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NASCLA Accredited Exam - JJ Johnson
Contractor Seminar - questions with
What nnare nn 4 nntypes nnof nnSteel nnDecking? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnComposite, nnRoof, nnCellular, nnand nnForm
What nnare nnthe nnlengths nnof nnFull nnsheets nnof nnSteel nnDecking? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn12", nn18", nn24", nn30", nnor
nn36". nnAll nnare nnusually nnless nnthan nn40"
Who nnhas nnfull nnresponsibility nnfor nnSafety nnon nna nnconstruction nnsite? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnprime
Who nnis nnresponsible nnto nnensure nnworkers nnhave nnappropriate nneye nnprotection? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe
Safety nnbelt nnlanyard nnshall nnbe nna nnminimum nnof? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2 nninch nnnylon, nnw/ nnmax nnlength
nnto nnprovide nnfor nna nnfall nnof nnno nngreater nnthan nn6ft. nnThe nnrope nnshall nnhave nna nnnominal nnbreaking
nnstrength nnof nn5,400 nnlbs.
When nnshould nnsafety nnnets nnbe nnprovided? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWhen nnworkplaces nnare nnmore nnthan nn 25
nnfeet nnabove nnground nnor nnwater nnsurface nnor nnwhere nnuse nnof nnladders, nnscaffolds, nncatch nnplatforms,
nntemporary nnfloors, nnsafety nnlines, nnor nnsafety nnbelts nnare nnimpractical
What nnare nnthe nndifferent nntypes nnof nnSafety nnEquipment? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnHead, nnEye nnand nnFace, nnand
nnRespiratory nnprotection. nnSafety nnbelts, nnlifelines, nnlanyards, nnand nnsafety nnnets
Where nnshould nnquantities nnof nnflammable nnliquid nnin nnexcess nnof nn 25 nngallons nnbe nnstored nnin nnthat nnis
nnacceptable nnor nnapproved? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAcceptable nnwooden nnstorage nnand nnApproved nnmetal
nnstorage nncabinets. nnCabinets nnshall nnbe nnlabeled nnin nnconspicuous nnlettering nn"Flammable-Keep nnAway
nnfrom nnOpen nnFlames"
LP-Gas nnstorage nnoutside nnof nnbuildings nnfor nncontainers nnwaiting nnuse nnshall nnbe nnlocated nnfrom nnthe
nnnearest nnbuilding nnor nngroup nnof nnbuildings nnin nnaccordance nnto? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nn 500 nnlbs nnor nnless
nn- nn0ft
2. nn***501 nnto nn6,000 nnlbs nn- nn10ft
3. nn6,001 nnto nn10,000 nnlbs nn- nn20ft
4. nnOver nn10,000 nnlbs nn- nn25ft
Clearance nnand nnmounting nnof nntemporary nnheating nndevices nnare? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnRoom nnheater,
nncirculating nntype nn- nn12" nnsides, nn12" nnrear, nn18" nnchimney nnconnector
2. nn***Room nnheater, nnradiant nntype nn- nn36" nnsides, nn36" nnrear, nn18" nnchimney nnconnector
How nnfar nnshall nnheaters nnused nnin nnthe nnvicinity nnof nnthe nncombustible nntarpaulins, nncanvas, nnor nnsimilar
nncoverings nnbe nnlocated nnfrom nnthe nncoverings? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 10 nnfeet nnfrom nncoverings
Material nnstored nninside nnbuildings nnunder nnconstruction nnshall nnnot nnbe nnplaced nnwith nnwhat nndistances? nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 6 nnfeet nnof nnany nnhoistway nnor nninside nnfloor nnopenings, nn***not nnwithin nn 10 nnfeet nnof
nnexterior nnwall nnwhich nndoes nnnot nnextend nnabove nnthe nntop nnof nnthe nnmaterial nnstored
Bagged nnmaterials nnshall nnbe nnstacked nnby nnstepping nnback nnthe nnlayers nnand nncross-keying nnthe nnbags nnat
nnleast nnby nnhow nnmany nnbags nnhigh? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 10 nnbags nnhigh
Brick nnstacks nnshall nnnot nnbe nnmore nnthan? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 7 nnfeet nnin nnheight
When nna nnloose nnbrick nnstack nnreaches nna nnheight nnof nn 4 nnfeet, nnit nnshall nnbe nntapered nnback nnby nnhow nnmany
nninches? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 2 nninches nnin nnevery nnfoot nnof nnheight nnabove nnthe nn 4 - foot nnlevel
When nnmasonry nnblocks nnare nnstacked nnhigher nnthan nn 6 nnfeet, nnthe nnstack nnshall nnbe nntapered nnback nnhow
nnfar? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBack nnone-half nnblock nnper nnTier nnabove nnthe nn 6 - foot nnlevel
Used nnlumber nnshall nnhave nnwhat nnwithdrawn nnbefore nnstacking? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNails
How nnshall nnlumber nnbe nnstacked? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOn nnlevel nnand nnsolid nnsupported nnsills, nnand nnstable
nnand nnself nnsupporting
Lumber nnpiles nnshall nnnot nnExceed? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 20 nnfeet nnin nnheight nnprovided nnthat nnlumber nnto
nnbe nnhandled nnmanually nnshall nnnot nnbe nnstacked nnmore nnthan nn 16 nnfeet nnhigh
Wire nnrope nnshall nnnot nnbe nnused nnif? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIn nnany nnlength nnof nneight nndiameters, nnthe nntotal
nnnumber nnof nnvisible nnbroken nnwires nnexceeds nn 10 nnpercent nnof nnthe nntotal nnnumber nnof nnwires, nnor nnif
nnrope nnshows nnother nnsigns nnof nnexcessive nnwear, nncorrosion, nnor nndefect
Waste nnmaterials nn- nnwhen nnmaterials nnare nndropped nnmore nnthan nn 20 nnfeet nnto nnany nnpoint nnlying nnoutside
nnthe nnexterior nnwalls nnof nnthe nnbuilding nnwhat nnis nnneeded? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAn nnenclosed nnchute nnof
nnwood, nnor nnequivalent nnmaterial, nnshall nnbe nnused. nnEnclosed nnchute nnis nna nnslide, nnclosed nnin nnon nnall
nnsides, nnthrough nnwhich nnmaterial nnis nnmoved nnfrom nna nnhigh nnplace nnto nna nnlower nnone
All nnother nnhand-held nnpowered nntools nnsuch nnas nncircular nnsaws, nnchain nnsaws, nnand nnpercussion nntools
nnwithout nnpositive nnaccessory nnholding nnmeans, nnshall nnbe nnequipped nnwith nnwhat? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnA
nnconstant nnpressure nnswitch nnthat nnwill nnshut nnoff nnthe nnpower nnwhen nnthe nnpressure nnis nnreleased
Compressed nnair nnshall nnnot nnbe nnused nnfor nncleaning nnpurposes nnexcept nnwhen? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nnWhere nnreduced nnto nnless nnthan nn 30 nnp.s.i nnand nnthen nnonly nnwith nneffective nnchip nnguarding nnand
nnpersonal nnprotective nnequipment nnwhich nnmeets nnthe nnrequirements. nnThe nn 30 nnpsi nnrequirement nndoes
nnnot nnapply nnfor nnconcrete nnform, nnmill nnscale nnand nnsimilar nncleaning nnpurposes
Who nnshall nnbe nnallowed nnto nnoperated nna nnpowder-actuated nntool? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOnly nnemployees
nnwho nnhave nnbeen nntrained nnin nnthe nnoperation nnof nnthe nnparticular nntool nnin nnused
All nnemployees nnusing nnabrasive nnwheels nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnby? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEye nnprotection
Guarding, nnall nnportable, nnpower-driven nncircular nnsaws nnshall nnbe nnequipped nnwith nnwhat? nn- nnANSWER: nn
nn➡ nnGuards nnabove nnand nnbelow nnthe nnbase nnplate nnor nnshoe. nnThe nnupper nnguard nnshall nncover nnthe nnsaw
nnto nnthe nndepth nnof nnthe nnteeth, nnexcept nnfor nnthe nnminimum nnarc nnrequired nnto nnpermit nnthe nnbase nnto nnbe
nntilted nnfor nnbevel nncuts. nnThe nnlower nnguard nnshall nncover nnthe nnsaw nnto nnthe nndepth nnof nnthe nnteeth,
nnexcept nnfor nnthe nnminimum nnarc nnrequired nnto nnallow nnproper nnretraction nnand nncontract nnwith nnthe nnwork.
nnWhen nnthe nntool nnis nnwithdrawn nnfrom nnthe nnwork, nnthe nnlower nnguard nnshall nnautomatically nnand
nninstantly nnreturn nnto nnthe nncovering nnposition.
Valve nnprotection nncaps nnshall nnnot nnbe nnused nnfor nnlifting nncylinders nnfrom nnone nnvertical nnposition nnto
nnanother. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBars nnshall nnnot nnbe nnused nnunder nnvalves nnor nnvalve nnprotection nncaps nnto
nnpry nncylinders nnloose nnwhen nnfrozen. nnWarm, nnnot nnboiling, nnwater nnshall nnbe nnused nnto nnthaw nncylinder
How nnshould nncompressed nnair nnbe nnsecured? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIn nnan nnupright nnposition nnat nnall nntimes
nnexcept, nnif nnnecessary, nnfor nnshort nnperiods nnof nntime nnwhile nncylinders nnare nnactually nnbeing nnhoisted nnor
What nndistance nnshall nnOxygen nncylinders nnin nnstorage nnbe nnseparated nnfrom nnfuel-gas nncylinders nnor
nncombustible nnmaterials nn(especially nnoil nnor nngrease)? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnA nnminimum nndistance nnof nn 20
nnft nn(6.1m) nnor nnby nnnon-combustible nnbarrier nnat nnleast nn 5 nnft nn(1.5m) nnhigh nnhaving nnfire-resistance nnrating
nnof nna nnleast nnone-half nnhour.
Inside nnof nnbuildings, nnhow nnshall nnGas nncylinders nnbe nnstored? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIn nna nnwell nnprotected,
nnwell-ventilated, nndry nnlocation, nnat nnleast nn 2 nnft nn(6.1m) nnfrom nnhighly nncombustible nnmaterials nnsuch nnas
nnoil nnor nnexcelsior. nnCylinders nnshould nnbe nnstored nnin nndefinitely nnassigned nnplaces nnaway nnfrom nnelevators,
nnstairs, nnor nngangways. nnAssigned nnstorage nnplaces nnshall nnbe nnlocated nnwhere nncylinders nnwill nnnot nnbe
nnknocked nnover nnor nndamaged nnby nnpassing nnor nnfalling nnobjects, nnor nnsubject nnto nntampering nnby
nnunauthorized nnpersons. nnCylinders nnshall nnnot nnbe nnkept nnin nnunventilated nnenclosures nnsuch nnas nnlockers
nnand nncupboards.
How nnshall nna nnregulator nnto nna nncylinder nnvalve nnbe nnconnected? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnvalve nnshall nnbe
nnopened nnslightly nnand nnclosed nnimmediately. nn(The nnaction nnis nngenerally nntermed nn"cracking" nnand nnis
nnintended nnto nnclear nnthe nnvalve nnof nndust nnor nndirt nnthat nnmight nnotherwise nnenter nnthe nnregulator.) nnThe
nnperson nncracking nnthe nnvalve nnshall nnstand nnto nnone nnside nnof nnthe nnoutlet, nnnot nnin nnfront nnof nnit. nnThe
nnvalve nnof nnfuel nngas nncylinder nnshall nnnot nnbe nncracked nnwhere nnthe nngas nnwould nnreach nnwelding nnwork,
nnsparks, nnflame, nnor nnother nnpossible nnsources nnof nnignition.
All nnhose nnin nnuse, nncarrying nnacetylene, nnoxygen, nnnatural nnor nnmanufactured nnfuel nngas, nnor nnany nngas nnor
nnsubstance nnwhich nnmay nnignite nnor nnenter nninto nncombustion, nnor nnbe nnin nnany nnway nnharmful nnto
nnemployees nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nninspected nnat nnthe nnbeginning nnof nneach nnworking nnshift.
nnDefective nnhose nnshall nnbe nnremoved nnfrom nnservice.
When nnthe nnarc nnwelder nnor nncutter nnhas nnoccasion nnto nnleave nnhis nnwork nnor nnto nnstop nnwork nnfor nnany
nnappreciable nnlength nnof nntime, nnor nnwhen nnthe nnarc nnwelding nnor nncutting nnmachine nnis nnto nnbe nnmoved,
nnwhat nnshould nnhappen? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnpower nnsupply nnswitch nnto nnthe nnequipment nnshall nnbe
Lifelines. nnWhere nna nnwelder nnmust nnenter nna nnconfined nnspace nnthrough nna nnmanhole nnor nnother nnsmall
nnopening, nnwhat nnshould nnoccur? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMeans nnshall nnbe nnprovided nnfor nnquickly nnremoving
nnhim nnin nncase nnof nnemergency. nnWhen nnsafety nnbelts nnand nnlifelines nnare nnused nnfor nnthis nnpurpose nnthey
nnshall nnbe nnso nnattached nnto nnthe nnwelder's nnbody nnthat nnhis nnbody nncannot nnbe nnjammed nnin nna nnsmall nnexit
nnopening. nnAn nnattendant nnwith nna nnpre-planned nnrescue nnprocedure nnshall nnbe nnstationed nnoutside nnto
nnobserve nnthe nnwelder nnat nnall nntimes nnand nnbe nncapable nnof nnputting nnrescue nnoperations nninto nneffect.
Working nnClearances nn(voltage) nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nn 0 - 150 nn=
nnMinimum nnclear nndistance nnfor nnconditions nnare nn 3 nnft, nn3ft, nn3ft
2. nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nn 151 - 600 nn= nnMinimum nnclear nndistance nnfor nnconditions nnare nn3ft,
nn3.5ft, nn4ft
Minimum nnDepth nnof nnClear nnWorking nnSpace nnin nnFront nnof nnElectrical nnEquipment nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1.
nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nn 601 nnto nn2,500 nn= nnConditions nn3ft, nn4ft, nn5ft
2. nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nn2,501 nnto nn9,000 nn= nnConditions nn4ft, nn5ft, nn6ft
3. nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nn9,001 nnto nn25,000 nn= nnConditions nn5ft, nn6ft, nn9ft
4. nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nn25,001 nnto nn75kV nn= nnConditions nn6ft, nn8ft, nn10ft
5. nnNominal nnvoltage nnto nnground, nnAbove nn75kV nn= nnConditions nn8ft, nn10ft, nn12ft
Each nnscaffold nnand nnscaffold nncomponent nnshall nnbe nncapable nnof nnsupport, nnwithout nnfailure, nnwhat? nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIts nnown nnweight nnand nnat nnleast nn 4 nntimes nnthe nnmaximum nnintended nnload nnapplied nnor
nntransmitted nntoo nnit
Each nnscaffold nnunit nnshall nnbe nninstalled nnso nnthat nnthe nnspace nnbetween nnadjacent nnunits nnand nnthe nnspace
nnbetween nnthe nnplatform nnand nnthe nnuprights nnis? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo nnmore nnthan nn 1 nninc nn(2.5cm)
nnwide, nnexcept nnwhere nnthe nnemployer nncan nndemonstrate nnthat nna nnwider nnspace nnis nnnecessary nn(for
nnexample, nnto nnfit nnaround nnuprights nnwhen nnside nnbrackets nnare nnused nnto nnextend nnthe nnwidth nnof nnthe
Each nnscaffold nnplatform nnand nnwalkway nnshall nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAt nnleast nn 18 nninches nn(46cm) nnside
The nnfront nnedge nnof nnthe nnplatforms nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNot nnbe nnmore nnthan nn 14 nninches nn(36cm)
nnfrom nnthe nnface nnof nnthe nnwork, nnunless nnguardrail nnsystems nnare nnerected nnalong nnthe nnfront nnedge
nnand/or nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystems nnare nnused nnin nnaccordance nnwith nnparagraph nnG
The nnmaximum nndistance nnfrom nnthe nnface nnfor nnoutrigger nnscaffolds nnshall nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 3
nninches nn(8cm)
The nnmaximum nndistance nnfrom nnthe nnface nnfor nnplastering nnand nnlathing nnoperations nnshall nnbe? nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn 18 nninches nn(46cm)
Each nnend nnof nna nnplatform, nnunless nncleated nnor nnotherwise nnrestrained nnby nnhooks nnor nnequivalent
nnmeans, nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnExtend nnover nnthe nncenterline nnof nnits nnsupport nnat nnleast nn 6 nninches
nn(15 nncm)
Each nnend nnof nna nnplatform nn 10 nnfeet nnor nnless nnin nnlength nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNot nnextend nnover nnits
nnsupport nnmore nnthan nn 12 nninches nn(30 nncm) nnunless nnthe nnplatform nnis nndesigned nnand nninstalled nnso nnthat
nnthe nncantilevered nnportion nnof nnthe nnplatform nnis nnable nnto nnsupport nnemployees nnand/or nnmaterials
nnwithout nntipping, nnor nnhas nnguardrails nnwhich nnblock nnemployee nnaccess nnto nnthe nncantilevered nnend
On nnscaffolds nnwhere nnplatforms nnare nnoverlapped nnto nncreate nna nnlong nnplatform, nnthe nnoverlap nnshall? nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOcurr nnonly nnover nnsupports, nnand nnshall nnnot nnbe nnless nnthan nn 12 nninches nn(30 nncm)
nnunless nnthe nnplatforms nnare nnnailed nntogether nnor nnotherwise nnrestrained nnto nnprevent nnmovement
Scaffold nncomponents nnmanufactured nnby nndifferent nnmanufacturers nnshall nnnot nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nnIntermixed nnunless nncomponents nnfit nntogether nnwithout nnforce nnand nnstructural nnintegrity nnis
nnmaintained nnby nnthe nnuser. nnComponents nnshall nnnot nnbe nnmodified nnin nnorder nnto nnintermix nnthem nnunless
nna nncompetent nnperson nndetermines nnthe nnresulting nnscaffold nnis nnstructurally nnsound.
Supported nnscaffold nnpoles, nnlegs, nnposts, nnframes, nnand nnupgrights nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBear nnon
nnbase nnplates nnand nnmud nnsills nnor nnother nnadequate nnfirm nnfoundation. nnFootings nnshall nnbe nnlevel.
nnUnstable nnobjects nnshall nnnot nnbe nnused. nnFront-end nnloaders nnand nnsimilar nnequipment nnshall nnnot nnbe
nnused nnfor nnsupport nnunless nnthey nnare nnspecifically nndesigned nnby nnthe nnmanufacturer. nnFork-lifts nnshall
nnnot nnbe nnsued.
Fall nnprotection: nnEach nnemployee nnon nna nnscaffold nnmore nnthan nn 10 nnfeet nn(3.1m) nnabove nna nnlower nnlevel
nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnfrom nnfalling nnto nnthat nnlower nnlevel. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEach nnemployee nnon nna
nnboatswains' nnchair, nncatenary nnscaffold, nnfloat nnscaffold, nnneedle nnbeam nnscaffold, nnor nnladder nnjack
nnscaffold nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnby nna nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystem. nnEach nnemployee nnon nna nnsingle-point
nnor nntwo-point nnadjustable nnsuspension nnscaffold nnshall nnbe nnprojected nnby nnboth nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest
nnsystem nnand nnguardrail nnsystem. nnEach nnemploy nnon nna nncrawling nnboard nn(chicken nnladder) nnshall nnbe
nnprotected, nna nnguardrail nnsystem nn(200lb nnminimum) nnor nnby nn3/4" nndiameter nngrabline nnor nnequivalent
nnhandhold nnsecurely nnfastened nnbeside nneach nncrawling nnboard. nnEach nnemployee nnon nna nnself-contained
nnadjustable nnscaffold nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnby nna nnguardrail nnsystem nn(200lb nnmin). nnEach nnemploy nnon nna
nnwalkway nnlocated nnwithin nna nnscaffold nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnby nna nnguardrail nnsystem nn(200lb nnmin)
nninstalled nnwithin nn9.5 nnin nnof nnand nnalong nnat nnleast nnone nnside nnof nnthe nnwalkway. nnEach nnemployee
nnperforming nnoverhand nnbricklaying nnoperations nnfrom nna nnsupported nnscaffold nnshall nnbe nnprotected
nnfrom nnfalling nnfrom nnall nnopen nnsides nnand nnends nnof nnthe nnscaffold nn(except nnat nnthe nnside nnnext nnto nnthe
nnwall nnbeing nnlaid) nnby nnthe nnuse nnof nna nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystem nnor nnguardrail nnsystem nn(200 nnlbs
The nntop nnedge nnheight nnof nntoprails nnor nnequivalent nnmember nnon nnsupport nnscaffolds nnmanufactured nnor
nnplaced nnin nnservice nnafter nnJanuary nn1, nn 2000 nnshall nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnInstalled nnbetween nn 38
nninches nn(.97m) nnand nn 45 nninches nn(1.2m) nnabove nnthe nnplatform nnsurface. nnThe nntop nnedge nnheight nnon
nnsupported nnscaffolds nnmanufactured nnand nnplaced nnin nnservice nnbefore nnJan nn1, nn 2000 nnand nnon nnall
nnsuspended nnscaffolds nnwhere nnboth nnguardrail nnand nna nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystem nnare nnrequired
nnshall nnbe nnbetween nn 36 nninches nnand nn 45 nninches. nnWhen nnconditions nnwarrant, nnthe nnheight nnof nnthe nntop
nnedge nnmay nnexceed nnthe nn 45 nninch nnheight, nnprovided nnthe nnguardrail nnsystem nnmeets nnall nnother nncriteria.
Scaffold nncasters nnand nnwheels nnshall nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLocked nnwith nnpositive nnwheel nnand/or
nnwheel nnand nnswivel nnlocks, nnor nnequivalent nnmeans, nnto nnprevent nnmovement nnof nnthe nnscaffold nnwhile
nnthe nnscaffold nnis nnused nnon nnstationary nnmanner.
Each nnemployee nnwho nnis nnconstructing nna nnleading nnedge nn 6 nnfeet nnor nnmore nnabove nnlower nnlevels nnshall
nnbe nnprotected nnfrom nnfalling nnby nna nnguardrail nnsystems, nnsafety nnnet nnsystems, nnor nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest
nnsystems. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnException: nnWhen nnthe nnemployer nncan nndemonstrate nnthat nnit nnis nninfeasible
nnor nncreates nna nngrater nnhazard nnto nnuse nnthese nnsystems, nnthe nnemployer nnshall nndevelop nnand nnimplement
nna nnfall nnprotection nnplan nnwhich nnmeets nnthe nnrequirements.
Each nnemployee nnreaching nnmore nnthan nn 10 nninches nnbelow nnthe nnlevel nnof nnwalking/working nnsurface nnon
nnwhich nnthey nnare nnworking, nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nnprotected nnfrom nnfalling nnby nna nnguardrail
nnsystem, nnsafety nnnet nnsystem, nnor nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystem.
Wall nnopenings nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEach nnemployee nnworking nnon nn, nnat, nnabove, nnor nnnear nnwall nnopenings
nn(including nnthose nnwith nnchutes nnattached) nnwhere nnthe nnoutside nnbottom nnedge nnof nnthe nnwall nnopening
nnis nn 6 nnfeet nnor nnmore nnabove nnlower nnlevels nnand nnthe nninside nnbottom nnedge nnof nnthe nnwall nnopening nnis
nnless nnthan nn 39 nninches nnabove nnthe nnwalking/working nnsurface, nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnfrom nnfalling nnby
nnused nnof nna nnguardrail nnsystem, nna nnsafety nnnet nnsystem, nnor nna nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystem
To nnedge nnheight nnof nntop nnrails, nnor nnequivalent nnguardrail nnsystem nnmembers, nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nnBe nn 42 nninches nnplus nnor nnminus nn 3 nninches nnabove nnthe nnwalking/working nnlevel. nnWhen nnconditions
nnwarrant, nnthe nnheight nnof nnthe nntop nnedge nnmay nnexceed nnthe nn 45 nninch nnheight, nnprovided nnthe nnguardrail
nnsystem nnmeets nnall nnother nncriteria nnof nnthis nnparagraph.
Intermediate nnmembers nn(such nnas nnbalusters), nnwhen nnused nnbetween nnposts, nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nnBe nnnot nnmore nnthan nn 19 nninches nnapart
Top nnrails nnand nnmidrails nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nnat nnleast nnone-quarter nninch nnnominal nndiameter nnor
nnthickness nnto nnprevent nncuts nnand nnlacerations. nnIf nnwire nnrope nnis nnused nnfor nntop nnrails, nnit nnshall nnbe
nnflagged nnat nnnot nnmore nnthan nn 6 nnfoot nnintervals nnwith nnhigh-visibility nnmaterial
Safety nnnets nnand nnsafety nnnet nninstallations nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nndrop-tested nnat nnthe nnjobsite
nnafter nninitial nninstallation nnand nnbefore nnbeing nnused nnas nna nnfall nnprotection nnsystem, nnwhenever
nnrelocated, nnafter nnmajor nnrepair, nnand nnat nn 6 nnmonth nnintervals nnif nnleft nnin nnone nnplace. nnThe nndrop-test
nnshall nnconsist nnof nna nn 400 nnpound nnbag nnof nnsand nn 30 nn+/- nn 2 nninches nnin nndiameter nndropped nninto nnthe
nnnet nnfrom nnthe nnhighest nnwalking/working nnsurface nnat nnwhich nnemployees nnare nnexposed nnto nnfall
nnhazards, nnbut nnnot nnfrom nnless nnthan nn 42 nninches nnabove nnthat nnlevel
Horizontal nnlifelines nnshall nnbe nndesigned, nninstalled, nnand nnused, nnunder nnthe nnsupervision nnof nna nnqualified
nnperson nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnas nnpart nnof nna nncomplete nnpersonal nnfall nnarrest nnsystem, nnwhich nnmaintains nna
nnsafety nnfactor nnof nna nnleast nntwo
The nnattachment nnpoint nnof nnthe nnbody nnbelt nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nnlocated nnin nnthe nncenter nnof nnthe
nnwearer's nnback. nnThe nnattachment nnpoint nnof nnthe nnbody nnharness nnshall nnbe nnlocated nnin nnthe nncenter nnof
nnthe nnwearer's nnback nnnear nnshoulder nnlevel, nnor nnabove nnthe nnwearer's nnhead.
When nnmechanical nnequipment nnis nnnot nnbeing nnused, nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnwarning nnline nnshall nnbe
nnerected nnnot nnless nnthan nn 6 nnfeet nnfrom nnthe nnroof nnedge
After nnbeing nnerected, nnwith nneh nnrope, nnwire, nnor nnchain nnattached, nnstanchions nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nnBe nncapable nnof nnresisting, nnwithout nntipping nnover, nna nnforce nnof nnat nnleast nn 16 nnpounds nnapplied
nnhorizontally nnagainst nnthe nnstanchion, nn 30 nninches nnabove nnthe nnwalking/working nnsurface,
nnperpendicular nnto nnthe nnwarning nnline, nnand nnin nnthe nndirection nnof nnthe nnfloor, nnroof, nnor nnplatform nnedge
Covers nnfor nnholes nnin nnfloors, nnroofs, nnand nnother nnwalking/working nnsurfaces nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nnMeet nnthe nnfollowing nnrequirements:
1. nnCovers nnlocated nnin nnroadways nnand nnvehicular nnaisles nnshall nnbe nncapable nnof nnsupporting, nnwithout
nnfailure, nnat nnleast nntwice nnthe nnmaximum nnaxle nnload nnof nnthe nnlargest nnvehicle nnexpected nnto nncross nnover
nnthe nncover
2. nnAll nnother nncovers nnshall nnbe nncapable nnof nnsupporting, nnwithout nnfailure, nnat nnleast nntwice nnthe nnweight
nnof nnemployees, nnequipment, nnand nnmaterials nnthat nnmay nnbe nnimposed nnon nnthe nncover nnat nnany nnone
3. nnAll nncovers nnshall nnbe nnsecured nnwhen nninstalled nnso nnas nnto nnprevent nnaccidental nndisplacement nnby nnthe
nnwind, nnequipment, nnor nnemployees.
4. nnAll nncovers nnshall nnbe nncolor nncoded nnor nnthey nnshall nnbe nnmarked nnwith nnthe nnword nn"HOLE" nnor
nn"COVER" nnto nnprovide nnwarning nnof nnthe nnhazard.
During nnthe nnperformance nnof nnroofing nnwork nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnMaterials nnand nnequipment nnshall
nnnot nnbe nnstored nnwithin nn 6 nnfeet nnof nna nnroof nnedge nnunless nnguardrails nnare nnerected nnat nnthe nnedge
2. nnMaterials nnwhich nnare nnpiled, nngrouped, nnor nnstacked nnnear nna nnroof nnedge nnshall nnbe nnstable nnand nnself-
Certification nnof nntraining: nnThe nnemployer nnshall nnverify nncompliance nnby nnpreparing nna nnwritten
nncertification nnrecord. nnThe nnwritten nncertification nnrecord nnshall nncontain nnthe nnname nnor nnother nnidentity
nnof nnthe nnemployee nntrained, nnthe nndate nnof nnthe nntraining, nnand nnthe nnsignature nnof nnthe nnemployer nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIf nnthe nnemployer nnrelies nnon nntraining nnconducted nnby nnanother nnemployer nnor
nncompleted nnprior nnto nnthe nneffective nndate nnof nnthe nnsection, nnthe nncertification nnrecord nnshall nnindicate
nnthe nndate nnthe nnemployer nndetermined nnthe nnprior nntraining nnwas nnadequate nnrather nnthan nnthe nndate nnof
nnactual nntraining
Shield nnsystem nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMeans nna nnstructure nnthat nnis nnable nnto nnwithstand nnthe nnforces
nnimposed nnon nnit nnby nna nncave-in nnand nnthereby nnprotect nnemployees nnwithin nnthe nnstructure. nnShields nncan
nnbe nnpermanent nnstructures nnor nncan nnbe nndesigned nnto nnbe nnportable nnand nnmoved nnalong nnas nnwork
nnprogresses. nnAdditionally, nnshields nncan nnbe nneither nnpremanufactured nnor nnjob-built nnin nnaccordance
nnwith nn1926.652. nnShields nnused nnin nntrenches nnare nnusually nnreferred nnto nnas nn"trench nnboxes" nnor nn"trench
Means nnof nnegress nnfrom nntrench nnexcavations. nnA nnstairway, nnladder, nnramp nnor nnother nnsae nnmeans nnof
nnegress nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nnlocated nnin nntrench nnexcavations nnthat nnare nn 4 nnfeet nnor nnmore nnin
nndepth nnso nnas nnto nnrequire nnno nnmore nnthan nn 25 nnfeet nnof nnlateral nntravel nnfor nnemployees.
Where nnoxygen nndeficiency nn(atmospheres nncontaining nnless nnthan nn19.5 nnpercent nnoxygen) nnor nna
nnhazardous nnatmosphere nnexists nnor nncould nnreasonably nnbe nnexpected nnto nnexist, nnsuch nnas nnexcavations
nnin nnlandfill nnareas nnor nnexcavations nnin nnareas nnwhere nnhazardous nnsubstances nnare nnstored nnnearby, nnthe
nnatmospheres nnin nnthe nnexcavation nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nntested nnbefore nnemployees nnenter
nnexcavations nngreater nnthan nn 4 nnfeet nnin nndepth.
Employees nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnfrom nnexcavated nnor nnother nnmaterials nnor nnequipment nnthat nncould
nnpose nna nnhazard nnby nnfalling nnor nnrolling nninto nnexcavations. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnProtections nnshall nnbe
nnprovided nnby nnplacing nnand nnkeeping nnsuch nnmaterials nnor nnequipment nnat nnleast nn 2 nnfeet nnfrom nnthe nnedge
nnof nnexcavations, nnor nnby nnthe nnuse nnof nnretaining nndevices nnthat nnare nnsufficient nnto nnprevent nnmaterials nnor
nnequipment nnfrom nnfalling nnor nnrolling nninto nnexcavations, nnor nnby nna nncombination nnof nnboth nnif nnnecessary.
Each nnemployee nnin nnan nnexcavation nnshall nnbe nnprotected nnfrom nncave-ins nnby nnan nnadequate nnprotective
nnsystem nndesigned nnin nnaccordance nnwith nnthis nnsection nnexcept nnwhen? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnExcavations
nnare nnless nnthan nn 5 nnfeet nnin nndepth nnand nnexamination nnof nnthe nnground nnby nncompetent nnperson nnprovides
nnno nnindication nnof nna nnpotential nncave-in
Additional nnrequirement nnfor nnshield nnsystems nnused nnin nntrench nnexcavations. nnExcavations nnof nnearth
nnmaterial nnto nna nnlevel nnnot nngrater nnthan nn 2 nnfeet nnbelow nnthe nnbottom nnof nna nnshield nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn
nn➡ nnBe nnpermitted, nnbut nnonly nnif nnthe nnshield nnis nndesigned nnto nnresist nnthe nnforces nncalculated nnfor nnthe
nnfull nndepth nnof nnthe nntrench, nnand nnthere nnare nnno nnindications nnwhile nnthe nntrench nnis nnopen nnof nna
nnpossible nnloss nnof nnsoil nnfrom nnbehind nnor nnbelow nnthe nnbottom nnof nnthe nnshield.
Manual nntests. nnManual nnanalysis nnof nnsoil nnsamples nnis nnconducted nnto nndetermine nnquantitative nnas nnwell
nnas nnqualitative nnproperties nnof nnsoil nnand nnto nnprovide nnmore nninformation nnin nnorder nnto nnclassify nnsoil
nnproperty nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnPlasticity. nnMold nna nnmoist nnor nnwet nnsample nnof nnsoil nninto nna nnball nnand
nnattempt nnto nnroll nnit nninto nnthreads nnas nnthin nnas nn1/8 nninch nnin nndiameter. nnCohesive nnmaterial nncan nnbe
nnsuccessfully nnrolled nninto nnthreads nnwithout nncrumbling. nnFor nnexample, nnif nna nnleast nna nntwo nninch nnlength
nnof nn1/8 nninch nnthread nncan nnbe nnheld nnon nnone nnend nnwith-out nntearing, nnthe nnsoil nnis nncohesive.
2. nnThumb nnpenetration nntest nncan nnbe nnused nnto nnestimate nnthe nnunconfined nncompressive nnstrength nnof
nncohesive nnsoils. nnType nnA nnsoils nnwith nnan nnunconfined nncompressive nnstrength nnof nn1.5 nntsf nncan nnb
nnreadily nnindented nnby nnthe nnthumb, nnhowever, nnthey nncan nnbe nnpenetrated nnby nnthe nnthumb nnonly nnwith
nnvery nngreat nneffort. nnType nnC nnsoils nnwith nnan nnunconfined nncompressive nnstrength nnof nn.5 nntsf nnan nnbe
nneasily nnpenetrated nnseveral nninches nnby nnthe nnthumb, nnand nncan nnbe nnmolded nnby nnlight nnfinger nnpressure.
nnThe nntest nnshould nnbe nnconducted nnon nnan nnundisturbed nnsoil nnsample, nnsuch nnas nna nnlarge nnclump nnof
nnspoil, nnas nnsoon nnas nnpracticable nnafter nnexcavation nnto nnkeep nnto nna nnminimum nnthe nneffects nnof nnexposure
nnto nndrying nninfluences. nnIf nnthe nnexcavation nnis nnlater nnexposed nnto nnwetting nninfluences nn(rain, nnflooding),
nnthe nnclassification nnof nnthe nnsoil nnmust nnbe nnchanged nnaccordingly.
3. nnDry nnStrength. nnIf nnsoil nnis nndry nnand nncrumbles nnon nnits nnown nnor nnwith nnmoderate nnpressure nninto
nnindividual nngrains nnor nnfine nnpowder, nnit nnis nngranular nn(gravel, nnsand, nnor nnsilt). nnIf nnthe nnsoil nnis nndry nnand
nnfalls nninto nnclumps nnwhich nnbreak nnu nninto nnsmaller nnclumps, nnbut nnthe nnsmaller nnclumps nncan nnonly nnbe
nnbroken nnu nnwith nndifficulty, nnit nnmay nnbe nnclay nnin nnany nncombination nnwith nngravel nnsand nnor nnsilt. nnIf nnthe
nndry nnsoils nnbreaks nninto nnclumps nnwhich nndo nnnot nnbreak nnup nninto nnsmall nnclumps nnand nnwhich nncan nnonly
nnbe nnbroken nnwith nndifficulty nnand nnthere nnis nnno nnvisual nnindication nnthe nnsoil nnis nnfissured nnthe nnsoil nnmay
nnbe nnconsidered nnunfissured.
Type nnA nnmeans nncohesive nnsoils nnwith nnan nnunconfined nncompressive nnstrength nnof nn1.5 nnton nnper nnsquare
nnfoot nn(tsf) nnor nngreater. nnExamples nnof nncohesive nnsoils nnare: nnclay, nnsilty nnclay, nnsandy nnclay, nnclay nnloam
nnand, nnin nnsome nncases nnsilty nnclay nnloam nnand nnsandy nnclay nnloam. nnCemented nnsoils nnsuch nnas nncaliche
nnand nnhardpan nnare nnalso nnconsidered nnType nnA. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnHowever, nnno nnsoil nnis nnType nnA nnif:
1. nnThe nnsoil nnis nnfissured nnor
2. nnThe nnsoil nnis nnsubject nnto nnvibration nnfrom nnheavy nntraffic, nnpile nndriving, nnor nnsimilar nneffects nnor
3. nnThe nnsoil nnhas nnbeen nnpreviously nndisturbed nnor
4. nnThe nnsoil nnis nnpart nnof nna nnsloped, nnlayered nnsystem nnwhere nnthe nnlayers nndip nninto nnthe nnexcavation nnon
nna nnslope nnof nnfour nnhorziontal nnto nnone nnvertical nn(4H:1V) nnor nngreater, nnor
5. nnThe nnmaterial nnis nnsubject nnto nnother nnfactors nnthat nnwould nnrequire nnit nnto nnbe nnclassified nnas nna nnless
nnstable nnmaterial.
Excavations nnmade nnwith nnType nnA nnsoil, nnFigure nnB- 1 nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnAll nnsimple nnslope
nnexcavations nn 20 nnfeet nnor nnless nnin nndepth nnshall nnhave nna nnmaximum nnallowable nnslope nnof nn3/4:1.
nnException, nnsimple nnslope nnexcavations nnwhich nnare nnopen nn 24 nnhours nnor nnless nn(short nnterm) nnand nnwhich
nnare nn 12 nnfeet nnor nnless nnin nndepth nnshall nnhave nna nnmaximum nnallowable nnslope nnof nn1/2:
2. nnAll nnsimple nnbenched nnexcavations nn 20 nnfeet nnor nnless nnin nndepth nnshall nnhave nna nnmaximum nnallowable
nnslope nnof nn3/4:1 nnand nnmaximum nnbench nndimensions nnas nnfollows. nn
------------ nn----------
--4'max-- nn-------
3. nnAll nnexcavations nn 8 nnfeet nnor nnless nnin nndepth nnwhich nnhave nnunsupported nnvertically nnsidded nnlower
nnportions nnshall nnhave nna nnmaximum nnvertical nnside nnof nn 3 - 1/2 nnfeet. nnThe nnslope nnis nnstill nn3/4:
Cast-in-place nnconcrete. nnGeneral nnrequirements nnfor nnformwork nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnFORMWORK
nnshall nnbe nndesigned, nnfabricated, nnerected, nnsupported, nnbraced nnand nnmaintained nnso nnthat nnit nnwill nnbe
nncapable nnof nnsupporting nnwithout nnfailure nnall nnvertical nnand nnlateral nnloads nnthat nnmay nnreasonably nnbe
nnanticipated nnto nnbe nnapplied nnto nnthe nnformwork. nnForwork nnwhich nnis nndesigned, nnfabricated, nnerected,
nnsupported, nnbraced nnand nnmaintained nnin nnconformance nnwith nnthe nnAppendix nnto nnthis nnsection nnwill nnbe
nndeemed nnto nnmeet nnthe nnrequirements nnof nnthis nnparagraph.
2. nnDrawings nnor nnplans, nnincluding nnall nnrevisions, nnfor nnthe nnjack nnlayout nnformwork nn(including nnshoring
nnequipment), nnworking nndecks, nnand nnscaffolds, nnshall nnbe nnavailable nnat nnthe nnjobsite.
All nnmasonry nnwalls nnover nn 8 nnfeet nnin nnheight nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nnadequately nnbraced nnto
nnprevent nnoverturning nnand nnto nnprevent nncollapse nnunless nnthe nnwall nnis nnadequately nnsupported nnso nnthat
nnit nnwill nnnot nnoverturn nnor nncollapse. nnThe nnbracing nnshall nnremain nnin nnplace nnuntil nnpermanent
nnsupporting nnelements nnof nnthe nnstructure nnare nnin nnplace.
Working nnunder nnloads. nnRoutes nnfor nnsuspended nnloads nnshall nnbe nnpre-planned nnto nnensure nnthat nnno
nnemployee nnis nnrequired nnto nnwork nndirectly nnbelow nna nnsuspended nnload nnexcept nnfor: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nn1. nnEmployees nnengaged nnin nnthe nninitial nnconnection nnof nnthe nnsteel, nnor
2. nnEMPLOYEES nnnecessary nnfor nnthe nnhooking nnor nnunhooking nnof nnthe nnload
The nnfollowing nnadditional nnrequirements nnshall nnapply nnfor nnmultiple nnstory nnstructures nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡
nn1. nnTHE nnpermanent nnfloors nnshall nnbe nninstalled nnas nnthe nnerection nnof nnstructural nnmembers nnprogresses,
nnand nnthere nnshall nnbe nnnot nnmore nnthan nneight nnstores nnbetween nnthe nnerection nnfloor nnand nnthe nnupper-
most nnpermanent nnfloor, nnexcept nnwhere nnthe nnstructural nnintegrity nnis nnmaintained nnas nna nnresult nnof nnthe
2. nnAT nnNO nntime nnshall nnthere nnbe nnmore nnthan nnfour nnfloors nnor nn 48 nnfeet, nnwhichever nnis nnless, nnof
nnunfinished nnbolting nnor nnwelding nnabove nnthe nnfoundation nnor nnuppermost nnpermanently nnsecured nnfloor,
nnexcept nnwhere nnthe nnstructural nnintegrity nnis nnmaintained nnas nna nnresult nnof nnthe nndesign.
3. nnA nnFULLY nnplanked nnor nndecked nnfloor nnor nnnets nnshall nnbe nnmaintained nnwithin nntwo nnstories nnor nn 30
nnfeet nnwhichever nnis nnless, nndirectly nnunder nnany nnerection nnwork nnbeing nnperformed.
Landing nnand nnplacing nnloads nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnweight nnof nna nnbundle nnof nnjoist nnbridging nnshall nnnot
nnexceed nna nntotal nnof nn1,000 nnpounds. nnA nnbundle nnof nnjoist nnbridging nnshall nnbe nnplaced nnon nna nnminimum
nnof nnthree nnsteel nnjoists nnthat nnare nnsecured nnat nnone nnend. nnThe nnedge nnof nnthe nnbridging nnbundle nnshall nnbe
nnpositioned nnwith nn 1 nnfoot nnof nnthe nnsecured nnend.
Demolition: nnWhen nndebris nnis nndropped nnthrough nnthe nnholes nnin nnthe nnfloor nnwithout nnthe nnuse nnof
nnchutes, nnthe nnarea nnonto nnwhich nnthe nnmaterial nnis nndropped nnshall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBe nncompletely
nnenclosed nnwith nnbarricades nnnot nnless nnthan nn 42 nninches nnhigh nnand nnnot nnless nnthan nn 6 nnfeet nnback nnfrom
nnthe nnprojected nnedge nnof nnthe nnopening nnabove. nnSigns, nnwarning nnof nnthe nnhazard nnof nnfalling nnmaterials,
nnshall nnbe nnposted nnat nneach nnlevel. nnRemoval nnshall nnnot nnbe nnpermitted nnin nnthis nnlower nnaread nnuntil
nndebris nnhandling nnceases nnabove.
Chutes: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo nnmaterial nnshall nnbe nndropped nnto nnany nnpoint nnlying nnoutside nnthe nnexterior
nnwalls nnof nnthe nnstructure nnunless nnthe nnarea nnis nneffectively nnprotected.
Access nnand nnEgress: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnEmployer nnshall nnprovide nnand nnmaintain nnsafe nnmeans nnof
nnaccess nnand nnegress nnto nnall nnwork nnstations
2. nnEmployer nnshall nnprovide nnaccess nnand nnegress nnin nnsuch nna nnmanner nnthat nnemployees nnare nnprotected
nnfrom nnbeing nnstruck nnby nnexcavators, nnhaulage nnmachines, nntrains nnand nnother nnmobile nnequipment
3. nnEmployer nnshall nncontrol nnaccess nnto nnall nnopenings nnto nnprevent nnunauthorized nnentry nnunderground.
nnUnused nnchutes, nnmanways, nnor nnother nnopenings nnshall nnbe nntightly nncovered, nnbulkheaded, nnor nnfenced
nnoff, nnand nnshall nnbe nnposted nnwith nnwarning nnsigns nnindicating nn"Keep nnOut" nnor nnsimilar nnlanguage.
nnCompleted nnor nnunused nnsections nnof nnthe nnunderground nnfacility nnshall nnbe nnbarricaded.
Ladders nnand nnJob-made nnladders nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEach nnportable nnladder nnthat nnis nnnot nnself-
supporting. nnAt nnleast nnfour nntimes nnthe nnmaximum nnintended nnload, nnexcept nnthat nneach nnextr-heavy-duty
nntype nn1A nnmetal nnor nnplastic nnladders nnshall nnsustain nnat nnleast nn3.3 nntimes nnthe nnmaximum nnintended
nnload. nnThe nnability nnof nna nnladder nnto nnsustain nnthe nnloads nnindicated nnshall nnbe nnplaced nnat nnan nnangle nnof
nn 75 nn1/2 nndegrees nnfrom nnthe nnhorizontal.
When nnportable nnladders nnare nnused nnfor nnaccess nnto nnan nnupper nnlanding nnsurface, nnthe nnladder nnside nnrails
nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnExtend nnat nnleast nn 3 nnfeet nnabove nnthe nnupper nnlanding nnsurface nnto nnwhich nnthe
nnladder nnis nnused nnto nngain nnaccess; nnor, nnwhen nnsuch nnan nnextension nnis nnnot nnpossible nnbecause nnof nnthe
nnladder's nnlength, nnthen nnthe nnladder nnstall nnbe nnsecured nnat nnits nntop nnto nna nnrigid nnsupport nnthat nnwill nnnot
nndeflect, nnand nna nngrasping nndevice, nnsuch nnas nna nngrabrail, nnshall nnbe nnprovided nnto nnassist nnemployees nnin
nnmounting nnand nndismounting nnthe nnladder. nnIn nnno nncase nnshall nnthe nnthe nnextension nnbe nnsuch nnthat nnthe
nnladder nndeflection nnunder nna nnload nnwould, nnby nnitself, nncause nnthe nnladder nnto nnslip nnoff nnits nnsupport.
Non-self-supporting nnladders nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnShall nnbe nnused nnat nnan nnangle nnsuch nnthat nnthe
nnhorizontal nndistance nnfrom nnthe nntop nnsupport nnto nnthe nnfoot nnof nnthe nnladder nnis nnapproximately nnone-
quarter nnof nnthe nnworking nnlength nnof nnthe nnladder nn(distance nnalong nnthe nnladder nnbetween nnthe nnfoot
nnand nnthe nntop nnsupport)
The nntop nnor nntop nnstep nnof nna nnstepladder nnshall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNOT nnbe nnused nnas nna nnstep
When nnascending nnor nndescending nna nnladder nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnuser nnshall nnface nnthe nnladder
Devices nnoriginally nndesigned nnby nnthe nnmanufacturer nnfor nnuse nnas: nnA nnsafety nndevice, nnoperational nnaid,
nnor nna nnmeans nnto nnprevent nnpower nnline nncontact nnor nnelectrocution, nnwhen nnused nnto nncomply nnmust
nnmeet nnthe nnmanufacturer's nnprocedures nnfor nnuse nnand nnconditions nnor nnuse:
Minimum nnClearance nnDistance: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnUP nnTO nn 50 nnkv nn-> nn 10 nnFEET nnMIN nnclearance
2. nnover nn 50 nnto nn 200 nnkv nn-> nn 15 nnfeet nnmin nnclearance
3. nnOver nn 200 nnto nn 350 nnkv nn-> nn 20 nnfeet nnmin nnclearance
A nncompetent nnperson nnmust nnbegin nna nnvisual nninspection nnprior nnto nneach nnshift nnthe nnequipment nnwill nnbe
nnused, nnwhich nnmust nnbe nncompleted nnbefore nnor nnduring nnthat nnshift. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nninspection
nnmust nnconsist nnof nnobservation nnfor nnapparent nndeficiencies. nnTaking nnapart nnequipment nncomponents
nnand nnbooming nndown nnis nnnot nnrequired nnas nnpart nnof nnthis nninspection nnunless nnthe nnresults nnof nnthe
nnvisual nninspection nnor nntrial nnoperation nnindicate nnthat nnfurther nninvestigation nnnecessitating nntaking
nnapart nnequipment nncomponent nnor nnbooming nndown nnis nnneeded. nnDeterminations nnmade nnin
nnconducting nnthe nninspection nnmust nnbe nnreassessed nnin nnlight nnof nnobservations nnmade nnduring
nnoperation. nnAt nnminimum nnthe nninspection nnmust nninclude nnall nnof nnthe nnfollowing:
1. nnControl nnmechanisms nnfor nnmaladjustments
2. nnControl nnand nndrive nnmechanisms
3. nnAir, nnhydraulic, nnand nnother nnpressurized nnlines
4. nnHydraulic nnsystem nnfor nnproper nnfluid nnlevel
5. nnHooks nnand nnlatches nnfor nndeformation
6. nnWire, nnrope nnreeving nnfor nncompliance
7. nnWire nnrope
8. nnElectrical nnapparatus
9. nnTires
10. nnGround nnconditions nnaround nnthe nnequipment nnfor nnproper nnsupport
11. nnThe nnequipment nnfor nnlevel nnposition
12. nnOperator nncab nnwindows
13. nnRails, nnrail nnstops, nnrail nnclamps nnand nnsupport nnsurfaces
14. nnSafety nndevices nnand nnoperational nnaids
Scaffolds nnshall nnbe nnerected, nnmoved, nndismantled, nnor nnaltered nnonly nnunder nnthe nnsupervision nnand
nndirection nnof nna? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCompetent nnperson nnquilified nnin nnscaffold nnerection, nnmoving,
nndismantling nnor nnalteration. nnSuch nnactivities nnshall nnbe nnperformed nnonly nnby nnexperienced nnand nntrained
nnemployees nnselected nnfor nnsuch nnwork nnby nnthe nncompetent nnperson
Before nnan nnemployee nnenters nnthe nnspace, nnthe nninternal nnatmosphere nnmust nnbe nntested, nnwith nna
nncalibrated nndirect-reading nninstrument, nnfor nnoxygen nncontent, nnfor nnflammable nngases nnand nnvapors, nnand
nnfor nnpotential nntoxic nnair nncontaminants, nnin nnthat nnorder. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAny nnemployee nnwho
nnenters nnthe nnspace, nnor nnthat nnemployee's nnauthorized nnrepresentative, nnmust nnbe nnprovided nnan
nnopportunity nnto nnobserve nnthe nnpre-entry nntesting nnrequired
Oxygen nnLevel nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMinimum nnoxygen nncontent nnof nn19.5%
Excavation: nnTo nnfind nnthe nnload nnfactor nnfor nncommon nnswell nnpercentage nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDivide nnthe
nnbank nnvolume nnby nnthe nnbank nnvolume nnplus nnthe nnswell nnpercentage: nnFor nnexample, nna nnsoil nnthat nnswells
nnby nn25% nnhas nna nnload nnfactor nnof nn0.80 nn(1 nnLCY nn/ nn1.25 nnLCY)
Bank nnCubic nnYards nn(BCY) nn- nnundisturbed
Loose nnCubic nnYards nn(LCY) nn- nndisturbed nn(swells)
Compacted nnCubic nnYards nn(CCY) nn- nncompacted nn(shrinks) nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnLCY nn= nn 1 nnBCY nnx nn1.
Example nnif nntruck nncapacity nnis nn 14 nnLCY nnand nnyou nnneed nnto nnexport nn1,000 nnBCY. nnConvert nnBCY nnto nnLCY,
nn 1000 nnBCY nnx nn1.32 nn= nn1,320 nnLCY. nnNow nntake nn1,320 nnLCY nn/ nn 14 nnLCY nn= nn 95 nnhaul nntrips
2. nnCCY nn= nn 1 nnLCY nn/ nn1.
Example: nn1,320 nn/ nn1.54 nn= nn 857 nnCCY
3. nnCUT nn= nn4,000BCY nnx nn1.32 nnLCY/BCY nn= nn5,280LCY
FILL nn= nn4,000CCY nnx nn1.54 nnLCY/CCY nn= nn6,160 nnLCY
6,160LCY-5,280LCY nn= nn880LCY nnmore nnneeded
Trench nnvolume nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnExample: nntrench nnis nn100ft nnlong nnby nn2ft nnwide nnby nn5ft nndeep.
nn100x2x5 nn= nn1,000 nnBCF
BCY nn= nn1000BCF nn/ nn 27 nn= nn37BCY
Bulldozers nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEach nnsize nnand nntype nnof nndozer nnhas nna nnrange nnof nnappropriate nnuses nnand
nnapplications. nnLight nnutility nnrand nnfrom nn 40 nnto nn 80 nnhp nnand nnhave nnblade nncapacity nnof nn1.25 nnto nn2.
nnCY. nnTypical nnapplications nninclude nnresidential nnand nncommercial nnfoundations, nngrading, nnbackfill,
nnlandscaping, nnlight nnlogging, nnand nnswamp nndozing.
Load nntime nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLoad nntime nncan nnbe nnreduced nnby nnloading nndowngrade
Using nnpusher nnassistance nnwill nnincrease nnthe nnloading nnrate nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPushers nnshould nnbe
nnpowerful nnand nnheavy nnenough nnto nnpush nnthe nnscrapers nnthrough nnthe nncut nnad nnaccelerate, nnor nnboost,
nnthe nnscrapers nnas nnthey nnleave nnthe nncut
Reading nnplans nn- nncommon nnplan nnsymbols nnfor nnunderground nnutility nnwork nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnRefer nnto
nnGoogle nnDrive nn- nnJJJohnson nnFolder
3 nnpictures
Reference nnstake nninformation nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOne nnstation nnequals nn 100 nnfeet. nnExample:
Actual nnelevation nnat nnTOS nnis nn1527.25 nnft nnbut nnexpress nnas nn100ft, nnthen nnanother nnat nn1524.5 nnft nnwould
nnbe nnexpressed nnas nn1527.25-1524.5=2.75. nn
100 - 2.75 nn= nn97.25ft
Slopes nnexpressed nnin nnpercents nnand nndegrees nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAn nneasy nnway nnto nnremember nnhow nnto
nncalculate nnslope nnin nnpercentage nnterms. nnA nn 45 - degree nnslope nnis nn 100 - percent nnslope. nnIf nnthe nnvertical
nnrise nnis nnequal nnto nnthe nnhorizontal nndistance, nnthe nnslope nnis nn100%.
To nncalculate nnthe nnslope nnas nnpercent, nndivide nnthe nnvertical nnrise nnby nnthe nnhorizontal nndistance, nnthen
nnmultiple nnby nn100. nn83ft nnrise nn/ nn 227 nnft nndist nn*100 nn= nn36.5%
Best nnequipment nnto nnexcavate nnloose nnsoil nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFor nntrenches nndeeper nnthan nn 8 nnft, nnor
nnextremely nnhard nndigging, nnthe nntrack nnbackhoe nnshould nnbe nnyour nnfirst nnchoice. nnUsed nnwisely, nna nntrack
nnbackhoe nncan nnincrease nnyour nnproduction nnrate nnand nnyour nnprofits
Shoring nnJacks nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnShoring nnjacks nnare nnthe nnbest nnchoice nnwhen nnworking nnin nnfirm nnsoil
nnthat nnwill nnstay nnin nnplace nnlong nnenough nnfor nnthe nnjacks nnto nnbe nnpositioned. nnCan nnbe nnplaced nnand
nnremoved nnwithout nnentering nnthe nntrench
Proctor nnTests nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnstandard nnProctor nntest nnwas nndeveloped nnin nnearly nn1930s nnby nnRR
nnProctor, nna nnfield nnengineer nnfor nnthe nnCity nnof nnLos nnAngeles. nnApplying nnheavy nnweight nnto nna nncompletely
nndry nnsoil nnsample nnwon't nnacieve nnmuch nnincrease nnin nndensity. nnWhen nnwater nnis nnadded nnit's nnmuch
nneasier nnto nnincrease nnthe nndensity. nnWater nnacts nnas nna nnlubricant. nnThe nnstandard nnProctor nntest nnis
nnusually nnspecified nnfor nnfill nnmaterial nndesignated nnfor nnuse nnunder nnbuilding nnslabs nnand nnsidewalks, nnand
nnin nnutility nntrenches nnunder nngrassy nnareas. nnA nnsampl nnof nnthe nnproposed nnfill nnmaterial nnis nncrushed nnso nnit
nncan nnpass nnthru nna nn3/4inch nnsieve. nnA nnsteel nncylinder nnmold nnis nnfilled nnwith nnthe nnsample nnin nn 3 nnlayers.
nnEach nnlayer nnis nnstruck nn 25 nntimes nnwith nna nn5.5lb, nn2inch nndiameter nnhammer nnbefore nnthe nnnext nnlayer nnis
Soil nnDensity nnTest nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnmost nnconvenient, nnaccurate nnand nnrelatively nninexpensive
nnmethod nnof nndetermining nnin-place nnsoil nndensity nnand nnmoisture nncontent nnis nnto nnuse nna nnNuclear
nnDensity nnGauge nn(nuclear nnmeter, nnASTM nn2922).
Compression nnStrength nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn
Contour nnLines nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBefore nnyou nncan nnestimate nncut nnand nnfill nnquantities, nnyou nnneed nnto
nnbe nnfamiliar nnwith nntopographic nn(contour) nnmaps nnand nncontour nnlines. nnContour nnlines nnon nnthe nnmap
nnrepresent nnthe nnthird nndimension nn(relief) nnof nnthe nnground nnsurface. nnContour nnlines nnrepresents nnpoints
nnof nnequal nnelevation nnabove nnor nnbelow nnan nnarbitrary nnreference nn(datum) nnplan nnsuch nnas nnsea nnlevel nnor
nntop-of-slab nn(TOS) nnelevation.
Single nnCharge nnBlasting nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThere nnare nn 2 nncommon nnblasting nntechniques: nnsingle nncharge
nnand nnsequential nnfireing. nnSingle nncharge nnis nnthe nnsimplest nnform nnof nnblasting. nnThe nnpowder-man nndrills
nna nnhole nnin nnthe nnrock, nnplaces nnand nnexplosive nncharge nnin nnthe nnhole nnand nnsets nnit nnoff. nnThe nnshock
nnwave nnof nnthe nnexplosion nntravels nnin nnthe nndirectrion nnof nnleast nnresistance nn- nnup, nnsideways nnor, nnin nnrare
nncases, nndown.
To nnfind nnthe nnload nnfactor, nndivide nnthe nnbank nnvolume nnby nnthe nnback nnvolume nnplus nnthe nnswell
nnpercentage nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFor nnexample: nna nnsoil nnthat nnswells nnby nn25% nnhas nna nnload nnfactor nnof nn.
nn(1 nnLCY nn/ nn1.25 nnLCY)
Slot nndozing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIs nnone nntechnique nnthat nncan nnreduce nnthe nnamount nnof nnload nnlost nnin
nntransit. nnWhen nnslot nndozing, nnthe nndozer nnworks nnwithin nna nnroughly nn 2 nnfoot nntrench nnthat's nnthe nnsame
nnwidth nnas nnthe nnblade. nnPushing nnthe nnsoil nnin nnthe nnslot nnkeeps nnthe nnload nnfrom nnslipping nnaway.
Well nnpoint nnsystem nnbetter nnin nncourse nngrained nnsoil nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIf nnyou nnhave nna nnlot nnof nnpipe nnto
nninstall nnin nnbad nngroundwater nnconditions, nnconsider nndewatering nnahead nnof nnpipe nnlaying. nnWellpoints,
nnplaced nnaround nnthe nnexcavation nnsite, nnare nna nnpotent nndewatering nnsolution. nnA nnwellpoint nnis nna
nnperforated nntube nnthat nnbrings nnwater nnto nnthe nnsurface nnvia nna nnsuction nntube nn(riser nnpipe). nn20ft
nnsuction nnlift. nnpump nn 10 - 25 nngallons nnper nnminute
In nnpost-tensioned nnconcrete, nnuntil nnthe nnconcrete nnhardens nnto nnabout nn75% nnof nnit's nnfull nnstrength, nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nntendon nnis nnnot nnpulled nn(stressed). nnTherefore, nninitially nnboth nnconcrete nnand
nntendon nnhave nnno nnstress. nnNeeds nnto nnharden nnto nn75% nncompression nnstrength nnbefore nnjacking.
When nna nnmember nnis nndesigned nnso nnthat nnunder nnthe nnworking nnload nnthere nnare nnno nntensile nnstresses
nnin nnit, nnthen nnthe nnconcrete nnis nnsaid nnto nnbe nnfully nnprestressed. nnOn nnthe nnother nnhand, nnif nntensile
nnstresses nnare nnallowed nnto nnbe nnproduced nnin nnthe nnmember nnunder nnworking nnload, nnthen nnit nnis nntermed
nnpartially nnprestressed nn(the nnprocess nnof nnapplying nna nnpercentage nnof nnthe nnfinal nnforce nnat nnsome
nnearilier nntime nnthan nnthe nnnormal nn 72 nnhours) nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFor nnpartial nnprestressing nnadditional
nnmild nnsteel nnrebar nnmay nnbe nnrequired nnto nncontrol nncracking nnunder nntension. nnFor nneconomic nnreasons,
nnpartial nnprestressing nnis nnmost nncommon nnfor nnof nnprestressing nnused nnin nnstructures. nnSufficient
nnprestressing nnsteel nnis nnused nnto nnoffset nnmost nnof nnthe nnmember nnself-weight nnand nnother nnsustained
nndead nnloads. nnOccasionally nna nnsmall nnportion nnof nnlive nnload nnis nnalso nnincluded. nnThe nntension nnproduced
nnby nnthe nnremainder nnof nnlive nnload nnis nnresisted nnby nnthe nncombination nnof nnstressed nnand nnnon-stressed
nnsteel, nnresulting nnin nneconomical nnstructures. nnTHE nnBONDED nnSTEEL nnREBAR nnassures nncontrol nnof nnthe
nncrack nnwidth nnand nndistribution, nnshould nnsecondary nneffects nnor nnoverloading nncause nnthe nnmember nnto
Unbonded nntendon nnfabrication nnprocedures nnconform nnto nnthe nnrequirements nnof nnthe nnPost-Tensioning
nnInstitute's nn"Specification nnfor nnUnbonded nnSingle nnStrand nnTendons" nnpublished nnJuly, nn 1993 nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnfirst nnstep nnin nnthe nnmanufacturing nnprocess nnis nnthe nncoating nnof nnthe nnstrand. nnThe
nnis nnaccomplished nnusing nnthe nnplastic nnextrusion nnmethod. nnThe nnbare nnstrand nnis nncoated nnwith nnP/T
nncoating nnand nnthen nncovered nnwith nnplastic nnsheathing. nnThe nnextrusion nnprocess nnbegins nnby nnrunning
nnthe nnstrand nnthrough nna nnP/T nncoating nnapplicator nnwhich nncoats nnthe nnstrand nnuniformly nnwith nnthe
nnproper nnamount nnof nnP/T nncoating. nnThru nnthe nnprocess nnthe nnextruder nncross nnhead nnapplies nnand
nnregulates nnthe nncorrect nnthickness nnof nnthe nnmelted nnplastic. nnThe nnfinal nnstep nninvolves nnmoving nnthe
nnstrand nnthru nna nncooling nntrough nnof nnwater nnbefore nnbeing nnwound nnonto nna nnspool nnfor nnfabricating.
1. nnDuring nnthe nnunloading nnprocess, nnit nnis nnrecommended nnthat nnnylon nnstraps nnbe nnused nnduring
nnunloading nnand nnhandling nnof nnmaterials.
2. nnUnload nnas nnnear nnas nnpossible nnto nnthe nndesignated nnstorage nnareas nnto nnavoid nnexcessive nnhandling.
nnMultilple nnmoves nnincrease nnpossibility nnfor nndamage nnto nnsheathing nnand nnother nncomponents nnof nnthe
3. nnAll nntendons nnshould nnbe nnstored nnin nna nndry nnarea. nnIf nntarp nnis nnused, nnit nnshould nnbe nnconstructed nnin nna
nntent-like nnfashion nnto nnallow nncirculation nnto nnavoid nncondensation nnand nncorrosion. nnTendons nnshould
nnnot nnbe nnexposed nnto nnwater, nnde-icing, nnor nnother nncorrosive nnelements. nnIn nnlong-term nnstorage,
nntendons nnshould nnbe nnprotected nnfrom nnexposure nnto nnopen nnsunlight nnfor nnlong nnperiods nnof nntime. nn
4. nnWedges nnand nnanchors nnshould nnbe nnstored nnin nna nnclean nnand nndry nnarea. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5. nnUpon
nnreceipt nnof nnequipment nncare nnshould nnbe nntaken nnto nnensure nnthat nnthe nnjack nnand nngauge nnare nnnever
nnseparated. nnEach nnjack nnand nngauge nnare nncalibrated nnas nna nnunit.
6. nnCheck nnjack nncalibration nnrecords nnwhich nnmay nnbe nnmailed nnseparately nnor nnwith nnthe nnbill nnof nnlading,
nnshipping nndocuments, nnor nnattached nnto nnthe nnunit. nnLook nnon nnthe nngauge nnand nnjack nnfor nna nnnumber
nncorresponding nnto nnthat nnon nnthe nncalibration nnrecords. nnJacks nnand nngauges nnshall nnbe nncalibrated nnbefore
nnthey nnare nnshipped nnto nnthe nnjob. nnIf nnthere nnis nndiscrepancy nncontact nnGC nnor nnhis nnassistant nnfor
7. nnStore nnstressing nnequipment nnin nna nnsecure, nnclean, nndry nnplace nnand nnallow nnaccess nnto nnthe
nnequipment nnONLY nnto nntrained, nnqualified nnpersonnel.
8. nnFollow nnthe nnpost-tensioning nnsupplier's nnrules nnand nninstructions nnregarding nnthe nncare, nnuse nnand
nnmaintenance nnof nnthis nnequipment. nnStressing nnequipment nnshall nnnot nnbe nnused nnfor nnany nnother
nnoperation nnother nnthan nnthe nnstressing nnof nntendons.
Tendons nnand nncables nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCables nn 6 nninches nnfrom nnpenetrations
Support nnbars nnwill nnbe nnshown nntypically nn4ft nn+/- nnon nncenter nnon nnthe nninstallation nndrawings. nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBut nnadditional nnbars nn(supports) nnmay nnbe nnrequired nnto nnensure nnthe nnproblem nnof
nnreverse nncurvature nnof nntendons nndoes nnnot nnoccur, nnreverse nncurvature nnof nntendons nncan nncause
nnspalling nnof nnconcrete nnduring nnstressing nnoperation
12" nnfor nnjack, nncable nndiameters nn.5" nn& nn.6" nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn12" nnfor nnjack, nncable nndiameters nn.5" nn&
Stressing nnBarrier nncable nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnanchorage nnat nnthe nnnon-stressing-end nnbe nninstalled nnto
nnforce nnequal nnto nn80% nnof nnthe nnultimate nnstrength nnof nnthe nnstrand. nnThe nnbackstressing nnforce nnshould
nnbe nnequal nnto nn80% nnof nnthe nnultimate nnstrength nnof nnthe nnstrand.
Nature nnof nnSoil. nnSoil nntypes nnas nndetermined nnby nnparticle nnsize nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnBoulders: nn 12 nnin
nnor nnlarger nnin nndiameter
2. nnCobbles: nnlarger nnthan nn 3 nnin, nnsmaller nnthan nn 12 nnin
3. nnGravel: nnsmaller nnthan nn 3 nnin, nnand nnlarger nnthan nn#4 nnsieve nn(appr nn1/4 nnin)
4. nnSand: nnparticles nnsmaller nnthan nn#4 nnsieve nnand nnlarger nnthan nn#200 nnsieve nn(40,000 nnopenings nnper
nnsquare nninch)
5. nnSilts: nnparticles nnsmaller nnthan nn.02 nnmm nnand nnlarger nnthan nn.002mm nnin nndiameter
6. nnClays: nnparticles nnsmaller nnthan nn.002 nnmm nnin nndiameter
Table nn 2 - 1 nnRelative nnBearing nnStrength nnof nnSoils nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnRefer nnto nnGoogle nnDrive nn-
nnJJJohnson nnFolder
Groundwater nnLevel: nnknowing nnthe nnlocation nnof nnthe nngroundwater nnlevel nnis nnimportant nnfor nn 2 nnreasons
nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnHIGH nnWATER nntable nnmeans nnthat nnEXTRA nncosts nnwill nnbe nnencountered nnduring
nnthe nnexcavation nnand nnconstruction nnof nnfoundations nnfor nnthe nncontractor.
2. nnWater nntable nnaffects nnthe nnsoil nnbearing nncapacity, nnwhich nnin nnturn nndetermines nnthe nnsize nnand nntype
nnof nnfoundation nnrequired nnfor nnthe nnbuilding nnchallenge nnfor nnthe nndesigner.
Compaction nnTesting: nncompaction nntesting nnprovides nnthe nnsite nncontractor nnwith nnspecific nncompaction
nnvalue nnthat nnmust nnbe nnachieved. nnCompaction nntesting nnis nnbased nnon nnthe nnrelationship nnbetween nnsoil
nndry nndensity nnand nnthe nnmoisture nncontent nnof nnthe nnsoil. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLab nntest nnused nnis nnProctor
nnTest, nndeveloped nnby nnR.R. nnProctor. nnDeveloped nnfor nntesting nnslightly nncohesive nnto nncohesive nnsoils
Typical nnConcrete nnCurge nnand nnGutter nnCross nnSection nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnRefer nnto nnGoogle nnDrive nn-
nnJJJohnson nnFolder
24" nntotal
1. nnFirst nnlayer, nn6" nnbottom nndirt
2. nnSecond nnlayer, nn6" nngranular nnbase
3. nnThird nnlayer, nn12" nntopsoil nn/ nncurb. nnCurb nnis nn 16 - 24" nnwide. nn6" nnfrom nntopsoil
Concrete nnsidewalks nnare nnusually nn 4 nninches nnin nnthickness, nn 5 nnfeet nnor nnwider. nnJoint nnspacing? nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCrack-control nnjoints nnare nnplaced nnat nn 3 nnto nn 5 nnfeet. nnExpansion nnjoints nnare nnprovided
nnat nnintervals nnof nn 30 nnfeet nnor nnless nnwhere nnsidewalks nnare nnbear nnagainst nnbuildings nnor nnother nnfixed
nnstructures. nnTypically nna nn2,500 nnpsi nnair-entrained nnconcrete nnis nnused nnto nnprovide nna nnweather-resistant
nnsurface. nnThe nnsurface nnfinish nnis nna nnlight nnbroom nnfinish, nnthe nnedges nnare nnsmoothed nnwith nnan nnedging
Removing nnGroundwater nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnUse nna nnpump
2. nnPerimeter nntrenching nnwith nnpumps
3. nnLower nnthe nnwater nntable nnselectively nnin nnthe nnarea nnin nnwhich nnthe nnexcavating nnwill nntake nnplace nnby
nnusing nndewatering nnsystem nnlike nnwell-points
Items nnthat nnaffect nncycle nntime nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCycle nntravel nntime nnis nnbased nnon nnattainable nnspeeds
nnof nnthe nntruck nnfor nnloaded nnand nnunloaded nnconditions. nnAttainable nnspeeds nnare nnaffected nnby nnFOUR
nnFACTORS: nndistance nntraveled, nnroad nnresistance, nngrade nnresistance nnor nnassistance, nnand nnrimpull.
Protection nnof nnExcavations, nnmaking nnsure nnsidewall nncave-ins nndo nnnot nnoccur nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1.
nnSlope nnsides nnuntil nnangle nnof nnrepose nnis nn1:1 nnor nn 45 nndegrees
2. nnProvide nntemporary nnsupport nnfor nnthe nnearth nnwalls, nninterlocking nnsteel nnsheeting nnpiling, nnsteel
nnsoldier nnpiles nnwith nnhorizontal nntimber nnsheeting, nnand nnconcrete nnslurry nnwalls.
Underpinning nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUnderpinning nnis nnthe nnprovision nnof nnpermanent nnsupport nnfor nnexisting
nnbuildings nnby nnextending nntheir nnfoundations nnto nna nnnew, nnlower nnlevel nncontaining nnthe nndesired
nnbearing nnstratum. nnDue nnto nnremoval nnof nnpart nnof nnsupporting nnsoil nnby nna nnnew nnand nnnew nnloads nnto nnan
nnexisting nnstructure
Types nnof nnpiles: nnPile nnsections nnare nnfashioned nnfrom nnthe nntraditional nnbuilding nnmaterials: nnwood, nnsteel,
nncomposite, nnand nnconcrete nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThere nnare nnfour nnvariations nnwhen nnconsidering nnload
nntransfer nncharacteristics: nnbearing nnpiles, nnfriction nnpiles, nnfriction nnplus nnbearing, nnand nnsheet nnpiles.
nnSheet nnpiles nnare nnnormally nnnot nnintended nnfor nnvertical nnloads nnbut nnare nndesigned nnto nnresist nnhorizontal
Parts nnof nna nnTypical nnPile nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnHead nn- nnupper nnfinal
2. nnFoot nn- nnlower nnfinal
3. nnTip nn- nnsmall nnend nnbefore/after nnplaced nnin nnposition
4. nnButt nn- nnlarge nnend nnbefore/after nnplaced nnin nnposition
5. nnPile nnring nn- nnwrought nniron nnor nnsteel nnhop nnplaced nnon nnhead nnof nnthe nnpile nnto nnprevent nncracking,
nnbrooming, nnor nnsplitting
6. nnDriving nnhead nn- nndevice nnplaced nnon nnthe nnhead nnof nnthe nnpile nnto nnreceive nnhammer nnblows. nnmay nnbe
nnused nninstead nnof nnpile nnring
7. nnPile nncutoff nn- nnportion nnof nnpile nnthat nnis nnremoved nnafter nncompletion nnof nndriving
8. nnPile nnshoe nn- nnmetal nncone nnplaced nnon nnthe nntip nnof nnthe nnpile nnto nnprotect nnfrom nncracking nnor nnsplitting.
Bolt nnHole nndiameter nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBolt nnholes nnfor nnbolted nnconnections nnare nnpunched nnor nndrilled
nn1/16 nninch nnlarger nnin nndiameter nnthan nnthe nndiameter nnof nnthe nnbolts nnto nnbe nnused
Steel nnstructural nnshapes nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnS, nnW, nnChannel, nnEqual-leg nnangle, nnUnequal-leg nnangle, nnHP
nnshape, nnhollow, nnT nnsections nncut nnfrom nnS nnand nnW, nnand nnplate
Different nntypes nnof nntruss nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnKing nnpost, nnW nntruss, nnHowe nntruss, nnPratt nntruss, nnHammer
nnbeam, nnCantilever, nnBaltimore nntruss, nnBowstring nntruss, nnBelgian nntruss, nnand nnSawtooth
Alternative nnRoof-framing: nnOpen-web, nnStructural nnsteel, nnTimber, nnPrecast nnconcrete
In nnstructural nnsteel nnframes, nnbracing nnusually nnconsists nnof nntension nncross-bracing, nnprovided nnthat nnit
nndoes nnnot nninterfere nnwith nnopening nnlocations. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThis nntype nnof nnbracing nnallows nnfor
nnload nnreversals nnand nnensures nnthat nnstability nnis nnprovided nnin nnboth nndirections. nnThe nnremoval nnof nnone
nnof nnthese nnbraces nnwill nnproduce nninstability nnin nnthe nnframe nnbecause nntension nnbraces nnare nnnot
nndesigned nnto nnresist nncompression nnloads.
Girders: nnConnections nnbetween nngirder nnand nncolumns nncan nnbe nneither nnpin-type nnconnections nnor
nnmoment-resisting nnconnections. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnPin-type nnconnections nnare nndesigned nnto nnresist
nnvertical nnloads nnonly nnand nncannot nnbe nnrelied nnupon nnto nnresist nnlateral nnloads. nn
2. nnMoment nnconnections nnbetween nnthe nngirders nnand nnthe nncolumns nnprovide nnlateral nnstability nnin nnthe
nnstructural nnframe nnby nnpreventing nnrotation nnbetween nnthe nngirders nnand nnthe nncolumns.
Drift nnpin: nnOnce nna nnsufficient nnamount nnof nnsteel nnhas nnbeen nnput nnin nnplace, nnfinal nnbolting nnis nnbegun nn-
nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnProper nnalignment nnof nnal nnconnection nnplates nnand nnangles nnis nndone nnwith nnthe nnaid nnof
nna nnspud nnwrench nnand nnDRIFT nnpins
Floor nnsystem: nnComposite, nnWood, nnCellular, nnConcrete nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCellular nnis nnthe nnstrongest
Waffle nnslab nnforming nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nntwo-way nnjoist nnsystem nnready nnfor nnconcrete. nnPositive
nnreinforcement nnin nnribbed nnfloors nnis nnconcentrated nnin nnthe nnribs, nnand nnnegative nnreinforcement nnas
nnwell nnas nntemperature nnsteel nnis nnplaced nnwithin nnthe nnslab nnthickness
Exterior nnFinishes nnand nnFacings nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1. nnSiding
2. nnStucco nn- nnportland nncement nnplaster nnprovides nndurable, nnwether nnresistant, nnand nncost-effective
nnfinish nnthat nncan nnbe nncomparable nnin nnperformance nnto nna nnbrick nnfinish
3. nnBrick nnand nnStone
4. nnPrecast nnconcrete
Single-Ply nnRoof nnMembranes nn- nnEPDM nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThermoset nnmembranes nnconsist nnof nnrubber
nnpolymers nnand nnare nncommonly nnknow nnas nnrubber nnroofing: nnthe nnmost nncommon nnis nnethylene
nnpropylene nndiene nnmonomer nn(EPDM). nnSplicing nnof nnthermoset nnmaterials nnis nndone nnby nnlapping nnand
nnrequires nnthe nnuse nnof nnan nnadditional nnadhesive nnto nnprovide nnwatertight nnseal nnat nnthe nnoverlap.
Curtain nnWall nnConstruction: nnMasonry nnCurtain nnWalls nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMasonry nncurtain nnwalls nnwere
nntraditionally nncompsed nnof nnindividual nnmasonry nnunits nnsuch nnas nnbrick, nnclay nntile, nnand nnconcrete nnblock.
nnTo nnimprove nnversatility nnunits nnwere nnaugmented nnsuch nnas nnpanelized nnmasonry, nnstone nnpanels, nnand
nnprecast nnconcrete nnpanels.
Masonry nncurtain nnwalls nnmay nnbe nnseparated nnin nnto nntwo nnbasic nntypes: nnload-bearing nnand nnnon-load-
Curtain nnWall nnConstruction nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIncludes: nninterior nnliner, nnan nninsulating nnlayer, nnAIR nnGAP,
nnand nnexterior nnfinish.
Methods nnof nnfireproofing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCellular nnconcrete nnmakes nnan nnexcellent nnfireproofing
nnmaterial nnbecause nnof nnits nnhigh nninsulation nnvalue nnand nnits nnlight nnweight. nn2, nn3, nnor nn 4 nnin nnslabs
Girders nn- nnMoment nnconnections nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMoment nnconnections nnbetween nnthe nngirders nnand
nnthe nncolumns nnprovide nnlateral nnstability nnin nnthe nnstructural nnframe nnby nnpreventing nnrotation nnbetween
nnthe nngirders nnand nnthe nncolumns.
Girders nnTypes nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnConnections nnbetween nngirders nnand nncolumns nncan nnbe nneither nnpin-
type nnor nnmoment-resisting nnconnections
Girders nn- nnPin-type nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPin-type nnconnections nnare nndesigned nnto nnresist nnvertical nnloads
nnonly. nnPin-type nncannot nnbe nnrelied nnupon nnto nnresist nnlateral nnloads. nnCross-bracing, nnshear nnwalls, nnor nna
nnconcrete nncore nnmust nnbe nnused nnto nnabsorb nnthe nnaffects nnof nnlateral nnforces nnand nnto nnprovide nnnecessary
Structural nnSteel nnFrames nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCross-bracing nnprovided nnthat nnit nndoes nnnot nninterfere nnwith
nnopenings nnlocations, nnthis nntype nnof nnbracing nnallows nnfor nnload nnreversals nnand nnensures nnthat nnstability nnis
nnprovided nnin nnboth nndirections. nnThe nnremoval nnof nnone nnof nnthese nnbraces nnwill nnproduce nninstability nnin
nnthe nnframe nnbecause nntension nnbraces nnare nnnot nndesigned nnto nnresist nncompression nnloads
Stirrups nnin nnBeams nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWhen nna nnbeam nndeflects nnunder nna nnload, nnshear nnstresses nnare
nnalso nnpresent. nnTo nnresist nndiagonal nntension, nnsmall nnU-shaped nnor nnclosed nn-shape nnreinforcing nnbars
nncalled nnstirrups nnare nnused nnand nnare nnplaced nnvertically nnacross nnthe nnbeam. nnStirrups nnare nnplaced nnmore
nnclosely nnnear nnthe nnsupport nnand nnfurther nntoward nnthe nnmid-span. nnWelded nnwire nnreinforcement nncages
nncan nnalso nnbe nnused.
Rebar nnpurpose nn- nnRebar nnis nn5% nnof nnconcrete nnmass nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnConcrete nnis nnstrong nnin
nncompression, nnbut nnrelatively nnweek nnin nntension nnand nnshear. nnGenerally, nnwherever nntension nnis
nnpresent, nnthe nnconcrete nnis nnreinforced nnwith nnreinforcing nnsteel.
Shrinkage nnand nntemperature nnreinforcement nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnTemperature nnsteel nnplace
nnperpendicular nnto nnstress nnrebar
Shrinkage nnand nntemperature nnreinforcement nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnTemperature nnand nnshrinkage nnsteel
nn(T&S nnsteel) nn- nnreinforcing nnsteel nnin nnslabs nnat nnthe nnright nnangles nnto nnthe nnmain nnstress nnresisting nnsteel,
nnto nnprovide nnfor nninduced nnstresses
Reinforcing nnrebar nnsizes nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThere nnare nn 11 nnstandard nnbar nnsizes nn#3 nnthrough nn#18 nnor
nn(#10 nnthrough nn#57). nnThe nnnumber nndenotes nnthe nndiameter nnof nnthe nnbar nnin nneighths nnof nninch. nnSo nn#5
nnis nn5/8" nnor nn16mm nnin nndiameter. nnSizes nnare: nn#3(#10mm), nn#4(#13), nn#5(#16), nn#6(#19), nn#7(#22),
nn#8(#25), nn#9(#29), nn#10(#32), nn#11(#36), nn#14(#43), nn#18(#57)
Rebar nnstorage nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAt nnthe nnjobsite, nnreinforcing nnbars nnare nndelivered nnto nna nnstorage nnor
nnlaydown nnarea nnand nnunloading nnwill nnbe nnas nndirected nnby nnthe nnIronworkder nnForeman.
Rebar nnconditions nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSurface nnconditions nnof nnreinforcing nnbars nnmay nnaffect nnthe nnability
nnof nnthe nnbars nnto nnbond nnto nnthe nnconcrete. nnThe nnmain nnfactos nnthat nnmay nndecrease nnbond nnare nnthe
nnpresence nnof nnmill nnscale, nnrust, nnoil, nnand nnmud. nnRust nnimproves nnbond nnbecause nnit nnincreases nnthe
nnroughness nnof nnthe nnsurface
Hoisting nnRebar nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWhen nnhoisting nnbundles nnof nnreinforcing nnbars nnroughly nn 30 nnft nnor
nnlonger, nnit nnis nnusually nnnecessary nnto nnuse nnspreader nnbeam nn/ nnbars. nnThe nnlength nnof nnthe nnspreader
nnbeam nnshould nnbe nnat nnleast nnone-half nnthe nnlength nnof nnthe nnreinforcing nnbars nnin nnthe nnbundle.
Wire nnBar nnsupports nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnRefer nnto nnGoogle nnDrive nnunder nnJJJohnson nnfolder.
JC nn- nnJoist nnChair: nn4, nn5, nnand nn 6 nnin. nnwidths nnand nn3/4, nn1, nnand nn 1 - 1/2 nnin nnheights