Download NASCLA Commercial Building Exam questions with answers. and more Exams Construction in PDF only on Docsity! NASCLA Commercial Building Exam questions with answers What nnis nnthe nnminimum nnceiling nnheight nnfor nnmeans nnof nnEgress? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNot nnless nnthan nn7 nnfeet nn6 nninches Emergency nnPower nnmust nnilluminate nnfor nnhow nnlong? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo nnless nnthan nn90 nnminutes Elevators nnare nnrequired nnin nna nnbuilding nnwith nnhow nnmany nnstories? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMore nnthan nn3 nn(or nnat nnleast nn4). What nnis nnthe nnsize nnof nnthe nnrefuge nnspace nnfor nnone nnwheel nnchair? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn30 nninches nnby nn48 nninches Each nnarea nnof nnrefuge nnshall nnbe nnseparated nnfrom nnthe nnremainder nnof nnthe nnstory nnby nnwhat? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSmoke nnBarrier What nnis nnthe nnminimum nnwidth nnof nna nndoor? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn32 nnInches The nnminimum nnclear nnopening nnheight nnof nndoors nnshall nnbe nnno nnless nnthan nn(at nnleast) nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn80 nninches Which nndirection nnshould nna nnhinge nndoor nnswing nnwhen nnthe nnbuilding nnoccupies nnmore nnthan nn50 nnpeople nnor nnis nnclassified nnas nnGroup nn"H"? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIn nnthe nndirection nnof nnegress The nnforce nnfor nnpushing nnor nnpulling nnopen nninterior nnswinging nnegress nnnon nnfire nndoors nnshall nnnot nnexceed nnhow nnmany nnpounds? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo nnmore nnthan nn5LBS Clear nnopening nnbelow nna nndoor nnshould nnbe nnno nnmore nnthan nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4 nninches Panic nnhardware nnis nnrequired nnwhen nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThere nnare nnmore nnthan nn50 nnpossible nnoccupants The nnmaximum nnunlatching nnforce nnof nnpanic nnor nnfire nnhardware nnshould nnnot nnexceed nnhow nnmany nnpounds? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn15lbs Stairway nnwidth nnfor nnless nnthan nn50 nnpeople nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn36 nninches Stairway nnwidth nnfor nnmore nnthan nn50 nnpeople nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn44 nninches Handrails nnshould nnextend nnpassed nnthe nntop nnriser nnby nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn12 nninches Maximum nnhandrail nnwidth nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2 nninches Where nnhandrails nnare nnnot nncontinuous nnbetween nnflights, nnthe nnhandrails nnshould nnextend nnhorizontally nnhow nnmany nninches? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn12 nninches Clear nnspace nnbetween nnhandrail nnand nnwall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1 nn1/2 Required nnguards nnshall nnnot nnhave nnan nnopening nnhow nnlarge? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4 nninches Corridor nnwidth nnchart nncan nnbe nnfound nnin nnwhat nnbook? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2018 nnIBC nn(Thick nnblue nnbook) nnpage nn287 Flange nnprojections nnshall nnnot nnexceed nnwhat nndimension? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn14 nntimes nnthe nnminimum nnthickness nnof nnmetal nnand nnflange nnwidth nnshall nnnot nnbe nnless nnthan nn80% nnof nnthe nndepth nnof nnthe nnsection How nnthick nnshould nna nnvapor nnbarrier nnbe nnbelow nna nnslab? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6 nnmil nn(0.006) nnlapped nnat nnleast nn6 nninches Chimney nntermination nnis nnat nnleast nnhow nnfar nnabove nnthe nnhighest nnpoint nnof nnthe nnroof? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3 nnfeet What nnplan nnis nnsubmitted nnto nnthe nnengineer? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDesign nn(construction nndocuments) Steel nnJoist nnplacement nnplans nndo nnnot nnrequire nnwhat nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSeal nnand nnsignature nnof nnthe nnjoist nnmanufacturer Trusses nnspanning nnmore nnthan nnhow nnmany nnfeet nnrequire nnan nnengineer? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn60ft Underlayment nnshould nnbe nna nnminimum nnof nnhow nnthick? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/4in nnthick At nnwhat nnheight nndo nnyou nnneed nna nnpermit nnfor nna nnretaining nnwall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4ft What nnoccupancy nnclassification nnis nna nnhospital? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnI-2 Who nnis nnauthorized nnto nnserve nna nnnotice nnof nnviolation nnor nnrevoke nnpermit? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnBuilding nnOfficial Fire nnbox nnshould nnbe nnplaced nnhow nnfar nnabove nnfinished nnfloor? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn42- 48inches Minimum nntemperature nnwhen nnapplying nnSFRM nnis nnwhat nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn40 nnDegrees nnfor nn24 nnhours Parapet nnshall nnnot nnbe nnless nnthan nnhow nntall nnabove nnthe nnpoint nnwhere nnthe nnroof nnsurface nnand nnwall nnintersect? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn30 nninches Smoke nnbarriers nnmost nnbe nnhow nnthick? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2.5mm nn(.10in) Shaft nnenclosures nnshall nnhave nna nnfire nnresistance nnrating nnof nnnot nnless nnthan nnhow nnlong? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2 nnhours nnwhere nnconnecting nn4 nnstories nnor nnmore A nnmanual nnactuation nndevice nnshall nnbe nnlocated nnat nnor nnnear nnegress nnhow nnfar nnfrom nncooking nnarea? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10-20ft Back nnflow nnpreventer nnvalves nnshall nnbe nnmonitored nnhow? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnTamper nnSwitch Automatic nnsprinklers nninstalled nnover nnkiosks, nndisplays, nnbooths, nnthat nnexceed nnhow nnmany nnfeet? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4ft Sprinklers nnbelow nndeck nnor nnbalcony nnhang nnmaximum nndistance nnof nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn14inches Before nnyou nnoccupy nna nnstructure, nnwhat nnfire nnsafety nnmust nnbe nncompleted? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFire nnprotection nnsystems nntested nnand nnapproved Minimum nncritical nnradiant nnflux nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNot nnless nnthan nnClass nn1 nnin nngroups nnI-1 nnand nnI-2 Wood nnfinished nnflooring nncan nnbe nndirectly nnembedded nnto nnfireblock nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn Cabinets nnshould nnremain nnunlocked nnexcept nnwhere? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnI-3 nn(prisons) Portable nnfire nnextinguisher nnshould nnbe nnplaced nnwhere nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWithin nn30ft nnfrom nncommercial nncooking nnequipment Max nnweight nnof nna nnfire nnextinguisher nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn40lbs, nninstalled nnso nntop nnis nnnot nn5ft nnabove nnfloor Ionization nnsmoke nnalarms nnshall nnnot nnbe nninstalled nnhow nnmany nnfeet nnfrom nna nnpermanently nninstalled nncooking nnappliance? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn20ft Smoke nnalarms nnshall nnbe nninstalled nnNOT nnless nnthan nnhow nnmany nnhorizontal nnfeet nnfrom nnopening nnof nnbathroom nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3ft Where nnshould nnsmoke nnalarms nnreceive nnpower nnfrom? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPrimary nnpower nnfrom nnbuilding nnwiring nnwith nna nnbattery nnbackup Fire nnalarm nnboxes nnshould nnbe nnlocated nnwhere? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo nnmore nnthan nn5ft nnfrom nnentrance nnto nnexit How nnhigh nnshould nna nnfire nnalarm nnbe nnplaced? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLever nnof nnbox nn42-48 nninches nnfrom nnfloor Group nnH nnwith nn50 nnor nnmore nnpeople nnshall nnnot nnbe nnprovided nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWith nna nnlatch nnor nnlock nn(except nnpanic nnhardware nnor nnfire nnhardware). Stairways nnwithin nndwellings nnand nnexterior nnstairways nnshall nnhave nnan nnillumination nnlevel nnon nntread nnruns nnnot nnless nnthan nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1 nnfoot nncandle nn(11 nnlux) Glazing nnadjacent nnto nndoor nnwithin nn24inches nnor nnbottom nnof nnexposed nnedge nnless nnthan nn60 nninches nnabove nnwalking nnsurface nnshall nnbe nnconsidered nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnA nnhazardous nnlocation Glazing nnadjacent nnto nnstairways nnand nnramps: nnLess nnthan nn60 nninches nnis: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnA nnhazardous nnlocation Number nnof nnelevator nncars nnin nna nnhoist-way: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo nnmore nnthan nn4 nnelevator nncars nnenclosed nnin nnsingle nnhoist-way Where nntwo nnor nnmore nnelevators nnare nncontrolled nnby nna nncommon nnoperating nnsystem, nnall nnelevators nnshould nnautomatically nntransfer nnto nnstandby nnpower nnwithin nnhow nnlong nnof nnnormal nnpower nnfailure? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn60 nnseconds Escalators nnshould nnhave nna nnclear nnwidth nnof nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn32 nninches Plumbing nnsystems nnshould nnnot nnbe nnlocated nnwhere? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIn nnelevator nnequipment nnrooms Where nnshould nnautomatic nnsprinkler nnsystems nnnot nnbe nninstalled? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMachine nnRooms Elevator nnMachinery nnSpaces Control nnRooms Elevator nnhoist nnways What nnis nnthe nnminimum nnsqft nnof nnan nnenclosed nnfire nnservice nnaccess nnelevator nnlobby? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn150sqft nnwith nna nndimension nnnot nnless nnthan nn8ft AISI nnStandards nnfor nnCold nnForm nnSteel nncan nnbe nnfound: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIBC nn614 A nnwalkway nnshall nnbe nnprovided nnin nnfront nnof nnevery nnconstruction nnsite nnwith nna nnminimum nnwidth nnof nnhow nnmany nnfeet? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4ft What nnshould nnpedestrian nntraffic nnbe nnprotected nnby nnwhere nnthe nnwalkway nnextends nninto nnthe nnstreet? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDirectional nnBarricades Covered nnwalkways nnshould nnhave nna nnclear nnheight nnof nnhow nnmany nnfeet? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn8ft Protection nnof nnadjoining nnproperty nnnotice nnshould nnbe nnmade nnat nnleast nnhow nnmany nndays nnprior nnto nnscheduled nnstart nndate nnof nnexcavation? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10 nndays Who nnassumes nnall nnobligations nnprescribed nnas nnemployer nnobligations nnunder nnthe nnstandards nncontained nnin nnOSHA? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPrime nnContractor The nncommon nndrinking nncup nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAlways nnprohibited Emergency nnevac nnplans: nn 10 nnor nnless nnemployees nnthe nnplan nncan nnbe nncommunicated nnhow? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOrally Safety nnnets nnshould nnextend nnhow nnfar nnbeyond nnedge nnof nnwork nnsurface? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn8ft nnspan Within nn25ft nnof nnworking nnledge Safety nnbelt nnlanyard nnshall nnbe nna nnminimum nnof nnhow nnthick? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2in nnnylon Max nnlength nnfor nnsafety nnlanyard nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6ft Nominal nnbreaking nnstrength nnof nnlanyard nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5400lbs Nominal nndimensions nnof nna nn2x4 nnare nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2x4 One nn2A nnrated nnfire nnextinguisher nnis nnrequired nnfor nnevery nn_____ nnsqft nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3000sqft Travel nndistance nnfrom nnany nnpoint nnof nnthe nnprotected nnarea nnto nnnearest nnextinguisher nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn100ft nnmax No nnmore nnthan nnhow nnmany nngallons nnof nncombustible nnliquid nnshould nnbe nnstored nnin nna nnroom nnoutside nnof nnan nnapproved nnstorage nncabinet? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn25 nngallons What nnsize nnaccess nnway nnmust nnbe nnwithin nn200ft nnof nneach nnpile nnof nncontainers nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn12ft nnaccess nnway Safety nndevices: nnValves nnshould nnbe nnarranged nnto nnafford nnfree nnvent nnto nnthe nnouter nnair nnwith nndischarge nnof nnat nnleast nnhow nnmany nnfeet nnhorizontally nnaway nnfrom nnthe nnbuilding? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5ft Tarps nnor nncoverings nnshould nnbe nnkept nnhow nnfar nnfrom nncombustible nnmaterial? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10ft Materials nnstored nninside nnbuilding nnunder nnconstruction nnshall nnnot nnbe nnplaced nnwithin nnhow nnmany nnfeet nnof nnany nnhoist nnway nnor nninside nnfloor nnopening nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6ft Materials nnstored nninside nnbuilding nnunder nnconstruction nnshall nnnot nnbe nnplaced nnwithin nnhow nnmany nnfeet nnof nnany nnexterior nnwall nnwhich nndoes nnnot nnextend nnabove nnthe nntop nnof nnthe nnmaterial nnstored nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10ft General nnWelding, nncutting, nnheating, nnmay nnnormally nnbe nndone nnwithout nnwhat? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMechanical nnventilation nnor nnrespiratory nnprotective nnequipment Welding nnin nnconfined nnspaces: nn How nnshould nnemployees nnbe nnprotected? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWith nnairline nnrespirators nnand nncommunication Welding nnin nnconfined nnspaces: What nndevice nnshould nnemployees nnhave nnwhen nnaccessing nna nnspace nnthrough nna nnmanhole nnor nnother nnsmall nnopening? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLifeline Fenders nnare nnrequired nnon nnpneumatic nntied nnearth nnmoving nnequipment nnwhose nnspeed nnexceeds nnhow nnmany nnMPH? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn15mph All nnequipment nnused nnin nnsight nnclearing nnshould nnhave nnoverhead nncovering nnof nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNot nnless nnthan nn1/8in nnsteel nnplate nnor nn1/4in nnwoven nnwire nnmesh nnwith nnno nnopenings nngreater nnthan nn1in What nnis nn"Kickout?" nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAccidental nnrelease nnor nnfailure nnof nncross nnbracing At nnwhat nndepth nndo nnyou nnneed nnmeans nnof nnegress nn(Ladder, nnstairs nnramp) nnfrom nna nntrench? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4ft What nnis nnthe nnmax nnlateral nntravel nnin nna nntrench nnto nna nnladder? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn25ft When nnshould nnthe nnatmosphere nnbe nntested nnin nnthe nnexcavation? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBefore nnemployees nnenter nnan nnexcavation nnmore nnthan nn4ft nndeep What nnshould nnbe nntested nnfirst nnin nnhazardous nnatmosphere? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOxygen How nnfar nnshould nnequipment nnbe nnkept nnfrom nnexcavation? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2 nnfeet When nnand nnby nnwho nnshould nninspections nnof nnexcavations nnbe nnmade? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDaily, nnby nna nncompetent nnperson When nnwalkways nnfor nnemployees nnor nnequipment nnare nnrequired, nnwhat nnis nnthe nnmaximum nndepth nnallowed nnbefore nnguardrails nnmust nnbe nnerected? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6ft nnor nnmore Examinations nnof nnexcavations nnof nnhow nndeep nnmust nnbe nnperformed nnby nna nncompetent nnperson? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5ft Load nnper nnunit nnarea nnat nnwhich nna nnsoil nnwill nnfail nnin nncompression nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUnconfined nncompressive nnstrength At nnwhat nnheight nnshould nnmasonry nnwalls nnbe nnadequately nnbraced nnto nnprevent nnoverturning nnor nncollapse? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn8ft Employees nnloading, nnhooking, nnor nnbracing, nnshould nnnever nnbe nnin nnwhat nnposition nnto nna nnload? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUnderneath At nnno nntime nnshould nnthere nnbe nnmore nnthan nnhow nnmany nnfloors nnor nnfeet nnof nnunfinished nnbolting nnor nnwelding nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4 nnfloors nnor nn48 nnfeet Stairways nnand nnhandrails nnon nnconstruction nnsite: Stairways nnhaving nnfour nnor nnmore nnrisers nnor nnrising nnmore nnthan nn30 nninches nnshall nnbe nnequipped nnwith nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAt nnleast nnone nnhandrail nn and One nnstair nnrail nnsystem nnalong nneach nnunprotected nnside nnor nnedge How nnhigh nnmust nna nnladder nnextend nnpast nnthe nnupper nnlanding nnsurface? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3 nnfeet Non nnself nnsupporting nnladders nnshall nnbe nnused nnat nnan nnangle nnthat nnthe nnhorizontal nndistance nnfrom nnthe nntop nnsupport nnto nnthe nnfoot nnof nnthe nnladder nnis: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/4 nnworking nnlength nnof nnthe nnladder What nndirection nnshould nna nnuser nnbe nnfacing nnwhen nngoing nnup nnor nndown nna nnladder? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFacing nnladder The nntop nnstep nnor nntop nnof nna nnladder nnshould nnnot nnbe nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUsed nnas nna nnstep What nnis nnthe nnsimplest nnbusiness nnstructure nnto nnform? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSole nnProprietorship A nnpartnership nnexists nnas nnlong nnas: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPartners nnagree nnit nnwill, nnand nnas nnlong nnas nnthey nnstay nnpartners If nna nngeneral nnpartner nndies nnor nnleaves, nnwhat nnhappens nnto nnthe nnpartnership? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnbusiness nndissolves Who nnis nnfirst nnpaid nnwhen nnpartnership nndissolves nnand nnassets nnare nnsold? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCreditors nnthen nnpartners How nnmuch nnliability nndo nnowners nnin nna nnpartnership nnhave? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUnlimited nnliability A nnmaterial nnbreach nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnA nnform nnof nncontract nnbreach nnthat nnis nnvery nnserious Absolves nnthe nnindemnified nnparty nnfrom nnany nnpayment nnfor nnlosses nnand nndamages. nnIt nnis nna nnway nnto nnshift nnpayment nnor nnliability nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIndemnification Types nnof nnconstruction nncontracts nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn Who nnis nnLump nnSum nnmostly nnused nnfor nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPublic nnwork nncontracts Turnkey: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSimilar nnto nnDesign nn/ nnBuild. nnContractor nnassumes nnliability. nnGenerally nnfixed nnprice Design nnbuild: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnowner nncontracts nnwith nnone nnentity nn(a nnperson nnor nnfirm) nnto nnprovide nnboth nndesign nnand nnconstruction nnservices, nnthat nnentity nnthen nnsubcontracts nnportions nnof nnthe nnwork nnto nnothers nnas nnneeded A nnwritten nndocument nnbetween nnowner nnand nncontractor nnto nnchange nncontract. nnThey nnadd, nndelete, nnor nnalter nncontract nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnChange nnOrder Changes nnprior nnto nnthe nncontract nnaward nnare nnknown nnas nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnaddenda This nnis nnthe nntime nnremaining nnafter nna nntask nnis nncomplete nnand nnbefore nnthe nnnext nntask nnbegins: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFloat nnTime Critical nnPath nnMethod nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnThe nnmost nnpopular nnscheduling nnmethod Who nnis nnthe nnonsite nnsupervisor nnresponsible nnfor nndaily nnoperations? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSuperintendent Just nnin nntime nnpayments nnwill: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnKeep nnyour nninventory nncosts nnlow A nnwork nnweek nnhas nnhow nnmany nnhours? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn168 nnhours The nnFair nnLabor nnStandard nnAct nnprescribes nnstandards nnfor nnthe nnbasic: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMinimum nnwage nnand nnovertime nnpay. nnApplies nnto nnbusinesses nnwith nnone nnor nnmore nnemployees What nnis nnthe nnfirst nncriminal nnpenalty nnfor nnan nnFLSA nnViolation? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUp nnto nn10k, nnthen nnimprisonment What nnis nnthe nncivil nnpenalty nnfor nnan nnFLSA nnViolation? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn$1,100 nnper nnviolation I-9 nnforms nnmust nnbe nncompleted nnwithin nnhow nnmany nndays nnof nnhire? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3 nndays I-9 nnforms nnmust nnbe nnkept nnon nnfile nnfor nnhow nnlong? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3 nnyears nnafter nndate nnof nnhire, nnor nn1 nnyear nnafter nndate nnof nnemployment nnends What nndoes nnthe nnI-9 nnForm nnestablish? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnVerifies nneligibility nnof nnemployees Americans nnwith nnDisabilities nnAct nn(ADA) nnprohibits nndiscrimination nnagainst nnpersons nnwhen nnan nnemployer nnhas nnhow nnmany nnemployees? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn15 nnor nnmore Family nnMedical nnLeave nnAct nnallows nnemployees nnto nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnTake nn12 nnweeks nnof nnunpaid nntime nnto nncare nnfor nna nnfamily nnmember nnand nnstill nnmaintain nnjob nnsecurity When nndoes nnan nnemployer nnHAVE nnto nnorally nnreport nnthe nndeath nnof nnan nnemployee nnto nnOSHA? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn8 nnhours An nnemployer nnmust nnreport nna nndeath nnto nnOSHA nnif nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEmployee nndies nnwithin nn30 nndays nnafter nnworkplace nnincident Exposure nnrecords nnand nnmedical nnrecords nnmust nnbe nnmaintained nnfor nnhow nnlong? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn30 nnyears Where nnare nnprogrammed nninspections nnperformed? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEstablishments nnwith nnhigh nninjury nnrate What nnpercentage nnof nnknown nnpollution nnis nnattributed nnto nnstormwater nndischarge? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn30% EPA nnstormwater nnplan nnmust nnbe nncreated nnwhen nndisturbing nnhow nnmany nnacres nnof nnland? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5 nnacres Work nndesigned nnto nnpermanently nneliminate nnlead nnbased nnpaint nnhazards nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLead nnabatment Penalties nnfor nnlead nnviolation: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn$37,500 nnper nnday nnfor nneach nnviolation Balance nnSheet nnFormula nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAssets nn= nnLiability nn+ nnOwner's nnEquity What nnis nna nnsource nndocument? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnProof nntransaction nntook nnplace A nndrawing nnor nnset nnof nndrawing nnproduced nnby nnthe nncontractor, nnsupplier, nnmanufacturer, nnsub, nnor nnfabricator nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnShop nndrawing Areas nnon nna nnjobsite nnfor nnmaterial nndelivery, nnmaterial nnstorage, nntemporary nnoffices, nnand nnfacilities nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnJobsite nnspace nnallocations Where nnshould nnmaterial nnbe nndelivered nnto? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAs nnclose nnto nninstall nnlocation Always nnmove nnmaterial nnwith nnwhat nntype nnof nnlabor? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLeast nnexpensive During nnwhat nnphase nnof nnconstruction nndoes nnsteel nntake nnup nna nnlarge nnamount nnof nnspace? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFirst nn3rd nnof nnproject Term nnfrequently nnused nnto nnindicate nnthe nnstorage nnarea nnon nnjobsite nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLaydown nnarea What nnis nnthe nnmost nnunpredictable nncost nnfactor nnfor nna nncontractor? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLabor nncost Where nnis nnthe nnsuperintendent's nnheadquarter? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnJobsite nnoffice Maximum nncarpet nnheight nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2 nninches Maximum nnfloor nnslopes nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1:48 Clear nnwidth nnof nninterior nnaccessible nnroute nnshall nnbe nnat nnleast nnhow nnmany nninches? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn36 Maneuvering nnclearance nnfor nnswinging nndoors nnand nnwheel nnchairs nnis? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn18 nninches nnedge nnof nnswing nnto nnwall 60 nninch nndoor nnwall Thresholds: Thresholds nnat nndoorways nnshall nnbe nnwhat nnmaximum nnheight? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2 nninch Landings nnshould nnhave nna nnclear nnlength nnof nnhow nnmany nninches? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn60 nninches The nnfloor nnsurface nnof nnramp nnruns nnand nnlandings nnshall nnextend nnhow nnmany nninches nnbeyond nnthe nninside nnface nnor nna nnrailing? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn12 nninches Existing nncall nnbuttons nnshall nnbe nnlocated nnhow nnmany nninches nnmaximum nnoff nnthe nnfloor? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn54 nninches nnmeasured nnto nncenterline nnof nnhighest nnoperable nnpart How nnwide nnshall nncar nnparking nnspaces nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMinimum nn96 nninches nnmeasured nnto nninside nnof nnline How nnwide nnshall nnaccessible nnvan nnparking nnbe? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn132 nninches nnminimum Access nnaisles nnserving nncar nnand nnvans nnshould nnbe nnhow nnwide? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMinumum nn60 nninches What nnis nnthe nnmax nnslope nnof nna nnparking nnspace? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1:48 Accessible nnparking nnspace nnsigns nnshould nnbe nnhow nntall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn60 nninches nnmeasured nnfrom nnbottom nnof nnsign Stairs: Stair nntread nnshould nnbe nnhow nndeep? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAt nnleast nn11 nninches Stairs: Stair nnriser nnshould nnraise nnhow nnmany nninches? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4-7inches Are nnopen nnrisers nnpermitted? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnNo Top nngripping nnspace nnof nnhandrails nnshould nnbe nnplaced nnhow nnfar nnabove nnstairs, nnramps, nnother nnwalking nnsurfaces? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn34-48 nninches At nnthe nnbottom nnof nnstairs, nnhow nnfar nnshould nna nnrand nnrail nnextend? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSlope nnof nnthe nnstair, nnhorizontal nndistance nnequal nnto nnone nntread nndepth What nnis nnthe nnminimum nnand nnmaximum nndistance nnfrom nncenter nnof nntoilet nn(water nncloset) nnto nna nnsidewall? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn16-18 nninches What nnheight nnshould nngrab nnbars nnbe nninstalled? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn33 nnto nn36 nninches nntop nnof nngripping nnsurface What nnis nnthe nnweight nna nngrab nnbar nncan nnhold? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn250lbs Front nnloader, nnclear nnfloor nnspace nnshould nnbe nnhow nnmany nninches? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn24 nninches nnmaximum nnfrom nncenter nnof nndoor nnopening What nnis nnused nnto nnshorten nnthe nnsetting nntime nnor nnproduce nnhigh nnearly nnstrengths? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAccelerators, nnCalcium nnChloride What nnis nnan nnexample nnof nnhigh nnrange nnwater nnreducing nnadmixture nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSuperplasticizer Types nnof nnconcrete nnforms: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnQuality nnConcrete What nncan nnbe nnused nnas nnone nntime nnforms nnthat nnrequire nnminimum nnexternal nnbracing? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLaminated nnFiber nnTubes Columns nnover nnhow nnhigh nnrequire nnstiffening nnon nnfour nnsides nnto nnreduce nntendency nnof nnthe nnfiber nnform nnto nnbend nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn15ft nntall Hollow nnfoam nnblocks nnused nnprimarily nnfor nnresidential nnconstruction nnwith nnconcrete nnwork nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnICF nn(Insulating nnconcrete nnforms) Who nnshould nnspecify nnthe nnminimum nnconcrete nnstrength nnto nnbe nnattained nnbefore nnremoval nnof nnforms? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEngineer What nnare nnthe nnmost nncommon nningredients nnfound nnin nnbarrier-type nnform-release nnagents? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDiesel nnoil, nnheating nnoil, nnrecycled nnmotor nnoil, nnand nnlubricating nnoil What nndoes nnnormal nnweight nnconcrete nnweigh nnlbs/ft nncubed? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn150lbs nnper nnfoot nncubed How nndeep nnshould nncontraction nnjoints nnbe nncut? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/4 nndepth nnof nnslab, nnminimum nn1 nninch 3 nnTypes nnof nnconcrete nnjoints: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1) nnContraction nn(Control) 2) nnIsolation 3) nnConstruction What nnvariation nnis nnpermitted nnfor nnplacement nnof nnstirrups? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnPlus nnor nnminus nn1 nninch Plastic nnShrinkage nncracks nnoccur nnbecause nnof nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSurface nntension nndue nnto nnrapid nnevap nnof nnmoisture nnin nnconcrete Curing nnof nnconcrete nneffects nnwhat? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1) nnStrength 2) nnDurability 3) nnwater nntightness 4) nnPermeability 5) nnCracking 6) nnSurface nnSoundness What nnincrease nnin nnconcrete nntemperature nnreduces nnfinishing nntime nnby nn50%? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnIncrease nnof nn20 nnDegrees Minimum nntemperature nnfor nnpouring nnconcrete nnis nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn40 nndegrees When nna nnvibrating nnconcrete nntool nnis nnused, nnthe nnconcrete nnbecomes nnmore: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFlowable nnand nnfluid nnlike nnwith nnsheen Ground nnbelow nnconcrete nnshould nnbe nnnot nnsaturated nnbut nnwhat nnbefore nnpour? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnMoistened A nnbullfloat nnis nnused nnto nndo nnwhat? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnRemove nnhigh nnand nnlow nnin nnconcrete Minimum nntemp nnto nnhang nndrywall: nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn50 nndegrees Control nnjoint nnof nngypsum nnshould nnbe nnhow nnwide? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2 nninch Base nnof nndrywall nnstack nnshould nnbe nnhow nnfar nnfrom nnwall nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4 nn- nn6 nninches