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"Midwives believe that every woman has a right to a safe, satisfying birth in the setting of her own choice, with respect for human dignity, cultural sensitivity, and informed choice." The quote is an

example of a: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Philosophy of Care

In which portion of the fallopian tubes does fertilization normally occur? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

the ampulla

A prenatal factor that may cause a hemorrhage is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -grand multipara

During an abdominal examination of a woman at term, the midwife feels the cephalic prominence on

the same side as the fetal parts. This is indicative of which of the following - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -vertex (occipital) presentation

The increased activity of the endometrial glands during the luteal phase of the female reproductive cycle

is stimulated by: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -progesterone

Shelley is a 25 year old gravida 3 para 2 who has missed two menstrual periods and is making her initial visit to the midwife. The midwife gave her a pregnancy test and it was positive. Shelley reports nausea and occasional vomiting in the mornings. Which physiologic change of pregnancy is probably causing

Shelley's nausea and vomiting? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -high levels of human chorionic


Janine had a baby 10 days ago and during a routine check up, she mentions to her midwife that the baby

is requiring more frequent breast feeding. This change is probably associated with: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -Newborn's first growth spurt

Fetal heart rate variability is not affected by - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Maternal Sleep

A woman is laboring at a birth center, and is acting irritable and cranky with her husband and mother-in- law, who have been with her almost constantly all night. She also has two sisters and a female cousin

present, and a doula. The most appropriate action for the midwife to take would be to - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -ask for some time alone with her and inquire whether the crowd is bothering her

Which neonatal assessment finding should the midwife report to a physician if she finds this while

conducting a newborn exam at one hour after birth? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a positive Ortolani's


What is the largest diameter of the fetal head? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -occipitomental

During the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, the corpus luteum: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -secretes

progesterone to maintain the pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is usually the result of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -prolonged

stomach emptying time and decreased intestinal motility

What is a positive sign of pregnancy: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -ultrasound

A child born to a woman over the age of 35 has an increased risk of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

Trisomy 21

What is the best recommendation for a woman with morning sickness? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

eat a dry carbohydrate, such as crackers, before getting out of bed

The definition of pica is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -the craving for non-food, non-nutritive

substances such as ice, clay, dirt, starch or plaster Which of the common discomforts of pregnancy generally have their initial onset during the first

trimester of pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -fatigue

A woman reports she is having some slight vaginal bleeding and occasional mild cramps at 10 weeks

from LMP. She is best characterized as having: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Threatened Abortion

Dangerous complication of pregnancy would be characterized by shoulder pain? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -ruptured tubal pregnancy, or ruptured uterus

Women with a diagnosis of severe preeclampsia have an increased risk of: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -placental abruption

Thrush in the newborn is directly related to contact in the birth canal with which of the following

organisms? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -candida albicans

To protect her unborn child from toxoplasmosis, a pregnant woman should: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -avoid eating under cooked meets, and handling cat feces

An example of a sex chromosome abnormality is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Turner Syndrome

A typical gynecoid pelvis has which of the following characteristics? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

rounded inlet, nonprominenant ischial spines and wide, round pubic arch

A cephalic presentation includes all of the following, except: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Brow, Face,

Vertex The midwife has been helping answer the questions of a woman who has just given birth for the first time. Which behavior shows that the new mother understands correct teaching on breastfeeding? -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -breastfeeding every 2-3 hours or on demand, whichever comes first

In counseling a woman interested in natural family planning, the midwife would inform her that the

most effective method is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Symptoms-thermal method

The midwife is performing Leopold's maneuvers and determines that the fetus is ROA. Which of the

following did she find? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -round, firm object low in the pelvis, small parts

on the mother's left side, and a soft rounded shape in the fundus

What describes contractions with a frequency of 3 minutes? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

contractions that last for 30 seconds with a 2 1/2 minute rest in between The midwife takes fetal heart tones and finds they are 158 bpm. What action is appropriate? -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -inform the mother that the rate is normal

While performing a vaginal exam, the midwife determines that the fetus is in a cephalic presentation

and that the occiput has reached the level of the ischial spines. The station is: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -0 (zero station)

A laboring woman's membranes rupture at the end of a contraction. The midwife's first action would be


What is descriptive of a cephalohematoma: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -blood vessels between the

cranial bone and the periosteal layer rupture, leading to bleeding in the subperiosteal space

Signs and symptoms of a patient with precipitous labor may include - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

contraction every 2 minutes, lasting 90 seconds, rapid progressive cervical dilation, discomfort that seems out of proportion to the dilation During pelvimetry, a primigravida is found to have a diagonal conjugate of 10 cm. Based on this

information, the midwife would expect her labor to be: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -prolonged, with

failure of the head to engage A woman with a partial placenta previa delivers following a three hour labor. The complication she is

most likely to develop in the early postpartal period is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -hemorrhage

The midwife notes a cord protruding from a laboring woman's vagina. The first action would be to: -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -apply manual pressure to the presenting part and have the mother

assume a knee-chest position

The normal breathing pattern for a full-term baby is predominately - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

abdominal with synchronous chest movements

The average heart beat range for a full-term, quiet and awake newborn is - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -120-140 BPM

Vitamin K is administered in the immediate neonate period because: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

newborns lack the intestinal bacteria with which to synthesize vitamin K The midwife sees a two hour old newborn gagging and turning blue. The first thing the midwife should

do is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -aspirate the oral and nasal pharynx with a bulb syringe

The blue coloration of a newborn's hands and feet is called: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -acrocyanosis

Infants of diabetic mothers are at risk for which of the following problems? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -respiratory distress syndrome

Congenital syphilis may be contracted by the baby: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -during the 5th month

of pregnancy

Which of the following signs indicate hypoglycemia in the newborn? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -


Hemolytic disease of the neonate may be produced by the union of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -rh+

mother with Rh- Father

A positive direct Coombs test done on the cord blood indicates the presence of: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -antibodies coating the baby's red blood cells

On the first day postpartum, the fundus should be - CORRECT ANSWER_ -at the umbilicus

Uterine involution occurs as a result of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -autolysis of protein material

within the uterine wall Twelve hours postpartum, the midwife checks the mother's fundus and finds it enlarged and boggy.

What would the midwife do first? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -massage the uterus firmly with one

hand while supporting it with other hand

Which of the instructions should be given to a postpartal mother about perineal care? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -area should be cleansed from front to back, ice and witch hazel for discomfort,

Difficulty in voiding after childbirth may be due to all the following factors - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -1) decreased sensitivity of the bladder

  1. lack of fluid intake during labor
  2. relaxation of the abdominal wall A postpartum patient reports she feels very uncomfortable sitting and has a "full feeling down there".

The midwife would suspect: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -vulvarhematoma

The clinical manifestations of mastitis include: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -hard, warm nodular areas

in the outer quadrant of the breast

A woman who has given birth to three children is a - CORRECT ANSWER_ -multipara

The first indication of puerperal infection is usually: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -chills with an

elevated temperature

The types of pelvis may be classified into any of the following - CORRECT ANSWER_ -gynecoid,

Android, anthropoid, platypelloid The laceration which includes the anal sphincter but does not completely split the sphincter is called a: -


A male child is the result of the union of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a y-chromosome from the

sperm and an x-chromosome from the ovum

When is the first time fetal heart tones are heard by the doppler? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -10-


If a pregnant woman has cats or eats undercooked meat, she could be at risk for - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -toxoplasmosis

Leukorrhea is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a profuse, thin or thick vaginal secretion that

begins in the first trimester A mother confides in her midwife that she is nervous about her partner's ability to support her in labor.

What would be an appropriate response from the midwife? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -invite her to

talk in further detail about these concerns

The lactation amenorrhea method of birth control is typically reliable as long as: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -The baby is under 6 months old and nursing at a minimum every 4 hours

Molly is newly pregnant. She has two children living at home. A third child died of birth defects at 4 days of age. She has never had an abortion or miscarriage. Which of the following accurately describes her

now? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Gravida 4 para 3 AB 0

Each uterine contraction consists of three phases. The contraction is the strongest during which phase? -


What is considered a positive sign of pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -fetal heart tones heard

with a doppler

Excessive use of antibiotics may result in a vaginal infection with - CORRECT ANSWER_ -candida


Correctly divides pregnancy into three trimesters by weeks, according to LMP? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -1st - 1 to 12 weeks, 2nd - 13 to 27 weeks, 3rd - 28 to 40 weeks

What is a presumptive sign of pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -nausea

Using Naegel's rule, the EDD for a woman who reports her LMP as April 13 would be - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -January 20

The purpose of Leopolds is to: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Determine fetal lie and presentation

All of the following birth defects could be detected by genetic screening, except: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -alpha fetoprotein

Chronic hypertension refers to: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a pre-existing condition of high blood


For purposes of microbial control, the term sterilization implies: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

destruction of all forms of microbial life

The difference between a disinfectant and an antiseptic is that: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a

disinfectant is used on lifeless objects only, while an antiseptic is used on the skin's surface

Anatomy is defined as: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -the study of the structure and shape of the body

and the body parts, and their relationship to one another

Physiology is defined as: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -the study of how the body and its parts work or


An ultrasound at 12 weeks gestation could establish all the following - CORRECT ANSWER_ -1) a

viable, intrauterine pregnancy

  1. multiple pregnancy
  2. presence of fetal abnormalities such as anecephaly

Two hormones the placenta produces are: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -estrogen and progesterone

The essential male hormone responsible for reproduction is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -


In a normal monthly cycle, ovulation occurs around day: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Day 14

If conception fails to occur, menstruation takes place as a result of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

degeneration of the corpus luteum Which term refers to the externally visible structures of the female reproductive system, which are formed by two folds of fatty tissue covered with skin, extending from the mons pubis anteriorly to

merge with the muscles of the perineum, and protect the inner genitalia? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -Labia Majora

Which hormone stimulates and maintains milk production after childbirth? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -prolactin

Where does fertilization usually occur? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -In the Fallopian tubes

The primary function of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is to: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

maintain the corpus luteum during the first trimester Carmen is an Rh negative woman in the first stage of labor who has started showing signs of a sinusoidal

fetal heart tone pattern. What should the midwife do? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -transport to the

hospital for delivery

Childbirth is also called - CORRECT ANSWER_ -parturition

Menarche is defined as: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -the first menstrual period

Immediately following fertilization, the fertilized egg is called a - CORRECT ANSWER_ -zygote

The embryonic stage is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -2-8 weeks

The function of the placenta is to - CORRECT ANSWER_ -provide nutrients

Amniotic fluid does the following: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -absorbs shock, permits fetal

movement, maintains fetal temperature During what period of pregnancy is the baby most susceptible to teratogens (from conception)? -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -2-12 weeks

At what week from conception doe the embryonic period being - CORRECT ANSWER_ -2 weeks

The fetal stage of development starts at what week? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -9 weeks

The fetal heartbeat can first be heard with a fetoscope between what weeks? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -18-20 Weeks

Despite the midwife's best efforts to give care to a mother who is a survivor of sexual abuse, she has continued to have severe emotional problems. The midwife questions the wisdom of a home birth for

her. Before jumping to conclusions, the midwife would: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -discuss her

concerns with the mother's backup physician as to how to best proceed To properly take an accurate basal body temperature to determine ovulation, a woman should do all of

the following: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -use a basal thermometer

take temperature after 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep take it before any activity, even going to the bathroom

A typical human gestation from conception is how many days? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

The midwife has just checked the fundus of a woman who gave birth 45 minutes ago and finds it is firmly contracted. The mother is happily nursing her new baby. What hormone is most likely being released

that will assist uterine involution? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -oxytocin

All of the following are contraindications to labor induction - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Invasive

cervical carcinoma, unexplained vaginal bleeding, active genital herpes infection

What essential vitamin is a strict vegan mother most likely to be deficient in? - CORRECT


What elements of a physical exam are included in HEENT? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Head, eyes,

ears, nose, and throat A pregnant woman describes some leaking of clear fluid. In order to verify this, the midwife does all of

the following - CORRECT ANSWER_ -obtain fluid by sterile speculum exam from the cervix

avoid doing a vaginal exam

take a small piece of nitrazine paper and touch it to the fluid on her pad to confirm ROM

All the following are important steps in evaluating the woman in labor, - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

take vital signs evaluate the quality, duration and timing of the contractions inspect her ankles, legs and hands for edema

If considering an amniotomy, the midwife will do all the following - CORRECT ANSWER_ -1) use

sterile technique and instruments, and only perform if medically indicated

  1. explain the procedure to the mother and obtain her informed consent
  2. perform only if the head is well engaged, and listen to the FHT immediately following the amniotomy

Frequency of contractions is timed from: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Beginning of one contraction to

beginning of the next

Contractions that are a sign of active labor will: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Increase when walking

Irregular contractions with no dilation are a sign of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -laten/false labor

The following are true about the fetal skull - CORRECT ANSWER_ -2) the sagittal suture is the

antero-posterior division between the parietal bones

  1. the biparietal diameter is the largest transverse diameter of the head
  2. the bitemporal is the greatest distance between the two temporal structures A woman is in labor. The midwife does Leopold's maneuvers and finds a ballotable prominence in the mother's right lower quadrant, a firm narrow prominence in the pelvis, barely palpable back to the

mother's left, firm prominence in the mother's upper left quadrant, and FHT midline below the maternal

umbilicus. Which of the following is true? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -The baby is presenting

shoulder At what age do breastfed infants need to start receiving iron supplementation through food or iron

drops? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -6 months

What is associated with the android pelvis? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Narrow pubic arch

The innominate bone of the pelvis are - CORRECT ANSWER_ -ischium, illiim, pubic

The relationship of the fetal head to it's trunk is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -attitude

The part of the fetus which lies at the pelvic brim or in the lower pole of the uterus tells the -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -presentation

What is the most acceptable form of charting - CORRECT ANSWER_ -SOAP notes

_______ is not recommended as a component of self-care in pregnancy? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -freely indulge in favorite foods

Bleeding in the second/third trimester would most often indicate: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

placenta previa

Which diagnostic screening test carries the highest risk of spontaneous pregnancy loss? - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -amniocentisis

A fetus that is head down in the uterus and is completely extended is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

face presentation In this type of breech, the bottom comes first, with the legs flexed at the hip and extended at the knees

(with feet near the ears): - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Frank

A chlamydia infection is often tested at the same time as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Gonorrhea

Station refers to what in relation to the ischial spines? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -The degree os

descent of the presenting part

In a face presentation, the higher cephalic prominence will be on the - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

same side as the fetal back

Tachycardia in a fetus is defined as a heart rate - CORRECT ANSWER_ -above 160

Bradycardia in a fetus is often caused by - CORRECT ANSWER_ -head compression

The second stage of labor is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -full dilation to the birth of the


What is a sign of placental separation? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -cord does not retract when

pressing above the pubic bone

Upon palpating the ovaries during a pelvic exam the midwife would expect ovaries to be: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -almond sized and somewhat tender

The Sims position is when the birthing person: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -left side laying

The lithotomy position is when the birthing person - CORRECT ANSWER_ -is flat on her back

with legs in stirrups The period during labor between complete dilation and the onset of active effective pushing is called -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -The resting phase

Late decelerations are thought to be cause by - CORRECT ANSWER_ -uteroplacental


Early decelerations are thought to be caused by - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Head compression

variable decelerations are thought to be cause by - CORRECT ANSWER_ -cord compression

A fetal heart rate that consistently stays the same with no variations is considered - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -silent

When examining the placenta and cord the midwife is mainly checking for: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -abnormalities

When performing an emergency episiotomy the midwife must cut: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

during a contraction as the head crowns

The episiotomy cut said to heal the fastest is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -midline

Immediately after the delivery of the placenta it is important to: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

massage the uterus

Something that may keep the uterus from contracting is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a full bladder

Respiratory distress in the newborn is evinced by: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -1) tachypnea

  1. grunting
  2. insuction

Preterm labor is defined as: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -labor starting prior to 37 weeks

At a client's one week postpartum check, when the mother is asked about feeding behaviors she tells the midwife, "My baby is incredibly easy. He only nurses for 10 minutes at a time, sleeps for 6 hours between each feeding and he hardly ever poops or pees. I don't have to change his diaper too often."

The midwife's first concern is that the baby has: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -dehydration

The most common type of shock a midwife will encounter is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -


To replace blood volume lost, a woman in hypovolemic shock should be given - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -IV Fluids

Shock patients will often complain of: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -thirst

women in shock after blood loss following childbirth will often - CORRECT ANSWER_ -feel cool

and clammy

Normal neonates have the following characteristics: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -2) their color

improves with crying

  1. physiologic jaundice is expected on the third and fourth days
  2. pathological jaundice appears within the first 24 hours or persists past the 7th day

The following is not true about the character of an infant's cry - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a

persistent inconsolable cry is common in infants before the milk comes in

If the client continues to hemorrhage in third stage, the most important thing is to - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -get the placenta out

If a baby is delivering in face presentation, he must rotate to - CORRECT ANSWER_ -mentum

anterior position The midwife has been at Mary's house for one hour. Upon arrival, she was 2 cm, BP 130/84, and FHT was 152. She is experiencing contractions as very painful and flinches noticeably when her abdomen is

touched. The midwife has just taken FHT again one hour later and find them to be 100. BP is 90/60. She

would most suspect - CORRECT ANSWER_ -placental abruption

Veronica is a G5P4 who is in hard labor at home. She was 9 cm an hour ago, and now she has involuntary grunting with the last contraction and asks the midwife if she can push. The midwife tells

her: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -"If it feels good, go ahead and push, if it does not feel good, don't

push yet"

When delivering a breech, as the body begins to deliver, the midwife should: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -Keep hands off the breech until the birth of the umbilicus

After a shoulder dystocia, once the baby is out, which of the following are most likely to occur? -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -hemorrhage and need for full newborn resuscitation

What is the most important nutrient of the pregnant and lactating woman by helping to build strong

muscles, adequate blood volume, and healthy skin? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Protein

Which of the following is essential in building blood volume levels of hemoglobin and assists in

metabolism of protein? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Iron

What is essential in the intrauterine development of the bones, brain and nervous system, teeth and

gums, as well as proper blood circulation? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -calcium

The fetal stage is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -9-40 weeks

The function of the placenta is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -1) provide somewhat of a barrier against

certain infections

  1. provide nutrients and hormones needed by the fetus
  2. act as an organ of exchange and transfer

A probable sign of pregnancy - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Goodell's Sign

______ is true about the umbilical cord - CORRECT ANSWER_ -The cord is wrapped around the

baby's neck out 1/3 births

Using Naegel's formula, the EDD for a woman who reports her LMP as May 12 would be: - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -February 19

Chadwick's sign is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -blue or purple coloration of the cervix and vulva

____________ is not a normal newborn finding in the first 24 hours - CORRECT ANSWER_ -


The midwife could best help a new mother learn parenting skills by: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

helping the parents by hands on helping them with an individual task

The heart begins beating in the embryo during which week from conception - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -4 weeks

A risk factor that may appear as a pre-existing medical disorder would be - CORRECT

ANSWER_ -active sexually transmitted infection

normal adult blood pressure for a pregnant person is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -90/50-140/90

in pregnancy blood volume expands by: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -40%-45%

Purpose of Leopold's Maneuvers - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Determine what is in the pelvis

Marked tachycardia in a fetus is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -heart rate above 180

The three classic signs of pre E are: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -1) Elevated blood pressure

  1. Generalied edema
  2. proteinuria

a woman suffering from eclampsia may experience: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -oliguria

oliguria is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -low urine output

According to the Brewer Diet and Anne Frye, pregnant women should ideally consume how many grams

of protein a day? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -80-100 grams

softening of the cervix is a sign of pregnancy called - CORRECT ANSWER_ -Goodell's sign

___________ is not associated with SGA babies. - CORRECT ANSWER_ -hydrocephalus

The chorion layer of the amniotic sac: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -directly encircles the amnion layer

of the amniotic sac

A typical human gestation from LMP is how many days? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -280

The vaginal portion of the cervix that dilates during labor is called: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

external os

Profuse bleeding from the uterus, especially between periods, is called - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

metrorrhagia The relation of the occiput (in a vertex presentation) to the 8 areas of the pelvic brim is called the fetal: -


A rubella titer of <1:10 indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -non-immunity

What is the normal range of pulse in an adult? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -60-80bpm

What is the normal range for respirations in an adult? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -12-20

A possible reason for induction of labor would be: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -chorioamnionitis

__________ is NOT an effect of cold stress on the newborn? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -respiratory


Chloasma is a word used to describe - CORRECT ANSWER_ -the pigmentary changes that occur

during pregnancy

tachycardia in the fetus may indicate what serious condition - CORRECT ANSWER_ -fetal


What is the most frequent reason for seizures in the neonatal period? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -

hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

What is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a type of brain dysfunction

that occurs when the brain doesn't receive enough oxygen or blood flow for a period of time

Using the 5 digit Para system, what does 2 2 0 3 1 signify? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -2 term, 2

preterm, 0 abortions, 3 living children, 1 multiple birth

The uterine endometrium during pregnancy is called the: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -decidua

A rubella titer of >1:64 indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -infection

early ambulation following birth may cause - CORRECT ANSWER_ -hypotensive episodes

Risk of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is slight whenever the concentration of lecithin in amniotic

fluid is at least how many times greater than sphingomyelin? - CORRECT ANSWER_ -two times

The most ominous fetal heart tone finding would be: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -repeated late

deceleration with loss of short-term fetal heart variability

The first stage of labor is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -onset of true contractions to full

dilation In clinical pelvimetry, if the pelvis is adequate, the angle of the pubic arch should be at least: -

CORRECT ANSWER_ -90 degrees

The basic shape of the anthropoid pelvis is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -anterior/posterior oval

The basic shape of an android pelvis is: - CORRECT ANSWER_ -heart

The ischial spines of the pelvis are - CORRECT ANSWER_ -prominent

the pubic arch of the platypelloid pelvis is - CORRECT ANSWER_ ->90 degrees

The gynecoid pelvis is - CORRECT ANSWER_ -most conductive to a vaginal birth

Eutocia is defined as - CORRECT ANSWER_ -a normal labor