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Download NASCLA PRACTICE EXAM WITH GUARANTEED ACCURATE ANSWERS and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NASCLA PRACTICE EXAM WITH GUARANTEED ACCURATE ANSWERS Balance sheet, income statement, statement of cashflow - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Three types of financial statements Sustainable practices - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ specifically consider a building project's long term impact on the environment Board feet - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The volume of wood needed for a project Design-Build method of project delivery - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Owner contracts with one entity to provide both design and construction services. Design-build firm subcontracts as necessary. Unit Price Contract - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ An agreement that divides a contract into various quantities of work categories for the contractor to perform cost-plus contracts - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ adding a standard markup (set percentage added) to the cost of the product rather than have companies compete for the lowest bid; allowed for faster mobilization because companies made higher profits from producing more/fast Labor rate - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The most difficult factor to determine the ___ because both the hourly wage rate and crew productivity must be considered Turnkey contract - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ a method of organizing a building project in which a contractor and a designer agree to provide a finished building at an agreed-upon price. 1/4 inch tolerance - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The tolerance for the spacing of trusses along bearing support must be within plan dimension. Field conditions that force spacing beyond this tolerance shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Designer and Truss Designer 300 psi - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Adobe average compressive strength Cost Estimate and Job Cost System - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The most efficient ways to keep an eye on money going in and out 36% - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The estimated percentage that green building use less than conventional buildings Swales - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Channels that are constructed out of soil and used to direct the flow of runoff water 3 years after the date of hiring or 1 year after employment ends, whichever is later - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ How long I-9 must be stored? APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Only those installation drawings that have been stamped should be used for deck erection. add in one direction then in the other direction - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ to determine the perimeter dimension from blueprints 3 inches coverage - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ When not specified, the least amount of coverage at side is 15 employees - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Employer is not required by law to follow ADA if less than 4 pounds per square foot - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Average waste for new construction projects generate about cost to operate - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Generally, the more efficient a building is the less it will suspend or revoke a permit issued - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The building official is authorized ___ under the provisions of this code wherever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation 12 weeks not paid - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ FMLA will secure someone's position within a company up to ___, but still eligible to stay on the companies health insurance. 10 or fewer - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ An emergency action plan must be in writing, kept in the workplace, and available to employees for review. However, an employer with ___ employees may communicate the plan orally to employees. 8 feet - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Safety nets shall extend ___ beyond the edge of the work surface where employees are exposed Current assets - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ The cash in your bank and other assets that can be converted into cash in less than one year ASTM C567, between 90 and 115 lb per cubic foot - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Concrete containing lightweight aggregate and an equilibrium density as determined by Reviewed for Code Compliance - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ When the building official issues a permit, the construction documents shall be approved in writing or by stamp as $500 - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ You are only required to deposit FUTA taxes if the liability during any quarter exceeds Air bubbles - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ ___ in mortar weaken mortar strength which is the most dangerous effect Accrual Method of Accounting - ACCURATE ANSWERS✔✔ Companies record revenues and expenses at the time they earn revenues and incur expenses (not when cash is exchanged)