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NASCLA PRACTICE EXAM 1 2024 questions with answers, Exams of Construction management

NASCLA PRACTICE EXAM 1 2024 questions with answers

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Available from 07/21/2024

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Download NASCLA PRACTICE EXAM 1 2024 questions with answers and more Exams Construction management in PDF only on Docsity! NASCLA PRACTICE EXAM 1 2024 questions with answers Three nntypes nnof nnfinancial nnstatements nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBalance nnsheet, nnincome nnstatement, nnstatement nnof nncashflow specifically nnconsider nna nnbuilding nnproject's nnlong nnterm nnimpact nnon nnthe nnenvironment nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSustainable nnpractices The nnvolume nnof nnwood nnneeded nnfor nna nnproject nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnBoard nnfeet Owner nncontracts nnwith nnone nnentity nnto nnprovide nnboth nndesign nnand nnconstruction nnservices. nnDesign-build nnfirm nnsubcontracts nnas nnnecessary. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnDesign- Build nnmethod nnof nnproject nndelivery An nnagreement nnthat nndivides nna nncontract nninto nnvarious nnquantities nnof nnwork nncategories nnfor nnthe nncontractor nnto nnperform nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnUnit nnPrice nnContract adding nna nnstandard nnmarkup nn(set nnpercentage nnadded) nnto nnthe nncost nnof nnthe nnproduct nnrather nnthan nnhave nncompanies nncompete nnfor nnthe nnlowest nnbid; nnallowed nnfor nnfaster nnmobilization nnbecause nncompanies nnmade nnhigher nnprofits nnfrom nnproducing nnmore/fast nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nncost-plus nncontracts The nnmost nndifficult nnfactor nnto nndetermine nnthe nn___ nnbecause nnboth nnthe nnhourly nnwage nnrate nnand nncrew nnproductivity nnmust nnbe nnconsidered nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnLabor nnrate a nnmethod nnof nnorganizing nna nnbuilding nnproject nnin nnwhich nna nncontractor nnand nna nndesigner nnagree nnto nnprovide nna nnfinished nnbuilding nnat nnan nnagreed-upon nnprice. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnTurnkey nncontract The nntolerance nnfor nnthe nnspacing nnof nntrusses nnalong nnbearing nnsupport nnmust nnbe nnwithin nnplan nndimension. nnField nnconditions nnthat nnforce nnspacing nnbeyond nnthis nntolerance nnshall nnbe nnreviewed nnand nnapproved nnby nnthe nnBuilding nnDesigner nnand nnTruss nnDesigner nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/4 nninch nntolerance Adobe nnaverage nncompressive nnstrength nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn300 nnpsi The nnmost nnefficient nnways nnto nnkeep nnan nneye nnon nnmoney nngoing nnin nnand nnout nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnCost nnEstimate nnand nnJob nnCost nnSystem The nnestimated nnpercentage nnthat nngreen nnbuilding nnuse nnless nnthan nnconventional nnbuildings nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn36% Channels nnthat nnare nnconstructed nnout nnof nnsoil nnand nnused nnto nndirect nnthe nnflow nnof nnrunoff nnwater nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnSwales In nna nnwall, nnreinforcement nnsteel nnis nnkept nnin nnplace nnby nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnwire nnties Top nnchord nnbearing nnflat nnor nnparallel nnchord nntrusses nnshall nnbe nninstalled nnso nnthat nnthe nngap nnbetween nnthe nninside nnedge nnof nnthe nnbearing nnand nnthe nnfirst nndiagonal nnor nnvertical nnweb nnmember nndoes nnnot nnexceed nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn1/2 nninch amount nnof nntime nnthe nnearly nnstart nnof nna nntask nnmay nnbe nndelayed nnwithout nndelaying nnthe nnfinish nndate nnof nnthe nnproject. nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nnfloat nntime nnor nnslack nntime A nngeneral nnrule nnof nnthumb nnis nnthat nnthermal nnmass nnmaterials nnare nneffective nnat nnabsorbing nnheat nnonly nnup nnto nnabout nn- nnANSWER: nn nn➡ nn6 nninches