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NASCLA Contractors Guide Arkansas 5th edition questions and answers., Exams of Construction

NASCLA Contractors Guide Arkansas 5th edition questions and answers.

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Download NASCLA Contractors Guide Arkansas 5th edition questions and answers. and more Exams Construction in PDF only on Docsity! NASCLA Contractors Guide Arkansas 5th edition questions and answers How nnmany nnmembers nnof nnthe nnboard nnare nnconsumers? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2 what nnlaws nnsecure nnthe nnright nnof nnemployees nnto nndecide nnif nnthey nnwish nnto nnsupport nnor nnjoin nna nnunion? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnright nnto nnwork __________ nnis nnanything nnof nnvalue nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnConsideration which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnestablishes nnan nnemployee's nneligibility nnto nnleagally nnwork nnin nnthe nnunited nnstates? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSocial nnSecurity nnCard which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnshould nnnot nnbe nntolerated nnat nna nnjob nnsite? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnfoul nnlanguage enployers nnengage nnin nnbuilding nnrepair nnwork nnwith nn__________or nnmore nnemployees nnare nnrequired nnto nncarry nnworkers nncompensation nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2 If nnan nnemployee nnearns nn112,000 nnper nnyear, nnwhat nnis nnthe nntotal nnamount nnof nnFICA nnto nnbe nnpaid nnin? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn15,896 nn(112,000 nnX nn2.9=3,248 nn(total nnmedicare) nn102,000 nnX nn12.4=12,648 nn(total nnsocial nnsecurity) nn12,648+3,248=15,896 which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nniteams nnare nnnot nnadded nnafter nnestimating nnmaterials nnand nnlabor? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnmaterial nnconsumption which nnis nnnot nna nnpurpose nnof nnmarketing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnopen nna nncheck nnaccount which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnestablishes nnan nnemployee's nnidentity nnto nnleagally nnwork nnin nnthe nnUnited nnStates? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDrivers nnLicense What nnis nnthe nnreturn nnon nntotal nnassets nnif nnthere nnis nna nnnet nnprofit nn(after nntaxes) nnor nn16,000 nnand nntotal nnassets nnof nn$48,000? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/3 nn(chapter nn14-7) all nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnare nnpart nnof nnbid nndocuments, nnBid nnform nn, nninvitation nnto nnBid, nnand nnAddenda nnexcept nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnForm nnof nnAgreement Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nnused nnto nnpay nntaxes nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnW4 A nnsole nnproprietor nnis nntaxed nnon nn_______? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnordinary nnincome How nnmany nnyears nnhave nnto nnpass nnwhen nna nnlicense nnexpires nnto nnbe nndetermined nnnil? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2 The nnpurpose nnof nnworkers nncompensation nnis nnto nnallow nnfor nnmonetary nncompensation nnwhen nnan nnemployee nnis? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nninjured nnfrom nnwork _________ nnis nna nnprovision nnwritten nninto nncontract nnthat nnis nnused nnto nnlimit nnrisk nnin nncase nnof nnlabor nnstrikes? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnForce nnmajeure New nnapplications nnfor nnlicensure nnmust nnhave______the nnnet nnworth? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2 An nnEAP nnis nnrequired nnfor nnto nnbe nnin nnwritting nnfor nn______ nnemployees nnor nnmore? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn11 What nnform nnis nnused nnto nnreport nnFUTA nntaxes? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn940 Establishing nn_____________ nnwill nnensure nnthat nnyour nncustomer nnis nnaware nnof nnyour nnprogress nnand nnany nnconcerns nnthat nnmight nnarise? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncommunication If nnan nnemployee nnearns nn$31,000 nnper nnyear, nnwhat nnis nnthe nnamount nnof nnFICA nnthat nnthe nnbusiness nnpays nnon nnthe nnemployee? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn2371.50 nn(6.2+1.45%=7.65, nn3100*7.65=2371.50) What nnis nnthe nnpurpose nnof nnjust nnin nntime nndeliveries? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnprofit nnhigh, nnvandalism nnlow Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnforms nnshould nnyou nnrecord nninjury nnor nnillness nnwhen nna nnphysisican nnor nnother nnlicensed nnhealth nncare nnprofessional nnrecommends nnthat nnthe nnworker nnstay nnat nnhome nnbut nnthe nnworker nndecides nnto nncome nnto nnwork nnanyways? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnOSHA nn300 Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nnan nnobligation nnby nnthe nncontractor? nn( nncomplete nnwork nnaccording nnto nnplans, nnsecure nnappropriate nnbuilding nnpermits, nnkeeping nnjob nnsite nnsafe) nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nndoes nnnot nnapproval nnof nnall nnplans The nnfirst nnstep nnin nnthe nnaccounting nnprocess nnis nn_______? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnbookkeeping There nnare nn_____ nnconsecutive nnhours nnto nna nnwork nnweek? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn168 S nncorporation nntaxes nnare nnrecognized nnas nn_______wages? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnpass nnthrough nnwages A nncontractor nnmay nnremain nnon nninactive nnstatus nnfor nna nnperiod nnof nntime nnnot nnto nnexceed nn_____ nnconsecutive nnyears? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6 When nnworking nnin nna nndwelling nnthat nnwas nnbuilt nnbefore nn1978 nnthe nnemployeer nnis nnto nnprovide nneach nnoccupant nnwith nna nnpamphlet nntitled? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnProtect nnyour nnfamily nnfrom nnlead nnin nnyour nnhome Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nnone nnofthe nnthree nnkey nnfunctions nnof nna nnbusiness nnplan? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnTax nndocumentation When nnnegotiating nnone nnshould nn__________ nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnaim nnhigh A nn___________ nnbundles nnall nncost nnfactors nnfor nnthe nnentire nntask nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnunit nnprice nnmethod Which nnis nnnot nnreconginized nnas nneffective nntime nnmanagement? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nndeferment Arkansas nnhas nnreciprocal nnagreements nnwith nnall nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnstates nnexcept nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnGeorgia Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnlaws nnestablishes nnthe nnbasic nnstructure nnfor nnregulating nndischarges nnof nnpollutants nnin nnthe nnwaters nnof nnthe nnUntied nnStates nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnClean nnwater Medicare nnwill nnhelp nndefray nnhospital nncost nnwhen nnan nnindividual nnturns nn_____ nnyears nnof nnage? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn65 A nn_____ nnis nnbased nnon nncalculation nnbased nnon nnfootage nnmultiplied nnby nnunit nncost nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnsquare-foot-method FOB nnfreight nnprepaid nnrequires nn____ nnto nnpay nnshuipping nncharges nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnseller for nnshort nnterm nnjob, nnthe nnbest nnoption nnis nnto nn____ nnequipment nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnrent When nndetermining nnactivity nnduration, nnit nnis nnimportant nnto nnhave nnimput nnfrom nnwhich nnof nnthe nnfollowing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnemployees ________ nnis nnthe nnchange nnin nnhearing nnthreshold nnrelative nnto nnthe nnbaseline nnauidiogram nnfor nnthe nnemployee, nnof nnan nnaverage nnof nn10 nndecibles nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnstandard nnthreshold nnshift Failure nnto nnabate nnprior nnOSHA nnviolators nnhas nna nnpenalty nnamount nnnot nnto nnexceed nn_____ nnfor nneach nnday nnthe nnviolation nncontinues nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn7,000 depreciation nnis nnconsidered nna nn____ nnexpanse? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnnon-cash Which nnis nnnot nnan nnadvantage nnto nna nnpartnership? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnmultiple nndecision nnmakers What nnis nnused nnwhen nnsales nnis nncharged nnto nna nncustomer nnor nnwhencash nncomes nnin? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncash nnreceipts nnand nnsales nnjournal When nnis nnthe nndeadline nnfor nnfiling nncopy nnA nnof nnform nn1096 nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnFeb nn28 Which nnauthority nnregulates nnclean nnwater nnact? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnEPA All nnbusinesses nnmust nnfile nnan nnannual nnincome nntax nnreturn nnexcept? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnpartnership which nnis nnbank nnletter nnof nncredit nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncash nngarantee A nnfederal nnjob nna nnperformance nnbond nnusually nn_____ nnpercent nnof nnthe nncontract nnprice nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn100 What nnis nnthe nnnet nnincome, nnwhen nnthere nnis nnan nnincome nnof nn92,000, nnexpanses nnof nn24,000, nnand nncost nnof nngoods nnsold nnof nn34,000 nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn34,000 nn(chapter nn14- 4) When nnthe nnquarter nnends nnMarch nn31st, nnFUTA nntaxes nnmust nnbe nnpaid nnby? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnApril nn30th If nnone nnis nnto nnrecive nnearned nnincome nncredit, nnone nnshould nnuse nnwhich nnIRS nnform? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnW-5 When nnconflict nnexists nnbetween nnplans nnand nnspecifications, nnone nnmust nnfollow nn_______ nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnrestrictive nnof nnspecs nncodes Petty nncash nnis nnused nnto nnmake nn_____ nnpayments nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnsmall OSHA nnrecords nnmust nnbe nnkept nnby nnemployeers nnif nnmore nnthan nn_____ nnemployees nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10 A nnjob nnis nnestimated nnto nncost nn1 nnmillion nndollars, nnhowever nntwo nncompanies nnhave nna nncap nnof nn50,000, nnthey nncan nnleagally nndo nnthis nnjob nnif nnthey? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnjoint nnventure What nnform nnis nnused nnto nnreport nnFUTA nntaxes? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn940 In nnthe nnevent nnof nna nnfaulty nncontractor, nnthe nnsurety nnmay nndo nnall nnbut nnthis, nnthey nncan nnpay nnout nnamount nnof nnbond, nnthey nncan nnarrange nnfor nnhiring nna nnnew nncontractor, nnand nnthey nncan nnprovide nnadditional nnfinancing nnbut nnnot nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncancel nnthe nnproject A nnpartnership nnis nn? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnA nnrelationship nnbetween nn2 nnor nnmore nnpeople What nnis nnthe nnliquidity nnratio nn(or nncurrent nnratio) nnwhen nnthere nnare nncurrents nnassets nnof nn15,000 nnand nncurrent nnliabilities nnof nn3,000? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5/1 nn(chapter nn14-6) Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnexcluded nnfrom nn"reasonable nnaccommodations" nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnundue nnhardship Which nnis nnnot nna nnkey nncharacteristic nnof nna nnpartnership? they nndo nnkeep nnseparate nnbank nnaccounts, nnmaybe nnorally nncommitted, nnall nnowners nnhave nnpersonal nnliabilties nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncontinuance nnof nnorganization nnin nncase nnof nndeath nnof nnthe nnpartner Typically nna nnbalance nnsheet nnis nndefined nnas nnwhich? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAssets= nnLiabilities nn+ nnOwners nnEquity When nnfiling nna nnbond, nnthe nnpurposeis nnoutlined nnin nnthe nnlanguage nnfor nn_____? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncommon nnlaw nnbonds Which nnis nnan nnexclusive nnto nnan nnadvantage nnof nna nnsole nnproprieter? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnlimited nnpersonal nnresponsability Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nnan nnadvantage nnto nnequipment nnownership? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnObsolete nnequipment nnis nnreturned nnto nnthe nnowner Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nna nnbusiness nntax? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnproperty nntax Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnNOT nna nnform nnof nnworkers nncompensation nnprovided nnby nnArkansas? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnproperty nnimprovments Professional nnliability nninsurance nnis nnused nnfor nnwhich nnof nnthe nnfollowing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnerrors If nnan nnemployee nnearns nn10 nnper nnhour nnand nnworked nn50 nnhours, nnhow nnmuch nnis nnthe nnover nntime nnpremium? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn50 What nnis nnthe nnbill nnoverage/deficiancy nnwhen nnthere nnare nncummulative nnearnings nnof nn90,000 nnand nnamount nnbilled nnis nn55,000? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn35,000 nn(chapter nn14-8) of nnthe nnfollowing nnwhich nnis nnnot nnconsidered nnthe nnbest nnway nnto nnmaximize nnmarketing nnpotential? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncompetitive nnadvantages, nnmy nncustomers, nngrowth nnoppertunities when nnis nnpayment nndue? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnWhen nnpunch nnlist nniteam nnare nncomplete a nnnew nnemployer nnjust nnbegining nnin nnArkansas nnis nnassigned nna nnnew nnemployer nnrate nnof nn_____ nnpercent nnand nnwill nnremin nnat nnthat nnrate nnuntil nnthree nnfull nnyears nnof nnbenfit nnrisk nnhas nnbeenestablished? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3.7 how nnmany nnindividuals nnsit nnon nnthe nnboard? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn7 The nnfirst nnstep nnin nna nnjob nncosting nnsystem nnis nnto nnprovide nnfor nnwhich nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncost nncode nnsystem the nnbest nncontract nnused nnby nnthe nnowner nnis nnthe nn____? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnlump nnsum A(n) nn______________ nnis nnissued nnprior nnto nnthe nnexecution nnof nna nncontract nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnAddendum Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nnreward nnfor nnowning nnan nnenterprise- nnbeing nnyour nnown nnboss, nnmaking nndecisions, nnflexibility nnof nntime nnare nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnmanaging nncash nnflow nnisnt A nnpermit nnis nnobtained nnon nnAug nn1st, nnthe nnmaterials nnare nnto nnbe nndelivered nnAug nn8th, nnThe nnmaterials nnare nnneeded nnwhen nnlabor nnbegins nnon nnAug nn11. nnIt nnis nnestimated nnthat nn15 nndays nnof nnlabor nnare nnrequired, nnThe nncrew nnwill nnwork nnevery nnday, nnincluding nnweekends nnand nnholidays. nnThe nnproject nnis nnscheduled nnto nnbe nncompleted nnon nnSept nn8th. nnHow nnmany nnfloat nndays nnare nnavailable nnfor nnthe nnlabor nnfor nnthis nnproject? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn14 nndays The nn___________ nnstates nnthat nnone nncan nnnot nnfile nnagainst nna nnpublic nnproperty nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnmiller nnact Any nnperson nnaggrived nnby nnan nnaction nnor nndecision nnof nnthe nnresidential nnbuilding nncontractors nncommittee nnmay nnapeal nnto nnthe nncontractors nnlicensing nnboard nnwithin nn________days nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10 nndays Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnestablishes nna nnbuffer nnbetween nntasks nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncontingency nntime The nnforeman nnassists nnthe nnproject nnsuperintendent nnby nnall nnbut nnwhich nnof nnthe nnfollowing? nnhe nndoes nninspects nnareas, nntrains nnemployees, nnand nnreviews nnproject nnplans nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnthe nnforeman nndoes nnnot nnprocures nnmaterials __________ nnabsolves nnthe nnindemnified nnparty nnfrom nnany nnpayment nnfor nnlosses nnand nndamages nninocurred nnby nna nnthird nnparty. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnindemnification What nnis nnthe nntotal nnproject nnover nnhead nnthat nnlasts nn4 nnmonths nnand nnhas nnfollowing nncosts, nnlabor nn5000, nnmaterial nn10000, nnequipment nnrentals nnare nn2000, nnsuperintendent nnannual nnsalary nnis nn40000, nnoffice nnrent nnis nn500 nnper nnmonth nnoffice nnutilities nnare nn400 nnper nnmonth. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnbetween nn12000 nnand nn16000 nn( nnthe nnonly nnoverhead nnis nngoing nnto nnbe nnthe nnsalary nnof nnsuperintendent nn40000/12=3333.33*4 nnmonths) a nncontractor nnpays nnworkers nncompensation nnof nn.10per nn$100 nnof nnoffice nnemployee nnpayroll, nn2.00 nnper nn$100 nnof nnfield nnsupervisor nnpayroll, nnand nn.36 nnper nn$100 nnof nnfield nnemployee nnpayroll. nntotal nnoffice nnemployee nnpayroll nnis nn35000, nntotal nnfield nnsupervisor nnpayroll nnis nn58000, nntotal nnfield nnemployees nnis nn325000. nnthe nncontractor nnreceives nna nndiscount nnof nn5% nnof nntotal nnpremiums nnfor nnhaving nnsafety nnprogram nnin nnplace. nnthe nntotal nnworkers nncompensation nnfor nnth nnyear nnis? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnmore nnthan nn2,000 nn(.10*35000=3500 nnbased nnon nn$100 nn3500/100=35 nnoffice nnpayroll nnpremium, nn2.00*58000=116000/100=1160.00 nnfield nnsup. nn.36*325000=117000/100=1170.00 nnfield nnemployees, nn35+1160+1170=2365-5%=2246.75) What nnis nnthe nntotal nncompensation nnand nnemployment nnstatus nnfor nna nncarpenter, nngiven nnthe nnfollowing nninformation? nnA nncontractor nnhires nna nncarpenter nnto nndo nnthe nnfinish nnwork nnfor nna nn10 nnhome nnproject nnfor nn$18 nnper nnhour, nnthe nncontractor nnprovides nnall nnof nnthe nnmaterials nnand nnequipment, nnsuch nnas nna nntable nnsaw, nnthe nncarpenter nnprovides nnall nnof nnthe nnown nnhand nntools. nnthe nncontractor nnand nncarpenter nnagree nnthat nnall nnof nnthe nnhomes nnare nnto nnbe nncompleted nnwithin nn60- nneight nnhour nnworking nndays, nnwithout nnovertime, nnthe nncontractor nnprovides nnthe nncarpenter nnwith nna nnschedule nnof nnthe nnorder nnin nnwhich nnthe nnhomes nnare nnto nnbe nnworked nnon. nnthe nncontractor nnprovides nna nnhelper nnto nnassist nnthe nncarpenter nnand nnsets nnthe nnwork nnschedule nneach nnday. nnthe nncarpenter nnspends nn700 nnhours nnto nncomplete nnthis nnproject nnincluding nn140 nnhours nnof nnovertime. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnthe nncarpenter nnis nnan nnemployee nnand nnis nnowed nn13860 nnfor nnthe nnproject nn(560 nnhours nn*18=10080, nn140 nn*27=3780 nnovertime nn, nn10080+3780=13860 Which nnof nnthe nnfolowing nnentities nnshare nnno nnpersonal nnliability? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnS nncorporation Which nnform nnestablishes nneligibility nnand nnidenty nnto nnwork nnin nnthe nnunited nnstates? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnI-9 __________ nnis nnan nnaccurate nnestimate nnof nnall nnthe nncosts nnthat nnare nnassociated nnwith nnthe nnproject nnsimular. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnquantity nntake nnoff The nn_________ nnmethod nnreconizes nnincome nnwhen nnthe nnemployer nnhas nndone nnthe nnwork, nnyet nnhas nnnot nngot nnthe nnincome nnyet nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnaccrual an nnemployer nnis nngenerally nnsubject nnto nnthe nnbusiness nninstructions nnabout nnall nnexcept nnwhich nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnright nnto nncontrol which nnis nnnot nnapart nnof nncost nncode nnsystem nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnaddress nncode company nnoverhead nnincludes nnall nnbut nnthe nnfollowing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnbonds OSHA nnrecords nnmust nnbe nnkept nnfor nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10 nnyears What nnis nnthe nnreturn nnassets nnif nnthere nnis nna nnnet nnprofit nn(after nntaxes) nnor nn16000 nnand nntotal nnassets nnof nn48000 nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/3 nn(chapter nn14-7) A nn_________ nnbundles nnall nncost nnfactors nnfor nnthe nnentire nntask nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnunit nnprice nnmethod Which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nninsurance nnwill nncover nnan nnindividual nnwhen nna nnhammer nndrops nnoff nna nnroof nnand nnstrikes nna nnby nnstander nnon nnthe nnfoot. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCGL A nnsurenty nnbond nnis nntypically nna nn_________ nnparty nnbond nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3 nnparty nnbond which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnbonds nngarentees nnthat nnthe nncontractor nnwill nncomplete nnthe nnproject? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnperformance nnbond A nnresidential nnproject nnis nndefined nnas nnany nnproject nnconsisting nnof nnone nnbut nnno nnmore nnthan nn______ nnunits nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn4 what nntype nnof nnstatement nnis nnused nnto nnestablish nnrevenues nnand nnexpenses nnover nna nnperiod nnof nntime? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnincome nnstatement What nnis nnmeant nnby nncurrent nnassests nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1 nnyear nnor nnless which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nna nnpitfall nnto nna nnbusiness nnplan? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nninclusion nnof nnoportunities which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nnone nnof nnthe nntree nnkey nnfunctions nnof nna nnbusiness nnplan? nnloan nndocument, nnplanning nntool, nnand nnbenchmarking nntool nnare nnbut nnwhats nnnot nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nntax nndocumentation The nnEAP nnis nnallowed nnto nnbe nnorally nncommunicated nnfor nnfewer nnthan nn_______ nnemployees nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn10 nnemployees fixed nnassets nninclude nnall nnbut nnwhich nnof nnthe nnfollowing nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nndirect nncosts _________ nnprohibits nnfiring nndue nnto nntaking nnof nnproperty nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnwage nngarnishment nnlaw a nncontractor nnmay nnstay nninactive nnstatus nnfor nna nnperiod nnof nntime nnnot nnto nnexceed nn_____ nnconsecutive nnyears nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6 nnyears how nnlong nndo nnyou nnsave nnOSHA nn300 nnlog, nnthe nnprivacy nncase nnlist, nnthe nnanual nnsummary nnand nnthe nnOSHA nn301 nnincident nnreports? nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5 nnyears if nntaxes nnare nnpaid nn15 nndays nnlate nnthe nntax nnpenalty nnis nn____ nnof nnthe nntax nnliability nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn5 nn% to nnhelp nnwith nncash nnflow nnone nnshould nnuse nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnprogress nnpayment when nnforming nna nnpartnership, nnquestions nnshould nninclude nnall nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnexcept, nnhow nnprofits nndistrubuted, nndo nnpartners nnagree nnon nnnature nnof nnbusiness, nnare nnwe nngro nnlong nnterm, nnbut nnnot nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnwho nnis nnpermitted nnto nnsign nndebt nninstruments you nnare nna nnmonthy nntax nndepositor nnif nnyour nntotal nnpayroll nntax nnliability nnfor nnthe nnprevious nnfour nnquarters nnwas nnless nnthan nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn$50,000 what nntype nnof nnfinacial nnstatement nnis nnused nnto nnestablish nna nnparticular nnpoint nnin nntime nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnbalance nnsheet if nnan nnemployer nnretaliates nnagaist nnan nnemployee, nnthe nnemployee nnmust nnnotify nnOSHA nnwithin nn____ nndays nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn30 nndays The nnMSDS nnprovides nnfor nn2 nnmain nnpurposes, nnone nnis nnproduct nninformation nnthe nnother nnpurpose nnis nn________ nninformation nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnchemical state nnunemployment nntax nnreports nnare nndue nnby nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnJan nn31 nnst the nnrate nnfor nncorporation nnwith nnstock nn____ nn% nnof nnthe nnoutstanding nncapital nnstock nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn3 nn% nnor nn.3 type nnof nninsurance nnfor nntools nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnequipment nntheft which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnis nnnot nncovered nnin nnan nnemployee nnhandbook nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncopyright which nnof nnthe nnfollowing nnbonds nninsures nnthat nnthe nncontractor nnhas nnpaid nnthe nnsubcontractors nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnpayment nnbond