Download NAPRx/CNPR Exam Questions & Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NAPRx/CNPR iExam iQuestions i& iAnswers 1. How iare idrugs isorted i nto itherapeutic igroups iand iclasses? first iby ithe iconditions ithat ithey iare iused ito itreat. iand ithen iby itheir imechanisms iof iaction 2. Bone imarrow itransplants. are ia itype iof istem icell itherapy. iunless ipatient's iown icells iare ireinjected. 3. What idoes iAMA istand ifor? iAmerican iMedical iAssociation 4. What isection iof ia idrug's ipackage iinsert idescribes isituations iin iwhich ithe idrug ishould inot ibe iused ibecause ithe irisks ioutweigh ithe itherapeutic ibenefits? contraindications 5 iWhat iis itertiary icare? highly ispecialized imedical iand isurgical icare iprovided iby ia ilarge imedical icenter ifor iunusual ior icomplex imedical iproblems 6. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing i s iNOT ione iof ithe istages iin ithe iclassic iapproach ito ibrand idevelopment istrategy icovered iin iyour imanual? brand iquality 7 iWhat iare ivasodilators iused ito ido? decrease ivascular iresistance iand i ncrease iblood iflow 8. What iis ithe iname iof ithe icondition ithat ioccurs iafter ia ispecific idose iof ia idrug iis igiven iat isuch iregular iintervals ithat iabsorption iand ielimination i(and itherefore idrug iplasma iconcentration) ihave ibecome ifairly iconstant? Steady iState 9. Which istatement i s iTRUE iabout iocular iadministration? iOcular iadministration i s iused iprimarily ito itreat ithe ieye. 10. Which ientities i nvest's ithe imost imoney i n ipharmaceutical iR&D? U.S. ipharmaceutical icompanies 11. How iare imost idrugs iexcreted? ivia ithe ikidneys 12. Over ithe ilast ifew idecades, iwhat ihas ihappened ito ilegal ilimitations ion isales' ireps idiscussions iabout iof ilabel iuses? Limitations ihave idecreased. 14. iWhat idoes iit imean iif itwo idrugs iare iat iparity? iBoth idrugs iare iessentially iin ia ineutral iposition. 15 iWho iis imost ilikely ito ibenefit ifrom ielectronic isampling iprograms? iEveryone iwould ibenefit iequally ifrom ielectronic isampling iprograms 16. iWhen ireferring ito imedication idosage, iwhich iabbreviation imeans i"one-half' iSS 17 iWhat iis ian iinternist? a iphysician iwho ipractices i nternal imedicine 18. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis ia itype iof iwhite iblood icell? iLymphocytes 19. Why iare inovice isales irepresentatives ioften iplaced i n icharge iof inegotiating iMCO iformularies? iThey iare inot. iThis ijob iis iusually ireserved ifor imore iexperienced ireps. 20. What idistinguishes ipharmacodynamics ifrom ipharmacokinetics? iPharmacodynamics istudies ithe ihow ithe ibody iafects idrugs. 21 iWhat iproportion iof ithe idrugs itested ion ihuman isubjects iare ieventually iapproved iby ithe iFDA? iabout i70% 22. According ito ia istudy idiscussed i n iyour imanual, ihow ido imost iphysicians iprefer ito ireceive itheir idrug isamples? directly ifrom isales irepresentatives 23. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis ian iexample iof ia icentral ivalue? iI ibuy iAdvil ito ishow ithat iI'm ia imodern iconsumer. 24. Which iof ithe ifollowing ispecialties ilikely ihas ithe iMOST iemergency icalls? icardiologist 25. What iafects ithe irate iof iactive itransport? neither ithe iavailability iof icarriers inor ithe iavailability iof ienergy 26. Over ithe ilast ifew idecades, iwhat ihas ihappened ito ithe iFDA iapproval itime ifor inew idrugs? iIt ihas ibeen ishortened ito ireduce ithe icost iof inew idrug idevelopment. 27. Which iof ithe ifollowing iwould iNOT ihelp iimprove icompliance? ipharmacists iunderstanding ihow igenerics idifer ifrom ibrand iname idrugs prescription iand inon iprescription 55. What iare iall imetabolites? iproducts iof imetabolism 56. When ia idrug i s iadministered iorally, iwhere idoes ifirst-pass imetabolism ioccur? iliver 57. What i s ithe imedical iterm ifor iswelling? iedema 58. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s iNOT ipart iof ithe iSeven iStep iCascade iof iEmotion? ibe ia iconsultant, inot ia irep 59. Which ipart iof ia iclinical iresearch ipaper iis ifrequently ireferred ito ias ithe iroad imap? iabstract 60. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis ia imain iactive i ngredient iin ilung isurfactants? itheophylline 61. What idoes iparenteral imean? i njection 62. Which iterm idenotes ia itype iof isubstance ithat ienhances ithe iaction iof ia idrug ior iantigen? iadjunvant 63. If ia isales irepresentative's iproduct iis iplaced ion ithe isecond itier iof ia istandard ithree-tier iformulary, iwhich iof ithe ifollowing iis imost ilikely itrue? It iprobably ihas iexclusive ipreferred istatus i f iit iis inot iat iparity iwith iany iother idrugs 64. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s iNOT ione iof ithe ifour ibasic itransport imechanisms? ihomeostasis 65. Which istatement iaccurately idescribes ia irelationship ibetween idrug iagonists iand iantagonists? iAgonists iand iantagonists ican ibe iused itogether. 66. What iis ithe istudy iof ithe iefects iand imovement iof idrugs iin ithe ihuman ibody? iclinical ipharmacology 67. According ito iyour imanual, iwhat iis ia icommon icomplaint ithat iphysicians ihave iabout itraditional isampling imethods? that idrug isample isupply iis itoo iunpredictable 68. Which iof ithese ientities iis iformed iby itwo ior imore ihospitals ior iother ihealthcare ientities ito inegotiate ireduced irates iwith iits iaggregated ipurchasing ipower? GPO 69. What iis ianother iname ifor ia idrug iderived ifrom ia ibiologic icompound? ilarge imolecule 70. What i s ithe imost icommon ipolicy iregarding ipharmaceutical ireps idispensing idrug isamples iin ihospitals? drug isampling iis ioften iforbidden 71 iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iwould ihelp iyou ibuild itrust iwith ia iphysician? asking iif ihe ior ishe iis ihaving iany iproblems iwith ithe imanaged icare icoverage iof iyour iproducts 72. What iterm idenotes ithe idiference ibetween ithe iusual iefective idose iand ithe idose ithat iinduces isevere ior ilife-threatening iside iefects? margin iof isafety 73. What iare iexcipients? the iinert iingredients i n ia idrug iformulation 74. What i s ianother iterm ifor ithe iAWP? ilist iprice 75. Which iof ithese iis ithe imost ilikely iuse ifor ia iuterotonic iagent? ito iinduce ilabor 76. As iof iNovember i2013, iwhich iof ithese icountries ihas ilegalized iDTC iadvertising iof iprescription idrugs? inone iof ithese 77. Why iare ioral idrugs ioften itaken ion ian iempty istomach? ito ipass ithrough ithe istomach imore iquickly 78. What iis ione ifactor ithat idiferentiates icommunity ihealth icenters ifrom ihospitals? icommunity ihealth icenter iformularies iare imore irestrictive 79. How idoes idrug isampling iprovide ia isocial ibenefit? doctors ioften iuse idrug isamples ito itreat ipatients iwho iotherwise icould inot iaford iit 80. Which imedical iterm idenotes ithe iuse iof ia istethoscope ito ilisten ito ithe iheart? iausculation 81. What ido ienteric icoatings ido? prevents idissolution iin ithe istomach 82. What i s ithe iduration iof iexclusivity ifor iorphan idrugs? i7 iyears 83. What ido iNational iAccount iManagers ido? inegotiate icontracts iwith iMCO iand iPBM 84. What idoes iit iusually imean iif ia idrug irecall i s ivoluntary? The imanufacturer ihas irecalled ithe iproduct ion i ts iown. ibut inegotiated iwith ithe iFDA ibeforehand. 85. Which iphase iof iclinical itrials iis ialso iknown ias ithe ipivotal iphase? iPhase iIII 86. During iwhich iphase iof iclinical itrials iis ithe inew idrug's isafety iand iefectiveness ifirst itested iin ithe itarget igroup? Phase iII 87. How ido iantacids iwork? iby iraising igastric iPH 88. What i s ione iof ithe ibiggest itime iwasters ifor ia ipharmaceutical isales irep? iTravel iTime 89. What ihappens iwhen iequilibrium iis ireached? equal inumbers iof imolecules icross ithe imembrane iin iboth idirections 90. What iare ithe imost icommon ivectors iused i n igene itherapy? iviruses 91. What i s ithe ipercentage ifee ithat ithe idispenser ipays ithe iwholesaler ifor idistribution? iupcharge 92. What iis ithe idiference ibetween ia ichronic i(or icontinuing) ireaction, iand ia idelayed ireaction? ichronic ireactions ipersist ifor ia ilong itime, idelayed ireactions itake isome itime ito idevelop 93 iWhat iis iclinical iefect? the iresponse iproduced iby ia imedication 94. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s ian iexample iof inoncompliance? ia ipatient iforgetting ito itake ia idrug iat ia ispecified itime iof iday 95. What i s ithe iaverage icirculation itime iof iblood? 123. What ido i mmunosuppressive iagents ido? ireduce irisk iof irejection iof iforeign ibodies 124. What itypes iof idrugs iare iEGFR i nhibitors? iantineoplastics 125. Which iof ithe ifollowing imeans ioutside iof ithe iliving ibody? iex ivivo 126. The iFDA irequirements ifor inutraceuticals iand imedicinal iherbs iare ijust ias istringent ias ifor ipharmaceuticals. False 127. What i s ithe iestimated inet igain iof iprivate-sector ihealthcare's icontributions ito iincreased iU.S. ilife iexpectancy? 2-5 itrillion 128. Which istatement i s iTRUE iregarding ipost-approval idrug imonitoring? ithe iFDA ican ichoose ito iwithdraw itheir iapproval i f inew ievidence iarises 129. Which iterm idenotes iwhen itolerance ito ione imedication icauses iincreased itolerance ito ianother imedication? cross itolerance 130. Patents iexpire years ifrom ithe idate iof ifiling. itwenty 131. After ia itrade-name idrug's ipatent iexpires, ihow imay igeneric iversions iof i t ibe isold? ionly iunder ithe ibranded igeneric iname 132. What iis irequired ifor ia inew ipharmaceutical ito ibe iconsidered ia iviable itherapy? it iis imore iefective, icauses ifewer iserious iadverse iefects ithan iother idrugs ion ithe imarket 133. Under ithe iAMA iguidelines, iwho i s iultimately iresponsible ifor iminimizing iconflicts iof iinterest? idoctors 134. The iact iof idispensing ia ipharmaceutical ialternative ifor ithe iproduct iprescribed iis ipharmaceutical isubstitution 135. What idoes iit imean iif ia idrug iis isaid ito ihave ia iwide imargin iof isafety? ithere iis ia ilower ichance iof isevere ior ilife ithreatening iside iefects 136. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis ithe icorrect imedical iacronym ifor iefective idose? ED 137. Why iis ione igroup iof isubjects igiven ian iactive idrug, iwhile ianother igroup ionly ireceives ia iplacebo? ito iassess ithe idrugs iefectiveness 138. A igeneric iversion iis ilikely ito ihave isome iinactive iingredients ithat iare idiferent ifrom ithose iof ithe ioriginal idrug. True 139. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s ian iexample iof ia ifunctional ivalue? iI idrink icoco icola ibecause iI ilike ithe itaste 140. Where iare imost idrugs imetabolized? iliver 141. What iis iessential ito ithe iethical irequirement ithat isubjects ibe iselected ifairly? isubjects ishould ibe iselected ibased ion iscientific iobjectives 142. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s ithe imost iappropriate isalutation ifor ia icover iletter iif iyou icannot ifind ia icontact iname? Dear iSir ior iMadam 143. What iis ipart iof ibecoming ian i ndispensable ipharmaceutical isales irep? iasking ifor ifeedback 144. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s iNOT itypically i ncluded i n ithe i ndications iand iusage isection iof ithe ipackage i nsert iinformation? the idrugs iactive imetabolites 145. Which iterm idenotes ithe ipractice iof iclassifying iphysicians iand iother ipotential iprescribers iby ianticipated iprescription ivolume? deciling 146. What imakes ia idrug ieligible ifor ifast itrack iapproval ifrom ithe iFDA? i t itreats ipatients iwith ia iserious ilife-threatening icondition 147. In ithe igastrointestinal itract, ihelp ibreak iup itablets ito iensure ifull irelease iof ithe iactive ipharmaceutical i ngredient. disintegrants 148. According ito iyour imanual, iwhat idoes ithe iPDRP ido? it ilimits isales ireps iabilities ito isee iindividual iphysicians iprescribing idata 149. What iare ithe icomponents iof ithe icentral inervous isystem? ithe ibrain iand ispinal icord 150. Which iterm idenotes ithe iorigin ior icause iof ia imedical icondition? ietiology 151. Patients idiagnosed iwith iType i1 idiabetes ihave ian iautoimmune idisease 152. Which iDTC ipharmaceutical imarketing itactic i s ipermitted i n iEuropean icountries? idisease istate iads 153. What i s ione iway i n iwhich ipsychologists iDIFFER ifrom ipsychiatrists? ipsycologist ideal iwith iemotional ithan iphysical iissues 154. What iare iPBMs? organizations ithat inegotiate ibetween ipharmaceutical icompanies iand ilarge idrug ipurchasers 155. How idoes ithe iHatch-Waxman iAct iprotect iresearch-based idrug imanufacturers? iby iproviding ia i30 imonth icooling iof iperiod 156. What iis ithe iprocess iof iadjusting idrug idoses ito iachieve ithe imaximum ipositive itherapeutic iefects iwhile iminimizing iadverse ior iside iefects? titration 157. Which iof ithe ifollowing i s istudied imore iin ipharmacodynamics ithan iin ipharmacokinetics? ithe itransportation iof ithe idrug ito ithe ispecific isite ifor idrug ireceptor iinteractions 158. How idoes ithe ihealthy ihuman iimmune isystem iuse iMHC imarkers? substances iwithout iMHC imarkers iare idiscerned ias iforeign iand itargeted ifor idestruction 159. What iis ia ibehind-the-counter idrug? an iOTC idrug ithat imust ibe iclosely imonitored iby ithe ipharmacist 160. When ido iMSLs imeet iwith iclinicians? iat inearly iany istage iof ithe iproducts ilife icycle