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N450 Exam 1 Study Guide Questions with Answers Latest Update 2024 roles of nurse in research - Correct Answer - contribute to ideas for clinical inquiry - assist in collecting information - offer advice to patients and peers about participation - search for research evidence - discuss implications BSN - Correct Answer - locate and critically appraise studies, evidence-based guidelines, protocols and policies with assistance - use best research evidence with guidance - assist with problem identification and data collection - summarize research findings for use in practice - assess strengths and weaknesses of literature MSN - Correct Answer - critically appraise studies - synthesize studies to develop and revise protocols for practice - implement best research evidence in practice - collaborate in research projects - provide clinical expertise for research DNP - Correct Answer - critically appraise studies - develop and revise protocols for practice - participate in evidence-based guideline development - implement, evaluate and revise as needed protocols, policies and guidelines in practice PhD - Correct Answer - major role in conducting independent research - contribute empirical knowledge generated in selected area of study - obtain funding for research - coordinate research teams independent variable - Correct Answer - manipulated by researcher (interventions) - variable that is changed or controlled to test the other variable dependent variable - Correct Answer variable being tested and measured - observed - variable we are interested in understanding - effect, response quality improvement - Correct Answer - systematic use of data to monitor the outcomes of care processes - use of improvement methods to design and test changes in practice - aim to continuously and immediately improve quality and safety in healthcare nursing research - Correct Answer - use of systematic, rigorous, critical investigation to generate NEW knowledge - answer research questions about nursing phenomena - follow scientific processes - methods and designs are very controlled - results designed to describe, explain or predict events goals of quality improvement - Correct Answer - improve patient care processes - evaluate nursing interventions to achieve quality outcomes - rapid cycle that is cost-effective - explain cause and effect - sample has predetermined # of participants - describe phenomena - objectivity is important - theory testing - potentially generalizable critical reading - Correct Answer - actively look for assumptions, key concepts/ideas, reasons, justifications, supporting examples, implications, consequences and structural features - interpret and assess accurately and fairly - takes at least 4 times to have a good understanding critical analysis (critique) - Correct Answer - objectively and critically evaluates a research report's content for scientific merit and application to practice - strengths and weaknesses of a study - requires some knowledge of subject matter and ability to read and use critiquing criteria quality - Correct Answer extent to which a study's design, implementation and analysis minimizes bias quantity - Correct Answer number of studies that have evaluated the research question - includes overall sample size across studies - strength of findings from data analyses consistency - Correct Answer degree to which other studies, with similar or different designs, investigating the same research question report similar findings research article format - Correct Answer 1. abstract 2. introduction 3. purpose, aim, goal, objective 4. literature review (theoretical or conceptual framework) 5. hypothesis, research question 6. research design, methods 7. discussion 8. recommendation, implications 9. references 10. communicating results research hypothesis (scientific) - Correct Answer - states actual prediction of relationship - almost exclusively in quantitative studies - tested through statistical procedure - directional (increase, decrease) or non-directional hypotheses - Correct Answer researcher's predictions about relationships among variables - predicts the expected outcome - attempts to answer the research question - formulated before study is started because it determines how data is collected, analyzed and interpreted statistical hypothesis (null) - Correct Answer - states there is NO relationship between X and Y - expresses absence of a relationship - research goal is usually to reject the null hypothesis components of a good research question - Correct Answer - define specific question area - reflect a review of the literature - identify the potential significance to nursing - reflect the feasibility of studying the research question - require time to think significance of the research question - Correct Answer - potential benefits - applicable to nursing practice, education, administration - theoretical relevance - support to challenge existing theories - fill in a gap or clarify conflict in literature - provide evidence that supports developing, retaining or revising practices and policies causality requirements - Correct Answer - changes in X always leads to changes in Y - X precedes Y - changes in Y can only happen when X is present research questions must be? - Correct Answer - significant - feasible - testable literature review - Correct Answer - systematic and critical appraisal - provides development and foundation of research and theoretical framework - essential to EBP - critical examination of studies and systematic reviews to refine and focus a research question - identifies important variables - helps reader trace how researcher developed the implied research question and hypothesis - looks through what is known and possible gaps in literature operational definition - Correct Answer specifies method used to measure a concept ex: BMI, numeric pain scale construct - Correct Answer - complex concept - compromise of more than one concept and are built - ex: health promotion, maternal-infant bonding conceptual definition - Correct Answer general meaning of a concept ex: weight, pain examples of grand theories - Correct Answer - Florence Nightingale Theory of Nursing - Roy Adaptation Model - Theory of Caring by Jean Watson middle-range theory - Correct Answer - more specific, contains limited number of concepts - focused on aspect of reality or specific phenomena - often testable - more readily used for research studies examples of middle-range theories - Correct Answer - Pender's Health Promotion Model - Theory of Uncertainty in Illness situation specific theory - Correct Answer - most specific, micro, practice, perspective theories - very limited number of concepts - narrow in scope - explains a small aspect of a phenomena or process of interest - focused on certain population of patients examples of situation specific theories - Correct Answer - Symptom focused DM care in African American women - Maintaining hope in transition for patients with HF how is theory used in nursing research? - Correct Answer - theory is generated as outcome of research studies (qualitative) - theory is used as research framework and context for a study (qualitative & quantitative) - research is undertaken to test a theory (quantitative) how is theory used as a framework in nursing research? - Correct Answer - most often used as conceptual or theoretical frameworks - correlational research designs attempt to discover and specify relationships - quantitative studies have a framework - theory testing, deductive qualitative study designs - Correct Answer - phenomenology - grounded theory - ethnography - community based participatory research qualitative sampling - Correct Answer - interview or observe for data collection - usually purposive sample (not random) - inclusion and exclusion criteria sample size of qualitative studies - Correct Answer - based on needs of study purpose - usually smaller number of subjects (6-10) - case studies may only have 1 - determined when data saturation occurs data saturation - Correct Answer when information being shared with researcher becomes repetitive - signals sample size is adequate when no new info is being learned data analysis - Correct Answer - goal to find commonalities and differences - group into broader categories that capture the phenomena - determine themes how can nurses use qualitative evidence? - Correct Answer - understand patient experiences - assess patient status or progress - understand range of responses from patients - provide anticipatory guidance - provide info for coaching - improve communication - does NOT test interventions, seeks to understand experiences instead what is NOT found in qualitative research? - Correct Answer - hypotheses - theoretical frameworks - dependent or independent variables - large, random samples - complex statistical procedures - definitive conclusions what are qualitative studies used for? - Correct Answer - develop theory - discover knowledge about a phenomenon - small sample size emic view - Correct Answer insider's view - researcher enters the world of the participants - view of person experiencing the phenomenon and reflective of culture, values, beliefs and experiences etic view - Correct Answer outsider's view - researcher is looking at a certain population through observation community based participatory research - Correct Answer - action research, collaboration between researcher and community - end product is for action or change - use photovoice to collect data phases of community based participatory research - Correct Answer 1. Look: building the picture by getting to know stakeholders 2. Think: interpretation and analysis of things learned in the look phase 3. Act: advocates planning, implementation, evaluation issues in qualitative research - Correct Answer - ethical concerns - credibility - auditability - fittingness - trustworthiness credibility - Correct Answer truth of findings, judged by participants and others in the discipline - researcher needs to share interpretation of findings with participants auditability - Correct Answer accountability judged by adequacy of information leading reader through the steps of analysis - should be able to follow reasoning step by step fittingness - Correct Answer faithfulness to reality of participants - usefulness - experience being reported should ring true - are the results meaningful to nursing trustworthiness - Correct Answer - describes credibility and validity of qualitative research - use quotes to illustrate richness of data - establish relationship between themes and data themes in qualitative studies - Correct Answer - quotes provide evidence to identify themes - goal of qualitative analysis is to find similarities and differences, then group these ideas into broader, more abstract, overarching categories of meaning (themes)