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NASM CNC Exam Study questions verified with 100% correct answers, Exams of Management of Health Service

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NASM CNC Exam Study

Questions and Answers

  1. Which statement best describes the healthcare continuum ANS The many dis- ciplines that make up the healthcare system
  2. To ensure the client is retaining any shared information, it is important that the content presented is perceived to be important and what other quality ANS - Based on prior experience
  3. A Nutrition Coach is sitting down with a new client for her initial evaluation. She noted on her Health History Questionnaire that she has diabetes and she has trouble keeping her blood glucose controlled. What is the best course of action

2 / ANS Refer her to a Certified Diabetes Educator.

  1. A Nutrition Coach has been working with an overweight client for 6 weeks. During the most recent weight-in, they discover that she has lost 27 pounds. What is the best course of action for the Nutrition Coach ANS Informally question her about common eating disorder traits/habits .
  2. A Nutrition Coach is sitting down with a new client for her initial evaluation. She noted on her Health History Questionnaire that she has never been able to maintain permanent weight loss and confides that she has made herself throw up after eating large meals. What is the best course of action ANS Refer her to a clinical psychologist.
  3. A scientist proposes that sugar is inherently fattening, and performs a study comparing a high-sugar diet to a low-sugar diet with equal calories. He finds that fat gain was the same

3 / between the diets. Which term describes how this study effects the initial proposal ANS Falsification

  1. Scientists perform a study looking at the effects of caffeine on vertical jump performance. On one day, they give all the subjects caffeine followed by vertical jump tests. Two weeks later, they give all the subjects a placebo followed by the same vertical jump tests. Which term best describes this study design ANS Crossover
  2. Numerous studies, including genetic studies, randomized controlled trials on lipid lowering medications, and observational studies point to LDL having a causal role in heart disease. Which term best describes the concept that LDL plays a causal role in heart disease ANS Theory

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  1. Scientists perform a study comparing 1000 women with breast cancer to 1000 women without breast cancer. They gather information on the women's diets and look to see if the women diagnosed with breast cancer had more fat in their diet compared to the women who did not get cancer. Which term best describes this study ANS Case-control study
  2. Scientists perform a diet study in which they assign half the people to a continuous dieting group and the other half to an intermittent fasting group. Which term best describes this study design ANS Parallel

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  1. Scientists perform a study tracking 10,000 people over a 10- year period. They look at their sugar intake at the beginning of the study and then see who develops diabetes over the study duration. Which term best describes this study ANS Cohort study
  2. Scientists take 5000 people and have them fill out questionnaires on their dairy intake. They then compare cancer rates between people with high intakes and low intakes. What type of study is this ANS Observational
  3. A scientist proposes that sugar is inherently fattening, independent of its calorie content. If that proposal is true, then that would mean that high-sugar diets should increase fat gain independent of their calorie content. What term describes this potential consequence ANS Prediction

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  1. Scientists find that a protein supplement increases lean mass in the elder- ly. However, they caution that the results may not apply to other populations, like younger people. What term best describes what the scientists are referring to ANS External validity
  2. Which of the following is the leading cause of death ANS Heart disease
  3. Between 1969/1971 and 1999/2001, global food consumption per person has risen by how much ANS Approximately 400 kcal per person per day
  4. The first law of thermodynamics is also referred to as which of the follow- ing ANS The law of conservation of energy

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  1. What percent of daily energy expenditure is accounted for by the process of consuming food ANS 10%
  2. Does the Dietary Guidelines for Americans adjust RDAs according to a person's activity level ANS No, they are only based on body size.
  3. What is the main protein involved in regulating fluid balance ANS Albumin
  4. A new client with goals to lose a little body fat and build a little bit of muscle describes their current eating pattern as normal, consisting of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes a snack or dessert. Should a Nutrition Coach recommend they eat more or less frequently to help them meet their goals

8 / ANS No changes to meal frequency should be recommended.

  1. Which is most likely to impact longevity ANS Calorie restriction may enhance longevity.
  2. Ketogenic amino acids may become which 2 molecules that can be used to produce ATP ANS Acetyl-CoA and acetoacetate
  3. Because of the catabolic nature of exercise, insulin release is largely suppressed during an exercise bout. How does glucose, consumed during a workout, then enter the cell ANS The body relies upon non-insulin mediated glucose uptake.

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  1. What are the current estimated daily intakes of fiber for men and women in the U.S. ANS 18 grams for men; 15 grams for women
  2. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), how many calories from added sugar are recommended for men on a daily basis ANS A limit of 150 calories
  3. During exercise, stored molecules of carbohydrates are broken down to glucose to serve as a fuel. What term defines the breakdown of stored glyco- gen ANS Glycogenolysis
  4. What is the current daily fiber intake recommendation for men in the U.S. ANS 35 grams of fiber daily
  5. What is the recommended amount of added sugar suggested by the Ameri- can Heart Association for American adult women ANS A limit of 6 added teaspoons
  6. Which health benefit is attributed to soluble fiber ANS Reduced risk for cardio- vascular disease by binding to cholesterol particles
  7. What is an example of saturated fat ANS Palm oil
  8. Why is it easy for the average person to meet the adequate intake for omega-6 fatty acids

10 / ANS Food sources, such as corn chips and microwave popcorn, are readily available.

  1. What is an example of trans fat ANS Vegetable shortening
  2. What is a chylomicron ANS A lipoprotein that delivers triglycerides to the cells
  3. What is the key role of phospholipids ANS They are the main component of the cell's membrane and protect the inside of the cell.
  4. What is the BEST information to share with a client about coconut oil intake ANS Coconut oil probably has a neutral effect on heart health.
  5. What is the definition of hydrophilic ANS Likely to mix with water, or have an affinity for water.
  6. What is the definition of saturated fat ANS Saturated fats are fatty acids that have maximum number of hydrogen molecules and contain only a single bond between the carbon atoms.
  7. What is a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids ANS Canola oil
  8. Triglycerides are transported to adipose (fat) cells and go through beta-ox- idation. What are the byproducts of beta- oxidation ANS Glycerol and free fatty acids
  9. Ethanol is ultimately metabolized to produce ATP and

11 / what other sub- stances ANS Carbon dioxide and water

  1. Alcoholics often suffer from structural and functional damage to their brain as a result of a deficiency in which vitamin ANS Thiamine
  2. Which product of ethanol metabolism disrupts fatty acid oxidation in peripheral tissues ANS Acetate

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  1. After exercise, when should alcohol be consumed ANS Alcohol can be con- sumed after rehydrating and consuming carbohydrates and protein.
  2. How many questions are there in the USAUDIT-C questionnaire ANS 3
  3. What effect can reduced pyruvate from alcohol metabolism have if liver glycogen is low ANS Severe hypoglycemia
  4. What enzyme, that is responsible for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, indirectly contributes to ethanol metabolism ANS Catalase
  5. According to the USAUDIT-C, harmful alcohol consumption is indicated by scoring above which of the following thresholds ANS 7 for males and 5 for females
  6. Vitamin C deficiencies occur in what percentage of the population of the United States ANS 7%
  7. What is the recommended serving amount of fruit per day based on USDA Guidelines ANS 4
  8. What is the definition of Estimated Average Requirement for a nutrient ANS A nutrient intake value that is estimated to meet the requirement

13 / of half the healthy individuals in a group

  1. What is the common name for vitamin B ANS Riboflavin
  2. Deficiencies in vitamin E can lead to which of the following ANS Slurred speech
  3. What is the result of extended periods of high doses of fluoride ANS Damage to bones
  4. What is the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin A for adult males ( > 18 years of age) ANS 900 ¼g/day
  5. What is the normal range for the extracellular concentration of sodium ANS - 136 to 151 millimolar
  6. What differentiates macro- and micronutrients ANS The quantity in which they are needed in the diet.
  7. Iron deficiency is the primary cause of which of the following conditions?- : Anemia
  8. What is the intracellular-to-extracellular ratio of potassium ANS 30:
  9. What blood process does vitamin K help directly control ANS Blood clotting

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  1. What disease is the result of vitamin D deficiency ANS Rickets
  2. What elemental metal is present in vitamin B ANS Cobalt
  3. What is the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of iodine for adults (men and non-pregnant or lactating women > 18 years of age) ANS 150 g¼/day
  4. What percent of children under the age of 5 have vitamin A deficiency worldwide ANS 33%
  5. What medical therapy is used to remove metals from the body, specifically things like iron, mercury, arsenic, and/or lead ANS Chelation

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  1. A client weighs 50 kg and is training to complete a cool weather half-marathon in a time of about 2 h. The client's sweat losses are expected to equal 2 liters (about 4% of body mass). Which fluid intake goal would be most appropriate ANS Begin the race euhydrated and simply drink to thirst.
  2. Which item most appropriately describes the use of urine- specific gravi- ty ANS It should be assessed multiple times before exercise to determine if clients with heavy sweat losses routinely fail to consume adequate fluid during recovery.
  3. Which of the following electrolytes is found in the greatest concentration in the extracellular fluid ANS Sodium
  4. Where is approximately 2/3 of body water found ANS Intracellular fluid
  5. Which of the following compounds can passively cross a cell membrane?- : Water
  6. On average, how long do glycogen stores last during exercise ANS 90-120 minutes
  7. How many hours does a protein-rich food need to digest or leave the gut ANS Up to 3-4 hours

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  1. How much glucose does the brain consume ANS About 20% of glucose-derived energy
  2. What are the most abundant sources of endogenous energy in the body?- : Fatty acids
  3. How much leucine is required to stimulate muscle protein synthesis ANS 1.
  • 3.5 g
  1. All independent testing agencies provide which services ANS Identify ingredi- ent forms and amounts
  2. Which of the following is the premise of the Health Belief Model ANS That a person is motivated to change due to a perceived health issue
  3. A call to action to change eating behavior would occur during which stage of behavior change ANS Precontemplation
  4. Which of the following is an informational way to provide social support to a client ANS Teaching a client how to read food labels
  5. Which of the following is a characteristic of social networks ANS They are groups that have a common interest or connection.
  6. The maintenance stage is described by which of the

17 / following ANS It's when the behavior is no longer something the client is trying to change and is viewed as part of their lifestyle.

  1. Which of the following is the most influential variable over self-efficacy?- : Mastery experiences
  2. If a client is obsessed with calories, body weight, or any perceived physical imperfections, they could be at risk for which condition ANS Disordered eating

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  1. A long-term client has recently revealed that she doesn't always feel in control when she's eating alone at home; what is the proper course of action to take ANS Recommend that she reach out to a medical professional as this is out of the scope of practice for a Nutrition Coach.