) chemiosmotic PhosPhorylation

C) substrate -level phosphorylation

D) generating carbon^ dioxide^ and oxygen^ in^ the^ electron^ bansport chain

E) transferring electrons^ from^ organic molecules^ to^ pyruvate

  1. Where are^ the^ proteins of the electron transport chaih located?^


A) rytosol

B) mitochondrial outer membrane

C) mitochondrial matrix

D) mitochondrial inner^ membrane

E) mitoclrcndrial intermembrane^ sPace

c)2 D)^ L

  1. (^) A


  1. (^) ts

1s) (^) D


16) The primary rold of oxygen^ in^ cellular^ respiration^ is^ to

. A)^ combine^ with^ carboru^ forming^ CO2.

B) combine with^ lactaie,^ forming pyruvate'

C) catalyze the^ reactions of^ glycolysis'

D) yield^ enefgy^ in^ the^ form^ of^ AIP^ as^ it^ is passed^ down^ the^ respiratory chain'

E) act^ as^ an^ eicceptor^ for^ electrons and^ hydrogen,^ forming^ water.



Ln bchemiosmotic phosphorylatiorv what^ is the^ most direct^ source^ of energy that^ is^ used^ to^

  1. (^) A

convertADP +^ Pi to^ AfP?

A) energy released^ from^ movement of^ protons'through^ ATP synthase

B) energy^ released^ from^ substrate-level^ phosphorylation

C) energy released^ as^ elechons^ ftow through^ the elecbon^ transport^ system

D) No external source^ of^ energl^ is^ required^ because the^ reaction is exergonic'

E) energy released from^ ATP synthase^ pumping^ hydrogm^ ions^ from^ the^ mitochondrial


  1. Where is^ AIP^ synthase^ located^ in^ the^ mitochondrion?

A) electron transPort chain

B) innermembrane

C) mitochondrial matrix.

D) outermembrane

E) cytosol

  1. (^) B

19)' It is possible to prepare^ vesicles^ from portions^ of^ the^ inner^ membrane of the^ mitochondrial^ 19)^ B componene. Wi,t.h^ one^ of the^ following^ processes^ could still^ be car:ried on^ by^ this isolated^ iirner mernbrane? '^


A) both the^ cibic^ acid^ cycle^ and^ oxidative phosphorylation

B) oxidative PhosPhorylation

C) glycolysis and^ fermentation

D) reductionof NAD+

E) the citric acid^ cYcle

  1. Each time^ a^ molecule^ of^ glucose^ (c5H12o$^ is^ completely^ oxidized via^ aerobic^ respiration"^ how^
  2. l=

many oxygenmolecules (OZ)^ are^ required?

B)12 c)38^ D)

  1. Assume a^ mitochoirdrion^ contains^58 NADH^ and^ L9^ FADH2.^ If^ each^ of the^77 dinudeotides^ 21)^ -D,- were used, approxirhately how^ many^ AIP^ molecules could^ be generated^ as^ a^ result of^ oxidative

phosphorylation (chemi.osmosis)^?

A) 1102 B)^36 c^ L73^ D)^212 E)

A)1^ E)


  1. Which^ of the^ following^ describes^ ubiqtiinonez^ D) (^) D A) avitaminneeded for efficient^ glycolysis^ t B)asubstrateforsynthesisofFADH '^ 'l^ / C) a small hYdroPhobiccoenzYme

D) a protein in the elechon^ transport chain

E) an essential^ amino acid

  1. Which^ metabolic^ pathway^ is common to both^ cellular respiration^ and^ fermentation?^ n) (^) L

A) chemiosmosis

B) the^ cihic^ acid^ cYde^ ,

C) glycolysis

D) oxidative PhosPhorylation

E) the oxidation of^ pyruvate^ to^ acetyl^ CoA

  1. In alcohol fermentatiorL^ NAD+^ is^ regenerated^ from^ NADH^ during which^ of^ the^ following?^ 24]1! :,' A)^ oxidation^ of^ pymvate^ to^ acetyl^ CoA^ t) B) phosphorylation of^ ADP^ to^ form^ ATP^. b

C) reduction^ of^ pyruvate^ to^ form^ lactate

D) reduction of acetaldehyde to ethanbl (ethyl alcohol)

E) oxidation of^ NAD+^ in^ the^ citric^ acid^ cycle

  1. Why is glycolysis considered to be one^ of the^ first^ metabolic pathways^ to have^ evolved?^ 25)^ B A) It produces much less^ AIP^ than^ does^ oxidative phosphorylation.

B) It is^ found in^ the^ cytosol,^ does^ not^ involve oxyger!^ and^ is present^ in^ most^ organisms.^

C) It relies on chemiosmosis^ which^ is^ a^ metabolic mechanism^ present^ on^ ly^ in^ the^ first^

' v

cells-prokaryotic cells.^


D) It requires^ the presence of^ membrane-enclosed^ cell^ organelles^ found only in eukaryotic


E) It is found in prokaryotic^ cells^ but^ not^ in^ eukaryotic^ cells.

  1. Muscle^ cells,^ when^ an^ individual^ is exercising^ heavily^ and^ when^ the muscle becomes^ oxygen^ 25)^ B

deprived, convert^ pyruvate^ to lactate.^ What happens to the^ lactate^ in^ skeletal^ muscle^ cells?

A) It reduces^ FADH2 to^ FAD+.

B) It is taken to the liver^ and^ converted back^ to^ pymvate.

  1. It^ is^ converted^ to^ NAD+.^ \

D) It^ produces CO2 and water.

E) It is converted to alcohol.

  1. ' phosphofructokinase^ is^ an^ allosteric enz5rme^ thatcatalyzes^ the conversion^ of

fructose-6-phosphate to^ fructose-1,5-bisphosphate^ an^ early^ step^ of glycolysis.^ In^ the^ Presence

of lxygerg an^ increase^ in^ the amount ATP^ in^ a^ cell^ would^ be expected^ to

A) activate the enzyme^ and inctease^ the^ rates^ of glycolysis^ and the^ citric^ acid cycle.

B) inhibit the enzyme and thus^ slow^ the^ rates^ of^ glycoly-sls and the^ citric^ acid rydle.

C) inhibit the^ enzyme and thus^ increastj^ the^ rate^ of glycolysis^ and^ the concentration of^ citrate'

D) activate the^ enzyme and thus^ slow^ the rates^ of^ glycolysis and the^ citric^ acid^ cyde'

E) inhibit the enzyme and thus^ increase^ the^ rates 9f glycolysis'and^ the^ citric^ acid cyde.

23) What is the^ purpose^ of^ beta^ oxidationinrespiration?

A) oxidation^ of^ glucose

B) control^ of^ AfP^ accumulation

C) breakdown of^ fattY.^ acids

D) oxidation of^ PYnrvate

E) feedbackregulation


Zi) Wnat are the products of the^ light^ reactions^ that^ are^ subsequently^ used^ by^ the^ Calvin^ cydp?

A) water and carbon


C) carbon^ dioxide^ and^ RuBP^ '^


D) oxygen and^ carbon^ dioxide

E) electrons and (^) Photons

3O) A plant has a^ unique^ photosynthetic^ pigment.^ The leaves^ of this^ plant^ appear^ to^ be^ reddish

u"ilo. What^ wavel#tf^ of^ visible^ light^ are^ being^ absorbed^ by^ this^ pigment?

A) green and yelloiv

B) red and yellow,

C) blueandviolet

D) blue, gree&^ andred

E) green"^ blue,^ and^ Yellow

31) In^ the^ thylakoid^ membranes,^ what^ is^ the^ main^ role^ of^ the^ antenna^ pigment^ molecules?

. (^) A) concentrate photons within the stroma

B) split waterbnd release^ oxygen to^ the^ reaction-center^ chlorophyll

C) bansfer^ electrons^ to ferredoxin^ and^ thenNADPH

D) synthesize^ AIP^ from ADP^ md^ Pi E) harvest photons^ ind^ tao"fut^ light^ energy to^ the^ reaction-center^ chlorophyll

32) The^ reaction-eenter^ ctilorophyll^ of^ photosystem I^ is^ known^ as P700^ because

X{Uuplastoquinone reflects^ light with^ a^ wavelength^ of^700 nm.

B) this^ pigment^ is best^ at^ absorbing^ light^ with^ a^ wavelength^ of^700 nm.

.Ef itabsorbs^700 photons per^ microiecond'

  1. there^ are 700^ chlorophyll^ molecules^ in^ the^ center' F there.are^700 photosystem I corirponents to

each chloroplast



  1. c

2e) (^) B

  1. c

  2. (^) E




39) What does the ch'emiosmotic^ Process in^ chl6roplasb,involve?

" A) establishment of a proton gradient

B) reduction of water to produce^ AIP^ energy

' C)^ diffusion^ of"electrons^ through^ the^ thylakoid^ membrane

p) (^) movement of water by osmosis into^ the^ thylakoid^ space^ from^ the stroma

.EJ formation^ of glucose,'using carbon dioxide,^ NADPH,^ and^ ATP

34) Suppose the^ interior^ of the^ thylakoids^ of isolated chloropldsts were made acidic and^ then^ U^ Z

transferred in^ the^ dark^ to^ a^ pH-8^ solution.^ What would^ be^ likely^ to^ happen?^ {;1,

A) Cyclicphotophosphorylationwill occur.^ 'W

B) The isolated chlorbplasts will^ make^ ATP.

C) The Calvin cycle^ will^ be^ activated^ ,

D) OnlyAandBwilloccur. l

E) A, B, and C will occur.

35) Which^ of the^ following^ statements best represents the^ relationships between^ the^ light^ reactions^ 35)^ €.-

.andtheCalvinrycle? , '

n A)^ There is no

relationship between the^ tight^ reactions^ and^ the^ Calvin rycle.

tr B) The light reactions supply the Calvin cycle,with CO2^ to^ produce^ sugars,^ e+3 tft^ Calvin

cycle supplies^ the^ light^ reactions^ with^ sugars to^ produce^ ATP.^ r

C) The light reactions^ provide^ AIP^ and^ NADPH^ to^ the^ carbon^ fixation^ step^ of the^ Calvin

rycle, and^ the cycle^ provides^ water^ and etechons^ to^ the^ light^ reactions.

D) The light reactions pr6viae^ the^ Calvin^ cyde^ with^ oxygen^ for^ electron^ flow^ and^ the^ Calvin^1

rycle provides^ the^ light^ reactions^ with^ water^ to^ split.

E) The light ieactions prbvide^ ATP and^ NADPH^ to^ the'Caltin^ cyde, and tlfe^ cycle^ retums

ADR B, and^ NADP+ to^ the^ light^ reactions.^!

35) CAM plants keep stomata closed in^ daytime, thus reducing^ loss^ of water. They^ can^ do^ this^361 P

because they

A) fix CO2 into^ sugars^ in^ the^ bundle-sheath^ cells.^ I

B) fix COZ into pynrvate^ in^ the^ mesophyll^ cells.

€.Yr:r;e photosystems I and II atnigJt.

D) fix CO2 irrtg organic acids during^ the^ night.

E) use the enzryrme phosphofructokinase, which^ outcompetes rubisco^ for^ CO2.


37) Choose the^ most^ accurate^ agg! complete^ definition of^ a^ signal trdnsduction^ pathway.^ 37)^ C



pathwav connects a sisnal wirh a cellular response via^ a^


B) A signal transduction pathway^ connects^ a^ signal^ wittr^ a^ cellular^ response^ by ttiggoing a series of molbcular interactions^ that^ activatethe molecules. C) A^ signal^ transduction pathway^ connects^ a^ signal^ with acellular^ response^ using

second messengbrs,^ kinases,^ and^ transcripti<in^ factors.

D) A siipal transduction pathway^ connects plasma membrane receptors^ with

transcription factors in^ the nucleus.

33) A

3s) Whi;h of the following^ is^ the^ second^ messenger^ in the signal^ fansduction^ pathway^ ". s8)^ i

triggered in liver^ cells^ as^ part of ihe^ "fight^ or"flight"^ response?^ f

A) CREB B)^ epinephrine^ c) cyclic^ AMP^ D)^ G^ protein^ b

39) Although we did not^ talk^ much^ about^ it^ in^ lecture, signal^ transduition^ pathways^ are^ 39)^ $

quickly "turned off' after they have been^ "turned on." Which of^ the^ following^ ^ i"

meihanisms provides^ a^ logical explanation'for^ how^ this^ could^ happen^ in^ the^ pathway triggered in liver^ cells^ as^ part^ of^ the^ "fight^ or^ flight"^ response? t a)^ A^ G^ protein^ detaches^ from^ its^ plasma membrane^ receptor^ artd^ is^ able^ to move^ into

I the cytoplasm

B) A second enr,yme^ (in^ addition to glycogen phosphorylase)^ functiotis^ to'clip^ the

bond between individual glucose^ molecules^ in^ glycogen.^ I

c) An en:.yme breaks^ down^ cyclicAMP. D) An enzyrLe 'oactivates" a^ franscription factor that^ causes^ glucose-building^ genes^ to

be turned on.

ao) Insulin is a hormone that^ allows^ liver^ cells^ to^ respond^ to^ excess^ amounts^ of^ blood^ 40,^ a



glucose (as opposed to epine,phrine which helps liver cells respond^ to^ the need^ for increased levels of blood glucose).^ Which of^ the^ following^ would you^ expect^ to^ be^ true about the^ signal^ transduction^ pathwaytriggered by insulin? A) Insulin "inactivates'l the enzyme^ glycogeri phosphorylase^ that^ brd'aks^ down

' glycogen."^.^ '

B) Insulin^ causes^ an increase^ in^ the^ production of cyclic^ AMP^ in the cell. C) Insulin causes^ th6^ liver"cell^ to^ increase^ transcription of^ glucose-building^ genes. D) Insulin blnds^ to^ a^ recepthr^ on the plasma membrane^ that is identical to the

" epinephrine receptor.
