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N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023, Exams of Nursing

N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+

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Download N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Answer Marked in Green Color – EENT An adult patient has epiglottitis secondary to a chemical burn. Which medication will be given initially to prevent complications? Chloramphenicol biopsyrecu Dexamethasone Metronidazole Clindamycin What are factors associated with acute suppurative parotitis? (Select all that apply.) Anticholinergic medications Diabetes mellitus Radiother apy Hypervolemia Allergies A 39 year old has a sudden onset of painful right red eye. He reports N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ sensitivity to light and thesensation of a foreign body, though his history for a foreign body is negative. He does not wear contact lenses. How should theNP manage this? Observe for 24 hours if visual acuity is normal Treat for bacterial conjunctivitis Treat for viral conjunctivitis Refer to ophthalmology No clear diagnosis can be made from signs/symptoms, but there are several red flags. collectively thered flags necessitate a referral. There is no mention of eye discharge necessary for conjunctivitis. Red flags present point more towards active corneal process although glaucoma should also be a differential. A 17-year-old has a complaint of ear pain. If he has otitis externa, which complaint is most likely/most common? Concurrent URI Fever Difficulty hearing TV Tragal pain N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ A patient has an initial episode otitis external associated with swimming. thepatient’s ear canal is mildly inflamed and thetympanic membrane is not involved. Which medication will be ordered? Cipro HC Neomycin Fluconazole Vinegar and alcohol A patient has gingival inflammation with several areas of separate ulceration and a small amount of purulent discharge. What is required to diagnose this condition? Culture and sensitivity Tzank smear Physical examination Microscopic exam of oral scrapings A patient reports tooth pain in a lower molar and theprovider notes a mobile tooth with erythema and edema of thesurrounding tissues without discharge. Which is theinitial course of action by theprovider? N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Recommend oral antiseptic rinses and follow up in one week Perform an incision and drainage of theedematous tissue Prescribe amoxicillin and refer to a dentist in 2 to 3 days Refer to an oral surgeon for emergency surgery A patient presents to your clinic with a painless red eye. Her vision is normal, but her sclera has a blood red area. What is this termed? Conjunctiv itis Glaucoma Acute iritis Subconjunctival hemorrhage Which physical examination finding suggests viral rather than bacterial parotitis? Unilateral edema of parotid glands Enlargement and pain of affected glands Gradual reduction in saliva production N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Clear discharge from Stensen’s duct N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ A patient has recurrent epistaxis without localized signs of irritation. Which laboratory tests may be performed to evaluate this condition? (Select all that apply.) CBC with platelets BUN and creatinine PT and PTT Liver function tests PT/INR A patient reports a feeling of fullness and pain in both ears and thepractitioner elicits exquisite pain when manipulating theexternal ear structures. What is thelikely diagnosis? Chronic otitis externa Acute otitis externa Otitis media with effusion Acute otitis media Patient has been diagnosed with acute rhinosinusitis. Symptoms began 3 days ago. Based on themost likely etiology, how should this patient be managed? N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Azithromycin and decongestant Decongestant and analgesic Levofloxacin Amoxicillin with clavulanate The vast majority of rhinosinusitis is of viral etiology, antibiotics would not be helpful and would only lead to continued antibacterial resistance. If symptoms persist for longer than 10 days, reevaluation is necessary with possible antibiotics at that time A patient presents with findings of pain, warmth, redness, and swelling below theinner canthus toward nose. Tearing is present and when pressure is applied to thelacrimal sac, purulent discharge from thepuncta is noted. This is suggestive of: Belphar iti s A chalazi on A hordeolum Dacryocyst itis N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Group A strep pharyngitis: Is commonly accompanied by inflamed uvula Can be accompanied by abdominal pain Is characterized by single symptom Usually does not have exudative symptoms Group A strep is usually accompanied by multiple symptoms with abrupt onset. GI symptoms are common such as nausea, vomiting, no abdominal pain. Inflamed uvula is not common Which symptoms may occur with vestibular neuritis? (Select all that apply.) Nausea and vomiting N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Which patient may be given symptomatic treatment with 24 hours follow-up assessment without initial antibiotic therapy? A 4 year old, afebrile child with bilateral otorrhea A 6 month old with fever of 39.2° C, poor sleep and appetite and bulging TM A 36 month old with fever of 38.5° C, mild otalgia, and red, non- bulging TM A 5 year old with fever of 38.0° C, severe otalgia, and red, bulging TM A patient has nasal congestion, fever, purulent nasal discharge, headache, and facial pain and begins treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanate. At a follow-up visit 10 days after initiation of treatment, thepatient continues to have purulent discharge, congestion, and facial pain without fever. What is thenext course of action for this patient? A referral to an otolaryngologist A trial of azithromycin A CT scan of theparanasal sinuses A second course of amoxicillin-clavulanate A patient reports several episodes of acute vertigo, some lasting up to an hour, N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ associated with nausea and vomiting. What is part of theinitial diagnostic workup for this patient? Auditory brainstem testing Electrocochleogra phy Vestibular testing Audiogram and MRI N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ A patient has two palpable, tender, left preauricular nodes that are about 0.5cm in diameter. What condition might this be associated with? Ear infection Conjunctivitis Ulceration on thetongue Sore throat A kindergarten teacher was diagnosed with acute streptococcal pharyngitis. On exam, her throat is bright red color with no tonsillar exudate, and clear mucus is seen on thelower nasal turbinates. theurinalysis shows a large amount of white blood cells and is positive for nitrates. thepatient has a significant sulfa allergy and thinks she is also allergic to penicillin. Which with thefollowing is thebest treatment choice? Levofloxacin Amoxicillin– clavulanic acid Trimethoprim– sulfamethoxazole Clarithromycin N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ and steroids Obtain an immediate consultation with an otolaryngologist Perform a thorough examination of theoropharynx Have thechild lie down and administer high-flow, humidified oxygen A patient reports ear pain after being hit in thehead with a baseball. theprovider notes a large perforated tympanic membrane. What is therecommended treatment? Prescribe analgesics and follow up in 1 to 2 days Order antibiotic ear drops if signs of infection occur Refer thepatient to an otolaryngologist for evaluation Reassure thepatient that this will heal without problems N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Papilledema is noted n a patient with a headache. What is theimportance of papilledema in this patient? it is not related to theheadache this is a common finding in patients with headache it is an incidental finding in patient with migraines It could be an important finding in this patient A patient has seasonal rhinitis symptoms and allergy testing reveals sensitivity to various trees and grasses. What is thefirst-line treatment for this patient? Intranasal steroids Antihistamine sprays Intranasal comolyn Oral antihistamine A patient with gingival inflammation with several areas of separated N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ ulceration and a small amount of purulent discharge. What is required to diagnose this condition? Microscopic exam of oral scrapings Physical examination Tzank smear Culture and sensitivity A 70 year old male has a yellowish, triangular nodule near theiris. This is probably: A chalazion A pinguec ula A stye Subconjunctival hemorrhage. A 32-year-old patient is a newly diagnosed diabetic. She has developed a sinus infection. Her symptoms have persisted for 10 days. 6 weeks ago, she was treated with amoxicillin for a URI. It cleared without incident. Which be recommended today? Prescribe amoxicillin again N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ optometrist N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Prescribe an ophthalmic antibiotic solution Advise thepatient that thecondition is benign and will resolve spontaneously A patient reports painful oral lesions 3 days after feeling pain and tingling in themouth. theprovider notes vesicles and ulcerative lesions on thebuccal mucosa. What is themost likely cause of these symptoms? 1. Herpes simplex virus 2. Bacterial infection 3. Candida albicans 4. Human papillomavirus Week 2 – Pulmonary A young adult, previously healthy clinic patient has symptoms of pneumonia including high fever and cough. Auscultation reveals rales in theleft lower lobe. A chest radiograph is normal. thepatient is unable to expectorate sputum. Which treatment is recommended for this patient? N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Empiric treatment with a macrolide antibiotic A 22 year old tall, thin and athletic man comes into your primary care clinic complaining of pain with breathing and progressively worsening shortness of breath. In order of sequence, what will be your next steps? -Obtain more history, auscultate thelungs and send pt to theER for a stat CXR and further evaluation. -Obtain more history, and immediately send him to theER N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ bronchiolitis because they would have diminished respiratory capacity related to theinfection N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ An older pa A patient diagnosed with strep throat received a prescription for azithromycin. She has not improved in 48 hours. What course of action is acceptable? 1. Different macrolide antibiotic should be prescribed 2. Penicillin or cephalosporin with beta-lactamase coverage should be considered 3. The patient should wait another 24 hours for improvement 4. That antibiotics should be changed to a first generation cephalosporin A patient is concerned about frequent nasal stuffiness and congestion that begins shortly after getting out of bed in themorning. thepatient denies itching and sneezing. A physical examination reveals erythematous nasal mucosa with scant watery discharge. What treatment will theprovider recommend for this patient? 1. Consultation for immunotherapy 2. Oral antihistamines each morning 3. Oral decongestants as N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ needed 4. Daily intranasal steroids A patient has bilateral bleeding from thenose with bleeding into thepharynx. What is theinitial intervention for this patient 1. Assess airway safety and vital signs 2. Clear theblood with suction to identify site of bleeding 3. Apply firm, continuous pressure to thenostrils 4. Have thepatient sit up straight and tilt thehead forward A patient presents to your clinic with a painless red eye. Her vision is normal, but her sclera has a blood red area. What is this termed? 1. Acute iritis 2. Conjunctivitis N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Hospitalize thepatient for an endodontist consultation Suggest using warm compresses to theeyes for comfort Recommend follow up with a dentist in 2 to 3 days Prescribe amoxicillin clavulanate for 10 to 14 days N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ A 58 year old farmer presents with a wedge shaped, pinkish, clear growth on thenasal side of his eye. He states that it has been present for a while, but only recently began to feel as if a foreign body was in his eye. This is probably a: Pterygium Xanthelas ma Stye Pinguecul a A 39 year old has a sudden onset of painful right red eye. He reports sensitivity to light and thesensation of a foreign body, though his history for a foreign body is negative. He does not wear contact lenses. How should theNP manage this? Treat for viral conjunctivitis Refer to ophthalmology Treat for bacterial conjunctivitis Observe for 24 hours if visual acuity is normal No clear diagnosis can be made from signs/symptoms, but there are N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ several red flags. collectively thered flags necessitate a referral. There is no mention of eye discharge necessary for conjunctivitis. Red flags present point more towards active corneal process although glaucoma should also be a differential A child has recurrent impaction of cerumen in both ears and theparent asks what can be done to help prevent this. What will theprovider recommend? Removing cerumen with a cotton-tipped swab Try thermal- auricular therapy when needed Use an oral irrigation tool to remove cerumen Clean theouter ear and canal with a sof t cloth A screening audiogram on a patient is abnormal. Which test may theprimary provider perform next to further evaluate thecause of this finding? Speech reception test Impedance audiometry Pure tone audiogram N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Fever secondary to previous viral URI Hay fever Acute bronchitis Acute sinusitis Acute otitis media can be best diagnosed by identifying which otic characteristic(s)? Cloudy, bulging TM with impaired mobility Opacity and erythema of thetympanic membrane Decreased mobility of thetympanic membrane Marked redness of thetympanic membrane Cloudy, bulging TM with impaired mobility is thebest predictor for AOM. Decreased mobility of TM can be a result of fluid behind theTM, as in middle ear effusion. A patient complains of otalgia and difficulty hearing from one ear. theprovider performs an otoscopic exam and notes a dark brown mass in thelower portion N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ of theexternal canal blocking thepatient’s tympanic membrane. What is theinitial action? Ask thepatient about previous problems with that ear. During an eye exam of a 50 year old hypertensive patient who is complaining of an onset of a severe headache, you find that theborders of thedisc margins on both eyes are blurred. What is thename of this clinical finding? N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Papilledema. A provider is recommending a cerumenolytic for a patient who has chronic cerumen buildup. theprovider notes that thepatient has dry skin in theear canal. Which preparation is FDA approved for this use? Carbamide peroxide Mineral oil Hydrogen peroxide Liquid docusate sodium A patient reports a sudden onset of sore throat, fever, malaise, and cough. theprovider notes mild erythema of thepharynx and clear rhinorrhea without cervical lymphadenopathy. What is themost likely cause of these symptoms? Viral pharyngitis Infectious mononucleosis N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ theleft eye Unilateral strabismus N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ Unilateral cataracts Papilledema is noted in a patient with a headache. What is theimportance of papilledema in this patient? It could be an important finding in this patient it is an incidental finding in patient with migraines this is a common finding in patients with headache it is not related to theheadache Papilledema could represent swelling of theoptic nerve head and disc secondary to increased intracranial pressure (ICP). thecardinal symptom of ICO is a headache; papilledema is a secondary finding. It is not a common finding in patient with general headache A provider performs a nasal speculum examination on a patient who sustained nasal trauma in a motor vehicle accident. theprovider notes marked swelling of thenose, instability and crepitus of thenasal septum with no other facial bony abnormalities and observes a rounded bluish mass N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+ against thenasal septum. Which action is necessary at this time? Urgent drainage of themass CT scan of facial structures Ice packs to reduce facial swelling Surgery to reduce thenasal fracture N675 Final Exam Acute Care Exam 1 Questions and Answers Week 1-14 latest update 2022/2023 RATED A+